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Ancient Winterhold

Ancient Winterhold makes Winterhold's history as the capital of Skyrim more believable, by replacing the original wooden huts with stone buildings and adding a derelict wall. The ruins are also replaced. Unlike the mod [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62289]The Great City of Winterhold[/url], this mod does not expand Winterhold (aside for two half-buried buildings sunken in the snow on the edge of the town), and unlike [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61608]JK's Winterhold[/url], this mod changes the architecture of the buildings in Winterhold. Ancient Winterhold just changes the buildings both inside-and out to more fitting architecture. Due to this, I also renamed the now-stone 'Jarl's Longhouse' to 'Shalidor's Hall'.

[/size][/center][center][size=5][u]New update - Frozen Hearth Update[/u]
[/size][size=5]This update changes the interior of the Frozen Hearth to fit the aesthetic of the exterior of the town, however the 'rent a room' function is not working. Some other details outside of the inn are changed as well, such as the well being replaced by a stone pillar, some fences are now gone, and some roads have been replaced.[/size][/center]

Brutish Argonian Racemenu Preset



Brutish Argonian And Argonian Brute Race-VectorPlexus
[url=https://vectorplexus.com/files/file/5-brutish-argonian-male/]Brutish Argonian
3MW Textures-VectorPlexus
[url=https://vectorplexus.com/files/file/148-sam-3mw-texture-pack/]3MW textures


Improved Eyes of Skyrim-Nezenn
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82588]Imrpoved Eyes of Skyrim[/url]

Argonian Weight slider affected tails-Camkitty

Masculine Argonian for SAM-Fiszi
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76427]Masculine Argonian[/url]

Argonian Raptor Feet-Artifex0
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19283]Argonian Raptor Feet[/url][/center]

Bone Carved Sword - enchanted (low poly)

A craftable sword (steel smithing required) enchanted version of the bone carved sword

A Skyrim Waltz

[center][size=4]This is a 3rd person animation - it won't work in 1st person. This is not a bug, just the nature of the mod.
If you'd like me to extract some poses from these animations for you and upload them, please let me know :).[/size][/center]

[center][color=#ffc000][size=5][b]HARD REQUIREMENTS[/b][/size][/color][/center][center][color=#ffffff][size=4]► [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11811]FNIS[/url] version 7_4_5 or later,
► [url=https://skse.silverlock.org]SKSE[/url] version 1_07_03 or later,
► [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3863]SkyUI[/url] version 5.1 or later.[/size][/color][/center][color=#ffffff]
[center][size=4][color=#ffc000][size=4][b]PARTIALLY INCLUDED[/b][/size][/color][/size][/center][size=4][center][color=#ffffff][size=4]►[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58705]PapyrusUtil[/url] partially included in this mod
[size=3]overwrite if you have an older version, do not overwrite if you already have the latest version installed in your game,[/size]
► [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44596]MfgConsole[/url] partially included in this mod
[size=3]overwrite if you have an older version, do not overwrite if you already have the latest version installed in your game.[/size][/size][/color][/center][line]
[size=4][color=#ffc000][b]A LITTLE BACKSTORY:[/b][/color][/size]

[size=3]Okay, my Dovahkiin is better at ease with a warhammer than a flower bouquet even though he tries to behave like a gentleman (or some rough idea he formed about what that may be), but some female followers have been vehemently complaining: what's the point of all these lovely dresses and cleavaged outfits they can find at the forge if it's to roll around in the mud all day and charge draugrs all night?!.. There must be something more civilized to do in Skyrim than just rob Belethor and murder emperors, right?

Lydia's been looking all around for a proper dancing teacher, other than Cicero that is, but even Elisif had no clue. So, well, she decided to teach my Dovahkiin what she thought it was like, you know, 1,2,3... 1,2,3... can't be that hard, can it? Come on, be a nice Dovahkiin!.. Hoping to prove himself a gentleman, he kindly obliged (in some remote ruin's hidden chamber first, a Dovahkiin should never be laughing matter!). Turns out it's [b][i]very[/i][/b]  hard!.. He sure is stiff in the joints and has absolutely no sense of rythm, but he keeps practising and at least the girls are happy(er) now...

Personal note: this is also my very first animation ever, so yeah, I'm still a bit stiff in the joints too... ;)[/size][line]

[size=3]1. Make sure your install meets this mod's requirements: FNIS, SKSE, SkyUI.
2. Pick and dowload only one main file version: v0.1a if you already have MFGConsole and PapyrusUtil in your game, OR v0.1b if you do not have these mods installed in your game. Then install your main file with any mod manager of your choice - or manually if you know what you're doing,
3. Do not forget to run FNIS for Users before you launch your game,
4. Once in game, a new lesser power will be added to your inventory called "Dovah-Waltz".
5. After a few minutes, you'll get a notification saying that a new MCM menu has been added to your Mod Configuration. One way to speed this up is to immediately reload your loaded save, MCM menu should then appear almost instantly.[/size]
[size=4][color=#ffc000][b]HOW TO:[/b][/color][/size]

[size=3]Once the mod is enabled, a new lesser power called "Dovah-Waltz" will automatically be added to your inventory. When used, it will find the closest actor in front of you and play the animation for as long as you let it play. When you want to end the animation, just press your activate key, and let the "exit" animation play - and that's it. Should you want to instantly end the animation for some reason, press your Jump key instead, this will bypass the exit anim.

The MCM menu will let you change the animation speed (10% slower, 10% faster, or default: honestly no huge difference, this was more of a test thing), customize the animation offset and actors' size, or toggle your Dovah-Waltz power in and out of your inventory to prevent cluttering it when needed. There's also a Debug option you can use, should you ever get stuck for some reason. And you can swap roles: you lead, or you follow (but this comes at the price of a lot of clipping and bad alignments (yeah, 'cause you know, male and female bodies are not exactly interchangeable... ;)).[/size]
[size=4][color=#ffc000][b]CUSTOMIZABLE WALTZ MUSIC:[/b][/color][/size]

[size=3]This mod also adds a music file which'll add some background music to the waltzing animation - default is a wonderful piece by [/size][url=https://vindsvept.bandcamp.com][size=3]Vindsvept[/size][/url][size=3], because of course I couldn't upload a Strauss waltz or Shostakovich's Waltz n°2 which I used in the video. You can replace it with whatever you like to customize that music, there are plenty of waltz music on the Internet, duration doesn't matter as the .esp is set to cycle the track anyway. Just convert your custom file to Xwm format first, rename it "WaltzMusic" and place it in your Data/Music/HoamaiiWaltz folder.

Xwm are way preferable as .wav are known to occasionally cause CTDs. You can use [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3159]MultiXwm[/url] to convert your .mp3 or .wav files to .xwm (and please endorse this precious tool).[/size]
[size=4][color=#ffc000][b]QUESTIONS AND POTENTIAL ISSUES: PLEASE READ[/b][/color][/size]

[size=3][b]1. Why do my toons resize in animations?[/b]

Because all movements are created frame by frame and bone by bone in 3DS, for BOTH actors, and if actors are not the same height, they will never align properly in game.
By default, both actors will rescale to a base of 1.0. You can however adjust this value in the MCM menu - just make sure to scale them both with an even multiplier.

Mods which modify actors' scales outside the scope of the CK can mess up the rescaling native functions. These are mods like RaceMenu (which I use too and gets along fine with custom animations as long as you do not modify actors' heights or scales in RaceMenu), NiOverride functions (which I use too, but not to modify actors' scales), some custom skeletons (but not all) and HDT High Heels. On the other hand, mods which modify actors' scales or heights directly inside the game system and the CK, like Gender And Heights for instance, are completely safe.

[b]2. Why do some body parts still clip while playing the animation?[/b]

I can assure you they don't in 3DS. This is a limitation from the game engine, causing small misalignments at runtime: even though the script rescales and positions both actors very precisely and both actors' animations are called simultaneously, there's always a split second difference and a few unit's fractions misplacement in game due to the game's limited floating point precision, which become even more noticeable as the actors move around - and the more script lag in your game, the worse it gets. Nothing I can do about it I'm afraid.

Of course, this will get even worse if your body type inflates boobs or butts or whatever you think the bigger the better. This was created with the most "natural looking" body types I could find (Better Males and Dream Girl at bodyslide 1, both Vanilla skeleton), it will look fine with Vanilla, UNP, original CBBE, Dream Girl, FavoredSoul and Sundracon.

[b]3. Animation glitches and potential conflicts:[/b]

Mods which modify your camera, FOV, perspective, settings, or some custom skeletons, may cause all sorts of issues with animations. It's your game, your install, your load order, it's up to you to understand the stress you're adding to it all and investigate your issues. Even if I wanted to help, I don't use such mods and I really have no time to dig through them all. Just keep in mind that this mod works perfectly fine in a conflictless install.

[b]4. Hey Hoamaii, please change/patch/add/convert/port/create...?[/b]

Nope, sorry. 2 actors, 99 bones per actor and per frame, over 2500 frames in total, plus I have a lot on my plate already: why don't you do it?[/size]
[size=3][color=#ffc000][b]SPECIAL THANKS:[/b][/color][/size]
[size=3]- [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/users/8120][size=3]Fore[/size][/url][size=3] for his amazing [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11811][size=3]FNIS[/size][/url][size=3],
- [/size][url=http://www.loverslab.com/topic/39996-3ds-max-skyrim-video-animation-tutorial/][size=3]Pornphile[/size][/url][size=3] for his very precious tutorials, rigs and tools,
- [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/users/26412789][size=3]CEO[/size][/url][size=3] for putting together his tutorials,
- [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/5355250][size=3]mastercchris aka Zaz[/size][/url][size=3] and [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/1179663][size=3]Kentington[/size][/url][size=3] for creating and sharing their paired animation rigs and tutorials,
- [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3325399][size=3]Migal130[/size][/url][size=3] for sharing his animation scripting insights,
- [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3324848][size=3]Bergzore[/size][/url][size=3] for his [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35941][size=3]Animation Lectures and Resources[/size][/url][size=3],
- [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3076419][size=3]Nightasy[/size][/url][size=3] as always for his wonderful tutorials which got me started with 3DS Max,
- and last but not least, [/size][url=https://vindsvept.bandcamp.com][size=3]Vindsvept[/size][/url][size=3] for sharing his musical creations which have been acompanying me through many years of modding,
- I also want to thank Bethesda, not only for creating an everlasting game, but even more so for giving us the Creation Kit which enticed me to finally get under the hood of a game. I've learnt a lot from these amazing sandboxes: 3D modeling, texturing, coding, character creation, quest design, and lately animating... The fun never ends!
- The Nexus, for gathering such an amazing community of modders always willing to share their experience, their secrets and findings, and lend a helpful hand. Cheers to you, guys!. [/size]
[size=3][color=#1e84cc][b]TOOLS USED:[/b][/color][/size][list][*][size=3] 3DS Max[/size]
[*][size=3] HavokContentTools[/size]
[*][size=3] PEN_Attribute_Holder[/size]
[*][size=3] Pornphile 3DS Max XPMS rigs[/size]
[*][size=3] Zaz resource for modders[/size]
[*][size=3] Hktcnv[/size]
[*][size=3] Hkxcmd[/size]
[*][size=3] FNIS for modders[/size]
[*][size=3] FNIS for users[/size]
[*][size=3] SKSE[/size]
[*][size=3] MCM[/size]
[*][size=3] MfgConsole[/size]
[*][size=3] PapyrusUtil[/size]
[*][size=3] MultiXwm[/size]
[*][size=3] TES5edit[/size]
[*][size=3] Audition[/size]
[*][size=3] Première[/size]
[*][size=3] Photoshop[/size]
[*][size=3] Papyrus[/size]
[*][size=3] NotePad++[/size]
[*][size=3] Skyrim Creation Kit[/size]
[size=4][color=#ffc000][b]SOME OF MY OTHER MODS:[/b][/color][/size]

[/size][/color][center][color=#ffc000][b][size=4]Do not upload to any other website than the Nexus or use any of this mod's created assets
without asking my permission first. Thank you.[/size][/b][/color][/center][line]

A Skyrim Kiss

[center][size=4]Adds a togglable spell which lets you hug and kiss any human NPC nearby.
This is a custom 3rd person animation - won't work in 1st person. It's not a bug, just the nature of the mod.
I'll be adding later some extracted poses from this anim for those of you who like them.[/size][/center]

[center][youtube]hf4Vcgw23p8[/youtube][/center][center]Quick and dirty video montage from my early tests, stuttering is [i]not [/i]included in the anim (due to %#@*! FRAPS hijacking my FPS!).
The animations have been completely polished since then - I'll eventually do a cleaner video later on.[/center]
[center][color=#ffc000][size=5][b]- HARD REQUIREMENTS -[/b][/size][/color][/center][center][color=#ffffff][size=4]► [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11811]FNIS[/url] version 7_4_5 or later,
► [url=https://skse.silverlock.org]SKSE[/url] version 1_07_03 or later,
► [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3863]SkyUI[/url] version 5.1 or later.[/size][/color][/center][color=#ffffff]
[center][color=#ffc000][size=4][b]- PARTIALLY INCLUDED -
not necessary if you already use my [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99688]Skyrim Waltz[/url] mod[/b][/size][/color][/center][/color][center][color=#ffffff][size=4]► [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58705]PapyrusUtil[/url] partially included in Kiss v0.1b
[size=3]use this version if you do not have PapyrusUtil installed in your game - or overwrite if you have an older version,[/size]
► [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44596]MfgConsole[/url] partially included in Kiss v0.1b
[size=3]use this version if you do not have MfgConsole installed in your game.[/size][/size][/color][/center][line]

[size=3]No idea this'd end up as "adult" content, really. I just happened to watch the old movie 'Ghost' while I was struggling at my Waltz animation and I thought that'd be some good inspiration for another anim, maybe a warmer 'welcome home' for the Dovahkiin when he returns from risking his butt out there. 'Turned out like this, more romantic than sexual I thought, but hey, who am I to tell, I'm only French, right? ;)

I know there are tons of kissing anims for Skyrim out there, and I'm still a complete rookie at making animations, so bear with me, ok? It's been completely repolished since I captured that fracking video (heck, guys, one of you is gonna have to advise me on video capture apps for PC, mine is a voracious monster of an FPS eater!..). Hands and heads moves completely redone too, to make sure this plays well with smaller female hands like Skyrim's. And facial expressions better tuned. It's still probably full of mistakes though - I'll fix them as I keep learning.

Anyway, I hope you have fun with this - and yeah, since I'm now uploading stuff with an adult-only tag, I might very well loosen up a bit in some future anims - while still trying to be a bit more romantic and tender, why not?..

[size=3]1. Make sure your install meets this mod's requirements: FNIS, SKSE, SkyUI.
2. Pick and download only one main file version: v0.1a if you already have MfgConsole and PapyrusUtil in your game, OR v0.1b if you do not have these tools installed in your game. If you are also using my "Skyrim Waltz" mod, v0.1a is all you need.
Then install your main file with any mod manager of your choice - or manually if you know what you're doing,
3. Do not forget to [b]run FNIS for Users[/b] before you launch your game for the first time after installing the mod,
4. Once in game, a new lesser power will be added to your inventory called "Dovah-Kiss".
5. After a few minutes, you'll get a notification saying that a new MCM menu has been added to your Mod Configuration. One way to speed this up is to immediately reload your loaded save, MCM menu should then appear almost instantly.[/size]
[size=4][color=#ffc000][b]HOW TO:[/b][/color][/size]

[size=3]Once the mod is enabled, a new [b]lesser power[/b] called [b]"Dovah-Kiss"[/b] will automatically be added to your inventory. When used, it will find the closest human actor in front of you and play the animation for as long as you let it play. When you want to [b]end the animation[/b], just press your [b]Activate key[/b], and let the "exit" animation play - and that's it. Should you want to instantly end the animation for some reason, press your Jump key instead, this will bypass the exit states.

The MCM menu will let you customize a few features:
- animation offsets (default is 0.0),
- customize actors rescaling multiplier (default is 1.0),
- customize actors' position above the ground if need be,
- toggle on and off the facial animations,
- toggle the Dovah-Kiss lesser power in and out of your magic inventory to prevent cluttering it,
- you can also swap sex roles if you wish [size=3] (but this comes at the price of clipping and bad alignments (yeah, 'cause you know, male and female bodies are not exactly interchangeable... ;)).[/size]

There's also a Debug option which comes very handy if you forget to toggle out of free camera before you exit the animation.[/size]
[size=4][color=#ffc000][b]QUESTIONS AND POTENTIAL ISSUES: PLEASE READ[/b][/color][/size]

[size=3][b]1. Why do my toons resize in animations?[/b]

Because movements are created frame by frame and bone by bone in 3DS, for BOTH actors, and if actors are not the same height, they will never align properly in game. By default, both actors will rescale to a base of 1.0. You can however adjust this value in the MCM menu - just make sure to scale them both with an even multiplier. [color=#ffffff][size=3]You can also adjust actors' position relative to the ground to better tune positions.[/size][/color]

Mods which modify actors' scales outside the scope of the CK can mess up the rescaling native functions. These are mods like RaceMenu (which I use too and gets along fine with custom animations as long as you do not modify actors' heights or scales in RaceMenu), NiOverride functions (which I use too, but not to modify actors' scales), some custom skeletons (but not all) and HDT High Heels - but there again, if you unequip high heels before the animation, actors will be properly aligned.
On the other hand, mods which modify actors' scales or heights directly inside the game system and the CK, like Gender And Heights for instance, are completely safe with rescaling functions.

[b]2. Why do some body parts still clip while playing the animation?[/b]

I can assure you they don't in 3DS. This is a limitation from the game engine, causing small misalignments at runtime: even though the script rescales and positions both actors very precisely and both actors' animations are called simultaneously, there's always a split second difference and a few unit's fractions misplacement in game due to the game's limited floating point precision - and the more script latency or lag in your game, the worse it gets. Nothing I can do about it I'm afraid.

Of course, this will get even worse if your body type inflates boobs or butts or whatever you think the bigger the better. This was created with the most "natural looking" body types I could find (Better Males and Dream Girl at bodyslide 1, both Vanilla skeleton), it will look fine with Vanilla, UNP, original CBBE, Dream Girl, FavoredSoul and Sundracon.

[b]3. Facial animations:[/b]

The ones I chose and scripted work well with Vanilla meshes and .tri but they may occasionally look odd when you use custom meshes and/or custom .tri files, so you can disable them in the MCM menu if you want.

[b]4. Animation glitches and potential conflicts:[/b]

Mods which modify your camera, FOV, perspective, settings, or some custom skeletons, may cause all sorts of issues with animations. It's your game, your install, your load order, it's up to you to understand the stress you're adding to it all and investigate your issues. Even if I wanted to help, I don't use such mods and I really have no time to dig through them all. Just keep in mind that this mod works perfectly fine in a conflictless install.

[b]5. Hey Hoamaii, please change/patch/add/convert/port/create...?[/b]

Nope, sorry. 2 actors, 99 bones per actor and per frame, over 2500 frames in total, plus I have a lot on my plate already: why don't you do it?[/size]
[size=3][color=#ffc000][b]SPECIAL THANKS:[/b][/color][/size]
[size=3]- [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/users/8120][size=3]Fore[/size][/url][size=3] for his amazing [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11811][size=3]FNIS[/size][/url][size=3],
- [/size][url=http://www.loverslab.com/topic/39996-3ds-max-skyrim-video-animation-tutorial/][size=3]Pornphile[/size][/url][size=3] for his very precious tutorials, rigs and tools,
- [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/users/26412789][size=3]CEO[/size][/url][size=3] for putting together his tutorials,
- [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/5355250][size=3]mastercchris aka Zaz[/size][/url][size=3] and [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/1179663][size=3]Kentington[/size][/url][size=3] for creating and sharing their paired animation rigs and tutorials,
- [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/users/1024728][size=3]Kaeper[/size][/url][size=3] for his [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44596]MfgConsole[/url] add-on,
- [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3325399][size=3]Migal130[/size][/url][size=3] for sharing his animation scripting insights,
- [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3324848][size=3]Bergzore[/size][/url][size=3] for his [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35941][size=3]Animation Lectures and Resources[/size][/url][size=3],
- [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3076419][size=3]Nightasy[/size][/url][size=3] as always for his wonderful tutorials which got me started with 3DS Max,
- and last but not least, [/size][url=https://vindsvept.bandcamp.com][size=3]Vindsvept[/size][/url][size=3] for sharing his musical creations which have been acompanying me through many years of modding,
- I also want to thank Bethesda, not only for creating an everlasting game, but even more so for giving us the Creation Kit which enticed me to finally get under the hood of a game. I've learnt a lot from these amazing sandboxes: 3D modeling, texturing, coding, character creation, quest design, and lately animating... The fun never ends!
- The Nexus, for gathering such an amazing community of modders always willing to share their experience, their secrets and findings, and lend a helpful hand. Cheers to you, guys!. [/size]
[size=3][color=#1e84cc][b]TOOLS USED:[/b][/color][/size][list][*][size=3] 3DS Max[/size]
[*][size=3] HavokContentTools[/size]
[*][size=3] PEN_Attribute_Holder[/size]
[*][size=3] Pornphile 3DS Max XPMS rigs[/size]
[*][size=3] Zaz resource for modders[/size]
[*][size=3] Hktcnv[/size]
[*][size=3] Hkxcmd[/size]
[*][size=3] FNIS for modders[/size]
[*][size=3] FNIS for users[/size]
[*][size=3] SKSE[/size]
[*][size=3] MCM[/size]
[*][size=3] MfgConsole[/size]
[*][size=3] PapyrusUtil[/size]
[*][size=3] MultiXwm[/size]
[*][size=3] TES5edit[/size]
[*][size=3] Audition[/size]
[*][size=3] Première[/size]
[*][size=3] Photoshop[/size]
[*][size=3] Papyrus[/size]
[*][size=3] NotePad++[/size]
[*][size=3] Skyrim Creation Kit[/size]
[size=4][color=#ffc000][b]SOME OF MY OTHER MODS:[/b][/color][/size]

[center][color=#ffc000][b][size=4]Do not upload to any other website than the Nexus or use any of this mod's created assets
without asking my permission first. Thank you.[/size][/b][/color][/center][line]

Nord Dual-Wield Warrior - RaceMenu preset


[url=https://vectorplexus.com/files/file/10-sam-%E2%80%94-shape-atlas-for-men/]SAM by VectorPlexus[/url]
[url=https://vectorplexus.com/files/file/148-sam-3mw-texture-pack/]3MW Textures by VectorPlexus[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29624]Racemenu by Expired[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3252]Wearable Tsun armor by ANB[/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30411]
[/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30411]Brows By Hvergelmer[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28363]Beards by Hvergelmer[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13722]The eyes of beauty[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27815]Fine Face men textures by Urshi[/url][/center][center][/center]

Screaming Quagsire - An Unrelenting Force Shout Audio Replacer

[center][i]Ever had one of those days where you just need to do is shout at the world and not worry about the consequences?
Do you feel that when you do your upgraded Unrelenting Force Shout, it's missing that guttural vocal punch? Not really reflecting your true feelings?
You want to experience Skyrim with the voice of a screaming Pokemon from that one short viral video on Twitter and want to harness that to rip apart bandits, giants and Nazeem?[/i][/center]

[center][/center][center]Now this is your chance to finally become the Quagsire the Dragonborn has never really thought to be!


[center][u][size=3]Follow Tom Fawkes[/size][/u]

Based on [url=https://twitter.com/TomFawkes/status/976604455985664000]the tweet[/url] from YouTuber Tom Fawkes, you too can now become the Pokemon Quagsire and use your Unrelenting Force to truly reflect all you are currently feeling about the world. Really give it to them as you take in a deep breath and unleash a scream that can tear through the land, letting everyone know about that pent up anger, frustration, or whatever that goes through a Quagsire's head. You can also give a quick scream to scare off anyone that gets in your way, or need one quick burst after someone took your sweet roll. (Just don't do Fus Ro, the game never seems to like doing the middle shout...)

The mod is a simple audio replacer for Unrelenting Force, quickly made to be used for Tom Fawkes' current run in modded Skyrim as Swoley the Elf. This has expanded to the other races to allow others to have the chance to use this silly idea in their own game. The idea itself did start out when first playing Skyrim during the opening cutscene, with a well placed donation during Alduin's attack and finally came into fruition after one small discussion on a Mario Kart 8 Deluxe stream. Nothing really else to it other than replacing the sound bites, giving a slight reverb to match the other shouts and then copying the files to have everyone else to have it.

This only replaces the Shout for playable characters (and any modded followers that use the game's vanilla voices and can use Shouts). I did not replace the Draugrs' files (asked about it, but was asked otherwise) and any Dragon's usage of the Shout. While there is a version for all shout commands (Fus, Fus Ro, Fus Ro Dah), you're more than likely will be using either Fus or the full Fus Ro Dah. I did Fus Ro so it doesn't feel incomplete in the sense (even if I basically use Fus for Ro).

And yes, all PC females will sound like a man when doing this Shout. It just adds to the silliness of it.

[i]Loose[/i]: Wherever you have Skyrim installed, go to your Data folder and drop the Sound folder right in the Data folder. Everything else should go right into place.

This will replace whatever you currently use for Unrelenting Force, so whatever Shout mod you have will not play the file. This should not affect any other Shout files you have besides your Unrelenting Force.

Original Idea - TomFawkes
Pokemon - (C) Nintendo, GameFreak, The Pokemon Company
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - (C) Bethesda Studio

Argonian Brutish Racemenu preset


Brutish Argonian And Argonian Brute Race-VectorPlexus
[url=https://vectorplexus.com/files/file/5-brutish-argonian-male/]Brutish Argonian

[/url]Male Dragonic Argonian Texture (4k)
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76127]Male dragonic argonian texture


Improved Eyes of Skyrim-Nezenn
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82588]Imrpoved Eyes of Skyrim
Argonian Weight slider affected tails-Camkitty

Argonian Raptor Feet-Artifex0
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19283]Argonian Raptor Feet[/url]


A Link to the Past Inspired Master Sword

I present an inspired Master Sword by Brandon Matyas. With his permission, it was allowed to be ported over here into Skyrim. According to Brandon, the design of the sword is an amalgamation of all the Master Sword designs; though they also wanted to keep it somewhat close to the original design. 

Unfortunatly I couldn't find a good place for it to be placed and spawned in the world, so it's craftable at forges. I recommend it be made at the Skyforge in Whiterun (don't ask me why, I just like making all my stuff there so it's just my opinion so you don't have to follow it if you don't want to just make it at any forge.)


Damage - 36
Weight - 10
Value - 2,750
50% chance for each element of fire, frost, and shock to do 33 points of damage.

To make it at a Forge, you'll need 2 Steel Ingots, 2 Refined Moonstone, Leather Strips, and a Quicksilver Ingot.


Scarlett - Vampire Standalone Follower

[/b]Light Amor and 1H Melee with vampire drain
[u][b][color=#ff0000][Share your screenshots][/color][/b][/u]
 Feel free to add any images for this mod. 
[color=#ff0000][u][b][Whiterun, Bannered Mare][/b][/u][/color][/size][size=6]
[b][u][color=#ff0000]Optional: Normal ears size[/color][/u][/b]
rxkx22- Bijin skin UNP
Kalilies and Stealthic - KS Hairdos
Blessed Redux Project team - UNP BLESSED BODY
HeroedeLeyenda - All In One HDT ANIMATED
Stephanie - Lux Brows
RaceMenu - Expired
Groovtama and Daymarr - XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended 
Ousnius and Caliente - BodySlide and Outfit Studio
Lind001 - Lind's Human Eyes
MassiveMaster/zhoulia - llygaid Eye Improver
fadingsignal - Improved Eye Reflections and Cube Map
Yevvie - YMMP Makeup

Tjanao Follower

Tjanao is a nice cutie Standalone Follower

Noelle or Samus Aran (METROID) - Standalone Follower

[center][size=6][u][color=#ff0000][b](I did not include the zero suit for Samus)[/b][/color][/u]
[color=#00ffff][u][b][For Skyrim SE: Look at the Sticky post: Port by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/3743885]ff7legend[/url]]

[Share your screenshots][/b][/u][/color][/size]
[size=6]I'll be highly appreciated to see any screenshots under this mod from you, feel free to add any images for this mod. [/size][size=1]
[/size][u][color=#00ffff][size=6][b][u][b][color=#00ffff][Noelle or Samus]
[/color][/b][/u][/b][/size][/color][/u](or both if you like)
[b][color=#00ffff][Riften, Bee and Barb][/color][/b][/u][/size][size=6]
rxkx22- Bijin skin UNP
Kalilies and Stealthic - KS Hairdos 
saLa and tktk - saLa Hair
My HairMix
Blessed Redux Project team - UNP BLESSED BODY
HeroedeLeyenda - All In One HDT ANIMATED
 Stephanie - LuxBrows
Expired - RaceMenu
Groovtama and Daymarr - XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended 
Ousnius and Caliente - BodySlide and Outfit Studio
Lind001 - Lind's Human Eyes
ScrollTron1c - FAMOUS Fitness And Muscle
tktk - Cute Eyes 
yevvie - YMMP

Taina - Standalone Healer Follower

[center][font=Verdana][size=4][/size][/font][/center][center][size=5]Tainá Follower[/size]

[size=3]Standalone Follower inspired on tribal women.[/size]


[font=Verdana]Race: Nord
Level: 25
Class: Healer/Mage
Skills: Archery/Destruction/Restoration
Location: Falkreath exterior (Near the tower)


[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311/?tab=posts]Kalilies and Stealthic - KS Hairdos[/url] 

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35327]SG Female Eyebrows[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2209393]hellosanta[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35267]SG Female Textures Renewal[/url] by  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2209393]hellosanta[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13722]The Eyes of Beauty - [/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/308756]LogRaam[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709/][/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2666]Caliente_ Ousnius e Jeir - belos corpos de Caliente Edição -CBBE- [/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/537675][/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30411]Hvergelmir - Brows [/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709/]Corpo feminino DIMONIZADO UNP[/url] by dimon99


[size=3]My other Mods

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98870]Vandfald Cottage - A Player Home[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99576]Camilla Valerius Replacer[/url]

[/size][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98464][size=3]Elena Standalone Follower

[/size][/url][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98109]Valkyria Follower (Jordis Option)[/url][/size][size=3]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97616]Sea Dragon - A player Home Ship[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97309]Ahlalia Standalone Redguard Follower[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97078]Blue Palace Overhaul[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/96493]Katheryn Follower (Serana Replacer Option)[/url][/size]



Gloomreach Retreat (Player House)

[b][size=6]Gloomreach Retreat[/size]
[size=5][b]A player house near Gloomreach, south-east of Markarth.[/b][/size]

[size=3]This mod adds a player house that will be used in my upcoming Morthal overhaul. It is made out of entirely unique meshes and textures.

[*][size=3]Make a save far away from Gloomreach.[/size]
[*][size=3]Extract the downloaded archive to your Skyrim/Data folder and activate the .esp.[/size]
[*][size=3]Optionally, run TES5LODGen, if you wish to be able to see the house from afar.[/size]
[center]-----------------------------------------------------------[/center][b]Follow my project on [url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUiduKlXdfHRCCH_2CMu2CA?view_as=subscriber]YouTube[/url], [url=https://www.instagram.com/redbagmods/]Instagram[/url], [url=https://www.facebook.com/RedBagMods]Facebook[/url], [url=https://twitter.com/RedBagMods]Twitter[/url] and [url=https://redbagmods.tumblr.com]Tumblr[/url]![/b][/size]

Ray's 4k Field Grass 02

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29656/]SE Version[/url]

Enjoy :)

Realm of Lorkhan - Freeform Alternate Start - LE

Converted by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/32760440?tab=user+files]Oracus0[/url], creator of the 'Daggerfall in Skyrim' mod!

~==~==~ REALM OF LORKHAN ~==~==~[/center]
'Realm of Lorkhan' revitalizes the entry to the game, by providing you with a gorgeous otherworldly "character creation area".

This mod replaces the game's original execution cutscene. Instead, you are transported to the "Realm of Lorkhan" as soon as you press NEW GAME. Within, you'll select your equipment, a birthstone, and a location to begin the game from. You may also optionally choose a class, such as Bard, Pilgrim, or Knight.

Should you become a common farmer? Or an apprentice at the mages' college? Perhaps a common smith? A mercenary? Herbalist? It's all up to you.

Prepare for your adventures by speaking to the merchants in Lorkhan, who sell clothing, armors, weapons, potions, scrolls, and other essential goods. You begin with only 500 gold. Maybe you'll squander it, to start out poor. Otherwise, you may gather items from within the Realm, should you wish to start richer.

When you are ready to begin the game, touch one of several gems, each taking you to a vastly different area of the game world. You may also return to the Realm of Lorkhan by returning to the gem where you began (although you cannot fast-travel back there).

Where should you begin? The mages' College of Winterhold? A humble home? The border to Cyrodiil? In the caverns of Blackreach? The fall forests of Riften? The green woods of Falkreath? If you have an idea for another location, let me know! I'll check back every so often to add the most highly requested ones.

It's all up to you! Play the game exactly how you like, from the very beginning. Create your own character, with limitless possibilities.

I hope you enjoy, and that this mod brings you the exact sort of adventure you're looking for!


Enjoy what I'm doing to Skyrim modding?
Buy me a coffee, and keep me fueled up!

If you deeply enjoy my mods, consider pledging on Patreon.




[/b]Realm of Lorkhan keeps the main quest intact, but does not start the character with it in their quest log. This enables you to become the Dragonborn if you choose, but does not force that path upon you. You can begin by visiting Whiterun and sharing news about a recent dragon attack in Helgen. Helgen is aflame in this mod.

You also begin without an allegiance for the Civil War, and may start that quest line upon visiting Jarl Ulfric or General Tullius. You will have no predisposition towards either Hadvar or Ralof.

This mod starts you out with nothing in your quest log! You begin play with an entirely blank slate, save for quests that other mods have added. I'm very pleased with what I was able to do here, and I think it'll benefit your sandbox-style play immensely![b]

[*]Nightgate Inn
[*]Shor's Stone
[*]Solitude (Behind Bard's College)
[*]College of Winterhold (On the Bridge)
[*]Riften Forest
[*]Falkreath Forest (Burned Caravan)
[*]Cyrodiil Border (Near Pale Pass)
[*]Wreck of the Brinehammer (Near Dawnstar)
[b]Standing Stones[/b]
[/b]All the standing stones may be found within the Realm, in addition to throughout Skyrim. This allows you to pick a starting sign, if you so choose. They can be found mostly on the ring surrounding the Realm, though some are on the central island. Keep an eye out, and wander around, and you will soon find the one you want most.
[/b][b]Boons and Curses[/b]
Boons, curses, and classes are customized permanent modifications you can make to your character. You can add them at any time, even after character creation, by returning to the Realm of Lorkhan.They can all be found beside an ethereal pool in the Realm.
Boons (Positive Blessings):[/b]
- Boon of the Cat (1/2 fall damage)
- Boon of the Poisoner (+10 strikes per poison applied)
- Boon of the Pugilist (+20 unarmed damage)
- Boon of the Sinistral (+20% left-handed attack speed)
- Voice of the Sky (animals do not attack or flee from you [unless attacked])
- Bardic Knowledge (summon a spectral drum to give extra stamina regeneration)

[b]Curses (Negative Blessings):[/b]
- Curse of Antimagicka (-100% magicka regeneration)
- Curse of Generosity (you sell items for half of their regular amount)
- Curse of the Slow Learner (-33% skill experience gain)
- Curse of the Unlucky (enemies get 10% chance to critically hit you)

These are customized permanent modifications that you may choose to add to your character. They use the same dynamic as Boons and Curses, and can be found at the same place. You can choose any number of classes, combining them as you wish (eg. Mage + Knight = Battlemage). These are entirely optional, but I find that they help when going for a particular style of play.

[b]Here are the existing classes:[/b]
- Class: Acrobat (+5% movement speed, +20% melee damage reflected to enemies, +20% stamina regeneration)
- Class: Archer (+10% attack speed, +20% time slowdown during aiming)
- Class: Barbarian (+30 natural armor, regenerate health in combat, +20% health regeneration)
- Class: Bard (+10% critical chance, +10 speech power [not fortify])
- Class: Healer (+20 restoration power [not fortify], +20 alchemy power [not fortify])
- Class: Knight (+20% health regeneration, +20% magic resist against hostile spells)
- Class: Mage (+100 magicka, +20% magicka regeneration)

BTG Creation Kit.ini For Dummies

[center][/center][center] [b][color=#ffff00][size=6]Skyrim Editor ini[/size]

[/color][size=3][color=#ffff00]This mod adds many many changes to the skyrimeditor.ini that WILL reduce lag, load times and crashes![/color]

[/size][color=#ffff00]Many of the fixes and changes to this ini have never been publicized and/or I found them on my own.[/color]
[color=#ffff00]I focused on finding a solution to the constant lag I was experiencing while creating dungeons and/or doing exterior design.[/color]
[color=#ffff00]Basically my solution was to remove unnecessary settings and cut all resolutions in half [/color]

[color=#ffff00]These changes include:[/color]

[color=#e06666][spoiler]This option reduces crashes by 90%
but will cause a harmless crash whenever you close the CK[/spoiler][/color]



[color=#ffff00][Image Space][/color]
[color=#ffff00]bDoRadialBlur =0[/color]
[color=#ffff00]bDoDepthOfField =0[/color]



[color=#ffff00]bDisplayLODTrees =0[/color]
[color=#ffff00]bDisplayLODBuildings =0[/color]



[color=#ffff00]iAutoSave Time=5 



Gronn (WoW Creature Series pt.2)

[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3]"The Gronn are a race of immense, brutal giants native to Highrock and Skyrim. They're part of the goblin-kin family and are considered Malacath's choosen race, next to Orcs. They are descendants of Magnaron and the ancient colossals and the ancestors of Ogron, Ogres and other Goblin-kin, the former of which fear the Gronn. The Gronn are feared by most, even the Dragons think twice before attacking the Gronn due to their immense size and physical might."

"Gronn are half-flesh, half-stone giants. During the early days of Tamriel, these massive predators stalked the edges of the wilds, terrorizing lesser life-forms and devouring anything they could find, They've also taken a liking to hunting dragons for sport piering them on literal trees that they use as pikes as a show of strength and to keep other Gronn out of their territories."

"Though only moderately intelligent, the Gronn are exceptional hunters, using the jagged spikes protruding from their skin as weapons to kill their
prey while their rocky plates function as armor to protect them from
other dangerous creatures."

They're native to High Rock, but they were once a common sight in Skyrim Hunting Mammoths and Dragons alike and anything they could find to prey on. After the dragons wars, the Dragons started to decline in numbers, being hunted off as well as the Gronn, leaving the Gronn extinct in Skyrim entirely forcing them to be be pushed back to the farthest reaches of high rock wilderness.

When the Dragons resurfaced, some of them started expanding Beyond Skyrim. Believing that the Gronn were to be extinct by this time, they flew into High Rock to claim territory for themselves only to be pushed back by the Gronn, And now the Gronn are venturing back into Skyrim, hunting the Dragons for sport just like in the ancient days."[/size][/font]

You can find most of them in western Skyrim, specifically in the reach, but you'll also find a couple of them in the western plains. There are 5 variants of Gronn that is ;

Regular Gronn
Gronn Hunters
Gronn Grand Hunters
Gronn Dragon Hunters
& The Gronn Dragon Slayer

They hit very hard and throw tree logs at you so bring a lot of arrows!

They come with custom sound and loot and some have treasure chests nearby.

They're all hand placed so you don't have to worry about leveled lists!

there's only one issue, but it's not that big of a deal, when you kill them and try to resurrect them through the command console, they won't get up, this can easily solved by clicking on the npc and type in 'disable' and then 'enable' no problems at all, they'll re spawn normally as well.

[font=Comic Sans MS][color=#6aa84f][size=3]Link to my discord channel:


Mark of Arkay - Death Alternative

[color=orange][size=5][b]Mark of Arkay - Death Alternative[/b][/size][/color]
Skyrim Special Edition version available [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/11540/?]here[/url].

[/size][color=#ff0000][b]Update to version 3 requires starting a new game.


[color=#d8d8d8][size=3]When you lose all of your health, a Menu will appear and asks you which one of these items you want to trade to restore your health. When you don't have enough items or when you choose nothing from the menu, depending on the settings either you die, respawn or the game will exit to the main menu. [/size][/color]

[*][b][size=3][color=#00ffff]Arkay marks[/color] [/size][/b][i][color=#d8d8d8][size=2]a dark stone that can be found in the loot.[/size][/color][/i]
[*][b][color=#00ffff][size=3]Filled grand soul gems[/size][/color][/b]
[*][b][color=#00ffff][size=3]Filled black soul gems[/size][/color][/b]
[*][b][color=#00ffff][size=3][b]Dragon souls[/b][/size][/color][/b]
[color=#d8d8d8][size=3]You can disable or change the required amount for each item in the mcm menu or set it to zero for cheating.
[color=#d8d8d8]If you don't want to see the menu, you can disable it and trade items automatically, based on their priority. When the menu is disabled,[/color] items with higher priority will be removed first. If two or more items have the same priority, one of them will be chosen randomly. You can change their priority and other settings from the MCM menu.[/size][/color][color=#d8d8d8]
[size=3][color=#d8d8d8]You can revive yourself without trading by using one of these Items:[/color]

[size=3][b][/b][/size][*][b][b][size=3][color=#00ffff]Scroll of revival[/color]  [/size][/b][/b][i][color=#d8d8d8][size=2]If you cast it, you will be revived automatically for one minute.[/size][/color][/i]
[*][b][color=#00ffff][size=3]Scroll of sacrifice  [/size][/color][/b][i][color=#d8d8d8][size=2]If you cast it on an NPC that satisfies its conditions, that NPC will die instead of you for 30 secs.[/size][/color][/i]
[*][b][size=3][color=#00ffff]Healing Potion[/color]  [/size][/b][i][color=#d8d8d8][size=2]When your health drops to zero, You have 6 seconds to open your inventory and revive yourself with healing potions.[/size][/color][/i]
[size=3][color=#00ffff][b]Spell[/b][/color][color=#d8d8d8] versions of the scrolls of revival and sacrifice and other spells can be bought from the priest of arkay in Falkreath.[/color]

[color=#d8d8d8][color=#d8d8d8]You can choose to lose some or all of your items, skills or be cursed by arkay before respawning. If you enable this option based on the enabled options you can take back your items or remove the curse by killing the NPC who stoled your items, activating a grand soul gem or your character's dead body which is placed where you died, reviving yourself by sacrificing someone or from a chest boss inside one of the dungeons in the game. [/color][color=#d8d8d8][size=3]You can also toggle losing your items or skills permanently whenever you respawn before finding them.

[color=#d8d8d8]You can choose to be infected with a cursed version of the vanilla [/color][color=#00ffff][b]diseases[/b][/color][color=#d8d8d8] that could progress to more severe versions and could only be cured by paying to an arkay priest.

You can limit the number of times you can respawn when not paying for revival and optionally prevent loading save files from that character after using all of your allowed respawns.

[size=3][color=lightgray]This mod should be compatible with almost anything except mods that do the same thing or remove the essential flag from the player.

List of known [/color][color=#ff0000][b]incompatible[/b][/color][color=#d3d3d3] mods:[/color]

[color=#d8d8d8]Death Souls
SM Essential Player
SexLab Defeat (if Bleedout is enabled)
Dragons Souls - Death is Highly Overrated
Death Alternative - Your Money or Your Life
SkyTweak (if Bleedout is enabled in the Scripts page)

Load Order[/b][/size][/color]

[size=3][color=lightgrey][b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56980]VioLens[/url]:[/b] In your load order, place the esp file of violens after this mod and from its MCM menu enable the 'Player Killmove Immunity' option.[/color][/size]


[size=3][color=lightgrey]Copy files to Skyrim data directory. start the game and change settings from the mcm menu. If you have other mods that change the level list, create a Bashed Patch with Wrye Bash.[/color][/size]


[color=lightgrey][size=3]Stop the mod then remove its files (if you don't stop it your character remains essential), rebuild your Bashed Patch then use a Save cleaner like [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76776/?]this[/url] to remove its scripts from your save file.


[color=lightgrey][url=http://skse.silverlock.org/]SKSE Team[/url][/color]
[color=lightgrey]Creators of [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3863/?]SkyUI[/url][/color]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/4522213/?]Saerileth[/url][color=#d3d3d3] for Arkay mark model and texture
[/color][color=lightgrey]hilaribad for LevelUpEventPlugin[/color]
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