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Kishar - A Spriggan Utility Follower - Spanish

[size=5][i][u]ATTENTION[/u][/i], American people or non-spanish speakers! This mod is A TRANSLATION, NOT THE ORIGINAL MOD. Look for the original mod with the name Kishar - A Spriggan Utility Follower.

ESTA TRADUCCIÓN NECESITA EL MOD ORIGINAL, pues sólo trae - únicamente - el archivo .ESP. Si se pregunta sobreescribir archivos, sobreescriban.
Aclaro, no soy Nyphani. No tengo ningún tipo de relación con él/ella.

Saludos. He traducido este llamativo mod, de una llamativa Spriggan de nombre Kishar, porque me parecía muy llamativa.

Ahora, dejando de hablar de mis locuras, hablemos del mod.

[u][size=3]"¿Qué verás en este mod?"

[/size][/u]-Un Spriggan muy especial y muy llamativa de nombre Kishar.
-Un Spriggan con poderes especiales, los cuales, por poner ejemplos son: (SPOILERS) convertirse en un ciervo cuando tú te montas en un caballo, o convertirse en pez cuando tú nadas.
-Puede utilizar poderes como Pacificar, Amortiguar, y demás poderes de Alteración/Ilusión
-Sorpresas coloridas cuando sus PM (Puntos de magia) están bajos.
-Un regalo en forma de anillo por parte de Kishar cuando la salvas. Este regalo hace que los animales y los Spriggans no te ataquen (O eso dice el mod...).
-(Bajo mi opinión, esto merece estar aquí) Al parecer, cuando utiliza (Kishar) Algunos poderes sobre ti mismo, sus PM se hacen cada vez más bajos; esto también ocurre cuando utilizas el anillo (Todo esto no lo he podido comprobar aún).

Mi trabajo, como traductor amateur, es [u]SOLAMENTE [/u]traducir el mod. Cualquier cosa que no esté relacionada con la traducción o con mi ortografía, no es de mi incumbencia. Es decir, si preguntas sobre cómo hacer X o Y cosa, o si te quedaste atascado en algún lugar del mod, es mejor preguntar al creador o a su comunidad; ellos sabrán mejor que yo.

Compatibility Patch for Subtle but Classless and More Believable Carrying Weight

This is a small patch for [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68488]Subtle but Classless[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3203047]chocolatenoodle[/url] containing the weight changes from [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48929]More Believable Carrying Weight[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/1022545]EnigmaWolf[/url]. SbC is required, [color=#ff0000]but you have to remove MBCW for this to work properly[/color]. Contains the vampire race changes, but not the children ones.

Blaeja STFU

My Nordic goddess Blaeja,

 I began making you as a visual replacer for Vilja and as time went on I thought you deserved a voice of your own (Nord female). Then after even more sculpting, tweaking and bodysliding your beauty had surpassed my wildest expectations because I'm not particularly smitten by blondes like I was by you.
I knew then you needed a special voice. One not common or readily spoken in these lands which we inevitably found. We had such great times adventuring, slaying dragons, crawling dungeons and I knew deep down that you were mine all mine. Remember when we felt there was just something else missing then shortly there after that guy released the Follower Commentary Overhaul? LOL.. I frantically began trying to understand how it worked so you could tell me a bunch of new things? I did do it at some point. Then things were almost new again for a while and you wouldn't STFU. Then I came across her. Shhh Shhh Shhh lets not speak of her again. Not now. Its just not fair that I made you leave and go back to Ivarstead. I feel you deserve better and maybe find someone again. Because you deserve it... and maybe, just maybe that person will know how to put a throttle on all that yammering you keep doing because I'm at a loss on how to make you STFU.

Love G

Crown of the Ancient Falmer


You've travelled the paths of the dead, fought your way through the falmer of the Forgotten Vale, and defeated the Arch-Curate Vyrthur in battle. Among the priceless artifacts you've recovered sits the Ancient Falmer Crown, inlaid with gold and set with... a red, painted rock?

Crown of the Ancient Falmer replaces the vanilla ivory crown mesh with an updated mesh that incorporates a modified ruby from Saerileth's [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54483]Gemling Queen Resources[/url], giving the crown's gemstone transparency, depth, and a sparkle when it catches the light.

SE Version [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29628]here[/url].

[*]Dawnguard DLC
Use a mod manager, or download and extract into the Data folder.

[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71214]Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch[/url]: Places an Ancient Falmer Crown in an appropriate location, so you don't need to resort to console commands to obtain it.
[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49791]Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade[/url]: Adds a crafting recipe for the Ancient Falmer Crown (renamed "Snow Elf Crown"), which becomes available after completing the Touching the Sky quest.
[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54483]Gemling Queen Resources[/url], by Saerileth

Requiem - Noxcrab's Tweaks

[center][img]http://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/19281-0-1455057848.png[/img][/center][center][size=6] Noxcrab's Tweaks[/size]
[size=3]by. Noxcrab (mhc9840)[/size][/center]

[b][size=6][ Descriptions ][/size][/b]

[size=3]Requiem - Noxcrab's Tweaks is a group of minor tweak mods for Requiem-The Roleplaying Overhaul. [/size][size=3]More tweaks are to be added time to time.


[/size][b][size=6][ [b][size=6]Automaton Resistance Tweak[/size][/b] ][/size][/b]

[size=3]Changes the resistance of Automatons.[/size]
[size=3]Automatons will be weaker to Frost as much as they are to Shock.[/size]

[size=3]Which would be like below :[/size]
[size=3]Fire : 80% / Frost : 25% / Shock : 25%[/size]

[b][size=6][ [b][size=6]Craftable Items[/size][/b] ][/size][/b]
Adds new craftable items to use in combat.
Also modifies Alchemist vendors' leveled lists to make Elemental Salts and Dwarven Oils more common. Also sells Venomous Spittle (rarely).

Added Items (Scrolls) :
[*][size=3][color=#e06666]Fire [/color]/ [color=#6fa8dc]Frost [/color]/ [color=#8e7cc3]Shock [/color]Bomb : 150 instant Fire / Frost / Shock damage, area 12. Weight 1, price 150.[/size]
[*][size=3][color=#93c47d]Vial of Spider Venom[/color] : 12 Poison damage for 10 seconds, paralyze for 1 second (resisted by 75+% Poison resist). Weight 0.5, price 150.[/size]
[*][size=3][color=#93c47d]Vial of Weak Spider Venom[/color] : 8 poison damage for 5 seconds. Weight 0.5, price 50.[/size]
[*][size=3][color=#e06666]Flaming Oil[/color] : 15 Fire damage for 5 seconds, creates wall of fire that does 10 Fire damage for 10 seconds. Weight 1, price 150.[/size]
[*][size=3]Steel Dart : 30 instant Physical damage and gives small Marksmanship skill xp. Sneak attack does 2x damage and gives small Sneak skill xp. Silent like Bows/Crossbows (projectile makes noise). Benefits from Archery damage bonuses - Perks (Ranged Combat Training, Precise Aim), Fortify Archery effects and Requiem Stat Bonus (Stamina). Weight 0.6, price 5.[/size]
[*][size=3]Steel Dart[color=#b6b6b6] [/color]([color=#93c47d]Poisoned[/color]) : Same as Steel Dart, but also does 10 Poison damage for 4 seconds. Weight 0.6, price 55.[/size]
[*][size=3]Steel Dart of [color=#e06666]Fire[/color]/[color=#6fa8dc]Ice[/color]/[color=#8e7cc3]Shock[/color] : Same as Steel Dart, but also causes small explosion that does 25 Fire/Ice/Shock damage (Same explosion as Steel Bolt of Fire/Ice/Shock). Weight 0.6, price 45.[/size]
Recipes :
[*][size=3][color=#e06666]Fire [/color]/ [color=#6fa8dc]Frost [/color]/ [color=#8e7cc3]Shock [/color]Bombs : (Forge) 1 Fire / Frost / Void Salt, 1 Steel Ingot, 1 Dwarven Oil. Requires Arcane Craftmanship perk.[/size]
[*][size=3][color=#93c47d]Vial of Spider Venom [/color]: (Cooking Pot) 3 Venomous Spittle. Requires Alchemical Lore Rank 1.[/size]
[*][size=3][color=#93c47d]Vial of Weak Spider Venom [/color]: (Cooking Pot) 1 Venomous Spittle. Requires Alchemical Lore Rank 1.[/size]
[*][size=3][color=#e06666]Flaming Oil [/color]: (Cooking Pot) 3 Dwarven Oil. Requires Alchemical Lore Rank 1.[/size]
[*][size=3]Steel Dart (4) : (Forge) 1 Steel Ingot, 1 Firewood. Requires Craftsmanship perk.[/size]
[*][size=3]Steel Dart ([color=#93c47d]Poisoned[/color]) : (Cooking Pot) 1 Steel Dart, 1 Venomous Spittle.[/size]
[*][size=3]Steel Dart of [color=#e06666]Fire[/color]/[color=#6fa8dc]Ice[/color]/[color=#8e7cc3]Shock [/color](15) : (Forge) 15 Steel Darts, 1 [color=#e06666]Fire[/color]/[color=#6fa8dc]Frost[/color]/[color=#8e7cc3]Void [/color]Salts. Requires Arcane Craftmanship perk.[/size]
+) Steel Darts are sold by Blacksmiths by chance.
+) Darts can recovered by 50% chance, if it hits a target (darts will disappear when it hits objects, ground, walls, etc). Explosive Darts cannot be recovered as they explode.

[/size][b][size=6][ Destruction Touch Spells ][/size][/b]

[size=3]Adds more On-Touch based Destruction Spells. Fire / Frost / Shock. (Venom is excluded because that spell type is severely underpowered at the base, and it's hard for me to balance the thing out)[/size]

[size=3]Novice : Fiery / Icy / Lightning Touch. Base Magnitude 20, Base Cost 27.[/size]
[size=3]Apprentice : Fiery / Icy / Lightning Hand. Base Magnitude 25, Base Cost 34.[/size]
[size=3]Adept : Fiery / Icy / Lightning Grasp. Base Magnitude 40, Base Cost 75.[/size]

[size=3](The spells cost about 2/3 than their ranged counterparts of same tier and same element.)[/size]

[size=3]The spells include hidden special effects and Destruction perk-based effects, like Slow effect on Icy Hand/Grasp, Cremation perk's Fear effect on Fiery Grasp. They also do instant damage, not 1 second damage over time.[/size]

[size=3]But also, to prevent quick spamming of the spells to deal extreme damage, their casting time is increased from 0.1 to 0.3. This is still somewhat faster than other spells (e.g. Firebolt being 0.4)[/size]

[size=3]All Spell Tomes are added into Leveled Lists, and when taking Novice & Apprentice Destruction perks, you can choose to learn the new spells. For Novice, you can learn all three, and for Apprentice, you can learn Fiery/Icy Hand. Other spells are excluded because of the limit on the size of 'spell-learning-list'.[/size]

[b][size=6][ Dragon Resistance Tweak ][/size][/b]

[size=3]Changes the resistances of Dragons to make them generally more resistant to all elements, while cutting down their invulnerability to a certain element.[/size]

[size=3]Fire Dragon : 75% Fire , 25% Shock , 60% Poison Resistance[/size]
[size=3]Frost Dragon : 70% Frost , 25% Shock , 60% Poison Resistance[/size]

[b][size=6][ Enchantment Tweaks ][/size][/b]

[size=3]Some changes for Enchantments.[/size]

[size=3]Fortify Magicka Regen enchantment gets increased magnitude : 25 -> 35[/size]
[size=3]Fortify Health Regen & Magic Resist can be placed on head equips.[/size]

[b][size=6][ Enemy Regeneration Tweak ][/size][/b]

[size=3]Adds more ways to deal with super regen of Dragonpriests and Trolls.[/size]

[size=3]Dragonpriests' regen can also be halved by Sun spells in Restoration.[/size]
[size=3]Trolls' regen can also be stopped by Poison effects (Alchemy & Spells)[/size]

[b][size=6][ Scroll Crafting ][/size][/b]

[size=3]Adds recipes for Scrolls under Tanning Rack. Scrolls require Rolls of Paper, Soul Gems & right-branch Enchanting perks of same tier(level).[/size]
[size=3]Burned Books can be used to make Rolls of Paper, and Court Mages & College Trainers will sell Rolls of Paper (5 each).[/size]

[size=3]Scrolls crafted per Soul Gem will be mostly 2 (3 for some Novice~Apprentice tier). Might seem little, but seeing how Staves use so much charges, that's how I find it balanced.[/size]

[b][size=6][ Toggle Enchantment ][/size][/b]

[size=3]Adds a power that lets you toggle enchantment usage on weapons. When the power is active, the enchantment on your weapon will not apply and will not cost any charges. Be careful with staves! If the spell on your staff is a 'channeled' spell, casting the spell when the toggle power is active will cause all charges to be drained.

[/size][size=3]How this works is that when you have the power active, enchantment charge cost for your weapons is multiplied by 1024, and thus it'll work like you're out of charges. You also get the 'this weapon needs recharging' message, but can't help with that... If there are some 'special' enchantments that work different, this power may not work properly, but for the most part it should.

NOTE : You have to add yourself a perk using Console Command. Follow the steps.
1. Type : help "Toggle Enchantment Perk"
2. Check the EditorID of the perk.
3. Type : player.addperk (EditorID)


[size=3]Load it anywhere after Requiem.[/size]

[size=3]Please inform me if you find any bugs.[/size]

Kukatsuo's Female NPC Improvement

This mod makes changes to Skyrim female NPC

*Please forgive me for the mistakes of expression, etc. because I am not a native of English

What's changed
In addition to the replacement of the face, the body will be replaced by the CBBE HDT mesh
You can also choose normal CBBE meshes and UNPB meshes (with UNP textures) as an option.

Follower fanction
The NPC that the voice type supports can be a follower except some
If you want to make them follower, you need to increase your favorable impression with NPC (with some exceptions)

For The NPC that does not exist to raise the favor
I set up that to do a quest related to the NPC, and to do the request of the person related to the NPC, will increase a favor.

I set up the changes to the level cap, ability, class, Spell, Perk, CombatAI, and more.
Also Some of them will use a unique magic.

In addition to the above, you will be able to marry most of the corresponding NPC of the voice type


List of NPC

(F:Can be Follower     M:Marriable)

 ・Danica Purespring 00013BA5 (F M)
 ・Hulda 00013BA3
 ・Saadia 00013BA2 (F M)
 ・Carlotta Valentia 00013B99
 ・Irileth 00013BB8 (F M)
 ・Saffir 00013B98
 ・Ahalam 00013BBE
 ・Alfhild Battle-Born 00013BB0

・ Maven Blackbria 0001336A
・Ingun Blackbria 00013364 (F M)
・Grelka 000136C5 (F M)
・Svana Farshield 0001337C (F M)
・Alessandra 00013347 (F M)
・Haelga 0001335F
・Laila Law-Giver 00013366
・Anuriel 00013349
・Constance Michel 00013350 (F M)
・Dinya Balu 00013352
・Dlifa 00013354

・ Hamal 0001E765 (F M)
・Senna 000133B7 (F M)
・Anwen 00013386 (F M)
・Orla 000133B0 (F M)
・ Hroki 0001339E (F M)
・Ghorza Gra-Bagor

・Narri 00013654 (F M)
・Zaria 0003A19A
・Valga Vinicia 00013655
・Tekla 00013656

・Legate Rikke(Normal) 000132A1
・Legate Rikke(Battle) 000D0573
・Pantea Ateia 0001329F (F M)
・ Illdi 00013289 (F M)
・Aia Aria 0001325C (F M)
・ Lisette 00013297 (F M)
・Vivienne Onis 000132AE (F M)
・ Erdi 00013271 (F M)
・Sybille Stentor 000132AA (F)
・ Vittoria Vici 0001327A (F M)

・ Nirusin Shattershield 001412C (F M)
・Hermir Strongheart 0001412D (F M)
・Suvaris Atheron 00014122 (F M)
・Elda Early-Dawn 0001412A  (M)
・Tova Shattershield 00014125 (F M)
・Viola Giordano 00014129 (M)

・Idgrod The Younger 000135EC (F M)
・Idgrod Raven Crone 000135EB

・Lynly Starsung 000136BC (F M)
・Temba Widearm 000658D2 (F M)
・Fastred 000136BF

・Karita 0001361A (F M)
・Brina Melilith 0001A6B7
・Seren 0001361F

・Colette Marenth 0001C19A (M)

・Camila Valeriuth 0001347B (F M)

・Julienne Lylvieve 00026F0F (F M)
・Faida 00019A28

・Dravynea the stoneweaber 0001365F (F M)

・Syglja 000C3A3F (F M)

Angi`s shack
・Angi 000CAB2f (F M)

Mixwater Mill
・Gilfre 0001367A (M)

Heartwood Mill
 ・Grosta 00019C00

Halfmoon Mill
 ・Heart 0001367C

Sarethi Farm
・Avrusa Sarethi 00019BFE (M)
・Aduri Sarethi 00019BFF

・Salma 0006CD5A
・Anska 000443F3 (F)
・Fjora(Bandit Leader)
・Rash Gra-Dashnik

・Sorine Jurald 0000336B (F M)
・Fura Bloodmouth 00003363 (F)
・Hestla 00003365 (F)
・Vori 00010DE6
・Tilde 00010DE5

・Oriela 00019631
・Sonil 00019630

80 NPCs (V6.5)

Pantea, Ildi and Aia  use a shout to raise the ability of their surrounding allies.
If you don't want them to use the shout, pick up the instruments from their inventory.

About the Installation

Require SKYRIM + DawnguardDLC
In addition, for the convenience of using the "XP32 Maximum Skeleton - XPMS" , "Realistic Ragdolls and Force" will be required

Basically, it is recommended to introduce new games, but it also works on the way .
However, in the middle of a saved game, you may not be able to use the NPC as your follower.

If you find any bugs or other problems, let me know.

Requirement and recommend
Required File
If you use main file of this MOD
・HDT Physics Extensions  ([url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53996]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53996[/url])
・Realistic Ragdolls and Force  ([url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/601]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/601[/url])

High Recommend
・Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO  ([url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74568]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74568[/url])
This MOD is necessary to make NPCs who has a voice type "Female Nord" following you.

Neck Seam

If the neck seam occur in NPC`s neck, please do below console command.
1 : Open console view and select NPC
2 : setnpcweight (x)
3 : disable
4 : enable

Vittoria = 40
Zalia = 50
Svana = 70
Lisette = 50
Tilde = 0
Karita = 50
Irileth = 50
Heart = 0
Dlifa = 30
Calrotta = 50
Alessandra = 50
Anska = 50
Others = 100

Requiem - Special Feats

[font=Georgia][size=5]Requiem - Special Feats (3.1.2)[/size][/font]

[size=3]by. Noxcrab[/size][/center]

[b][size=5][ Mod Descriptions ][/size][/b]

[size=3]Adds new '[b]Special Feat[/b]' perks to support exotic/unique/fun builds, like homebrew feats in D&D.

The Special Feats are divided into two groups : Character Feats and Skill Feats.
[*][size=3][b]Character Feats[/b] : Located at the Lockpicking skill tree. Requires player level of 0/15/30 to take for each ranks. [/size]
[*][size=3][b]Skill Feats[/b] : Located at related skill trees. Requires the first perk in each skills, and skill level of 25/50/75 for each ranks.[/size]
[/list][size=3]You can take as many feats as you like, but you'll need to think carefully since they are perk-expensive.

[b][size=5][ List of Character Feats ][/size][/b]

[b][size=4]( [color=#e06666]Drunken Combat[/color] )[/size][/b]
[size=3]  Build support : Barbarian with drink buffs, Brewmaster monks
[*][size=3]While under the effect of Alcohol, gain 1.0/1.5/2.0 stamina regen per second, 2/4/6% movement speed, and deal 2/4/6% more damage with melee attacks.[/size]
[*][size=3]At all times, gain 10/20/30% poison resistance.[/size]
[b][size=4]( [color=#93c47d]Bow Strike[/color] )[/size][/b]
[size=3]  Build support : Rangers with mid-range combat
[*][size=3]Bow/Crossbow bashes deal extra 23/46/70 physical damage.[/size]
[*][size=3]Bow/Crossbow bashes cause weak stagger.[/size]
[b][size=4]( [color=#e06666]Torch Combat[/color] )[/size][/b]
[size=3]  Build support : Adventurers with Torch as sub weapon
[*][size=3]Light bash with torches do additional 2/4/7 fire damage.[/size]
[*][size=3]Power bash with torches do additional 7/14/22 fire damage and causes weak stagger.[/size]
[*][size=3]Equipping a torch gives you 5/10/15% frost resistance.[/size]
[b][size=4]( [color=#6fa8dc]Unskilled Spellcasting [/color][/size][/b][b][size=4]) [/size][/b]
[size=3]  Build support : Rogues and Bards with some tricks
[*][size=3]Novice/Apprentice/Adept Spells of schools you did not learn on will cost half the Magicka. But the skill level scaling for the spells' magnitude and duration will be smaller compared to the normal spellcasting perks.[/size]
[*][size=3](0.005x for all Novice/Apprentice/Adept tiers, while normal spellcasting perks are 0.01x Novice, 0.02x Apprentice, 0.03x Adept)[/size]
[*][size=3]e.g. If you have Mage Armor on Self (Rank I) and don't have Novice Alteration perk, taking this feat will halve the cost of the spell, and the magnitude/duration will scale as 1 + 0.005 * Alteration.[/size]
[/size][b][size=4]( [color=#93c47d]Hunter[/color] )[/size][/b]
[size=3]  Build support : Hunters and Rangers
[*][size=3]Deal 10/20/30% more damage to animals, and take 10/20/30% less damage from animals.[/size]
[*][size=3]Gain 10/20/30% resistance to poison and diseases at all times.[/size]
[b][size=4]( [color=#6fa8dc]Staff Channeling [/color][/size][/b][b][size=4]) [/size][/b]
[size=3]  Build support : Mages with staves
[*]While holding a staff, spells are 5/10/15% powerful (magnitude only, no duration) and costs 10/20/30% less Magicka to cast. (Staff itself is not effected)
[/size][b][size=4]( [color=#93c47d][b][size=4][color=#6fa8dc]Willpower[/color][/size][/b] [/color])[/size][/b]
[size=3]  Build support : Warriors in need of magic resistance
[*][size=3]Gain 5/10/15% magic resistance when not having Magic Resistance perk in Alteration.[/size]
[b][size=4]( [color=#6fa8dc][b][size=4][color=#93c47d]Athletics[/color][/size][/b] [/color][/size][/b][b][size=4]) [/size][/b]
[size=3]  Build support : Speedsters and Swashbucklers
[*]Movement speed is increased by 3/6/10% (2/4/6% when wearing heavy armor).
[*]Swimming/Sprinting speed is increased by 5/10/15% (3/6/10% when wearing heavy armor).
[*]Stamina Regeneration is increased by +15/30/50%.

[/size][b][size=5][ List of Skill Feats ][/size][/b]

[b]([/b][b][size=4] [color=#93c47d]Unarmored[/color] ) - Evasion[/size][/b]
[size=3]  Build support : Glass Cannon warriors, Spy Assassins in clothings[/size][list]
[*][size=3]While wearing no armor, gain 50/100/150 armor rating (no armor bonus when Mage Armor spell is active)[/size]
[*][size=3]While wearing no armor, gain 2/4/6% movement speed and 5/10/15% melee damage bonus.[/size]
[*][size=3]While wearing no armor, Evasion skill experience gained while running is multiplied by 5/10/15. (Must still wear clothes for experience gain itself)[/size]
[/size][b][size=4]( [color=#e06666]Balanced Wielding[/color] ) - One-handed[/size][/b]
[size=3]  Build support : One-handed Kensei, Agile fighters
[*][size=3]While having left hand empty, 1H weapons are 5/10/20% faster and deals 5/10/20% more damage.[/size]
[b][size=4]( [color=#6fa8dc]Ward Mastery[/color] ) - Restoration[/size][/b]
[size=3]  Build support : Anti-magic Spellswords or Mages
[*][size=3]Ward spells cost 15/30/50% less.[/size]
[*][size=3]Gain 5/10/15% magic resistance while holding Ward spell in hand.[/size]
[b][size=4]( [color=#6fa8dc]Armed Spellcasting[/color] ) - One-handed[/size][/b]
[size=3]  Build support : Spellswords with 1H + Magic equip set
[*][size=3]While having your left hand empty or equipped with magic, 1H weapons are 5/10/15% faster.[/size]
[*][size=3]While having a 1H weapon on right hand, spell costs are reduced by 10/20/30%.[/size]
[b][size=4]( [color=#e06666]Shield Strike[/color] ) - Block[/size][/b]
[size=3]  Build support : Warriors with offensive use of Shields
[*][size=3]Fortify Block enchantments and potions increase shield bash damage.[/size]
[*][size=3]Shield bashes do 1.5/1.75/2.0x damage.[/size]
[*][size=3]When not wearing any heavy armor, shield bashes do 2x damage.[/size]
[*][size=3]When having your right hand empty or holding a spell, shield bashes do 1.5x damage.[/size]
[*][size=3](The bonuses stack multiplicatively)[/size]
[*][size=3]Stamina is increased by 20/40/60 points.[/size]
[b][size=4]( [color=#6fa8dc]Arcane Artificery [/color]) - Enchanting[/size][/b]
[size=3]  Build support : Artificers, Enchanters
[*]Weapon & Staff Enchantments use 10/20/30% less charges.
[*]Soul Gems give 10/20/30% more charges when recharging.
[*]Scrolls are 10/20/30% stronger (magnitude only, no duration).
[b][size=4]( [color=#6fa8dc]Arcane Assassin [/color]) - Destruction[/size][/b]
[size=3]  Build support : Mage Assassins, Rune Trappers
[*]Destruction spells (except rune spells) do 1.15/1.3/1.5x damage when the player is sneaking and the target hasn't detected the player (does not work on sneak attack immune targets). Gives you small Sneak skill xp on successful sneak attack.
[*]Rune spells (of all schools of magic) make less casting noise when casted while sneaking out of combat. (still makes a bit of noise)
[*](Only player's spells will be affected - scrolls and staves are not)
[*](Target may detect the player while the projectile is reaching the target, and thus not taking extra damage - consider distance and spell types)

[b][size=5][ Installation & Load Order ][/size][/b]

[size=3]Install the mod with your mod manager program. Load 'Requiem - Special Feats.esp' from this mod after 'Requiem.esp'. In most case, below Requiem patches for other mods.[/size]

[b][size=5][ Compatibility ][/size][/b]

[size=3]The mod modifies many skill trees, and thus any mod overwriting the skill trees will be incompatible with this mod.

For users of Requiem - Craftable Items mod in Noxcrab's Tweaks, a patch is available in the OPTIONAL FILES. Makes Non-magical items added from the mod not affected by Arcane Artificery perk.[/size]

[b][size=5][ Credits ][/size][/b]

[size=3]The Requiem Dungeon Masters (Requiem Team) for [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19281][Requiem - The Roleplaying Overhaul]


PIE Standalone Followers Returns

[center][size=4][b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#ff0000][color=#ff0000][font=Courier New][size=4][b]Re-uploading this file to any other websites is strictly prohibited.[/b][/size][/font][/color][font=Courier New]

Requirement: [/color][/font][/b]
[/size]Dawnguard DLC
Dragonborn DLC
[size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53996]HDT Physics Extensions[/url] (Optional[/size])

[size=4][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#ff0000][b]About PIE Standalone Followers: [/b][/color][/font]
[/size]This mod adds 7 characters to your game, Include all the characters I have released, and two new character.
All female characters use UNPB or CBBE Curvy body.
All male characters use bettermale underwear body.

[size=4][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#ff0000][b]About Returns: [/b][/color][/font]
[/size]the Returns is a brand new storyline about the followers and companions. It's mainly about Nami, also with some new figures and special abilities around.

[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#b6d7a8][size=4][Character][/size][/color][/font][/b][/center]
















[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#b6d7a8][size=4][Backstories]
[/color][code][spoiler][size=1]"Ki’s father is the other lord from Cyrodiil brought to Akaviri by the eruption of the Civil War. Ki was born with the birthsign of the Thief – it’s not that pleasant to accept this for Ki’s father, who used to be honored as a lord in Cyrodiil. Although Ki was taught in every aspect to stay away from the world’s unprincipled side, undeniably the gifted talent from the Thief grants him much keener dexterity.  
At the age of 7, Tsaesci bandits visited Ki’s family with blades and blood. Everything has been set ablaze. In the following years, struggling such destitute life is all about the practice of thievery and dishonesty. However, the teachings of good and evil from Ki’s childhood kept him a faint pursuit of the honorable and virtuous life. 
7 years have passed since the unspeakable misfortune. On an occasional chance, Ki eavesdropped an astonishing truth that the local Daimyo is united with Tsaesci bandits. Those dreadful memories crawl relentlessly inside Ki. He soon gathered with other thief friends and stopped an ongoing slaughter led by the Tsaesci bandits, then exposed the truth of the attack. Aside from this bloody fact, the tyranny brought by Daimyo is also unforgivable. Eventually, the rebellion was provoked. With the help of some dwemer assassins used to be from Morag Tong, Ki finally killed Daimyo in a secret hideout. Daimyo’s kindred withered away on the land and the mark of old power effaced. Nevertheless, the new ruler absolved the rebels. Peace has returned. Without a doubt, Ki became the hero of the land. 
Two roads converged here. Nami lost her family but then found herself saved by Ki, her only cousin. In fact, Ki is the last and the only one Nami could rely on at this point. Two youngsters chose to stay and live together, yet the happiness of victory faded out. Instead, the intimacy from their blood stirs with the ambiguous feeling within daily lives.  
Years have passed, they became knowing each other better than knowing themselves. With minds thought alike, the relationship had grown with embarrassment. The contests inside Ki’s mind drove him to leave this place. Just in time, his good friends Naoki and Keisuke were also planning on leaving. Three thriving dreamers decided someday, they will commence aboard together. 
On a cloudy morning of Last Seed in 4e198, with all the considerations in mind, Ki left Nami a letter and then ventured forth to the Cyrodiil, the place where his father and uncle lived. During a stop at the Impirial city Ki occurred to an acquaintance with Methredhel, a female pickpocket from the Thieves Guild. The appearance and personal belongings engaged Methredhel to realize that Ki's father has the same blood as one of the Master Thieves in the guild. After the meeting with him, Ki became a secret member of the Thieves Guild, as advised by Methredhel and his newly-met elder.
In the city of Chorrol, Ki followed Naoki’s advice and joined Fighters Guild. He then met Estela, soon they became good friends. On an occasion, Ki got the chance to study with the old warrior Modryn Oreyn.  
Keisuke who joined Mages Guild hired Ki for escorting him to meet with Janus Hassildor in Skingrad. Nothing special happened until they arrived. At the house of Janus Hassildor, the mysterious woman named Cornelia Green awaited.  
Ki earned Benirus Manor from his elders in Cyrodiil. Known as a member of Fighters Guild while keeping the secrecy of Thieves Guild, such an opulent and extraordinary life lasted for a long time for him. 
In 4e201, a thief sold Ki’s identity to the count of Anvil. The count then helped the lich in the ruin of Ayleid to set Ki cursed. The curse wasn’t easy to lift, while Ki’s dealing with the curse, in Benirus Manor count found some more obvious evidences about Ki’s presence in Thieves Guild. 
After Ki got rid of the curse, no one and nothing can help him stay in Cyrodiil any longer. His master Modryn Oreyn pointed out that he can visit Skyrim, where imperial’s reach is weak. On the passage from Bruma to Skyrim, if without the help of Naoki, Keisuke, Cornelia and Hassildor, Ki wouldn’t be able to make it while the pursuit from the imperials never stopped.  
In Skyrim, Ki will again meet the long-lost one of his life. "
[/color][code][spoiler][size=1]"Nami is the cousin of Ki. During the Akaviri Invasion, the military campaign mounted by Uriel Septim V, many imperial soldiers have been sent to the frontier. The battle has taken countless brutal and unforgiven moments across the land of Akaviri, casualties are inevitable. Fortuitously, among all the mortalities, some have been enslaved instead. Mistakenly they were recognized as slaves of a local Akaviri Daimyo and these soldiers survived the Invasion. Our story didn’t end here. In the following years, due to the huge economic impact brought by fierce contests between the Tsaesci and the Ka Po’ Tun, all slaves within Akaviri are pardoned with the responsibility of paying taxes. Thus, in the land of Akaviri, a small settlement of “freemen” has been established. 
Wars never end, at least not during these chaotic years. The eruption of the Civil War brought the people of Tamriel to Akaviri once again. Two siblings of all those outlanders are lords of manors from Cyrodiil. One of them married Nami’s mother and became an owner of a farm. 
At the age of 12 for Nami, an unexpected ambush by some Tsaesci bandits turned up. All family members have been slaughtered, Nami found herself saved by Ki, the never-met cousin of her own. They lived together since then. 
The fate never turns aside, Ki’s parents are murdered by Tsaesci bandits just like Nami’s. With similar experiences, the mutual feelings have grown beyond boundary in every possible way. It didn’t take too long for them to figure out how close they are about to accept this illusory happiness despite their cousinship. With this concern in mind, Ki left a letter to Nami and went aboard. 
The promise in the letter is unfulfilled. Ki didn’t come back after 2 years like the letter stated. With a tiny hope of coming across her loved one, Nami set out to Tamriel on the morning of Suns Dawn.  
The land of Vvardenfell and Morrowind is not good enough to stay except she developed the great interest of the Dwemer Ruins. Nami then visited High Rock through Skyrim and traveled to Hammerfell a few months after. During the journey, Nami made a handful of friends and had a few dissatisfied romances. The memory of Ki just can’t fade out that easily for her.  
In 4e201, Nami moved on from Elinhir to Skyrim. Ahead of Nami’s destination, the fate finally constructed the path for her to meet the long-lost acquaintance.[/size] "
[/size][/color][code][spoiler][size=1]"Gul used to be a hunter, with beauty and strength. However, something has changed her. Something...telepathic. 
It all happened a few months ago. On the way from Elinhir to Markarth, Gul found herself in an unintended expedition into the ancient dwemer ruins. The unknown and omnipotent power there has desolated her soul, but with mysterious failure, only a portion has been taken. As an exchange, Gul is now able to summon the isolated image of her soul to fight for her whenever she is feeling anxious.
At first, the soul is not easy to control. In fact, due to the autistic nature of her own and with a few unexpected soul attacks, this ability did bring her into an notorious state at the Hammerfell.
At this point, Nami, an omniscient traveller from Akaviri, appeared and helped control the unstable ability of Gul. Now they are leaving Hammerfell together. "
[color=#d9d2e9][b](To be continued.)[/b][/color]

[color=#ff0000][font=Comic Sans MS][size=4][b]How to install: [/b][/size][/font][/color]
Use Vortex or MO.

[font=Comic Sans MS][b][color=#ff0000][size=3]Recommended: [/size][/color][/b]
[/font][size=3]RYA enb
Face Light
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=#ff0000][size=5][b]Credits: [/b][/size][/color]
Fair Skin Complexion
CITRUS Heads (HD Meshes)
XP32 Maximum Skeleton - XPMS
Sporty Sexy Sweat - wet body skin texture - CBBE UNP UNPB ADEC Vanilla
UNP Minidresses Collection
KS Hairdos - Renewal
Leyenda Skin
[/url]SG Female Textures Renewal
Mikan Eyes
Kijiko Hair
XCE - Warpaint and Dirt
Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - New hairstyles
The Eyes Of Beauty
Pretty Face
SOS Fair Skin men retexture and bonuses for males
saLa Hair
Adorable Face
Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-
The Amazing World of Bikini Armor
Multi Colored KS Hairdos
[/url]Eyes of Aber
[/url]Dawnguard Arsenal
[/url]Vanilla Makeup HD - HD Racial Colors and Makeup for all Races and Genders

DX Celes Rogue Armor UNP LE (Russian translation)

[font=Comic Sans MS][i][color=#ead1dc][size=4]Броня Мерзавка "Celes Rogue Armor" - это новый комплект легкой брони для женских персонажей с телом UNP. По характеристикам комплект доспехов «Мерзавка» схож с легкой кожаной броней. Некоторые предметы брони обладают хорошими свойствами, необходимые ворам и убийцам:[/size]
[size=4]- Ремень дает бонус 25% к карманным кражам и увеличивает урон одноручным оружием на 25%;[/size]
[size=4]- Сумка увеличивает переносимый вес на 100 и увеличивает шанс взлома замков на 25%;[/size]
[size=4]- Юбочка увеличивает скрытность на 25%;[/size]
[/color][size=4][color=#ead1dc]- Кинжал по характеристикам схож с эбонитовым кинжалом.[/color]

[center][img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/thumbnails/99456/99456-1568871104-1892265854.png[/img][/center][/size][/i][/font][font=Comic Sans MS][i]
[center][color=#c27ba0][size=5]Что входит в комплект брони:[/size][/color]
[color=#ead1dc][size=4]- Мерзавка – кираса;[/size]
[size=4]- Мерзавка - наручи;[/size]
[size=4]- Мерзавка - чокер;[/size]
[size=4]- Мерзавка - юбочка;[/size]
[size=4]- Мерзавка - пояс;[/size]
[size=4]- Мерзавка - маска;[/size]
[size=4]- Мерзавка – сапоги;[/size]
[/color][size=4][color=#ead1dc]- Мерзавка – сумка.[/color]

[color=#c27ba0][size=5]Где найти:[/size][/color]
[size=4][color=#ead1dc]- Доспехи можно изготовить в любой кузнице. Для появления рецептов, в инвентаре главного героя должна быть книга «Руководство по изготовлению брони «Мерзавки». Её Вы сможете найти в «Буйной фляге», в Рифтене;[/color]
[center][img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1704/images/4482/4482-1564732368-55488689.png[/img][/center][/size][/i][/font][font=Comic Sans MS][i]
[size=4][color=#ead1dc]- Для изготовления комплекта брони Вам необходима будет черная краска. Ее можно сварить в котелке из ингредиентов, описанных в книге, а именно собачий корень, снежные ягоды и соль пустоты. На дубильном станке, используя черную краску и обычную кожу, сделать черную кожу. Потом из нее в кузнице изготовить комплект брони «Мерзавки». Черная краска пригодиться и в качестве яда на оружие. [/color]
[/i][/font][img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1704/images/4482/4482-1564733785-1641224324.png[/img][font=Comic Sans MS][i]
[color=#ead1dc][size=4]На создание данного одеяния автора вдохновила картина [/size][/color][color=#ead1dc][size=4]"The Serpent's Tongue" [/size][/color][color=#ead1dc][size=4]художника [/size][/color][url=https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ройо,_Луис][color=#ead1dc][size=4]Луиса Ройо/[/size][/color][color=#ead1dc][size=4]Luis Royo[/size][/color][/url]:
[color=#ead1dc][size=4]- Skyrim LE;[/size]
[size=4]- [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99456?tab=files]DX Celes Rogue Armor UNP LE[/url] (оригинальный мод, со страницы автора);[/size]
[size=4]- HDT HighHeels System;
- DX Celes Rogue BodySlide Conversion UUNP An CBBE HDT (пресеты брони для Bodyslide).[/size][/color]

[color=#ead1dc][size=4]Можно через любой мод менеджер:[/size]
[size=4]- Скачать основные файлы на странице оригинала мода, в разделе MAIN FILES, и распаковать в любую пустую папку;[/size]
[size=4]- Скачать переведённый файл мода (ESP) здесь на странице перевода, в разделе MAIN FILES (русский перевод), и распаковать туда, куда распаковали архив оригинала мода;[/size]
[size=4]- Заменить файлы, запаковать все обратно в архив и установить через любой мод менеджер, все станет на русском. [/size]

[size=4][u]Или вручную:[/u][/size]
[/color][size=4][color=#ead1dc]Установить содержимое папки Data из архива в папку Data в игре и активировать плагин мода в лаунчере.[/color]

[color=#ff00ff]Если Вам понравился мод, поблагодарите автора [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99456]Deserter X[/url], нажав клавишу ENDORSE.[/color][color=#ff00ff]
ПРИЯТНОЙ ВАМ ИГРЫ![/color][/center][/size][/i][/font]

Maelstrom - Fully Voiced Follower and Quest Mod - Japanese

This file is a Japanese translation of Maelstrom - Fully Voiced Follower and Quest Mod by Nachtdaemmerung. If you want the English version, see the original mod page.
Nachtdaemmerungさんのフォロワー/クエストMOD、[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99520]Maelstrom - Fully Voiced Follower and Quest Mod[/url]の日本語化パッチです。

Skyrim SE版はこちら: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29614]Maelstrom - Fully Voiced Follower and Quest Mod SSE - Japanese[/url]

お願い: 自慢のスクリーンショットが撮れたら、ぜひオリジナルMODページのIMAGESタブから投稿してください。また、オリジナルMODへのENDORSE(いいね)をお忘れなく。







[*]カスタムボイスフォロワー (声優: [url=https://www.castingcall.club/m/Simone%20Mountain]Simone Mountain[/url])
[*]もう一人のカスタムボイスフォロワー (こちらはバニラ音声ベース)
[*]複数階層からなるダンジョンとクエストライン (2種類のエンディング)

[*]Skyrim 最新バージョン
[*]Dawnguard DLC
[*]Dragonborn DLC
[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99520]Maelstrom - Fully Voiced Follower and Quest Mod[/url] v1.01 (オリジナルMOD)


本MODのフォロワーと別れて本MODと関係のない場所 (たとえばリバーウッド) に移動して新規セーブした後、MODをアンインストールします。

[color=#c3da73][size=5]- カスタムボイスフォロワー -[/size][/color]



呪文: 治癒の光、治癒、アイススパイク、アイスジャベリン、魔力の剣
パーク: 魔力の収束、異次元送還、召喚術の素人、アームズマン1、破壊術の見習い、破壊術の精鋭、破壊術の熟練者、二連疾風1、二連猛撃
その他: シャウトに似た特殊能力 (会話によってオンオフ可能)



CBBE (ただし防具は装備しないので気にする必要はない)

[color=#c3da73][size=5]- もう一人のフォロワー -[/size][/color]



[b]Realistic Needs and Diseases[/b]と少し競合します (空き瓶を拾ったときの動作)。クエストの途中はRealistic Needs and DiseasesのMCMメニューで機能を無効化することを推奨します。


本MODはワールドマップに2つの新しいロケーションを追加するために、次のCELLレコードだけを編集します: 00000D74, 00003DBE, 0000B478

才能ある声優、Simone Mountainです : [url=https://www.castingcall.club/m/Simone%20Mountain]CastingCallClub[/url], [url=https://www.facebook.com/simone.mountain.3]Facebook[/url]








[*]2019/10/11 : v1.01 : 公開
[*]2019/10/11 : v1.01r2 : デバッグ用のアイテム名プレフィクス [Maelstrom] を削除
[*]2019/10/12 : v1.01r3 : 訳の改善、書籍の翻訳漏れ/校正漏れ箇所の修正
[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99520]Maelstrom - Fully Voiced Follower and Quest Mod[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99520]Nachtdaemmerung[/url] - オリジナルMOD
[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/134]xTranslator[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/3408338]McGuffin[/url] - 翻訳ツール



Ringed Earth and Mars - Masser and Secunda Texture Replacer

This mod replaces the texture of Masser and Secunda.

Masser now has a texture of a fictional ringed Earth.
Secunda now has a texture of Mars.

[size=3]For the best experience, [/size][size=5]it is ABSOLUTELY recommended to use akindain's [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1037/]26 Moon Size Tweaks[/url] in conjunction with this mod. [/size]Use the 3.0x resizer.

Texture quality may not be the best due to hardware limitation during the creation of this mod.

Copy the contents of the archive to the Skyrim folder.

Delete the following files;

Tools used:

Celestia 1.6.1.
PaintToolSAI 1.1.0.
DDS Converter

Monsters of the Windhelm Pit Arena

[b]Will you arrive in time to rescue the warriors from the Pit Arena (Windhelm) of the monsters they are fighting ?[/b]

[i]Arriverez-vous à temps pour sauver les guerriers de l' Arène de la Fosse (Vendeaume) des monstres qu'ils combattent ?[/i]

[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Videos [/color] [/size][/b]

[b][i]Presentation of these mods by Sah Part. 1 [/i]:[/b] (Old God of the Hunt + Ancient Skeletons + Ogrim + Dwarven Magetta and Sentinels)


[b][i] Presentation of these mods by Sah Part. 2 [/i]:[/b] (Yeti and Sasquatch + Minotaurs)


[b][i]Presentation of these mods by Sah Part. 3 [/i]:[/b] (Wendigos and Howlers + Rotten Maidens + Vampire Beasts + Goblins + Water Hags and Foglings)


[b][i]Presentation of these mods by Sah Part. 4 [/i]:[/b] (Dryads and Bees + Centipedes + Chimps + Imps + Liches + Gravelord)


[b][i]Presentation of these mods by Sah Part. 5 [/i]:[/b] (Leshen and Nekkers - Daedrats and Dusk Panthers -- Grievous Twilight)


[b][i] Combat in Slow Motion by Sah [/i]:[/b]


Restores by modifying it a bit ([i]but no new scripts[/i]), the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YI9rHoEN3ps] content cut [/url] in the final version of [url=https://tcrf.net/The_Elder_Scrolls_V:_Skyrim/The_Windhelm_Pit] Skyrim: Windhelm Arena [/url], with its Pit and its 6 NPCs fully voiced (Benkum, Brond, Edorfin, Huki, Liesl, Fellow Prisoner), and also the 12 Pit Fans.

This mod does not add the actual [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73714?] arena quest[/url] content back in.

This mod use two interesting unused assets, one for the exterior of the Windhelm Pit, and an alternate version of the 'prison' asset that you can find in the vanilla game. The cut version which would have lead to the arena is much better looking.

[size=4][b][color=#ff0000]You only have to choose the monster to face ![/color][/b][/size] ([b][u]One Monster = One Mod[/u][/b])

[b][u]Warning[/u]: you can download all these mods "Monsters of the Pit Arena", but you must check only one ... otherwise the arena will be invaded by a crowd of monsters !

[i][u]Attention[/u]: vous pouvez télécharger tous ces mods "Monsters of the Pit Arena", mais vous ne devez en cocher qu'un seul ... sinon l'arène va être envahie par une foule de monstres ![/i]


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter One: Ogrim [/color] [/size][/b] (No DLC required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Two: Abyss Gazer [/color] [/size][/b] (No DLC required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Three: Old God of the Hunt [/color] [/size][/b] (The DLCs Dawnguard and Dragonborn are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Four: Ghosts and Wraiths [/color] [/size][/b] (The 3 DLCs are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Five: Chimps [/color] [/size][/b] (No DLC required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Six: Imps [/color] [/size][/b] (No DLC required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Seven: Watcher [/color] [/size][/b] [b] - BOSS FIGHT -[/b] (The DLCs Dawnguard and Dragonborn are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Eight: Goblins [/color] [/size][/b] (The 3 DLCs are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Nine: Liches [/color] [/size][/b] (The DLCs Dawnguard and Dragonborn are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Ten: Ash Golem and Zombies[/color] [/size][/b] (The 3 DLCs are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Eleven: Necrophages [/color] [/size][/b] [b] - BOSS FIGHT -[/b] (The DLCs Dawnguard and Dragonborn are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Twelve: Drakian Hydra [/color] [/size][/b] [b] - BOSS FIGHT -[/b] (The 3 DLCs are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Thirteen: Dwarven Magetta and Sentinels [/color] [/size][/b] (The DLCs Dawnguard and Dragonborn are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Fourteen: Ancient Skeletons [/color] [/size][/b] (The DLCs Dawnguard and Dragonborn are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Fifteen: Centipedes [/color] [/size][/b] [b] - BOSS FIGHT -[/b] (The 3 DLCs are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Sixteen: Gravelord [/color] [/size][/b] (The 3 DLCs are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Seventeen: Arachnids [/color] [/size][/b] (The 3 DLCs are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Eighteen: Yeti and Sasquatch [/color] [/size][/b] [b] - BOSS FIGHT -[/b] (The 3 DLCs are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Nineteen: Minotaurs [/color] [/size][/b] [b] - BOSS FIGHT -[/b] (The DLCs Dawnguard and Dragonborn are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Twenty: Rotten Maidens [/color] [/size][/b] (The DLCs Dawnguard and Dragonborn are required) [i]They are calm, do not wake them ![/i]


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Twenty One: Wendigos and Howlers [/color] [/size][/b] (The DLC Dawnguard is required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Twenty Two: Vampire Beasts [/color] [/size][/b] (The DLCs Dawnguard and Dragonborn are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Twenty Three: Water Hags and Foglings[/color] [/size][/b] (The DLCs Dawnguard and Dragonborn are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Twenty Four: Dryads and Bees [/color] [/size][/b] [b] - BOSS FIGHT -[/b] (The 3 DLCs are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Twenty Five: Bone Colossus [/color] [/size][/b] [b] - BOSS FIGHT -[/b] (The 3 DLCs are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Twenty Six: Leshens, Nekkers and Dogs [/color] [/size][/b] (The DLCs Dawnguard and Dragonborn are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Twenty Seven: Dwarven Colossus and Dogs [/color] [/size][/b] [b] - BOSS FIGHT -[/b] (The 3 DLCs are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Twenty Eight: Daedrats and Dusk Panthers [/color] [/size][/b] (The 3 DLCs are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Twenty Nine: Grievous Twilight and Bats [/color] [/size][/b] [b] - BOSS FIGHT -[/b] (The 3 DLCs are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Thirty: Harvesters and Wasps [/color] [/size][/b] [b] - BOSS FIGHT -[/b] (The DLCs Dawnguard and Dragonborn are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Thirty One: Aurorans [/color] [/size][/b] (The 3 DLCs are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Thirty Two: Pahmar Mercenaries and Naga Bandits [/color] [/size][/b] (The DLCs Dawnguard and Dragonborn are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Thirty Three: Iron Atronach and Storm Golem [/color] [/size][/b] (The 3 DLCs are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Thirty Four: Centaurs [/color] [/size][/b] (The DLCs Dawnguard and Dragonborn are required)


[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Chapter Thirty Five: Ogres and Blood Drake [/color] [/size][/b] (The DLCs Dawnguard and Dragonborn are required)


[b]Also think of searching in the corpses as well as questioning the NPCs to retrieve books/spells or scrolls or weapons or …[/b]

[i]Pensez également à fouiller les cadavres et à interroger les PNJ pour récupérer des livres / sorts ou des parchemins ou des armes ou …[/i]

[b][size=5][color=#ff0000] Bugs or Problems [/color] [/size][/b]

No first person view (the hands) for the "Aurorans"

[b][i] For the Companions : [/i] [/b] (Small Dwarven Colossus and Dwemer Dogs)

You can only have one follower at a time: if you want a different one, you need to dismiss the first one before you recruit them.

If you have any problem with the dialog box (Wait - Follow - Trade - Favor – Dismiss), or if telling the follower to return at home doesn't dismiss him, or if you have lost the active follower, you can try this:

Type “²” or "`" or "~" key to get into console, and type:

set playeranimalcount to 0

With Amazing Follower Tweaks , or other mod with followers, if problem to dismiss the followers, you can uncheck this mod (AFT or other) when you launch the game

If problem with the Dialog Box of the followers/ companions (Wait - Follow - Trade - Favor - Dismiss) you can also enter / exit a house or make a fast travel


(Gif by Verkister aka me/ Vomitrocious)

[b][i] For the Small Dwarven Colossus Mount : [/i] [/b]

[i]If your mount disappears (with impossibility to dismount): Be patient a few seconds or Zoom out with the scroll Wheel or FAST TRAVEL[/i] (This mount needs a lot of space to move around)

[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Compatibilities [/color] [/size][/b]

[b][i]Compatible with:[/i][/b] [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/47327]Cutting Room Floor [/url]; [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70142/]The Notice Board [/url]; [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8137] Windhelm HD Retexture [/url](2K version)

[b][i]Not Compatible with:[/i] [/b] [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84740] Bells of Skyrim[/url] ; [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/8058] Open Cities [/url]

In general, any mod which modifies completely Windhelm can (not obligatory) create bugs with my mods "Pit Arena" (for example red textures in the videos of [url=https://www.youtube.com/user/killerkevrouge] Killerkev [/url] or big blocks of stone like in the video of [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCwSUZZxqik] Sah [/url])

And if you do not want monsters, you have the version of SETVI: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91404/] Cut Content - Windhelm Arena - Legendary Edition [/url] (English Edition and French Edition) -[i] With new windows for the Bloodworks [/i]-

To fight in an arena you also have the mod [url=https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=119305443] Faction: Pit Fighter [/url]

[b][size=5][color=#ff0000]Credits [/color] [/size][/b]

[color=#ff0000]leedsfuzz[/color] for [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9485/] Cut Content - Windhelm Arena SE[/url]

[color=#ff0000] opusGlass [/color] for the Wendigos and the Howlers in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/90096?] Daedric Beasts - Wendigos and Howlers [/url]

[color=#ff0000]Verkister aka me[/color] for the mesh of the Dwemer Dog in his mod [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58214/?] Dwemer Dog Follower [/url]

[color=#ff0000]Kahjiit Raj[/color] in his mod “Golden Egg Treasure Hunt” for the texture of the Dwarven Egg

[color=#ff0000]MIHAIL[/color] for the Ogrim in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91406] Ogrim- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons - eso daedra- morrowind) [/url]; for the Abyss Gazer in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/94509/] Abyss Gazers- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- peryte daedra- dark souls basilisk) [/url], for the Old God of the Hunt in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84426] Old Gods of the Hunt- Mihail Monsters and Animals (Mihail immersive add-ons- Forsworn- Wild Hunt- Witcher) [/url]; for the Classic Ghosts in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/90213/] Classic Ghosts - Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- oblivion- undead) [/url] and for the Wraiths in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91212] Wraiths- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- oblivion undead- ghost) [/url], for the Chimps in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/92696/]Summon Army of Chimps- Mihail Powers and Spells (mihail immersive add-ons- monkey- hammerfell) [/url], for the Imps in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87928/] Imps - Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons - Oblivion - Cyrodiil) [/url]; for the Watcher in[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/93171] Watchers- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- apocrypha- daedra) [/url], for the Goblins in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/93766/] Goblins- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- oblivion- malacath) [/url], for the Liches in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91340/] Liches- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- undead- oblivion) [/url], for the Ash Golem and the Zombies in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/93173/] Ash Golem- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- atronach- daedra) [/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91287] Zombies- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- undead- oblivion) [/url], for the Necrophages in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/90466] Necrophages- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- namira- witcher)[/url]; for the Drakian Hydra in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82614/] Drakian Hydra- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons) [/url]; for the Dwarven Magetta and Sentinels in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/94615/?]Dwarven Magetta- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- dwemer automaton- dragonball) [/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/94619] Dwarven Sentinels- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- dwemer automaton- matrix) [/url], for the Ancient Skeletons in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/94616/] Ancient Skeletons- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- undead) [/url], for the Centipedes in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/94668/]Giant Centipedes- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- witcher insect) [/url], for the Gravelord in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82177/] Gravelords- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons - dark souls - sithis) [/url], for the Arachnids in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/89371/] Arachnomorphs- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons -witcher- spider) [/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/94694] Arachas- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- witcher arachnoid- spider) [/url], for the Yeti and the Sasquatch in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/94714/]Yetis and Sasquatchs- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- far cry- bigfoot cryptid) [/url], for the Minotaurs in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81998] Minotaurs - Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- cyrodiil) [/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/88477] Cyrodilic Minotaurs - Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons -cyrodiil -oblivion) [/url], for the Rotten Maidens in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/88439] Rotten Maidens - Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- undead- witcher) [/url], for the Vampire Beasts in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/85492] Vampire Beasts- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons - witcher - stalker) [/url], for the Water Hags and the Foglings in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87210] Water Hags- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons - witcher) [/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84516] Foglings- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- witcher- vampires) [/url], for the Dryads and the Bees in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/88264] Dryads - Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons - oblivion - cyrodiilian spriggan) [/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/88055] Dangerous Bees - Elements of Skyrim pt.5 (mihail immersive add-ons - insects) [/url], for the Bone Colossus in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87148/] Bone Colossus- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- ESO - undead) [/url], for the Leshen, the Nekkers and the Dogs in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/89345] Leshens and Nekkers - Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons -witcher wild hunt- hircine) [/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/92926] Nord Mastiffs and Draugulfs- Elements of Skyrim pt.21 (mihail immersive add-ons- dog- draugr) [/url], for the Dwarven Colossus, the Hell Hound and the Barghest in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82055] Dwarven Colossus - Mihail Monsters and Animals (Mihail immersive add-ons - ESO) [/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/94617] Barghests and Hell Hounds- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- tes arena- peryte daedra- witcher) [/url], for the Daedrats and the Dusk Panthers in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/90188] Daedrats and Dusk Panthers- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- azura- eso) [/url], for the Grievous Twilights and the Bats in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87822] Grievous Twilight- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- ESO- coldharbour) [/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/88088] Enemy Bats - Elements of Skyrim pt.7 (mihail immersive add-ons - daggerfall - animals) [/url], for the Harvesters and the Wasps in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82259/] Harvesters - Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons - ESO - daedra) [/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82505] Giant Wasps- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- ESO) [/url], for the Aurorans in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91525]Aurorans- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons -oblivion daedra -meridia) [/url], for the Pahmar Mercenaries and the Naga Bandits in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95992] Pahmar Mercenaries- Outlanders (mihail immersive-addons- khajiit- elsweyr) [/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/96041/] Naga Bandits- Outlanders (mihail immersive add-ons- eso argonian- black marsh) [/url], for the Iron Atronach and the Storm Golem in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87992/] Iron Atronach - Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons - ESO - golem) [/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87957] Storm Golem - Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons - ESO - atronach) [/url]; for the Centaurs in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/85364] Centaurs- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons - daggerfall) [/url], for the Ogres and the Blood Drake in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/88188] Ogres - Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons - Oblivion - ESO) [/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/94752] Blood Drakes- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- dragon- far cry) [/url]

(with also:[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3863233?tab=user+files] Vicn[/url],[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/294935] Mystikhybrid [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/383710] Nikinoodles [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/1613992] Sader325 [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/49221608] Calamin [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/71410] Xiank [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3186836] 747823 [/url], [url=https://vimeo.com/user2045102] NoneCG [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/1685869] Chafoux [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69596/?] Alex9ndre [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76729/?] SimonSiminss [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/1980917/?] NULL9 [/url], 74_mos, [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38651/] Elinen with ztree, vurt, sparrowprince & ga-knomboe [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/8245919/?] Reaperix [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56961/?]ianjoseph1086 [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62796/?] BerndR [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3297180/?] Ghosu [/url], [url=http://www.josephrussellauthor.com/] Joseph Russell [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69214/?] CrisSpiegel [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/1602025/?] DigitalVixen [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62733/?] lolikyonyu [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35631/?] Dogtown [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/67734/?] tamu75 [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10087/?] AeonVita [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/games/users/42532700/?]LoneNorseman [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18255/?]Classic Scythe [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/39952355/?] DioThallyssom [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2485522] SoN6of6TrediS [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/18972684/?] RustyShackleford69 [/url], Felipe Fabres, [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3804084]SRW0 [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/8720933/] M150 [/url], [url=https://www.patreon.com/truongcgartist] Truong [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/487647] Abakus [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/541688] Nostromo79 [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16525/] Oaristys [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/437824]Anton0028[/url],[url=https://www.darkcreations.org/profile/7359-berkian/] Berkian [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57848/?] milisot1325 [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65134/?] Vicn [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/10258480/?] LorSakyamuni [/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34764/?] metametroid [/url]; GSC Game World; and with the permission of[url=https://en.cdprojektred.com/] CD PROJEKT RED [/url] for some assets, and a special permission for « ***Yetis and Sasquatchs*** » by [url=https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/] Ubisoft and associates [/url])

Free sounds : [url=http://www.universal-soundbank.com/] universal-soundbank[/url] - [url=http://www.sound-fishing.net/bruitages_animaux.html] Sound Fishing [/url] - [url=http://lasonotheque.org/] lasonotheque [/url] - [url=http://soundbible.com/] soundbible [/url] - [url=http://www.freesfx.co.uk] freesfx [/url] - [url=http://www.xeno-canto.org/]xeno-canto[/url] - [url=https://www.hbw.com/ibc] The Internet IBC Bird Collection[/url]

***MIHAIL DISCLAIMER*** for [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/94714/] Yetis and Sasquatchs [/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/94752] Blood Drakes[/url]

[i][size=1]« Thank you very much Ubisoft and associates, specially to Far Cry 4 development team, for the permission to use their assets or part of their assets on my nonprofit, fan-made mods. Also thanks for the Nexus staff for the recognizement of this permission.

Remembering, as resquested
by Ubisoft, that this content:

It's not endorsed by Ubisoft or associates,
or related to their games, specially Far Cry 4;

It's not made for commercial usage, it's completely nonprofit,
as all of my work, including my fully authoral work;

And i don't own it, so, i don't challenge
Ubisoft's copyright on such assets.

Of course on my mods this assets can be modified or increased in order to fit the lore, mechanic, animations, and other goals, of the The Elder Scrolls mod for the Tes 5: Skyrim, where they are now part here on my nonprofit creative series, but this usage is not endorsed by Ubisoft, just kindly allowed by her.

Ubisoft is showing us again how great and kind she is with the fans. Thank you very much Ubisoft and associates, and thank you very much Nexus. » [/size][/i]

Lucien - Fully Voiced Follower LE PL

[size=5][color=#ff7700][b][center]Lucien - Fully Voiced Follower LE PL (spolszczenie)[/center][/b][/color][/size]

Jest to SPOLSZCZENIE Moda [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95029]Lucien - Fully Voiced Follower[/url] autorstwa [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/4958252]JosephRussell[/url]
For English Users: Please note this is only a Polish Translation of the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95029]Lucien - Fully Voiced Follower[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/4958252]JosephRussell[/url]

[color=#ff7700][size=4][b][center]CO DAJE MOD:[/center]
Lucien Flavius to w pełni  ugłosowiony kompan, który ma ponad 2300 linii dialogów. To uczony, który przybył do Skyrim w celach badawczych. Znaleźć go można Trunku Truposza w Falkret. Przy pierwszym poznaniu zdaje się być dość tchórzliwy i kiepski w walce, jednak w czasie wspólnych podróży zyskuje pewność siebie i siłę, aż w końcu sam może zostać uznany za bohatera.

Lucien to entuzjasta i optymista.  Często komentuje miejsca, w których przebywa i zadania, jakich się podejmujesz. Może czytać ci na głos kilka książek lub rozmawiać z innymi NPCami.  Możliwe są też interakcje z 20 innymi modami, włączając w to napisane specjalnie na te potrzeby dialogi dla niektórych z nich. 

[*]Ponad 2300 w pełni mówionych linii dialogów (TŁUMACZENIE NIE ZMIENIA GŁOSÓW – BĘDĄ PO ANGIELSKU)
[*]Komentarze do Głównego Zadania, zadań Akademii Zimowej Twierdzy, Towarzyszy i wielu innych mniejszych zadań
[*]Nowe zadanie w ciekawych dwemerskich ruinach – Lucien poprosi cię o pomoc po nawiązaniu bliższej znajomości
[*]System osobowości – Lucien ocenia twoje wybory i zachowania, co ma wpływ na przeprowadzane rozmowy
[*]System szkolenia – Lucien rozwija się wraz z przeżywanymi przygodami, możesz też uczyć go nowych zdolności i czarów (raz dziennie)
[*]Personalizacja m.in. walki i czarów – możliwe z poziomu MCM lub dialogów
[*]Od wersji 4.1 Lucien ma dodatkowe zadanie. Po jego wykonaniu Lucien będzie mógł jeździć konno - będzie miał swojego konia.

[size=4][color=#ff7700][b][center]JAK ZAINSTALOWAĆ:[/center][/b]
Pobierz oryginalną angielską wersję moda i zainstaluj za pomocą NMM, MO, Vortex lub ręcznie
Pobierz spolszczenie i je zainstaluj – za pomocą NMM, MO, Vortex lub ręcznie

[color=#ff7700][size=4][b][center]Lista wszystkich NPCów z modów, z którymi współgra Lucien:[/center]
[/b][/size][/color][color=#00ff00][size=3][b]POZIOM 3ci[/b][/size][/color]– Lucien i drugi kompan przeprowadzają pełne rozmowy – dialogi są napisane i nagrane specjalnie dla nich:
- Auri
- Hoth
- Kaidan
- Anduniel (Anna NPCs)
- Elyndra (Anna NPCs)
- Lyra (Anna NPCs)
- Mareen (Anna NPCs)
- Nadina (Anna NPCs)
- Valyen (Anna NPCs)

[b][color=#00ff00][size=3]POZIOM 2gi [/size][/color][/b]– Lucien i drugi kompan przeprowadzają pełne rozmowy – dialogi powstały z pocięcia i przemontowania dialogów NPCów:
- Delphine
- Esbern
- Lydia
- Vigilance
- Celia the Kettle-Maiden
- Inigo

[color=#00ff00][size=3][b]POZIOM 1szy[/b][/size][/color] – Lucien zdaje sobie sprawę z obecności kompana, może komentować, ale nie przeprowadza rozmów:
- J'zargo
- Meeko
- Dwarven Armored Mudcrab (Creation Club)
- Recorder
- Sofia
- Vilja

Lucien rozpoczyna przygodę będąc na poziomie 10tym, ale wraz z odbytymi podróżami i przygodami nabywa wiedzy i doświadczenia. Możesz uczyć  go czarów – musisz mieć do tego księgę czarów. Możesz wybierać, jakie czary ma używać. Możesz też zmienić jego styl walki – wojownik, mag czy łucznik.

[center]LUCIEN A TWOJE IMIĘ[/center]
Lucien może zwracać się do Ciebie po imieniu, o ile jest ono zgodne wcześniej ustaloną listą.  Jeśli masz SKSE, Lucian automatycznie rozpozna twoje imię, niezależnie od tego, czy masz też wpisane nazwisko. Jeśli masz SkyUI, możesz wybrać imię z poziomu MCM.
Jeśli nie masz SKSE, możesz wybrać imię w konsoli, wpisując odpowiednią komendę:
“Set JRLucienNameInt to X” – X to liczba wskazująca imię. Komendę wpisujesz bez cudzysłowu. 
Oto imiona rozpoznawane przez Luciena:
[spoiler]Alucard 32
Amanda 1
Anais 33
Anika 47
Aria 34
Ashley 2
Avery 35
Benito 3
Bjorn 4
Brann 5
Callum 21
Christopher 6
David 7
Deeja 44
Dylan 36
Ellie 22
Emelia 37
Eykthain 8
Fen'lin 38
Gary 9
Ghaunaere 23
Isabel 10
James 11
Jenivere 39
Jennifer 12
Jessica 13
Joseph 14
Joshua 15
Leonard 24
Lily 40
Lina 46
Lucille 41
Matthew 16
Michael 17
Min 42
Mittens 25
Morgan 45
Nara 26
Nerussa 27
Nils 18
Nox 48
Raimyr 28
Robert 19
Rozenn 29
Sarah 20
William 30
Yarlak 43
Yngrid 31
Terry  55
Scorpius  54
Paula  53
Ne'nar  52
Minerva  51
Freja   50
Candle   49[/spoiler]

[*]Drobne problem z Holds The City Overhaul – dostępny patch
[*]Drobne problem z  Shiva's Vanilla Clothing Replacer – dostępny patch
[*]Nie zaleca się “włączać” Luciena pod takie mody jak AFT i EFF

[size=4][b][color=#ff7700][center]INTERAKCJA Z INNYMI MODAMI:[/center][/color]
[*]Alternate Start - Live Another Life
[*]Anna NPCs
[*]Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim
[*]Helarchen Creek

[*]*Moon and Star – POTRZEBNY PATCH
[*]*Moonpath to Elsweyr – POTRZEBNY PATCH

[*]Song of the Green


[/list][size=4][color=#ff7700][b]Interakcja z zadaniami:[/b][/color]
[spoiler]Główne zadanie:

[*]Cisza przed Burzą 
[*]Budzenie smoka 
[*]Droga Głosu 
[*]Róg Jurgena Wiatrowładnego 
[*]Ostrze w ciemnościach
[*]List żelazny 
[*]Szczur zapędzony w kąt
[*]Ściana Alduina 
[*]Gardło Świata 
[*]Pradawna wiedza 
[*]Zguba Alduina 
[*]Niekończąca się pora roku 
[*]Gniazdo Pożeracza Smoków
[*]Zabójca smoków
Akademia Bardów:

[*]Podsycanie płomieni
Akademia Zimowej Twierdzy:

[*]Trudne początki
[*]W podziemiach Saarthal 
[*]Z nosem w księgach 
[*]Dobre zamiary 
[*]Ujawnianie niewidocznego 
[*]Laska Magnusa 
[*]Oko Magnusa
[*]Eksperyment J'zargo 
[*]Prośba Onmunda

[*]Do broni 
[*]Próba honoru 
[*]Srebrna Ręka
[*]Honor krwi
[*]Zaplanowany odwet 
[*]Chwała poległym
[*]Mroczne Bractwo:
[*]Opóźniony pochówek

[*]Okno do świata duchów
[*]Święte próby Kyne
[*]Błogosławieństwo natury
[*]Złoty szpon[/spoiler]

Bone Carved Greatsword

Craft this greatsword (requires steel smithing perk)

Bone Carved Greatsword - Enchanted

Craftable Enchanted powerful greatsword (requires Steel Smithing)

Fickle Farmgirl Fastred (or Follower Fanny) UUNP

Fanny Details[/b][/size][/color]

Race: Nord.
Combat Style/Perks: Archer / Light Armours
Default outfit: Akaviri sandals
Weight: 100
Marital status: Available
Location: Chilling at the Hotsprings Camp, just NW of Darkwater Crossing - Unmarked location in vanilla (see Recommended).
[b][color=#bf9000][size=3]Fastred Details

[/size][/color][/b]Updated Farmer Outfit to suit the new body type (see screenshots).

NB: Mod does not affect default game resources.


[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53996]HDT Physics Extensions[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68000]XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended - XPMSE
[/url][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12951/?]Enhanced Character Edit[/url] (for the ECE preset) - KSHairdo's type is 'Runaway'
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015]Bodyslide & Outfit Studio[/url] (for the Bodyslide preset)


[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12006/]Enhanced Hotpools[/url] by Jakhajay - not required but adds a map marker to the location, along with some other features.


Install via your preferred mod manager, or manually.

You may install both Fastred and Fanny if you so wish.

Optional download to install the Bodyslide preset, labelled 'Fanny Body', with additional 'push up' version for clothing.

Optional download for Fanny's [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12951/?]Enhanced Character Edit[/url] preset for slot 24.  Requires the contents of the archive to be manually copying to the folder (default):
...\documents\my games\skyrim\cme_save\


[/size]Un-install via your preferred mod manager, or manually.

[size=3][b][color=#bf9000]Known Issues[/color][/b]

[/size]You may need to update Fastred's outfit in-game if the new one isn't showing:
[*]open the console
[*]click on Fastred
[*]enter [code]resetinventory[/code]
Load order: if installing the Fastred update version, ensure that 'FickleFastred.esp' is later in the load order than any other NPC mods featuring Fastred.  This may affect any updates to Fastred's AI/packages/etc that those mods update.  The usual stuff.[size=3]

[/size]Usual general caveats that anything I've touched with my mod might affect other mods.

Wrists.  I know.


[color=#ffff00]Fastred?  Why Fastred?  Who the hell is Fastred anyway?
[/color]I'm sure we can all agree that mods such as Botox do a fantastic job of raising the baseline of the NPCs' appearance.  That said, when it comes to named NPCs involved in quests, I like unique character for unique characters.  So far as I've heard, many of you probably haven't walked the 7,000 steps, or even been named Dovakhiin yet, so you might not know who Fastred is.  Go talk to Dinya Balu when she's at the Temple of Mara in Riften.[color=#ffff00]

Not as yet.  Mebbe later.  Using the alternative textures from the nouna/Penny mods would more than suffice though.

Sorry, but no.

[color=#ffff00]Can I haz this really specific option (flags, hair colour, warpaint, etc)?[/color]
Generally, there's no issue providing options but really, this is modding.  When it comes to changing basic flags and packages (marriageable, kill-able, follower, etc), TES5Edit is your friend, as is the CK and even nifSkope/gimp, which are all freely available and fairly fundamental.  Also, too many options just clutters the downloads and makes it more difficult to track changes and updates.

To the floor!

[color=#ffff00]Why that location?[/color]
I dunno.  Nudity?

[color=#ffff00]Them wrists though...
[/color]I know!  TBH, it's a legacy of the Robton's Fantasy Fitness body that I used as the basis - the base BCup setting just messes with such things and I haven't been arsed recreating the body with a different base.  Another of the long list of 'things to do'...

Not 'alf.


[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/88131]Unslaad - Pale UNP Textures[/url] by Miriam and DomainWolf
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/90982]Unslaad Keizaal - Pale UNP Textures[/url] by Miriam
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51602/?]Fair Skin Complexion[/url] by HHaley
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73512/?]Leyenda Skin[/url] by HeroedeLeyenda
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015]Bodyslide and Outfit Studio[/url] by Caliente
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311/?]KS Hairdo's[/url] by Kalilies Stealthic Khaos and Shock
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69562]Remodeled Armor for UUNP[/url] by gamefever - ousnius - ChronoTrigger77 (original MAK07)
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4805]DX Gwelda Red Riding Hood Outfit UNP[/url] by DeserterX
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/83383/?]The Amazing World of Bikini Armor[/url] by NiseTanaka
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12951/?]Enhanced Character Edit[/url] by ECE Team
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/4142]CLENB[/url] (ENB) used for screenshots

Bone Carved Sword

A craftable sword (steel smithing required) variation of the bone carved greatsword

JADE A beautiful Standalone CBBE Follower

Adds Jade as a standalone follower in Riverwood Trader upstairs

[b][u]Jade Info:[/u][/b]
[b]Voicetype: [/b]Female Sultry
[b]Bodytype:[/b] [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16855?tab=posts]The Simple Allure Body CBBE[/url] - Converted to use in LE
[b]Weight:[/b] 70
[b]Height:[/b] default
[b]Combat Style:[/b] Rogue
[b]Armor/Outfit: [/b]Naked as the day she was born!  She does come with steel daggers, nothing else! 


[u][b]I highly recommend installing: [/b][/u]
Amazing Follower Tweaks: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15524]Amazing Follower Tweaks[/url]
I am not sure if the above is required? Certainly means you can change her combat style, outfits etc. So well worth it imo! 

[u][b]Installation (Recommended)[/b][/u]
Install via NM or Vortex.

[u][b]To install manually[/b][/u]
unpack and drag and drop into your Skyrim Special Edition, main game folder (where  skyrimSE.exe is)

Vanilla Sky SAVE FILE

Save Game With Error CAQS 
With Kill/disable Main Mission
For Clean myMod using [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52363/?]Save Cleaner

[/url]Update 1:
with error caqs civil war but complete dragonborn and dawnguard cure serana

Update 2 : 
error saq file for caqs kilall npc mission all item recycle to 0


Jade A beautiful NORD preset for Racemenu! 

[b]Want her as a standalone follower instead? [/b]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99778][color=#00ffff]JADE A Beautiful Standalone CBBE Follower[/color][/url]

Mods Required: 
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311]KS Hair Dos[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56056]Mikan Eyes[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/94629]Female Makeup Suite[/url]

[url=http://skse.silverlock.org/]SKSE [/url]
[/url]Either Download via NM or Vortex
Download manually, unpack and put the preset file (Jslot) in the game folder data\skse\plugins\chargen\presets

Skin texture used in images is:
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70834]Demoniac 2K[/url]
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