[center][b][size=3][color=#ffff00][/color][/size][/b][/center][center][b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][b][b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][b][color=#ffd966][b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][/b][/font][/b][/color][/b][/size][/font][/b][/b][/size][/font][/b][/b][/font][/b][/center][center][b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][b][b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][b][color=#ffd966][b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][/b][/font][/b][/color][/b][/size][/font][/b][/b][/size][/font][/b][/b][/font][/b][/center][center][b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][b][b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][b][color=#ffd966][b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][/b][/font][/b][/color][/b][/size][/font][/b][/b][/size][/font][/b][/b][/font][/b][/center][center][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][color=#ffd966][img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/70032-0-1500389629.png[/img][/color]
[size=4][b]SSE Version: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/23872]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/23872[/url]
[i]“[/i][/b][/size][/font][/font][/font][/font][b][size=4][i]The life of man is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short” – Thomas Hobbes.[/i][/size][/b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][size=3][color=#ea9999]The goal of Rogue-like Encounters is make the world of TES5: Skyrim more interesting and dangerous. This is done with new creatures, spells, combat, minor mentions of prior TES lore, cooking recipes for every food, and overall spice-of-life additions.[/color]
[font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][size=3][color=#ea9999]
[/color][/size][/b][/font][/b][/b][/font][/b][/b][/font][/b][/b][/font][/b][/font][/font][/font][/font][/size][/b][/font][/b][/b][/font][/b][/b][/font][/b][/b][/font][/b][/font][/font][/font][/font][b][size=3]----------------------[/size][/b][/center][center][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][color=#ea9999][size=5]ADDITIONAL Modules[/size][/color][/b]
- [color=#ea9999]combat[/color]: adds injury, first-aid, stagger, bleed, and armor degradation mechanics as well as unique on-hit rules for certain creatures; also removes load door blocking, water restrictions, and zone level restrictions from npcs.
[color=#f4cccc]- 1: combat styles only:[/color] for vanilla purists
[b][color=#f4cccc]- 5:full version:[/color] all features but 1st-aid additions craftable via the "Spellcraft&First-aid" menu
[color=#f4cccc]- 5:mo-friendly: [/color]all features but 1st-aid additions are craftable at the tanning rack and cooking pot
- [color=#ea9999]morereagants[/color]: changes to vanilla leveled lists to drop more ingredients[/b][/size][b][b][size=3][b][b]
[b][b][size=3][b][b]- [color=#ea9999]dragon combat[/color]: overhauls all dragon combat in skyrim with special spells, behaviors, and multiple shouts[/b][/b][/size][/b][/b][/b][/b][/size][/b][size=3][b][size=3]
[b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][size=3]- [/size][color=#ea9999][size=3]more monstrous bosses (mmb):[/size][/color][color=#ea9999] [/color]reduces spawn chance for vanilla warlock, dwemer, forsworn, and draugr bosses from greater than or equal to 50% to less than or equal to 33%[/size][/font][/font][/font][/font][/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/font][/font][/font][/font]
[/b][/size][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][color=#ea9999][size=5]CORE Modules[/size][/color][/b]
[b][size=3]- [/size][color=#ea9999][size=3]full:[/size] [/color][size=3]full cast of new monsters + spells + more food and gear recipes[/size][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3]
[size=3]- [/size][color=#ea9999][size=3]monsters only(mo):[/size] [/color][size=3]no new player spells/gear/recipes
[/size][/size][/font][/font][/font][/font][/b][/font][/font][/font][/font][b][size=3]- [/size][color=#ea9999][size=3]lore:[/size] [/color][size=3]limited cast of monsters relative to the game and era + spells + more food and gear recipes[/size][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3]
[size=3]- [/size][color=#ea9999][size=3]lore (mo):[/size] [/color][size=3]no new player spells/gear/recipes
[/size][/size][/font][/font][/font][/font][/b] [/spoiler]
[b][color=#b6d7a8][size=5][u]CORE MODULE COMBAT FEATURES:[/u]
(Optional combat module variant)
[color=#e06666]Injected into every spell and physical attack in the game is a balanced injury and matching first-aid system, punishing the player and any ai or follower with residual damaged stats, and rewarding players for taking the time between battles to treat themselves to healing arts and rest.[/color]
- INJURY SYSTEM(damage types & ratings)
[color=#a4c2f4]+ physical damage [/color][color=#ea9999](flesh-hp/sta, nerve-mag/sta, bone-move/swing speed)[/color]
[color=#a4c2f4]+ air magic[/color][color=#ea9999] (physical)[/color]
[color=#a4c2f4]+ earth magic[/color][color=#ea9999] (physical)[/color]
[color=#a4c2f4]+ fire burns[/color][color=#ea9999] (1st-resist fire/mag-regen, 2nd-resist magic/sta-regen, 3rd-hp/sta)[/color]
[color=#a4c2f4]+ frostbite [/color][color=#ea9999](1st-resist frost/mag-regen, 2nd-move/swing speed, 3rd-hp/sta)[/color]
[color=#a4c2f4]+ electric/ionization [/color][color=#ea9999](1st-weap-speed/shock resist, 2nd-move-speed/magic-resist, 3rd-attack-dmg/magic-regen)[/color]
[color=#a4c2f4]+ psionic[/color][color=#ea9999] (ionization sickness)[/color]
[color=#a4c2f4]+ poison/envenomation [/color][color=#ea9999](1st-hp-regen/sta-regen, 2nd-mag-regen/resist/disease, 3rd-speed/weap-speed )[/color]
[color=#a4c2f4]+ water/drenching [/color][color=#ea9999](carry weight/movement speed)[/color]
[color=#a4c2f4]+ acid corrosion [/color][color=#ea9999](1st-armor/block, 2nd-1h/2h)[/color]
[color=#a4c2f4]+ blood/exsanguination sickness [/color][color=#ea9999](1st-hp/hp-regen, 2nd sta/sta-regen)[/color]
- FIRST AID (recipe)
all craftable from the 'Spellcraft & First-Aid' power menu
[color=#b6d7a8]+ cloth samples [/color][color=#a4c2f4](harvestable from any unenchanted vanilla armor)[/color]
[color=#b6d7a8]+ bandage [/color][color=#a4c2f4](1x cloth sample) - supresses physical injury[/color]
[color=#b6d7a8]+ regenerative bandage [/color][color=#a4c2f4](1x cloth sample + 1x regenerative reagant + 1x salve oil) - suppresses frostbite/burns[/color]
[color=#b6d7a8]+ ethanol wash [/color][color=#a4c2f4](any spirits) - supresses corrosion[/color]
[color=#b6d7a8]+ salve oil [/color][color=#a4c2f4](any beneficial plant, butter, or troll fat) - suppresses corrosion[/color]
[color=#b6d7a8]+ fire salt salve [/color][color=#a4c2f4](salve oil + fire salts) - suppresses frostbite[/color]
[color=#b6d7a8]+ ice salt salve [/color][color=#a4c2f4](salve oil + frost salts) - suppresses burn injuries[/color]
[color=#b6d7a8]+ towel [/color][color=#a4c2f4](2x cloth sample) - suppresses drenching[/color]
[color=#b6d7a8]+ 5 empty bottles [/color][color=#a4c2f4](one glass ingot)[/color]
[color=#b6d7a8]+ red mountain tea [/color][color=#a4c2f4](red mountain flower + empty bottle) - soothes exsanguination sickness)[/color]
[color=#b6d7a8]+ blue mountain tea [/color][color=#a4c2f4](blue moutain flower + empty bottle) - soothes ionization sickness)[/color]
[color=#b6d7a8]+ purple mountain tea [/color][color=#a4c2f4](purple mountain flower + empty bottle) - soothes first degree physical injuries[/color]
[color=#b6d7a8]+ Antivenom [/color][color=#a4c2f4](any venom + hp potion) - suppresses envenomation[/color]
[b][b][u][size=4]THE BLOOD HARVEST[/size]
[size=3](core non-MO modules)
[/u][/b][/b][b][color=#ea9999]As of RLE 2.2, all living creatures drop blood, hearts, spinal fluid, and flesh. Consumed by mortals, they do nothing, but when consumed by the cursed(vampires and werewolves), they restore health, stamina, and magicka.[/color]
[color=#ea9999]Likewise, the cursed are now unable to recieve any benefits from non-meat based food as well as stamina, health, and magicka potions.[/color]
[b][b][u][size=4]ARCANE KNOWLEDGE
[/size][/u][/b][b][u][size=4](core module)[/size]
[/u][/b][color=#ea9999]As of RLE 1.8, amongst the Dwemer, you will find some boss creatures that are left-over creations of the Numidium itself. These creatures drop a variety of clockwork weaponry that rival daedric weaponry in power. They also drop knowledge cubes which add to gameplay:
[/color][color=#f4cccc]Cube of Embers:
[/color][color=#a4c2f4]allows the player to turn skulls of daedric wardens into Skulls of Unresting Souls, single use items that can resurrect one creature level 40 or under for one hour. Combining a SUS with a filled black soulgem, doubles its level of effect.
Holding the cube of embers also increases the effect of your necromantic spells.
[color=#f4cccc]Cube of Arrow Infusion
[/color][b][color=#a4c2f4]allows the player to infuse dwarven arrows or bolts into dire magic arrows/bolts
[color=#f4cccc]Cube of Scroll Infusion[/color]
[b][color=#ea9999]allows the player to greatly simplify scroll-creation by nullifying the need for enchanted ink, but an ink vial must remain in inventory for the symbolic bond [/color]
[b][size=4][u]ROGUE WIZARDRY[/u]
[/size][/b][b][u][size=4](core non-MO modules)[/size][/u]
[color=#ea9999]As of RLE 1.8, this mod features spell-craft for both players and NPCs, based on study and preparation, not memorization and channeling. The main prerequisite is magical tomes or scrolls as well as writing charcoal or enchanted ink.
[/color][color=#f4cccc]With this system, one need only collect the books for the appropriate spells and use them to craft batches of scrolls using the new power [/color][color=#ffd966]"SPELLCRAFT & FIRST-AID"[/color][color=#f4cccc]:
[/color][color=#d9ead3]Blank paper + enchanted ink(with Tome X in inventory) = Scroll of Tome X
[b][size=3][color=#d9ead3]Blank paper + enchanted ink(with Scroll X in inventory) = Copy of Scroll X
[/color][/size][/b][/color][color=#ea9999]Blank paper + writing charcoal(with Tome X relevent to the writing charcoal) = Scroll of Tome X[/color]
[color=#ea9999]Blank Paper + writing charcoal(with Scroll X relevent to the writing charcoal) = Copy of Scroll X[/color]
[color=#d9ead3]Blank paper(with Tome X, the Cube of Scroll-crafting, and a vial of ink in inventory) = Scroll of Tome X
[b][size=3][color=#d9ead3]Blank paper(with Scroll X, the Cube of Scroll-crafting, and a vial of ink in inventory) = Copy of Scroll X[/color][/size][/b]
Ink vial + filled soul gem = # of enchanted ink vials
Charcoal + ingredient combination = # of specific writer's charcoal blocks(fiery, icey, static, etc.)
Log of Firewood = 15 sheets of paper (or) 4 blocks of charcoal
Charcoal/BlueMountainFlower + Glass Ingot = 3 vials of ink[/color]
[color=#f4cccc]As illustrated, you are copying tome X to scroll X without exhausting it or memorizing it. Also illustrated, the Cube of Scroll-crafting greatly simplifies the process, but it is dropped by a rare dwemer boss called "The Soul-Warden of Numidium."[/color][color=#d9ead3]
[/color][color=#ea9999]Paper, ink, enchanted ink, and scrolls will spawn on npc mages as of 1.8. The can also be bought on vendors. [/color]
[b][u][size=4]TRUE ARMOR
(core module)[/size]
[/u][/b][b][size=3][b][size=3][color=#ea9999]All creatures have armor/magic-resistence values added to their basic mesh relative to their mass and skin/fur thickness. [/color][/size][/b][/size][/b]
[u][b][size=4]CRITICAL HITS
(core module)[/size][/b][/u]
[color=#ea9999][b]Most non-humans now have a 1 in 10 chance to do critical damage with melee or ranged attacks.[/b]
(core module)[/size][/b][/u]
[b][color=#ea9999]Most humanoid enemies will frequently be pretty decent at positioning themselves in a fight and have these custom perks to mirror that.[/color]
(core module)[/size][/b][/u]
[color=#ea9999][b]Most creatures in the world, but very rarely humanoids, attack in arcs, hitting everything in those arcs. These were added to punish players who always group their party close together when fighting something large and tough. If a giant can hit everyone, for instance, with a single swing, it will. the same goes for most other creatures. [/b][/color][/b][/b][/b][/b]
[b][size=3] [/spoiler][/size][/b]
[b][u][color=#b6d7a8][size=5]DRAGON COMBAT MODULE FEATURES:[/size][/color]
[size=3][color=#ea9999]Dragons now have conjuration magic, disarming power words to combat weapon users, necromancy, and more breath weapons in the dlc areas. Common dragon-like creatures also have a large assortment of abilities.[/color]
[color=#f4cccc]Breath weapon assignments
[color=#ea9999]Frost dragons(dlc content):
[/color][color=#a4c2f4]water blasts, bloodstealing, and magic burning[/color]
[color=#ea9999]Fire dragons(dlc content):[/color][color=#a4c2f4]
lightning, ash, and acidic breath[/color]
[color=#ea9999] Tundra drakes:
[/color][color=#a4c2f4]last wind perk, roars, whirlwind creation, water breathing, and acid spitting attacks[/color]
[/color][color=#a4c2f4]last wind perk, whirlwind creation, roaring and ice storms for the snowy griffon[/color]
[color=#ea9999] Tundra chimera:
[/color][color=#a4c2f4]last wind perk, lightning, firebolts, ice volleys, roars, and water volleys[/color]
[color=#ea9999]Chaurus queens:
[/color][color=#a4c2f4]acid, water volleys, and the last wind perk[/color]
[color=#f4cccc]The 'Last Wind' perk gives the npc a chance to heal 50% of their health when close to death if they aren't staggered or busy casting/attacking[/color]
[b][size=3][color=#f4cccc]Raid adds[/color]
[color=#ea9999]Dragons now have mmo-style adds which spawn mid-fight. Regular dragons get two or more dragonlings at 50% health. Alduin gets dragonlings at 50% and 2 or more Blackguards of Akatosh(black daedroths wielding daedric greatswords) at 25%[/color][/size][/b][/size][/b]
[b][color=#b6d7a8][size=5][u]COMBAT MODULE COMBAT FEATURES:
(combat modules)[/b][/u]
[color=#ea9999][b]All power attacks, bashes, and unique attacks debuff armor and cause internal bleeding. These balance combat by rewarding parries and bashes as well as clean power/unique attacks and punishing the reciever. These effects are also distributed by cleave and amplified by critical hits.
As of RLE 2.35, all armor degradation and bleed is scaled and controlled by the attacker's health and stamina pool. The more stamina/health the attacker has during a power attack or bash, the more intense and the longer bleeding/degradation lasts. This makes all combat scale evenly into late game, is scriptless and completely balanced to work with any other combat mod[/b]
[b] [/b]
[/size][b][size=3](combat modules)[/size][/b][/u]
[size=3][b][color=#ea9999]As of [/color][color=#f4cccc]eqRLE 1.5[/color][/b][b][color=#ea9999], the entire world now has a script-less, engine-based stagger system applied to melee combat, based on the gargoyle's vanilla combat effects. For the player, taking a heavy or unique attack causes screen-shake and drunken movement. This effect stacks, and while freedom is maintained, accuracy becomes very difficult. NPC's merely go through their own stagger animations.[/color]
[/size][b][size=3](combat modules)[/size][/b][/u]
[size=3][b][color=#ea9999]As of [/color][color=#f4cccc]eqRLE 2.37, [/color][color=#ea9999]an single, player-only autoparry script will be added to the combat module to make simultaneous attacks between attackers collide, canceling both attacks. Bows also have a chance to block an attack when drawing or holding an arrow at the ready
[size=3][color=#f4cccc][b]ALTERATION BUFFS (5 min. each)[/b]
Elemental Guard (resist fire/frost/cold) | Ether-hand (enchanting)
Brewer-brain (alchemy) | Battle-blood (1-handed, 2-handed, and block)
Spell-guard | Poison-guard | Regenerator (hp/magicka/sta regen)
Silver-Tongue(barter) | Burden-bearer(increases carry weight)
[color=#f4cccc][b]PARTY SPELLS - 100 magicka each[/b]
[/color]Heal Allies(60hp/5sec.)
Invigorate Allies(60stamina/5sec.)
Affinity for Flight (+90% speed/90sec..)
Storm of Swords (+10% melee dps/2min.)
Rain of Arrows (+10% ranged
Bricks of the Legion (40armor/2min.)
Blood drain | Blood bolt | Blood Blast
Blood wave | Blood rune | Blood cloak
Wind wave | Flame wave | Frost Wave
Doom | Disarm
Water Rapids | Waterball | Water Rune
Water Geyser | Water Cloak | Water Torrent
Water Wall | Tidal Wave
Gravel | Rock Cloak | Rock Blast
Earth Rune | Boulder | Wall of Earth
Gust | Zephyr | Wind Rune
Whirlwind Cloak | Tornado | Wall of Wind
Tempest | Cyclone
Magic Missile
Magicka Eater | Leech | Clay Atronach | Obsidian Atronach
Grimhound | Draugr Graveguard | Forest Atronach | Frost Lurker
Frost Creeper | Sentinel of Sanguine | Flame Lurker | War Hound
Flame Creeper | Daedroth Pit-Fiend
[color=#f4cccc][b]SUMMONABLE MOUNTS
Chaurus Crawler | Chaurus Hunter | Spider | Snowy Spider
Young Mammoth | Scrib | Vale Deer | Vale Sabre Cat
Moose (male and female) | White Stag | Fox(Red and Snowy)
Wolf(brown, snowy, and red) | Elk (Male andFemale)
Skeever(Brown and Grey) | SpectralStag | Beaver | Raccoon
Gazelle(naked and armored) | CaveLion | Cougar
Lynx(Plains and Forest) | Boar | Bear(Black andPolar)
Vampiric Hound | Armored Husky | Sheephound[/size]
[b][font=Tahoma][size=3][color=#b6d7a8]If this mod puts strain on your game, specifically the injury module, place these edits in your [papyrus] area in skyrim.ini:
and iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=8388608[/color][/size][/font][/b]
[size=3][b][color=#ea9999]ArwingXL/Afro[/color] - mod organization, mount rigging, esp writing, logic scripting, texturing, texture fixing, bug-fixing/testing
[color=#ea9999]Grimy[/color] - unleveled enemies patch
[color=#ea9999]Musashiden[/color] - revision of the unleveled patch that effects all new enemies added by mods
[color=#ea9999]viltuska[/color] - the Gehenoth mesh/textures/esp base
[color=#ea9999]muppetpuppet[/color] - the original sload mesh
[color=#ea9999]coda [/color]- tundra chimera mesh
[b][color=#ea9999]rireki [/color]- new dwemer boss creature and weapon meshes[/b]
[color=#ea9999]Skywind Team[/color] - cyrodil goblin meshes
[color=#ea9999]MrCasual[/color] - the skaven resources
[color=#ea9999]Erkeil& t3ndo[/color] - combat profiles
[b][b][b][b][color=#ea9999]proksi [/color]- coding reference for building a clean parrying script [/b][/b][/b][/b]
[color=#e06666]summerdew[/color] - Yurei resource(unholy remnant)
[color=#ea9999]abbalovesyou[/color] - resources for advanced spriggans, troll-men, and other such humanoids
[color=#ea9999]tonycubed2[/color] - load door, water behavior, and the [b]Skyrim Remastered conversion[/b]
[color=#ea9999]junin/zerofrost[/color] - griffin meshes and textures
[color=#e06666]Mihailmods[/color] - grave lord, sload high-blood, blind cave drake, wraiths, furnace centurion, wild bats, gladiator of mephala, rock spider, seeker of mephala, myriad will of sithis, sentinel of jygallag, cyclopian troll, spriggan rectifier, goblin witch, ogres, falmer hound, flesh sculptor of mephala, woodlord, watcher of mora, [b][b][b]Scamps, Seducers of Sanguine, mounted draugr, emus, moas, young dreugh, [/b][/b][/b]and harvester meshes
[color=#ea9999]dogtown1 &ironman5000[/color] - varied creature resources
[color=#ea9999]m150[/color] - bug people creature resources used for Dreugh
[b][color=#ea9999]walkingmassofcomplexes[/color] - prey-lord of hircine, seeker incubator, dragon welp, wraith of the north meshes[/b]
[color=#ea9999]candit & allzero[/color] - blood magic
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/5614524][color=#ea9999]TheGreyLight[/color][/url] - alternate summoning visuals
[color=#ea9999]Gendundrup,and vicn[/color] - creature resources
[color=#ea9999]jackga[/color] - psionic atronach, spider daedra, sentinel of sithis, pig troll, clay atronach, queen-regent of sheogorath, shivering rook, shivering tree-knight, shivering bishop
[color=#ea9999]StudioCD Projekt RED[/color] - witcher creature resources
[b][color=#ea9999]Urwy[/color] - morian surgical blade, sundering maul meshes
[b][color=#ea9999]minermanb[/color] - ogrim mesh
[color=#ea9999]diegoforfun[/color] - [b][b][b]Stunted Imp and unholy vessel meshes[/b][/b][/b]
[b][b][b] [color=#e06666]gg77[/color] - [/b][/b][/b]Unresting Remnant meshes
[color=#ea9999]reaperix[/color] - water, earth, and air magic spell resources
[b][b][b][color=#ea9999]berkian[/color] - dicynodon, macrauchenia, and tapir meshes/textures
[b][b][b][b][b][b][color=#ea9999]crushboss[/color] - insight into game-settings and how they affect AI
[b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][color=#ea9999]residents of skyrim[/color] - armored soul-stealer, young hagraven, shivering pawn[/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b]
[/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][color=#e06666]jzbai[/color] - the lovely scroll-crafting menu setup
[color=#93c47d]Deep Silver/Pihrana Bites[/color] - inspiration for the injury/first-aid system
[url=https://www.deviantart.com/jjpeabody/art/Solo-Adventure-779204581]jjpeabody[/url] - cover art
[color=#ffd966][b]WARNING: Do not attempt to convert this mod. Legendary and Special Edition RLE are two completely separate development branches due to unresolved conversion issues. SSE has different content in general and has to be worked on separately.[/b][/color]
[b]A) Download the DATA and ESP files archives[/b]
[b]B) If you use a mod manager, install the DATA with that, and install the ESP Files -MANUALLY-[/b]
[b]C) If you are running this and vanilla, THIS IS ALL YOU NEED TO DO. If you run any other creature mods, go to[/b]
[b]D) Create a BASHED PATCH and possibly a MERGED PATCH, making sure to correct any issues undone by the unofficial patches. This mod edits many leveled lists, creature forms, race forms, and other important parts of vanilla. [/b][/size][/center][size=3][b][color=#ea9999]
[/color][/b][/size][b][color=#6fa8dc][center][u]A NOTE ON COMPATIBILITY PASTED FROM THE FORUM THREAD:[/u][/center][/color][/b][center][b][spoiler]
To summarize:
RLE HEAVILY edits leveled lists. If you have to ask, yes Enairim mods work. so does sperg, skyre, and other perk/gameplay overhauls. Requiem, however, is its own issue and a fence I don't plan on hopping. Combat mods work because the mod's combat modules are entirely optional and are just patch-overs of vanilla combat to make it more punishing for sloppy fighting.
Magic mods work so long as you make a merged or bashed patch. RLE just adds its own spells, as well as attack magic in the blood, earth, water, and air category. I would suggest mods that add less attack/conjuration magic and more from the other categories. (apocalypse, forgotten magic, lost grimoire, midas maybe?)
Brewing/alchemy mods are more or less fully compatible. The mod adds recipes, ingredients, and adds uses for common ingredients to create enchanted dye and charcoal.
Basically, if you open your load order up in tes5edit/xedit, you'll see what is and isn't an issue. just look for red forms and/or yellow forms in the merged patch generated.
[size=4][b]SSE Version: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/23872]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/23872[/url]
[i]“[/i][/b][/size][/font][/font][/font][/font][b][size=4][i]The life of man is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short” – Thomas Hobbes.[/i][/size][/b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][size=3][color=#ea9999]The goal of Rogue-like Encounters is make the world of TES5: Skyrim more interesting and dangerous. This is done with new creatures, spells, combat, minor mentions of prior TES lore, cooking recipes for every food, and overall spice-of-life additions.[/color]
[font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][size=3][color=#ea9999]
[/color][/size][/b][/font][/b][/b][/font][/b][/b][/font][/b][/b][/font][/b][/font][/font][/font][/font][/size][/b][/font][/b][/b][/font][/b][/b][/font][/b][/b][/font][/b][/font][/font][/font][/font][b][size=3]----------------------[/size][/b][/center][center][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][color=#ea9999][size=5]ADDITIONAL Modules[/size][/color][/b]
- [color=#ea9999]combat[/color]: adds injury, first-aid, stagger, bleed, and armor degradation mechanics as well as unique on-hit rules for certain creatures; also removes load door blocking, water restrictions, and zone level restrictions from npcs.
[color=#f4cccc]- 1: combat styles only:[/color] for vanilla purists
[b][color=#f4cccc]- 5:full version:[/color] all features but 1st-aid additions craftable via the "Spellcraft&First-aid" menu
[color=#f4cccc]- 5:mo-friendly: [/color]all features but 1st-aid additions are craftable at the tanning rack and cooking pot
- [color=#ea9999]morereagants[/color]: changes to vanilla leveled lists to drop more ingredients[/b][/size][b][b][size=3][b][b]
[b][b][size=3][b][b]- [color=#ea9999]dragon combat[/color]: overhauls all dragon combat in skyrim with special spells, behaviors, and multiple shouts[/b][/b][/size][/b][/b][/b][/b][/size][/b][size=3][b][size=3]
[b][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][size=3]- [/size][color=#ea9999][size=3]more monstrous bosses (mmb):[/size][/color][color=#ea9999] [/color]reduces spawn chance for vanilla warlock, dwemer, forsworn, and draugr bosses from greater than or equal to 50% to less than or equal to 33%[/size][/font][/font][/font][/font][/b][/size][/b][/size][/b][/font][/font][/font][/font]
[/b][/size][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][color=#ea9999][size=5]CORE Modules[/size][/color][/b]
[b][size=3]- [/size][color=#ea9999][size=3]full:[/size] [/color][size=3]full cast of new monsters + spells + more food and gear recipes[/size][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3]
[size=3]- [/size][color=#ea9999][size=3]monsters only(mo):[/size] [/color][size=3]no new player spells/gear/recipes
[/size][/size][/font][/font][/font][/font][/b][/font][/font][/font][/font][b][size=3]- [/size][color=#ea9999][size=3]lore:[/size] [/color][size=3]limited cast of monsters relative to the game and era + spells + more food and gear recipes[/size][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3]
[size=3]- [/size][color=#ea9999][size=3]lore (mo):[/size] [/color][size=3]no new player spells/gear/recipes
[/size][/size][/font][/font][/font][/font][/b] [/spoiler]
[b][color=#b6d7a8][size=5][u]CORE MODULE COMBAT FEATURES:[/u]
(Optional combat module variant)
[color=#e06666]Injected into every spell and physical attack in the game is a balanced injury and matching first-aid system, punishing the player and any ai or follower with residual damaged stats, and rewarding players for taking the time between battles to treat themselves to healing arts and rest.[/color]
- INJURY SYSTEM(damage types & ratings)
[color=#a4c2f4]+ physical damage [/color][color=#ea9999](flesh-hp/sta, nerve-mag/sta, bone-move/swing speed)[/color]
[color=#a4c2f4]+ air magic[/color][color=#ea9999] (physical)[/color]
[color=#a4c2f4]+ earth magic[/color][color=#ea9999] (physical)[/color]
[color=#a4c2f4]+ fire burns[/color][color=#ea9999] (1st-resist fire/mag-regen, 2nd-resist magic/sta-regen, 3rd-hp/sta)[/color]
[color=#a4c2f4]+ frostbite [/color][color=#ea9999](1st-resist frost/mag-regen, 2nd-move/swing speed, 3rd-hp/sta)[/color]
[color=#a4c2f4]+ electric/ionization [/color][color=#ea9999](1st-weap-speed/shock resist, 2nd-move-speed/magic-resist, 3rd-attack-dmg/magic-regen)[/color]
[color=#a4c2f4]+ psionic[/color][color=#ea9999] (ionization sickness)[/color]
[color=#a4c2f4]+ poison/envenomation [/color][color=#ea9999](1st-hp-regen/sta-regen, 2nd-mag-regen/resist/disease, 3rd-speed/weap-speed )[/color]
[color=#a4c2f4]+ water/drenching [/color][color=#ea9999](carry weight/movement speed)[/color]
[color=#a4c2f4]+ acid corrosion [/color][color=#ea9999](1st-armor/block, 2nd-1h/2h)[/color]
[color=#a4c2f4]+ blood/exsanguination sickness [/color][color=#ea9999](1st-hp/hp-regen, 2nd sta/sta-regen)[/color]
- FIRST AID (recipe)
all craftable from the 'Spellcraft & First-Aid' power menu
[color=#b6d7a8]+ cloth samples [/color][color=#a4c2f4](harvestable from any unenchanted vanilla armor)[/color]
[color=#b6d7a8]+ bandage [/color][color=#a4c2f4](1x cloth sample) - supresses physical injury[/color]
[color=#b6d7a8]+ regenerative bandage [/color][color=#a4c2f4](1x cloth sample + 1x regenerative reagant + 1x salve oil) - suppresses frostbite/burns[/color]
[color=#b6d7a8]+ ethanol wash [/color][color=#a4c2f4](any spirits) - supresses corrosion[/color]
[color=#b6d7a8]+ salve oil [/color][color=#a4c2f4](any beneficial plant, butter, or troll fat) - suppresses corrosion[/color]
[color=#b6d7a8]+ fire salt salve [/color][color=#a4c2f4](salve oil + fire salts) - suppresses frostbite[/color]
[color=#b6d7a8]+ ice salt salve [/color][color=#a4c2f4](salve oil + frost salts) - suppresses burn injuries[/color]
[color=#b6d7a8]+ towel [/color][color=#a4c2f4](2x cloth sample) - suppresses drenching[/color]
[color=#b6d7a8]+ 5 empty bottles [/color][color=#a4c2f4](one glass ingot)[/color]
[color=#b6d7a8]+ red mountain tea [/color][color=#a4c2f4](red mountain flower + empty bottle) - soothes exsanguination sickness)[/color]
[color=#b6d7a8]+ blue mountain tea [/color][color=#a4c2f4](blue moutain flower + empty bottle) - soothes ionization sickness)[/color]
[color=#b6d7a8]+ purple mountain tea [/color][color=#a4c2f4](purple mountain flower + empty bottle) - soothes first degree physical injuries[/color]
[color=#b6d7a8]+ Antivenom [/color][color=#a4c2f4](any venom + hp potion) - suppresses envenomation[/color]
[b][b][u][size=4]THE BLOOD HARVEST[/size]
[size=3](core non-MO modules)
[/u][/b][/b][b][color=#ea9999]As of RLE 2.2, all living creatures drop blood, hearts, spinal fluid, and flesh. Consumed by mortals, they do nothing, but when consumed by the cursed(vampires and werewolves), they restore health, stamina, and magicka.[/color]
[color=#ea9999]Likewise, the cursed are now unable to recieve any benefits from non-meat based food as well as stamina, health, and magicka potions.[/color]
[b][b][u][size=4]ARCANE KNOWLEDGE
[/size][/u][/b][b][u][size=4](core module)[/size]
[/u][/b][color=#ea9999]As of RLE 1.8, amongst the Dwemer, you will find some boss creatures that are left-over creations of the Numidium itself. These creatures drop a variety of clockwork weaponry that rival daedric weaponry in power. They also drop knowledge cubes which add to gameplay:
[/color][color=#f4cccc]Cube of Embers:
[/color][color=#a4c2f4]allows the player to turn skulls of daedric wardens into Skulls of Unresting Souls, single use items that can resurrect one creature level 40 or under for one hour. Combining a SUS with a filled black soulgem, doubles its level of effect.
Holding the cube of embers also increases the effect of your necromantic spells.
[color=#f4cccc]Cube of Arrow Infusion
[/color][b][color=#a4c2f4]allows the player to infuse dwarven arrows or bolts into dire magic arrows/bolts
[color=#f4cccc]Cube of Scroll Infusion[/color]
[b][color=#ea9999]allows the player to greatly simplify scroll-creation by nullifying the need for enchanted ink, but an ink vial must remain in inventory for the symbolic bond [/color]
[b][size=4][u]ROGUE WIZARDRY[/u]
[/size][/b][b][u][size=4](core non-MO modules)[/size][/u]
[color=#ea9999]As of RLE 1.8, this mod features spell-craft for both players and NPCs, based on study and preparation, not memorization and channeling. The main prerequisite is magical tomes or scrolls as well as writing charcoal or enchanted ink.
[/color][color=#f4cccc]With this system, one need only collect the books for the appropriate spells and use them to craft batches of scrolls using the new power [/color][color=#ffd966]"SPELLCRAFT & FIRST-AID"[/color][color=#f4cccc]:
[/color][color=#d9ead3]Blank paper + enchanted ink(with Tome X in inventory) = Scroll of Tome X
[b][size=3][color=#d9ead3]Blank paper + enchanted ink(with Scroll X in inventory) = Copy of Scroll X
[/color][/size][/b][/color][color=#ea9999]Blank paper + writing charcoal(with Tome X relevent to the writing charcoal) = Scroll of Tome X[/color]
[color=#ea9999]Blank Paper + writing charcoal(with Scroll X relevent to the writing charcoal) = Copy of Scroll X[/color]
[color=#d9ead3]Blank paper(with Tome X, the Cube of Scroll-crafting, and a vial of ink in inventory) = Scroll of Tome X
[b][size=3][color=#d9ead3]Blank paper(with Scroll X, the Cube of Scroll-crafting, and a vial of ink in inventory) = Copy of Scroll X[/color][/size][/b]
Ink vial + filled soul gem = # of enchanted ink vials
Charcoal + ingredient combination = # of specific writer's charcoal blocks(fiery, icey, static, etc.)
Log of Firewood = 15 sheets of paper (or) 4 blocks of charcoal
Charcoal/BlueMountainFlower + Glass Ingot = 3 vials of ink[/color]
[color=#f4cccc]As illustrated, you are copying tome X to scroll X without exhausting it or memorizing it. Also illustrated, the Cube of Scroll-crafting greatly simplifies the process, but it is dropped by a rare dwemer boss called "The Soul-Warden of Numidium."[/color][color=#d9ead3]
[/color][color=#ea9999]Paper, ink, enchanted ink, and scrolls will spawn on npc mages as of 1.8. The can also be bought on vendors. [/color]
[b][u][size=4]TRUE ARMOR
(core module)[/size]
[/u][/b][b][size=3][b][size=3][color=#ea9999]All creatures have armor/magic-resistence values added to their basic mesh relative to their mass and skin/fur thickness. [/color][/size][/b][/size][/b]
[u][b][size=4]CRITICAL HITS
(core module)[/size][/b][/u]
[color=#ea9999][b]Most non-humans now have a 1 in 10 chance to do critical damage with melee or ranged attacks.[/b]
(core module)[/size][/b][/u]
[b][color=#ea9999]Most humanoid enemies will frequently be pretty decent at positioning themselves in a fight and have these custom perks to mirror that.[/color]
(core module)[/size][/b][/u]
[color=#ea9999][b]Most creatures in the world, but very rarely humanoids, attack in arcs, hitting everything in those arcs. These were added to punish players who always group their party close together when fighting something large and tough. If a giant can hit everyone, for instance, with a single swing, it will. the same goes for most other creatures. [/b][/color][/b][/b][/b][/b]
[b][size=3] [/spoiler][/size][/b]
[b][u][color=#b6d7a8][size=5]DRAGON COMBAT MODULE FEATURES:[/size][/color]
[size=3][color=#ea9999]Dragons now have conjuration magic, disarming power words to combat weapon users, necromancy, and more breath weapons in the dlc areas. Common dragon-like creatures also have a large assortment of abilities.[/color]
[color=#f4cccc]Breath weapon assignments
[color=#ea9999]Frost dragons(dlc content):
[/color][color=#a4c2f4]water blasts, bloodstealing, and magic burning[/color]
[color=#ea9999]Fire dragons(dlc content):[/color][color=#a4c2f4]
lightning, ash, and acidic breath[/color]
[color=#ea9999] Tundra drakes:
[/color][color=#a4c2f4]last wind perk, roars, whirlwind creation, water breathing, and acid spitting attacks[/color]
[/color][color=#a4c2f4]last wind perk, whirlwind creation, roaring and ice storms for the snowy griffon[/color]
[color=#ea9999] Tundra chimera:
[/color][color=#a4c2f4]last wind perk, lightning, firebolts, ice volleys, roars, and water volleys[/color]
[color=#ea9999]Chaurus queens:
[/color][color=#a4c2f4]acid, water volleys, and the last wind perk[/color]
[color=#f4cccc]The 'Last Wind' perk gives the npc a chance to heal 50% of their health when close to death if they aren't staggered or busy casting/attacking[/color]
[b][size=3][color=#f4cccc]Raid adds[/color]
[color=#ea9999]Dragons now have mmo-style adds which spawn mid-fight. Regular dragons get two or more dragonlings at 50% health. Alduin gets dragonlings at 50% and 2 or more Blackguards of Akatosh(black daedroths wielding daedric greatswords) at 25%[/color][/size][/b][/size][/b]
[b][color=#b6d7a8][size=5][u]COMBAT MODULE COMBAT FEATURES:
(combat modules)[/b][/u]
[color=#ea9999][b]All power attacks, bashes, and unique attacks debuff armor and cause internal bleeding. These balance combat by rewarding parries and bashes as well as clean power/unique attacks and punishing the reciever. These effects are also distributed by cleave and amplified by critical hits.
As of RLE 2.35, all armor degradation and bleed is scaled and controlled by the attacker's health and stamina pool. The more stamina/health the attacker has during a power attack or bash, the more intense and the longer bleeding/degradation lasts. This makes all combat scale evenly into late game, is scriptless and completely balanced to work with any other combat mod[/b]
[b] [/b]
[/size][b][size=3](combat modules)[/size][/b][/u]
[size=3][b][color=#ea9999]As of [/color][color=#f4cccc]eqRLE 1.5[/color][/b][b][color=#ea9999], the entire world now has a script-less, engine-based stagger system applied to melee combat, based on the gargoyle's vanilla combat effects. For the player, taking a heavy or unique attack causes screen-shake and drunken movement. This effect stacks, and while freedom is maintained, accuracy becomes very difficult. NPC's merely go through their own stagger animations.[/color]
[/size][b][size=3](combat modules)[/size][/b][/u]
[size=3][b][color=#ea9999]As of [/color][color=#f4cccc]eqRLE 2.37, [/color][color=#ea9999]an single, player-only autoparry script will be added to the combat module to make simultaneous attacks between attackers collide, canceling both attacks. Bows also have a chance to block an attack when drawing or holding an arrow at the ready
[size=3][color=#f4cccc][b]ALTERATION BUFFS (5 min. each)[/b]
Elemental Guard (resist fire/frost/cold) | Ether-hand (enchanting)
Brewer-brain (alchemy) | Battle-blood (1-handed, 2-handed, and block)
Spell-guard | Poison-guard | Regenerator (hp/magicka/sta regen)
Silver-Tongue(barter) | Burden-bearer(increases carry weight)
[color=#f4cccc][b]PARTY SPELLS - 100 magicka each[/b]
[/color]Heal Allies(60hp/5sec.)
Invigorate Allies(60stamina/5sec.)
Affinity for Flight (+90% speed/90sec..)
Storm of Swords (+10% melee dps/2min.)
Rain of Arrows (+10% ranged
Bricks of the Legion (40armor/2min.)
Blood drain | Blood bolt | Blood Blast
Blood wave | Blood rune | Blood cloak
Wind wave | Flame wave | Frost Wave
Doom | Disarm
Water Rapids | Waterball | Water Rune
Water Geyser | Water Cloak | Water Torrent
Water Wall | Tidal Wave
Gravel | Rock Cloak | Rock Blast
Earth Rune | Boulder | Wall of Earth
Gust | Zephyr | Wind Rune
Whirlwind Cloak | Tornado | Wall of Wind
Tempest | Cyclone
Magic Missile
Magicka Eater | Leech | Clay Atronach | Obsidian Atronach
Grimhound | Draugr Graveguard | Forest Atronach | Frost Lurker
Frost Creeper | Sentinel of Sanguine | Flame Lurker | War Hound
Flame Creeper | Daedroth Pit-Fiend
[color=#f4cccc][b]SUMMONABLE MOUNTS
Chaurus Crawler | Chaurus Hunter | Spider | Snowy Spider
Young Mammoth | Scrib | Vale Deer | Vale Sabre Cat
Moose (male and female) | White Stag | Fox(Red and Snowy)
Wolf(brown, snowy, and red) | Elk (Male andFemale)
Skeever(Brown and Grey) | SpectralStag | Beaver | Raccoon
Gazelle(naked and armored) | CaveLion | Cougar
Lynx(Plains and Forest) | Boar | Bear(Black andPolar)
Vampiric Hound | Armored Husky | Sheephound[/size]
[b][font=Tahoma][size=3][color=#b6d7a8]If this mod puts strain on your game, specifically the injury module, place these edits in your [papyrus] area in skyrim.ini:
and iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=8388608[/color][/size][/font][/b]
[size=3][b][color=#ea9999]ArwingXL/Afro[/color] - mod organization, mount rigging, esp writing, logic scripting, texturing, texture fixing, bug-fixing/testing
[color=#ea9999]Grimy[/color] - unleveled enemies patch
[color=#ea9999]Musashiden[/color] - revision of the unleveled patch that effects all new enemies added by mods
[color=#ea9999]viltuska[/color] - the Gehenoth mesh/textures/esp base
[color=#ea9999]muppetpuppet[/color] - the original sload mesh
[color=#ea9999]coda [/color]- tundra chimera mesh
[b][color=#ea9999]rireki [/color]- new dwemer boss creature and weapon meshes[/b]
[color=#ea9999]Skywind Team[/color] - cyrodil goblin meshes
[color=#ea9999]MrCasual[/color] - the skaven resources
[color=#ea9999]Erkeil& t3ndo[/color] - combat profiles
[b][b][b][b][color=#ea9999]proksi [/color]- coding reference for building a clean parrying script [/b][/b][/b][/b]
[color=#e06666]summerdew[/color] - Yurei resource(unholy remnant)
[color=#ea9999]abbalovesyou[/color] - resources for advanced spriggans, troll-men, and other such humanoids
[color=#ea9999]tonycubed2[/color] - load door, water behavior, and the [b]Skyrim Remastered conversion[/b]
[color=#ea9999]junin/zerofrost[/color] - griffin meshes and textures
[color=#e06666]Mihailmods[/color] - grave lord, sload high-blood, blind cave drake, wraiths, furnace centurion, wild bats, gladiator of mephala, rock spider, seeker of mephala, myriad will of sithis, sentinel of jygallag, cyclopian troll, spriggan rectifier, goblin witch, ogres, falmer hound, flesh sculptor of mephala, woodlord, watcher of mora, [b][b][b]Scamps, Seducers of Sanguine, mounted draugr, emus, moas, young dreugh, [/b][/b][/b]and harvester meshes
[color=#ea9999]dogtown1 &ironman5000[/color] - varied creature resources
[color=#ea9999]m150[/color] - bug people creature resources used for Dreugh
[b][color=#ea9999]walkingmassofcomplexes[/color] - prey-lord of hircine, seeker incubator, dragon welp, wraith of the north meshes[/b]
[color=#ea9999]candit & allzero[/color] - blood magic
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/5614524][color=#ea9999]TheGreyLight[/color][/url] - alternate summoning visuals
[color=#ea9999]Gendundrup,and vicn[/color] - creature resources
[color=#ea9999]jackga[/color] - psionic atronach, spider daedra, sentinel of sithis, pig troll, clay atronach, queen-regent of sheogorath, shivering rook, shivering tree-knight, shivering bishop
[color=#ea9999]StudioCD Projekt RED[/color] - witcher creature resources
[b][color=#ea9999]Urwy[/color] - morian surgical blade, sundering maul meshes
[b][color=#ea9999]minermanb[/color] - ogrim mesh
[color=#ea9999]diegoforfun[/color] - [b][b][b]Stunted Imp and unholy vessel meshes[/b][/b][/b]
[b][b][b] [color=#e06666]gg77[/color] - [/b][/b][/b]Unresting Remnant meshes
[color=#ea9999]reaperix[/color] - water, earth, and air magic spell resources
[b][b][b][color=#ea9999]berkian[/color] - dicynodon, macrauchenia, and tapir meshes/textures
[b][b][b][b][b][b][color=#ea9999]crushboss[/color] - insight into game-settings and how they affect AI
[b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][color=#ea9999]residents of skyrim[/color] - armored soul-stealer, young hagraven, shivering pawn[/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b]
[/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][color=#e06666]jzbai[/color] - the lovely scroll-crafting menu setup
[color=#93c47d]Deep Silver/Pihrana Bites[/color] - inspiration for the injury/first-aid system
[url=https://www.deviantart.com/jjpeabody/art/Solo-Adventure-779204581]jjpeabody[/url] - cover art
[color=#ffd966][b]WARNING: Do not attempt to convert this mod. Legendary and Special Edition RLE are two completely separate development branches due to unresolved conversion issues. SSE has different content in general and has to be worked on separately.[/b][/color]
[b]A) Download the DATA and ESP files archives[/b]
[b]B) If you use a mod manager, install the DATA with that, and install the ESP Files -MANUALLY-[/b]
[b]C) If you are running this and vanilla, THIS IS ALL YOU NEED TO DO. If you run any other creature mods, go to[/b]
[b]D) Create a BASHED PATCH and possibly a MERGED PATCH, making sure to correct any issues undone by the unofficial patches. This mod edits many leveled lists, creature forms, race forms, and other important parts of vanilla. [/b][/size][/center][size=3][b][color=#ea9999]
[/color][/b][/size][b][color=#6fa8dc][center][u]A NOTE ON COMPATIBILITY PASTED FROM THE FORUM THREAD:[/u][/center][/color][/b][center][b][spoiler]
To summarize:
RLE HEAVILY edits leveled lists. If you have to ask, yes Enairim mods work. so does sperg, skyre, and other perk/gameplay overhauls. Requiem, however, is its own issue and a fence I don't plan on hopping. Combat mods work because the mod's combat modules are entirely optional and are just patch-overs of vanilla combat to make it more punishing for sloppy fighting.
Magic mods work so long as you make a merged or bashed patch. RLE just adds its own spells, as well as attack magic in the blood, earth, water, and air category. I would suggest mods that add less attack/conjuration magic and more from the other categories. (apocalypse, forgotten magic, lost grimoire, midas maybe?)
Brewing/alchemy mods are more or less fully compatible. The mod adds recipes, ingredients, and adds uses for common ingredients to create enchanted dye and charcoal.
Basically, if you open your load order up in tes5edit/xedit, you'll see what is and isn't an issue. just look for red forms and/or yellow forms in the merged patch generated.