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Fertility Mode - German

[size=4]Diese Mod wurde nicht von mir erstellt! Ich habe diese lediglich nur übersetzt!
[/size][size=4]Die Original-Mod wird trotzdem benötigt und sollte vor der Übersetzung installiert werden![/size]

[size=4][b][u]WICHTIG: Version 2.0 erfordert neuen Spielstand[/u][/b][/size]

[size=3]Fügt den Frauen von Himmelsrand einen Menstruationszyklus zu Rollenspielzwecken hinzu. Verfolgte Frauen durchlaufen den Menstruationszyklus und können sowohl schwanger werden als auch Babys zur Welt bringen.[/size]


[/size][size=3][u]Credits and Thanks[/u]

[/size][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/892760]Narue[/url] [/size][size=3]for the mod
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/3408338/?]mcguffin[/url] for the [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/134/?]sseTranslator[/url][/size]

Skyrim Unbound Reborn

[size=2][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27962]SE VERSION[/url]
(sorry for half-machine translation)

It's a modified version of [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71465]Skyrim Unbound[/url][size=2] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/3488499]chinagreenelvis[/url].
If you for some incredible reason do not know what is Skyrim Unbound, then it's time to finally take up the case, and then I advise you to start with [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71465]the original mod page[/url] and then come back here.
The changes mostly relate to the start options. Many things, of course, are a matter of taste. Let's move on to the list of changes, finally.

The original [/size][/size][/size][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2]Skyrim Unbound[/size][/size][/size] does not inherit any fixes from the unofficial patch. Not anymore. Now [/size][/size][/size][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2]Skyrim Unbound[/size][/size][/size] looks like it was originally created with the [/size][/size][/size][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2]USLEEP[/size][/size][/size] in mind. Not only the plugin has been patched, scripts also have [/size][/size][/size][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2]USLEEP[/size][/size][/size] changes now.[/size][/size][/size][size=2][size=2][size=2]

List of merged scripts:
Fixed a couple of minor bugs.

The MCM now uses translation via text file.


[*][size=2][size=2][size=2]Non-SkyUI support (as[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29440] there are mods[/url] to bring back vanilla interface and leave MCM, if you don't like SkyUI by some reason).[/size][/size][/size]
[*][size=2]The Breezehome price change. Actually all vanilla houses have fairly low price and there are already mods that fix it.[/size]
[*][size=2]The "Character Name" and "Race Menu" options.[/size]
GAME START[/b][/color]

The character creation menu will now be opened in the custom room, instead of the Helgen corridor.

After entering the character's name, a menu with three options will be open:
[b]Continue [/b]- Teleport to the starting location (what normally happened before).
[b]Reload gear[/b] - All items and spells will be re-added (same with the debug ability), after which the menu will be open again. This option was previously only available in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/articles/1489]QuickStart Mode[/url].
[b]Stay here[/b] - You can stay in the starting room if you need to do something before you start the game. To start the game, press Enter (out of the interface). You will receive a notification on the screen and a log entry about it.

Skyrim Unbound Reborn also will create several autosaves during the game start, it can be disabled with a new MCM option (or via corresponding global value). Added option to disable headwear unequipping if you want to see your headwear during the character creation (and it also has a global)

[/size][/b][color=#ffffff][size=2]The old wilderness starting locations were completely replaced (19 with 21). Most of the old locations were the hunter\fishermen camps and there was no options to spawn just in the wilderness. One of the locations was the forsworn camp, where you could be immediately become detected and attacked. So, the old options didn't have integrity and didn't make sense for most characters (what the hell is my warrior-mage doing in a hunter camp?).
New starting locations are various places in the wilderness: forests and plains, sea coast, rivers and lakes, roads and crossroads.

The "Camp" option is splited into "Imperial Camp" and "Stormcloak Camp", allowing you to select a random camp of one of the sides of the conflict. Also, military camps and orcish strongholds will no longer be randomly selected if the starting location is set to random or hold, as these locations do not make sense for most characters.

Removed the option to start in the Stumbling Sabrecat Inn (the tavern in a bandit fort).[/size][/color] [/size][/color][/size]


Previously, when choosing one magic school twice, you get one novice spell and one apprentice spell (for use which you might not have enough magic). Now you will get two different novice level spells. In my opinion, it is more logical and balanced.

"Raize Zombie" spell is now available for selection from the menu. Previously, it could only be given to a player when selecting a conjuration school twice (although this is a novice level spell).

Added a shortcut to quickly activate the spell selection.


[/size][/size][size=2][size=2]In the original mod, the variability of the starting inventory is limited by how many units of potions, wine, vegetable soup, and horker meat you get. No food variability and the set of items is always the same, without the ability to disable a certain type of items. Gold has a large range (0-2500 septims) and the only way to set a more specific amount is the unimmersive option to set an exact value, so the gold is either absolutely random or absolutely certain.
I removed the unimmersive option and added three wealth sets: Poor/Common/Noble. Each option has its own range for the amount of gold and items. The resulting items depend on the selected item set, for example, Poor does not contain potions, and Noble can give not only weak, but also standart potions.

Options to toggle individual item types have been added. Turn off potions if you want to make your start harder, or maybe your vampire doesn't need human food? And if your character is a rough warrior who does not know the art of lockpicking, you can turn off the lockpicks. Except food and drinks, all item types can be set to random, with a chance of 50%.
You can also get a woodcutter's axe that will be useful with Campfire or similar mods, and a pickaxe.

All wealth settings have been moved to a separate MCM page.
Now it partially uses leveled lists.


[/size][/size]Let's remember the original weapon options
Random Weapon
Random Staff
Dagger Only
Offensive Staff/Dagger
Defensive Staff/Dagger
Utility Staff/Dagger
Dual Daggers
Dual Swords[/i][/spoiler]
Despite the impressive length, it is not exhaustive. As you can see, the weapon combinations are very limited, and you can't get some weapons at all (where is my warhammer, two war axes, or a mace?).
Not anymore. [size=2]The weapon and outfit options were moved to a separate MCM page.[/size] Select the type of the weapon on the left side of the page, then leave it random or select a specific weapon on the right side. Choose your 1H combination: single, dual or with a shield.

The original mod will always give you iron weapons, even for steel plate armor. Now the weapon material will match your armor set if possible (for example, unfortunatelly there is no "forsworn mace" in vanilla Skyrim, in such cases [size=2]you will get iron weapons[/size])[size=2][size=2].


[/size][/size]One long list has been divided into two menus: one for armor type and one for a specific outfit.
Two random headgear options were added: "Non-default" and "Non-Hooded", which randomly choose the headgear between the two options.
For those who want to limit the randomization and start with the weakest armor, the "Low-Level Armor Only" option has been added.[size=2][size=2]

The following armor options have been removed:
[*][i][size=2]Stormcloak Officer Armor [/size][/i]
[*][i][size=2]Scaled Armor[/size][/i]
[*][i][size=2]Elven Armor[/size][/i]
[*][i][size=2]Ancient Nord Armor[/size][/i]
[*][i][size=2]Steel Plate Armor[/size][/i]
The following armor options have been added:[/size][/size][/size]
[*][i][size=2]Merchant Clothes (moved to a separate option from Common Clothes)[/size][/i]
[*][i][size=2]Monk Robes[/size][/i]
[*][i][size=2]Dark Robes[/size][/i]
[*][i][size=2]Miner Clothes[/size][/i]
[*][i][size=2]Vampire Armor[/size][/i]
[*][i][size=2]Vampire Clothes[/size][/i]
[*][i][size=2]Iron Banded Armor[/size][/i]
[*][i][size=2]Imperial Studded Armor[/size][/i]
Armor sets have been adjusted. 
Under the hood, the armor and weapon selection system has been completely redesigned to use leveled lists, so you can customize the result of existing MCM options without editing the script (for example, to add armor/weapon variations or adjust the lists according to your taste).


Some randomization conditions have been added to give you more acceptable random results, avoiding some strange or unusual combinations, including both those that were present in the original mod and those that are caused by new functionality. Of course, unusual combinations can still be selected manually.
Some examples of such combinations: shield + dagger; clothes + two-handed weapon; magic robe + less than two spells; fine clothes + poor wealth.
It also makes it possible to set fewer options to get the correct result, for example, if you select imperial armor and random one-handed weapon, you will always get an (imperial) sword, or if you select completely random weapon, you will get a sword or a bow (same for forsworn set).[/size][size=2]


[/size][/size][size=2][size=2][size=2]There are also some other changes. In addition to various technical and MCM changes, they are:

Added some conditions to dragons- and dragonborn-related loading screens. Loading screens about dragons will not displayed if there are no dragons, etc.

Notifications about dragons delay end are now optional and disabled by default.

If "Dragon Souls" option is set to "Random", it now will be visually set to the appropriate value after the game start.

Added descriptions and menu objects to the Debug Abilities. The teleport spell now will also set the next location after teleporting in sneaking mode. Added another debug ability that disables debug mode and removes debug spells.[/size][/size][/size][size=2]
[center][size=4][b]INSTALLATION AND COMPATIBILITY[/b][/size][/center][/size][/size]

Requires [url=https://skse.silverlock.org/]SKSE[/url] and [size=2][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3863]SkyUI[/url].[/size]
Requires[/size][/size][/size][size=2][size=2][size=2][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71214] USLEEP[/url].

Install with your mod-manager.[size=2][size=2][size=2] You don't need the original mod.
Click "Track" at the top of the page to start tracking mod updates.[/size][/size][/size]


[/size][/size][/size][/size][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][color=#6d9eeb][b]RECOMMENDED MODS[/b][/color]
[size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98250]Misc Dialogue Edits[/url][/size][/size] - [/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2]adjusts as many dragons-related dialogues as possible[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size], for proper immersion to the world without dragons or until the dragons don't appear [/size][/size][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2](Skyrim Unbound already covers many dialogues, but not all)[/size][/size][/size][/size][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2]. [/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]Other changes are also noteworthy.
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97478]Choose Your Starting Skills[/url] - my mod. A simple mod to allow you set starting values of skills without regard to race, as well as magicka/health/stamina values, within the vanilla balance, but with the ability of customization.[/size][/size][/size][/size]

[color=#6d9eeb][b]KNOWN ISSUES[/b][/color]

[b](From the original)[/b] NPCs (Interesting NPCs, Sofia Follower) think you are the Thane of Whiterun, even if you are not. This is due to the fact that most mods use conditions like "if MQ104 [size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2]quest [/size][/size][/size][/size]completed", while SU completes all main quests up to MQ105 immediately at the game start. For the same reason, various mods may consider you dragonborn initially. [size=2][size=2][size=2]Check[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/articles/1489] Q&A [/url]for compatible conditions.[/size][/size][/size] I have planned some patches for v1. 4.
Please report any bugs\issues\incompatibilities you find. I am interested in your opinion and ideas. Of course, I'm not obliged to satisfy all requests, but you have to try.

[size=2][size=2][size=2]Feel free to upload your translations. There is the [i]special/translation update.txt[/i] file to help you to update translation files manually.[/size][/size][/size]
[/size][/size][/size][size=2][size=2][size=2]Feel free to upload your patches or modifications. I can add your patch to the installer.[/size][/size][/size][size=2][size=2][size=2]


[/size][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/3488499]chinagreenelvis[/url] [/size][/size][/size][/size][size=2][size=2]for the great original mod[/size].
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/5732881]sevencardz[/url] for [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/14060]Dragon Stalking Fix[/url][/size][size=2].[/size]
[size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][color=#b6b6b6][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/25216299]FetorMortem[/url][/color][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size] for the WWLMG and DSAMG patches.
[/size][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][color=#b6b6b6][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/3868425]GOsteW[/url] [/color][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][size=2]for the GDO patch and the loading screen tweaks.[/size]

Ayleen Standalone Healer Follower

[font=Georgia][center][/center][/font][font=Georgia][center][/center][/font][center][font=Georgia]"She walks in beauty, like the night 
Of cloudless climes and starry skies; 
And all that’s best of dark and bright 
Meet in her aspect and her eyes; 
Thus mellowed to that tender light 
Which heaven to gaudy day denies."

                                                      She Walks in Beauty - Lord Byron


Race: Nord
Level: 35
Class: Ranger
Spell: Healing hands
Weight: 50

Location: Markarth Bridge Exterior (see pictures)



 [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91248/]Girl's Heavy Armors[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/39376710]ZapgiL[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311/?tab=posts]Kalilies and Stealthic - KS Hairdos[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30411][/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2666][/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30411]Hvergelmir - Brows [/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35267]SG Female Textures Renewal[/url] by  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2209393]hellosanta[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13722]The Eyes of Beauty - [/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/308756]LogRaam[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2666]Caliente_ Ousnius e Jeir - belos corpos de Caliente Edição -CBBE- [/url]



Cullen RaceMenu Preset


 [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13722]Eyes of beauty[/url]
 [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13630]Kyoe's Bang'n Brows[/url] (replacer vanillamatch version)
 [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/8720/]Custom Races[/url] (recommended)
 [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311]KS Hairdos[/url] - optional, but if you have any problems with his original hair, there are some very similiar variants.
 [url=http://vectorplexus.com/files/file/283-high-poly-head/]High Poly Head by KouLeifoh[/url]  -  without it new version preset wouldn't work.  Old version(1.0) works fine on vanilla low poly head.


Just drag&drop Data folder to your Skyrim's root directory, apply merging. That's all. 

Optional folder:

There are Cullen's original face textures(Diffuse, Normal and Specular) in 2k resolution(uncompressed & compressed for people who really want it). Install them as usual. If needed, apply them to your body textures yourself in Gimp/Photoshop.
I recommend to use them with any custom race.

Also there is his original hair mesh and textures, but use it for your own risk, it's not perfect and looks strange in some areas(if someone can help to fix it I'd appriciate it)
You may rename and replace any mesh and textures of unused hair with mine. Perhaps, you'll need to change texture paths in Nifskope to get mesh works properly. Or you just can create an .esp for your own use) 
New in 2.0  
Reworked head sculpt based on new high poly head.
New face textures with fixed bugs.
Reworked hair.

Better Weapons For Volkihar

This mod replaces generic iron and steel weapons Volkihar use for more immersive and powerful weapons. For example, Elven members now use enchanted elven weapons and Nord members use enchanted ancient nordic weapons. 

To install simply extract .esp to your Data folder.

Choose Your Starting Skills

[size=2][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25630]SE VERSION[/url][/size]

(sorry for half-machine translation)


This mod neutralizes the racial skill bonus and allows you to distribute those points yourself, as well as allowing you to distribute points between magic, health, and stamina.
Optionally, you can disable one of the two menus. This mod also includes options to set the base skill value to 0/5/10 (yeah, this is not a unique feature). There is an option to set all skills to a base value without a menu, which also allows you to set all skills to 0 when using another option (and all this with a script, without conflicts with race mods). Parameters such as the maximum stat value or the number of points to be distributed can be customized using global values.

Unfortunately, it's not a cool custom menu, but at least it's not a default messagebox. I used ListMenu from [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57308/]SkyUILib[/url].


The menu will only open if you haven't gained level 2 yet, so skills won't reset on a saved game.
The menu will open a few seconds after you get all controls. For the vanilla start, it should happen after your hands are untied. Tested with Alternate Start, Skyrim Unbound (Reborn),[size=2][size=2] and Realm of Lorkhan[/size][/size].


You can increase or decrease the skill value by the same number of points at a time (5 for the skill menu, 10 for the stats menu). The remaining number of points is displayed at the top of the menu.
To increase the value, select the desired skill and then click [Tab]Exit or press the Tab or Esc key. To decrease the value, do the same with the LShift key pressed (the mod checks if the key is pressed after clicking, so do not release it too quickly).

You can only add 5 or 10 points to one skill, similar to racial bonuses. Magic/Health/Stamina are limited by the mod settings.

The skill you have selected will be automatically selected the next time (although the menu will not scroll down). You can select the previous selected skill at any time - click on [R]Default or press the R key (in this case the menu will be scrolled).

When you run out of points, a confirmation menu will open where you can choose "COMPLETE" to finish the points distribution, or choose any skill to decrease it.


No vanilla records are changed. Only the options to change the base skill values change one gamesetting, so place these optional files after the mods that do the same.

It probably won't work properly with most mods that implement a class system etc. But it is perhaps an alternative for them.

this contains the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57308/]SkyUILib[/url] files (of the latest and only version), so it will overwrite mods that also use SkyUILib (like Name Your Horse) and that's fine. You can override it.


This mod requires[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3863] SkyUI[/url].

Install with your mod manager.
Click "Track" at the top of the page to start tracking mod updates.


This mod uses several global values. If you don't know how to change the global values in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859]TES5Edit[/url], then you will definitely understand when you install it and open this mod with it. You can and should change them if you want to customize these aspects of the mod.

[b]CYSS_ToggleSkillsMenu[/b], [b]CYSS_ToggleStatsMenu[/b]
These two values enables/disables the corresponding menus. 0 - off, 1 - on.
[b]CYSS_ToggleSkillsMenu[/b] can also be set to -1 to simply set skill values to a base value, without any bonuses.

Skill menu settings:
[b]CYSS_SkillPointsCount[/b] - the number of skill points available for distribution. (Default: 35, this is the sum of racial bonuses in vanilla game)
[size=2][b]CYSS_SkillStep [/b]-[size=2]"step", i.e. the number of points that are added/subtracted at a time. (Default: 5)[/size][b]
CYSS_SkillMaxBonus[/b][/size] [size=2]- maximum value of each skill. [/size][size=2][size=2][size=2](Default: 10)[/size][b]
Stat menu settings:
[b]CYSS_StatPointsCount[/b] - the number of points available for distribution between magic, health, and endurance. (Default: 60)
Ideally, when dividing by both 2 and 3, you should have a number that is a multiple of the CYSS_StatStep, so that you can distribute the points evenly, both between the two and between the three stats.
[b]CYSS_StatStep[/b] - "step", i.e. the number of points that are added/subtracted at a time. (Default: 10)
Can be set to 5 or any other number. The smaller values lead to the fact that the distribution of points takes more time, but also more accurate.
[b]CYSS_BaseStatValue[/b] - starting and minimum value for each stat. (Default: 80)
Please note that [u]3*BaseStat + StatPoints = total points count[/u]. The default setting has a total of 300 points, as well as vanilla stats.
[b]CYSS_MaxStatValue[/b] - maximum value for each stat. (Default: 130)


[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/607788]mrpwn[/url] for [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57308/]SkyUILib[/url].[/size][color=#00FF00][code]
[b][color=#3d85c6][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/59086436?tab=user+files]MY OTHER MODS[/url][/size][/color][/b]

New Vampire Lord Replacer by Renzobich

New vampire lord replacer.

notice the mod is molded 100% by me with the zbrush ... so that there are no problems with other moders...

if you like endorse it :)

FollowerLivePackage Traduccion

[size=4]Traduccion De dialogos al 100% en español, no pude traducir el menu MCM porque soy nuevo en usar las herramientas (mejorare a medida que pase el tiempo), solamente traduci los archivos principales no traduci ningun add on del mod espero les guste.


[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3630952]oldcyder[/url] (creador del mod, todo el credito a el)
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/65210386]StevenPz[/url] (yo solamente la traduccion al español)[/b][/size]

Immersive Horses 2.5 Turkish Translation

Bu mod Immersive Horses modunun 2.5 versiyonunu %90 Türkçeye çevirir.

Çeviri Kurulumu : Önce Immersive Horses modunun kendisini yükleyin sonra RAR'daki çeviri dosyasını Skyrim'in Data klasörünün içine atınız.

Bu çeviri Thoiwyth tarafından yapılmıştır.



[center][font=Comic Sans MS][size=5][u][b][i]Like this preset but want a high frame rate?[/i][/b][/u][/size][/font]
~~~~Open file: [/size][font=Georgia][size=5]enblocal.ini[/size][/font][size=3]~~~~[/size]

[size=3](MY DEFAULT SETTINGS)[/size]


[size=3](FOR HIGHER FRAME RATE)[/size]



FPSLimit=60.04 (or 144 for 144hrz monitors)[/center]


Little Pond Farm Extended

[center][size=6] Little Pond Farm Extended


[/b][/size]Little Pond Farm Extended is an extension of Robik81's [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46301]original mod[/url]. It adds a small, cozy farm to the tundra west of Whiterun, perfect for low-level or role-playing characters, and corrects some existing issues.

It contains a bed, fully safe storage, and you can plant crops in the field nearby. Till the land, and sell your produce in Whiterun's market. For hunters, there's a tanning rack and more mudcrabs than you could ever want. At night, relax with some tasty home-baked pastries filled with your very own honey.

Live out your dream as a Nordic cabbage farmer!

[*]Tanning rack
[*]Wood chopping block
[*]Grain mill
[*]Farm with up to 36 planters
[*]Safe storage
[b][size=4]Installation & Requirements

[/size][/b]Requires Hearthfires DLC and updated Skyrim. Install using your preferred mod manager, or drag and drop the .esp file into your /Data/ folder.

If you use the original Little Pond Farm mod, then remove all personal items and followers from the cell (POITundra05) and travel elsewhere. Save, uninstall Little Pond Farm, and install Little Pond Farm Extended. Save again.

The mod was cleaned with Tes5Edit 4.0.1.



[*]Added grain mill.
[*]Minor landscape edits.
[*]Minor lighting fixes.

[*]Added apiary.
[*]Added tanning rack
[*]Replaced a table next to the fireplace with an oven.
[*]Some clutter & HAVOK edits.
[*]More realistic lighting.
[*]Made all containers safe and player-owned.
[*]Replaced cupboard next to bed with a wardrobe.

[/b][/size]Thanks to Robik81 for his permission to modify the original mod, [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46301]Little Pond Farm[/url].

RetroDaddy's Treasure Hunt

[color=#980000][size=6][b][u]RetroDaddy's Treasure Hunt[/u][/b][/size][/color][b]
[color=#ff7700]Requires Hearthfires DLC[/color]
[/b]Delete all previous versions before install!

[b]There is an Orc NPC who will sell you a journal that he has found while wandering about.  He can be found near Honningbrew Meadery near the bridge.  The Journal will direct you to find the corpse of an old Nord adventurer.[/b]

Once you find the "Old Nord" there will be a note on his body that will supply you with more information.  [i]Check his body closely and you will find a key to the first treasure[/i].  From there it is up to you how quickly you discover the other treasures.

It will be helpful if you have a "Grid Map" to refer to as you look for the more hidden ones.

This is a Cheat, but it will not be an easy one.

[color=#ff7700][size=4]NOTE:  There are 3 versions of this mod.
1 - No map markers
2 - Map Markers without Fast Travel
3 - Map Markers with Fast Travel
([/size][/color][color=#ffff00]If you have Hearthfires, there is an add-on for the DLC.  This will add 3 additional chests to build locations.  Before you can access the Hearthfires chests you must find the key to them.  The key can be found near the Old Nords Corpse.[/color][color=#ff7700])[/color]

This mod adds 21 treasure chests around Tamriel, The initial chest can be found South of The Camp and will give you a Good Hunting bow, arrows, Fur armor to help against the cold and some initial gold to get you started.  The other chests will show on your map when you have come within a short distance of them, until then they are hidden.  At the moment, all the chest locations have an approximate location given by the quest journal from the Old Nord.

The chests are re-spawning and will give you a supply of gold and arrows depending on your characters level.

The items given are about double the vanilla stats, and are modifiable at crafting stations.  You will also receive a recipe to make some arrows and some health potions.

[font=Trebuchet MS][size=4][color=#93c47d]Join me on Discord for My Mods and stuff: [color=#ffffff]https://discord.gg/EfMZECu[/color][/color][/size][/font]


[font=Trebuchet MS][size=4][color=#93c47d]Join me on Discord for Fallout 76 stuff: [/color]https://discord.gg/gYD9g[/size][/font]

Lilith and Dumplings (UNP)

Add a new resident NPC Lilith in [b]Whiterun[/b]. (Not the old woman who has the same name)
She is a former [b]Dragonborn[/b] from the Far East. She was shot in the knee in the process of saving the world, so she wanted to have a rest.
Now she lives in seclusion in Whiterun and sells dumplings, but she may be interested in your courage (or your length)  and start traveling again.

Lilith has her own schedule. Her work is nine to five. She has night life after work. So, the esp should be sorted after [b][i]Immersion Citizens - AI Overhaul[/i][/b].
Because of poverty, she shared a stall with Carlotta. She has no money to buy a house and has to sleep in an added bed of the temple.
[b]Combat Style[/b]
Destruction Wizard, but likes Greatsword[b]
Spell (3)[/b]
Fireball Fireball and Firball (but with slow or stagger)
[b]Shout (2)[/b]
1.Add a lot of Buffs, and pop the enemy in a flash
2.Fireball (but with stagger)

What is updated in Ver 1.1[/b]
Lilith will give you a map. It will lead you to the place where she sealed her ability and armor.
Beat the little Boss - [b]The Shadow of Lilith[/b].And then you will get a set of superb heavy armor and a kind of Spell Tome. (Random)

[b]The Shadow of Lilith[/b]
At least 50
[b]Combat Style[/b]
Destruction Magic, but likes Greatsword[b]
Spell (3)[/b]
Fireball Fireball and Firball (but with slow or stagger)[b]
Shout (3)[/b]
1.Add a lot of Buffs, and pop the enemy in a flash
2.Fireball (but with stagger and can [b]Burn Armor[/b])
3.Summon separation, [b]Lilith Warrior[/b] or [b]Lilith Warlock [/b]or Both

[b]Lilith Warrior[/b]
At least 50
[b]Combat Style[/b]
Shout (3)[/b]
1.Add a lot of Buffs, and pop the enemy in a flash
2.Fireball (but with stagger and can [b]Burn Armor[/b])
3.Summon separation, [b]Lilith Warrior[/b] or [b]Lilith Warlock [/b]or Both

[b]Lilith Warlock[/b]
At least 50
[b]Combat Style[/b]
Destruction Magic, but likes melee[b]
Spell (3)[/b]
Fireball Fireball and Firball (but with slow or stagger)

14 kinds of new dumplings have been added, and the original 3 dumplings have been slightly changed. [b]Chinese Style ![/b]

Lucifer most evil character preset

This is a most evil Character preset named Lucifer

Warrior Magic - Immersive Spellcasting With Your Hands Full

[size=2][i]This is my first mod, I hope it works and I hope I didn't forget anything important. I'd love to hear what you think or if you have any questions, just drop a comment and I'll do my best to answer. :)[/i][/size]

At it's core this mod enables you to bind spells to hotkeys and cast without having to equip spells manually, it's similar to other excellent hotkey mods like [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59171]AH Hotkeys[/url] or [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76988]Smart Cast[/url] but it is much more basic, if you're looking for a fully featured hotkey mod I recommend you check one of those out - however if you're looking for a more immersive way for your melee character to cast spells without having to equip them then this mod is for you! I've long been a faithful user of the previously mentioned mods but never really liked how spells just appear out of my characters forehead and I've also had issues with the balance of it all. [b]

Warrior Magic[/b] aims to make casting with your hands full, more immersive and less overpowered, the way it goes about achieving this is by channeling your spell casts through your combat actions. You charge a spell by clicking/holding the hotkey you've assigned to it and once the spell is charged you can release it either through swinging your weapon or blocking, depending on the hostility of the spell that you've charged. By default you will have to hold the hotkey for a period of time based on how long it normally takes to cast the spell but this is customizable, you can change this to be instant if you so choose - additionally you can also choose to automatically do the combat action required to release the spell once it's charged.

[u]This mod is meant to be used with melee weapons, one handed or two handed, as weapon swings and the ability to block is integral to the core functionality.[/u]

[*]Charge spells by holding hotkeys. (You can customize the charge time to be instant, based on the spells cast time or based on the spell cost compared to your magicka pool)
[*]Release spells by swinging your weapon or blocking. (You can choose to do this manually or once you release your hotkey or automatically as soon as the spell is charged)
[*]Concentration spells are supported and never require charging, just hold down the assigned hotkey and look at it go!
[*]Spell Cycle (you can bind multiple spells to the same key and cycle through them)
[*]Extend spell duration by recasting it. (Each time you recast a defensive spell that is already active it will have it's duration refreshed and extended up to the maximum that you've defined, this feature can be disabled by setting the maximum to 0)
[*]Dispel an active effect by holding a defined dispel key when using a hotkey spell.
[*]Attacking while jumping[i].[/i]
[i]This is an experimental hack, it works but it's a little iffy as your attack animation is canceled once you land on the ground again so it works better for faster weapons since they have a better chance of getting their hitframe to fire.[/i][*]Sweeping Attacks with 1H weapons. (Disabled in towns)
[*]The way spells are charged and released can be configured individually for offensive and defensive spells, additionally overrides can also be defined per hotkey.

[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95017]powerofthree's Papyrus Extender[/url]
[/b]I've noticed that adding or removing effects from the player character interrupts casting of concentration spells, some mods do this extensively, all the time - if you have issues with Warrior Magic canceling your concentration spells before you run out of magicka or release the key then Enable "Concentration Casting Fix" in the MCM.

[b]How to use?
[/b]First you need to bind a spell to your desired key, this can be done in two ways, through the (1) MCM or using the (2) "WMAG Bind Spell" power.

1. In the Warrior Magic MCM, navigate to the "Spells" page and under "Create a spell keybind" click on "Click to bind key", in the popup press the desired key on your keyboard.[list=1]
[*]A new hotkey will be created in the top of the "Spells" page and assigned the first unbound spell available to your character (typically Flames)
[*]Click the spell and wait for the spell list to load, then proceed with selecting the spell you wish to cast.
[*]Exit out of the MCM and hold the key you assigned, it should now charge and a sound prompt + visual effect on your character should indicate when it's fully charged. Now depending on how you've configured casting for this spell it will cast automatically, when you release the key or when you perform the required combat action.

2. Equip the "WMAG Bind Spell" power in your Magic menu, use the power and your Magic menu should open once again.[list=1]
[*]Equip the spell you wish to bind.
[*]Click the key you wish to bind it to.
[*]Your Magic menu should now close. Hold the key you assigned, it should now charge and a sound prompt + visual effect on your character should indicate when it's fully charged. Now depending on how you've configured casting for this spell it will cast automatically, when you release the key or when you perform the required combat action.
[b]Recommended mods for the best experience
[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65934]Badass Dual Wielding[/url] (if you're dual-wielding, so you can block!)
[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65044]Better Jumping[/url] (allows double jump, is helpful for attacking while jumping with 2H and otherwise really great to have!)

Beasts of Oblivion - Daedroth

[center]An old acquaintance of the oblivion crisis, the lizard spits fire, servant of Molag Bal and Merhunes Dagon,
the daedroth the great crocodile-like daedra, able to split a man in two and fight a dragon.
At the moment there is only one variant
One of the things I didn't like so much about skyrim was the removal of most of the daedras, especially the daedroth,
one of my favorites and in my opinion the most baddass.[/center]
I thank Carrie Talbot for covering the mod :)

Super Fast Input Wait Menu LE


This mod adds an alternate super fast wait menu, where you type the weeks, days and hours you want to wait. For weeks an days, only whole number are accepted. For hours you can use decimals. ie 1.5 hours equals 1 and a half hours. If you don't want to wait any weeks/days/hours just press enter to continue to the next input box. You can also turn off or on boxes in the MCM. You can also cancel the wait anytime by pressing the hotkey again. The wait menu is completely separate from the vanilla wait menu. 

Setting the hours interval determines how many hours skip when waiting, to show passage of time. If waiting multiple days, you can specify how many of those days use the hours interval. For example: Set the hours interval to 6, and the days to 3, and wait for 7 days. The first 4 days will pass a day at a time, and the last 3 days will pass in intervals of 6 hours, 4 per day, showing the passage of time. Set the days to 0 to have all days pass 1 at a time, which is fastest. As a test, I set it to 0 and waited a whole year, 365 days, and it took a little over a minute real time to complete.

Waiting 3 days or more with this mod does reset cells and merchant inventories, which is convenient when trying to bugfix or troubleshoot other mods.

See the video below to get a better idea:


[/size][/u]Should be compatible with everything.


Extract to your data folder
Check in your load order
Choose and Activate the HotKey in the MCM

[/u][/size]De-Activate HotKey in MCM
Uncheck in your load order.

[u][color=#f1c232][size=5][b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/10197855?tab=user+files&BH=0]My other mods[/url][/b][/size][/color][/u]

Requiem - Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul Compatibility Patch

Hey all,

Firstly, first mod:)

[size=4]What does this do?[/size]
It’s a patch to make the 2 overhauls play nice with each other. While they are both in effect overhauls that change a lot of the same aspects, I have designed this patch to have CACO serve more as a supplement to Requiem. It should hopefully not make Requiem easier (early game in fact might be a little tougher), but it should level Alchemy out to make it more comparable to the other perk trees while at the same time, adding a greater variety of options to help the player overcome obstacles. (e.g. Pure archers should not have to feel obligated anymore to take Smithing in order to handle Draugr dungeons. Changes to healing poultices provide for a more flexible experience curbing the need for all players from having to invest in either Alchemy or Restoration). It should also bring over CACO's highly in depth cooking and food system into the Requiem universe.

[size=4]Requirements (ver 3.0)[/size]
Requiem version 3.0 (Requires all DLC's and Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch)
Complete Alchemy & Cooking Overhaul version 2.0 (Requires all DLC's and Wiseman's Flora Overhaul)

[size=4]Requirements (ver 2.0)[/size]
Requiem version 2.x (Requires all DLC's)
Complete Alchemy & Cooking Overhaul version 2.0 (Requires all DLC's and Wiseman's Flora Overhaul)

[size=4]Requirements (ver 1.0)[/size]
Requiem version (Requires Dawnguard)
Complete Alchemy & Cooking Overhaul version 1.2.1 (Requires all DLC's and Wiseman's Flora Overhaul)

Install this mod using your favorite mod manager. See the load order below. Don't forget to run the Reqtificator before running Skyrim.

[size=4]Load Order[/size]
Complete Alchemy & Cooking Overhaul.esp (version 1.21 or 2.0)
Requiem.esp (version or 2.0)
Requiem - Legendary Bugsmasher Edition.esp (not required but recommended)
Requiem - Hearthfire.esp (not required but recommended) (integrated into Requiem 2.0)
Fozars_Dragonborn_-_Requiem_Patch.esp (not required but recommended)
<other Requiem patches and mods that explicitly need to be loaded after Requiem>
Requiem - WM Flora Fixes.esp (not required but recommended)
Requiem - CACO.esp [color=red](I cannot speak for every load order but this patch is gigantic so it should be as low in your Requiem patches as possible).[/color]
<dynamic created esps like a bashed patch or skyproc patches>
Requiem for the Indifferent.esp

The below pertains mostly to Requiem CACO 2.0. I'm assuming that you have some experience with both mods in one way or another as I do not have enough space to get into every detail.

[*]CACO Adjustable restorative potion durations have been changed to (1,10, 20) seconds
[*]Scripts have been adjusted to account for Requiem’s naming conventions when creating new potions.
[*]Both Alchemy perk trees have been merged together (transformation perks have not been changed):[list]
[*]Alchemical Lore 1:
You've acquired basic alchemical insights and understand how to work with a laboratory. Thus, you can now craft your own potions and poisons.[spoiler]Increases potion/poison strength by 25%. Required for most races to make potions at all.[/spoiler][*]Alchemical Lore 2:
Through obscure knowledge, you now can enhance your mixtures and craft alchemistic powders at a smelter. Besides, your sensory organs have become very keen. Thus, your sense of alchemical properties of consumed ingredients will increase with practice.[spoiler]Increases potion/poison strength by 50%. Allows crafting of alchemical powders and grenades. When consuming an ingredient, there is a chance for the player to discover the 2nd-4th effect. This percentage based on the total number of ingredients eaten so it increases as the player eats more ingredients. This effect also increases as the player acquires more perks (Concentrated poison will grant at least 2 effects guaranteed. Concentrated, nature's bounty, and catalysis, will yield all 4 effects, guaranteed.) [/spoiler][*]Physician: (New perk)
With practice and some friendly advice from the local apothecary, you have learned how to craft a more powerful healing poultice at the alchemist retort.[spoiler]Allows the player to craft standard healing poultices at Alchemy Retorts. Requires 10 basic healing poultices to be made in order to unlock.[/spoiler][*]Alchemical Wax Expertise: (New perk)
From your dilligence to the unorthodox craft of alchemical waxes, you can now craft stronger and more advanced waxes for your weapons.[spoiler]Allows the player to craft fair and good alchemical waxes at Alchemy Retorts. Requires 15 deficient or faint waxes to be made in order to unlock.[/spoiler][*]Alchemical Wax Mastery: (New perk)
You've mastered the art of alchemical waxes allowing you to craft some truly fearsome poisons.[spoiler]Allows the player to craft remarkable alchemical waxes at Alchemy Retorts. Requires 25 fair or good waxes to be made in order to unlock.[/spoiler][*]Concentrated Poisons
Your experience in the obscure alchemical arts allows you to concentrate your poisons. Thus, you can make most of them last longer before they need to be reapplied.[spoiler]Increases the number of strikes/arrows your weapon can handle before needing to apply poisons. Can distill 2 deficient poisons into a faint poison at the retort[/spoiler][*]Improved Elixirs
Having refinined the brewing process, you are now able to improve the effects of all your elixirs.[spoiler]Increase all created beneficial potion effectiveness by %25. Restorative potions receive an additional %25 bonus. Can distill 2 deficient potions into a faint potion at the retort[/spoiler][*]Nature's Bounty (Replaces Improved Poisons)
Your expertise of bringing the most out of your ingredients makes your poisons more potent. Your proficiency to gather ingredients from plants and animals has also increased.[spoiler]Increase all created poison effectiveness by %25. Increases harvest rates and ingredient drop rates from animals. All created poisons weigh .1 less. Can distill 2 faint poisons into 1 fair poison at the retort.[/spoiler][*]Catalysis
You've started experimenting with a catalyst that increases the yield of the brewing process and a greater effeciency when creating potions on the go. You're experimentations also yield more powerful explosive combinations. [spoiler]%25 chance to craft 2 potions. Decreases penalty from making potions when using the portable mortar/pestle. All created potions weigh .1 less. Can distill 2 faint potions into 1 fair potion at the retort. If you have the alcehmical lore 2 perk, you can begin crafting the powerful tier grenades[/spoiler][*]Mad Scientist (Replaces immunization)
Your studies through self experimentation have tempered your immune system and resistance to poisons. With the right tools, you can also remove the more complex anatomy from fallen foes for further experimentation.[spoiler]%50 bonus to disease resistance. Poison resistance magnitude is determined by total ingredients eaten (up to 25%). Can distill 2 fair potions or 2 fair poisons into 1 good potion/poison. Can now harvest animal hearts from animals. Additionally, having a scalpel equipped will allow you to harvest organs from men/mer.[/spoiler][*]Purification Process
Having mastered a distillation technique, you can use an extractor to retrieve blood samples from fallen foes and distill herbs at a retort to brew some truly magnificent concoctions.[spoiler](Purity effect). You can finally use the blood extractor to harvest blood samples from active/sleeping NPC's. Allows you to craft ingredient extracts at the retort. Can distill 2 good potions or 2 good poisons into 1 remarkable potion/poison.[/spoiler][*]Catalysis (mastery)
You've perfected the catalyst further increasing your potion yield chances. Additionally, you have discovered methods to craft a new strand of powders and explosives.[spoiler]%60 chance to craft 2 potions. If you have alchemical lore 2, you can craft the new top tier powders and devastating tier granades at the retort[/spoiler][/list]
[*]Potion effects have been merged (e.g. Meridia’s Bane/Fire (damage undead), night eye, Etherialize, Soulreaping, Fortify Enchanting and smithing effects removed)
[*]All ingredients have been adjusted and rebalanced in effectiveness and cost to create a new alchemy system that hopefully melds the best of both worlds. Instead of perks and skill level, a greater emphasis has been placed on the ingredients themselves. Typically rare ingredients will produce the best potions (although there are also more common ingredients that specialize in 1 or 2 effects. It will be up to the player to find them out ;) ). This will allow even novice alchemists to create some decent potions provided they have the right ingredients. Of course, more experienced alchemists will get more and better ingredients from plants and fallen foes allowing them to create more powerful potions easier.
[*]As the player invests perks in alchemy, it would behoove them to check the Retort every once and awhile;)
[*]Food has been overhauled completely. All food from CACO has been Reqtified and food from Requiem has been adjusted to balance all of the food added from CACO.
[*]A new food mechanic has been added:
[*]All food and drinks are divided into snacks and meals. Meals give the greatest bonuses and longer effect durations but consuming another meal will cancel out all effects of the previous one. Snacks on the other hand that have effects (there are a few that you can find and there are several more that you can acquire at later cooking levels) can be used concurrently and will stack with meal bonuses.
[*]An example:
[*]Beef Stew (meal):[list]
[*]Fortify HP +25
[*]Fortify Carry Weight +15
[*]Snowberry Juice (snack):[list][*]Restore stamina .5 per/sec
[*]Grilled Scaly Philiota (snack):[list]
[*]Fortify Carry Weight +5
[*]Fortify HP +25
[*]Fortify Carry Weight +20
[*]Restore stamina .5 per/sec
[*]Then players eats a venison stew (meal) right after the beef stew:[list]
[*]Restore stamina .5 per/sec
[*]Fortify Carry Weight +15
[*]New Total:
[*]Restore stamina 1 per/sec
[*]Fortify Carry Weight +20
[*]Food is probably going to take a little getting used to for veteran Requiem players as early game food is pretty nerfed compared to Vanilla Requiem. However, having the right combinations of food in one’s belly in the early game should give the player an edge in battle. And once the player can start crafting some of the more advanced foods, the vast number of recipes combined with the meal/snack system should net the palyer some inventive combinations and should hopefully keep cooking interesting and very useful even at late game content.
[size=3][u]Alcohol and Inebriation:[/u][/size][list]
[*]The CACO stackable drink bonuses overrule.
[*]Inebriation will now use a tweaked version of CACO's alcohol system.
[*]All values that signify your levels of 'drunken-ness' have been lowered so alcohol has a stronger effect on the player. All stages of alcohol affect the player's magicka regen per Requiem.
[*]Additionally, per Requiem, the player's total health and stamina now figure into the player's alcohol tolerance and how long the inebriation effects last for.
[*]To disable alcohol visuals, please use the CACO MCM, not Requiem’s.
[size=3][u]Leveled Lists:[/u][/size][list]
[*]Since Horker Tusks are now an ingredient, Horker Fat has been removed as an ingredient and instead can be used to create Animal Tallow and Cooking Oil at cooking pots.
[*]Leveled lists have been adjusted on both ends
[*]For looting animals and other creatures that drop ingredients, I merged both mods together the best I could to incorporate the new ingredients but also not re add the loot that Requiem takes away. I also try to balance the new Requiem items with what has been added with CACO
[*]All CACO Leveled Lists have been de-leveled and should honor Requiem’s calculations for finding random treasure (especially when it comes to healing potions)
[*]Inn and food vendor leveled lists have been merged.
[*]Daedra Hearts have been removed from all CACO leveled lists.
[size=3][u]Poultices and Bandages:[/u][/size][list]
[*]Since both Requiem and CACO introduce healing poultices, I did my best to merge the two into something hopefully pretty fresh and conducive. The Requiem recipe (which has been expanded to include any type of Alcohol) is now used to make a modified version of the CACO simple healing poultice. CACO use's a bandage system and the healing effects stack per bandage. They will also heal while in combat. The caveat to this is that they must be applied to a clean bandage and then applied to a body part causing you to forfeit your gloves and/or a helmet or circlet. Additionally, the duration runs out (3 in game hours), the bandages become sterile and unusable until cleaned and a new poultice applied. So while the poultices may heal quicker, you will also go through them quicker and they will also render you less protected in combat.
[*]Contrary to CACO, simple poultices are available to create without any perk investment. The second tier Standard poultices requires the new Physician perk.
[*]Additionally, before applying a healing poultice to a bandage, you can also choose to apply the poultice to your horse. This works the same as it did in Requiem (heals very slowly over a long duration, cannot be in combat or sprinting etc.)
[*]Variations of these new poultices and bandages have been merged into apothecary and bandit loot leveled lists.
[*]More details can be found in the newly written recipe for purchase at your local apothecary ;)
[size=3][u]Altars and Cure Disease:[/u][/size]
[*]CACO and Requiem add new mechanics when it comes to curing disease and poison. CACO prevents curing diseases at altars and instead grants a 25% disease resistance buff for 8 hrs. This is very incompatible with Requiem’s Potions of Cleansing as they are very expensive and the ingredients required to make Potions of Cleansing are on the higher end. To remedy the situation, I have introduced Potions of Remedy (see what I did there?). These potions act as your standard Cure Disease potion with one stipulation, they cannot be while in combat. However, they are more affordable, are much easier to create, and like Potions of Cleansing, can be made without Alchemy Perks.
[*]There are around 25 ingredients that can be combined to make Potions of Remedy.
[*]In order to keep with the Requiem spirit of having any character build be viable, I have added 8 new Potion of Remedy recipes that are for sale at apothecaries. That way, a non-alchemist does not have to fumble around in the dark to create Elixirs of Remedy.
[*]Potions of Remedy have been incorporated into alchemy shops and anywhere else where you would find Potions of Cleansing.
[*]Reduced the amount of health gained from blood samples extracted from the CACO blood extractor so they instead act more as high end ingredients as Requiem Vampires can feed on a victim’s blood anyway.
[*]Requiem values and duration overrule on Elixir of Blood. Elixir’s of Blood are now instrumental in combining with the CACO blood samples to make the special Elixirs of Blood that CACO introduces.
[size=3][u]Powders & Grenades[/u][/size]
[*]New powders have been introduced that are unlocked with the Catalyst Mastery perk. These powders require some hefty ingredients but can do some immense damage.
[*]Grenades have also received a boost to damage and radius (especially the last 2 tiers). This makes the 3rd tier grenades very powerful but also very lethal as you can very easily be caught within the blast radius (DID PLAYERS BEEEEWWWAAARRREEE!!). In close quarters, it would be best to use the powders.
[*]Both powders and grenades have had their recipes tweaked and merged for better synergy.
[*]Animal poisons should be compatible with CACO’s configurable Venom Lethality in the MCM menu. When ticked up to deadly, you will still be damaged slowly, but the loss could be lethal instead of just a minor annoyance.
[*]CACO has a configurable option to set how many of a certain crop yields 1 septim for farm jobs. I have added some multiples to the script so for cabbages, how many crops = 3 septims, squash (gourd) = 5 septims, ninroot = 50 septims.
[*]Increased the prices of CACO higher level Mortars and Pestles and the CACO Crucible.

[size=4]Known Incompatibilities[/size]
[*]Potions of Cleansing and Altars, when used will break CACO’s basic needs. Please use another needs mod. If you insist on using CACO’s basic needs, disable and reenable Basic Needs in the CACO MCM menu after using an Elixir of Viatlity.

[size=4]Credits and Kudos[/size]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/4291352/?]kryptopyr[/url] for [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69306/?]CACO[/url]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/1303819/?]Xarrian[/url], [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/847294/?]Ogerboss[/url] and the rest of [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19281/?]The Requiem Dungeon Masters[/url]
Elminster AU for [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859/?]Tes5Edit[/url]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3900618/?]Matortheeternal[/url] for his [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49373/?]amazing Tes5edit scripting tutorials and resources[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3940164]ApplesauceZ[/url] for [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81785]AZTweaks[/url]. I also had the idea to nerf the stamina restoration per second with food but I was too afraid to do so. AZtweaks then came along and threw all conventions out the window and it kind of gave me the courage to do so well :) Do give his mod a try if you haven't seen it. I haven't tried it yet but it looks amazing.
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/8411732]UnmeiX[/url] for [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56275/]Requiem Survival Experience[/url]. I took a few bits of inspiration from this mod when it came to balancing the food for the 1.1 update. He also has done a slew of other and essential patches and is in general a tremendous boon to the Skyrim community at large.

iNeed Dangerous Diseases Expanded
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/4791731/?]Spacegorilla1[/url] for his [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70430/?]CACO Extra Compatibility Patches[/url] and for allowing me to use his resources for my iNeed patch.
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2463371/?]isoku[/url] for [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51473/?]iNeed[/url] and for allowing me to modify his disease scripts.

Requiem CACO Compatibly Patches
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/4291352/?]kryptopyr[/url] again for putting work into making the official CACO patches.
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/7388094/?]thetrader[/url] for his work with the [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61621/?]Requiem 1.9.4 Patch Central[/url]
David J. and [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/291708/?]LoRd KoRn[/url] for [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43773/?]Audio Overhaul for Skyrim 2[/url]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3123219/?]missjennabee[/url] for [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13608/?]Expanded Towns and Cities[/url]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/860976/?]zer0morph[/url] for [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74330/?]Requiem - Behind the Curtain[/url]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2783618/?]axonis[/url] for [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72865/?]Requiem - Minor Arcana[/url]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/5432630/?]perseid9[/url] and [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/15425529/?]Ro84[/url] for [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26228/?]Realistic Needs and Diseases[/url] and [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75876/?]the USLEEP All in One[/url]
Dragonsong for [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33201/?]Hunterborn[/url] and [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/84455/?]Czartchonn[/url] for [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75089/?]Requiem Hunterborn Alchemy[/url]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3927495/?]msleeches[/url] for [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24222/?]Vampiric Thirst[/url]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/5182604/?]IronDusk33[/url] for [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81214/?]Spell Research[/url]

And lastly, Feedback from the Nexus and Requiem Reddit communities. You guys are amazing :)

Old Gods of the Hunt- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail oldrim mod)

[center][font=Times New Roman][b][i][size=5]__________________________________________________________[/size]

[color=#ffff00][size=6]If you like my work, don't forget to endorse this mod. [/size][/color]
[size=4]It's free, fast and very important for the continuation of this nonprofit work.[/size]
[/font][b][font=Times New Roman]

[size=4]Join us on my Discord server. A large community made up of 
nice modders and mod users, where you'll feel at home:[/size]
[/font][/b][font=Times New Roman][color=#ffff00][u][b][size=4][url=https://discordapp.com/invite/Mt4yFqy]CLICK HERE[/url]

[/color][/font][font=Times New Roman][b][size=4][color=#ff0000]Subscribe to my new Youtube channel to be [/color]
[color=#ff0000]always up to date on my work: [/color][/size]
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[font=Times New Roman][size=5][i][b]For Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): 
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/articles/52516]CLICK HERE[/url]
[/b][/i][/size][/font][font=Times New Roman][size=3]


[/i][i][b][color=#6aa84f]"The Wild Hunt is a pack of shifting forest-demons and animal-gods, thousands strong, [/color]
[color=#6aa84f]which sweeps through the countryside killing everything its path." [/color]
— Eric of Guis

[color=#6aa84f]"A flood of horrific beasts, tentacled toads, insects of armor and spine, gelatinous serpents, vaporous
beings with the face of gods, all poured forth from the great hollow tree, blind with fury." [/color]
— A Dance in Fire, chapter 4[url=http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:A_Dance_in_Fire,_Chapter_4]

[/url][color=#6aa84f]"The Wild Hunt is a magical trait innate to all Bosmer. It is brought on by a collective ritual performed by many Bosmer, causing them to shapeshift into a horde of feral, supernatural beasts. These monsters stampede, changing their form constantly, slaying and devouring all in their path and eventually, when left with no surviving targets, turn upon themselves in a "cannibalistic orgy". This transformation is seen by the Bosmer as a return to the chaos of the Dawn Era, when they were unable to hold onto one shape for more than a moment. After they made the Green Pact with Y'ffre, he taught the Bosmer how to escape that chaos and retain their form, but also how to return to it by instigating the Wild Hunt. These shapeshifters are said to be able to take on a gaseous form which makes them impossible to contain without the aid of magic. There's even some suggestion they can take on the form of water.[/color]
[color=#6aa84f]The purpose of the Wild Hunt varies with each separate Hunt, from an act of vengeance to a tool of war. In either case, the Bosmer are not proud of their ability and are unwilling to discuss the Hunt at great length. One of the rare accounts on the nature of the Wild Hunt states that "every monster in the world that has ever been comes from a previous Hunt". As such, the Bosmer are reluctant to use the Hunt, except as an act of desperation. The monsters that do get created by a Wild Hunt, all former Bosmer, are said to be ferocious and long-lived. Notable examples included Willy the Bitten and King Dead Wolf-Deer, who were created by the end of the fourth century of the First Era and lived at least until the beginning of the Third Era. They went on to plague Silvenar Grove and the Lympan March respectively. The change is said to be irreversible."[/color]
- en.uesp.net[/b][/i]

[size=3]The Old Gods of the Hunt, also known as Ancient Leshens, are one of that powerfull beings summoned by a previous and ancient Wild Hunt, and that still roams through Tamriel in very small numbers, some speculate that they are also more ancient than that, being creatures that existed since before the Green Pact between the Bosmer and Y'ffre.
[size=3]Ferocious and stunning powerfull, this wild hunt beasts are related to Hircine, and consequently with the hunt, the nature, the wild predators (there is allways a pack of strong wolves or bears with them) and the Forsworn and Bosmer, who worshiped them since the beginning as one of their Old Gods.
Nord hunters say that they are just legends and scary children stories, but the Bosmer and the Reachmen who live in Skyrim know what horrible power is hidden in the woods.
[size=3]This might beasts are able to call for animals to aid them in combat, also infusing part of their powers on them, summon powered familiars, control flocks of crows, spit swarms of dangerous insects on you, control the woodland wind in order to create small gusts, turn invisible, raise roots from the ground, slow the time on the area of the battle and obviously attack with their sharped claws, that drain your endurance.
[size=3]In Falkreath Hold there is a legend saying that one of them protects the forest, known by the people as
Woodland Spirit, but in recent times folk thinks that he's just a myth. [/size]
[size=3]The past generations that lived on Haafingar told stories about a group of reachmen that
worshiped what they called Old God of the Hunt inside a giant grove on the woods.
[/size][size=3]Other legends do exist of others of their kind living inside giant forest-covered caves
in the province, so, one should be aware while exploring deep woodlands.
[size=3]Forsworn and Druids commonly try to recreate the mysterious wild hunt process that results in the transformation into one Ancient Leshen. A completely successfull transformation in current times is not yet known to have been achieved, but some briarheart and high druids have managed to transform themselves in a weaker form of this beasts, what scholars known just as Leshens. (for this last ones check  my mod Leshens and Nekkers). [/size]


[size=3]- 1 NEW CREATURE - OLD GOD OF THE HUNT[/size]

[size=3]- They have custom sounds, behaviour, effects, spells,[/size][size=3] fight mechanics (you need to find how the Old God of the Hunt battle mechanics work in order to defeat them),[/size][size=3] various minions (crows, familiars,...), [/size][size=3] a good loot for alchemists, specially the [/size][size=3]sap with incredible properties[/size]

[size=3]- More wild hunt lore[/size]



[b]- The last Skyrim Update[/b][/u]
[u][b]- DLC Hearthfire
- DLC Dawnguard
- DLC Dragonborn

[/b][b]Mihail- re-modeling of the original ancient leshen model, re-texture of the original ancient leshen texture, parts of the new model, animations, spells, sounds, scripted events, effects, loot, game implementation, minions effects,
animations, sound and re-modeling of the crow and little re-texture on it

[/b][b]Some assets used on this mod belong too:
[/b][b][url=http://en.cdprojektred.com/]CD PROJEKT RED[/url]- for the original ancient leshen model and texture,
and for the battle soundtrack

Hendrix- for the original crow model and texture (released as public domain
on [url=https://thezt2roundtable.com/]ZT2 Round Table[/url], initially for mods made for the game Zoo Tycon 2)[/b]


Foglings- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail oldrim mods)

[u][font=Times New Roman][b][i][size=5]___________________________________________________________[/size]

[color=#ffff00][size=6]If you like my work, don't forget to endorse this mod. [/size][/color]
[size=4]It's free, fast and very important for the continuation of this nonprofit work.[/size]
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[size=4]Join us on my Discord server. A large community made up of 
nice modders and mod users, where you'll feel at home:[/size]
[/font][/b][font=Times New Roman][color=#ffff00][u][b][size=4][url=https://discordapp.com/invite/Mt4yFqy]CLICK HERE[/url]

[/color][/font][font=Times New Roman][b][size=4][color=#ff0000]Subscribe to my new Youtube channel to be [/color]
[color=#ff0000]always up to date on my work: [/color][/size]
[u][size=4][url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDAJ544nxvKxzrc2CxxVvwQ?view_as=subscriber?sub_confirmation=1]CLICK HERE[/url][/size]

[font=Times New Roman][size=5][i][b]For Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): 
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/articles/52516]CLICK HERE[/url]


[/u][font=Courier New][img]https://i.imgur.com/YE34QBp.png[/img][/font]

[font=Times New Roman]The pesky Foglings are undead goblin-like creatures, vampiric in nature. They belong to the lesser vampire ranks that roam across Coldharbour, serving the Higher Ones and Molag Bal himself, on that daedric realm, and outside it on Nirn. Not specially smart, they seem to lack the skills to deal with the powers of vampirism properly.
Proves of that can be seen simply looking at their behavio: despite being vampire, they can be seen outside at day, what burns their skin, nevertheless they remain outside and they simply self-mutilate themselves with their claws trying to stop the pain of their skin being hardly burned by the sunlight. Because that, Foglings have huge holes on their torsos, several of their internal organs and bones were simply ripped-off by themselves, and now only a few  remain there.

Another prove that they are not able to deal with vampirism pros and cons is that they seem to be unable to use the invisibility powers properly too. Because some lack of magical hability, they have cast on themselves some kind of permanent half-invisibility spell that makes them live permanently on a semi-ethereal state. So, they cant use properly the advantages of a well casted vampiric invisibility spell, but that permanent semi-ethereal physical condition makes them 50% resistent to all types of damage.

Their adaptation was, despite all the disadvantages, very good, because they use the permanent mist around them and their not completely tangible form to create ambushes to their victims. Nords tells that the sight of glowing yellow lights on the swamps or on the woods are not a signal of fireflies, and you must run from there as fast as you can, because they are the eyes of the foglings, that already have seen you too.

Used as minions by other types of vampires, you can see them roaming Coldharbour, Soul Cairn, and also commonly in vampire lairs on Nirn. Some also seek protection living close to some lone Hagravens on the Reach.
Scholars does not know much about Foglings because its impossible to aproach them without risks and because its also commonly impossible to deal with their masters, the vampires. But a big part of them believe that Foglings are just Goblins that have contracted Sanguinaris Vampiris or another form of Vampirism, and became undead, pretty much like the process when a human becomes a vampire. But because goblins are just simple-minded creatures, they do not become true masters of the vampirism, only self-mutilated insane beasts that exist permanentely in a unstable and cursed magical state. The poor life of this creatures and their absolute inexistent skills to deal with the powers and traits of vampirism, seem to justify that statement. 

The vampire dust produced by foglings is specially more powerfull than the regular vampire dust.


in 4 variants, with unique sounds, effects, behaviour, loot

- vampire expansion



- The last Skyrim Update[/u]
[u]- DLC Hearthfire
- DLC Dawnguard
- DLC Dragonborn


Mihail- part of the models, re-modelling of the original models,sounds,
animations, effects, spells, scripts, loot, game implementation

Some assets used on this mod belong too:

[url=http://en.cdprojektred.com/]CD PROJEKT RED[/url] - original models and textures

[/font][/b][/size][font=Times New Roman][b]
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