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ssbbw big experience

[b]Warning[/b] : some knowledge of [b]bodyslide[/b] and [b]outfit studio[/b] are recommanded as you will need to adjust the armors to the body.
[u]I wrote a tutorial below just in case[/u].

[b]Why?[/b] Because I don't have the autorisation to share an armor or outfit that I didn't create. Sorry ! Don't worry it's not so hard to arrange it in Outfit studio.

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37481]NetImmerse Override
[/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015]BodySlide and Outfit Studio
[/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2666]Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-
[/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68000]XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended - XPMSE[/url](maybe xpms is enough, not sure)
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53996]HDT Physics Extensions
For the [b]animations[/b] you will also need:

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11811]Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS
[/url]how to install it properly for [b]Vortex[/b]: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxgOHj5gdpM]video link
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71055]FNIS PCEA2 - Player Excusive Animations 'dynamic)[/url]

1- download the cbbe body [b]manually[/b] and copy the files directly into the bodyslide folder
2- install the animations you want [b]with vortex[/b]

[b]add the armors or outfits:[/b]
you will need a mod like this one:
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25259]Remodeled Armor for CBBE Bodyslide HDT[/url]

I recommand the [b]standalone version[/b], otherwise every females will be big
I also recommand to [b]download it manually[/b] as this mod doesn't support vortex very well
so extract this armor mod directly into your bodyside mod file.
[b]extract the fomod files[/b] into your [b]main skyrim data fomod file [/b]!

Important: In order for this mod to work you will need to open bodyslide click on [b]Batch Build[/b]. Make sure that the CT77 armors or outfits are selected. Then Build. Select ssbbwByTomtum2 and click ok. [b]You will need to Batch build everytime you save an armor with Outfit studio [/b](not necessary with gauntlets, gloves or boots, only armors).

[b]important:[/b] In the game you will need to have the armors, boot and gauntlets [b]in your inventory[/b]. go to a [b]leather rake[/b] and improve the armors to modeled.

[b]you will need to build the body with bodyslide:[/b]

1- launch bodyslide and select the [b]ssbbwByTomtum2[/b] outfit/body

2- set all heigh weight sliders to 100% except fat ankles that need to be set [b]at 400%[/b] (that's important)

3 - select now the [b]ssbbwFeetsByTomtum[/b] outfit/body and set fatFeet sliders to 100% and Ankles [b]to 500%[/b] (not 400%).

4- select the [b]ssbbwHandsByTomtum[/b] outfit/body and set all sliders to 100%

5- tick Build Morphs on the right of Batch Build and then click on the [b]big Build button[/b].

[b]Now you will need to build the armor both with bodyslide and oufit studio:[/b]

1- Launch Outfit studio, click on file and load project. Select [b]CT77Steel[/b] (you can choose an other one), open, select CT77Steel again and then ok. Your armor should be there with the texture.

Note that there is 4 types of steel armors, some with hdt breast, some without. Make sure to select the one you want.
If you want a half hdt armor, open the [b]CT77HalfHDT[/b] project instead.

2- Now you will need to add the ssbbw body. On the right top box, you have to delete BaseShape. click on File andadd project. add [b]ssbbwByTomtum2[/b] and click open. now you have a new BaseShape.

3- then you will need to conform the body and the armor. First scroll down the right sliders box and turn on ssbbwByTomtum. Now click on sliders and select conform all. click ok. you will need to do the same for [b]bigArms[/b], [b]fatAnkles[/b] and [b]handBody [/b]sliders.

4- There will be clippings with the ssbbwByTomtum so you will need to select different parts of the armor and then to adjust them with the body using meshes tools. (I recommand to delete the belt in OutfitStudio as it's impossible to adjust but note that it is an irreversible action). Here is a tutorial: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2Ui5TngZIs]video link
5- click on file and save project. Now open bodyslide, select in this case [b]CT77Steel[/b] Outfit/Body.

6- Set all sliders to 100% except fat ankles that need to be set at 400%. Tick Build Morphs and then click on Build.

7- Now you will need to do the same for the [b]CT77 Steel Gauntlets[/b] and [b]CT77 Steel Boots[/b].

[b]The armor bracers or gauntlets[/b] (it is a bit tricky)

1- open Outfit studio, File, load project and select [b]CT77Leather[/b] for example. Then open and select [b]CT77Leather bracers[/b]. click ok.

2- select [b]Hands[/b] and delete it. Then File, add project and open [b]ssbbwHandsByTomtum[/b]. select slider and then conform all. click ok.

3- Click on file, add project and open [b]ssbbwByTomtum2[/b]. Now set the following sliders to 100%: ssbbwByTomtum2, bigArms, fatHands, handBody.

4- We will need to rebuild the meshes so select [b]LeatherBracers[/b] in the top left box and then select the [b]handBody[/b] slider in the bottom left box. You will now have to use the increase, deacrease, smooth the meshes to adjust the bracers/gauntlets to the body.
note that you can decrease sliders to 60% percent depends what you want. you can also zoom through the body or use set the grid meshs to the BaseShape.

5- When you are satisfied with your sculpture, [u]deselect[/u] the [b]handBody[/b] slider. delete the BaseShape in the top left box. In the bottom left box, delete only these sliders: ssbbwByTomtum, bigArms, fatAnkles. Now click file and save project.

6- Open [b]Bodyslide[/b] and select [b]CT77Leather bracers[/b] outfit/body. set the handBody and the fatHands sliders to 100%. Then tick Build Morphs and build.

The armor boots[/b] (easier)

1- open Outfit studio, File, load project and select [b]CT77Leather[/b]. Then open and select [b]CT77Leather boots[/b]. click ok.

2- Click on file, add project and open [b]ssbbwByTomtum2[/b]. Click on slider, conform all. Now set the following sliders to 100%: ssbbwByTomtum2, fatAnkles.

3- We will need to rebuild the meshes so select [b]LeatherBoots[/b] in the top left box and then select the [b]ssbbwByTomtum[/b] slider in the bottom left box. You will now have to use the increase, deacrease, smooth the meshes to adjust the boots to the body. (I recommand to sculpt the feets and the ankles bigger).

4- When you are satisfied with your sculpture, deselect the ssbbwByTomtum slider. In the top left box, right click on BaseShape and delete it. In the bottom left box, delete only these sliders: bigArms, handBody. Now click file and save project.

5- Open [b]Bodyslide[/b] and select [b]CT77Leather boots[/b] outfit/body. set the fatAnkles and the ssbbwByTomtum sliders to 100%. Then tick Build Morphs and [b]build[/b].

[size=4]You don't need to Batch build if you only edit the boots or the gauntlets, just keep in mind that every time you batch build, you will have to build the armors, boots, gloves, body, hands, feet again![/size]

 If you want your girl to be a true Princess Fiona I recommand these mods:
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52614]Baked beans of Skyrim
[/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99584]Fus ro BURP female

Rudra Places

[b]For the vets who already have World of Rudra, this mod adds MANY new areas to explore and boss encounters to discover. [/b]


New areas are navmeshed to be follower friendly, complete navmeshing to connect all areas (perimeter of map) will be done in the future.
New castle exteriors have had their meshes and textures fully pathed via Nifskope and collision added by Chunkmerge.
LOD is included and works as is. Do not use any programs to build LOD.
For now, many exteriors have built in interiors, more true interior work will be done in a later update.


1.  [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52556]Rochester World Wip - by breti[/url]

2. World of Rudra English version 1.75 - by Bee9999  (not on Nexus )

3. download and install Core Files and Textures

4. delete all mihail monster esps if using this mod (yes, the monsters will still work after you delete them)

5. use LOOT or Mod Organizer to sort load order

6. best to make a bashed patch using [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1840?tab=files]Wrye Bash[/url] .

7. use the latest [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73618/?tab=description]Crash fix EnBoost[/url]. This will fix a lot of memory problems 

( As of patch V1.0, weak rigs may catch fire, sorry.) More optimization on the way!


Use your favorite Monster mod, otherwise most enemies will look like bears.
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70032]Rogue-like Encounters - Fall Edition[/url] by ArwingXL is for patricians.
However, turn off all features of Ultimate Combat by Tktk1


[b]Chaos Dragons mod [/b]and any mod that is super script heavy, for some reason [b]Rigmor of Cyrodiil[/b] is another one, due to quest trying to start and a messenger trying to find you. May work if you start that quest first.

Killing that guy trying to become part of the dawnguard at the start will cause a script error for eternity. Don't ask me, ask Bethesda! LMAO. (laugh my arms off)
The restoration quest- [url=http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1027433-how-to-kill-the-mgritual04questscriptpsc-eternity-papyrus-loop/]Restoration Ritual Spell Quest[/url], will cause papyrus to loop forever and cause CTDs. 
hit ~ for console, type setstage mgritual04 10, hit enter. And then type completequest mgritual04, hit enter.
New games will need to do this. Also you will need to type setstage dlc1vqsaint 200 to fix other errors related to the buggy Dawnguard DLC, keep quest items in inventory.  Source: [url=http://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/3p9cdn/til_how_to_fix_the_runtime_library_ctd_after/]Reddit[/url]

This has nothing to do with my mod, but since Skyrim doesn't like to load too many things at once, those scripts cause CTDs. 


You can safely delete all esps and esms associated with this mod mid playthrough.
Sort Load order with [url=http://loot.github.io/]LOOT[/url] or Mod Organizer and Rebuild bashed patch ([url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1840]Wrye Bash[/url])
Remove extra forms data and scripts automatically with this [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52363]Save Game Cleaner[/url].

[b][size=3]Q A[/size]


[b] Can I run this mod with other New Land mods?[/b]


Yes, I have been playing this mod for the past year along with many other popular large scale new land mods. No problems yet.
I currently have, [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/67559]Darkend[/url], [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48467]Beyond Reach[/url] , [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52556]Rochester[/url], [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/67103]VIGILANT[/url], [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35789]Shadow of Morrowind[/url] + [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/92477]Shadow of Morrowind Overhaul[/url] in my playthrough with this one. 
Along with HDT armor/clothing. 

Of course, having any more than that, or having mods that edit the same worldspace as Rochester will be incompatible/ bog down your game.


[b]Will there be quests?[/b]


Yes, but they will not be in the traditional way of using scripts. Players will have to unlock new areas by finding keys from defeated bosses, and gear up by gaining access to these new areas. NPC Character dialogue will be added to give narration to the story. Basically, via Dark Souls game style.   


[b]Why is the download file so big and why do we have so many requirements?

At least 300 new assets have been added to the World of Rudra, which is 2.5 times the size of Skyrim. No corner was left untouched in this first patch. Non vanilla assets help make a New Land feel unique from mainland Skyrim. 

Skyrim does not like to load a lot of new things up at once. This is the necessary work around in order for everything to run smoothly. 


Will these extra files hurt?


No, at any time you can safely delete all esps and esms associated with this mod mid playthrough. Add the esps/esms back in if you feel like using this content again.  You can overwrite these loose files with other mods.
As always, when adding or removing esps/esms from the game, make sure you rebuild your bashed patch again and sort your load order.
Also use this [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52363]Save Game Cleaner[/url] to automatically clear orphaned scripts and form data.


Why so much work to have a mod?[/b]

You are essentially updating an almost 10 year old game.
Large mods like these are like adding DLC or a whole other game expansion to an existing world. Remember GAME EXPANSION PACKS? 

This process is no easy feat to accomplish. Professional game devs usually simplify this process to one or two clicks. On the other hand, WE are people with lives and jobs outside of this amazing hobby.

This is the best our community has been able to pull together with limited resources and work arounds.

SO in other wordz, Show some RESPECT and have some patriotic sense of intrinsic value, YA SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE.

CREDITS - [/b][size=2] Proof of Permissions available upon REQUEST.[/size]
Republic of Maslea - Chapter One[/b][/url]- Anthelius 
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52556]Rochester World Wip[/url] - breti
[/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/94940]Rigmor of Cyrodiil[/url] - Rigmor
DraculaCastle - thedarkone1047
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/37834630]Mihails Custom Creatures and Animals[/url][b] [/b]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57489]Knights of The Garter[/url]- jomalley12211
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59231]Raven Castle[/url] - Cirena
Morrowind Dwemer Resources - Enter_77
Assets from The Notice Board* and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64651/?]The Grey Cowl of Nocturnal[/url] - Mannygt
Furniture, Manor House, Viking House, Castle and Inn Resource - Tlafoon
Mostly everything from Stroti viaTamira
Architecture from Rajti15
Griffon Fortress - kraeten
Akavir Tileset - RonnieMagnum
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87938]Egyptian Palace of Amarna[/url] - pkco2/ Mr.Dave for creating the egyptian architecture
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95764]Bridges[/url] - digger23
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/92675]Expanded Redoran Resource[/url] -minermanb
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/23828]Adabala Building System - Ayleid Transfusion[/url] - Varlaisaran
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/90667]Ayleid Ruins Building Kit -Resources-[/url] - Imperial Society
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84433]Lor Modders' Resources[/url] - LorSakyamuni
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/66036]Bosmer City Kit Resource[/url] - baronf
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59632]Phitt's Sheogorad Resource - Part One[/url] - Tamira
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60125]Phitt's Sheogorad Resource - Part Two[/url] - Tamira
149+ castle exteriors with Royalty Free Licence created by [b]Gerzi 3D ART [/b]and [b]Johnathan G.


Patito - Map Fix and TES5edit mod cleaning
Sumugi - Upcoming SSE port and texture help

AZ's Ysara as Mirai Replacer


[size=3][color=#bf9000]Requirement:[/color] Must have [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53867]Mirai - the Girl with the Dragon Heart[/url] before downloading the Ysara Replacer. Visit Mirai's original nexus mod site for more information.
[color=#bf9000]Name:[/color] Mirai
[color=#bf9000]Location:[/color] Markarth
[color=#bf9000]Race:[/color] Breton
[color=#bf9000]Height:[/color] 0.95 Breton) [color=#bf9000]Weight:[/color] 100
[color=#bf9000]Hair:[/color] SG Hair Sky66
[color=#bf9000]Level:[/color] Levels 0.95 with Player
[color=#bf9000]Class:[/color] Frost Mage
[color=#bf9000]Voicetype:[/color] Custom Voiced ([color=#00ff00]She can marry at end of Main Quest[/color])
[color=#bf9000]File Section Optional Includes:[/color] KS Hair Buttefly099, KS Hair Sleeper, CBBE Body, UUNP Special Body, Vanilla Body, Blue Ice Eyes, and Brown Leather Eyes.[/size][/center]

[center][color=#ffff00][size=5][b]Body Mesh Replacement:[/b][/size][/color]
[size=3]Vanilla Body optional will find your root directories of your own female body/head mesh and textures. With the UUNP or CBBE option, if you have a body mesh of your own and would like to replace my body mesh with your own.
Find [color=#00ffff]The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim[/color] in your PC.
Copy/Paste your femalebody meshes into:

Data > meshes > AZ_Ysara[/size][/center]

[size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53867]Mirai - the Girl with the Dragon Heart[/url] by kaleidx and BigAndFlabby[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91953]
Bijin Skin UNP and CBBE[/url] by rxkx22
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51602/]Fair Skin Complexion[/url] by HHaleyy
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2666]Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-[/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015]Bodyslide and Outfit Studio[/url] by Ousnius and Caliente
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29624]Racemenu[/url] by expired6978
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311]KS Hairdos[/url] by Kalilies and Stealthic
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30411]Brows[/url] by Hvergelmir and Ithot
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13722/]The Eyes of Beauty[/url] by LogRaam
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72955]Kai's Makeup and Warpaints[/url] by XarathosHawke[/size][/center]

Vermillion's Racemenu Presets

While cleaning out the backup folder I still had of my previous Skyrim installation, I found the presets of some of the characters that I no longer play. Over the years, some of those presets were requested by several members of the community so I thought I'd finally share them. 

Below, you can find portraits of each of the four characters as well as a list of all the mods required to replicate their appearance. 

[1. Katexiora]
*Alternative Look:
Required Mods: {Race: Ningheim}
(1) [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35474/]The Ningheim Race[/url] by Seren4XX
(2) [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/seren4xx/15342092530]SRG Textures[/url] by Seren4XX (Off-Nexus). Replace the default Ningheim textures with those.
*For the alternative look, download the [url=http://mod.dysintropi.me/abyssal-dremora-race/]Abyssal Dremora Race[/url] (Off-Nexus) and replace both the skin textures (only diffuse, not normals) and the used eye texture with the ones you see in the screenshot.
(3) [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40305]XCE Scars [/url]by Xenius
(4) [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62639]Empyrean Warpaint [/url]by Empyrean42
(5) [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311]KS Hairdos [/url]by Kalilies

[2. Maera the Knout]
Required Mods: {Race: Custom Imperial}
(1) [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/8720]Custom Races[/url] by d_rail1602 (Most textures from the mods below need to be moved manually)
(2) [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36425]Real Girls Realistic Body Textures[/url] by Zonzai
(3) [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/31665]Better Makeup for SKSE[/url] by Diethardt
(4) [url=https://enya67.tumblr.com/post/141372173292/nezzar84-nezzars-hd-dirt-and-scars-v11]H[/url][url=https://enya67.tumblr.com/post/141372173292/nezzar84-nezzars-hd-dirt-and-scars-v11]D Dirt and Scars[/url] by Nezzar
(5) [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311]KS Hairdos[/url] by Kalilies
*[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70363/?]KS Hairdos - HDT Physics[/url] by Stealthic Khaos for hair in screenshot
(6) [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/45641]Raven's Warpaint[/url] by t56yr
(7) [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3589]Natural Eyes[/url] by nevenbridge81
(8) [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52841]Freckle Mania[/url] by tetrodoxin
(9) [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30411/]Brows[/url] by Hvergelmir

[3. Ysra Rime-Wolf]
Required Mods: {Race: Nord}
(1) [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91953]Bijin Skin (Realistic Spots)[/url] by rxkxx22
(2) [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311]KS Hairdos[/url] by Kalilies
(3) [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30411/]Brows[/url] by Hvergelmir
(4) [url=https://enya67.tumblr.com/post/141372173292/nezzar84-nezzars-hd-dirt-and-scars-v11]HD Dirt and Scars[/url] by Nezzar (only for dirt textures)
(5) [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/86208]Freckle Mania 2[/url] by tetrodoxin
(6) [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13722]The Eyes of Beauty PLAYER[/url] by LogRaam
(7) [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97707]Eyes AO Clipping Fix[/url] by Artsick

[4. Valeen Thromaire]
Required Mods: {Race: Nord}
(1) [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/31665]Better Makeup for SKSE[/url] by Diethardt (Install before Bijin, and let Bijin overwrite any files)
(2) [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91953]Bijin Skin (Realistic Spots)[/url] by rxkxx22
(3) [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311]KS Hairdos[/url] by Kalilies
(4) [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30411/]Brows[/url] by Hvergelmir
(5) [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52841]Freckle Mania[/url] by tetrodoxin
(6) [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/86208]Freckle Mania 2[/url] by tetrodoxin
(7) [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13722]The Eyes of Beauty PLAYER[/url] by LogRaam

All screenshots were taken using [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70451]Snapdragon Prime ENB[/url].
I hope you enjoy those presets and if you need any help, or have any questions, feel free to comment or send me a PM.
Huge thanks to those fantastic modders and the Nexus community <3


[center][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][b]BoneMaster Necromancy[/b]

[i]This mod is based on Ordinator's Bone Collector perks, which allow the player to use a "magic spellframe system" of summonable skeletons that last for hours and dont count against the summon limit.
After I changed my perk mod to Vokrii by the same author of Ordinator, all the bone collector perks weren't there anymore, and they had become essential to my necromancer character build. So I decided to device an Ordinator extract that has the same features, but works as standalone, and is compatible with other perk mods.[/i]


A conjuration spell "Raise Skeleton Construct", which should be found in the world, the same as any other conjuration spell.
The spell allows the player to use 11 types of bones to construct a skeleton minion.
Skeleton minions come in 3 types: Warriors, Archers and Mages. Mages come in 4 types: Fire, Ice, Shock and Poison. You can choose which one you want at the time of casting the spell.
Skeletons can be commanded to an extent, and given items which they'll drop on death.

[b]Differences, Gains and Losses from Ordinator:
No need to go to an altar, skeletons can be constructed anywhere in the world as long as you have peace of mind and the required bones.
There's 2 less types of skeleton mages in my mod: "Telekinetic" and "Damage Armor"
To make up for it, there's the new Archer skeletons, not present in Ordinator, they come with 75 arrows at summoning, and can be given more if they ran out. (They only ran out if you have the NPC ammo option in Skyrim ini)
Skeletons' inventory can be accessed by activation menu. However, you can only give them weapons and arrows. Everything you give them, should be dropped from them when they die.
I've improved the way friendly damage works, as much as i could. So you should be less worried about hitting your own skeletons and killing them by accident in battle. This also probably means less self-fighting in your ranks if you also have followers.
Some aspects that were controlled by perks in Ordinator, are now controlled by conjuration level (IE how many bones skeletons return when they die or how many you can summon) - Past conjuration 80 you should be maxed out on benefits.
One big loss is the extra things you could do with the skeletons in Ordinator, like burrowing them, or doing the fire ritual to increase their stats, or puppeteering one of them.




Simple as it gets. Use mod manager of choice.


Shouldnt have any problems with most stuff.
(I think) Ordinator itself is [i]not strictly[/i] incompatible, But it's redundant and messy, since both bods have the same feature and it would be duplicated. There's always the option of not choosing the ordinator perks and using this mod's insteadif you still want to use both for some reason.


[i]Yours Truly, since this is my mod now
EnaiSiaion is of course, the man, the myth, the legend, and the almighty creator of Ordinator, the mod from which this feature concept and most of the mechanics on this mod originate from. All credits for that, go to him[/i]


Q: How do I start the mod?
A: The bone harvester feature should be added immediatly, and automatically, to the player. Which means you can find bones as loot in humanoid NPCs and corpses, but the spell to use them needs to be learnt from the book, which should be available as random loot, or sold at conjuration merchants

Q: Can you do it again but how I want it?
A: No. I dont take requests unless they're something that interests me as well. Feel free to leave a suggestion, but If I dont really really want it, it's probably never going to happen. I make mods for me and my friends occasionally, to have the stuff I want, in my game. So if you like it, that's awesome, and I'm glad you do, but if you dont, well, that's so sad for you, it's a tough life.[/font][/center]

Awesome Armor


No longer leveled

 Illusion spell cost improved by 17>25%
 Prices are 25% better

 Stamina increased by 40>65 points
 Frost resistance increased by 50>65%

 Lockpicking and one-handed attacks are 25% better (unchanged)

 Removed muffle effect
 Increases movement speed by 25%

Nightingale Cloak: When wearing the full set, become invisible while sneaking, but drains 8 points of magicka per second. Running out of
magicka makes you visible. Invisibility does NOT wear off after performing an action
Shrouded Armor:

 Increases archery by 20% (unchanged)
 Can breathe underwater

 Increases poison resistance by 50% (unchanged)
 Increases light armor skill by 25 points

 Backstab does double damage (unchanged)
 Increases archery by 15%

 Wearer is muffled (unchanged)
 Sneaking is 15% better

Sithis' Contract: Once a day, rapidly drain your own magicka to restore health and stamina equal to what was drained

Ancient Shrouded Armor:

 Increases archery by 35% (unchanged)
 Can breathe underwater

 Increases poison resistance by 100% (unchanged)
 Increases light armor skill by 50 points

 Backstab does double damage (unchanged)
 Increases archery by 30%

 Wearer is muffled (unchanged)
 Sneaking is 30% better

Sithis' Contract: Once a day, rapidly drain your own magicka to restore health and stamina equal to what was drained


Fortify spells increased from 15>20%
Fortify magicka increased from 50>100
Fortify magicka regen increased from 100>150%

Diadem of the Savant:
 Armor increased from 7>15
 Fortify spells increased from 5>10%

Saarthal Amulet:
 Fortify spells increased from 3>10%

 Removed 40% shock resistance
 Increases magic resistance by 30%

Stengthen Spells: if wearing full set, all spells are 20% more powerful

Armor of the Old Gods:

 Fortify magicka increased from 30>70 points
 Magicka regenerates 70% faster

 Destruction spell cost improved by 15>25%
 Conjuration spells cost 25% less

 Archery improved by 20>25%

 Sneaking improved by 20>25%

Devotee of the Old Gods: Increases armor rating by 35 points

Shrouded Robes:

 Removed sneaking bonus
 Alteration spells cost 20% less to cast
 Conjuration spells cost 20% less to cast

 Destruction cost improved by 15>25%
 Increases magicka by 75 points
 Removed backstab
 Illusion spells cost 25% less to cast
 Magicka regenerates 75% faster

 Wearer is muffled (unchanged)
 Sneaking is 15% better

Nightweaver's Band: (isn't necessary to get set boost)
 Destruction spell cost improved by 10>15%
 Sneaking is 10>15% better (Unchanged)
 One-handed is 15% better

Nightweaver's Strength: when sneaking, drains 10 points of stamina per second. If you have stamina remaining, destruction spells are 30%

Thieve's Guild:

 Prices are 10>20% better
 Improves to 30%

 Carry weight increased by 20>30 points
 Improves to 50

 Lockpicking is 15>25% better
 Improves to 35%

 Pickpocketing is 15>25% better
 Move 10% faster
 Improves to 35% and 15% respectively

Thief's Knowledge: Increases the light armor skill by 20 points, increases magic resistance by 20%

Guild Master:

 Prices are 20>40% better

 Carry weight improved by 50>75 points

 Lockpicking is 35>50% better

 Pickpocketing is 35>50% better
 Move 20% faster

Guild Rights: health regenerates 50% faster, increases carry weight by 50 points


 Removed sneak buff
 Archery is 20% better
 Alteration spells cost 20% less

 Prices are 12>15% better
 One-handed is 12>15% better

 Backstab deals double damage (unchanged)
 Archery is 15% better

 Wearer is muffled (unchanged)
 Sneaking is 15% better

Jester's Resiliance: increases armor rating by 100 points if wearing full set

 Removed sneak buff
 Archery is 25% better
 Alteration spells cost 25% less

 Prices are 20>25% better
 One-handed is 20>25% better

 Backstab deals double damage (unchanged)
 Archery is 15% better

 Wearer is muffled (unchanged)
 Sneaking is 15% better

Cicero's Resiliance: increases armor rating by 150 points if wearing full set

Mythic Dawn:

 Magicka regenerates 75>200% faster

 Magicka increased by 100 points

 Resist 25% of magic

Mehrunes Dagon's Power: when at <50% health, destruction spells are 30% cheaper and 30% more powerful


 Weight reduced from 5>1
 Alchemy is 25% better
 Magicka regenerates 150% faster

Vaermina's Favor: destruction and illusion spells cost 25% less if wearing all clothes


 Destruction spells cost 12>30% less
 Magicka regenerates 100% faster

 Alteration, conjuration, illusion, and restoration spells cost 10% less

 Increases magicka by 50 points

Thalmor Knowledge: increases shock resistance by 80% if wearing full set


 Archery is 15>30% better

 Stamina is increased by 15>30 points

 One handed is 15>30% better

 Sneaking is 15>30% better
 Speed increased by 15%

Shadowthrive: when sneaking and wearing full set, health regenerates 100% faster


 Light armor is 15% more effective

 Two-handed attacks are 15% better

 Blocking is 15% better

 Shock resistance improved by 30%

Stormcloak: Applies a lightning cloak that deals 10 points of damage per second to nearby opponents if wearing full set and in battle. Dissipates
once enemies aren't around


 Light armor is 15% better

 One-handed attacks are 15% better

 Archery is 15% better

 Fire resistance improved by 30%

Imp Cloak: Applies a flame cloak that deals 10 points of damage per second to nearby opponents if wearing full set and in battle. Dissipates 
once enemies aren't around

Stormcloak Officer:

 Light armor is 30% better

 Two-handed attacks are 30% better

 Blocking is 30% better

 Shock resistance improved by 60%

Stormcloak: Applies a lightning cloak that deals 20 points of damage per second to nearby opponents if wearing full set and in battle. Dissipates 
once enemies aren't around

Imperial Officer:

 Heavy armor is 30% better

 One-handed attacks are 30% better

 Archery is 30% better

 Fire resistance improved by 60%

Imp Cloak: Applies a flame cloak that deals 20 points of damage per second to nearby opponents if wearing full set and in battle. Dissipates 
once enemies aren't around

Can run on water if wearing full set. Must be sprinting

Damage against dragons is doubled if wearing full set

Chastity's Bane

As the people of Skyrim grew more sophisticated, their sexual thirst waned, as they felt that having sex too much was a moral catastrophe. Fearing that this prudishness would lead to all life in Nirn dying out, the goddess Dibella had no choice but to intervene. And so with all her might, she conjured into existence a maces that would solve the dire straights of Tamriel.
She named this mace "Chastity's Bane."

You'll find it in Solitude Right outside the Blue Palace (added two of them in case you want to dual wield.)

Currently, not craftable, not in leveled lists, etc and no enchantments.

Essentially consider this a personal mod that you guys can use if you feel like it.

To download, Unzip, copy/pasta the files (esp, textures, and meshes) directly into the data folder. If you already have a "textures" or "meshes" folder, it should just add them in, but if you're worried about something getting replaced, just copy/pasta the texture/nif directly (There's only one of each).

FemFeet Redesigned Fixes

[b]Fixes[/b] and completes the mod [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82390]FemFeet Redesigned[/url]
Fixes include [b]removal of vertex normals[/b] (to get rid of seams) and a [b]complete replacer[/b] for ALL vanilla shoes that use UNP\FEMFEET foot mesh, to get rid of the awful texture mismatch that one would get on open ankle shoes
Fixed toenail weightpaint.

Any femfeet compatible texture (All UNP textures and XCE)

zzjay - improved mesh,weight fixes and added missing models.
Leito86 - Auther of [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82390]FemFeet Redesigned[/url]
Phygit - Author of the original [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3666/?]FemFeet

You can use this mod in your projects,modify it and improve it,but you cannot reupload the file as is.
remember to credit all parties involved.

You Cannot post this on Skyrim SE.
Official SE port will came as soon as possible.

Senna - A Multi-Race Preset


[/size][/font][/b][/center]It started out with a breton preset that I was happy with, so I started loading it onto other races and editing it to fit. Now all my characters look like they're somehow related and with these presets YOURS CAN TOO.

[b]Will work for Oldrim and SSE[/b]. I originally made this preset in SSE and loaded it into Oldrim when I switched back.

Mods used below. Fair Skin Complexion is pretty much a must if you want your character to look anything like the pictures.

[b]Skin[/b]: Fair Skin Complexion [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51602][b]OLDRIM[/b] [/url]- [b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/798]SSE[/url] [/b][b]

Hair[/b]: KS Hairdos[b] [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311]OLDRIM [/url][/b]-[b] [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6817]SSE[/url]   [/b]
HG Hairdos[b] (Loverslab for both game versions) [/b]This is for the Redguard's hair.[b]

Eyes[/b]: The Eyes of Beauty[b] [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13722]OLDRIM [/url][/b]-[b] [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16185]SSE[/url]

Cosmetics[/b]: Barbarian Bodypaints[b] [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/101019]OLDRIM [/url][/b]-[b] [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/31826]SSE[/url]  
[/b]Skin Feature Overlays[b] [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/93712]OLDRIM [/url]- [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20183]SSE [/url]
[/b]Hellblade - Senua’s Warpaints[b] [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/85996]OLDRIM [/url]- [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22411]SSE[/url]
Brows[b] [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30411]OLDRIM[/url] [/b]-[b] [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1062]SSE[/url][/b]

Add your pictures if you use them, I'd love to see how they turn out![/b]

Bulleye Speed FIx - No scripts

Adjustment on the arrow speed of this effect.

STool Fix

Simple FIx on the stool.When NPC sit on it

Requiem - Classic Alchemy Overhaul 5.6 (R-CAO)

[font=Georgia][size=3][b][color=#f6b26b]Requiem - Classic Alchemy Overhaul (R-CAO)[/color][/b] , formerly known as [b]Requiem - Alchemy Rebalance[/b], modifies [font=Georgia][size=3][b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19281]Requiem - The Oldschool Roleplaying Overhaul[/url][/b][/size][/font] ingredient strength, alchemy effects, crafted potion prices, and alchemy perk effects. Alchemy crafting no longer breaks the game economy, and the grindiness of the alchemy experience is significantly reduced in a balanced way.[/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]

Compatible with all version of [b]Requiem [/b]from[b] 1.51 [/b]to[b] 3.x[/b][font=Georgia][size=3].[/size][/font]

Below is an in depth look at[b][color=#f6b26b] R-CAO[/color][/b]: [/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]Includes [color=#ffe599]Dragon Hearts, Dragon Blood, [/color]and[color=#ffe599] Powders of Chaurus Chitin, Dragon Bone, Troll Skull, [/color]and[color=#ffe599] Horker Tusk[/color] from Azirok's excellent [color=#f9cb9c]Requiem - Hard Times[/color] mod. Use the included patch when playing with "Requiem - Hard Times" and R-CAO in the same load order.[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]Actual extracts are now needed for gaining transformational Alchemy perks -such as Night Vision or Fortified Muscles- and are craftable at cookpots. A PC has access to a given body altering Alchemy perk when ingesting it's correlating extract, as long as the other standard perk conditions are met and the extract effect is active. Beware ingesting extracts in unsafe locations, as they overwhelm the PC while preparing their body to transform.[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]Removes [color=#ffe599]Skooma[/color]'s random number generated instant death and turns it into a rare survivable overdose scenario, which can also now be totally avoided if a PC has a high enough Poison Resistance. Khajiit never overdose. [/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]Possessing the [color=#f9cb9c]Sanguine Rose[/color] makes [color=#ffe599]Skooma[/color] ingestion much safer and less depleting.[/size][/font] [color=#ffe599]Skooma[/color]'s description is more concise, and the visual effects last as long as all buff/debuff effects are still present.
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]Xarrian's classic [color=#f9cb9c]Ably Striking[/color] (Fortify Unarmed) alchemy effect is returned to [b]Requiem[/b] crafting and expanded to more ingredients (replacing some [color=#f9cb9c]Damage Magicka/Stamina Regen[/color] occurrences). [/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ffe599]Oil of Fire, Ice, Storms,[/color] and[color=#ffe599] Silver[/color] are brought back into play from [b]Requiem 1.51[/b] and fine tuned. The PC again has access to a wider range of destructive alchemy that can be used at racks to coat arrows/bolts to convert them to their elemental destructive versions (and steel arrows/bolts into silver).[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ffe599]Human Flesh[/color] and [color=#ffe599]Hearts[/color] are fine tuned to be less OP as they are regularly found on human and Mer dead bodies in [b]Requiem 1.51[/b].[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]Vendor/NPC potion prices are rebalanced to match the values of PC crafted potions from [font=Georgia][size=3][b][color=#f6b26b]R-AR[/color][/b][/size][/font] to maintain in-game consistency. This lowers the prices of some found[/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3] or bought potions, while raising others, though many are approximately [/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]the same as what they were in [font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]base [font=Georgia][size=3][b]Requiem[/b][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font]. [font=Georgia][size=3]Some vendor/NPC poisons, including [color=#f9cb9c]Affliction, Exhaustion, Fear, Fury, Spellbane, [color=#ffffff]and[/color] Spellfade[/color], have their strengths raised minorly to moderately -with corresponding [/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]price rebalancing- so that they are more compelling to actually be used [/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]by a PC. Vendor/NPC [color=#f9cb9c]Ably Conjuring/Deceiving/Destroying/Restoring/Transmuting[/color] potions have been capped at 25% spell cost reduction[/size][/font] so alchemy [font=Georgia][size=3]combined with magic use isn't quite as effortlessly overpowering.[/size][/font][/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]Harvested quantities of most ingredients are the same as base [b]Requiem[/b], with minor reductions to the upper harvest range for ingredients like [color=#f9cb9c]spider eggs[/color], [color=#f9cb9c]snowberries[/color], [color=#f9cb9c]mountain flowers[/color], and some others.[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]Many ingredient base gold prices are the same as base[/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3] [b]Requiem[/b][/size][/font], although some have minor -and in a few cases moderate- increases. This encourages a PC to sell found ingredients for some minor gold in early game, and increases the expense of buying some ingredients from alchemists.[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ff7700][color=#ffffff][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#f9cb9c]Effeteness, Enervation, Damage Magicka Regen, Damage Stamina Regen,[/color][/size][/font][/color][/color][/size][/font][color=#f9cb9c] Spellfade, and Spellfreeze[/color] potions are all rebalanced [font=Georgia][size=3]to be both reasonably priced for crafting and actually useful, with greater usefulness from rarer ingredients.[/size][/font] They will now all cause non-trivial amounts of damage to an opponent NPC's [color=#ffe599]Stamina[/color]/Regen or [color=#ffe599]Magicka[/color]/Regen, so a PC has a greater incentive to actually use them.[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]Vanilla Skyrim mistakenly set vendor/NPC [color=#f9cb9c]Spellfreeze[/color] and [color=#f9cb9c]Enervation[/color] potions to respectively have [color=#f9cb9c]Damage Magicka Regen[/color] and [color=#f9cb9c]Damage Stamina Regen[/color] alchemy effects. Since the potions were of no real use, it didn't really matter, and base [b]Requiem[/b] doesn't fix that bug either. Since all of those alchemy effects are now much more useful in [b][color=#f6b26b]R-CAO[/color][/b], [/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]I've fixed the bug in vendor/NPC [color=#f9cb9c]Spellfreeze[/color] and [color=#f9cb9c]Enervation[/color] potions so their name is their effect.[/size][/font][/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]Many rare and difficult to acquire ingredients have identical crafting strengths to base [/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][b]Requiem[/b] for their respective four [/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]potion crafting[/size][/font] effects, although several common ingredients have some of their four potion effect strengths lowered. For[/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3] example, [color=#f9cb9c]snowberries[/color] are just as strong as base [b]Requiem[/b] for crafting [color=#f9cb9c]Icebane[/color] potions (nod to [color=#1e84cc][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11163/?][b]Frostfall[/b][/url][/color]), but the rest of[color=#f9cb9c] snowberry[/color] alchemy crafting effects are weaker. This makes it so an alchemist can't easily create expensive combination[color=#f9cb9c] Icebane/Flamebane/Frostbane/Spiritedness[/color] potions.[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]Having varying potion durations for the same alchemy effect in base [b]Requiem[/b] heavily messes with the ability to price them effectively, as in-game potion gold values are based on a formula of ([[color=#ffe599]Base Alchemy Effect value[/color]] x [color=#ffe599]Magnitude[/color] x [color=#ffe599]Duration[/color]). Crafted potions with longer durations are either worth excessive amounts of gold compared to shorter duration potions with reasonably balanced crafting gold values, or shorter duration potions end up being worth nearly nothing if higher duration potions have well balanced crafting gold values. Furthermore, many vendor/NPC potions vary wildly in duration from crafted potions in base [b]Requiem[/b], which also makes reasonable proportional pricing nearly impossible. This is fixed for all potion types. [/size][/font]
[/size][/font][*][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#f9cb9c]Damage Stamina/Magicka Regen, Frenzy, Regeneration, Rigidity, Spiritedness, Spellshield, Ice/Flame/Shockbane[/color], and several other potion recipes -or combinations of them- will no [/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]longer break the game economy. An alchemist PC won't create significant [/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]wealth without seeking out hard to acquire or rare ingredients, or having high alchemy skill and several crafting perks.[color=#ffe599] [/color][color=#dbb0a7][color=#ffe599]Healing, Magicka, and Stamina (HMS)[/color] [/color]potions, as well as some others, have had their crafting [/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]gold values raised to more closely reflect the base gold values that [/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]merchants sell their equivalent potions for, and now[/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3] grant more alchemy experience.[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#f9cb9c]Poisons[/color] that damage [color=#ffe599]Health[/color] or [color=#ffe599]Stamina[/color], as well as [color=#f9cb9c]Tardiness, Paralysis, Fear[/color], and [color=#f9cb9c]Frenzy Poisons[/color], will not effect any being that is not mortal. This makes [color=#f9cb9c]Powders of Void, Ice[/color] and [color=#f9cb9c]Flames[/color] meaningful, as well as [color=#f9cb9c]Oils[/color] to convert arrows and bolts for elemental destructive power.[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]Alchemy merchants -and several others- will now usually sell a moderate quantity of lower tier [color=#ffe599]HMS[/color] potions. This is achieved by significantly lowering the chances that [color=#ffe599]HMS[/color] potions wouldn't spawn at all in base [b]Requiem[/b]. No longer will Arcadia -and several others- taunt you by refusing to sell you [color=#ffe599]Healing[/color] potions while prominently displaying them around their shops.[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]The combined stat benefit of [color=#f9cb9c]Fortified Muscles & Alchemist Intellect[/color] perks now give the PC a +50 buff to each for [color=#ffe599]Health, Magicka, and Stamina[/color], reduced from +100 to each in base [b]Requiem[/b].[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]The [color=#f9cb9c]Fortified Muscles[/color] [color=#ffe599]Stamina[/color] regeneration buff has been moved to the [color=#f9cb9c]Regeneration[/color] perk, which gives the [color=#f9cb9c]Regeneration[/color] perk a less underwhelming base effect, encouraging a PC to be more drawn to inve[color=#f4f4f4]st[/color][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#f4f4f4] a perk point there[/color].[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]Four of Xarrian's classic perk records are added back to the Alchemy tree, including fine tuned expansions of [color=#f9cb9c]Improved Elixirs[/color], [color=#f9cb9c]Improved Poisons[/color], [color=#f9cb9c]Immunization[/color], and [color=#f9cb9c]Regeneration[/color]. [/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]The [color=#f9cb9c]Alchemy Skill Tree[/color] experience gain rate is doubled when taking the second [color=#f9cb9c]Alchemical Lore[/color] perk, and tripled when taking the third. This works in concert with rebalancing economy breaking gold recipe values, as well as[/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3] removing easy access in early game to expensive combinations of alchemy [/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]recipes. A crafted 50 gold potion with [size=3][b][color=#f6b26b]R-CAO[/color][/b] [/size]can give up to the equivalent experience of a crafted 150 gold potion in base[b] Requiem[/b].[/size][/font]
[*]Grain mills can be used to produce alchemical ingredients.

[color=#f9cb9c]Human Skulls, Boar Tusks[/color], and [color=#f9cb9c]Goat Horns[/color] can now all be ground down into [color=#f9cb9c]Bone Meal[/color] at any [color=#ffe599]grain mill[/color]. [color=#f9cb9c]Mammoth Tusks[/color] can also now be milled into [color=#f9cb9c]Powdered Mammoth Tusk[/color].[list]
[*]All of the aforementioned bone items can now be broken down at any [color=#ffe599]smelter[/color], though it only gives about half the yield of [color=#ffe599]grain mills[/color] due to [color=#ffe599]smelters[/color] burning away some of the bone material (even less for [color=#f9cb9c]Troll Skulls[/color] with inherent weakness to fire).
[color=#f9cb9c]Red[/color] and [color=#f9cb9c]Blue Glitterdust[/color] can now be produced with slightly higher yield at [color=#ffe599]grain mills[/color] (the base [b]Requiem[/b] [color=#ffe599]smelter[/color] recipe yields are unchanged to reflect slight yield loss due to heat damage).

[color=#f9cb9c]Powders of Flames, Ice[/color], and [color=#f9cb9c]Void[/color], [color=#f9cb9c][color=#ffffff]which require the [/color]Alchemical Lore[/color] perk to produce, can now be produced at [color=#ffe599]grain mills[/color].[list]
[*][color=#f9cb9c]Powder of the [/color][color=#f9cb9c]Void[/color] yields are higher at [color=#ffe599]grain mills[/color]. The base [b]Requiem[/b] [color=#ffe599]smelter[/color] yields for [color=#f9cb9c]Powder of the Void[/color] are unchanged.
[*][color=#f9cb9c]Powder of Ice[/color] yields are slightly lower at [color=#ffe599]smelters[/color] than base [b]Requiem[/b] (heat damages [color=#f9cb9c]Frost Salts[/color]).[color=#f9cb9c] [color=#ffffff]Y[/color][/color]ields are higher at [color=#ffe599]grain mills[/color].
[*][color=#f9cb9c]Powder of Flames[/color] yields are slightly higher at [color=#ffe599]smelters[/color] compared to [color=#ffe599]grain mills[/color] (heat supplements [color=#f9cb9c]Fire Salts[/color]).
[color=#f9cb9c]Ice Wraith Teeth[/color] and [color=#f9cb9c]Essence[/color] can now be used to produce small amounts of [color=#f9cb9c]Powder of Ice[/color] at a [color=#ffe599]grain mill[/color] (or at a [color=#ffe599]smelter[/color] with a lower yield due to heat damage).

[*][font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3]All ingredients added by Hearthfire and Dragonborn DLCs are integrated and rebalanced in[color=#ff7700] [/color][color=#f6b26b][b]R-CAO[/b][/color][/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#ff7700][color=#ffffff].[/color][/color][/size][/font]

This patch combines well with [b][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/90983]Requiem - Minor Arcana Reborn[/url][/b][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3].

Load [/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][b][font=Georgia][color=#f6b26b][size=3][size=3]Requiem - Classic Alchemy Overhaul[/size][/size][/color][/font][color=#f6b26b].esp[/color][/b] after [b]Requiem.esp[/b] (and before [b]Requiem for the Indifferent.esp[/b] if it exists in your load order).

[font=Georgia][size=3]If using [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/90691]Requiem - Immersive Divine Blessings (R-IDB)[/url][/size][/font]: load [font=Georgia][size=3][b][font=Georgia][color=#f6b26b][size=3][size=3]Requiem - Classic Alchemy Overhaul.esp[/size][/size][/color][/font][/b][/size][/font] before[b] R-IDB [/b]in your load order to get the most out of both mods.[/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/4091255?tab=user+files]Click here to see other [b]Requiem[/b] improvement patches I've made or curate.[/url][/size][/font][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]

Thanks to Xarrian for [b]Requiem,[/b] Ogerboss and the Requiem team for their continued development, as well as[font=Georgia][size=3][font=Georgia][size=3] zer0morph[/size][/font] and Applesaucez[/size][/font] for their creative ingenuity in inspiring this patch.
[/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3]Thanks to Azirok for permission to include [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54562]their excellent Requiem improvement mod assets[/url] in R-CAO.[/size][/font]

Janky Sliders

[left][size=5]Version 1.3.1 is live. 
[size=2][b]Added Version 1.3.1 which fixes some issues that came up with 1.2. [/b]

[*][size=2]Then added some sliders to some nodes that are supported by some armors only (NPC L FrontThigh, NPC R FrontThigh etc). [/size]
[*][size=2]Also, restructured my scripts in order to have more control and prepping for 2.0 with new functionalities. [/size]
[*][size=2]Stuff is changing, so I'm uploading to a different Main File in case you don't want to update yet but it should be safe to do so. [/size]
[*][size=2]In case you find problems you can always revert to 1.2.[/size]
[*][size=2] I'm uploading a 1.2.1 to fix stuff that is fixed on 1.3.1 and having those 2 streams separated.[/size]
[*][size=2]2.0 will use PapyrusUtil but it'll probably come in 2-3 weeks, depends on how dumb I am and irl stuff.[/size]
I'm looking into what are some problems people are having with sliders not loading but in theory it should all work as long as you match the requirements. 1.3.1 should expand the compatibility of the mod as I'm separating my functions from the XPMSE scripts and slowly moving towards depending only on Racemenu.

[b]NOTICE[/b]: I repeat, if your armor doesn't support NPC L FrontThigh and NPC R FrontThigh you won't be able to see changes with the new Thighs sliders. There is a simple way to copy the bone weights using Bodyslide's Outfit Studio, which I frequently use for my edits on my setup but I'm looking into automating that process to batch convert a bunch of armors but that's for later, way later. For now, the next step is to make separated versions of the mod to increase compatibility with your set up, that means maybe a version that covers those niche bones and one simpler for the regular setup.

[size=5]Update 1.1.5 is up.[/size]

[size=3]Use the new Reset feature to send all nodes back to square one. You can select which general group of nodes you want to reset. [/size][b]RESET JANKY SLIDERS [/b]i[size=3]f you have any problems with weird shapes and stuff for this update (not likely).[/size]

1. Go to the -Reset- tab.
2. Drag the slider you wanna reset. The nodes will reset but the sliders corresponding to those nodes will stay on their old value.
3. Close Racemenu to clean up the Slider values.
4. Open Racemenu again and you'll be set.

You can reset and keep editing in Racemenu without exiting, just keep in mind that the sliders will be all weirded out.
*This will reset High Heels too, so you'll have to re-equip. I may be able to get around that in the future, maybe I'll make an All Except NPC on Z or something like that.

[b]How to Update:[/b]
-Download the latest file (1.1.5) and, if you already have the .esp, just replace the script.
-If you are installing for the first time then put the whole thing in your MO or whatever you use :)
[b]What resets what?
[/b]"Reset All" will affect ALL nodes that are currently being altered (not NiOPA).
"Reset Janky Sliders" will affect only the sliders on the "Janky Sliders" tab.
"Reset all but XPMSE" will affect all sliders except the ones under "Body Scales", by Groovtama's XPMSE.
"Reset XPMSE" will reset Groovtama's sliders specifically.

[b]Looking for RaceMenu Presets?[/b]

[/size][b]Questions you may have.
What changed with Draenei Spice and Victoria Body?
R: I was using a scuffed version where I had rolled back after some experiments. Visually, Draenei Spice is the same, but Victoria Body changed for the better.

Where are the new sliders?
R: Well, Breasts (previously boobs, lol) are modifying the Pre Breast nodes now, so they should work with HDT enabled. As well as Genitals. 
Then the -Reset- sliders are new too I guess.

When are you uploading more sliders?
R: Probably in 1-2 weeks depending on irl gigs and other modding projects.

Release follower when?/Racemenu Preset
R: I love Thais and I want her to have some neat features so releasing her as a follower will probably be delayed 2-3 weeks from now (January 26). The preset you can get as a Patreon. 

ENB/Setup, etc?
R: It's Realvision modified and a custom room with the lighting I like without being too heavy on performance or cluttered. Then for the girls it's just fair skin and easy UUNP bodyslides + Janky Sliders ;) I also modify outfits a lot for modular stuff or having more options, idk.

R:  It's 1.1.5 'cause originally I was gonna release some fixes but ended up working way more on the reset nodes feature which ideally will help as a foundation to what Janky Sliders has the potential to become (having lots of sliders and customization options with great compatibility).


[b]Comments on Scripting:
[/b]-I have no idea how to Papyrus and I just learned some stuff that made me go "If I only knew that when I first made this mod" and "I'm so stupid lol" so it's a work in progress and the scripts from Expired and Groovtama are so great to learn and get inspired. So yeah, it's all them. Racemenu and XPMSE.
-Making the "janky sliders" takes time as there is some experimentation involved but I should be able to put more out there and I'll probably release the source script in a couple updates when I don't feel embarrassed of my methods lmao.

[b]Also, if you find something weird, let me know pls :)[/b]

----Older stuff below----
----Older stuff below----
----Older stuff below----

[b][size=5]Janky Sliders V1.0[/size]
Janky Sliders is a small Racemenu plugin that adds custom sliders that target specific bones to create a "style" or shape of body. This first upload modifies the character to a "Draenei" posture as World of Warcraft's race.

[size=4]Draenei Spice does the following:[/size]

[*]Pumps the butt up 
[*]Pushes breasts out and up
[*]Increases Lower Body to Upper Body ratio

The slider goes 10 by 10 until 100, which I would say its the line between "looking good" and a deformity. Well, to each their fetish and what not but I think 100 is enough.

The release of Janky Sliders 1 also includes utility sliders targeting specific bones and movements, like widening legs and pushing shoulders back or just basic stuff like rotating the head or legs, etc.


Recommendation: Combine Draenei Spice with Hips Z at + .5 or Hips X at .5 too ;)

Note: these are all janky own edits I did for my own setup but I think some people may like it. 

Just use MO :)

Racemenu and all the requirements. 
Also XP32's skeleton, I'm using version 4.51. Or NiOPA skeleton works too.

Other sliders:


Warning: This may mess up with animations and other stuff. I am using NiOPA and some other NiOverride mods and the racemenu morphs for bodyslide and it works just fine. If you find a problem, let me know!

For future updates, set your slider to 0 before installing, then save your game and load with the new slider as things may get freaky if you mess around with complex sliders like that one. I am still looking for a way to reset BodyGen in all bones. I may just include a slider that "zeroes" all slider. One for position and one for rotation, idk. 

Would love some feedback and suggestions tho. Cheers!

NH Sassy Girl - Outfit Denim - CBBE HDT Bodyslide

Nord Hero Sassy Girl Outfits

A new summer female sexy clothing collection for Skyrim Legendary Edition.
Fakenails with the same color as the clothes/sandals/wristbands
Full Pack contains 4 outfits(Beach, Denim, Flower, Mix), 3 sandals(indigo/red/pink), and 3 wristbands.
Free Pack contains Denim tshirt, indigo sandals and blue wrist.


[b][color=#00ff00]=== REQUIREMENTS ====[/color][/b]  
BodySlide(CBBE Body required, CBBE HDT Body recomended).[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015]
===== RECOMENDED =====
[/color][/b]Patrician ENB (for same graphics in the screenshots and video).

Anami Yashiana - Racemenu face preset and Bodyslide body preset.(included in downloads).
Use this if you want your character to have the same body and face as the photos.
NOTE: The face preset (racemenu) requires [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311]KS Hairdos[/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13722]Eyes of Beauty[/url]

Bijin Skin CBBE 2k based.For same body textures of screenshots

Goma Pero Land. Great location for shooting and filming.
==== INSTALLATION =====[/b][/color]
Copy file contents for your skyrim/data directory and activate mod with Skyrim Launcher or directly in the files (c://users/youruser/appdata/local/skyrim).
You can also use your favorite mod manager.

If you use CBBE Morphs in Racemenu, dont forget to build meshes checking "build morphs".

[b][color=#00ff00]==== Getting the clothes ====[/color][/b]
You can craft the itens in the tanning rack or use the console typing "help NH_SassyGirl".
See the CODES and then type "player.additem  CODE 1".
You can also use the AddItemMenu Mod, and take itens via menu.[url=https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fmods%2F64905&v=rDDwcNP3gJ0&redir_token=QLdlktIXI2jgBDMZdQiqFJXTRBt8MTU4MDYxOTgwOEAxNTgwNTMzNDA4&event=video_description]

[b][color=#00ff00]Get the Full Pack[/color][/b]


[b][color=#00ff00]Download Full Pack[/color][/b]

[b][color=#00ff00]Consider supporting my work in Patreon[/color][/b]

Enderal FS - Enable Wait no Heal (English Version)

[center][color=White][size=4]Enderal FS - Enable Wait no Heal (EN)[/size][/color][/center]
[center][color=White][size=2]by JC Denton (PaulDenton on Nexus)[/size][/color][/center]
[center][i][b]Für die [color=#00ff00]deutsche[/color] Version klicke bitte [/b][b][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/77556]hier[/url][/b][/i]
[i][b]Per la versione [color=#00ff00]italiana[/color] clicca [/b][b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97742/?]qui
[color=White][b]Version[/b] :[/color]2.0.3
[color=White][b]Date[/b] :[/color]2019/03/09
[color=White][b]Category[/b] :[/color]Gameplay effects and changes
[color=White][b]Forum Page[/b] :[/color]http://forum.sureai.net/viewforum.php?f=207
[b]This mod is only executable under "Enderal: Forgotten story"![/b]
For "Classic" -Enderal version is under Optional files the last modified version (1.0.6).[/center]
[center]Unlocks the blocked wait in Enderal.
(Configurable) Heals you NOT while waiting, and NOT if you have the buffs of regeneration on the armor.
And you could here be also attacked while waiting when enemies detects you.


With (optional) new UI:
New features[/center][/size][/u][/b][/color]
[*]In the MCM menu you can see the current status of the mod:
ACTIVE or disabled by certain quests (quest names are displayed).[*](configurable) In the upper left corner of the screen you will be notified when mod status changes.
[*]MCM menu "Mod uninstall"
Here are some screenshots:[/b][/center][i][spoiler]
[/i][center][i]View the current status of the mod[/i][i][/i][i][/i][/center][i][img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/77670/77670-1550595346-125892630.jpeg[/img]


[/i][center][i]upper left corner of the screen[/i][i][/i][/center][i][img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/77670/77670-1550595374-978913943.jpeg[/img]
[img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/77670/77670-1550595382-716114398.jpeg[/img][/i][center][i]Switch off the notification[/i][/center][i][img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/77670/77670-1550595399-762506882.jpeg[/img]

[/i][center][i]MCM menu "Mod uninstall"[/i][/center][img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/77670/77670-1550595414-203902562.jpeg[/img][/spoiler][/list][line]
[center]The blocked wait is released in the prologue after from a certain game progress.
You will be informed ingame with a message box:


Furthermore, the waiting and sleeping (Vanilla-Mod) at some point in the end-game will be locked again.[/center][/spoiler]

[center][u][size=4][color=White]Mod Dependencies[/color][/size][/u]
Skyrim of course ;-) at least Version 1.9
The total conversation of Skyrim: "ENDERAL: Forgotten stories" [url=http://dl.enderal.com/]([/url][url=http://dl.enderal.com/]free here:[/url]) at least Version[/center][line]
[center][u][size=4][color=White]Manual install[/color][/size][/u][/center]
1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
2. Place the following files in the DATA folder:
The folder and its contents "[color=#00ff00]seq[/color]"
An installscript of the mod does everything else,
among other things, a new gamesave is created before and after the installation:

[center][size=4][u]When updating to a new version[/u][/size][/center]
Just overwrite everything.
An update script of the mod does everything else,
among other things, a new gamesave is created before and after the installation:

[color=#ffff00][b][u]Important NOTE:[/u][/b][/color]
If you have previously installed the old version (<= 1.0.6), then
you must still remove the following scripts:
in DATA\scripts folder:
and in DATA\scripts\source folder:

It may happen that the MCU menu of SkyUI takes a long time to register this mod (up to 10 minutes).
Therefore, the script prompts you to go to the MCM configuration menu, close it again and go back into game.
This speeds up the registration of the mods in the MCM (Why, unfortunately I do not know).
[b]But please![/b]
Wait until the message "INITIALLIZED" or "UPDATED" appears in the upper left corner before you open the MCM menu again.


[center][u][size=4][color=White]Activate in Enderal[/color][/size][/u][/center]
Start the Enderal launcher, choose "Games Files" and set the checkmark [color=#00ff00]JCDEnderalEnableWaitNoHeal.esp[/color].
Then click the button "[b]Save Changes[/b]" (See picture sequence below - At moment from German Version):


[center][u][size=4][color=White]Manual uninstall[/color][/size][/u][/center]
Please select the menu "Mod Uninstall".
You will be guided through the necessary steps,

among other things, a new gamesave is created before and after the installation:

Then Remove the following files in the DATA folder:
And in the folder "[color=#00ff00]seq[/color]" remove the [color=#ff0000]JCDEnderalEnableWaitNoHeal.seq[/color] file.

If present, remove the [b][color=#ff0000]_00E_BedScript.pex[/color][/b] file from the [color=#00ff00]scripts [/color]folder
If present, remove the [b][color=#ff0000]_00E_BedScript.psc[/color][/b] file from the [color=#00ff00]scripts\source[/color] folder

Then you load the game save "JCDEWuninstallSave02"
(There comes a warning message that you can ignore) and
make directly a save ("Clean Save")

[center][u][size=4][color=White]N.M.M. Install[/color][/size][/u][/center][spoiler]
[u]With the Nexus Mod Manager installation should also work, provided that the condition is satisfied [b](Important for Enderal-players![/b]):[/u]
If you have a new profile (for example, "[color=LimeGreen]Enderal[/color]") created with NMM and
you have deactivated and removed all [b]Skyrim[/b] mods therein.

[color=#00ff00]If not already done, save 2 original Enderal files (see manual installation).[/color]
Then in the NMM activate the mod .

Subsequently, as described above, enable the Mod in Enderal-launcher.
But I would prefer the manual installation (As mentioned above).

[center][u][size=4][color=White]N.M.M. uninstal[/color][/size][/u][/center]
Easily disable and delete the Mod [color=#ff0000]JCDEnderalEnableWaitNoHeal_EN[/color].
[color=#00ff00]Then restore 2 original Enderal files (see manual uninstall).[/color]
Subsequently, as described above, disable the mod in Enderal-launcher, if not already done.

Who wants to be healed while waiting, can adjust this in MCM menu.
But remember:
This upsets the game balance a bit: e.g. the food would then no longer so important!
So how do I configure this in the mod? (See the picture sequence below):
Please wait after the initial installation, the message appears:


Who feels disturbed by the messages in the upper left corner of the screen when
mod status changes, can set this (OFF) in the MCM menu.
(See the picture sequence below):
Here is a mini Help page of the mod:
Other Mod which change the same script [b][color=#cc0000]_00e_bedscript.pex[/color][/b] under [b]DATA\scripts[/b].

[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19943/?]Craftable and Placeable Havok-enabled Bedrolls
[color=#ffffff]This mod could make it trouble.

[/color][color=#ffffff]With the mods that build player houses in another cell, there could be problems.
If you're using a mod like this and you can not sleep in your own bed (Quest blocks waiting), let me know:
plus a Link to this mod and I will try to create a compatible version.[/color][/url][line]

[size=4][color=White][b]OPTIONAL: Enderal FS New SleepWait UI
This UI is stand-alone ([b]ONLY for Enderal: Forgotten stories[/b]),
It can be used without the Enderal-Mod "Enable Wait no Heal".
Of course, it can be installed in addition to the Enderal-Mod "Enable Wait no Heal".

[*]with 24-hour format, no am/pm madness more. (My goodness, how many times I made a mistake: I want to wait until evening and land on the morning ;-)
[*]Target time display (for example, "until 2:00 o'clock in the morning") is moved during the time slider
[*]up to 96 hours (default 24) can be been waiting for:
In the DATA\interface\[color=#00ff00]JCD_sleepwaitmenu.cfg[/color] by changing the parameter [b]HoursMaximum[/b]=[color=#00ff00]xx
[*]Your Key for "Waiting" can now use for closing the Menu (Toggle).
Furthermore, other key bindings of the game [activate / wait / Cancel] can be entered in the [b]DATA\interface\[color=#00ff00]JCD_sleepwaitmenu.cfg[/color][/b].[/list]
[center][u][size=4][color=White]Manual Install[/color][/size][/u][/center]
1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
2. Place the following files in the DATA folder:
The folder and its contents "[color=#00ff00]Interface[/color]" and simply overwrite everything;
3. NOTE: In folder DATA\Interface:
   The file [color=#00ff00]sleepwaitmenu_ENDERAL-FS_Vanilla.swf[/color] is a Backup from vanilla game.
4. (Optional) Have a Look into the Config-File "[color=#00ff00]JCD_sleepwaitmenu.cfg[/color]" located in Sub-Folder Interface
5. Start "Enderal FS" and play. There is no effect on saved games and cannot corrupt any saves.

[center][size=4][u]When updating to a new version[/u][/size][/center]1. Uninstall the old mod.
2. Install the new mod ([color=#00ff00]Simply overwrite everything[/color]).
3. (Enderal FS): Check if the OLD mod in "data files" is NOT activated.
4. Start "Enderal FS" and play. There is no effect on saved games and cannot corrupt any saves.

[center][u][size=4][color=White]Activate in Enderal[/color][/size][/u][/center][center]Do not need it anymore ;-)

When ingame still the Vanilla UI appears, then simply reinstall the mod and overwrite everything.
(As probably a steam-update has overwritten everything again)[/center]

[center][u][size=4][color=White]Manual Uninstall[/color][/size][/u][/center]Delete the files/folders associated with the mod.
Remove the following files in the DATA\interface folder:

Restore the original sleepwaitmenu.swf file.
Rename the file [color=#00ff00]sleepwaitmenu_ENDERAL-FS_Vanilla.swf[/color] to [color=#00ff00]sleepwaitmenu.swf[/color].

Start  "Enderal FS" and play. There is no effect on saved games and cannot corrupt any saves.

[center][u][size=4][color=White]N.M.M. Install[/color][/size][/u][/center][spoiler]
Install steps are the same as described above.
Then as described above, enable the Mod in Enderal launcher.

[center][u][size=4][color=White]N.M.M. Uninstall[/color][/size][/u][/center]
Easily disable and delete the Mod [color=#ff0000]JCDNewSleepWaitUI_EN[/color].
Only for other Mod which use the same file [b][color=#cc0000]sleepwaitmenu.swf[/color][/b] under [b]DATA\Interface[/b].[/center][center]At the moment none.[/center]
ChangeLog "Enable Wait no Heal"
[ v2.0.3 ] 2019/03/09
  (-)  Bugfix : In the beds in the player house (market place and nobility quarter)
       may now be slept despite Wait blocking by a quest.
  (-)  Bugfix : Status display in the MCM menu: Double entries of the quest names fixed.

[ v2.0.2 ] 2019/03/05
  (x)  Changed: Mod adapted to the Enderal version (Forgotten stories).
  (-)  Bugfix : The mod menus in the MCM menu are now working properly.
  (-)  Bugfix : Sleeping in beds (if Story Quest allows it) now works again after installation.
  (-)  Bugfix : Ark's Mapmarker is now in the right place on the map. (Thanks @rob58085)
  (-)  Bugfix : The cell tracking from the player is now working properly.
  (-)  Bugfix : Corrected localization in submenu (display of quest names).

[ 2.0.1 ] 1019/02/18
- (x)  Changed: Mod adapted to Enderal Version (Forgotten stories)
- (+)  Added  : Status message of the Mod in the upper left corner of the screen and
                        status display in the MCM menu.
- (+)  Added  : Uninstall Help in the MCM menu.
- (-)  Bugfix : In the quest "A song in silence" you could wait: fixed.
- (-)  Bugfix : All bed names were in German: fixed.

[ 1.0.6 ] 1016/12/18
- (-)  Bugfix :    Savegame Problem: Missing quest properties filled.

[ 1.0.5 ] 1016/12/17
- (-)  Bugfix :    Mod adapted to the Quest MQ09 "The Lion's Den"
                       Mod adapted to the Quest MQ11c "A Song in the Silence".
                       Mod adapted to the Quest MQ12b "Black Light, Part II".
                       Mod adapted to the Quest MQ12c "Black Light, Part III".
                       Mod adapted to the Quest MQ14 "For the Greater Good" + and all subsequent quests after that
                       (From there, the wait/sleep is deactivated until the end of the game).
  (+)  Added  :  Under data\scripts\ folder the scripts: _00E_BedScript.pex + _00E_BedScript.psc as "Loose"-Files:
                       IMPORTANT!!: Before mod update please make from these scripts (from enderal-version they are available) a backup!
  (x)  Changed: Mod adapted to Enderal Version

[ v1.0.4 ] 2016/09/03
- (-) Bugfix:      if you had buffs like "Blessing of Life" activated and you've been waiting,
                       you could take damage depending on how much bonus life you received.
                       And You could die from this effect. This is fixed now.
  (+)  Changed: Mod adapted to Enderal Version

[ v1.0.3 ] 2016/08/13
- (-) Bugfix: Mod adapted to the Quest MQ12c.
  (+)  Added : On cells change is always checked on Quest dependencies and
                     activated according to the "Wait" or disabled.

[ v1.0.2 ] 2016/08/03
- (-) Bugfix: MCM-Menu has been corrupted by savegame problems after update.

[ v1.0.1 ] 2016/08/02
- (-) Bugfix: The vital statistics of the player were sometimes not reset properly
after waiting.

[ v1.0.0 ] 2016/07/31
- Initial Release

ChangeLog "Enderal FS New SleepWait UI"
[ v1.1.1 ] 2020/02/01
- Fixed: Dokumenation for english version

[ v1.1.0 ] 2019/02/259
- Adaptation to the Enderal: forgotten stories Mod (Version

[ v1.0.0 ] 2016/07/31
- Initial Release
In alphabetic order:[/center]

Thanks for the Skyrim Creation Kit.

[color=Yellow]daJbot Pyros Software[/color]:
Thanks for Guidelines ReadMe and Description Page generator.

Thanks for your hint to repair Ark-Mapmarker.

[color=Yellow]The SKSE team[/color]:
Thanks for tireless work.

[color=Yellow]The SkyUI team[/color]:
Thanks for awesome improvements.

[color=Yellow]The Skyrim Nexus[/color]:
Thanks for hosting.

[color=Yellow]The SureAI Team[/color]:
Thanks for your awesome TC-Mod.

[color=Yellow]The Tes5Edit team[/color]:
Thanks for their tools.

This mod is released under the Creative Commons License - CC BY-NC-SA
[size=1]ReadMe generated with: [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/40278]Guidelines 2015[/url][/size][/center]

PIE Standalone Followers Reborn

[center][size=4][b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#ff0000][color=#ff0000][font=Courier New][size=4][b]Re-uploading this file to any other websites is strictly prohibited.[/b][/size][/font][/color][font=Courier New]
[/font]不允许[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#ff0000]上传[/color][/font][/b]我的跟随者、汉化至其他网站。
如果你不会读permissions and credits里的内容,我建议你去学习。

Requirement: [/color][/font][/b]
[/size][font=Georgia]Dawnguard DLC
Dragonborn DLC
[size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53996]HDT Physics Extensions[/url] (Optional[/size])[/font]

[size=4][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#ff0000][b]About PIE Standalone Followers: [/b][/color][/font]
[/size][font=Georgia]This mod adds 7 characters to your game, Include all the characters I have released, and two new character.
All female characters use UNPB or CBBE Curvy body.
All male characters use bettermale underwear body.
[size=4][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#ff0000][b]About Returns: [/b][/color][/font]
[/size][font=Georgia][size=3]the Returns is a brand new storyline about the followers and companions. It's mainly about Nami, also with some new figures and special abilities around.
[/size][/font][font=Comic Sans MS][size=4][b][color=#ff0000]About Reborn:[/color]
[/b][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#f4f4f4]Two mouths ago my PC had got a virus extortionists and I lost almost all my files, It took me two mouths to get back to my working condition, and this is the reborn of PIE standalone followers.[/color]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#b6d7a8][size=4][Character][/size][/color][/font][/b][/center][center]Characters' FormID: 
xx00084a Saho
xx000849 Baldarich
xx000848 Soma
xx000847 Aya
xx000846 Ruka
xx000845 Gul
xx000844 Chinatsu
xx000843 Edith
xx000842 Nami
xx000841 Natalia
xx000840 Laurence
xx00083f Ki
xx00083e Vivika
xx00083d Estela
xx00083c Naoki
xx00083b Cecilia
xx00083a Berenguela
xx000839 Cornelia
xx000933 Keisuke

[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#b6d7a8][size=4][Backstories]
[/color][code][spoiler][size=1]"Ki’s father is the other lord from Cyrodiil brought to Akaviri by the eruption of the Civil War. Ki was born with the birthsign of the Thief – it’s not that pleasant to accept this for Ki’s father, who used to be honored as a lord in Cyrodiil. Although Ki was taught in every aspect to stay away from the world’s unprincipled side, undeniably the gifted talent from the Thief grants him much keener dexterity.  
At the age of 7, Tsaesci bandits visited Ki’s family with blades and blood. Everything has been set ablaze. In the following years, struggling such destitute life is all about the practice of thievery and dishonesty. However, the teachings of good and evil from Ki’s childhood kept him a faint pursuit of the honorable and virtuous life. 
7 years have passed since the unspeakable misfortune. On an occasional chance, Ki eavesdropped an astonishing truth that the local Daimyo is united with Tsaesci bandits. Those dreadful memories crawl relentlessly inside Ki. He soon gathered with other thief friends and stopped an ongoing slaughter led by the Tsaesci bandits, then exposed the truth of the attack. Aside from this bloody fact, the tyranny brought by Daimyo is also unforgivable. Eventually, the rebellion was provoked. With the help of some dwemer assassins used to be from Morag Tong, Ki finally killed Daimyo in a secret hideout. Daimyo’s kindred withered away on the land and the mark of old power effaced. Nevertheless, the new ruler absolved the rebels. Peace has returned. Without a doubt, Ki became the hero of the land. 
Two roads converged here. Nami lost her family but then found herself saved by Ki, her only cousin. In fact, Ki is the last and the only one Nami could rely on at this point. Two youngsters chose to stay and live together, yet the happiness of victory faded out. Instead, the intimacy from their blood stirs with the ambiguous feeling within daily lives.  
Years have passed, they became knowing each other better than knowing themselves. With minds thought alike, the relationship had grown with embarrassment. The contests inside Ki’s mind drove him to leave this place. Just in time, his good friends Naoki and Keisuke were also planning on leaving. Three thriving dreamers decided someday, they will commence aboard together. 
On a cloudy morning of Last Seed in 4e198, with all the considerations in mind, Ki left Nami a letter and then ventured forth to the Cyrodiil, the place where his father and uncle lived. During a stop at the Impirial city Ki occurred to an acquaintance with Methredhel, a female pickpocket from the Thieves Guild. The appearance and personal belongings engaged Methredhel to realize that Ki's father has the same blood as one of the Master Thieves in the guild. After the meeting with him, Ki became a secret member of the Thieves Guild, as advised by Methredhel and his newly-met elder.
In the city of Chorrol, Ki followed Naoki’s advice and joined Fighters Guild. He then met Estela, soon they became good friends. On an occasion, Ki got the chance to study with the old warrior Modryn Oreyn.  
Keisuke who joined Mages Guild hired Ki for escorting him to meet with Janus Hassildor in Skingrad. Nothing special happened until they arrived. At the house of Janus Hassildor, the mysterious woman named Cornelia Green awaited.  
Ki earned Benirus Manor from his elders in Cyrodiil. Known as a member of Fighters Guild while keeping the secrecy of Thieves Guild, such an opulent and extraordinary life lasted for a long time for him. 
In 4e201, a thief sold Ki’s identity to the count of Anvil. The count then helped the lich in the ruin of Ayleid to set Ki cursed. The curse wasn’t easy to lift, while Ki’s dealing with the curse, in Benirus Manor count found some more obvious evidences about Ki’s presence in Thieves Guild. 
After Ki got rid of the curse, no one and nothing can help him stay in Cyrodiil any longer. His master Modryn Oreyn pointed out that he can visit Skyrim, where imperial’s reach is weak. On the passage from Bruma to Skyrim, if without the help of Naoki, Keisuke, Cornelia and Hassildor, Ki wouldn’t be able to make it while the pursuit from the imperials never stopped.  
In Skyrim, Ki will again meet the long-lost one of his life. "
[/color][code][spoiler][size=1]"Nami is the cousin of Ki. During the Akaviri Invasion, the military campaign mounted by Uriel Septim V, many imperial soldiers have been sent to the frontier. The battle has taken countless brutal and unforgiven moments across the land of Akaviri, casualties are inevitable. Fortuitously, among all the mortalities, some have been enslaved instead. Mistakenly they were recognized as slaves of a local Akaviri Daimyo and these soldiers survived the Invasion. Our story didn’t end here. In the following years, due to the huge economic impact brought by fierce contests between the Tsaesci and the Ka Po’ Tun, all slaves within Akaviri are pardoned with the responsibility of paying taxes. Thus, in the land of Akaviri, a small settlement of “freemen” has been established. 
Wars never end, at least not during these chaotic years. The eruption of the Civil War brought the people of Tamriel to Akaviri once again. Two siblings of all those outlanders are lords of manors from Cyrodiil. One of them married Nami’s mother and became an owner of a farm. 
At the age of 12 for Nami, an unexpected ambush by some Tsaesci bandits turned up. All family members have been slaughtered, Nami found herself saved by Ki, the never-met cousin of her own. They lived together since then. 
The fate never turns aside, Ki’s parents are murdered by Tsaesci bandits just like Nami’s. With similar experiences, the mutual feelings have grown beyond boundary in every possible way. It didn’t take too long for them to figure out how close they are about to accept this illusory happiness despite their cousinship. With this concern in mind, Ki left a letter to Nami and went aboard. 
The promise in the letter is unfulfilled. Ki didn’t come back after 2 years like the letter stated. With a tiny hope of coming across her loved one, Nami set out to Tamriel on the morning of Suns Dawn.  
The land of Vvardenfell and Morrowind is not good enough to stay except she developed the great interest of the Dwemer Ruins. Nami then visited High Rock through Skyrim and traveled to Hammerfell a few months after. During the journey, Nami made a handful of friends and had a few dissatisfied romances. The memory of Ki just can’t fade out that easily for her.  
In 4e201, Nami moved on from Elinhir to Skyrim. Ahead of Nami’s destination, the fate finally constructed the path for her to meet the long-lost acquaintance.[/size] "
[/size][/color][code][spoiler][size=1]"Gul used to be a hunter, with beauty and strength. However, something has changed her. Something...telepathic. 
It all happened a few months ago. On the way from Elinhir to Markarth, Gul found herself in an unintended expedition into the ancient dwemer ruins. The unknown and omnipotent power there has desolated her soul, but with mysterious failure, only a portion has been taken. As an exchange, Gul is now able to summon the isolated image of her soul to fight for her whenever she is feeling anxious.
At first, the soul is not easy to control. In fact, due to the autistic nature of her own and with a few unexpected soul attacks, this ability did bring her into an notorious state at the Hammerfell.
At this point, Nami, an omniscient traveller from Akaviri, appeared and helped control the unstable ability of Gul. Now they are leaving Hammerfell together. "
[color=#d9d2e9][b](To be continued.)[/b][/color]

[color=#ff0000][font=Comic Sans MS][size=4][b]How to install: [/b][/size][/font][/color]
Use Vortex or MO.

[font=Comic Sans MS][b][color=#ff0000][size=3]Recommended: [/size][/color][/b]
[/font][size=3]RYA enb
Face Light
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=#ff0000][b][size=3]Credits: [/size]
[/b][/color][/font]Demoniac- High Quality Glossy Female Body Texture 8K 4K 2K
Fair Skin Complexion
CITRUS Heads (HD Meshes)
XP32 Maximum Skeleton - XPMS
Sporty Sexy Sweat - wet body skin texture - CBBE UNP UNPB ADEC Vanilla
UNP Minidresses Collection
KS Hairdos - Renewal
Leyenda Skin
[/url]SG Female Textures Renewal
Mikan Eyes
Kijiko Hair
XCE - Warpaint and Dirt
Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - New hairstyles
The Eyes Of Beauty
Pretty Face
SOS Fair Skin men retexture and bonuses for males
saLa Hair
Adorable Face
Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-
The Amazing World of Bikini Armor
Multi Colored KS Hairdos
[/url]Eyes of Aber
[/url]Dawnguard Arsenal
[/url]Vanilla Makeup HD - HD Racial Colors and Makeup for all Races and Genders
SG Hair[/center]

Nether's Follower Framework German

[center][color=#ffff00][size=6][b]Nethers Begleiter Framework
Nether's Follower Framework German[/b][/size][/color][/center]

Copyright aller Bilder by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/9319709]Netherworks[/url]
Ich (ProfKnibble) habe diesen Mod nur übersetzt, alle Rechte liegen bei Netherworks!
Endorsements bitte beim Originalmod: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18076]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18076[/url]
Permission wurde von Netherworks erteilt!
Ich habe die Übersetzung der Mod von [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/52897736]rore58[/url] auf seinen Wunsch übernommen.
Übersetzt wurde die Mod mit Hilfe des genialen [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/921]ESP-ESM Translator[/url]

Das übersetzte Handbuch von netherworks von Version 2.51 könnt Ihr unter [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/edit/?id=31495&game_id=1704&step=articles]Articles[/url] finden, allerdings fehlt ihm der Feinschliff. Für einen Einstieg sollte es aber absolut ausreichend sein, wenn man im Hinterkopf behält, das viele Funktionen in andere Menüs gewandert sind.

[quote][color=#ff7700][b][size=4]Ich habe Oldrim nicht installiert und kann daher diese Übersetzung nicht testen. Abgespeichert ist sie in UTF-8.
Falls eine andere Kodierung benötigt wird, sagt bitte Bescheid, dann werde ich das ändern.[/size][/b][/color][/quote]

[color=#00ffff][b][size=4]Einige Worte zur Übersetzung[/size][/b][/color]

Die Mod ist wirklich bemerkenswert gut dokumentiert, jede Option im MCM hat eine ausführliche Erklärung, die wirklich sehr hilfreich ist. Um diese komplett sehen zu können (Ist im Deutschen ja noch länger als das Original), empfehle ich die Installation von [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22825]Wider MCM Menu for SkyUI[/url] (ich nutze es in der Fullscreen-Variante).

Als Anrede wird wie auch im Originalspiel und den DLCs durchgängig "Ihr" statt "Du" oder "Sie" mit den entsprechenden Ableitungen benutzt.

Einige Begriffe lassen sich im Deutschen weder prägnant noch kurz übersetzen. Zudem sind viele inzwischen in unseren Sprachgebrauch übergegangen. Ich habe mich daher entschlossen, die folgenden Begriffe unübersetzt zu lassen:
(wieder)hervorbringen, entstehen lassen – meist auf magischen Weg[*][color=#6fa8dc][b]Framework[/b][/color]
ein Rahmen, in dem bestimmte Handlungen passieren, im speziellen Fall die nicht vom Spiel selbst gesteuerten Aktionen/Fähigkeiten von Begleitern[*][color=#6fa8dc][b]Sandbox[/b][/color]
ein autarker Bereich für die Begleiter, in dem sie „ihr eigenes Leben leben können“, aus dem heraus keineBeeinflussung der Umgebung stattfindet (stattfinden kann).[*][color=#6fa8dc][b]sandboxen[/b][/color]
alleTätigkeiten in der Sandbox ohne Spielbeeinflussung, nur ==> Immersion[*][color=#6fa8dc][b]Immersion[/b][/color]
Eintauchenin die Spielwelt durch möglichst große Realität[*][color=#6fa8dc][b]Vanilla[/b][/color]
Das Grundspiel incl. DLCs und Patches, aber ohne jede Modifikation[*][color=#6fa8dc][b]Perk[/b][/color]
wird in einer übersetzten Form kaum verwendet, so viel wie Fähigkeit, Talent, Kenntnis[/list]

[color=#00ffff][b][size=4]Übersetzter FOMod-Installer[/size][/b][/color]

[color=#6fa8dc][b]A) Original[/b][/color]

Ich habe die FOMod-Dateien auch übersetzt, damit Ihr auch die Installation der Original-Mod in deutsch durchführen könnt. Ihr findet die übersetzten FOMod-Dateien unter "Miscellaneous". Allerdings nützen diese Euch nur, wenn Ihr sie in das Installationspaket der Original-Mod integriert.

So geht's (erklärt mit Benutzung des Freeware-Pack-/Entpackprogrammes [url=https://www.7-zip.de/]7-Zip[/url]):
[*]Original-Mod manuell in ein Verzeichnis Eurer Wahl runterladen
[*]Runtergeladene Datei mit <rechter Maus> anklicken, im Kontextmenü "7-Zip"wählen, im aufklappenden Menü "Entpacken nach X" wählen, wobei X dem
Namen des runtergeladenen Archivs ohne die Fileextension z.B. .zip entspricht.[*]Den gerade erstellten Ordner öffnen und darin den Ordner "FOMod"öffnen.
[*]Dort sind 2 Dateien enthalten: info.xml und ModuleConfig.xml
[*]Löscht diese beiden Dateien
[*]Entpackt das von der Übersetzung unter "Miscellaneous" runtergeladene Archiv, am einfachsten direkt in den noch geöffneten Ordner FOMod der Original-Mod.
[*]Geht eine Ebene höher, so dass Ihr wieder alle Unterordner seht, beginnend mit "00 Main LE" bis "FOMod".
[*]Gebt auf der Tastatur ein: <Strg>+<a> - jetzt sollten alle Ordner gewählt sein.
[*]Klickt auf einen der gewählten Ordner mit <rechter Maus> und wählt aus dem Kontextmenü "7-Zip", im aufklappenden Untermenü "Zu einem Archiv hinzufügen".
[*]7-Zip öffnet sich und gibt unter "Archiv" bereits einen Namen vor, den Ihr aber etwas verändern solltet, um nicht mit dem ursprünglichen Archiv in Konflikt zu geraten, z.B. indem Ihr vor dem ".7z" einfügt "-DI" (wie deutscher Installer).
[*]Jetzt braucht Ihr dieses Archiv nur noch dorthin zu verschieben, wo Euer Mod-Manager es für die Installation findet.
[color=#6fa8dc][b]B) Übersetzung[/b][/color]

Je nach Einstellung in Eurem Mod-Manager kann es sein, dass dieser bei der FOMod-Installation Fehler ausgibt in der Art "Ordner XY nicht gefunden"
oder  "Datei XY nicht gefunden". Dies kommt daher, dass in der Übersetzung nur noch die Dateien enthalten sind, in denen etwas übersetzt werden musste (und ich es mir ersparen wollte, die FOMod noch einmal anzupassen). Diese Meldungen sind also kein Anlass zur Sorge - einfach ignorieren!

[color=#ffff00][b][size=4]Mod-Beschreibung von der Originalseite [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18076]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18076[/url]:[/size][/b]

Sucht Ihr nach einem Multi-Begleiter-Framework, das die Ressourcen des Spiels schont und Euch die Wahl zwischen tierischen oder humanoiden Gefährten gibt, mit nur einem oder bis zu 10 auf einmal? Wie wäre es mit einem System, das auch eine Fülle interessanter Features bietet, die sowohl immersiv als auch lebensecht sind und es Euch ermöglichen, das Framework an Euren eigenen Spielstil anzupassen?

Sucht nicht weiter, Nethers Begleiter Framework ist das und mehr!

Diese Mod hat 4 Ziele im Auge:
[*][color=#ffff00]Kompatibel mit so vielen anderen Mods wie möglich zu sein, so dass Ihr ihn neben Euren Favoriten verwenden könnt.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Bietet Begleitfunktionen, die vertraut und nützlich, aber auch gewinnbringend und interessant sind.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Macht die Einstellungen optional und rückgängig, damit die Begleiter (und Euer Spiel) nicht unterwegs kaputt gehen.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Bietet Euch interessante Optionen an, aber hält sie auch ressourcenfreundlich und mit einer leichten Script-Engine.[/color]
Dieses Framework ist für die Verwendung mit Begleitern gedacht, die das Standard-Begleitersystem verwenden. Mit anderen Worten, hakt sie sich in die Standard Dialogue Follower Quest ein (die meisten Begleiter auf Nexus). Es gibt jedoch auch eine optionale Funktion, die es Euch erlaubt, benutzerdefinierte Begleiter zu importieren, so dass diese ebenfalls viele Aspekte dieser Mod nutzen können (natürlich ohne Garantie, aber es wurde mit vielen einzigartigen Begleitern da draußen getestet).

Diese Mod benötigt zwar SKSE64 und SkyUI, aber diese Komponenten erlauben es mir, Euch optimierte und ansprechende Optionen zu liefern, ohne die das nicht möglich wäre.

NFF wird von einem Anhänger mit langjähriger Spiel- und Programmiererfahrung erstellt, der es liebt, eine rotierende Gruppe von Abenteurern zusammenzustellen, die seinen Drachengeborenen bei seinen Abenteuern in Skyrim begleiten. Für die Nerds! (ähem...) Nord!

[color=#ff00ff][b][size=4]Wie man einige Probleme löst:[/size][/b][/color]

[*][color=#ffff00]Sortiert Eure Mods mit Loot.[/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Setzt nwsFollowerFramework.esp an das Ende Eurer Ladefolge, auch wenn Loot es woanders hinlegt und nein, es ist mir egal, wo es es hinlegt. Verdammt, macht eine Regel in Loot, um es an das Ende zu setzen.[/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Stellt sicher, dass KEINE ANDERE MOD irgendeines der Kern-Pex-Skripte im Spiel verändert, außer SKSE64. Dies sind die Kern-Skripte (ganz oben): [url=https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Category:Script_Objects]https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Category:Script_Objects[/url] . Lange Rede kurzer Sinn: Installiert SKSE64 neu und schaut, ob das irgendwelche Probleme behebt.[/color]


[*][color=#ffff00]Bis zu 10 Begleiter (flexibel, können Humanoide oder Tiere sein).[/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Kein Startbogen oder Pfeile.[/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Ausdrückliche Unterstützung für Serana und Sofia.[/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Viele Optionen, unten, alle nach Eurer Wahl, eingestellt mit einem robusten MCM-Menü. Wenn Euch etwas nicht gefällt, könnt Ihr es sehr wahrscheinlich ausschalten.[/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Ausführlicher PDF-Guide, der alle Funktionen erklärt. [color=#ffffff](leider nur für die ziemlich veralteten Version 2.15, noch nicht übersetzt)[/color][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Optionaler (Vanilla + DLC) Skript-Ersatz, wenn Ihr ein Problem habt, das das Framework "klebt". Option auch für RDO.[/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]3DNPC wird nativ unterstützt, wie z.B. Vanilla Begleiter. Stellt sicher, dass die Option im FOMOD aktiviert ist.[/color]


[*][color=#ffff00]Erlaubt Begleitern die Sandbox, wenn Ihr passive Aufgaben ausführt.[/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Setzt Begleiter auf "Nur in der Stadt sandboxen".[/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Auto-Sandbox in Stadt-Innenräumen, Ihren Häusern oder Standorten, die Ihr bestimmt.[/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Schaltet es für einen bestimmten Begleiter aus.[/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Erlaubt Begleitern (und anderen NSCs) das Sandboxen in mehrstufigen Innenräumen.[/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Begleiter können individuell eingerichtet werden, um zu basteln und/oder beim Sandboxen zu interagieren. "Handwerk" ist in diesem Sinne keine Simulation, aber es gibt ihnen etwas, das sie tatsächlich tun können, während sie mit einigen kleinen Annehmlichkeiten/Buffs herumhängen. Die Interaktion beschränkt sich derzeit auf die Bestellung von Getränken in den Tavernen.[/color]

[color=#ff00ff][b][size=4]Reittier- und Reitunterstützung[/size][/b][/color]

[*][color=#ffff00]Erlaubt den Begleitern, die von diesem Mod bereitgestellten Spawn-Pferde zu verwenden.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Erlaubt den Pferden, zu verschwinden, wenn sie nicht geritten werden oder lasst sie in der Nähe bleiben.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Wählt Rasse und Auswirkungen Eures Pferdes, wählt die Rasse global aus.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Reitpaketunterstützung nur anbieten, wenn ein anderer Mod ein Pferdesystem, aber keine Pakete anbietet.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Schaltet für einen bestimmten Follower aus.[/color]


[*][color=#ffff00]Einstellen der Kampf- und Nicht-Kampfdistanz der [color=#ffff00]Begleiter[/color].[size=4][b]*[/b][/size][/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Gebt Begleitern eine Heiler- oder Tankrolle.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Wählt aus 10 verschiedenen Kampfstilen für Begleiter.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Reduziert die Kämpfe zwischen den Begleitern.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Optional kann die Wiederherstellung von Blutungen deaktiviert werden, um die Begleiter während eines Kampfes unten zu halten.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Belebt gefallene Anhänger mit Gesundheitstränken.[/color]


[*][color=#ffff00]Aufhol-Teleport (und On-Demand-Fähigkeit für Spieler)[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Kann Entfernung und Abfragezeit kontrollieren.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Aktivier einen +25% Bewegungs-Boost für eine schnellere Verfolgung.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Reduziert die Interpolation zwischen Laufen/Rennen-Zustandsänderungen (schnellere Reaktion).[/color]


[*][color=#ffff00]Erstellt/verwaltet bis zu 10 "Heimatbasen" für Eure Begleiter, wohin sie gehen werden, wenn Ihr sie entlassen habt. Kann optional Arbeits- und Relaxorte einrichten. Ihr könnt Basen und alle Orte umbenennen, Anhänger zu/von Basen bewegen und Eure Basen jederzeit besuchen (bis zu 100 Anhänger auf 10 Basen).[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Bezugssystem für Begleiter, so können sie mehr als nur Respekt für Euch empfinden. Verleiht einige Fähigkeiten und Vorteile.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Verbessert die Begleiter-Heimlichkeits-KI, wenn sie nicht im Kampf sind. Sie initiieren keinen Kampf, plappern nicht und bewegen sich in der Nähe.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Sie lösche die Fackeln, wenn Ihr und Eure Begleiter sich verstecken.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Stellt ein, dass die Fackeln von Begleitern wie Spielerfackeln ablaufen, wenn sie benutzt werden.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Stoppt das Leerlauf-Geplapper bei allen oder ausgewählten Anhängern (oder erlaubt es nur während des Sandboxens).[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Verhindert, dass Begleiter die Waffen ziehen, wenn Ihr es tut.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Begleiter werden keine Fallen auslösen (entspricht dem LightFoot-Perk). Optional über das Installationsprogramm.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Begleiter gehen aus dem Weg, wenn man ihnen sehr nahe kommt.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Begleiter können Waffen, die sie benutzen, automatisch aufladen oder gefüllte Seelen-Edelsteine verwenden (nicht vom Spieler gefüllte).[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Lernt Fähigkeiten von Euren Begleitern, wenn Ihr mit ihnen gemeinsam Kämpfe bestreitet (Affinitätssystem).[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Bringt Euren Begleitern Zaubersprüche bei, indem Ihr mit ihnen Zauberbücher tauscht und/oder die Euch bekannten Zauber direkt beibringt. Funktioniert mit Zauberspruch-Mods![/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Setzt jeden Begleiter auf Essentiell (oder macht es rückgängig). Während Ihr Euch im Framework befindet, sind alle Begleiter geschützt.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Ändert das Verhalten von Begleitern (Moral, Verbrechen, etc.).[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Setzt den Schadensmultiplikator von Begleitern, der ihren Angriffsschaden beeinflusst.[/color]


[*][color=#ffff00]Richtet Abenteurerausrüstung für Begleiter ein und sagt ihnen, was sie tragen sollen, während sie Euch folgen. Dies ist die Durchsetzung der Ausrüstung, nicht das Outfit-Management.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Aufbewahrungssystem für die Wiederanwendung von [color=#ffff00]Abenteurerausrüstung[/color], wenn sie wieder rekrutiert werden. Speicher für bis zu 100 individuelle Begleiter, ein Speicherset pro Begleiter.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Kopiert deren Standardausrüstung in Euer Inventar (hauptsächlich für benutzerdefinierte Rüstungen).[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Stellt einen Begleiter so ein, dass er nur Kopfbedeckung, Schild, Köcher und/oder Waffen während des Kampfes ausrüstet.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Klingenkompatibilität für mehrere Begleiter sowie die Möglichkeit, den Begleitern die Klingenausrüstung zu geben, anstatt ihre Basisausrüstung zu ändern. Unterstützt zur Zeit nur SkyHaven Temple Restore und Expanded.[/color]


[*][color=#ffff00]Gebt Befehle an alle oder einzelne Begleiter in der Ferne aus.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Befehle für alle Begleiter: Warten/Folgen, Sandkasten umschalten, Kampf/Verfolgung auf Distanz, Beschwören und Wegtreten.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Befehle für einzelne Begleiter (wenn Ihr dem Begleiter gegenübersteh und in Sichtweite seid): Warten/Folgen, Tauschen, Gunst, Abenteurerausrüstung setzen und Wegtreten.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Eine Vielzahl von Hotkey-Befehlen, die individuell angepasst werden können.[/color]


[*][color=#ffff00]Ähnlich wie bei einem Charakterblatt könnt Ihr Euch die Statistiken, Skills, Perks und Fähigkeiten Eurer Begleiter ansehen.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Mit der praktischen Historie-Funktion könnt Ihr sehen, wo sich Eure ehemaligen Begleiter befinden und entweder Euch zu ihnen oder sie zu Euch teleportieren (bis zu 100 ehemalige Begleiter, Ihr könnt die Größe der Historie in MCM ändern).[/color]

[color=#ff00ff][b][size=4]Verzichtbare Begleiter[/size][/b][/color]

[*][color=#ffff00]Lasst Euch die Hilfe von nicht unbedingt notwendigen (verzichtbaren) NPCs zuteil werden, indem Ihr sie bestecht, damit sie sich Euch anschließen und zum Framework hinzufügen.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Bietet ihnen unterschiedliche Mengen an Gold an, wobei mehr Gold einer größeren Chance entspricht, dass sie sich Euch anschließen.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Wenn Ihr den gleichen NPC wiederholt anheuert, werden sie Euch schließlich kostenlos folgen.[/color]
[color=#ffff00]Experimentelle Funktion, funktioniert aber bei den meisten nicht unbedingt notwendigen Dingen, auch bei denen, die von anderen Mods angeboten werden. Mit Vorsicht zu verwenden. Sie werden Vanilla-Dialoge beibehalten, also seit vorsichtig mit einigen Optionen, während sie bei Euch sind.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color][*][color=#ffff00]Ihr könnt sie auf Euer Niveau bringen und sie wie mit der optionalen Batch-Datei (installiert sie MANUELL in Euer Hauptverzeichnis SkyrimSE) auf Euer Niveau bringen und aufsteigen lassen. Öffnet die Konsole, stellt sicher, dass sie ausgewählt sind und geb ein: [color=#00ff00]bat nfflevel[/color][/color]


[*][color=#ffff00]Lasst Euch von Eurer Frau oder Eurem Mann scheiden und heiratet einen anderen (Begleiter oder nicht!).[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Wendet die wöchentlichen Kosten für Anhänger an (zur Goldvernichtung).[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Teilt Euren Reichtum mit den Begleitern, wenn Ihr große Mengen an Gold findet (netter Kerl!).[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Ruft die Spielerpferde mit Hotkey-Unterstützung.[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Verfolgt den Aufenthaltsort von Begleitern über eine Quest.[/color]

* - Benutzerdefinierte Begleiter sind normalerweise komplett außerhalb des Frameworks, können aber importiert werden, um jede Funktion zu nutzen, die nicht mit "*" oben angezeigt wird. Der Import erlaubt es Euch, einen Begleiter-Slot zu "leihen", so dass sie auf das maximale Limit angerechnet werden. Mit Custom Begleitern ist hier speziell jeder Follower mit einem eigenen Begleiter-Framework außerhalb des Vanilla-Systems gemeint (Serana, Sofia, Recorder, Arissa, Inigo, Vilja etc.). Dies schließt Custom Pets ein, die ihren eigenen Begleiter-Rahmen außerhalb des Vanilla-Systems haben. Nicht alle importierten Begleiter sind kompatibel.

- Haustiere (Tiergefährten) unter diesem Framework verwenden die meisten Funktionen, die auch Begleiter haben. Allerdings werden alle Rassen im Spiel durch Verhaltensdateien gesteuert, was bedeutet, dass Haustiere manchmal das tun, was sie tun wollen. Beispiel: Hunde werden sitzen, wenn der Spieler anhält, egal ob Ihr sie auf Sandboxen eingestellt habt oder nicht.

[color=#ff00ff][b][size=4]Importieret diese Begleiter nicht (inkompatibel):[/size][/b][/color]

[*]Shingchen Holysee Knight Followers
[*]Recorder (gemeldete Probleme)
[*]Lucien (gemeldete Probleme)
[*]Annas NPCs (nicht empfohlen)
[*]Jeder Begleiter, der sagt "nicht mit einem Begleiter-Manager", "nicht mit AFT" oder ähnliches.
Wenn Ihr trotzdem einen importierten Begleiter ausprobieren wollt, stellt sicher, dass "Benutze Standard-Begleiter" aktiviert ist, damit sie ihre eigenen Pakete verwenden, nicht die von NFF (es gibt ein Update dafür in 2.5.1, lasst sie jetzt aus dem Framework heraus, wenn sie wegwandern oder ihre eigenen Features nicht verwenden). Ändert nicht ihren Kampfstil oder ihre Klasse. Ändert keinesfalls ihre Eigenschaften (Aggression, Moral, etc.). Wenn sie Probleme mit der NFF-Sandbox oder der Heimlichkeits-KI haben, schaltet sie für diesen Begleiter aus. Wenn sie Probleme mit dem Crafting haben (erfordert Sandbox), schaltet ihn für diesen Begleiter aus. Der Versuch, es anzubieten, bedeutet, dass es mit trickreichen Begleitern besser kompatibel ist, aber man muss hier seinen gesunden Menschenverstand einsetzen. Es gibt eine Menge dieser Art von Begleitern, die ich nicht benutze und mit denen ich nicht 6 Stunden im Spiel verbringen werde, um zu wissen, wie sie alle funktionieren, weil ich das Spiel so spiele, wie ich es spielen will, so wie Ihr es tut.


[*][color=#ffff00]Dawnguard - Muss installiert und aktiviert werden.[/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Fuz Ro D-oh (OPTIONAL)[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]PapyrusUtil SE (OPTIONAL)[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]KonsoleUtilSSE (OPTIONAL)[/color][color=#ffff00][/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Inoffizieller Patch für die Skyrim-Special-Edition (OPTIONAL)[/color]


[*][color=#ffff00]Convenient Horses[/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]Simple NPC Outfit Manager für das eigentliche Outfit Management, wenn Euch die Abenteurerausrüstung-Funktion von NFF nicht gefällt.[/color]


Ich empfehle die Verwendung eines Mod Managers zur Installation dieser Mod. Sie ist im FOMOD-Format.

Die folgenden Skripte, falls vorhanden, werden überschrieben:
[*][color=#ffff00]DialogueFollowerScript (und QF_DialogueFollower_000750BA) - behält die ursprünglichen Funktionen bei, ändert aber deren Inhalt, um in das Framework-Controller-Skript zu segregieren.[/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]FollowerAliasScript - wie oben.[/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]TrainedAnimalScript - wie oben.[/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]TrapBear - geändert, um keine Auswirkungen auf Begleiter zu haben. Ihr könnt dieses Skript optional entfernen, wenn Ihr das Verhalten der Vanilla-Begleiter-Falle wünscht.[/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]TrapTriggerBase - wie oben.[/color]
[*][color=#ffff00]BladesChangeOutfitScript, FreeformSkyHavenTempleAScript, QF_FreeformSkyHavenTempleA_000E38C9 - Zur Anpassung an die Blades-Rekrutierungs- und Ausrüstungsoption.[/color]
[color=#ffff00][color=#6fa8dc][b]Neues Spiel[/b][/color]
Dies ist der empfohlene Ansatz. Du kannst dein Spiel mit diesem Mod beginnen. Die Auswirkung auf den Start ist minimal.

[color=#6fa8dc][b]Vorhandenes Spiel[/b][/color]
Funktioniert wahrscheinlich am besten, wenn Sie noch nie einen Mod mit mehreren Anhängern (AFT, EFF, UFO, etc.) installiert haben.
1. Folge den Anweisungen zur Deinstallation Deines Multiple Follower Mods, einschließlich der Deinstallation des Mods. Deine Follower sollten alle entlassen werden.
2. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr aktueller Follower entlassen wird, zusammen mit allen tierischen Anhängern.
3. Fahren Sie zu einer neuen Zelle (z.B. zu einem beliebigen Innenraum).
4. Speichern Sie Ihr Spiel.
5. Beenden und Installieren Sie das Nether-Folgerahmenwerk.
6. Laden Sie Ihr Spiel. Du solltest Text auf dem Bildschirm erhalten, der besagt, dass der Mod installiert ist.
7. Speichere dein Spiel und lade dann den soeben erstellten Speicher.
Wenn alles gut gegangen ist, solltest du das Framework benutzen. Ich kann nicht garantieren, dass es in einer älteren Speicherdatei einwandfrei funktioniert, besonders in einer, die vorher ein anderes Framework installiert hatte. Vielleicht möchten Sie (auf eigene Gefahr/Komfort) einen Save Game Cleaner verwenden. Ich persönlich benutze die Fallrim Tools und hatte damit keine Probleme.

Das beste Verhalten ist in den meisten Fällen die Deinstallation und dann die Installation mit dem FOMOD-Installationsprogramm.

Platziert diese Mod gegen Ende Eures Ladevorgangs.

Wenn LOOT es ständig an anderer Stelle platziert, platziert es nahe dem Ende Eurer Ladereihenfolge und stellt eine Regel in LOOT auf. Man kann LOOT, dass man "Nur Reitunterstützung" einstellen soll, wenn man es mit Convenient Horses benutzt. Ihr könnt das tun ODER Pferde für Begleiter, die Ihr für die Nutzung von CH kaufen wollen, ausschalten.


[/color][/color][/color]Die Skriptlast dieses Frameworks ist ziemlich gering bis minimal. Die meisten Skripte und Funktionen sind Feuern und Vergessen und verwenden Spielereignisse, wenn möglich. Es gibt einige Ausnahmen. Wenn Ihr keine Papyrus-Ladung wünscht, könnt Ihr einige Funktionen abschalten, um eine Null-Ladung in Echtzeit zu erhalten.

[color=#ffff00][color=#ffff00][color=#ffff00]Die Sandbox-Funktion verwendet eine einzelne Update-Schleife, die in Echtzeit überprüft wird. Bei etwa 7 Sekunden, in denen der Player mehr oder weniger untätig ist, wird Followers Sandboxing ausgeführt.[/color][/color][/color][*][color=#ffff00][color=#ffff00][color=#ffff00]Catch-Up "Teleport"[/color][/color][/color]
[color=#ffff00][color=#ffff00][color=#ffff00]Das Catch-Up System ist auf dem gleichen Einzel-Update wie Sanboxing, prüft aber nur einmal pro 10 Sekunden. Es ist keine notwendige Komponente, da Ihr die Teleport-Fähigkeit nutzen können, um alle Begleiter und Pets zu Euch zu ziehen.[/color][/color][/color][*][color=#ffff00][color=#ffff00][color=#ffff00]Check Count"[/color][/color][/color]
[color=#ffff00][color=#ffff00][color=#ffff00]Hiermit wird die Anzahl der Begleiter und Tiere überprüft und gelegentlich angepasst (Einzelschleife in Echtzeit, Schnellprüfung alle 8 Sekunden). Ich empfehle Euch, es eingeschaltet zu lassen. Das einzige Mal, dass es überhaupt etwas in der Tiefe macht, ist, wenn meine Tier- und Anhängeranzahl nicht mit der Skyrims übereinstimmt. Ihr könnt es ausschalten und manuell überprüfen (oder bei einem Location Change Event) - dies könnte sich allerdings etwas ungeschickter anfühlen.[/color][/color][/color][*][color=#ffff00][color=#ffff00][color=#ffff00]Import-Anpassung - Dieselbe einzelne Update-Schleife wie Check Count, dies entfernt einfach einen importierten Begleiter aus dem Framework. Sie verwenden nicht mein Framework, um benutzerdefinierte Follower zu entlassen oder zu rekrutieren, sie verwenden ihr eigenes System, also ist dies nur eine Bereinigung, da ihr Follower-System nicht direkt mit meinem spricht. Null Auswirkung, wenn kein Custom Follower importiert wird.[/color][/color][/color]
[color=#ffff00][color=#ffff00][color=#ffff00][/color][/color][/color][/list][color=#ffff00][color=#ffff00][color=#ffff00]Also... Wenn Ihr wirklich, wirklich null Auswirkung wollt, schaltet Sandboxing, Catch-Up, Check-Count aus und importiert keine Custom Follower. Vielleicht solltet Ihr diese Systeme erst einmal ausprobieren, bevor Ihr sie einfach abschaltet. Diese Systeme sind eigentlich ziemlich leicht.


[color=#6fa8dc][b]Kompatibel mit den meisten Mods, die Begleiter betreffen, einschließlich:[/b][/color]
[*]Immersive Horses (schaltet den Mount Support in meinem Mod auf "Nur Reit-Uunterstützung")
[*]Convenient Horses (schaltet den Mount Support in NFF auf [color=#ffff00]"Nur Reit-Uunterstützung"[/color] ODER deaktiviert das Pferd auf einer Pro-Begleiter-Basis)
[*]My Home is Your Home (NFF hat eine ähnliche Funktion mit der Einrichtung größerer "Operationsbasen")
[*]Simple NPC Outfit Manager
[*]Relationship Dialogue Overhaul
[*]Interesting NPCs
[*]Skyrim Horses Renewal
[*]Sofia (wird als IMPORT-Begleiter behandelt)
*** Die oben genannten Mods funktionieren in meinem Spiel. Einige haben Probleme mit diesen Mods gemeldet. Ich hatte jedoch keine Probleme mit ihnen, noch mit CTD oder irgendetwas in dieser Art. Wenn ich ein Problem nicht reproduzieren kann, kann dieses Problem nicht vernünftig behoben werden.

Dieses Framework wird keine Begleiter explizit mit den genannten Mods kompatibel machen, außer mit iNPCs.
Mods, die die Ehe oder Kinder betreffen, sollten in Ordnung sein, da diese Systeme unangetastet sind.
Nicht vollständig mit Animal Mods getestet. Theoretisch sollten die meisten in Ordnung sein. Ich habe bisher Dogs of Skyrim ausprobiert.

[color=#6fa8dc][b]Nicht kompatibel mit:[/b][/color]
[*]Jeglichen Multi-Follower-Framework Mods (AFT, EFF, UFO und ähnliche).
[*]Allen Mods, die direkt die Rekrutierung von Klingen beeinflussen.
[*]Mit Mods, die Zaubersprüche lehren, indem sie Bücher mit Followern tauschen.
[*]Kann mit Mods in Konflikt geraten, die die folgenden Spieleinstellungen erzwingen:
fFollowSpaceBetweenFollowers,iFriendHitCombatAllowed,fCombatTeammateFollowRadiusBase,fCombatTeammateFollowRadiusMin,fAIDistanceTeammateDrawWeapon,fFastWalkInterpolationBetweenWalkAndRun,fJogInterpolationBetweenWalkAndRun.[*]Mit Change Follower Outfits (diese Mod überwacht und unterstützt nur Vanilla KI Begleiter-Pakete).

[color=#6fa8dc][b]Mögliche Konflikte:[/b][/color]
[*]Mods, die Begleiter-Kampf-KI verbessern, werden diesen Mod wahrscheinlich überschreiben. Dies beeinflusst die Heilerrolle und die Kampfdistanzen.
[*]Mods, die beeinflussen, wie die Anhänger mit dem Spieler reisen, werden diesen Mod wahrscheinlich außer Kraft setzen. Dies beeinflusst die Follow Distance. Aus dem Weg gehen, Sandboxen, Heimlichkeits-Bewegung.

Ende Mod-Beschreibung Original-Seite[/color]


[color=#ffffff]Originalmod downloaden und installieren.Dann diese Übersetzung mit dem Modmanager Eurer Wahl (meine Empfehlung: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6194]Mod Organizer 2[/url]) installieren und vorhandene Dateien ersetzen lassen.Bitte wählt im FOMOD-Installer auch nur die Optionen, die Ihr beim Original gewählt habt. Fehlermeldungen im Modmanager bei der Installation könnt Ihr ignorieren (Fehler kommen, weil ich den FOMOD-Installer zwar übersetzt, aber nicht speziell angepasst habe. Installieren und alles ist gut).Für Elemental Destruction existiert bisher keine deutsche Übersetzung, ich hoffe, die von mir gewähltenÜbersetzungen sind stimmig.[/color]


[color=#ffffff]Da ich für die Übersetzung öfters mit den Versionen gespielt habe (Update oder ganz neu installiert), hier Tipps, die Euch vielleicht helfen.[list]
[*]Der Begleiter ließ sich lt. Dialog rekrutieren, reagierte aber ansonsten wie unrekrutiert. Beim Überprüfen des Registers Slots & Historie zeigte sich, dass er in den Game Slot (0) gerutscht war. Im gleichen Menü die Option "Sortiere Begleiter-Slots" beförderte ihn in Slot 1 und alles war gut.
[*]Hier noch eine ausführliche Erklärung von Netherworks aus seinem Handbuch:
[list=1][*]Entlasst alle vorhandenen Begleiter vor der Installation
[*]Wenn Ihr eine Multi-Begleiter-Mod (AFT, EFF, UFO, etc.) benutzt habt, folgt den Anweisungen für diese Mod, falls vorhanden, für die Deinstallation
[*]Reist zu einer neuen Zelle im Spiel (z.B. zu einem beliebigen Innenraum)
[*]Wartet ein paar InGame-Stunden, damit sich die Dinge klären können
[*]Speichert Euer Spiel
[*]Optional: Benutzt einen Speicherstands-Cleaner (z.B. ReSaver), um Variablen und Skripte aus Eurem Speicherstand zu löschen, WENN Ihr zuvor eine Multi-Begleiter-Mod benutzt habt UND Ihr Euch damit auskennt
[*]Installiert Nether's Follower Framework
[*](Installiert die deutsche Übersetzung der Mod)
[*]Ladet Euer Spiel und Ihr solltet einen Text sehen, der anzeigt, dass die Mod installiert und die Vanilla-Begleiter-Quest neu gestartet wurde
[*]Speichert Euer Spiel und ladet es dann neu, um sicherzustellen, dass alle Dialogoptionen richtig angezeigt werden.


[color=#ffffff]Hinweise zu Rechtschreib- und Grammatikfehlern, Hinweise zur falschen Anrede (sollte durchgängig "Ihr" statt "Du" oder "Sie" mit den entsprechenden Ableitungen sein), Vorschläge zu einem besseren Stil werden gerne entgegen genommen und nach Möglichkeit bzw. Sinnhaftigkeit in die Übersetzung integriert.
Ihr könnt mich gerne auf [url=https://discord.gg/5Cz2xGV]meinem Discordserver[/url] kontaktieren.[/color]

[color=#00ffff][size=4][b]Mein Portfolio[/b][/size][/color]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/73479653?tab=user+files]Eine Übersicht meiner Mods bzw. Übersetzungen

[/url] Alle für die Special Edition

Necromantrix 2.0 CBBE BodySlide


For UUNP Version, check this link:


1 - Copy the ZIP content into your Skyrim/Data folder and activate the mod using Skyrim Launcher or directly from the text files (loadorder.txt
and plugins.txt) in: "C:/Users/YourUser/AppData/Local/Skyrim ". Or if you prefer, use your MOD manager.
2 - Open Body Slide and build meshes. If uor use CBBE morphs in Racemenu CHECK "Build Morphs" before build meshes.
Getting Armor Pieces:[/b][/color]

1 - Use the blacksmith forge, under hide or leather. No perk or skill is required.
2 - Open console. Type ''help necromantrix'', see codes and then type ''player add.item CODE'' for each armor piece you want.
3 - Use ''[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64905]Add Menu Item[/url]'' MOD for getting armor directly from menu.

* Bodyslide and Outfit Studio
* You mus be using CBBE body.

[color=#00ff00][b]Consider supporting my work on Patreon.com[/b][/color]




Original Necromantrix Skyrim MOD:

Original Necromantrix Oblivion MOD:

Lucien replacer

[b]sorry for my stupid english
[size=5]this mod will change the apperence of[color=#ff7700] [/color][color=#6d9eeb]  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95029]lucien[/url][/color][/size]

[size=4][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95029]Lucien - Fully Voiced Follower[/url][/size]

[/size][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95029]lucien - fully voiced follower[/url] by joseph russell
[color=#00ff00][size=3]high poly head[/size][/color] by Kouleifoh (from Vector Plexus)
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10168]apachiiskyhair[/url]  by apachii
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97077]dizona body    [/url]by letho0036
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/93258]expressive facial animation male-edtion[/url]  by niroku
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7902]tempered skin for male[/url] by traa108
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28363]beard[/url]  by Hvergelmer
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30411]brows[/url]  by Hvergelmer
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91422]llygaid eye improver[/url] by zhoulia
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[center][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][b]BoneMaster Necromancy[/b]

[i]This mod is based on Ordinator's Bone Collector perks, which allow the player to use a "magic spellframe system" of summonable skeletons that last for hours and dont count against the summon limit.
After I changed my perk mod to Vokrii by the same author of Ordinator, all the bone collector perks weren't there anymore, and they had become essential to my necromancer character build. So I decided to device an Ordinator extract that has the same features, but works as standalone, and is compatible with other perk mods.[/i]


A conjuration spell "Raise Skeleton Construct", which should be found in the world, the same as any other conjuration spell.
The spell allows the player to use 11 types of bones to construct a skeleton minion.
Skeleton minions come in 3 types: Warriors, Archers and Mages. Mages come in 4 types: Fire, Ice, Shock and Poison. You can choose which one you want at the time of casting the spell.
Skeletons can be commanded to an extent, and given items which they'll drop on death.

[b]Differences, Gains and Losses from Ordinator:
No need to go to an altar, skeletons can be constructed anywhere in the world as long as you have peace of mind and the required bones.
There's 2 less types of skeleton mages in my mod: "Telekinetic" and "Damage Armor"
To make up for it, there's the new Archer skeletons, not present in Ordinator, they come with 75 arrows at summoning, and can be given more if they ran out. (They only ran out if you have the NPC ammo option in Skyrim ini)
Skeletons' inventory can be accessed by activation menu. However, you can only give them weapons and arrows. Everything you give them, should be dropped from them when they die.
I've improved the way friendly damage works, as much as i could. So you should be less worried about hitting your own skeletons and killing them by accident in battle. This also probably means less self-fighting in your ranks if you also have followers.
Some aspects that were controlled by perks in Ordinator, are now controlled by conjuration level (IE how many bones skeletons return when they die or how many you can summon) - Past conjuration 80 you should be maxed out on benefits.
One big loss is the extra things you could do with the skeletons in Ordinator, like burrowing them, or doing the fire ritual to increase their stats, or puppeteering one of them.




Simple as it gets. Use mod manager of choice.


Shouldnt have any problems with most stuff.
(I think) Ordinator itself is [i]not strictly[/i] incompatible, But it's redundant and messy, since both bods have the same feature and it would be duplicated. There's always the option of not choosing the ordinator perks and using this mod's insteadif you still want to use both for some reason.


[i]Me, Myst, obviously. I worked a lot on this.
EnaiSiaion is of course, the man, the myth, the legend, and the almighty creator of Ordinator, the mod from which this feature concept and most of the mechanics on this mod originate from. All credits for that, go to him[/i]


Q: How do I start the mod?
A: The bone harvester feature should be added immediatly, and automatically, to the player. Which means you can find bones as loot in humanoid NPCs and corpses, but the spell to use them needs to be learnt from the book, which should be available as random loot, or sold at conjuration merchants

Q: Can you do it again but how I want it?
A: No. I dont take requests unless they're something that interests me as well. Feel free to leave a suggestion, but If I dont really really want it, it's probably never going to happen. I make mods for me and my friends occasionally, to have the stuff I want, in my game. So if you like it, that's awesome, and I'm glad you do, but if you dont, well, that's so sad for you, it's a tough life.[/font][/center]
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