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BladeMaster Shura

[font=Tahoma][size=3][left][/left]BladeMaster Shura, a two-handed sword nord warrior and dragon slayer, also dual weild, you can find her at the entrance to dragon tomb behind Kynesgrove. Trained strictly by an Orc hermit, Shura became a high Blademaster.[/size][/font][font=Tahoma][size=3] She has the spirit [/size][/font][font=Tahoma][size=3]"Attack me...with everything you have."(Black Mamba tongue, from movie Kill Bill)
Levels with player, UNP body, Weight100
[/size][/font][font=Tahoma][size=3]Refer to Warcraft 3 BladeMaster skills, such as wind walk, mirror image and so on.
[/size][/font][font=Tahoma][size=3]Required: Skyrim.esm   Update.esm   Dwanguard.esm   dragonborn.esm[/size][/font][font=Tahoma][size=3]
Armor(Osare Culort Outfit by anano): [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43609][u]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43609
[/u][/url][/size][/font][font=Tahoma][size=3]Shura Tachi(Bishu Osafune Ju Morikage Tachi rename, now it’s a sword blade tachi, scrip by shikigami2H, Bishu Osafune Ju Morikage Tachi by China-YYK and Moral-cat)[/size][/font]:[font=Tahoma][size=3][u][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43609][font=Tahoma][size=3] [/size][/font]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53798
[/url][/u][/size][/font][font=Tahoma][size=3]KS Hairdo’s: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311][u]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311
[/u][/url][/size][/font][font=Tahoma][size=3]2K Lips: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/79586][u]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/79586
[/u][/url][/size][/font][font=Tahoma][size=3]ECE: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12951][u]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12951
[/u][/url][/size][/font][font=Tahoma][size=3]Mikan Eyes: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56056][u]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56056

Strongbox Replacer

[b]SE version is[/b] [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29759]here[/url]

A model replacer for the strongbox that makes it look more like a small chest or a casket made out of wood and decorated with nordic patterns.

Download and install with a mod manager of your choice or download the archive manually, copy meshes and textures folders and drop them into your Data folder and make sure to overwrite everything if asked.

Bone Set

Adds 3 new weapons to the steel crafting section.I will be expanding on and improving this set as I go.

Follower Mia

[color=#6aa84f][size=3][b]Mod does what?[/b][/size][/color]

Adds follower Mia to Skyrim, to be found holed up at Lost Prospect Mine.
[color=#6aa84f][size=3][b]Mia Details[/b][/size][/color]

Race: Nord
Class: Necromancer
Perks: Necromancer boss (raising dead, ice, etc)
Weight: 30
Outfit: Necromancer
Weapon: Dagger of Insanity's Sorrow - stats slightly better than Ebony & may be crafted/tempered (Steel).
Status: Despite being a sneering Necromancer, Mia is open to offers - just sleep with one eye open.

The UUNP version comes with a custom Necromancer outfit (combo of DeserterX), the CBBE version comes with a default Necromancer outfit.

Custom outfit armour slot details:
Cardigan - slot 32
Boots - slot 37
Knickers - slot 45
Stockings - slot 54

NB: Mod does not affect game default resources.


Dawnguard DLC
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53996]HDT Physics Extensions[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68000]XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended - XPMSE
[/url][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12951/?]Enhanced Character Edit[/url] (for the ECE preset)


Choose either the UUNP or CBBE version, depending on your world view.  Only one or the other may be installed.

Optional downloads to install the Bodyslide preset(s).
The UUNP version is labelled 'Lynn Body'.
The CBBE version is labelled 'Penny Body'.

Install via your preferred mod manager, or manually.

Optional download for Mia's [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12951/?]Enhanced Character Edit[/url] preset for slot 24 - hair is KSHairdo's 'Tell Me'.  Requires the file to be manually copying to the folder (default):
...\documents\my games\skyrim\cme_save\


[/size]Un-install via your preferred mod manager, or manually.

[size=3][color=#6aa84f][b]Known Issues[/b][/color]


Variation between CBBE and UUNP bodies due to variation between CBBE and UUNP (see screenshots).

Heeled boots have a built-in height offset so as not to require another heels mod.  Whether this might cause other issues, I'm unsure so I'll let people let me know if anything comes up beyond standard animation offsets.

Usual caveats that anything I've touched with my mod might affect other mods, which should only be the Lost Prospect Mine and immediate area.


[color=#ffff00]No fancy CBBE outfit?[/color]
Short answer: no.
Long answer: sorry, no.

I thought it a change of pace from my other recent heavy armoured ladies.

[color=#ffff00]Why that location?[/color]
It's as good as anywhere, it's not a tavern, it's a bit out of the way, and there's no vanilla quests/scripts to break there.

At the door!


[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/88131]Unslaad - Pale UNP Textures[/url] by Miriam and DomainWolf
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/90982]Unslaad Keizaal - Pale UNP Textures[/url] by Miriam
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51602/?]Fair Skin Complexion[/url] by HHaley
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73512/?]Leyenda Skin[/url] by HeroedeLeyenda
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015]Bodyslide and Outfit Studio[/url] by Caliente
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311/?]KS Hairdo's[/url] by Kalilies Stealthic Khaos and Shock
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12951/?]Enhanced Character Edit[/url] by ECE Team
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/67952]Gwelda (Little) Red Riding Hood Outfit UUNP - CBBE[/url] by DeserterX
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59202]Sotteta Necromancer Outfit UNP - CBBE[/url] by DeserterX
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15389]Insanitys Celtic Katana[/url] by InsanitysSorrow
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/4142]CLENB[/url] (ENB) used for screenshots - with KENB DOF

Non Paired Killmove Animations Modder's Resources

I'm sorry. 
I can not speak English. 
This text is the thing created by machine translation.


[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49311/]Paired Animation Export Tutorial[/url]

Vanilla's Kill Move Pair Animation This is a file that converted the attack side to a non-pair animation.Please use as a modder resource.Credit
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49311/]Paired Animation Export Tutorial[/url]

Leshens and Nekkers - Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons -witcher wild hunt- hircine)


[/color][/u][/b][color=#a4c2f4][b]JOIN MIHAIL MODS SERVER ON DISCORD, NICE COMMUNITY [/b]
[/color][/center][center][color=#a4c2f4][b]WITH VERY NICE PEOPLE THAT SHARE THE SAME INTERESTS
[/b][/color][b][u][url=https://discord.gg/Mt4yFqy][size=6][color=#ff0000]DIRECT LINK



[size=5](your videos and screenshots
would be very welcome)

[/color][/center][center][size=6]In previous eras, Leshens were known as one of the most fearsome types of Wild Hunt beasts. Nowadays, the few remaining Leshens from the past eras are a very rare and dangerous sight across Tamriel. This Ancient Leshens are long time integrated to the nature and calmed their natures a little bit, living no more in a rampage for indiscriminated killing, but still being a fearsome oponent when encountered. Now they act more like nature guardian entities, having lost their initial belic proposal when created when powerfull ancient bosmer turned into them to spread vengeance against their enemies.
The few remaining Ancient Leshens are known nowadays by the folks of Tamriel with names such as Woodland Spirits or Old Gods of the Hunt (check my Old God of the Hunt mod to have them in your game too).
But the Bosmery Wild Hunt allways evoked interest in many groups involved with the magical forces of the world, and some specific individuals tried to reproduce by their own means the wild hunt transformation in order to become themselves Leshens. Some achieved that, specially the Forsworn and some Druids. This resulted basically in 2 types of Leshens. This young creatures are smaller than the Ancient Ones, and still retain a more human proportion, but are much more unstable than their ancient counterparts. They are weaker too, but still formidable oponents.

Hagravens commanded some experiments with Forsworn Briarhearts to transform  them into new "Old" Gods of the Hunt". This "new gods" (an evolution of the Forsworn) would be the trump card to the forsworn cause against the nords, but since hagraven does not exactly know the methods of the bosmer, and maybe also cus is impossible to make a stable wild hunt beast, the experiment go half good, half bad, to them.
They retained rationality, but are highly unstable, and enter frequently in rampages of anger and destruction, killing several forsworn and hagraven on the past, untill returning to a calm state.
They result so dangerous, also to their own people, that all them ended leaving their camps to live alone on the wild, each one in one camp, commonly not much away from forsworn camps, but with no much contact.
They are known as the most powerfull variant of Leshens.

The other variant is created using druidic methods, and the druids that known that practice are known as Grottores. This ones are more conected to the nature, and their appearance change according to the kind of forest they were created, so, you will find a type of Leshen from fall forests, and other that roams the pinewoods. They will appear roaming this forests and will not exitate to ambush travelers and hunters, but avoid roads.

Leshens can raise giant roots from the ground, turn invisible to ambush you, summon flocks of crows, also be carefull with their giant claws strikes.

Due to their unstable behaviour, commonly animals do not approach them, so, while Ancient Leshens commonly command bears, wolves, and are followed by Spriggans, this Leshens frequently end killing the animals that they tame when they starte a killing rampage. Due to that fact, you will commonly encounter them being followed by a group of Nekkers.

Nekkers are just lesser daedras from the Hunting Grounds of Hircine, and the ones agile, small and smart enough to live with Leshens and able to avoid their rampages, but sometimes some of them also end being food to the beast. They're carrion eaters and oportunist hunters, that will ambush hunters not worthy to hunt on the realm of their Prince.
Nekkers rarely attack alone, they tend to be found in groups near a Leshen. Individual nekkers are weak, easy marks compared to other monsters, but Nekkers do not tend to fight as individuals. If you see one, expect anywhere from 4-6 more. Nekkers overwhelm their targets through sheer numbers, surrounding them, then pummeling and clawing victims to death. 
Nekkers are led by chieftains. These are larger and mark their faces with red clay and acessories. Chieftains give orders, turning a wild band into an organized unit, thus they should be eliminated first.The nekkers' basic tactic is to strike en masse. Though primitive, the tactic is surprisingly effective. One must be ready to repel many foes at once - the fast style is best suited to this. As with other agile creatures, running from nekkers is not the best idea, for the monsters will catch up to their prey and swiftly kill it with multiple hits of their claws.A nekker groups is divided in various classes of nekkers, soldiers, beaters, crawlers, warriors, etc, and they can craft primitive acessories, but not weapons, what shows some type of intelligence similar to men and mer, but much primitive.
Also a group of nekkers seems to have created a big tribe with no Leshes on the Mammoth Graveyard, west of Loreius Farm, on the Pale.


- 1 new respawnable beast- Leshen (in 3 variants)
with custom behaviour, sounds, effects, loot

- 1 new respawnable daedra from hircine - Nekker
in 6 variants- common, crawler, beater, soldier, warrior and chief
with custom behaviour, sounds, modified skeleton and loot

-leshen camps - in remote places, but close to forsworn settlements

- more life and interesting lore

- The last Skyrim Update[/size][/b][/u][size=5]
[/size][u][b][size=5]- DLC Hearthfire
- DLC Dawnguard
- DLC Dragonborn

[b][size=4]Author: [/size][/b][b][size=4]
[/size][/b][b][size=4]Mihail- re-modelling of the leshens, nekkers and crows models, part of the nekkers outfits, parts of the fallforest leshen model and textures, animations, effects, loot, sounds, leshen camps, game implementation
[/size][/b][b][size=4]Some assets used on this mod belong too:[/size][/b][size=4][b]
[url=http://en.cdprojektred.com/]CD PROJEKT RED [/url]- original leshen and
nekker model and textures
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/61299916]RoboBirdie-[/url] the sabrecat skull used
as helmet by the nekker chief
[/b][b]Hendrix- for the original crow model and texture (released as public domain 
on [url=https://thezt2roundtable.com/]ZT2 Round Table[/url], initially for mods made for the game Zoo Tycon 2)[/b][/size][size=6]


Radiant Exclusions

This modder's resource injects a form list at 0x015f9001. All of the radiant quests in vanilla Skyrim will not select locations in this form list to send the player on a radiant quest.

Modders can add locations to this form list in one of two ways.
First, modders can also inject a form list at the same form id in their own plugin (recommended for legibility) and add locations to that list like they would with any other property.
Alternatively, this mod provides access to the form list via a script. Modders can use the two global papyrus functions below to add or remove locations from this form list:
[code]RadiantExclusions.addExcludedLocation(Location loc)
[/code][code]RadiantExclusions.removeExcludedLocation(Location loc)

[/code]Both methods provide a soft dependency. Neither will have an effect on the user's game unless they are using the plugin from this mod, and don't require making this mod a master of your mod.
Note that any mods that add radiant quests but do not inject and check for the form list are not compatible by default, but can easily be made compatible. Please notify me if you have created a patch for any mod, so that I can host it here, or if you would like me to create a patch for you.

Rotten Maidens - Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- undead- witcher)


[/color][/u][/b][color=#a4c2f4][b]JOIN MIHAIL MODS SERVER ON DISCORD, NICE COMMUNITY [/b]
[/size][/center][center][size=4][color=#a4c2f4][b]WITH VERY NICE PEOPLE THAT SHARE THE SAME INTERESTS
[/b][b][u][/u][/b][/color][b][u][url=https://discord.gg/Mt4yFqy][color=#ff0000]DIRECT LINK[/color]



(your videos and screenshots
would be very welcome)

[/color]Rotten Maidens exude immense sadness, poor helpless wraiths. People fear them,  but most of all, they feel sorry for them. They are the spirits of young women who died violent deaths right before their weddings. Driven mad with pain and anger, they wander the fields searching for their unfaithful lovers or backstabbing murderers, though they will kill anyone who does not get out of their way in time. They are often held in this world by some object of intense emotional significance, commonly the weeding ring gave to them by their lovers. That is why, if one ever finds a wedding ring or love letter in the middle of a field, tomb, shrine, abandoned house, one should not pick it up, but instead back away as quickly as possible. Also you must avoid places on Skyrim when a couple have died at the fangs of a predator, or when a poor desolated girl have commited suicide, or have been murdered, well, places with sad love stories, cus their wraith could still be around there, just waiting to ambush anyone who cross their paths of pain and sadness.
Kill them not allways free the maidens from their self-inflicted curses, exactly due to the fact that commonly they are the ones that create and maintain the curse, and remain with the feelings that chained them to that poor decayed state, but exceptions do exist.
Commonly the remain buried on the ground, and only raise to attack their victims when they disturb their "resting" place. When you ear their terrible scream, could be too late to escape alive.
They are semi-ethereal beings, commonly only seen on rural areas, very rare, and according to their deaths they appear in different forms:

[b][u]Plague Maidens-[/u][/b] the brides who have died from sickness before the marriage, and cus that they are now a horrible spirit personifying disease and pestilence. They are probably the most dangerous variant of the respawnable common variants, and they are covered by poisons and diseases, and can cast against you balls of miasmas;

[b]Bloody Maidens- [/b]are the ones that suffered tortures and rape before their deaths, and got killed in a very bloody way. Also they saw their loved ones being killed in front of them with the same kind of cruelty. Because this, and being traumatized with blood, they appear covered in it, and attack throwing jats of rotten blood into their victims. They are one of the respawnable variants, and you may be carefull when you enter areas with bloody crime scenes, because a Bloody Maiden may be watching you;

[b]Mournful Maidens- [/b]this ones are not murdered nor have died from disease, this ones commited suicide after lost their beloved men, and because that they have allways a hanging rope on their necks. They are also the weakest between the respawnable variants, much more ethereal than the others, and unable to cast powers against you. They will attack just with their claws, and probably this is because they have killed themselves, so, have less anger against others, and more guilty for what they have done;

[b]Nightwraith Maidens-[/b] this ones are the brides killed at night time, and are specially covered with darkness powers, probably attached to their spirits when they died cus its during night that the evil spirits walk trough nirn, searching for lost man and woman, alive or not. They are covered in darkness, and can cast a sharped blade attacks of some kind of lunar light. They can also appear during day if you disrupt their resting places, but they are considerable weaker during daytime. They are also one of the respawnable variants;

[b]Noonwraith Maidens-[/b] these are the brides killed during daytime. They can create powerfull wind gusts to attack you in combat, the last thing they felt before the end of their lifes, the warm wind of the noon time when they got killed brutally and with no mercy. The sunlight seems to shine on this rotten skin, making them look half-burned. More powerfull than the Mournfull Maiden or Bloody Maiden, but less dangerous than the Plague one, and in pair with the Nightwraith Maiden. No doubt a good foe amongst the respawnable variants;

Fading Widow-[/b] this poor one was recently married and got to a camping to enjoy her honeymoon with her beloved one, on the coast of Skyrim. Unfortunatelly both got killed by wild animals, and their love story ended there. Due to the fact she accomplished her dream to get married with her loved one, and they died together, her anger was not enough to maintain her chained to the material world forever, and her wraith form is starting to fade, becoming almost invisible. Kill her and free the poor widow from her miserable existent, and she will be with her loved one again in the afterlife. She is one of the unique, non-respawnable, rotten maidens;

[b]Shelly-[/b] the bride that died on one of the shipwrecks of Pilgrim's Trench. Her beloved one waited for her for weeks on his camp untill his death, without knowing that his beautifull bride corpse layed dead on the cold ocean right before him. Now she roams the camp in pain and sadness for the lost of the one she loved the most, and died waiting for her. Not being a traumatic and brutal death, she is also not that chained to the mortal world, so, an unique and non-respawnable rotten maiden. Kill her wraith form and she will reunite forever with her loved Trius;

Isabelle Rollaine- [/b]the lover of Ranmir of Winterhold, some time ago she disappeared, sending him into a druken stupor with surrow. Passing through big money problems, and being a sorcerer, she tried to invade Hob's Fall Cave to steal some money (after receiving information from thieves guild that this place was a good spot for that), but ended killed on the hands of the necromancers that live there. They turned her soul into a guardian wraith using necromancer magic. Forced to become a Rotten Maiden, she now guards the entrance of the coven, next to her dead body.
Kill her, broking the magic chains that maintain her has a slave to this world, and obtain her letter to Ranmir, wrote just before she tried to enter the cave. Show the letter to Ranmir, and give him new reasons to live again, knowing what  really happened. She is, naturally, one of the non-respawnable ones;

Pesta-[/b] a girl from Riverwood cursed by an old priest of Peryte, after she refused to marry him, because she was already in love with a boy from her village. Due to the curse, she got terribly sick, with no way to be treated, and suffered from a long and prolongated time. When she died, a terrible miasma vapor raised for her body and killed the ones at her side, including her loved one, and made half of the city getting sick for some days. Due to that, she was buried far away from her town, and never more received visits on her burial ground, deep on the woods.
The old peryte priest visited the place right after her burial, and raised her has a specially dangerous plague maiden, clouded in disease and pestilence, as a punishment for her refusal to marry him.  Legends of her apparition as a rotten maiden, mourning in the woods, make her being known as Pesta, by the people of the region. You will noticed skeletons surrounding the locations, probably grave robbers that died at her hands. Being one of the non-respawnable, you can free her from the magical chains, and she will reunite in the afterlife with her loved one. 


- 1 new respawnable undead creature- Rotten Maiden in 9 variants

- all them have custom behaviour, attacks, effects and sounds

- scary ambushes, and the necessity to be aware on exploring

- more sad details to already sad locations on Skyrim

- more undead creatures for your Skyrim, to make all more creepy

- The last Skyrim Update[/b][/u]
[u][b]- DLC Hearthfire
- DLC Dawnguard
- DLC Dragonborn



Mihail- re-modelling of the original models, parts of the models of the newest variants, some textures and re-textures, effects, loot, spells, sounds, animations, game implementation

Some assets used on this mod belong too:

[url=http://en.cdprojektred.com/]CD PROJEKT RED[/url] - original models and textures


Wild World

Wild World is an AI mod that adds new packages, overhauls creature factions, improves fight or flight response, and standardizes the aggro radius and enables it on most creature types.

What Wild World doesn't do
-Add new creature abilities
-Add new creature variants.
-Add new spawn points.
-Edit combat styles.
-Edit creature races.
-Edit creature stats.

[size=4]They Live[/size][/color]

-Most creatures, unless domesticated, will endlessly wander the wilds of Skyrim, find the nearest town/ruins/fort to chill out in, or patrol your long lost cousin's ancient burial site for his great-great-great grandmother's pet cat that's haunted and guarded by draugr.
-By default, creatures are allowed a small wander radius in interior locations unless certain conditions forbid it.
-Creatures naturally form groups at certain times of the day, either patrolling a shared territory, resting, feeding, or traveling together and eventually parting ways.

[color=#ff0000][size=4]They Hunger[/size]
-All living, flesh and blood creatures, will seek substance, either from the natural flora or [s]cheese wheels[/s] the flesh of the living. You can tell what they've eaten by looting their corpses.

[color=#ff0000][size=4]They Rest[/size][/color]

-Creatures have their own sleep schedule and will either be active during the day, night, in between, in short bursts, or always active. This also determines dungeon activity.

[color=#ff0000][size=4]They Kill[/size][/color]

-Predators aren't friends and neither are prey. The fluffy sabrecat won't aid the lonely wolf in battle, they'll kill each other. Likewise, more competitive prey might fight each other.
[color=#ff0000]They...Don't Kill?[/color][/size]

-However, not all prey and predators are enemies, lonely wolf might dine on silly rabbits, but big bad bear might just ignore them.
[/size][color=#ff0000][size=4]They Think[/size]
-Weaker creatures think twice before engaging an enemy they probably won't beat, stronger ones won't flee unless outmatched, and the strongest, undead, machine, or animated will never flee.

[color=#ff0000][size=4]They Greet[/size][/color][size=4]
-Most creatures will warn you if your character gets too close...for a few seconds...before they bite your face off...because they're polite (More creatures have an aggro radius).

[size=4]Other Features[/size][/color]
-Animals don't report crimes.
-Guards attack dangerous creatures on sight.

[color=#00ff00][size=4]Differences from SkyTEST Realistic Animals and Predators[/size][/color]
-Affects every creature type.
-AI packages are implemented from default package lists rather than adding
them individually to an actor. This makes it easier to implement more
packages and more specific ones for each creature type.
-Creature types only use vanilla factions except when there are no individual factions for the creature race.
-There are no individual factions for different creatures of the same creature
type (ex. regular/snowy sabre cat, brown/black bear). This causes no
infighting between individual creature types.
-Rather than adding spawn points, the GroupUp package lures large groups of creatures with
the same faction together with a large radius, naturally creating a
crowd. Consequently, regardless of the amount of mod added spawn points,
there will always be empty spaces.
-Predators hunt only specific prey and have specific rivals that compete over the same food source.
-Most creatures have a wander package that randomly generates patrol routes
over long distances using either "flora" or "ingredients" as destination
points which infinitely repeats until a specific package is called.
-Generally, predators are more active at night, while prey are more active during
the day. Predators sleep for a long duration while prey do so in short
bursts. Undead are more active at night.

[color=#00ff00][size=4]Requirements and Compatibility[/size][/color]
-Wild World requires all of the official dlc.
-If you use SkyTEST along with the SkyTEST Integration Project, disable all  SIP
patches except for the No Extra Spawns and Real Wolf/Elk patches.
-Game may be unstable if installed on an existing save.
-Wild World is incompatible with any mod that edits vanilla creature factions
or templates, but should be easy to patch in TES5Edit. Please note, ai
packages found in the ai package section will take precedence over
packages in a default package list.

Compatible Mods
-Animallica (Patch available)
-Birds of Skyrim (Load after Wild World)
-Combat Evolved (Load before Wild World)
-Convenient Horses
-Farm Animals (Patch available)
-Immersive Horses (Patch available)
-More Village Animals (load before Wild World)
-Morrowloot Ultimate ([url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/66105/?tab=files]Patch available here)[/url]
-People of Skyrim ([url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/90326]Patch available here[/url])
-Requiem ([url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61621]Patch available here[/url])
-Revenge of the Enemies (Patch available)
-Skyrim Immersive Creatures (Patch available)
-SkyTEST Realistic Animals and Predators (Patch available)
-Wild Cat

Incompatible Mods
-Animal Tweaks (Needs patch)
-Less Aggressive Animals
-NARC (Does the same thing)
-One with Nature
-Realistic Wildlife Behavior (Does the same thing)

[color=#00ff00][size=4]To Modders[/size][/color]
-Instead of adding packages directly to an actor, Wild World uses custom default package lists with many simple packages that overall
establishes a complex schedule made for every single creature type.

-If you want to make your creature mod compatible with Wild World, use a vanilla creature template and enable "Use Def Pack List" and "Use AI Data."
-For Ash Hopper, Boar, Chicken, Cow, Death Hound, Deer, Fox, Gargoyle, Horse, Mudcrab, Rabbit, and Wispmother templates, make sure "Use Factions" is also enabled. If you use your own created factions, make sure a vanilla equivalent is also available.
-For Chicken, Cow, Dremora, Elk, GoatDomestic, Horker, Mudcrab, Slaughterfish, and Wisp templates, make sure "Use AI Packages" is also enabled (to remove the existing packages).

[/url]My Mods
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50844]Dragons Diversified DLC Patch[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43967]Enchanting Awakened Skyre Perk Tree Merge
[/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/96891]Poverty - You Hunger Reborn
[/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/24712]Poverty - You Hunger Reborn SE[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46495]SkyTEST Integration Project[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13428]SkyTEST Integration Project SE[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/88642]Wild World[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/14616]Wild World SE[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49421?tab=files]You Hunger[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9143]You Hunger SE[/url]

Khajiit Will Follow (ma'kara edition) Spanish

Ahora gracias a robbobert existe la posibilidad de poder casarse con acompañantes de raza khajiita completamente expresados.

[/size][/u]- Totalmente expresado, con más de 2800 líneas de diálogo, cada seguidor con líneas únicas para ellos.- Soporte completo tanto para seguidores como para eventos matrimoniales.- Comentarios sobre el clima, las ubicaciones, las armas y la magia que tienes, los elementos que has equipado, las facciones en las que estás, etc. Cuanto más hables con tu seguidor, más cosas nuevas tendrán que decir, pero críticamente, en su mayoría solo hablarán cuando se les hable (te estoy mirando, Mjoll).- 2 nuevas armas, 5 nuevas armaduras, 1 misión semi-oculta y 1 nuevo hechizo para que encuentres y salves el mundo.- Desentraña el misterio de Chatur'jo, pero hagas lo que hagas, ¡no lo hagas enojar!

Esta es mi primera traduccion haci que si encuentras algun error hazmelo saber.

Le doy muchas gracias [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/5284088]robbobert[/url] por haber creado este genial mod.

Spell Overcharge

[size=5]What it does:

This mod aims to make the magic combat of skyrim a little more ineresting.
You can now cast spells with whatever magnitude you desire without having to change to a different weaker/stronger spell

Ever sneaked through a dark dungeon and needed some light but didn't want to blow you cover for a whole minute?
Now you can just scale the power down and cast a candlelight spell that only last a few seconds.
The reverse is also true. If you need some extra power just crank the magnitude up and cast something more powerful.

The general idea is that Magnitude/Duration and Spell Cost scale 1:1.
So a 50% strength only costs 50% magicka while 200% strength costs 200% magicka.
Its simple but it makes magic combat a little more dynamic.

[size=5]How it works:

You change the spell strength by pressing a hotkey.
Whenever you press one of the hotkeys a little icon shows up at your HUD to show you the current spell magnitude in %
The icon and the hotkeys are configurable through an MCM menu and offer a decent amount of customization.

How the spells are affected is oriented on the vanilla fortify-X portion effects.
So for each school of magic the Power/Percentage scales these attributes:
Alteration -> Duration
Conjuration -> Duration
Destruction -> Magnitude
Illustion -> Magnitude
Restoraion -> Magnitude

[size=5]Known Issues:
BUT the above also means that this mod is affected by the alchemy - enchantment loop/exploit
To remain balanced it is strongly advised that you use a mod that removes the restoration skill from armor enchantements
such as [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71214]USLEEP[/url]
Weapon enchantements are also affected but also scale the charge-cost accordingly so this stays balanced in my opinion.

The Scaling mechanic is governed by a perk that uses the players Actorvalue "Waitingforplayer".
It is supposed to be an unused AV on the player but if you happen to be using a mod that also abuses this AV then they might interfere with each other.

Rueful Axe Enchanced and Fixed

[size=3]The Rueful Axe was a great disappointment to us all. While it is easily one of the most visually captivating weapons in the game, it's damage wastoo low and its attack speed was 0.5 - even lower than warhammers! This meant that its Damage Per Second was only comparable to a Steel Greatsword, and its enchantment was rather forgetable. In addition, its sound files were off, using audio for one-handed swords.[/size]

[b][size=4]This mod fixes all this[/size]
[/b]The audio is adjusted, and the weapon sounds are now equivalent to other battleaxes.
Adds the WeapMaterialDaedric keyword, meaning the axe's tempering now benefits from the Daedric Smithing Perk
The damage is buffed from 22 to 24 (equivalent to Glass) and its speed is properly set to 0.7
 (I didn't want it higher than 24, because this is a weapon available at level 10, and it shouldn't be daedric quality).

[size=3]In addition to this, my mod comes with three different Esp's (use only one)

[/size][b][size=3]Rueful Axe Buffed and Fixed[/size][/b]
[size=3]This applies the audiofixes, and adjusts damage and speed.[/size]

[b][size=3]Rueful Axe Unenchanted[/size][/b]
This applies the above fixes, and removes the basic enchant, allowing you to add your own.

[b][size=3]Rueful Axe Unenchanted Special[/size][/b]
This applies the above fixes and removes the enchantment - but also adds a special script, causing the axe to deal 20% more damage to animals and lycanthropes. Note that because this uses a script like Silver Swords and Wuuthrad, the axe's description will always say "Especially deadly to lycanthropes and beasts." - but you can still enchant it! Although the enchantment description won't show, they [b]both still work[/b]!

[/size]Simply drop the esp file of your choice into your Skyrim\Data directory. [b]Use only one of the esp's!
[/b]To uninstall, simply remove the esp again. My mod doesn't add any new scripts or the like, so it should be safe to remove mid-game.

[*]Any mod that messes with the stats of the Rueful Axe, or makes changes to the Wuuthrad Script.

[*]Some mods (such as Immersive Weapons) add a craftable, unenchanted version of the axe. My mod's changes will [b]not[/b] affect new recipe items!

Oblivioneseque Category Icons For SkyUI

[center][b][color=#BF9000][size=6][size=6]Oblivioneseque Category Icons For SkyUI
Compatible with Adventured Theme WIP

Mother Gothel from Tangled - Standalone Follower


This mod adds my standalone follower, Nikolai, to Skyrim.[/center]


[center]Name: Gothel
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Light Green
Race: Breton
Essential: Yes
Marriageable: Yes
Level: 20 and levels with PC
Combat Style: Mage Destruction
Inventory list: 10 Scrolls of Magic Runes of each types and a torch
Armor: Necomancer Robes
Spells: Some conjuration spells and destruction spells.
Body - CBBE / UNP - HDT / non HDT[/center]

Wandering around Anise's House.[/center]


[center]Kalilies for the hair.
LogRaam for the eyes.
rxkx22 and Zonzai for the skin.
tktk1 for the brows.
Caliente for the body/bodyslide files.
Bethesda for making this fantastic game.
Nexus Community for making me possible to share this mod.[/center][/size]

[center][size=3][font=Courier New][url=https://www.deviantart.com/rebenke/art/The-dreams-of-Gothel-205306433]


[center][size=4][i][b]Version 1.0 Eng/Rus

[size=4][i][b][b][font=Georgia][color=#9fc5e8][size=4]SE VERSION IS AVAILABLE [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29776]HERE[/url][/size][/color][/font][/b][/b][/i][/size][/b][/i][/size][/center]
[size=2][size=5][center]***[/center][/size][/size][size=2][color=#ffff00]Author:[/color] Ronnie Magnum
[color=#ffff00]Requirements:[/color] Skyrim

This mod adds new weapon - Yamakaze katana, [size=2]that can be obtained at Brightwind Point location (Northeast from Markart).[/size]

[color=#ffff00]Weapon stats:[/color]
Type: 1H Sword
Base damage: 13
Base price: 775 spt.
Weight: 10
Improvement: 1x Corundum ingot.
Enchantment: None
DSR compatibility: Yes

[center][size=5]***[/size][/center]Wanna see my another Skyrim mods? Check my [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2931683]Skyrimnexus page[/url].
Subscribe to my [url=https://www.facebook.com/ronniemagnumstuff/]Facebook page[/url] to be updated about my upcoming mods.
Or join me on [url=https://www.patreon.com/RonnieMagnum/overview]Patreon[/url] if you like my works![/size]

Beasts Of Tamriel CACO RND Patch And Beasts Of Tamriel RND Patch

Hi I made a Patch For Beasts Of Tamriel To be Comptiable With RND

[color=#6fa8dc][size=3][b]There are two Version: CACO-RND & RND[/b][/size][/color]

[color=#6d9eeb][size=3][b]For CACO-RND patch U need both CACO(Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul) and RND (Realistic Need & Diseases)And For RND Version u only Need RND[/b][/size][/color]

RND Version also have buffs From beasts of tamriel
CACO-RND have Buffs Based On CACO

[color=#ffff00][size=4][b]Another Note:[/b][/size][/color]
I'm Using CACO 1.2 so Idk if this patch Work for CACO 2
but i think it will work because i dont think effects have changed from 1.2 to 2
test it and share the results with me

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3216069]SpikeDragonLord[/url] for BoT: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76203]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76203
[/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/5432630]perseid9[/url] for RND: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26228/]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26228/[/url] ([b][color=#ff7700]also there is updated version of rnd by[/color][/b] [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/15425529]Ro84[/url] [b][color=#ff7700]if anyone want to download[/color] [/b]: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75876/]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75876/[/url])
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/4291352]kryptopyr[/url] for  CACO: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69306/?]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69306/?[/url]

Young Geralt of Rivia preset

I used this mod [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70411]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70411[/url] as a base with which i started the preset, made it a lot easier so make sure to check that out aswell.

Authentic Sinding Follower

Firstly I know there are already a few mods that adds Sinding as a standalone follower, but I wanted to make my own version where the werewolf version of him can be reasoned with after you've sided with him and then beaten the Daedric quest. After all, Sinding promised to be a good ally to you if you sided with him, so why wouldn't he live up to it?

_How to use_
If you're playing on a new save and/or have beaten the quest Ill Met by Moonlight, you may exit the Bloated Man's Grotto, let Hircine's spirit confront you and then re-enter the cave and talk to Sinding. You will get a new dialogue option (with a single voice clip that I mashed together thanks to Lazy Voice Finder), the subsequent dialogue option will also vary whether the player is a werewolf or not. But both of the subsequent dialogue options have identical scripts, which yield the following results:
-Sinding becomes the player's ally and gets added to the follower/marriage factions. He will also transform back to his human form.
-This mod doesn't touch the DA05 quest in any way.

_Required mods_
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74568]Relationship Dialogue Overhaul[/url] (Sinding's voicetype "MaleCommonerAccented" has insufficent follower dialogue in the vanilla game)

_Recommended mods_
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97157]Monster Facial Animation[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97551]Tweaked Werewolf Followers[/url] / [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15524/]Amazing Follower Tweaks[/url] (Highly recommended if you want to "re-infect" Sinding and make him transform into a werewolf)

_Known issue(s)_
Sinding might have a neck gap when he turns back to a human. A workaround would be to open up the console, click on him and enter the following commands:
setnpcweight 15
setrace wolf
setrace nord

, then he should look fine.

Requiem - Classic Alchemy Overhaul 5.1 (R-CAO)

[font=Georgia][size=3][b][color=#f6b26b]Requiem - Classic Alchemy Overhaul (R-CAO)[/color][/b] , formerly known as [b]Requiem - Alchemy Rebalance[/b], modifies [font=Georgia][size=3][b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19281]Requiem - The Oldschool Roleplaying Overhaul[/url][/b][/size][/font] ingredient strength, alchemy effects, crafted potion prices, and alchemy perk effects. Alchemy crafting no longer breaks the game economy, and the grindiness of the alchemy experience is significantly reduced in a balanced way.[/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][b][color=#f6b26b]

R-CAO[/color][/b][/size][/font] is a fine tuned approach to alchemy aspects I like from both [b][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74330/?]Requiem - Behind the Curtain[/url][/b] [/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]([b]BtC[/b]) [/size][/font][/size][/font]by zer0morph and [b][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81785/?]Requiem - Behind the Curtain - AZ Tweaks[/url][/b] by Applesaucez, with a design focus of following as closely in Xarrian's narrative footsteps as possible to achieve balance and improve immersion. Although I looked at record edits of the previously mentioned two patches for inspiration, this patch is independently created using [b]Requiem[/b] records, and attempts to preserve the experience and play style of classic [b]Requiem[/b].

Compatible with all version of [b]Requiem [/b]from[b] 1.51 [/b]to[b] 3.1.x[/b][font=Georgia][size=3].[/size][/font]

Below is an in depth look at[b][color=#f6b26b] R-CAO[/color][/b]: 
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]Actual extracts are now needed for gaining transformational Alchemy perks -such as Night Vision or Fortified Muscles- and are craftable at cookpots. A PC has access to a given body altering Alchemy perk when ingesting it's correlating extract, as long as the other standard perk conditions are met and the extract effect is active. Beware ingesting extracts in unsafe locations, as they overwhelm the PC while preparing their body to transform.[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]Xarrian's classic [color=#f9cb9c]Ably Striking[/color] (Fortify Unarmed) alchemy effect is returned to [b]Requiem[/b] crafting and expanded to more ingredients (replacing some [color=#f9cb9c]Damage Magicka/Stamina Regen[/color] occurrences). [/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]Oil of Fire, Ice, Storms, and Silver are brought back into play from [b]Requiem 1.51[/b] and fine tuned. The PC again has access to a wider range of destructive alchemy that can be applied to weapons.[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]Human Flesh and Hearts are fine tuned to be less powerful since they are regularly found on human and Mer dead bodies in [b]Requiem 1.51[/b].[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]Vendor/NPC potion prices are rebalanced to match the values of PC crafted potions from [font=Georgia][size=3][b][color=#f6b26b]R-AR[/color][/b][/size][/font] to maintain in-game consistency. This lowers the prices of some found[/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3] or bought potions, while raising others, though many are approximately [/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]the same as what they were in [font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]base [font=Georgia][size=3][b]Requiem[/b][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font]. [font=Georgia][size=3]Some vendor/NPC poisons, including [color=#f9cb9c]Affliction, Exhaustion, Fear, Fury, Spellbane, [color=#ffffff]and[/color] Spellfade[/color], have their strengths raised minorly to moderately -with corresponding [/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]price rebalancing- so that they are more compelling to actually be used [/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]by a PC. Vendor/NPC [color=#f9cb9c]Ably Conjuring/Deceiving/Destroying/Restoring/Transmuting[/color] potions have been capped at 25% spell cost reduction[/size][/font] so alchemy [font=Georgia][size=3]combined with magic use isn't quite as effortlessly overpowering.[/size][/font][/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]Harvested quantities of most ingredients are the same as base [b]Requiem[/b], with minor reductions to the upper harvest range for ingredients like [color=#f9cb9c]spider eggs[/color], [color=#f9cb9c]snowberries[/color], [color=#f9cb9c]mountain flowers[/color], and some others.[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]Many ingredient base gold prices are the same as base[/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3] [b]Requiem[/b][/size][/font], although some have minor -and in a few cases moderate- increases. This encourages a PC to sell found ingredients for some minor gold in early game, and increases the expense of buying some ingredients from alchemists.[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ff7700][color=#ffffff][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#f9cb9c]Effeteness, Enervation, Damage Magicka Regen, Damage Stamina Regen,[/color][/size][/font][/color][/color][/size][/font][color=#f9cb9c] Spellfade, and Spellfreeze[/color] potions are all rebalanced [font=Georgia][size=3]to be both reasonably priced for crafting and actually useful, with greater usefulness from rarer ingredients.[/size][/font] They will now all cause non-trivial amounts of damage to an opponent NPC's [color=#ffe599]Stamina[/color]/Regen or [color=#ffe599]Magicka[/color]/Regen, so a PC has a greater incentive to actually use them.[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]Vanilla Skyrim mistakenly set vendor/NPC [color=#f9cb9c]Spellfreeze[/color] and [color=#f9cb9c]Enervation[/color] potions to respectively have [color=#f9cb9c]Damage Magicka Regen[/color] and [color=#f9cb9c]Damage Stamina Regen[/color] alchemy effects. Since the potions were of no real use, it didn't really matter, and base [b]Requiem[/b] doesn't fix that bug either. Since all of those alchemy effects are now much more useful in [b][color=#f6b26b]R-CAO[/color][/b], [/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]I've fixed the bug in vendor/NPC [color=#f9cb9c]Spellfreeze[/color] and [color=#f9cb9c]Enervation[/color] potions so their name is their effect.[/size][/font][/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]Many rare and difficult to acquire ingredients have identical crafting strengths to base [/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][b]Requiem[/b] for their respective four [/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]potion crafting[/size][/font] effects, although several common ingredients have some of their four potion effect strengths lowered. For[/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3] example, [color=#f9cb9c]snowberries[/color] are just as strong as base [b]Requiem[/b] for crafting [color=#f9cb9c]Icebane[/color] potions (nod to [color=#1e84cc][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11163/?][b]Frostfall[/b][/url][/color]), but the rest of[color=#f9cb9c] snowberry[/color] alchemy crafting effects are weaker. This makes it so an alchemist can't easily create expensive combination[color=#f9cb9c] Icebane/Flamebane/Frostbane/Spiritedness[/color] potions.[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]Having varying potion durations for the same alchemy effect in base [b]Requiem[/b] heavily messes with the ability to price them effectively, as in-game potion gold values are based on a formula of ([[color=#ffe599]Base Alchemy Effect value[/color]] x [color=#ffe599]Magnitude[/color] x [color=#ffe599]Duration[/color]). Crafted potions with longer durations are either worth excessive amounts of gold compared to shorter duration potions with reasonably balanced crafting gold values, or shorter duration potions end up being worth nearly nothing if higher duration potions have well balanced crafting gold values. Furthermore, many vendor/NPC potions vary wildly in duration from crafted potions in base [b]Requiem[/b], which also makes reasonable proportional pricing nearly impossible. This is fixed for all potion types. [/size][/font]
[/size][/font][*][font=Georgia][size=3]Although many are unchanged, several alchemy high gold crafting recipes are lowered in value, while a small number of previously low[/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3] gold crafting recipes are raised. [color=#f9cb9c]Damage Stamina/Magicka Regen, Frenzy, Regeneration, Rigidity, Spiritedness, Spellshield, Ice/Flame/Shockbane[/color], and several other potion recipes -or combinations of them- will no [/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]longer break the game economy. An alchemist PC won't create significant [/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]wealth without seeking out hard to acquire or rare ingredients, or having high alchemy skill and several crafting perks.[color=#ffe599] [/color][color=#dbb0a7][color=#ffe599]Healing, Magicka, and Stamina (HMS)[/color] [/color]potions, as well as some others, have had their crafting [/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]gold values raised to more closely reflect the base gold values that [/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]merchants sell their equivalent potions for, and are now minorly to moderately[/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3] more useful to craft for increasing alchemy experience.[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#f9cb9c]Poisons[/color] that damage [color=#ffe599]Health[/color] or [color=#ffe599]Stamina[/color], as well as [color=#f9cb9c]Tardiness, Paralysis, Fear[/color], and [color=#f9cb9c]Frenzy Poisons[/color], will not effect any being with "100%" or more Poison Resistance. This makes [color=#f9cb9c]Powders of Void, Ice[/color] and [color=#f9cb9c]Flames[/color] meaningful, and the increased yields of those [color=#f9cb9c]Powders[/color] available from this mod are fine tuned to add to a PC narrative and no longer be such a grind.[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]Alchemy merchants -and several others- will now usually sell a moderate quantity of lower tier [color=#ffe599]HMS[/color] potions. This is achieved by significantly lowering the chances that [color=#ffe599]HMS[/color] potions wouldn't spawn at all in base [b]Requiem[/b]. No longer will Arcadia -and several others- taunt you by refusing to sell you [color=#ffe599]Healing[/color] potions while prominently displaying them around their shops.[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]The combined stat benefit of [color=#f9cb9c]Fortified Muscles & Alchemist Intellect[/color] perks now give the PC a +50 buff to each for [color=#ffe599]Health, Magicka, and Stamina[/color], reduced from +100 to each in base [b]Requiem[/b]. The [color=#f9cb9c]Alchemist Intellect[/color] [color=#ffe599]magicka[/color] regeneration buff -as well as the minor spell casting buffs- are unchanged. [/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]The [color=#f9cb9c]Fortified Muscles[/color] [color=#ffe599]Stamina[/color] regeneration buff has been moved to the [color=#f9cb9c]Regeneration[/color] perk, which gives the [color=#f9cb9c]Regeneration[/color] perk a less underwhelming base effect, encouraging a PC to be more drawn to inve[color=#f4f4f4]st[/color][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#f4f4f4] a perk point there[/color].[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]Four of Xarrian's classic perk records are added back to the Alchemy tree, including fine tuned expansions of [color=#f9cb9c]Improved Elixirs[/color], [color=#f9cb9c]Improved Poisons[/color], [color=#f9cb9c]Immunization[/color], and [color=#f9cb9c]Regeneration[/color]. [/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]The [color=#f9cb9c]Alchemy Skill Tree[/color] experience gain rate is doubled when taking the second [color=#f9cb9c]Alchemical Lore[/color] perk, and tripled when taking the third. This works in concert with rebalancing economy breaking gold recipe values, as well as[/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3] removing easy access in early game to expensive combinations of alchemy [/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]recipes. A crafted 50 gold potion with [size=3][b][color=#f6b26b]R-CAO[/color][/b] [/size]can give up to the equivalent experience of a crafted 150 gold potion in base[b] Requiem[/b].[/size][/font]
[*]Grain mills can be used to produce alchemical ingredients.

[color=#f9cb9c]Human Skulls, Troll Skulls, Horker Tusks, Boar Tusks[/color], and [color=#f9cb9c]Goat Horns[/color] can now all be ground down into [color=#f9cb9c]Bone Meal[/color] at any [color=#ffe599]grain mill[/color]. [color=#f9cb9c]Mammoth Tusks[/color] can also now be milled into [color=#f9cb9c]Powdered Mammoth Tusk[/color].[list]
[*]All of the aforementioned bone items can now be broken down at any [color=#ffe599]smelter[/color], though it only gives about half the yield of [color=#ffe599]grain mills[/color] due to [color=#ffe599]smelters[/color] burning away some of the bone material (even less for [color=#f9cb9c]Troll Skulls[/color] with inherent weakness to fire).
[color=#f9cb9c]Red[/color] and [color=#f9cb9c]Blue Glitterdust[/color] can now be produced with slightly higher yield at [color=#ffe599]grain mills[/color] (the base [b]Requiem[/b] [color=#ffe599]smelter[/color] recipe yields are unchanged to reflect slight yield loss due to heat damage).

[color=#f9cb9c]Powders of Flames, Ice[/color], and [color=#f9cb9c]Void[/color], [color=#f9cb9c][color=#ffffff]which require the [/color]Alchemical Lore[/color] perk to produce, can now be produced at [color=#ffe599]grain mills[/color].[list]
[*][color=#f9cb9c]Powder of the [/color][color=#f9cb9c]Void[/color] yields are higher at [color=#ffe599]grain mills[/color]. The base [b]Requiem[/b] [color=#ffe599]smelter[/color] yields for [color=#f9cb9c]Powder of the Void[/color] are unchanged.
[*][color=#f9cb9c]Powder of Ice[/color] yields are slightly lower at [color=#ffe599]smelters[/color] than base [b]Requiem[/b] (heat damages [color=#f9cb9c]Frost Salts[/color]).[color=#f9cb9c] [color=#ffffff]Y[/color][/color]ields are higher at [color=#ffe599]grain mills[/color].
[*][color=#f9cb9c]Powder of Flames[/color] yields are slightly higher at [color=#ffe599]smelters[/color] compared to [color=#ffe599]grain mills[/color] (heat supplements [color=#f9cb9c]Fire Salts[/color]).
[color=#f9cb9c]Ice Wraith Teeth[/color] and [color=#f9cb9c]Essence[/color] can now be used to produce small amounts of [color=#f9cb9c]Powder of Ice[/color] at a [color=#ffe599]grain mill[/color] (or at a [color=#ffe599]smelter[/color] with a lower yield due to heat damage).

[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]All ingredients added by Hearthfire and Dragonborn DLCs are integrated and rebalanced in[color=#ff7700] [/color][color=#f6b26b][b]R-CAO[/b][/color][/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ff7700][color=#ffffff].[/color][/color][/size][/font]

This patch combines well with [b][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/90983]Requiem - Minor Arcana Reborn[/url][/b][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3].

Load [/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][b][font=Georgia][color=#f6b26b][size=3][size=3]Requiem - Classic Alchemy Overhaul[/size][/size][/color][/font][color=#f6b26b].esp[/color][/b] after [b]Requiem.esp[/b] (and before [b]Requiem for the Indifferent.esp[/b] if it exists in your load order).

[font=Georgia][size=3]If using [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/90691]Requiem - Immersive Divine Blessings (R-IDB)[/url][/size][/font]: load [font=Georgia][size=3][b][font=Georgia][color=#f6b26b][size=3][size=3]Requiem - Classic Alchemy Overhaul.esp[/size][/size][/color][/font][/b][/size][/font] before[b] R-IDB [/b]in your load order to get the most out of both mods.[/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/4091255?tab=user+files]Click here to see other [b]Requiem[/b] improvement patches I've made or curate.[/url][/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]

Thanks to Xarrian for [b]Requiem,[/b] Ogerboss and the Requiem team for their continued development, as well as[font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3] zer0morph[/size][/font] and Applesaucez[/size][/font] for their creative ingenuity in inspiring this patch.[/size][/font]

Katia the Merciless Follower now with her own pet - Clawdia the Sabrecat

[b]Description: [/b]A simple follower mod for your travels. She is strong and can use use shout. She wears Dragonbone Bikini Armor and has a dragonbone greatsword.[b] And She is badass enough to tame a Sabrecat! [/b]

Skin: Pride of Valhala with normal maps from Tigersan

[b]New in version 0.5:[/b]

[*][b][size=4][u]Added Katia's pet companion Clawdia the Sabrecat.[/u][/size][/b]
[*]Fixed armor textures for both CBBE and UUNP versions
[*]Added perks to Katia, so now she is stronger than before.
[b]Clawdia: [/b]She is a Snowy Sabrecat and loves Katia. She will follow her to oblivion and back. Player cannot interact with her, that's intentional. After all Katia reserves the right to pet and I wouldn't dare to disagree with her. Clawdia will fight for Katia and follow her everywhere. Sometimes though, she will just sit and rest. Can't help it, after all she is still a cat. (not a bug, I just wanted to use that line lol)

[b]Location: [/b]Sleeping Giant Inn


[*]XP32 Maximum Skeleton -XPMS
[*]HDT Physics

[*][color=#f1f1f1]This is my first mod, so do expect some bugs.[/color]
[*][color=#f1f1f1]Please do not download if you have phobia of muscular ladies[/color]
[*][color=#f1f1f1]There maybe difference in CBBE and UUNP bodies of Katia[/color]
[b]Try my new follower mod:[/b] [/color][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99749]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99749[/url]

[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/1637400?tab=about+me]dracofish[/url] for skin textures
[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2304498]WAST1980[/url] for normal maps
[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/13875685]Zornlux[/url] for providing base preset for this body
[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/1575830]nisetanaka[/url] and honeypopcorn for armor
[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/4559665]Kalilies[/url] for hair
[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2511667]regnbagar[/url] for facial piercings
[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/722261]Tigersan[/url] for normal maps
[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/34058820]Swiggitywashere[/url] for CBBE bodyslide preset

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