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Dovah Defense - Yakudan Shehai and Dwarven Thu'um Cannons

[font=Times New Roman][size=3][b]The Lore [/b]    

      Not sure if anyone has noticed but…Dragons have returned to Tamriel. Defensive/Offensive options regarding these winged beasts are certainly hard to come by. Ask any native of the land and they may fill your ears with stories of the Voice. Traditionally wielded by the Nordic people of Skyrim and only with years of training can one manifest this
great power of the Dragon Tongue. Once one begins the path of the Voice it could take a lifetime to finish the journey of mastering the Dovah's Thu'um. The members of such an A-list group mostly consist of the wise Greybeards, a
few mighty Nord leaders and of course the Dragonborn if you believe in the rumors.      
     The Shout is not the only weapon againstAkatosh's children. If we immerse ourselves in the history and lore of
Tamriel's people it is easy to tell the Nords were not the only race that contended with these powerful creatures. Surely other races have procured, developed or created something to battle these ancient beings. Even if true, it was thought these methods and the people that used them were lost long ago UNTIL NOW…….         

     As it stands, the way of the voice is one of three paths to be taken. The way of the sword and gunslinger complete the Trifecta of Dovah Defense.

[/size][/font][center][font=Times New Roman][size=3][youtube]Wm4vYIT1Dgs[/youtube][/size][/font][/center][font=Times New Roman][size=3]

[b] Ansie Shehai[/b]      

       Lost to the sands of time are the ancestors of the Redguards. They were an elite sub-set of the Yakudan people known as the Ansie who later settled in what is now known as Hammerfell. These special warriors had the ability to materialize a sword using their own lifeforce known as a Shehai. This complete mastery of the sword was sometimes referred to as sword singing. Dubbed so because only with complete dedication and mastery of the sword can someone strike in such a way where the vibrations of their blades can match the pitch rivaling those of even the mystical Dovah. There are two ranks of Shehai. The first is wispy and has hardly taken physical form. The second is a Mystic Shehai fully materialized and much more powerful. To most this story is just a fable from long ago used to instill the values of the Redguard people with their Swordsmen way of life. Eorlund Gray-Mane appears to know a great deal more then he lets on about these spirit swords. With mastery of Arcane smithing, the fires of the Skyforge can yield a spell tome imbued with the knowledge of the mystical art of Shehai. 
                    [/size][/font][center][font=Times New Roman][size=3][youtube]Ppn_nBTeYO4[/youtube]
 [/size][/font][/center][font=Times New Roman][size=3]
[b]Dwarven Thu'um Cannon[/b]         

        The fascinating Dwemer race. A peoplewhose history is shrouded in mystery, we are left with only the relics of the
once-great people. Truth is no one knows where they have gone (or where they will be). As the people of Tamriel continue to delve into these ruins we get a glimpse into their culture and technology. The Dawngaurd faction has ventured the depths of these ruins many of times and have uncovered some knowledge such as the schematics for a dwarven crossbow and something even more powerful a weapon infused with their Tonal technology referred to only as the Thu'umCannon. Not much is known of this Tonal technology other then it produces and manipulates sound waves into physical damage and in other cases even a dragon's voice. The Dawnguard have tried to replicate this weapon in their Nordic ways resulting in a spell gun that some playfully referred to as a staff with a trigger. The key comes down to two things, a complete mastery of both Dwarven and Arcane Smithing; then and only can one create a true Dwarven Thu'um Cannon.  


[b]The Book Of Circles & Thu'um Cannon Journals[/b]       

       The books not only contain essential lore-friendly knowledge to your chosen path but, also act as a manual as you navigate the Ranks/Tiers of the different variants.  They can both be crafted at any forge or if luck is on your side you may be able to buy them from a merchant. Preferred reading order is Book Of Circles then Cannon Journals.
(If you have any issues consult the readme as it combines all of the written content included)

Note on Retextures:
   Cannons work with any Dwemer retextures that include crossbow, Hammer, and automatons.  The Guns work with retextures that include crossbow, Hammer and Restoration Staff. This way they can blend in with their other material weapon brothers.

[/size][/font]SE Version - [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29684]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29684[/url]

Daedra Steal As Well

In addition to retaining the changes made by Khajits Steal Too, the Dremora merchant added by the Dragonborn DLC will now also purchase your stolen things. For some reason this is not a feature of the base game, and I have not seen a mod that makes this change.

Requiem - Classic Food and Drink 3.1 (R-CFD)

[font=Georgia][size=3]Food and intoxicants have several improvements in [b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19281]Requiem - The Oldschool Roleplaying Overhaul[/url][/b], though in some cases there's still inconsistency, lack of compelling usefulness, and a holdover of randomly generated instant death mechanics in skooma. [/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#e69138][b][font=Georgia][size=3]

Requiem - Classic Food and Drink (R-CFD)[/size][/font][/b][/color], also known as the [b][color=#ea9999]I Can't Believe It's Possible to Buy Butter [/color][/b]mod, is intended to fix the above issues, while attempting to [size=3]change the least amount necessary from classic [b]Requiem[/b] to achieve improved balance, immersion, and (hopefully) fun.[/size]
For all versions of [b]Requiem[/b] from [b]1.7[/b] to [b]3.1.x[/b]. 

You can buy butter. You can craft honey from honeycomb and water. Bottled milk is returned to all of it's classic Requiem locations, is used for all Bestial Stews, and you can now craft it from a jug of milk and salt.

[/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]In recent versions of base [b]Requiem[/b], most food buffs have their durations drastically reduced -from 7200 seconds (in [font=Georgia][size=3][b]Requiem[/b])- to 1800 seconds. Some reduction could work well to give more of a sense of hunger, but this[/size][/font] turns up to 11 how frequently the PC needs to farm/slaughter/buy and recook ingredients for decent food buffs early to mid-game.[/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#e69138][b][font=Georgia][size=3]R-CFD[/size][/font][/b][/color][/size][/font] increases general food buff durations to 3600 seconds, giving a less severe sense of benefiting from eating [font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]regularly[/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font].[/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][size=3]In base [b]Requiem[/b][/size][/size][/font], [color=#ffe599]Beef Stew[/color] [/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]inexplicably and [/size][/font][/size][/font]uniquely provides the PC a combined fortify +50 [color=#ffe599]Health[/color] buff and a +25[/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3] [color=#ffe599][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]Fortify [/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font]Carry Weight[/color] buff. No other stew or meat provides[/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3] anything resembling this. [color=#ffe599]Braided Bread[/color] also [/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]inexplicably [font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]provides the PC a [/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]+10 [/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]Fortify Carry Weight buff. No other [color=#ffe599]bread, cheese, meat[/color], or other food other than [color=#ffe599]Beef Stew[/color] has any sort of buff like this. This makes base [b]Requiem[/b] food overall feel [/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]arbitrary, and gives little incentive to carry around or eat most foods[b].[/b][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#e69138][b][font=Georgia][size=3] [/size][/font][/b][/color][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ffe599][color=#ffffff]All[/color] bread, cheese, [color=#ffffff]and[/color] cooked meats[/color] in [/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#e69138][b][font=Georgia][size=3]R-CFD[/size][/font][/b][/color][/size][/font] provide small to moderate [/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ffe599]Fortify Carry Weight[/color] buffs for 3600 seconds: [/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ffe599][color=#ffffff]All [/color]bread [color=#ffffff]and[/color] cheese[/color] now fortify between +5 and +10 carry weight depending on their size. [/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ffe599][color=#ffffff]All [/color]cooked meats[/color] now carry a graduated range of Fortify [/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]Carry Weight buffs. For example, this is as[/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font] little as +5 [/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]for [color=#ffe599]Salmon Steaks[/color],[/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3] moderate amounts of +15 [/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]for[color=#ffe599] Venison Chops[/color], and at maximum +25 for a [color=#ffe599]Mammoth Steak.[/color] Many [/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ffe599]cooked meats [color=#ffffff]have gourmet variations with greater buffs as well [font=Georgia][size=3]for those carrying a copy of the book [color=#ffe599]Uncommon Taste[/color] in the PC inventory[/size][/font].[/color][/color][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font]
[/list][center][font=Georgia][size=3][size=3][/size][/size][/font][/center][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3] All meat based [color=#ffe599]stews[/color] [font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]in [/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#e69138][b][font=Georgia][size=3]R-CFD[/size][/font][/b][/color][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font] provide [color=#ffe599]Fortify Carry Weigh[/color]t buffs [/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]for 3600 seconds[/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font].

[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ffe599]Beef Stew[/color] provides +16 [color=#ffe599]Fortify Carry Weight[/color].[/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ffe599]Gourmet Beef Stew[/color] provides +25 [color=#ffe599]Fortify Health[/color] and +25 [color=#ffe599]Fortify Carry Weight[/color].[/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ffe599]Venison Stew[/color] [font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]provides +18 [color=#ffe599]Fortify Carry Weight[/color].[/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ffe599]Gourmet Venison Stew[/color] provides +20 [color=#ffe599]Fortify Health[/color] and +30 [color=#ffe599]Fortify Carry Weight[/color].[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ffe599]Horker Stew[/color] [font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]provides +20 [color=#ffe599]Fortify Carry Weight[/color].[/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ffe599]Gourmet Horker Stew[/color] now has provides +15 [color=#ffe599]Fortify Health[/color] and +35 [color=#ffe599]Fortify Carry Weight[/color].[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ffe599]Clam Chowder[/color] [font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]provides +15 [color=#ffe599]Fortify Carry Weight[/color].[/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ffe599]Gourmet Clam Chowder[/color] provides +15 [color=#ffe599]Fortify Health[/color] and +15 [color=#ffe599]Fortify Carry Weight[/color].[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]The aforementioned food based fortify buffs don't stack with themselves[/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3], so you can freely eat food and enjoy differing buffs of different foods without having two foods with the same buff add on each other. In short, this mod does not make quickly eating lots of food OP.[/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font]
[*]A PC is now better incentivized to choose between differently balanced options for [color=#ffe599]stews, cooked meats, bread, [color=#ffffff]and[/color] cheese [/color]depending on context, and to have a well balanced diet to combine the different buffs between different food groups.
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]For better food continuity, most [color=#ffe599]fruit, vegetables[/color], and [color=#ffe599]water[/color] now fortify [color=#ffe599]Stamina[/color], while [color=#ffe599]tomatoes[/color] fortify [color=#ffe599]Magicka [color=#ffffff]regeneration[/color][/color]. Uncooked [color=#ffe599]vegetables[/color] provide 1800 seconds of minor [color=#ffe599]Fortify Stamina[/color]. Cooked [color=#ffe599]vegetables[/color] provide moderate [color=#ffe599]Fortify Stamina[/color], and [color=#ffe599]vegetable[/color] based soups provide either greater [color=#ffe599]Fortify Stamina[/color] ([color=#ffe599]Cabbage[/color] or [color=#ffe599]Potato [color=#ffffff]soup[/color][/color]), or 1 [color=#ffe599]Stamina[/color]/second restoration ([color=#ffe599]Apple Cabbage, Vegetable[color=#ffffff],[/color] [color=#ffffff]or [/color]Cabbage Potato [color=#ffffff]soup[/color][/color]) all for 3600 seconds. [color=#ffe599]Cheese[/color] slices/wheels, cooked [color=#ffe599]Meats[/color], and [color=#ffe599]Meat[/color] stews fortify [color=#ffe599]Carry Weight[/color] [font=Georgia][size=3]for 3600 seconds[/size][/font], while gourmet cooked [color=#ffe599]meats[/color] and gourmet [color=#ffe599]meat[/color] stews fortify [color=#ffe599]Health[/color] in addition to greater [color=#ffe599]Carry Weight[/color] buffs for 3600 seconds[/size][/font].
[/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]A gourmet cooking mechanic is integrated into [color=#e69138][b]R-CFD[/b][/color]. This requires having a copy of the book [color=#ffe599]Uncommon Taste[/color] in the PC inventory as a cookbook reference, which opens up several gourmet cooking options with greater buffs when using a [color=#ffe599]cooking pot[/color]. This solves the oftentime made player complaint that food in base [b]Requiem[/b] is too expensive when compared to the cost of purchasing the Whiterun player home. Vendors don't sell gourmet food, so a PC will no longer see extremely high food prices sold by NPCs. Now [color=#ffe599]Meats[/color] and [color=#ffe599]Stews[/color] sold in taverns (and always available to be cooked by the PC) are inexpensive and provide moderate [color=#ffe599]Carry Weight[/color] buffs. In order to cook foods with greater buffs (similar to the buff for [color=#ffe599]Beef Stew[/color] in base [b]Requiem[/b]), the PC must cook -and be able to cook- gourmet foods.[/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]
[*]Gourmet meal variations include [color=#ffe599]Boar, Beef, Chicken, Goat Leg, Horker, Mudcrab Legs, Pheasant, Rabbit, Salmon, Venison, Tomato[/color], and all vanilla [color=#ffe599]meat[/color] based stews (except [color=#ffe599]Beastial Stew[/color]). Non-gourmet [color=#ffe599]meat[/color] based stew recipes no longer require expensive or rare alchemy ingredients, but provide lesser buffs for 3600 seconds. Gourmet [color=#ffe599]meat[/color] based stew recipes now require the better respective alchemy ingredients from the base [b]Requiem[/b] variations, and provide stronger buffs for 3600 seconds.
[*]Several Gourmet dishes are sold at the Winking Skeever in Solitude. The Nightgate Inn has a small assortment of gourmet dishes as well.
[/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ffe599]Bestial Stew[/color] is brought back to it's classic recipe for all versions of Requiem using this mod. All locations classically containing Bottled Milk are preserved in R-CFD, and the PC can now craft Bottled Milk with a Jug of Milk and Salt. Bestial Stews have been expanded to include variations involving [color=#f9cb9c]Bear Hearts, Sabre Cat Hearts, Horker Fat, Troll Fat, Briar Hearts,[/color] and [color=#f9cb9c]Mammoth Hearts[/color]. Each variant provides different buffs, all lasting 3600 seconds.


[*][color=#ffe599]Bestial Stew[/color] ([color=#f9cb9c]Wolf[/color]) restores 1[color=#ffe599] Stamina[/color]/sec.
[*][color=#ffe599]Bestial Stew[/color] ([color=#f9cb9c]Bear[/color]) fortifies [color=#ffe599]Health[/color] by 30.
[*][color=#ffe599]Bestial Stew[/color] ([color=#f9cb9c]Sabre Cat[/color]) fortifies [color=#ffe599]Stamina[/color] by 30.
[*][color=#ffe599]Bestial Stew[/color] ([color=#f9cb9c]Horker[/color]) fortifies [color=#ffe599]Carry Weight[/color] by 30.
[*][color=#ffe599]Bestial Stew[/color] ([color=#f9cb9c]Troll[/color]) restores 1 [color=#ffe599]Health[/color]/second.
[*][color=#ffe599]Bestial Stew[/color] ([color=#f9cb9c]Spriggan[/color]) restores 1 [color=#ffe599]Magicka[/color]/sec.
[*][color=#ffe599]Bestial Stew[/color] ([color=#f9cb9c]Mammoth[/color]) fortifies [color=#ffe599]Carry Weight[/color] by 50.
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#e69138][b][font=Georgia][size=3]R-FDR[/size][/font][/b][/color][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font] adds food records from Dragonborn DLC (since they show up in mainland Skyrim now anyway): [color=#ffe599]Boar Meat[/color] and [color=#ffe599]Cooked Boar Meat[/color], with Requiem based food values.[/size][/font]
[/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][*][font=Georgia][size=3]There are some other minor edits in line with what is mentioned above regarding food items. For example, the prices of [color=#ffe599]cooked meats[/color] have been slightly raised to reflect their greater usefulness. [color=#ffe599]Raw meats[/color] have been proportionately raised in price (maintaining base [b]Requiem[/b]'s average ratio of slightly more than half the cost of the respective meat cooked), which has the added benefit of making hunting slightly more viable as an early game vocation.[/size][/font]

Wine and Alto Wine have two bottle variants of each in base [b]Skyrim[/b]. [font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#e69138][b][font=Georgia][size=3]R-CFR[/size][/font][/b][/color][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font] makes the naked glass bottle variants slightly less strong than the wicker woven covered variants, though the prices and buffs/debuffs are similar to the default values for those items in classic [font=Georgia][size=3][b]Requiem[/b], and are renamed as follows[/size][/font]:


[*][font=Georgia][color=#ffe599][size=3]Wine (Faint)[color=#ffffff]: 8 gold, +10%/-150% alcohol [/color]Stamina Regeneration[color=#ffffff] buff/[/color]Damage Magicka Regen[color=#ffffff] debuff.[/color][/size][/color][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][color=#ffe599][size=3]Wine (Fair)[font=Georgia][color=#ffe599][size=3][color=#ffffff]: [font=Georgia][color=#ffe599][size=3][color=#ffffff]14 gold, +15%/-150% alcohol buff/debuff.[/color][/size][/color][/font][/color][/size][/color][/font][/size][/color][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][color=#ffe599][size=3]Alto Wine (Good)[font=Georgia][color=#ffe599][size=3][color=#ffffff]: [font=Georgia][color=#ffe599][size=3][color=#ffffff]20 gold, +20%/-150% alcohol buff/debuff.[/color][/size][/color][/font][/color][/size][/color][/font][/size][/color][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][color=#ffe599][size=3]Alto Wine (Remarkable)[font=Georgia][color=#ffe599][size=3][color=#ffffff]:[/color][/size][/color][/font][/size][/color][/font][font=Georgia][color=#ffe599][size=3][color=#ffffff] 25 gold, +25%/-150% alcohol buff/debuff[/color][/size][/color][/font].
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]There are a few other minor edits to a few alcohol item strengths/prices that I consider to better fit classic [b]Requiem[/b] game world consistency.[/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]Having the [color=#f9cb9c]Sanguine Rose[/color] in inventory negates [color=#ffe599]Magicka[/color] and [color=#ffe599]Stamina[/color] downsides of ingesting alcohol.[/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font]

[size=5][b]Healing Poultices[/b][/size]

Healing Poultices in [font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#e69138][b][font=Georgia][size=3]R-CFR[/size][/font][/b][/color][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font] come in more variants, and are all made at a tanning rack. The [color=#ffe599]Healing Balm[/color] recipe note has been updated to give an accurate overview of how to produce them, though it isn't required for crafting:


[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ffe599]Healing Poultice (Deficient)[/color]: The default base Requiem effect and recipe, made with [color=#ffe599]Ale [color=#ffffff]or[/color] Nord Mead[/color].[/size][/font][/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ffe599]Healing Balm (Faint)[/color]: Double the deficient effect, made with [color=#ffe599]Wine (Faint)[/color].[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ffe599]Healing Balm (Fair)[/color]: Triple the [font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]deficient effect, made with [font=Georgia][color=#ffe599][size=3]Wine (Fair)[/size][/color][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font].
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ffe599]Healing Balm (Good)[/color]: Quadruple the deficient effect[font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3], made with [font=Georgia][color=#ffe599][size=3]Alto Wine (Good)[/size][/color][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font].
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ffe599]Healing Balm (Remarkable)[/color]: Quintuple the deficient effect[font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3], made with [font=Georgia][color=#ffe599][size=3]Alto Wine (Remarkable)[/size][/color][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font].
A PC is no longer restricted to only finding/buying [color=#ffe599]Ale[/color] to make [color=#ffe599]Healing Balm[/color], and the various alcohols are relatively common. NPCs will still only carry [font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ffe599]Healing Balm (Deficient)[color=#ffffff]. This[/color][/color][/size][/font][/size][/font] can be explained by the various forms of [color=#ffe599]Wine[/color] being more expensive than [font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ffe599]Ale [color=#ffffff]or[/color] Nord Mead[/color][/size][/font][/size][/font], and commoners/bandits aren't going to have extra money and resources to throw around for such things. Who in Skyrim would waste the good stuff on healing when they can drink it?


[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#e69138][b][font=Georgia][size=3]R-CFD[/size][/font][/b][/color][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font] modifies the rare random number generated instant death for [color=#ffe599]Skooma[/color] and turns it into a rare survivable overdose scenario, which can also now be totally avoided if a PC has a high enough Poison Resistance. [/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]The language used to describe [color=#ffe599]Skooma[/color] is a little more concise, and the visual effects now last as long as all buff/debuff effects are still present. [color=#ffe599][/color][/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ffe599]Redwater Skooma[/color] now additionally has the effects of base [font=Georgia][size=3][b]Requiem[/b][/size][/font] [color=#ffe599]Skooma[/color], but maintains it's much shorter lasting effect time - only as long as the base [b]Skyrim[/b] [font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ffe599]Redwater Skooma[/color][/size][/font] effects.[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]Having the [color=#f9cb9c]Sanguine Rose[/color] in inventory makes [color=#ffe599]Skooma[/color] ingestion much safer and less depleting.[/size][/font]


[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/4091255?tab=user+files]Click here to see other [b]Requiem[/b] improvement patches I've made or curate.[/url]

Load [b][b]Requiem - Classic Food and Drink[/b].esp[/b] after [b]Requiem.esp[/b] (and before [b]Requiem for the Indifferent.esp[/b] if it exists in your load order).

Thanks to Xarrian for [b]Requiem, [/b]and Ogerboss and the Requiem team for their continued development.[/size][/font]

Enchanted Ship In a Bottle (Player Home)

Welcome to the Nexus, an Enchanted Ship in a Bottle (player and followers portable home and storage).
A bit of a Myst (the game) puzzle approach to the mod. The ship changes dramatically with many custom Items. 
Quality textures, detailed inside and out with many interacting scripts. Bar craps game, Ample storage for everything,
All vanilla workstations, Two wine stills, Bottle racks and new patterns for bottling created wine. Sleeps player and a
dozen followers. Way to many custom functions, Items and secrets to list. Hope you have fun! - Good luck ...


To enter and exit - click on the model ship in your inventory added after install. Suggest a follower control mod.
Followers will start interacting with the ship and put a bit more life into it. This mod is actually a few years old now. A virtual
Ship in a Bottle project - painstaking created (weekend hobby). Mod also has a .bsa file so install or removal is easy
(contains all source scripts). Sorry if the description does not do it justice. I'm sure you will find this ship handy
and very unique. Small hint .. You will need to find the key to unlock the deck door. 

Optional downloads ...
Edit with Gimp (free) or Photoshop and others to match the .dss format.

* Added the files for the sails and their correct placement in the folders for the ship itself.
If you want to use your own. Edit the files as you wish then simply move them to the 
Data\Textures\ModelShip folder and leave them. 

* Added the files for the pictures and their correct placement in the folders for the ship itself.
If you want to use your own. Edit them to mach the size then simply move them to the
Data\Textures\ModelShip\Paintings folder and leave them. 

* Added the files for the extra music and their correct placement in the folders for the ship itself.
If you want to use your own. Name of the files must be: mus01 -  mus10 .. (lower phonograph button).
Either extension format may be used .wav or .xwm then simply move them to the
Data\music\ModelShip folder and leave them. [ [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/8303/?]Skyrim Audio Converter[/url] ]

Please feel free to upload some pictures. Hope you enjoy it!
Comments and or questions welcome on the post page.

A mod review [ [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oybq9x0pBEQ&fbclid=IwAR2w9YFSbIipBY04XMo8682UIu_uVusNS7C2OHAZAQT0o4Zc32HbgGPccdg]By: Febrith Darkstar[/url] ] (some spoilers. mod was still in beta).
Sorry for any problems in updating the mod. Everything works perfectly in 2.0.
Thank you for your patience and continued support! 2.0 is the base version.

Strongbox Replacer

[b]SE version is[/b] [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29759]here[/url]

A model replacer for the strongbox that makes it look more like a small chest or a casket made out of wood and decorated with nordic patterns.

Download and install with a mod manager of your choice or download the archive manually, copy meshes and textures folders and drop them into your Data folder and make sure to overwrite everything if asked.


This is a patch for skytest & RND

[color=#ffff00][size=4][b]U need both modes for this patch to work

Bethesda for skyrim
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/1607183]etayorius[/url] for skytest : [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10175]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10175
perseid9 [/url]for RND : [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26228/]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26228/[/url]

ENB - Tribute to Serana

[b]Before everything I want to thank rudy for allowing me to use his base settings for this enb and also helping me alot to learn how enb works.[/b]

[size=5]UPDATE![/size] [size=3]Replaced the old LUT(the 3d out of the 6 LUTS there are) with a new one. It looks similar to the main one but the color is slightly shifted to green-ish and more natural. Also did some changes to Volumetric Fog![/size]

                                                                                                                         [size=1](rxkx22 Seranaholic 1.4)[/size]

[b]STEP 1:[/b]
- Download the LATEST ENB.(This preset heavily utilizes the new grass settings so older versions aren't supported!)
- Copy only "[color=#00ffff]d3d9.dll[/color]", "[color=#00ffff]enbhost.exe[/color]", and "[color=#00ffff]enblocal.ini[/color]" from the Wrapper folder into your Skyrim directory(where the game launcher.exe is, not Data directory).
- Open enblocal.ini and edit it appropriately to your drivers. Be very careful what you do to the [Memory] section.

[b]STEP 2:[/b]
- Put the [color=#00ffff]enbseries folder[/color] and [color=#00ffff]enbseries.ini[/color] file from my mod into the same place.
- [color=#f1c232](Optional)[/color] Put the TTS Weathers in either Skyrim Data directory or zip it, open it with Mod Oragnizer and install it like a mod.
This little mod does some slight adjustments to the weather regions. It increases the chances of aurora weather and moves
some of the weathers around.(Why was there whiterun tundra weather in the Forgotten vale? Maybe my eyes didn't see correctly)

[b]STEP 3:[/b] [color=#ffd966](Optional but the enb is made with these in mind. I have no idea how it would look without them)[/color]
- Install Vivid Weathers and disable the esp. You're gonna use it for the amazing cloud textures.
- Install ELFX without exterior weathers, enhancer or anything else.
- Install ELE Lite v0.95. 
- Install Revamped Exterior Fog
- [color=#f1c232](Optional)[/color]Install Realistic Sun for enb 240
-[color=#f1c232] (Optional)[/color]For stars I use Lorkhan's Vision v2, though this mostly up to your taste.
- [color=#f1c232](Optional)[/color]Install Realistic Water 2 with enb textures/Watercolor for ENB_RWT
-[color=#f1c232] (Optional)[/color]Install Obsidian Mountain Fogs for Volumetric Fog

[b]STEP 4:[/b]
- Edit SkyrimPrefs.ini

Here I would heavily suggest that you follow a guide but the most important settings should be these...


- Set RGB Output Dynamic Range in your graphics card control panel to 0-255, instead of the default 16-235.(Thanks rudy)
- Set brightness to lowest (ingame display settings) or set fGamma=1.4000 while you're in SkyrimPrefs.ini.

[/color]Almost anything can affect how bright and visible or dark the game looks. From obvious things such as resolution, using shtty VGA cable and
monitor properties and caliberation to things such as how you sit on your chair, how much light enters your room and how tilted your screen is.(literally try it right now). SO if you think my enb is too bright/dark/saturated/whatever you can pres [color=#00ff00]Shift + Enter[/color] and go to shader parameters and edit some of the basic settings
in enbeffect.fx and effect.txt.

[size=5]ENB features + unimportant rambling:[/size]

[size=2]So... whats so significant about my ENB?
[b][i][u]Locational weathers[/u][/i][/b]... By default all vanilla interiors use the weather you had when you were outside which means if you enter Morthal's inn while having MorthalRainy weather outside, it would use the interior settings from the MorthalRainy weather file. Whats the problem with that? Well if you then go to the vampire cave nearby with that rainy weather it would use the same MorthalRainy.ini interior settings while you're strolling inside the cave.. "Soo?"  - you may ask...
Im sure you can imagine that a deep underground cave having the same interior settings(ambient light!!) as a building with windows in the open in the middle of the day is kinda weird. And unless I use a locational forced weather specifically for the cave, my possibilities with how the Morthal inn and the vampire cave look are greatly limited because if I want to make the cave look the same regardless of the time being night or day as it should be, I have to do the same for the inn. Why would the cave look the same regardless of time of day? Because ITS A FREAKIN DEEP UNDERGROUND CAVE. There are no windows or anything and sunlight doesn't illuminate anything inside. That is why it would make more sense if the interior light is about the same regardless of the time of day because it depends on the torches/firepits inside. On the other hand if I make the settings for interior day and interior night the same, the inn would look pretty weird.

That is why I used [color=#00ff00]locational specific weathers for almost every Skyrim dungeon/cave/dwemer city etc[/color]. I remember asking rudy if its a good idea to just put 213987 new entries in the locational_weather file because I haven't seen anyone do it and he said yes. The only problem was that you couldn't find a complete list with all dungeons + dungeon ID. So I did this particular thing... manually. I thought it would just take me a few hours but it took me several days using the coc command to check every dungeon, chose one of the 7-8 dungeon weathers I made, exit Skyrim and write everything in the locational_weather file, reopen the game and coc again to recheck if everything is alright... This was over an year ago mind you.
The enb also includes some LUT presets.[/size]

[size=3][b]Locational weathers:[/b] [/size]
- Draugr dungeons(2 versions: dark and really dark)
- Dwemer cities
- Falmer dungeons and caves
- Dawnguard and Dragonborn dungeons
- Forts
- Some regular caves
- Most icy caves
- Lairs, crypts etc
- I should just write anything that isn't a house or a building in civilized place

[size=3][b]Unique Locational weathers: [/b](used once only for some of the more special interiors)[/size]
- Darkbrotherhood Sanctuary
- College of Winterhold
- Volkihar Castle
- Dawnguard Headquarters
- Most castles and palaces
- several more I don't remeber right now

[/b]1st - default.
2nd - yellowish, cuts some of the blue away.
3d - similar to default but the color is slightly shifted to green to give you more natural look.
4th - very desaturated blue that pretty much looks black and white.
5th - bloody. Brightness and contrast wise it's like default but the hue goes more to red.
6th - bloodier. Like the previous one but higher contrast and much darker.

I mostly use the default and the last one. The LUTs arent't too extreme and will actually look like the normal one in alot of places but with
a slightly shifted color. Try the last one in Castle Volkihar.

Locational weathers and LUT presets.

[size=5]Future Plans:[/size]

[color=#6aa84f]- Release my Enemy Overhaul mod[/color](almost done)
[color=#6aa84f]- Tribute to Vivec ENB[/color]
[color=#6aa84f]- Make alternatives to some of my weathers[/color] (because I'm sure alot of people will like this and that weather but really
hate this other one which is way too extreme for their taste.)
[color=#6aa84f]- NLVA version or just integration to NLVA. [/color]The NLVA weathers are so good I really regret I started with vanilla weathers
[color=#6aa84f]- Slight adjustments to some weathers.[/color] I actually made this enb a long time ago but always hesitated to post it cuz I always had some things I needed
to finish and by the time I do them, new things appear. I decided to stop this infinite cycle.


Some night weathers can be very extreme.
I said its a fantasy preset after all...
[/size][b] [u]- How do I remove Black Bars:[/u][/b]
   Shift + Enter -> Look top left and find the window with 5 categories(enbeffect.fx, effect.txt etc) -> expand effect.txt -> find Letterbox and uncheck it

[u][b]- FPS Hit:[/b][/u]
   Not lightweight especially with the recent particle lights but also not too heavy.
   I would say if you are playing with lots of texture mods(2k/4k), mods that add new objects everywhere, 1920 : 1080 res, you would need
   atleast 1060.

   If your FPS drops to oblivion when you cast fire spells you can disable BigRange in ComplextFireLights by pressing Shift + Enter and
   searching for this setting in the bottom left Panel.

[size=5]All Credit goes to
[/size][size=2]- RUDY102 (Pretty much the reason my enb exists)
- Boris Vorontsov, the creator of ENB
- rxkx22 (Most beautiful characters. Im using Seranaholic 1.4)
- Opethfeldt
- Kyo
- JawZ
- gp65cj04
- ericking1992
- arsil
- Scegielski
- ZeroKing
- Midhras
- Trillville
- Insomnia
- CeeJay.dk
- prod80
- MTichenor/IndigoNeko
- Marty McFly
- Matso
- Miratheus
- kingeric1992
- OtisInf
- Kermles
- Mangaclub[/size]

Beasts Of Tamriel CACO RND Patch And Beasts Of Tamriel RND Patch

This is a Patch For Beasts Of Tamriel To be Comptiable With RND

[color=#6fa8dc][size=3][b]There are two Version: CACO-RND & RND[/b][/size][/color]

[color=#6d9eeb][size=3][b]For CACO-RND patch U need both CACO(Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul) and RND (Realistic Need & Diseases)And For RND Version u only Need RND[/b][/size][/color]

RND Version have buffs From beasts of tamriel
CACO-RND have Buffs Based On CACO

[color=#ff0000][size=4][b]Another note:
[/b][/size][/color]The CACO version is updated Version of The patch that Creator of BoT uploaded, I just made it compatible with RND and added octopus foods to the patch which was not included

Bethesda for skyrim
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3216069]SpikeDragonLord[/url] for BoT: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76203]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76203
[/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/5432630]perseid9[/url] for RND: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26228/]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26228/[/url] ([b][color=#ff7700]also there is updated version of rnd by[/color][/b] [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/15425529]Ro84[/url] [b][color=#ff7700]if anyone want to download[/color] [/b]: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75876/]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75876/[/url])
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/4291352]kryptopyr[/url] for  CACO: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69306/?]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69306/?
(sorry for bad english)

Home Chests Linked to Cloud Storage

[b][color=#00ffff][size=4]The SSE Version is Here : [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29765]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29765[/url][/size][/color]

[size=5][color=#ffff00]1. What this mod done?[/color] [/size]
This mod adds a simple function for all the player home chests, make all your home chests be available linked to a “Cloud storage chest", that would storage and share all the items inside all your home chests.

[/size][size=4]Therefore, with this mod you can easily share items that put in home chests of different locations. For instance, if you put a weapon inside your whiterun breezeroom home chest, when you travel to the honeyside house of riften later, you could take that weapon out from the home chest in honeyside.  [/size]

[size=4]All the home chests should own the same function, including those home chests added by mods.[/size][size=4]
So, you can even share the items inside your whiterun breezehome home chest with a home chest located in a beyond-skyrim -bruma home.

[/size][color=#ff7700][size=5]2. Mod Installation Instructions(Must Read Carefully Please!!!)[/size][/color][size=5][color=#ff7700]:[/color]

[/size] [color=#ffff00][size=5]([/size][size=5]1) How to install?[/size] [/color][size=4]

Use a mod manager to install or put the unpacked ESP and BSA file in your game data fold[/size] .

[size=5][color=#ff7700](2) Here are things you must do before enter the game after installed this mod.[/color][/size] [size=4]

[/size][color=#ffff00][size=5]Circumstance 1:[/size][/color][size=5] I am starting a new game after installed this mod[/size] [size=5]

[/size][size=4][color=#ff0000]Things you should do under[/color] [color=#ffff00]C[/color][/size][size=4][color=#ffff00]ircumstance 1:[/color]

[/size][size=4][color=#ff7700]nothings.[/color] just do whatever you want as normal, the functions of this mod added should work fine in a new

[color=#ffff00]Circumstance 2 : [/color]I am using a old gamesave that owned house, but never put anything in a home chest before.

[/size] [color=#ff0000][size=4]Things you should do under[/size][/color][size=4] [color=#ffff00]Circumstance 2:[/color][/size][color=#ffff00] [/color]
[color=#ff7700]nothings [/color]to do either. If you never put any of your items in a home chest before in this save, then everything
should still work properly.[/size] 

 [size=5][color=#ffff00]Circumstance 3 :[/color] I am using a old gamesave which owned house and stored some of my items in one or serval of home chests before.[/size][size=4]

[color=#ff0000]Things you should do under[/color][color=#ffff00] C[/color][/size][size=4][color=#ffff00]ircumstance 3[/color] [/size][color=#ff7700][size=4](Must read if this is your circumstance):[/size][/color]

([size=4]a) Firstly, back up your gamesave before enter the game.[/size][size=4] [/size][size=4]

(b) After enter the game and load your save, you should immediately visit all the houses with the home chests you had stored items in before. After you enter the home, just stand still for a few seconds. [/size][size=4]This step was to make sure all the "RemoveItem" script attached to your home chests work properly, so all your items stored in vanilla home chests before could transfer to the “Cloud storage chest" without any mistakes. [/size]

[size=4][color=#00ffff]These are console commands you may need to quickly visit the houses with items stored in home chests:[/color]

[/size][size=4]Whiterun breezehome:[/size][size=4] [color=#00ffff]coc WhiterunBreezehome[/color][/size][size=4][color=#00ffff] [/color]

[/size][size=4]Solitude ProudspireManor:[/size][size=4] [color=#00ffff]coc SolitudeProudspireManor[/color][/size][color=#00ffff][size=4] [/size][/color][size=4]

Riften Honeyside: [color=#00ffff]coc Riften Honeyside[/color][/size][size=4] 

[/size][size=4]Markarth VlindrelHall: [color=#00ffff]coc MarkarthVlindrelHall[/color]

[/size][size=4]Windhelm Hjerim:[/size][size=4] [color=#00ffff]coc WindhelmHjerim[/color][/size][size=4][color=#00ffff] [/color]

[/size][size=4]Morthal Windstad Manor: [color=#00ffff]coc [/color][/size][size=4][color=#00ffff]BYOHHouse2Exterior[/color]

[/size][size=4]Falkreath Lakeview Manor: [color=#00ffff]coc [/color][/size][color=#00ffff][size=4]BYOHHouse1Exterior[/size][/color][size=4]

Dawnstar Heljarchen Hall:[color=#00ffff] coc [/color][/size][color=#00ffff][size=4]BYOHHouse3Exterior[/size][/color][size=4]

[/size][size=4]Solstheim SeverinManor:  [color=#00ffff]coc DLC2RRSeverinHouse[/color]

If the houses you stored items are added by mods, you can try to find the location id of the house by using creation kit, Translator Tools or SSEedite. Or you can simply visit the house through fast travel.

(C) After finish visiting all the houses with items stored,  open a random home chest and check if all your items stored in all home chests before are inside. 

If it is, then the mod function should work properly afterwards. You can save your game and do whatever you want now.

If it not,  please report the issues you encouter to me.

[color=#ffff00]3. Compatibility issues:[/color][/size]

[size=4]It should compatibilized with all the mod added home chests as long as the mod didn't edit the "Playerhousechest" base objective in the objective window.

Just ensure the plugin of my mod is always load below those "House overhaul" mod.
[color=#ff7700]4. Known Issues :[/color]

[size=4](1)      All the Home chests would show "empty" states when you activate with it. But all your Items should remaining   inside. That won't cause any issues in real.

(2) All the Home chests you activate with would not have any animations and sounds.

These two issues above could be fixable, but i consider the fix would cause the mod mostly in[size=4]compatibilized with other Home Overhaul mod and the plugin would not be recored as ESL.
Due to such cost, I don't think is worth to do this fix.

[/size][color=#ffff00][size=5]5. How to Uninstall?[/size][/color][size=4]

Type console command : coc RemoteChestCell

You will then teleport to a cell with a chest in front of you. Take everythings from this chest and use command:

Coc whiterun (or other command teleport you to other place you want)

To leave this cell.

Save the game.

Uninstall with mod manager or delet all the files of this mod in data folder.

[color=#00ffff]6. Special thanks to :[/color]

     [url=https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/user/79655-cdcooley/]cdcooley [/url] ( who help me with the remotecontainer script)

     Darkfox127 ([url=https://www.youtube.com/user/DARKF0X127]https://www.youtube.com/user/DARKF0X127[/url])[/size][/b]

Rapunzel from Tangled - Standalone Follower


This mod adds my standalone follower, Rapunzel, to Skyrim.[/center]


[center]Name: Rapunzel
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Light Green
Race: Breton
Essential: Yes
Marriageable: Yes
Level: 20 and levels with PC
Combat Style: Default (according to the film, she has none)
Inventory list: 1 steel dagger
Armor: Farm clothes
Spells: None
Body - CBBE / UNP - HDT / non HDT[/center]

[url=https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Jarl%27s_Longhouse_(Falkreath)]Jarl's Longhouse, Falkreath[/url].[/center]


[center]Kalilies for the hair.
LogRaam for the eyes.
rxkx22 and Zonzai for the skin.
tktk1 for the brows.
Caliente for the body/bodyslide files.
Bethesda for making this fantastic game.
Nexus Community for making me possible to share this mod.[/center][/size]

[center][size=3][font=Courier New][url=https://www.deviantart.com/cosom/art/Rapunzel-and-Mother-Gothel-509486679][img]https://i.ibb.co/BKjknB0/rapunzel-and-mother-gothel-by-cosom-d8fc2fr.png[/img][/url]

Shining Gems Bless - Growing Buff System

[size=3]This mod add a growing bless system that status increases by offering gems.[/size][size=3]Bless effects are selectable for each gems.[/size][size=3]
[b][color=#ffff00][size=4][u]How to Use[/u][/size][/color][/b]
[size=3]1. Find "Altar of Gems" placed in each city and activate it.
[/size][size=3] Location of altar is almost same as "Mystic Fire" of [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97990]Shard of Power -Skill Leveling Loot[/url].  See the image.
[/size][size=3]2. Select ”Offer Gems” then open altar's inventory and offer your gems.
Flawless gem will be counted as 2pcs of normal gem.[/size][size=3]You can retake offered gems anytime. 
[/size][size=3]3. Select "Set bless" and set effect for each gem
You can set same effect to different gems.
[/size][size=3] Available effects are
[*]Regenerate Health
[*]Regenerate Magicka
[*]Regenerate Stamina
[*]Carry Weight
[*]Shout Cool Time
[*]Resist Magic
[/list][/size][size=3] Strength of Shout time and resist magic will be capped 50% at maximum.
[/size][size=3]4. When offered amount of each gem is same, bless strength will be different by gem.
[*]Garnet, Amethyst are same basical strength.
[*]Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald are same strength, twice powerful than Garnet and Amethyst.
[*]Diamond is further twice powerful than Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald
[/size][size=3]5. Select "Set Ratio" If you feel bless strength is too much or not enough. Then adjust whole ratio.
6. Select "Remove Bless and Quit" to remove a[/size][size=3]ll bless keeping gems in altar.[/size][size=3]
[/size][size=3]7. Select "Apply Bless and Quit" to u[/size][size=3]pdate all bless and quit[/size][size=3]
[size=3]Requires DLC Dragonborn and SKSE
[/b][/u][/size][/color][size=3]Uninstall after take all gems and remove all bless.[/size]

Winterhold Statue - Animated with ENB Lights LE


With permission from the author of [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3375/?]Stunning Statues[/url], I've updated the floating orbs on the Winterhold mage statue with a better UV map, enb lights and animations. Hopefully you'll enjoy the new look.

[/b]Plug 'N Play. If you want to use the textures from Stunning Statues, just overwrite those files with the ones from this mod.

[/b]Soft incompatibility with [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51188/]No snow under the roof[/url] (The statue won't have any snow on it). Let this mod overwrite that one.

Ursula from The Little Mermaid - Standalone Follower


This mod adds my standalone follower, Ursula, to Skyrim.[/center]


[center]Name: Ursula
Hair Color: Light Gray
Eye Color: Light Blue
Race: Nord
Essential: Yes
Marriageable: Yes
Level: 20 and levels with PC
Combat Style: Mage Necomancer
Inventory list: 2 staff of conjure storm and frost atronach and a necklace
Armor: Necomancer Robes
Spells: Some conjuration spells and destruction spells
Body - CBBE / UNP - HDT / non HDT + Custom UUNP (Preset Included)[/center]

Wandering around the [url=https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Hall_of_the_Dead_(Falkreath)]Hall of the Dead (Falkreath)[/url].[/center]


[center]Kalilies for the hair.
LogRaam for the eyes.
rxkx22 and Zonzai for the skin.
tktk1 for the brows.
Caliente for the body/bodyslide files.
Bethesda for making this fantastic game.
Nexus Community for making me possible to share this mod.[/center][/size]


Jeanne's flag weapons and -La Grondement du Haine-


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Jeanne flags & La Grondement du Haine Mod by elysees

::Jeanne Flag 'Luminosite Eternelle'
Smithing > Iron Tab
::Jeanne Alter Flag 'La Grondement du Haine'
Smithing > Ebony Tab

:: Noble Phantasm - La Grondement du Haine (Roar, O' Rage of Mine)
1. Equip weapon 'La Grondement du Haine'
2. 'La Grondement du Haine' spell will be added

Damage : 25+Destruction*0.4*10HIT
             5+Destruction*0.2*2HIT (45Area)

::Console Command::
`> Set JeanneAlterDamageRate to 1.0      // default value 1.0 (1.0=100%)

*Feel free to use everything in this file.

Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM - Russian Translation

Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM это мод, изменяющий большинство моделей и текстур таких вещей как тарелки, 3D цепи, кубки, 3D верёвки, бочки и т. д.

Wiseman303's Flora Fixes - Russian Translation

Это улучшенный вариант Flora Fixes от Wiseman.

Dwarven Colossus Mounts and Followers

[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Dwarven Colossus Mounts and Followers[/color][/size][/b] The DLCs Dawnguard/Dragonborn are required

Adds 10 summonable Dwarven Colossus Mounts - Followers (6 simple + 2 dual) + a Dwarven Colossus Companion + you can also create an army of Babies Colossus with the incubated eggs


[b][color=#ff0000][size=4]SUMMONABLE MOUNTS[/size][/color][/b] (in each "Dual" A or B, you have one mount and one follower)

The summonable mounts/followers can fight for your avatar

"Can you use its attacks while riding?"

Yes, but only when you dismount and that the Colossus has been hit (during a fight), and immediately after when you ride again

[i]If your mount disappears (with impossibility to dismount): Be patient a few seconds or Zoom out with the scroll Wheel or FAST TRAVEL[/i] (This mount needs a lot of space to move around)


You must place this .esp at the bottom of the list in the Data Files when you launch the game to obtain the 9 books (and the eggs) ...(Normally, this is done automatically)

To have the Summonable Colossus you can buy the “Spell tome: XXXX”, at Farengar Secret-Fire in Dragonsreach (Whiterun) or with an other "Spell Vendor" (ex: Sybille Stentor in the Blue Palace in Solitude).

With the books, you have the spells...

You can easily DISMISS when you want ! with an other "Spell tome: Dismiss Summoned Dwarven Colossus"

You can put in your Skyrim.ini ( user / my documents / my games / Skyrim ) the following settings (you can copy / paste the following):



These settings allow you to see all mounts (of my mods) correctly, whether your character takes his weapon out or not



Adds a Dwarven Colossus Companion (with sounds and voice) near the Markath Stable

Sounds: [i]Dwarven Centurion [/i]- Voice: [i]Male Argonian[/i]

You can talk: Wait - Follow - Trade - Favor - Dismiss, with this colossus

You can only have one follower at a time: if you want a different one, you need to dismiss the first one before you recruit them.

If you have any problem with the dialog box, or if telling the follower to return at home doesn't dismiss him, or if you have lost the active follower, you can try this:

Type “²” or "`" or "~" key to get into console, and type:

set playeranimalcount to 0

With Amazing Follower Tweaks , or other mod with followers, if problem to dismiss the followers, you can uncheck this mod (AFT or other) when you launch the game

If problem with the Dialog Box of the followers/ companions (Wait - Follow - Trade - Favor - Dismiss) you can also enter / exit a house or make a fast travel

[b][color=#ff0000][size=4]ARMY OF BABIES COLOSSUS[/size][/color][/b]

This mod adds the ability to quickly incubate eggs with the fire of the forge, and quickly create a horde of Babies Colossus (5, 15, 50, MORE ? ...ATTENTION with the freezes in your computer !)

To obtain these eggs, simply bring the “Colossus Egg” found with some merchants in WHITERUN ([i]Merchants: Arcadia of Arcadia’s Cauldron, Anoriath, Hulda of the Bannered Mare[/i]) to a forge and create the "Incubated Colossus Egg" in the "misc" section. Now open up your inventory, navigate to "Scrolls" and there they are. You throw them and when they hit the ground they hatch into Babies Colossus

When your creatures die, remember to loot their corpses for more eggs

If you have my other mods with Incubated Eggs, in order to find these eggs at Merchants, you must choose the mod for which you want to buy and place it at the bottom of the list in the Data Files when you launch the game


Thanks to [color=#ff0000]Mihail Romanov[/color] in his mod [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82055/?] Dwarven Colossus - Mihail Monsters and Animals (Mihail immersive add-ons - ESO) [/url] ("Feel free to use my mod in your projects, no need to ask me for permission first") for the mesh/texture of the Colossus

Thanks to [color=#ff0000]Kahjiit Raj[/color] in his mod “Golden Egg Treasure Hunt” for the texture of the Dwarven Egg ("Asset use permission": "You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me")

[color=#ff0000]Video[/color] with my mod 3.5 by ScorbasGaming


[color=#ff0000]Video[/color] with my mod 3.0 (XB1 version)


[color=#ff0000]Video[/color] with my mod 3.0 and [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82055/?] Dwarven Colossus - Mihail Monsters and Animals (Mihail immersive add-ons - ESO) [/url]


Bring Out Your Dead - Russian Translation

Перевод мода Bring Out Your Dead

Vampire Lord drain with Serana fixed - Russian Translation

Этот мод фиксит баг, когда Серана является вашим компаньоном, а вы вампир лорд, наносящий вампирским высасыванием очень мало урона.

Tools of Kagrenac - vost FR

[size=4]Mod original à installer au prélable, le package ne contient que l'ESP et /script
Mod original : [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87590]The Tools of Kagrenac de TitansBane & PrivateEye[/url][/size]

[size=3]Quête pour retrouver les légendaires Outils de Kagrénac.
Rencontrez de nouveaux alliés, ennemis ; explorez de vastes donjons et ajoutez de
puissants nouveaux artefacts et sorts à votre arsenal durant cette
quête totalement doublée (en anglais).

Pour que la quête se lance, il faut avoir effectué les quêtes "L'élévation
du dragon" et aussi les 4 quêtes "l'entreprise d'Arniel (Fortdhiver)"
qui vous permettront d'obtenir le premier outil. Et également avoir lancé la "Quête de l'extraordinaire auprès de Septimus. Il faut avoir Lamentation, le 1er outil, sur vous.

2 jours après tout au plus, un messager vous contactera.
Personnage solide nécessaire, les boss sont très costauds.[/size]
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