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Land Dreughs- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail oldrim mod)

[center][font=Times New Roman][b][i][size=5]___________________________________________________________[/size]

[color=#ffff00][size=6]If you like my work, don't forget to endorse this mod. [/size][/color]
[size=4]It's free, fast and very important for the continuation of this nonprofit work.[/size]
[/font][b][font=Times New Roman]

[size=4]Join us on my Discord server. A large community made up of 
nice modders and mod users, where you'll feel at home:[/size]
[/font][/b][font=Times New Roman][color=#ffff00][u][b][size=4][url=https://discordapp.com/invite/Mt4yFqy]CLICK HERE[/url]

[/color][/font][font=Times New Roman][b][size=4][color=#ff0000]Subscribe to my new Youtube channel to be [/color]
[color=#ff0000]always up to date on my work: [/color][/size]
[u][size=4][url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDAJ544nxvKxzrc2CxxVvwQ?view_as=subscriber?sub_confirmation=1]CLICK HERE[/url][/size]

[font=Times New Roman][size=5][i][b]For Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): 
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/articles/52516]CLICK HERE[/url]



[i][font=Times New Roman][size=3][color=#b45f06][b]"The Dreugh or Dreughs are a Tamrielic race of powerful aquatic creatures observed primarily in Morrowind (especially the Inner Sea), the Illiac Bay, the Abecean Sea, Black Marsh and Cyrodiil. They are often hunted for their wax and hide.

Once common throughout Vvanderfell, Ebonheart and the surrounding waters, they have been driven into isolated pockets in more recent times.There is some doubt on whether they shouldn't be classified along with Argonians, for their semi-aquatic nature and "troglophiliac" humanoid form.

According to legend, the Dreugh devolved from a much more intelligent and civilized race due to conflict with the Dunmer (who used their hides and wax), and powerful, tyrannic Dreugh kingdoms, are reported by Mankar Camoran in his Mythic Dawn Commentaries even going as far as to state they once ruled the world. That notion is explored in Vivec's lessons, where it is stated that, "when the dreughs ruled the world, the Daedroth Prince Molag Bal had been their chief". The sermon gives details of the form Bal took at the time, describing it as "spiny and armored and made for the sea".

Additionally, tales of civilized Land Dreugh colonies (purported to have built stone cairn houses and structures) exist, which affirm that the species raised mudcrabs for susteinance, but no evidence of such behavior exists today."[/b][/color]

[/size][/font][/i][u][i][b][font=Times New Roman][size=3]elderscrolls wikia[/size][/font]

[/b][/i][/u][font=Georgia][i][color=#f1c232]"Dreugh metamorphose into Land Dreugh at a period in their life cycle called Karvinasim, during which they grow legs and spend about a year on dry land. Land Dreugh are known to exist in Morrowind's Stonefalls region, Shadowfen in Black Marsh and even as far inland as Cyrodiil. The Land Dreugh's naturally sturdy carapace is known to deflect most attacks from common weapons. In this period they are also able to cast powerfull shock spells. [url=http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Dreugh#cite_note-notes-3]

[/url][i]Fronto Maecilius states that the race migrates from the Abecean Sea into the Iliac Bay, and notes a particularity known as the Karvinasim, a period of transformation in which the Dreugh walk on land, "favoring shoreline marshes and rivers close to the open water". He also suggests that the Karvinasim heightens the individual's martial instincts, especially speed and hostility (which led to the evisceration of the writer's lead geographer, Pulcherius Pomptinus, by a territorial broodmother).
[/color][/i][i][color=#f1c232]At the end of the Karvinasim (after about a year of land walking), the Dreugh return to their underwater environment, undergoing a final transformation called Meff or Meffing (noting that "to meff" is considered a verb). During Meff, the Dreugh submerge, devouring their land skin and air organs in a self-cannibalistic manner, as those become unneeded. After eating, they vomit the congealed remains as small fibrous balls known as Grom, that are approximately a foot in diameter. The spheres are described as foul-smelling, are found in clusters around lakes, and have no known "virtues"."
elderscrolls wikia

[/i][/font][font=Times New Roman][size=5]This mod adds the Land Dreugh variant to Skyrim. They appear in 3 forms: the common Land Dreugh, the Mating Dreugh and the Dreugh Broodmother. While you may find solitary land dreughs on the shores of lakes, commonly they live in nests close to a Dreugh Broodmother, taking care of the eggs.

The male dreughs ready to copulate are known as Mating Dreughs, and commonly roam solitary, searching for a nest and a female to copulate and start a new nest.

Their nests are made of piles of mud, with corpses conserved inside them, to serve as food for the hatchlings, and are made on the shores of Lakes, commonly on forest areas.[/size][/font]

[font=Courier New]
[/color][font=Courier New][color=#ffff00][size=4][u]***CHECK COMPATIBILITY TAB BELOW***[/u][/size][/color][/font]



[size=3]- 1 NEW CREATURE- Land Dreugh, in 3 variants, [/size][size=3]common, Mating and
Broodmother, [/size][size=3]with custom sounds and loot[/size]

[size=3]- 1 dreugh nest on Lake Ilinalta, Dreughs also appear on Lake Honrich[/size][size=3] 
and other bodies of water on center and south Skyrim, but without nests there[/size]

[size=3]- 1 new merchant npc- Dreugh Hunter, in a small island close to Anise's Cabin[/size]



[b]- The last Skyrim Update[/b][/u]
[u][b]- DLC Hearthfire
- DLC Dawnguard
- DLC Dragonborn


[font=Arial][color=#ffff00][size=4][u]This mod should be compatible with almost all other mods,
with no worries, except if you use the mod Moon and Star.

In this case, listen carefully: the nest is very close to the city of
New Vivec from that mod. You need to place the
mihaillanddreugh.esp right ABOVE moon and star's esp
on mods load order to avoid conflicts.

The aggression range of the dreughs is small, so commonly
they do not engage in conflict with the city.[/u][/size][/color][/font]

[font=Times New Roman][size=4][b]Author: 

Mihail- dreugh models, textures, animations, sound, loot, effects, game implementation
dreugh nests concept and creation

Some assets used on this mod belong too:

[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/18972684/?]RustyShackleford69[/url]- he helped me with more lore info about land dreughs
[url=https://en.cdprojektred.com/]CD PROJEKT RED [/url]and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/10258480]LorSakyamuni [/url]- some of the clutter and corpses used as part of the dreughs nest on Lake Ilinalta are made using some CD PROJEKT RED assets such as some bones, corpses and guts, ported and converted by LorSakyamuni[/b][/size][/font][/center]

Lurchers and Briarheart Trees- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail oldrim mod)

[center][size=6][/size][font=Times New Roman][b][i][size=5]___________________________________________________________[/size]

[color=#ffff00][size=6]If you like my work, don't forget to endorse this mod. [/size][/color]
[size=4]It's free, fast and very important for the continuation of this nonprofit work.[/size]
[/font][b][font=Times New Roman]

[size=4]Join us on my Discord server. A large community made up of 
nice modders and mod users, where you'll feel at home:[/size]
[/font][/b][font=Times New Roman][color=#ffff00][u][b][size=4][url=https://discordapp.com/invite/Mt4yFqy]CLICK HERE[/url]

[/color][/font][font=Times New Roman][b][size=4][color=#ff0000]Subscribe to my new Youtube channel to be [/color]
[color=#ff0000]always up to date on my work: [/color][/size]
[u][size=4][url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDAJ544nxvKxzrc2CxxVvwQ?view_as=subscriber?sub_confirmation=1]CLICK HERE[/url][/size]

[font=Times New Roman][size=5][i][b]For Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): 
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/articles/52516]CLICK HERE[/url]



[size=4][font=Times New Roman][color=#38761d][i]"[/i][/color][/font][b][font=Times New Roman][color=#6aa84f][i]They are abominations of the Bloodthorns (FORSWORN ancestors)!
The Lurchers were Spriggans once, until the cultists twisted and corrupted them" [/i]
[/color][/font][/b][/size][font=Times New Roman][color=#f4f4f4][size=3]- Wyress Ileana[/size]

[/color][/font][font=Times New Roman][i][color=#ffff00][size=4][b]"Lurchers[/b] are creatures that appear in Elder Scrolls Online. Lurchers are a more masculine variant of Spriggan, and are often like so due to being cursed. Natural Lurchers can be found within swamps and forests and are sometimes used as guardians"[/size][/color]

[/i][size=3]The most common lurcher creation method is through a reachman ritual that corrupts spriggans and the environment around them, turning the spriggans into Lurchers, killing wildlife, and growing huge, twisting, poisonous vines on the area, using for that goal special nature corruption totems, evil artifacts that exhales an ancient dark magic, a magic able to twist, corrupt and deform the purity of nature and her servants. Hagravens are probably the original creators of the artifacts.

Commonly Lurchers core glows in green light, but the ancient ones seems to glow in orange. When a Lurcher goes really enranged and unstable he startes to glow red, and commonly this ones are strayed, and not at the service of a mage or witch, due to their unpredictable nature. The Bosmer also have a few uses for Lurchers. In ESO you find one villiage of Bosmer that grow Lurchers from the ground, and use them for warfare and guards. You recieve a quest where you plant these seeds in the ground, and quickly grow Lurchers to destroy a Wood Orc camp.There is even another quest where you help a Bosmer grow Lurchers infused with various elements (Fire, Ice, Electricity). This one type of Lurcher has his core glowing in blue light and are passive unless provoked. Telvanni wizards seems to have interest in their creation too, and some scholars believe this method of creation is not achieved through corruption, but simply by nature/bosmer/druidic alteration magic, while other theory says that natural lurchers simply exist, alongside the artificially generated ones.
The reachmen even have a special Lurcher variant that is a crossbreed with Briarheart trees.

Briarheart trees are a strange species of daedric tree with red leaves and the source of the infamous Briarhearts. A Briarheart Sapling, a juvenile form of the tree, its planted in a single corpse. More corpses will be placed bellow the tree's roots during the development of the plant. The fruit produced by the trees is used in rituals by Hagravens to resurrect Reachman warriors as Briarhearts. It is a great honor to be chosen for this transformation. First the warrior has his heart removed, then the fruit is plunged into the dead warrior now empty chest, and they are resurrected with greater strength and fortitude. Any corpse can serve the purpose of being resurrected by the fruit of a briarheart tree, but the ritual holds great importance for warriors of the Reach.

This trees are also able to raise some of the bones of the corpses they eat, if attacked, to defend themselves, and the big ones can also create the dangerous Briarheart Lurcher mentioned before. This variant of Lurcher has a briarheart on his chest as source of power and briarheart saplings growing on his limbs and torso.[/size]


[size=4]- LURCHERS- 5 variants (lurcher/strayed lurcher, ancient [/size]
[size=4]lurcher, enraged lurcher, guardian lurcher, briarheart lurcher)[/size]

[size=4]- Nature corrupter totems[/size]

[size=4]- Briarheart trees- 2 variants (tree and sapling)[/size]

[size=4]- all above have new fight mechanics, sounds, effects, loot[/size]

[size=4]- 2 new summons (they are available in forsworn staves, [/size]
[size=4]on random forsworn camps, to summon Lurcher and Ancient Lurcher)[/size]

[size=4]- vanilla Lurkers (hermaeus mora daedra) from DLC Dragonborn are now called Benthic Lurkers [/size]
[size=4](as planned initially by bethesda) to make things very clearly distinguished[/size]

[b]- The last Skyrim Update[/b][/u]
[u][b]- DLC Hearthfire
- DLC Dawnguard
- DLC Dragonborn



Mihail- models, textures, effects, sounds, loot, animations, game implementation

Some assets used on this mod belong too:

[url=https://en.cdprojektred.com/]CD PROJEKT RED[/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/10258480]LorSakyamuni [/url]- respectively, the corpse pile bellow the
briarheart tree roots and the porting and conversion of it to skyrim
[/b][b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/18972684?tab=user+files]RustyShackleford69[/url]- more lore info about this creature
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/7799316?tab=user+files]Achronos11[/url]- texture of the lurcher corrupted taproot
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/441374?tab=about+me]Baronf[/url]- part of the small roots used on the lurcher torso
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/7545071]ThEjEsTeRoFeViL[/url]- i used some of his textures as base in order to
create some of my lurcher textures[/b]


Cullen Follower

Name:  Cullen
Race: Nord
Weight: 20
Class: 1H warrior
Essential, marriageable
Voice: MaleEvenToned
Location:  Dragonsreach


Put Data folder to your Skyrim's root directiry, merge, activate esp in launcher.

[color=#8e7cc3][size=4][b][i]New in 2.0:

[/i][/b][/size][/color]Reworked face sculpt (high poly head) and face textures.
Reworked hair mesh. 
Reworked armor (now metal parts looks like metal, not a piece of white plastic). Fixed bug with dissapeared legs.

[color=#8e7cc3][size=4][b][i]Knowing issues:

[/i][/b][/size][/color]Gloves still clipping through hands in some custom poses.


[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30411]Brows by Hvergelmir[/url]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13722]The eyes of beauty by LogRaam[/url]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51602]Fair Skin Complexion by HHaleyy
[/url][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97077]Dizona Body by Dizona and Cheshirk
[/url][url=http://vectorplexus.com/files/file/283-high-poly-head/]High Poly head by KouLeifoh[/url]

Faerie Race

A new playable race, featuring new powers and abilities.


-[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24168/?]RaceCompatibility for Skyrim and Dawnguard[/url] by TMPhoenix 

- [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29624/?]Racemenu[/url] to load the presets
-[url=https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=222035755]JG Monsters[/url] and [url=https://www.moddb.com/mods/skymomod-v13]Monster Mod V13[/url] for the familiar system
Lore[/u]: I wanted more magic.

[/u]- Over 24 new spells/abilites to discover
- 5 new companions that grow stronger alongside you.
- 2 new Racemenu presets: AOAoakMale/AOBaakFemale

[u]Skill Bonuses[/u]
- 10 Alchemy
- 10 One-Handed
- 10 Two-Handed
- 5 Block
- 5 Archery
- 5 Heavy Armor

-You gain new spells at level 1, 15 and 25
-Some of your familiars gain new powers based on your current mark.

Join our discord server for mod info and upcoming changes [url=https://discord.gg/XZVUmAe]https://discord.gg/XZVUmAe
[/url]Support us on [url=https://www.patreon.com/user?u=8486886]Patreon[/url]

[/u][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2488/?]Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - New hairstyles[/url] by Chris57 and FavoredSoul 
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51602/?]Fair Skin Complexion[/url] by HHaleyy 
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76405/?]Girl of the Innocence[/url] by Lumina 
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70834/?]Demoniac- High Quality Glossy Female Body Texture 8K 4K 2K [/url]by Regenbot03
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57198/?]TDN Equipable Horns[/url] by Nightshade 
[size=2][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311/?]KS Hairdos - Renewal[/url] by Kalilies Stealthic Khaos and Shocky 
[/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54483/?]Gemling Queen Resources[/url] by Saerileth 
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69681/?]Battlemage Armour (Female)[/url] by Elianora - DrMonops - tumbajamba 
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50302/?]Better Females Eyebrows - Standalone[/url] by BellaGail and Kalilies
[size=2][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59192/?]Eyes of Aber[/url] by Aberin 
[/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73853/?]PureSkinTexture[/url] by Anini n Regenbot03
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87226]KijikoHairCC[/url] by chitama

Midwood Isle

"One day, Zahkris will rise again, built on the souls of fallen Mer, and he with the soul from Akatosh is the only one who can vanquish Zahkris
forever. Should they fall, so will the land of Midwood Isle."
Travel to the home of the Sonmer, Midwood Isle, an island to the north west, far outside of Tamriels border.

Discover about the Sun Elves, their history and beliefs, as you face off against new enemies, solve puzzles, explore dungeons and more.[/center]

[center][b][color=#00ffff]If you enjoy my mod, please consider endorsing or voting! It would really help the mod develop.[/color][/b][/center]
[i][b][center]For the Skyrim SE version, click [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/28120]here[/url][/center][/b][/i]

[size=4][u][b]What is Midwood Isle?[/b][/u][/size]

Midwood Isle is a new lands mod, which means it adds an entire new world to Skyrim, similar to the Dragonborn DLC.

Some features include:
[*]A new worldspace, roughly the size of 1-2 Skyrim holds, and a "spirit world" version of roughly the same size
[*]All NPCs fully voiced with thousands of unique dialogue lines
[*]An 11 quest long main storyline
[*]21 side quests, with some linking together in small storylines, and 2 miscellaneous quests
[*]A player home, unlocked by a side quest, purchased and upgraded
[*]Two new shouts, eight new spells and a new enchantment
[*]New items, including five new custom weapons, custom armor textures, new jewellery models and hand written books

Midwood Isle does [u][b]not[/b] [/u]require any other mods!

If you would like the option to play as a Sun Elf, please check out my other mod, [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49203]Playable Sun Elves[/url].

[b][u][size=4]How to start[/size][/u][/b]
[/b]Upon completing the quest "The Way of the Voice" , a courier will deliver a letter to you the next time you travel to an appropriate location. 
Alternatively, if you do not wish to wait for the courier, you can head straight to the Frozen Hearth in Winterhold to start the main quest. This still requires completion of "The Way of the Voice".

This mod does [b]not[/b] have a level requirement, so can be played either immediately after completing the quest, or well into the high level endgame. However, a few of the main quest bosses have minimum levels, and so very low levelled players may struggle. Therefore I personally recommend playing at at least around level 15-20.


This mod was designed to be as compatible as possible. Due to almost everything taking place in another worldspace, the mod has little effect on Skyrim or any of the base game.

It is also [b]fully navmeshed[/b], and so should work fine with followers. However, I should mention that an NPC follows you for most of the main storyline, and you will have to dismiss your current follower to continue.

However, for obvious reasons, I did have to alter some cells slightly, but did [b]not [/b]remove any references and only added them in. The altered cells are:
[*]Winterhold Frozen Hearth interior
[*]Pinepeak cavern interior
[*](-16, 22), the southern most dock of the Solitude docks
[*](-32, 34), which I believe is out of the border anyway, where I added a map marker

[b][u][size=4]Download information[/size][/u][/b]
This mod was designed for easy installation. For those who use Vortex, simply download and install the mod.
For those installing the mod manually, simply place the contents of this mod into your Skyrim Data folder.

Note: Uninstalling this mod on a saved game is [b]not recommended! [/b]Only uninstall if you are starting a new game or if you have a saved game to roll back on before you installed this mod.
To uninstall using Vortex, uninstall as normal.
To manually uninstall, simply delete Midwood Isle.esp and Midwood Isle.bsa from your Skyrim Data folder.

[b][u][size=4]Known issues[/size][/u][/b]

Unfortunately, as with any mod, there are a few issues, but are generally not too severe. If you do happen to notice any others, please let me know and I can try and fix them. The issues I know about are:[list]
[*]Players with the games texture quality set to low or medium may experience some texture loss on some of the statues around the shrine of Erkaloth and Lastendell. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about this.
[*]Now unfortunately there is a bug with the [b]vanilla [/b]skyrim deer/elk/foxes/rabbits, in that as they run away from players, they can run underwater. This means that if you chase an animal, they can end up running into the ocean, which can look a little strange. However, since this is a problem with the standard skyrim animals, I cannot fix it. Believe me I've tried.

[b][u][size=4]Frequently Asked Questions[/size][/u][/b]
I'm stuck on a quest! Help! / How do I start certain quests?[/i][/b]
I've included a sort of wiki in the forums section of this mod. I recommend you check that out if you want to learn more about the quests. Don't worry, I've hidden any potential spoilers, so you can only see them if you wish. I've also included stages and the quest ID in the very rare case that you may need to advance them.

[b][i]Is this mod lore friendly?
[/i][/b]I would say so, yes. I've included a full history on the Sun Elves, and their culture, and provided what reasons I could as to why they have never showed up in any in-games books. However, it is important to know this mod is [b]not[/b] cannon, as the Sonmer and their land was made up by me for the purpose of my mods. 

[b][i]I'm experiencing a bug!
[/i][/b]First, check that the issue is not due to any other mod you have downloaded. Although this shouldn't have any compatibility issues, some mods are not as clean as this and so may interact in ways I did not expect. You should not experience any major bugs, as I have fully tested everything, but if you do then please let me know and I will try to fix it. 

[b][i]Will you make this into an esm?
[/i][/b]Unfortunately, currently whenever and however I convert the mod into an esm it always causes a load of problems. To go into detail, there are issues with the references being flagged as persistent or not, and therefore when I convert it all of the AI packages seem to break and NPCs dont move anywhere. Unless I can figure out how to fix this, I will not be converting it anytime soon. I have tried, believe me, and asked many others more talented than me for help, and yet no one can figure this out. 


I give my full permission, and encourage you to upload your own screenshots, record footage and produce videos about my mod, but if uploading to another site I ask that you please be clear that I am the author. 
Midwood Isle may be translated into another language without my permission, but please let me know once you have done so.
Midwood Isle [b]may not [/b]be uploaded to any other site by anyone other than myself (with the exceptions being translations).
Feel free to mod Midwood Isle, but be perfectly clear that I am the author. You may also have some trouble as this is an esp and so may have to sort some stuff out to make it a master file for your mod. 


First I want to thank Bethesda for allowing us to mod Skyrim (I know, I know). I got a lot of inspiration from the vanilla game and their DLCs and feel I should mention this.
I would also link to thank my fantastic voice acting team, for their extremely hard and skilled work in voicing the mod (see below, apologies if I got any names wrong)
[b]Aryassa[/b] – Taylor Pritchard
[b]Elysia[/b] – Emilie Crow
[b]Erissa[/b] – Olivia Raven
[b]Julianne[/b] – Nelnardis/Sharon Jane
[b]Liethl[/b] – Caitlyn Montgomery
[b]Nasmara[/b] – Caitlin Buckley
[b]Nesianna[/b] – Charlie Rowan
[b]Orisys[/b] – Caitlin Buckley

[b]Algal[/b] – Josh Niccum
[b]Amring[/b] – John Badgley
[b]Ancare[/b] – TGVoice
[b]Arniyn[/b] – Jacob Andrianos
[b]Assassin[/b] – Eric Jackson
[b]Bandit[/b] – Alex Martin Kay
[b]Camas[/b] – Eammon Leighton
[b]Captain Haknil[/b] – Johannes Envall
[b]Cirsar[/b] – Ryan Booth
[b]Clengo[/b] – Ryan Ivy
[b]Daelar[/b] – Ryan Booth
[b]Dangoth[/b] – Deveraux Polvorosa
[b]Daylas[/b] – Jacob Andrianos
[b]Dirdin[/b] – Nicholas Boisvert
[b]Drakus[/b] – Nicholas Boisvert
[b]Erkaloth[/b] – Heckle
[b]Falas[/b] – John Badgley
[b]Faldir[/b] – Ryan Booth
[b]Falith[/b] – Stephano Reijnders
[b]Gerradra[/b] – Rick Gjemso
[b]Godras[/b] – Dillon Christmas
[b]Gunmir[/b] – Heckle
[b]Isidro[/b] – SeriousVA
[b]Istlaf[/b] – Pedro Silva
[b]Lokan[/b] – David Jeong
[b]Lukas[/b] – Kyle Krespan
[b]Nedhel[/b] – Alex Martin Kay
[b]Niron[/b] – Ryen DeMark
[b]Raendir[/b] – John Badgley
[b]Renly[/b] – Dillon Christmas
[b]Rhaegar[/b] – Heckle
[b]Rithin[/b] – Brendan Knowles
[b]Rokav[/b] – Brendan Knowles
[b]Sythin[/b] – Josh Jaramillo
[b]Tamron[/b] – Stephano Reijnders
[b]Tavian[/b] – Rafael Del Valle Jr
[b]Thaneim[/b] – Voice of Voicers/Drethun Goettel 
[b]Thorond[/b] – Eric Jackson
[b]Tyrek[/b] – Ryan Ivy
[b]Untath[/b] – Scott Hawkins
[b]Velkir[/b] – David Jeong
[b]Vorir[/b] – Joseph Dilger
[b]Worshipper[/b] – Eric Jackson
[b]Zahkris[/b] – Voice of Voices/Drethun Goettel 
This mod uses a lot of modders resources. I would like to take the time to properly thank each one, and provide a link for the mod I have used.
[*]Markus Liberty for the [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59426/?]Cyrodiil ship and boat resource[/url]
[*]Stroti for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46787/?]Treebench[/url], [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46785/?]Market stands[/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24271/]old cabin[/url]
[*]Saerileth for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54483/?]Jewellery resources[/url]
[*]Oaristys for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16525/?]Modders Resource Pack[/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68755/]The Witcher Pack[/url]
[*]Angilla for the [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/45342/?]Elder Statue[/url]
[*]Malo for the [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54152/?]Malo Statues[/url]
[*]747823 for the [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3871/?]Weapons of the Third Era[/url]
[*]Hanaisse for the [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33392/?]Blank roadsigns[/url]
[*]Jokerine for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53022/?]Misc Resources[/url]
[*]Phitt for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59977]Morrowind style Lanterns[/url]
[*]Kanra for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38138]Rabbit[/url]
[*]Gendundrup for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49682/?]Creature Resource[/url]
[*]Tamira for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57394/?]Assorted Resources[/url] 
[*]Imperial Society for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/90667]Ayleid Ruins kit[/url]
[*]Jebbalon for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22047/?]Hanged Man script[/url]
Finally, I would like to provide proper credits for the Lastendell music I have used - Legend of the King by Whitesand:
Lastendell Exploration Music by Whitesand - Legend of the King.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntGWv8F_ccM
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe96JG5gdgSRtmqStx0isXA 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/martynlaur
Twitter: https://goo.gl/otEqJC 
Instagram: https://goo.gl/JN3LUb (@martynas_lau)
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/martynaslau
Website: http://martynlaur.com/


I [b]do not [/b]charge or expect to be paid or receive donations for my mods. However, I am putting my paypal on here anyway in case anyone wishes to send a donation to thank me for my work. It would also encourage me greatly to improve the mod and add new content.

[b][u][size=4]About me[/size][/u][/b]

Hi, thought I'd stick this as the end, partly to vent about how annoying making this mod was, and what it started off as.
So, I made my first mod, Playable Sun Elves, way back in 2013, when I was 14 years old (yeah, I know). I immediately loved the creation kit, and set my eyes on creating a New lands mod for them to live, Midwood Isle. I was actually somewhat frustrated with current new lands mods, and arrogant me thought I could do a better job (I definitely couldn't), or at least a mod that I wouldn't have any major problems with. I wanted a mod that felt like it belonged in Skyrim, with quests that weren't too different to the style I had grown to love. I wanted everything to be tied up nicely, and not players block players from certain areas or doing certain things.
I was obviously a huge beginner to the creation kit, and my patience wasn't my strong suit, so I worked on it for a few months and then sort of abandoned it in the documents folder for a long time.
I kept coming back to it for a short time, then after a while getting bored and leaving it again, often for months at a time (with the breaks being significantly longer than the actual work period). 
I had to basically restart the mod multiple times, when I realised how bad my previous work was, and kept having to redo bits, or deciding to further add content or change things up.
Basically, it took a very long while, and in all honestly I didn't think I'd ever get it finished. 
I am now 20 years old and studying medicine at university, and so don't have loads of time on my hands. However, I always wanted to finish this mod, and so over this summer decided to knuckle down and finally finish it. It actually didn't take very long at all, but I was working on it most of the hours in the day (as I've got nothing better to do), and all I really had to finish was a bit of landscaping and the main quests.
That said, I still ran into a lot of trouble and it took longer than anticipated, especially towards the end where I had to try and fix bugs. 
But now I finished it, and it can be played all the way through without any actual problems, and I am actually extremely proud that I manged to complete it. 
In all honesty, I don't know how much work I will be able to continue to do on this mod. I do not plan on adding any new content, partly because there's quite a lot already, and so all I have planned is bug fixes.
I know this mod is not the best out there, but I like to think that I've done a good job. I have no prior experience in coding or anything like this, and worked on it all by myself, having to teach myself as I went using video tutorials and the creation kit wiki.
But anyway, I hope you enjoy the mod! If at least one person on here enjoys it then I'll be pleased, as my time wouldn't have been a total waste. Please keep it cool in the comments, if you have any problems just let me know and I can do what I can to try and sort them.

BHUNP (UUNP Next Generation) LE

[color=#e06666][size=4][b][Do not use HDT-SMP for NPCs if you have to use SMP.
Just make sure you use it only for your character.
Otherwise FPS drops rapidly and it causes CTD in the end.]

[I[b]f you don't know anything, or aren't sure about the relationship between
HDT-PE, HDT-SMP, T/BBP, etc, it is highly recommended you read this
[color=#f1c232][b][size=5][color=#e06666][size=4][b] [url=https://babofactory.blogspot.com/2019/10/what-is-hdt-pe-hdt-smp-bbp-tbbp-3bbb.html]https://babofactory.blogspot.com/2019/10/what-is-hdt-pe-hdt-smp-bbp-tbbp-3bbb.html[/url][/b][/size][/color][/size][/b][/color][/b][/size][/color][/size][/center][size=5]
[center][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/31126]SE Version[/url][/center]

[color=#efefef]Greatly improved UNP base body wtih natural movements with HDT based.
Fully compatible with UUNP Body types.
High-poly, putting a lot of efforts on vagina, anus, breasts shapes,
believable collision effects, much more tender breasts with 3 breast

[color=#e06666][b]All this possible on BHUNP body.


[/b][b][color=#ea9999]- Bodyslide Support
- TextBlend Support
- Added collidable meshes for optimization
- Much more details on vagina shape like NSFW SFM.
- Anus model has been added(Controllable in animating)
- Overall topology, weights, shapes has been repolished.
- Much more realistic and natural but sexier breasts jiggly bouncing.
- Support SOS, SAM for SMP collision physics.
- the vagina shape and the nipple shape bodyslide available.
- Super easy converting.[/color][/b]

[u][b][color=#e06666][s]- Some bodyslides are deleted: 7BUNP, CNHF, CNHF Bonus, ZGGB-R2[/s]
[/color][/b][/u][b]Every bodyslide is available now.[/b]

[color=#ff0000][b][size=5][center][/center][/size][/b][/color][color=#f1c232][size=5][b]Features of the Body[/b][/size][/color]

[b][color=#e69138]BHUNP 3BBB[/color]:[/b] The base body. It contains [hdtVagina.xml / hdt.xml / hdtFingers.xml]

[b][color=#e69138]BHUNP 3BBB PE Havok Path[/color]:[/b] It contains [hdtVagina.xml / hdt.xml / hdtFingers.xml / hdt3bbb.xml]

[b][color=#e69138]BHUNP 3BBB SMP Havok Path[/color]: [/b]It contains [hdtVagina.xml / hdt.xml / hdtFingers.xml], and [Baseshaep.xml]

[b][color=#e69138]BHUNP 3BBB Vagina Ref[/color]: [/b]It contains nothing. This body is not for playing but for modders' resource. Do not use it for playing.


hdtPhysicsExtensionsDefaultBBP.xml - controls nothing. Empty.(I made this empty to avoid confliction with hdt.xml because they handle the same bones.)

hdt.xml - controls TBBP bone branch, Butts, Belly

hdtVagina.xml - controls Vagina, Thighs, Calves

hdtfingers.xml - controls finger collisions for PE.

hdt3bbb.xml - controls 3bbb bone branch.


[/b]BaseShape.xml - controls 3bbb bone branch.




[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68000]XPMSE 4.67Version or above[/url]

UNP compatible texture



HDT PE(Added in the pack)


Texture Blender

HDT SMP(Added in the pack, if you want to use SMP body)

High-end CPU(Highly recommended if you want SMP)

Your own race(Highly recommended if you want SMP)


[color=#f1c232][b][size=5]How to Install[/size]
1. Get the file

2. Install it(Recommend MO2)

3. Follow the instruction

4. Build your body(Starting with BHUNP 3BBB)

5. Enjoy


[color=#ff0000]Q. Belly physics collision seems not working with SMP body. PE was fine.[/color]
A. It's almost impossible to make it work as PE does to Belly. It's just
because SMP collision radius is too short. SMP is known to be much more
precise than PE. It's just the stick can't reach the belly collision
mesh. You might think 'Then, do I have to give up?'. Maybe... But to
compensate for the issue, I made 'Belly' bone movable with 3BBB skeleton
so that animators aniamte belly if necessary(like when a huge cock
kicks in). Nonetheless, this limit will be solved in SE. In LE, you
can't help it.

[color=#ff0000]Q. There's no anus physics. What's wrong?[/color]
A. Nothing wrong with it actually. It's not supposed to move itself. It
won't move unless animators give keyframes to it. Anus doesn't belong to
hdt physics. I decided to give up on Anus physics because it became too
ugly and it didn't seem very realistic. Best leave it to animators.

[color=#ff0000]Q. I have my own custom race other than your ygnord race. But it doesn't seem to work.[/color]
A. It could be complicated to solve this problem. You need to learn how
to make your new bodyslide for your custom race in Outfit Studio. In
Outfit Studio, load project BHUNP 3BBB body. Then, do Save As.. Name it a
different name. Set the folder path where your custom race body mesh is
located. Finished? Run the bodyslide you created just now.

[color=#ff0000]Q. Breasts aren't moving at all. They are... not moving and detached from the body.[/color]
A. It should be absence of skeleton issue. Double check if your character has a proper 3BBB skeleton.nif.

[color=#ff0000]Q. Some of Racemenu bone scale options aren't working. What's happening?[/color]
A. It's natural. Don't worry. 3BBB breasts bones are not subordinate to
bbp bones. They are independent bones. So any slides that handle bbp
bones won't work for 3bbb breasts.

[color=#ff0000]Q. Racemenu Morphs isn't working in showracemenu.[/color]
A. It works. You just need to start a new save. I don't know but it looks like it's how it works.


[b][color=#f1c232][size=5]Future Plans[/size][/color][/b]
[s]WIP: BHUNP 3BBB Advanced for both LE and SE[/s] - Done[/b]


You are allowed to use my work as a base(Followers, armor bodyslides, etc,).

You don't have to inform me but just credit me.


[/b]HHaleyy for FairSkin Texture

Regenbot03 for PureSkin Texture and Demoniac Texture

Regenbot03 for providing Vagina texture

StaticPhobia2 for sharing his awesome work on vagina and anus.
HydrogensaysHDT[/url] for HDT engine

Ousnius for his bodyslide

[b][color=#cc0000][size=5]Special Thanks to / Co-worker[/size][/color]

[/b]이하은(Ha-eun) for the better topology shape / reshape the vagina / so many other useful tips. 이하은 남부완!!

박아영 for providing wonderful pics!![b]

[/b]Immense thanks to All my supporters who have been supporting me so far. Thank you.[b]
[/b]절 서포트해주신 모든 후원자 분들에게 크나큰 감사말씀 드리고 싶습니다. 감사합니다.[b]

Victorian Breezehome

A cosy Breezehome strongly inspired by the magnificent Clockwork Castle of Antistar. The shape of the house has been kept but enlarged a bit and a basement added. It's also a one cell house.  This is a vanilla house, but work with the DLC

The house has :

1/ upstair
player bedroom, with shower, safechest, wardrobe...
housecarl bedroom
library with book container instead of shelves (sometimes tricky)

2/ groundfloor
dining room / entrance

3/ downstair
workroom with forge, smith, taning rack and so, alchemy and enchantment and a disenchantement warderobe (not the font in the picture), and a lot of storage

Most of the storage are labeled to make life easier

Fireplace, tap and shower can be activated to make things a bit more realistic (thanks to Antistar and Matteo Cattaneo)

The house do not need purchase options, they will come in the way and be a waste of septim.

As it work well on my computer and under Linux (except somme flickering where texture overlap and tricky book container), i can suppose it will do as well on yours, but no guarantee.

The picture of workroom use Sexy Solitude by horrorview https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12308, but the texture are not included in my archive.

copy the content in the data folder and check Breezehome_clock

erase content from data folder

V 1.2 : corrected most of the flickers

v 1.3 : corrected the clutter added by the change of the alchemy room into children room. By the way deleted all the adoption elements in the house, so not adoption friendly. Will try to make a fork with adoption included later. Thanks to Joistikas who pointed me to a solution for CK multiple files.

v 1.1 4Children : an alternative version wiht room for four childrens working with hearthfire (needed)  and multiple adoption. Install the main file (v1.3) and overwrite with this one.


I have taken care to only use resources from the public domain. However, if you are the copyright holder of an item used in this
mod and believe your work has been used unfairly, please contact me
using the contact details provided above.

Clockwork by Antistar https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/77809
Tlaffoon's Rugs and Tapestries by Tlaffoon https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68040
Rug Resource by yourenotsupposedtobeinhere https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17303
Openbook by Blary  https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14134
BookSets Resource by  Blary https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14135
A Loojires Tale by Matteo Cattaneo_Loojires Knight https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69249
XunAmarox Modder's Resource by XunAmarox https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61166
Immersive Laundry by Nerd of Prey https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2011
Windows Resource Pack by lazyskeever https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40676

Forgotten Artifacts and Unique Items

[size=3]The objective is this mod is to give some Skyrim's artifacts and unique items more unique enchantments that make these items more rewarding and usable in a modded playthrough. For enchantment values please see the Docs tab and the enclosed readme.[/size]

[left][size=5][b]The Archmage
[size=3]The Archmage's Robes received upon completion of the The College of Winterhold questline are quite honestly disappointing. I've buffed the robes and boots (that are found in the Arch-Mage's Quarters) and completed the set. This armor set can easily function as endgame gear for mage characters. These additional items along with an extra robes can be found in the investigator's chest found in the Arcanaeum which is now locked with the Arch-Mage's quarters key (to prevent abuse).

[/size][/left][spoiler][size=2][color=#3d85c6][b]Archmage's Hood -[/b] [/color]
[*]Increases [b]Base Magicka Regeneration[/b]. Chance to absorb [b]Magicka[/b] from hostile spells. [b]Healing spells[/b] cast on allies are [b]twice[/b] as effective.
[b]Archmage's Robes - [/b]

[*]All spells cost [b]less [/b]magicka to cast. Fortifies [b]Magicka[/b] and [b]Magicka Regeneration[/b] rate.
[b]Archmage's Gloves -[/b] 

[*][b]Destruction[/b], [b]Restoration[/b], and [b]Illusion[/b] spells and effects are stronger. [b]Alteration[/b] and [b]Conjuration[/b] spells and effects last longer. 
[b]Archmage's Boots -[/b] 

[*][color=#3d85c6][size=2]Increases resistance to all [b]Magic[/b]. Reduces damage taken when casting spells. [b]Magic Resistance[/b] of nearby enemies is reduced.[/size][/color][color=#ffffff][/spoiler][/color]

[size=5][b]The Dark Brotherhood[/b][/size]
[/size][size=3]The armor sets obtained during the course of The Dark Brotherhood questline serve little use to the player outside of the early game (maybe with the exception of the infamous double sneak attack gloves). The changes to these armor sets seek to both balance them and make them useful throughout a playthrough and can even be easily used as end game gear. Key changes include separate enchantments for the masked and maskless version of the Dark Brotherhood Cowl along with the addition of an Ancient Dark Brotherhood Clothes set (which can be found during the [url=https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Locate_the_Assassin_of_Old]Locate the Assassin of Old[/url] quest)

[/size][spoiler][color=#6aa84f][size=3][b]Jester's Attire[/b][/size]
[/color][spoiler][color=#6aa84f][b]Jester's Hat - [/b]

[*][b]Illusion[/b] spells are amplified and [b]Barter[/b] skill is improved.
Jester's Garment - [/b]

[*][b]One-Handed[/b] skill is improved and [b]Movement Speed[/b] is increased.
[b]Jester's Gloves -[/b] 

[*]Attack damage fluctuates between [b]x1/5[/b] and [b]x5[/b] damage. [b]Sneak Attacks[/b] are more effective.
Jester's Boots -[/b]

[*]Movement is [b]Muffled[/b] and [b]Sneak[/b] skill is improved.
[color=#6aa84f][size=3][b]Cicero's Attire[/b][/size][/color]
[spoiler][color=#6aa84f][b]Cicero's Hat -[/b]

[*]Enemy creatures and people near you have a chance to attack anything nearby. [b]Illusion[/b][b] [/b]spells and effects are greatly amplified. [b]Barter[/b][b] [/b]skill is significantly improved.
Cicero's Garment -[/b]

[*][b]One-Handed[/b] skill is significantly improved and [b]Movement Speed[/b] is greatly increased.
[b]Cicero's Gloves -[/b]

[*]Attack damage fluctuates between [b]x1/5[/b] and [b]x5[/b] damage. [b]Sneak Attacks[/b] are significantly more effective.
Cicero's Boots -[/b]

[*]Movement is completely [b]Muffled[/b] and [b]Sneak[/b] skill is greatly improved. 
[color=brown][b][size=3]Shrouded Armor[/size][/b]
[/color][spoiler][color=brown][b]Shrouded Masked Cowl -[/b]

[*][b]Marksman [/b]skill is improved and [b]Alchemical Potions[/b] last longer.
[b]Shrouded Cowl -[/b]

[*]Created [b]Potions[/b] and [b]Poisons[/b] are more powerful. 
Shrouded Leathers -[/b]

[*][b]Partially [/b]protects against [b]poisons[/b]. [b]Armor Rating[/b] is improved and [b]Movement Speed[/b] is increased[b].[/b]
[b]Shrouded Gloves -[/b]

[*][b]One-handed[/b] skill is improved and [b]Sneak Attacks[/b] are more effective.
Shrouded Boots -[/b]

[*]Movement is [b]Muffled[/b] and [b]Sneak[/b] skill is improved.
[size=3][color=brown][b]Ancient Shrouded Armor[/b][/color]
[/size][spoiler][color=brown][b]Ancient Shrouded Masked Cowl -[/b]

[*][b]Marksman [/b]skill is greatly improved and [b]Alchemical Potions[/b] last significantly longer.
[b]Ancient Shrouded Cowl -[/b]

[*]Created [b]Potions [/b]and [b]Poisons[/b] are significantly more powerful. 
Ancient Shrouded Leathers -[/b]

[*]Enemies deal [b]less [/b]damage as their [b]health [/b]decreases. [b]Completely [/b]protects against [b]poisons[/b].  [b]Armor Rating[/b] is significantly improved and [b]Movement Speed[/b] is greatly increased.
[b]Ancient Shrouded Gloves[/b] -

[*][b]One-handed[/b] skill is greatly improved and [b]Sneak Attacks[/b] are significantly more effective.
Ancient Shrouded Boots -[/b]

[*]Movement is completely [b]Muffled[/b] and [b]Sneak[/b] skill is greatly improved.
[b][size=3][color=brown]Shrouded Clothes[/color][/size][/b][size=3]
[/size][spoiler][color=brown][b]Shrouded Hood - [/b]

[*][b]Magicka[/b] is increased and [b]Magicka[/b] is drained from close-by deaths.
[b]Shrouded Robes -[/b]

[*][b]Destruction[/b] spells are amplified and [b]Destruction[/b][b] [/b]spells cost less [b]Magicka[/b] to cast. 
[b]Shrouded Hand Wraps -[/b]

[*][b]One-handed[/b] skill is improved and [b]Sneak Attacks[/b] are more effective.
[b]Shrouded Shoes - [/b]

[*]Movement is [b]Muffled[/b] and [b]Sneak[/b] skill is improved.
[b][size=3][color=brown]Ancient Shrouded Clothes[/color][/size][/b][size=3]
[/size][spoiler][color=brown][b]Ancient Shrouded Hood -[/b]

[*][b]Magicka[/b] is greatly increased and [b]Magicka[/b] is drained from nearby deaths.
[b]Ancient Shrouded Robes -[/b]

[*]Chance to release an explosion at low health. [b]Destruction[/b] spells are greatly amplified and [b]Destruction[/b] spells cost significantly less [b]Magicka[/b] to cast. 
[b]Ancient Shrouded Hand Wraps -[/b]

[*][b]One-handed[/b] skill is greatly improved and [b]Sneak Attacks[/b] are significantly more effective.
[b]Ancient Shrouded Shoes -[/b]

[*]Movement is completely [b]Muffled[/b] and [b]Sneak[/b] skill is greatly improved.
[spoiler][b][color=brown]Shrouded Thieves' Gloves -[/color][/b]

[*]A gift from [b]Delvin[/b] to the [b]Listener[/b]. Fortifies [b]Lockpicking[/b], [b]Pickpocket[/b] and [b]Sneak Attacks[/b].
[b][color=brown]Nightweavers Band -[/color][/b]

[*][b]Destruction[/b] spells are amplified and [b]Sneak Attacks[/b] are more effective.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[b][left][size=5]The Dragon Priests[/size][/left][/b][size=3]
The dragon priest of Skyrim were feared leaders of the dragon cult said to possess masks of great power. In reality these masks are no better than what can be created with the vanilla enchanting perk tree (not to mention modded enchanting perk trees). The changes made seek to make these masks both more viable in general and more appropriate for a variety of builds. [/size]

[spoiler][color=lightslategray][size=3][b]The Eight -[/b][/size][/color]
[*]Fortifies the wearers [b]Block[/b] and [b]Heavy Armor[/b] skills. Increases damage done with [b]One-Handed[/b] weapons.
[*]Fortifies the wearers [b]Archery[/b] and [b]Light Armor[/b] skills. Increases the potency of crafted [b]Potions[/b] and [b]Poisons[/b]
[*]Fortifies the wearers [b]Magicka[/b] and [b]Magicka Regeneration. [/b]Fortifies resistance to [b]Damage[/b].
[*]Fortifies the potency of [b]Destruction[/b] and [b]Restoration[/b] spells. Increases the wearers [b]Magicka[/b] and [b]Damage[/b] resistance.
[*]Grants the wearer immunity to [b]Poison[/b] and [b]Disease[/b] and increases [b]Health[/b]. Fortifies [b]Magic Resistance[/b] and [b]Armor Rating[/b]. 
[*]Grants the wearer increased [b]Health[/b] and [b]Stamina[/b] regeneration. Fortifies [b]Stamina[/b] and [b]Two-Handed[/b] weapon damage.
[*]Wearer is muffled and harder to detect. Fortifies [b]Pickpocket[/b] and [b]Lockpicking[/b] skills.
[*]Fortifies the potency of [b]Illusion[/b], [b]Conjuration[/b], [b]Alteration[/b] spells. Increases the wears [b]Speechcraft[/b] skill.
[size=3][b][color=lightslategrey]The One -[/color][/b][/size]
[*]Mask of [b]Konahrik[/b]. Warlord leader of the [b]Dragon Priests[/b]. Grants the wearer the [b]Powers[/b], [b]Defenses[/b] and [b]Abilities[/b] befit a being so mighty. 
[b][size=3][color=lightslategrey]The Forgotten -[/color][/size][/b]
[spoiler][color=darkgoldenrod][b]Wooden Mask
[*]This old mask hums with a familiar energy. Increase the rate at which all skills are learned. 
[b][size=3][color=lightslategrey]The Acolytes -[/color] [/size][/b]
[*]Fortifies the potency of [b]Fire Spells[/b] and increases the wearers [b]Fire[/b] and [b]Damage[/b] resistance.
[*]Fortifies the potency of [b]Frost Spells[/b] and increases the wearers [b]Frost[/b] and [b]Damage[/b] resistance.
[*]Fortifies the potency of [b]Shock spells[/b] and increases the wearers [b]Shock[/b] and [b]Damage[/b] resistance.

[size=5][b]Compatibility[/b] [/size]
Compatible with mods that change textures of altered items.

Incompatible with mods that change the record of any of the altered items including armor and object effect records.

Incompatible with any mods that edit the the [url=https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Master_Investigators_Box]Investigator's Chest[/url] container (both container and cell records).

Partially incompatible with [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32458]Konahrik's Accoutrements[/url] as the armor types of some dragon priest masks are changed and this created discrepancies with the armor sets added by this mod.

[size=5][b]Installation [/b] 
Download and activate with your favorite mod manager. I will not support those who have issues with manual installation.

[size=3]Deactivate mod in your favorite mod manager.

[*][size=3]Bethesda - Creating a game so incredibly moddable.[/size]
[*][size=3]Enai Siaion - For creating Summermyst[/size]
[*][size=3]ElectricSparx - For letting me use aspects of their mod [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25620]Relics of Legend[/url] in this mod.[/size]
[*][size=3][url=https://discord.gg/ZnHrqPP]EnaiRim[/url] and [url=https://discord.gg/SEnHHzJ]SimonRim[/url] Discords - For Supporting me in the process of creating this mod[/size]

Old School ENB - An ENB for those of us stuck in the past. Arena-Kings Field esque ENB

Like any other ENB, you have to get all the junk from the enbdev site.

You know those old, old 3d games? A lot of us still hold it close to the heart, even if we're dirty zoomers born after that era.
Well, I like the aesthetic, so I made this ENB. I find it comfy.

Obviously, if using it, you shouldn't use it with high res texture mods, mesh improvements, whatever. You won't even see changes brought by those.

Images taken in a completely clean base game. Not even SkyUI is installed, I'm that lazy. Add some lighting overhauls? Stuff will look crispy kreme as fuck

Fair warning i've never uploaded before so here's hoping I did it right. I literally just opened a random ENB and matched what files was in their's.

Additional mod suggestions to really amp up that old, comfy feel:
A Matter of Time - Move it off the black borders and that shit is nice as fuck.
Climates of Tamriel / RLO - Obviously, better lighting always helps.
Your choice of a paper map mod - Whichever one you can get working, really. Adds soul
Celctic Icons for SkyUI - Of course, you want fitting menu icons.
Main Font Replacement - I choose Magic Cards but, any font replacement you like you think fits works. Magic Cards was used in Morrowind, so nostalgia points there.

Solitude Big Child Bedroom And Extra Rooms for Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions

This mod adds a big child bedroom for 6 kids and 3 extra rooms to Solitude Proudspire Manor player house.
Requires[b] Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions[/b] and the [b]Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch[/b].
There are 3 Extra Rooms to buy by the steward of Solitude.
English and german versions.

[b]English :

[/b][b]This mod is not compatible with other mods that change Proudspire Manor.
This mod is also incompatible with my own mod [/b][b][b][b]: 3 Mannequins to Solitude Proudspire Manor[/b][/b]
[b][b]The child bedroom requires the Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions mod from TMPhoenix : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29249[/b]
[b]and all 3 DLC's : Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn. Also required is the USLEP : [/b]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71214/?
You can buy by the steward of Solitude :
Armory (1750 gold)
Staff Room with a cook and a maid (1100 gold)
Basement (2200 gold)
See more details in screenshot section.
[b]This mod is cleaned with TESVEdit and tested in Game.
I recommend LOOT for the right load order.

[/b][/b][b]Deutsch :

Diese mod ist nicht kompatibel mit anderen mods die Gut Stolzspitze verändern.
Diese mod ist nicht mit meiner eigenen mod kompatibel [/b][b][b][b]: 3 Mannequins to Solitude Proudspire Manor[/b][/b].

[b][b]Für das Kinderzimmer ist die Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions Mod von TMPhoenix erforderlich[/b][b] : (siehe Link oben)
und alle 3 DLC's : Dawnguard, Hearthfire und Dragonborn. Außerdem benötigt wird der USLEP : (siehe ebenfalls Link oben).
Ihr könnt beim Vogt von Einsamkeit folgendes kaufen :
Waffenkammer (1750 Goldstücke)
Personalraum mit einem Koch und einer Magd (1100 Goldstücke)
Keller (2200 Goldstücke)
Siehe die screenshots für mehr Details.
Diese mod ist mit TESVEdit gecleant und im Spiel getestet worden.
Ich empfehle diese mod mit LOOT in die richtige Ladereihenfolge zu bringen.[/b]

[b][b]See my other mods : 

Windhelm Big Child Bedroom and a Basement for Heartfire Multiple Adoptions : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97451/?
Riften Big Child Bedroom and an Enchanting Lab for Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100163
Markarth Big Child Bedroom and a Basement for Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99145/?[/b]
[b]Whiterun Big Childroom and a Basement for Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100844/[/b]
[b]Dragon Bridge South Side : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87439/?
Dragon Bridge Vendors and Blacksmith : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81246/?
3 Mannequins to Solitude Proudspire Manor : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69118/?
Breezehome Mannequins : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/67209/?
Riften Honeyside Mannequins and more : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/83270/?
Morthal Vendor and Blacksmith : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97455/?[/b]

RetroDaddy's Treasure Hunt

[color=#980000][size=6][b][u]RetroDaddy's Treasure Hunt[/u][/b][/size][/color][b]
[color=#ff7700]Requires Hearthfires DLC[/color]
[/b]Delete all previous versions before install!

[b]There is an Orc NPC who will sell you a journal that he has found while wandering about.  He can be found near Honningbrew Meadery near the bridge.  The Journal will direct you to find the corpse of an old Nord adventurer.  On the bridge wall close to the Orc, you can find a note, read it to add more content.[/b]

Once you find the "Old Nord" there will be a note on his body that will supply you with more information.  [i]Check his body closely and you will find a key to the first treasure[/i].  From there it is up to you how quickly you discover the other treasures.

It will be helpful if you have a "Grid Map" to refer to as you look for the more hidden ones.

This is a Cheat, but it will not be an easy one.

[color=#ff7700][size=4]NOTE:  There are 3 versions of this mod.
1 - No map markers
2 - Map Markers without Fast Travel
3 - Map Markers with Fast Travel
([/size][/color][color=#ffff00]If you have Hearthfires, there is an add-on for the DLC.  This will add 3 additional chests to build locations.  Before you can access the Hearthfires chests you must find the key to them.  The key can be found near the Old Nords Corpse.[/color][color=#ff7700])[/color]

This mod adds 21 treasure chests around Tamriel, The initial chest can be found South of The Camp and will give you a Good Hunting bow, arrows, Fur armor to help against the cold and some initial gold to get you started.  The other chests will show on your map when you have come within a short distance of them, until then they are hidden.  At the moment, all the chest locations have an approximate location given by the quest journal from the Old Nord.

The chests are re-spawning and will give you a supply of gold and arrows depending on your characters level.

The items given are about double the vanilla stats, and are modifiable at crafting stations.  You will also receive a recipe to make some arrows and some health potions.

[font=Trebuchet MS][size=4][color=#93c47d]Join me on Discord for My Mods and stuff: [color=#ffffff]https://discord.gg/EfMZECu[/color][/color][/size][/font]


[font=Trebuchet MS][size=4][color=#93c47d]Join me on Discord for Fallout 76 stuff: [/color]https://discord.gg/gYD9g[/size][/font]

Bandit Economy - LE


Bandit Economy[/size][/color][/font][/center][center][font=Georgia][color=#b4a7d6][size=5][size=3]IMMERSION / ECONOMY / GAMEPLAY[/size][/size][/color][/font][/center][size=3]
[/size] [font=Lucida Sans Unicode][size=3]Ever wonder who buys all those enchanted items you sell to Belethor? The bandits, of course!

[/size][/font][size=3][b][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]This mod adds a chance that when you sell a weapon or armor to general goods merchants, that item may find its way into the hands of the bandits around Skyrim by chance.[/font][/b][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]

[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][font=Times New Roman][size=3][center]GAMEPLAY[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][font=Times New Roman]
[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]~=~=~=~=~[/font][/font][/font][/font][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][font=Times New Roman][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][/font][/font][/font][/font][/center][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][font=Times New Roman][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]
Weapons you sell[/font][/font][/font][/font][font=Lucida Sans Unicode] may come back to bite you, but if you're able to kill the bandits wielding them, you can cash in selling the item twice. It's like recycling, but bloodier!

In terms of immersion, this will cause the items you sell to have a chance to not simply disappear after being sold. Instead, they may find their way into the hands of bandits! The chance that a merchant 'stows' an item away is generally around 50%, which means items will filter out of existence on average after 1 or 2 sales. Rarely, you'll find an item that you've wiped the blood off of several times.[/font][/size][/font][/font]
[font=Times New Roman]

[/font][center][font=Times New Roman]HOW IT WORKS[/font]
=[font=Lucida Sans Unicode]~=[/font][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]~[/font][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]=~=~=~=[/font][/center]
There is a chance for certain merchants to 'stow away' weapons and armor you sell to them. Stowed items are put into a 'possible bandit gear' chest, which is shared by bandits across Skyrim.[/font][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]

When their cell loads into the game memory, Bandits have a chance to choose an item from the 'possible bandit gear' chest. Bandits choose according to their weapon class; fighters draw weapons & armor, mages draw staves & robes, archers draw bows & light armor. [/font][/size]
[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][size=3][b]
[/b][i]Certain merchants are more/less likely to 'stow away' wares.[/i] Most merchants have a 50:50 chance of selling gear that ends up in the hands of bandits, but this is different for trustworthy / untrustworthy merchants. [i](See Merchant list below)

Fences will stow every weapon or armor sold to them [/i]and always make it available for bandits. You may use this to your
advantage, to push more deadly or valuable weapons into the hands of the bandits in Skyrim.

[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][b]Quantity matters[/b], so if you sell 62 enchanted rings, and the merchant stows them away, then you will eventually find those 62 enchanted rings on bandits. When the supply is empty, they will no longer draw them.[/font]

[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][b]Most bandits have around 1 in 3 chance to draw a piece of equipment from the chest. Bosss have around 8 in 10 chance.[/b] It's frequent enough to be a solid game dynamic, but not so often as to take the whole game over. You'll notice it changes how you sell your loot, and how you think of bandits.[/font]
[/size][/font][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][font=Times New Roman][size=3][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][size=3]
[b]The following item types can be trafficked by merchants: Weapons, Staffs, Armor, Clothes, Robes, Ammo, Jewelry[/b]
Please note that Crossbows will not be chosen by bandits! (The combat AI doesn't know how to fire them.)[/size][/font]

[/size][/font][center][size=3][font=Times New Roman]COMPATIBILITY
[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]~=~=~=~=~=~[/font][/font][/font][/size][size=3][/size][/center][size=3]
[b]Bandit Economy reaches out to 471+ leveled bandit spawns.[/b] It does this by editing the base leveled bandit actors, and adding a script directly to them.

There are 2 scripts, one is added to certain merchant chests (see Merchants list) and the other is added to the leveled bandit actor's scripts. The script abstract is below (see Scripts).

[b]You may have incompatibilities if:[/b] other scripts are also directly added to the merchant chests, or [font=Lucida Sans Unicode][size=3]directly [/size][/font]to the leveled bandits.

However any mods that affect merchant appearances should be fine! As well as any mods that add to merchant chests at runtime.

Please post a comment if you do find compatibility issues, and refer to the comments for more.

[/size][center][i][size=5][font=Georgia][color=#b4a7d6]Author's Notes[/color][/font][/size][/i][size=3][/size][/center][size=3]
Bandit Economy was inspired by a [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/ev7wkz/is_there_a_mod_that_simulates_a_more_complex/]Reddit post[/url].

As always, please comment your experiences and insights. I recently passed 1,000,000 downloads across all my mods, which is an enormous milestone for an upcoming "late Skyrim age" modder. I invite you to check out my other mods if you haven't already, there are links at the top of this page.

If you enjoy my mods, consider being a [url=https://www.patreon.com/twincrows]Patron[/url] for even $1/month.
You can catch me at [url=https://twitter.com/_TwinCrows]Twitter[/url] for mod previews and progress.
[/size][/font][font=Times New Roman][size=4][font=Courier New][size=2][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][size=3]I also contribute to Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil, and occasionally have a beer with [url=https://www.twitch.tv/twincrows_/]Twitch [/url]chat while pushing forward on level design.[/size][/font][u][b]

[/b][/u][center][b][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][size=3][font=Times New Roman]DEEP DIVE - DETAILS FOR THOSE WHO CRUNCH THE NUMBERS
[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]~=~=~=~=~[font=Times New Roman][size=4][font=Courier New][size=2][b][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][size=3][font=Times New Roman][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]=~=~=~=~[/font][/font][/font][/size][/font][/b][/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Times New Roman][size=4][font=Courier New][size=2][b][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][size=3][font=Times New Roman][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]=~=~=~=~[/font][/font][/font][/size][/font][/b][/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Times New Roman][size=4][font=Courier New][size=2][b][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][size=3][font=Times New Roman][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]=~=~=~=~[/font][/font][/font][/size][/font][/b][/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Times New Roman][size=4][font=Courier New][size=2][b][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][size=3][font=Times New Roman][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]=~=~=~=~[/font][/font][/font][/size][/font][/b][/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Times New Roman][size=4][font=Courier New][size=2][b][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][size=3][font=Times New Roman][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]=~=~[/font][/font][/font][/size][/font][/b][/size][/font][/size][/font][/font][/font][/font][/size][/font][/b][u][b][/b][/u][/center][u][b]
Scripts - There's only two![/b][/u]
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]tc_DivertToResellChest / Attached to merchant chests[/size][/font]
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]OnItemAdded, there is a variable chance that the item will be moved to a 'possible [/size][/font]
[font=Courier New][size=2]bandit items' container. This happens immediately after the item is
sold, and prevents buyback. A message is sent notifying the player.[/size][/font][/list][*][font=Courier New][size=2]tc_GetItemFromChest / Attached to leveled bandit actors[/size][/font]
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]OnLoad, there is a 30-80% chance they will draw an item from the 'possible [/size][/font]
[font=Courier New][size=2]bandit items' container, depending on their class. This is in addition
to their regular weapons and armor. They get one item.[/size][/font][*][font=Courier New][size=2]The item they obtain is based on their RPG class, so one-handed melee [/size][/font]
[font=Courier New][size=2]bandits will get an axe, mace, or sword; archers will get bows; mages
will get staves.[/size][/font][/list][/list]
 [/size][/font][font=Times New Roman][size=4][font=Courier New][size=2][u][b]Merchants (chance to send to 'possible bandit items' chest)[/b][/u][/size][/font]
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]Belethor's General Goods Store (70%)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]The Pawned Prawn (80%)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]Gray Pine Goods (60%)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]Bits and Pieces (30%)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]Sadri's Used Wares (60%)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]Arnleif and Sons Trading Company (70%)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]Riverwood Trader (50%)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]Birna's Oddments (50%)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]Enthir at College of Winterhold (60%)[/size][/font]
[/list][font=Courier New][size=2]Market Stalls & Travelling Merchants
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]Niranye (50%)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]Aval Atheron (50%)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]Brand-Shei (70%)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]Grelka (60%)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]Marise Aravel (40%)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]Sorine Jurard (30%) *Dawnguard DLC[/size][/font]
[/list][font=Courier New][size=2]KhajiitCaravans
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]Ahkari (50%)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]Ma'dran (50%)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]Ri'saad (50%)[/size][/font]
[/list][font=Courier New][size=2]Fences(100% chance for all)
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]Tonilia[/size][/font]
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]Mallus Maccius[/size][/font]
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]Gulum-Ei[/size][/font]
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]Niranye[/size][/font]
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]Endon[/size][/font]
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]Enthir[/size][/font]
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]Atahbah[/size][/font]
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]Ma'jhad[/size][/font]
[*][font=Courier New][size=2]Zaynabi[/size][/font]
[font=Times New Roman][size=4][font=Courier New][size=2][u][b]Cheats - Change what's in the 'possible bandit items' chest at any time![/b][/u][/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Times New Roman][size=4][font=Courier New][size=2][u][b]
[/b][/u][b]You can use the console command 'coc tcresellchests' to visit the chest
location. Changing the items available is as easy as adding or removing
items from the chest![/b][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font]

More to Say LE

[color=#6d9eeb][size=6][center][color=#3c78d8]MORE TO SAY LE[/color][/center][/size][/color]Hello everyone! I'm Madows, I'm a humble Skyrim player who has been allowed to share the backport of More to Say with you, a mod that I recommend to anyone and that is the result of the excellent work of abramcf, to which all credits go for having created and that gave me permission to bring it to the Nexus.

This is one of my first backports, and consequently there may be factors that I have not taken into consideration. But no panic, I checked that the xEdit didn't find any errors and I played with the mod for a couple of hours and I didn't find any problems.

If you find bugs that are related to my backport and not to the original mod, do not hesitate to let me know in the comments, I will do what I can.

In any case if you liked the mod visit the original Special Edition page [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22622]here[/url], and leave a kudos or a comment, he deserves it :)

Here is a piece of description taken from the original page, changed to adapt to the classic version:


More to Say adds inconsequential dialogue to NPCs, constructed from the NPC greetings and miscellaneous lines from the same voice type. It is fully voiced, using existing sound files from Skyrim Special Edition. It aims to stay true to each NPC's character and story, though some liberties are taken to add character depth. Currently, this mod covers the NPCs inWhiterun, Riverwood, Shor's Stone and Karthwasten. It also adds some dialogue to the city and settlement guards.


-- miscellaneous dialogue with Whiterun, Riverwood, Shor's Stone and Karthwasten NPCs.
-- fully voiced using the original game files.
-- the player can repair their relationship with Sven or Faendal after A Lovely Letter is complete.
-- a few additional miscellaneous quests around Whiterun
-- brawl with Nazeem just because he's annoying you
-- ask priests for the blessings of their Divines
-- ask guards about their city or settlement
-- some early game followers now have some early game quest-specific dialogue
-- provides an immersive way to acquire Rocksplinter, the unique pickaxe Bethesda left out of the game.

NPCs covered in... 
Riverwood: Sven, Faendal, Hilde, Alvor, Sigrid, Dorthe, Embry, Gerdur, Hod, Frodnar, Stump, Orgnar, Delphine, Lucan, Camilla, Ralof, Hadvar
Shor's Stone: Grogmar, Odfel, Filnjar, Sylgja, Shor's Stone Guard
Whiterun: Ahlam, Sigurd, Alfhild Battle-Born, Anoriath, Arcadia, Avulstein Gray-Mane, Belethor, Gerda, Fianna, Fralia Gray-Mane, Hulda, Saadia, Mikael, Uthgerd the Unbroken, Ulfberth, Elrindir, Vignar Gray-Mane, Brill, Tilmathe Haggard, Olfrid Battle-Born, Bergitte Battle-Born, Idolaf Battle-Born, Jon Battle-Born, Lars Battle-Born, Olava the Feeble, Carlotta Valentina, Heimskr, Ysolda, Amren, Brenuin, Lillith Maiden-Loom, Nazeem, Severio Pelagia, Adrianne Avenicci, Sinmir, SkulvarSable-Hilt, Jervar, Jenassa, Andurs, Danica Pure-Spring, Olfina Gray-Mane, Mila Valentina, Saffir, Braith, Acolyte Jenssen, Gwendolyn, Lucia, Lydia, Farengar, Proventus Avenicci, Hrongar, Irileth, Nelkir, Frothar, Dagny, Kodlak White-Mane, Commander Caius, Bjorlam, Nimriel, Gloth, Wilmuth, Eimar, Mallus Maccius, Sabjorn, Balgruuf the Greater, Legate Quentin Cipius, Hjornskar Head-Smasher, Eorlund Gray-Mane, Maurice Jondrelle, and also Mithorpa Nasyal and Terek (just in case you use a mod that enables them).
Karthwasten: Enmon, Mena, Ainethach, Atar, Fjotra, Belchimac, Ragnar, Lash gra-Dushnikh
Half-Moon Mill: Hert and Hern

Also, the guards in the cities and settlements can be asked about the services the city has, who's in charge, and how they feel about their post.

[b][u]Installation / Uninstallation[/u][/b]

To install, download the main files you want to install with your favorite mod manager. Or download and unzip the archives, and place the files for each module in your Skyrim data directory.

[b][u]Load Order and Compatibility[/u][/b]

Use LOOT to set your load order. Otherwise... More to Say goes somewhere in the middle, I suppose? Because More to Say is mostly adding new records, it should not matter much.

This mod should be compatible with just about everything. [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/77027/]Opening Scene Overhaul[/url] changes Hadvar's voice, so it won't match the voice of the new lines I added for him. You can still play with both, but it will be weird talking to Hadvar.

Minor "incongruities" though, (where NPCs say something that doesn't make sense with your game) might be expected if you are radically changing Whiterun, Riverwood, Shor's Stone, the Main Quest, or the Civil War in your load order. 

Use of [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95269]Skyrim Reputation[/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/746]No NPC Greetings[/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87635]To Your Face[/url] or a similar mod reducing the frequency of NPC greetings is highly encouraged.

[b][u]A Note About Repetitiveness[/u][/b]

While not strictly required, use of [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/746]No NPC Greetings[/url] (or a similar mod that limits the frequency with which you hear greetings)
is highly encouraged. I had to make a choice whether to remove the greetings I used from the NPC greetings loops. If I removed the greetings, there would be less chance you would hear the same line twice from the same NPC. But it would mean potentially having to supply patches for an unknown number of other mods that edited those greetings. I chose instead to allow for greater compatibility and leave the greetings alone. As a bonus, it makes working on this mod a bit easier as well.

Please keep in mind that, as I understand it, even the most aggressive version of No NPC Greetings will not prevent you from
ever hearing the NPC's greetings: the NPCs can still offer them when you enter conversation, just not when you are 100 feet away.

My curvy lady bodyslide preset cosio cbbe

i know, there are literally thousands of bodyslide presets, and i have downloaded and used a lot of them, but i just never hit that perfect one that was every way exactly what i liked, so i finally broke down and made one of my own,  i also notice a lot of people only do the heavy side of sliders for their preset, this always urked me, so my lights side of the sliders is a scaled down version of the heavy side of the sliders.  like the title says, she is a curvy lady, the bodyslide photos don't really do her justice, and i didn't include in-game screenshots because i wanted you to see it for yourself.  i made her first for my cosio body, then i remembered i should probably make base cbbe cause some may not use cosio, and sorry i have never gotten along with unp so i won't be making a unp file for her.  so download and enjoy or don't, just thought i'd share.  have a great day.

Nightingale Bow Recaptured

A unique bow you could get only after completing the Thieves Guild quests.
The mod relocates one of the best bows of Skyrim to a place where you can 
take it and try its power.
It is in Solitude, Blue Palace courtyard, to the left of the entrance door.

One of its advantages is that it freezes the target for a couple of seconds, that helps a lot
against very strong (like giants) or numerous enemies. And its power grows as your level rises.
So it can be your reliable friend from day 1.

Recover Dracula's Stolen Artifacts

[color=#f4cccc][size=5]This little adventure will lead you to some dangerous places.[/size][/color]

Dracula's Treasures have been stolen from The Count's Castle while under the watchful eye of Vlid the Sentinel, a master vampire. He was tasked with guarding the ancient artifacts from the legendary Family.

His efforts to retrieve them will be tireless. He has sent out a detachment to find the thief and locate the valuable artifacts. Along the way, you stumble across a note pinned to a road sign, after reading it, you decide to take on the task of finding these priceless artifacts for your own use.

This will be an arduous task, you will have to find a way to retrieve any information from The Count's associates in order to locate the thief. The thief is in hiding somewhere in Skyrim, but your only clue will be from information obtained from the associates. The mercenaries are the best of the best, so you will be in for one hell of a fight.

You must find the thief, retrieve any information about the whereabouts of the ancient artifacts. The artifacts from The Count are beyond value and so very powerful as to create a dire event upon all in Skyrim. They fear these items to the extent that they have been locked away in a vault for many centuries. If they fell into the hands of an unscrupulous being, the world could cease to exist.

NOTE: This is not an actual quest, but more of an adventure. The items in the chest will appear once you have found it and un-locked it. There are 3 chests containing the weapons and armor. Along with these items there will be some nice potions to help in the meantime.

I would appreciate any constructive comment you may have in order to improve the mod.
Please don't hesitate to tell me of any improvements you'd like to see.

The Doom Drum

I came across this ridiculous but awesome video recently: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5ix0_W-ouI]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5ix0_W-ouI[/url]

In it, it depicts Pelinal Whitestrake as a futuristic murder-bot, complete with a Mega Man arm blaster.  After digging into the lore a bit, I found that this isn't that far from the truth, and that the Song of Pelinal mentions his "Left Hand made of Killing Light."  Inspired by this, and by Mahty's recent Dwarven Arm Gun mod, I decided to make a weapon of my own that gives a [very loosely] lore-based reasoning behind this absurd weapon, and makes it available for the player to find and use.

The weapon is a slight modification of one of Mahty's dwemer weapons, with modified textures and stats that match the Divine Crusader armor and weapons.  It is extremely overpowered, as it should be, and especially effective against Elves and Khajiit (sorry, kittehs!).  It will take a little bit of digging to find, as it was hidden away by the gods, but there is a book in the Arcaneum that will point you in the right direction.

Adorable Clones

Collection of racemenu presets custom tailored for Faerie Race: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/93920]LE[/url] - [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/26703]SSE[/url].


Q: "Sengetsu, my character's head exploded!"
A: Use Racemenu's nif import in the sculpt tab.

Q: "Sengetsu, I dont want to use your shitty custom race!"
A: Use Racemenu's nif import in the sculpt tab.

Join our discord server for mod info and upcoming changes [url=https://discord.gg/XZVUmAe]https://discord.gg/XZVUmAe
[/url]Support us on [url=https://www.patreon.com/user?u=8486886]Patreon

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87226]KijikoHairCC[/url] by chitama
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56056]Mikan Eyes[/url] by nerune2525
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/85848/?]saLa Hair[/url] by saLa and tktk 
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311/?]KS Hairdos - Renewal[/url] by Kalilies Stealthic Khaos and Shocky

The courier is now a frostbite spider.

A few people wanted me to port this to oldrim for some reason, so here it's.


[b][i][font=Comic Sans MS][code][/code][color=#93c47d]                             Aversad[/color]

[color=#93c47d][size=6]Located near Markath, with marker of City
[/size][size=5]- There will be no screenshots 
[/size][/color][/font][/i][/b][b][i][color=#b6d7a8][size=5]- Player Home with Guards and soldier, + 2 special followers + 1 Commander + 2 Blacksmiths + Hunter ( Small City, or a Camp )[/size][/color][/i][/b]
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