[center][font=Times New Roman][b][i][size=5]___________________________________________________________[/size]
[color=#ffff00][size=6]If you like my work, don't forget to endorse this mod. [/size][/color]
[size=4]It's free, fast and very important for the continuation of this nonprofit work.[/size]
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[/color][/font][font=Times New Roman][b][size=4][color=#ff0000]Subscribe to my new Youtube channel to be [/color]
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[font=Times New Roman][size=5][i][b]For Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/articles/52516]CLICK HERE[/url]
[i][font=Times New Roman][size=3][color=#b45f06][b]"The Dreugh or Dreughs are a Tamrielic race of powerful aquatic creatures observed primarily in Morrowind (especially the Inner Sea), the Illiac Bay, the Abecean Sea, Black Marsh and Cyrodiil. They are often hunted for their wax and hide.
Once common throughout Vvanderfell, Ebonheart and the surrounding waters, they have been driven into isolated pockets in more recent times.There is some doubt on whether they shouldn't be classified along with Argonians, for their semi-aquatic nature and "troglophiliac" humanoid form.
According to legend, the Dreugh devolved from a much more intelligent and civilized race due to conflict with the Dunmer (who used their hides and wax), and powerful, tyrannic Dreugh kingdoms, are reported by Mankar Camoran in his Mythic Dawn Commentaries even going as far as to state they once ruled the world. That notion is explored in Vivec's lessons, where it is stated that, "when the dreughs ruled the world, the Daedroth Prince Molag Bal had been their chief". The sermon gives details of the form Bal took at the time, describing it as "spiny and armored and made for the sea".
Additionally, tales of civilized Land Dreugh colonies (purported to have built stone cairn houses and structures) exist, which affirm that the species raised mudcrabs for susteinance, but no evidence of such behavior exists today."[/b][/color]
[/size][/font][/i][u][i][b][font=Times New Roman][size=3]elderscrolls wikia[/size][/font]
[/b][/i][/u][font=Georgia][i][color=#f1c232]"Dreugh metamorphose into Land Dreugh at a period in their life cycle called Karvinasim, during which they grow legs and spend about a year on dry land. Land Dreugh are known to exist in Morrowind's Stonefalls region, Shadowfen in Black Marsh and even as far inland as Cyrodiil. The Land Dreugh's naturally sturdy carapace is known to deflect most attacks from common weapons. In this period they are also able to cast powerfull shock spells. [url=http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Dreugh#cite_note-notes-3]
[/url][i]Fronto Maecilius states that the race migrates from the Abecean Sea into the Iliac Bay, and notes a particularity known as the Karvinasim, a period of transformation in which the Dreugh walk on land, "favoring shoreline marshes and rivers close to the open water". He also suggests that the Karvinasim heightens the individual's martial instincts, especially speed and hostility (which led to the evisceration of the writer's lead geographer, Pulcherius Pomptinus, by a territorial broodmother).
[/color][/i][i][color=#f1c232]At the end of the Karvinasim (after about a year of land walking), the Dreugh return to their underwater environment, undergoing a final transformation called Meff or Meffing (noting that "to meff" is considered a verb). During Meff, the Dreugh submerge, devouring their land skin and air organs in a self-cannibalistic manner, as those become unneeded. After eating, they vomit the congealed remains as small fibrous balls known as Grom, that are approximately a foot in diameter. The spheres are described as foul-smelling, are found in clusters around lakes, and have no known "virtues"."
elderscrolls wikia
[/i][/font][font=Times New Roman][size=5]This mod adds the Land Dreugh variant to Skyrim. They appear in 3 forms: the common Land Dreugh, the Mating Dreugh and the Dreugh Broodmother. While you may find solitary land dreughs on the shores of lakes, commonly they live in nests close to a Dreugh Broodmother, taking care of the eggs.
The male dreughs ready to copulate are known as Mating Dreughs, and commonly roam solitary, searching for a nest and a female to copulate and start a new nest.
Their nests are made of piles of mud, with corpses conserved inside them, to serve as food for the hatchlings, and are made on the shores of Lakes, commonly on forest areas.[/size][/font]
[font=Courier New]
[/color][font=Courier New][color=#ffff00][size=4][u]***CHECK COMPATIBILITY TAB BELOW***[/u][/size][/color][/font]
[size=3]- 1 NEW CREATURE- Land Dreugh, in 3 variants, [/size][size=3]common, Mating and
Broodmother, [/size][size=3]with custom sounds and loot[/size]
[size=3]- 1 dreugh nest on Lake Ilinalta, Dreughs also appear on Lake Honrich[/size][size=3]
and other bodies of water on center and south Skyrim, but without nests there[/size]
[size=3]- 1 new merchant npc- Dreugh Hunter, in a small island close to Anise's Cabin[/size]
[b]- The last Skyrim Update[/b][/u]
[u][b]- DLC Hearthfire
- DLC Dawnguard
- DLC Dragonborn
[font=Arial][color=#ffff00][size=4][u]This mod should be compatible with almost all other mods,
with no worries, except if you use the mod Moon and Star.
In this case, listen carefully: the nest is very close to the city of
New Vivec from that mod. You need to place the
mihaillanddreugh.esp right ABOVE moon and star's esp
on mods load order to avoid conflicts.
The aggression range of the dreughs is small, so commonly
they do not engage in conflict with the city.[/u][/size][/color][/font]
[font=Times New Roman][size=4][b]Author:
Mihail- dreugh models, textures, animations, sound, loot, effects, game implementation
dreugh nests concept and creation
Some assets used on this mod belong too:
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/18972684/?]RustyShackleford69[/url]- he helped me with more lore info about land dreughs
[url=https://en.cdprojektred.com/]CD PROJEKT RED [/url]and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/10258480]LorSakyamuni [/url]- some of the clutter and corpses used as part of the dreughs nest on Lake Ilinalta are made using some CD PROJEKT RED assets such as some bones, corpses and guts, ported and converted by LorSakyamuni[/b][/size][/font][/center]
[color=#ffff00][size=6]If you like my work, don't forget to endorse this mod. [/size][/color]
[size=4]It's free, fast and very important for the continuation of this nonprofit work.[/size]
[/font][b][font=Times New Roman]
[size=4]Join us on my Discord server. A large community made up of
nice modders and mod users, where you'll feel at home:[/size]
[/font][/b][font=Times New Roman][color=#ffff00][u][b][size=4][url=https://discordapp.com/invite/Mt4yFqy]CLICK HERE[/url]
[/color][/font][font=Times New Roman][b][size=4][color=#ff0000]Subscribe to my new Youtube channel to be [/color]
[color=#ff0000]always up to date on my work: [/color][/size]
[u][size=4][url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDAJ544nxvKxzrc2CxxVvwQ?view_as=subscriber?sub_confirmation=1]CLICK HERE[/url][/size]
[font=Times New Roman][size=5][i][b]For Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/articles/52516]CLICK HERE[/url]
[i][font=Times New Roman][size=3][color=#b45f06][b]"The Dreugh or Dreughs are a Tamrielic race of powerful aquatic creatures observed primarily in Morrowind (especially the Inner Sea), the Illiac Bay, the Abecean Sea, Black Marsh and Cyrodiil. They are often hunted for their wax and hide.
Once common throughout Vvanderfell, Ebonheart and the surrounding waters, they have been driven into isolated pockets in more recent times.There is some doubt on whether they shouldn't be classified along with Argonians, for their semi-aquatic nature and "troglophiliac" humanoid form.
According to legend, the Dreugh devolved from a much more intelligent and civilized race due to conflict with the Dunmer (who used their hides and wax), and powerful, tyrannic Dreugh kingdoms, are reported by Mankar Camoran in his Mythic Dawn Commentaries even going as far as to state they once ruled the world. That notion is explored in Vivec's lessons, where it is stated that, "when the dreughs ruled the world, the Daedroth Prince Molag Bal had been their chief". The sermon gives details of the form Bal took at the time, describing it as "spiny and armored and made for the sea".
Additionally, tales of civilized Land Dreugh colonies (purported to have built stone cairn houses and structures) exist, which affirm that the species raised mudcrabs for susteinance, but no evidence of such behavior exists today."[/b][/color]
[/size][/font][/i][u][i][b][font=Times New Roman][size=3]elderscrolls wikia[/size][/font]
[/b][/i][/u][font=Georgia][i][color=#f1c232]"Dreugh metamorphose into Land Dreugh at a period in their life cycle called Karvinasim, during which they grow legs and spend about a year on dry land. Land Dreugh are known to exist in Morrowind's Stonefalls region, Shadowfen in Black Marsh and even as far inland as Cyrodiil. The Land Dreugh's naturally sturdy carapace is known to deflect most attacks from common weapons. In this period they are also able to cast powerfull shock spells. [url=http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Dreugh#cite_note-notes-3]
[/url][i]Fronto Maecilius states that the race migrates from the Abecean Sea into the Iliac Bay, and notes a particularity known as the Karvinasim, a period of transformation in which the Dreugh walk on land, "favoring shoreline marshes and rivers close to the open water". He also suggests that the Karvinasim heightens the individual's martial instincts, especially speed and hostility (which led to the evisceration of the writer's lead geographer, Pulcherius Pomptinus, by a territorial broodmother).
[/color][/i][i][color=#f1c232]At the end of the Karvinasim (after about a year of land walking), the Dreugh return to their underwater environment, undergoing a final transformation called Meff or Meffing (noting that "to meff" is considered a verb). During Meff, the Dreugh submerge, devouring their land skin and air organs in a self-cannibalistic manner, as those become unneeded. After eating, they vomit the congealed remains as small fibrous balls known as Grom, that are approximately a foot in diameter. The spheres are described as foul-smelling, are found in clusters around lakes, and have no known "virtues"."
elderscrolls wikia
[/i][/font][font=Times New Roman][size=5]This mod adds the Land Dreugh variant to Skyrim. They appear in 3 forms: the common Land Dreugh, the Mating Dreugh and the Dreugh Broodmother. While you may find solitary land dreughs on the shores of lakes, commonly they live in nests close to a Dreugh Broodmother, taking care of the eggs.
The male dreughs ready to copulate are known as Mating Dreughs, and commonly roam solitary, searching for a nest and a female to copulate and start a new nest.
Their nests are made of piles of mud, with corpses conserved inside them, to serve as food for the hatchlings, and are made on the shores of Lakes, commonly on forest areas.[/size][/font]
[font=Courier New]
[/color][font=Courier New][color=#ffff00][size=4][u]***CHECK COMPATIBILITY TAB BELOW***[/u][/size][/color][/font]
[size=3]- 1 NEW CREATURE- Land Dreugh, in 3 variants, [/size][size=3]common, Mating and
Broodmother, [/size][size=3]with custom sounds and loot[/size]
[size=3]- 1 dreugh nest on Lake Ilinalta, Dreughs also appear on Lake Honrich[/size][size=3]
and other bodies of water on center and south Skyrim, but without nests there[/size]
[size=3]- 1 new merchant npc- Dreugh Hunter, in a small island close to Anise's Cabin[/size]
[b]- The last Skyrim Update[/b][/u]
[u][b]- DLC Hearthfire
- DLC Dawnguard
- DLC Dragonborn
[font=Arial][color=#ffff00][size=4][u]This mod should be compatible with almost all other mods,
with no worries, except if you use the mod Moon and Star.
In this case, listen carefully: the nest is very close to the city of
New Vivec from that mod. You need to place the
mihaillanddreugh.esp right ABOVE moon and star's esp
on mods load order to avoid conflicts.
The aggression range of the dreughs is small, so commonly
they do not engage in conflict with the city.[/u][/size][/color][/font]
[font=Times New Roman][size=4][b]Author:
Mihail- dreugh models, textures, animations, sound, loot, effects, game implementation
dreugh nests concept and creation
Some assets used on this mod belong too:
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/18972684/?]RustyShackleford69[/url]- he helped me with more lore info about land dreughs
[url=https://en.cdprojektred.com/]CD PROJEKT RED [/url]and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/10258480]LorSakyamuni [/url]- some of the clutter and corpses used as part of the dreughs nest on Lake Ilinalta are made using some CD PROJEKT RED assets such as some bones, corpses and guts, ported and converted by LorSakyamuni[/b][/size][/font][/center]