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Sondenheim for LE-Russian translation

[b][color=#6fa8dc]Автор:[/color][/b] [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/8584741]Coppermantis[/url]
[b][color=#6fa8dc]Версия: 1.0.4
Язык: русский
Перевод: crafty77[/color][/b]

Мод добавляет в игру новую локацию - Сонденхейм.
Это небольшое приключение, которое проведет вашего героя через руины Сонденхейма и мрачную пещеру, таящуюся в их недрах, и даст возможность узнать судьбу группы искателей приключений, возглавляемой магом Энелэйс, обнаруживших в горах севернее Маркарта эти древние нордские руины, неутолимая жажда наживы и надежда на несметные сокровища которых, заставили их проникнуть в эту в древнюю гробницу. которых проникнуть в эту в древнюю гробницу.
Врагами вам станут драугры, пробудившиеся после недавнего землетрясения и фалмеры, обосновавшиеся в пещере, расположенной под руинами Сонденхейма.

Рекомендуемый автором уровень игрока - средний и чуть ниже.

- Skyrim LE;
- оригинал мода [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100907?tab=posts]Sondenheim[/url].

- [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87466]Hammet Dungeon Packs для LE [/url].
Несовместимости и конфликты могут возникнуть лишь при расположении объектов из разных модов в одних координатах.

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/8584741]Coppermantis[/url] - за создание этого мода.

Через мод-менеджеры или вручную.
1. Скачать основные файлы мода на странице автора, в разделе MAIN FILES
и поместить содержимое папки Data из архива в папку Data вашей игры.

2. Скачать переведённый .esр файл мода на странице перевода, в разделе
MAIN FILES и поместить в папку Data вашей игры, согласиться
на замену файла. Активировать файл в лаунчере игры.

1. Удалите установленные файлы из папки Data.

[b][color=#f9cb9c]Если Вам понравился мод, поблагодарите автора, нажав клавишу [/color][color=#6d9eeb]ENDORSE[/color][color=#f9cb9c] через 15 минут после скачивания с Nexus. Приятной Вам игры![/color][/b]

Sepfric ENB (enderal compatible)

This ENB preset is intended to use with "Sepfric.esp"/ "SepfricEnderal.esp" and SkyrimReloaded.
"Sepfric.esp" or "SepfricEnderal.esp" only modifies vanilla weather, either can be merged into bash patch.

[b]Hardware Requirements:[/b]
750ti or above

[b]How to install:[/b]
1. use Mod Organizer to install Sepfric.esp (or SepfricEnderal.esp for enderal:fs);
2. use Mod Organizer to install SkyrimReloaded;
3. use Mod Organizer to install my SkyrimReloaded preset;
4. extract my ENB preset to root folder of the game;
5. extract ENB binaries(d3d9.dll and enbhost.exe) to root folder of the game;
6. edit manually following lines in file SkyrimPrefs.ini or EnderalPrefs.ini:
7. edit manually following lines in file enblocal.ini:
;(if u set "UseOSAllocators=1" in crash fixes, u must set this to false)

;(set this according to ur hardware)

1.you can choose a different LUT in ENB in-game menu(shift+backspace)[img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/93760/93760-1580302176-595569276.jpeg[/img]

2.to enable some post effects

3.to enable DOF

4. edit manually following lines in file skyrim.ini or enderal.ini, can improve fps a little bit:

5.recommend to disable OneTweak when you play enderal

6.press "O" to enable SkyrimReloaded in-game menu, press "F11" to capture an ui-free screenshot.

7.type following line in console to enable/disable SR custom effects(only Perfect Perspective for now):
bat "Sepfric.txt"
bat "SepfricDisable.txt"

*Enderal:Forgotten Story
*Mod Organizer2

[b]Tools used:[/b]
NVIDIA FX Composer

Boris Vorontsov (ENBSeries)
Alexander Blade(ENBHelper)
Alenet (Skyrim Reloaded)
T.A.Z (T.A.Z Lighting)
MyGoodEye and Gopher (imaginator)
kingeric1992 (3DLUT, AGCC code)
Visitant (enbpalette texture)
Christoph Peters(free blue noise texture)
Jacob Maximilian Fober (Filmic Sharpen, Perfect Perspective)
luluco250 (Light Depth of Field)
haasn, JPulowski(Deband shader)
THE SANDVICH MAKER (effect.txt FXAA code, Frostbyte style tonemap color processing code, colorlab code)
scegielski (Enhanced ENB Diagnostics, nighteye code)

The following is credits of ULTIMATE SHADER ADDON for ENB 1.1
Based on Post-Process Effects Addon for ENB by ZeroKing
Initial D-N-I separation code and GUI implementation by --JawZ--
Kinematic Filter code (formerly known as Old Black-White TV Filter) originally by Boris Vorontsov
Kinematic Filter code tweaked by Trillville, Midhras, Kyokushinoyama, Insomnia
LumaSharpen code by CeeJay.dk, ported from SweetFX by ZeroKing, tweaked by prod80
Blur, Sharpening, Color Shift, Vignette code by Boris Vorontsov
Contrast and Vibrance code by CeeJay.dk, ported from SweetFX by ZeroKing
Noise code by MTichenor/IndigoNeko
Dithering, Border, Splitscreen code by CeeJay.dk, ported from SweetFX by Marty McFly
Letterbox code by Matso
Combined, edited, tweaked and arranged by Miratheus

Growl - Mortal Enemies Patch

Fixes incompatibility between Mortal Enemies and Growl by forwarding Mortal Enemies attack changes from the werewolf race to Growl's modified werewolf race.

Dwemer Bohrok

With this mod you will encounter a Dwemer-stylized Bohroks instead of regular Dwemer Centurions across all Skyrim.  

This is experimental mod, which starts development of the Bohrok species into Legend of Mata Nui project. After long research, I concluded that Dwemer Steam Centurions are best (not without cons) creature to represent Bohrok. So  I decided to make Bohrok model and use Centurion's modified skeleton as source of animation. 

Installation: Put files in your Skyrim/Data folder.

See also our main mod -  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41838/?]Bionicle Toa Races[/url], where you can play as Toa, which fought the Bohrok Swarm in Bionicle story.

Outfit Switcher ESPANOL

[center]Traducción del mod [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76095/?]Outfit Switcher[/url] de [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/406075]White Shadow[/url] aka Spanksh. Endorse his mod ;)


Realizada por celiand, traductor oficial de [url=http://www.caballerosdecalradia.net/]Caballeros de Calradia[/url].

[color=#ff7700]***Requiere el mod original***[/color]

[url=https://rd.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/44573037/?tb=mods&pUp=1&tab=user+files][center]****LINK A TODAS MIS TRADUCCIONES****[/center][/url]

Unlocked Grip

The test version for CGO+ is out! Check out the files section.[/size][/center]
[u][size=5][center]Description[/center][/size][/u][/b][color=#efefef]This is how Skyrim should've been from day one. This mod lets you to change between 1-handed and 2-handed combat with any striking weapon. When you equip a weapon, you can choose to hold it with 1 or 2 hands. You can also switch between grips on-the-fly using a custom hotkey set up in the MCM.

Check out the animated gifs in the image section or these videos to see what it looks like.

    [youtube]nAF1hT3mNG8[/youtube] [youtube]onCN0Ak7uMQ[/youtube]
                   Thanks to insaneh0flex for the video review (version 0.2b)                                Thanks to Brodual for the video review (version 0.2b)

[b][center][size=5][u]Features[/u][/size][/center][/b][center] [/center][list][*][size=2]Equip weapons with either 1 or 2 hands[/size]
[*][size=2]Use a custom hotkey to change grips[/size]
[*][size=2]Change grip in 1-2 seconds[/size]
[*][size=2]Level/Use the skill of the grip you're using[/size]
[*][size=2]Shields/Spells are re-equipped in off-hand as you return to one-handed grip[/size]
[*][size=2]Weapons return to their default state when you unequip them[/size]
[*][size=2]Dual wield 2 two-handers, though they must be the same weapon[/size]
[/list][font=Trebuchet MS][color=#efefef]

[b][u][center][size=5]MCM Options[/size][/center][center][/center][/u][/b][/color][/font][list][*][size=2]Set up hotkey to fire only when another button is held down (helpful for controllers, e.g. Hold LB + Press A)[/size]
[*][size=2]Disable the 1H/2H grip option when equipping a weapon[/size]
[*][size=2]Choose whether damage is calculated from the weapon's original skill or the current grip's skill (e.g. one-handed skill, two-handed skill)[/size]
[*][size=2]Choose whether xp is gained for the weapon's original skill or the current grip's skill[/size]
[*][size=2]Customize damage & speed of one-handers in two-handed grip[/size]
[*][size=2]Customize damage & speed of two-handers in one-handed grip[/size]
[*][size=2]Choose where Greatswords & Battleaxes appear when sheathed with 1H grip (hip or back)[/size]
[*][size=2]Manually reset your weapon in case of errors[/size]

[center][u][b][size=5]Installation / Requirements[/size][/b][/u][/center]
[size=2]1. Make sure you have[b] [/b][/size][url=http://skse.silverlock.org/][b]SKSE[/b][/url][color=#efefef][size=2], version 1.7.0 or later.[/size]
[size=2]2. Download with NMM or Manually Download [b]Unlocked Grip [/b][/size][size=2][b]0.8[/b] and the [/size][b]0.8 Hotfix[/b][size=2].[/size]
[size=2]3. Activate in NMM or Extract the zip file to your Skyrim directory (where TESV.exe is).[/size]
[size=2]4. The mod is done installing and ready to use, see the 'Getting Started' section below.

[b][center][u][size=5]Uninstall[/size][/u][size=2]  [/size][/center]
[/b][size=2]1. Enter the MCM and hit 'Remove Mod'.
2. Deactivate the mod in NMM or if you don't use NMM, delete the mod files from your Data folder. You can see what files are from this mod by going to the Files Tab and clicking on the magnifying glass next to the files.

[/b][/size][/u][/center]1. Install New Version.
2. Enter the MCM, hit 'Remove Mod'& Yes to Save Settings.
3. Enable the Mod in the MCM.

[/color][b][u][center][size=5]Recommended[/size][size=3] [/size][/center][/u]
[/b][size=2]I highly recommend having[b] [/b][/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3863/?][b]SkyUI[/b][/url][size=2], it adds a lot of options to the mod in the MCM.

[/color][b][u][size=5][center]Getting Started[/center][/size][/u][/b][b][color=#00ff00]If you have SkyUI[/color][/b][color=#efefef], you can enter the MCM and turn on the mod. You can then configure your hotkey in the MCM. Gamepad is only supported if you use the MCM.[/color]

[b][color=#00ff00]If you don't have SkyUI[/color][/b][b], you can still use this mod.[/b][color=#efefef] You just need to add the spell Unlocked Grip with the console. Here's how:[/color]
[color=#efefef]Open the console (~) & type this in: help Unlocked[/color]
[color=#efefef]Hit Enter and the console will display everything in the game that has the word Unlocked in the name.[/color]
[color=#efefef]Then you can use PageUp and PageDown to find the spell "Unlocked Grip". It will have an ID number next to it.[/color]
[color=#efefef]Next, type this in: player.addspell XXXXXXXX (where the X's are the spells ID) and press enter.[/color]
[color=#efefef]You should now have the spell in your Illusion tab. Use this spell to bind a hotkey that you'll use to change grips.[/color]

[/color][/b][color=#efefef]Comments from members that have used this mod with SkyRe say it is compatible.[/color]

[b][color=#00ff00]Dual Sheath Redux:
[/color][/b][color=#efefef]Compatible, weapons not in their default grip will look like they don't go back in their sheath properly. This can be fixed in the MCM menu with the Two Back Sheath options. It'll add some latency to the draw though.[/color]

[b][color=#ffff00]Equipping Overhaul:[/color][/b]
[color=#efefef]Compatible, [i]but[/i] I recommend having only one weapon from each type (eg. Dagger, Greatsword, etc.) in your favorites menu. Having a sword on your hip (because it's favorited) and changing grip with another sword can cause the favorited sword to appear in your hands. Bows and spells are fine to keep in your favorites. Also,[/color][color=#efefef] [/color][color=#ffff00][b]it's required that you disable 'Realistic Unequip' in Equipping Overhaul's configuration menu.[/b][/color]

[/b][color=#ff0000]Incompatible.[/color][color=#efefef] While the mod's still technically work together, there is a problem with requiem's mass effect system. On changing grip, the player's mass will permanently lower or raise depending on the grip you change to.[/color]

[b][color=#00ff00]General Compatibility:[/color][/b]
- Weapon mods are compatible, no set up is required.
**Exception** Hanegiri and Taneganata from Interesting NPCs don't switch properly
**Exception** Any mod that makes a new weapon type, such as spear mods, won't switch between one and two-handed.
- Any sort of weapon switching by hotkeys will work with this mod.

[/size][b][u][size=5][center]Known Issues[/center][/size][/u][/b][color=#efefef][size=2]Because weapons were never meant to switch grips like this, there are a lot of potential problems. I've fixed all the major ones, but there are still quite a few bugs.

[/size]Here are the bugs I know about:[/color]

[list][*][size=2][color=#efefef]Opening a menu while your equipped weapon is not in its default state can make it become invisible in 1st person[/color][/size][/*]
[list][*][size=2][color=#efefef][s]Your weapon will become invisible. It can happen if you reload a save that has a weapon which isn't in its' default state.[/s] [/color][color=#00ff00]*Loading Save Fixed in 0.7[/color][/size][/*]
[/color][list][*][size=2]Your weapon will not leave its default state[/size][/*]
[list][*][size=2]Your character will stand in a weird pose and not be able to attack, you have to reload a save if this happens[color=#efefef] [/color][/size]
[list][*][size=2]Critical Charge perk requires both the two-handed and one-handed versions to work[/size][/*]
[list][*][size=2]NPCs weapon will appear invisible if they both have the same weapon as you, and your weapon is in the non-default state when they draw their weapon[/size][/*]
[list][*][size=2]Damage or swing speed can be set to zero, requires reloading an old save. [color=#00ff00]*Warning in 0.7[/color][/size][/*]
[list][*][size=2]Problems with bound weapons & bloodskaal blade[/size][/*]
[/b][/size][/color][size=3][color=orange]Because script performance is dependent on in game FPS, players with low FPS (under 30) will see a slower change in grip.[/color][/size]

[center][u][b][size=5]Having Trouble?[/size][/b][/u][size=2]  [/size][/center]
[b][b][color=#00ff00]Most issues can be fixed by unequipping and re-equipping the weapon. If this doesn't fix your problem, go to the MCM and use the reset options.[/color][/b][/b][color=#efefef]If you find the mod still isn't working how it should, and your weapons aren't changing grip correctly, try fiddling with the Extra Time option in the MCM. It will extend the time it takes for your weapon to change grip.

[/color]If that doesnt work, try disabling and enabling the mod in the MCM.

[b][color=#00ff00]This is my last resort way of fixing a mod that contains scripts. Users from the comments that have come to me with very strange problems have found this procedure very helpful:[/color][/b]
1. Uninstall the mod.
2. Cleaning your save of all the scripts from my mod with something like [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52363/?]Save Game Script Cleaner[/url]. All the scripts will have DSer at the beginning. You delete a script from a save by selecting it and using the "delete script" button in the top left. Don't forget to save your cleaned save.
3. Load your save.
4. Wait around for a minute or so.
5. Save (in the menu, not a quicksave).
6. Quit the game.
7. Install the mod again.
8. Set it up and try it out.

[/color][center][u][b][size=5]FAQ[/size][/b][/u][size=2]  [/size][/center]
[color=#efefef][b]Q: [/b]If I use a 2h weapon in 1h mode, do I get experience in the 1h or 2h skill?
[b]A: [/b]Two handed by default. You can change it to One-handed by turning "Skill Matches Grip" on in the MCM.

[b]Q:[/b] Does the swing speed of a weapon stay the same after changing grip?
[b]A:[/b] It stays the same by default. You can change it by using the slider "Speed Change" in the MCM 

[b]Q: [/b]Does my sheath move when I change grip?
[b]A: [/b]No.

[b]Q:[/b] Where does my two-handed weapon in one-handed mode get sheathed?
[b]A:[/b] On the hip by default. You can change this in the MCM.

[b]Q: [/b]Which perks does the weapon use in X- mode?
[b]A: [/b]Weapons always use the default grip's perks. Critical charge is a special case.

[b]Q:[/b] Can I dual wield two-handed weapons?
[b]A: [/b]Yes, but only if they are the same weapon.

[b]Q:[/b] Can you make the transition smooth?
[b]A: [/b]Possibly... down the line in development. I've still got to wrap my head around the animation system.

[b]Q: [/b]Armor mod in the pics?
[b]A:[/b] Highwayman Mail - [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51813/?]Common Clothes[/url]

[b]Q: [/b]What Khajiit mod is that?
[b]A: [/b][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50802/?]Catlike Khajiit[/url] - Lion/Lioness version (unfortunately not on Nexus any more)

[b]Q:[/b] How do I get the MCM to show up?
[b]A: [/b]Use a combination of opening & closing the start/esc menu with waiting for 10 seconds.

[/color][b][u][size=5][center]My Other Mods[/center][/size][/u][/b][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69033]Archery Gameplay Overhaul[/url] - Animations with nocked arrows, enchanting arrows, bleeding, etc.
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70640]Horses Revamped[/url] - Adds turning animations and a new model with hdt[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58050/?]
Primal Fear[/url] - Predators will fear torches
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62797/?]DSer Animations[/url] - 2H, 1H, DW, Staffs
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64778/?]Modded Loot[/url] - Adds modded items to the game without changing leveled lists

[b][u][size=5][center]Thanks[/center][/size][/u][/b][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/6828711/?]egocarib[/url] [color=#efefef]- scripting help
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2981436/?]phenderix[/url] - scripting help
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/4995004/?]matthiaswagg[/url] - general help
Bethesda - making the game & CK
FromSoftware - Dark Souls inspired this mod

Nugra Racemenu Preset

A really simple racemenu preset which i've done in 7-8mins

Racemenu by Expired:

Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition by Ousnius and Caliente:

Pride of Valhalla - Super HD Skin by Dracofish aka MelissaGT:

The Warded Man - RaceMenu Tattoo Plugin by Jedininjafuq:

KS Hairdos - Renewal by Kalilies and Stealthic:

Starsight Eyes by Artsick:

Brows by Hvergelmir:

Sailboats - Script Free Sailing EXPANDED

This mod takes ElstarTomas's popular script-free boat mod ([url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/67727]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/67727[/url]) and expands it by added a few more boat types and locations, including actual sailboats.  The sailboats have "realistic" sails that raise and lower when the boat is being used.  All of the other functionality from the original mod is still preserved, and all of the original spells for Inventory, Boarding, etc. should apply flawlessly to all of the new boats.

This is a mod that I've wanted to do for years, but just never gave it a try until now.  It ended up being way easier than I thought it would be!  There are a number of boat mods out there, but none of them are as easy to use or natural-feeling at ElstarThomas's.  He manages to simplify the process just enough that it doesn't become tedious, while still achieving a realistic boat feel.  The biggest drawback is that the boat just steadily cruises along, which feels unnatural for something that you're rowing.

However, this motion works perfectly for a sailboat!  With that in mind, I took a few of DeviantKhaled's phenomenal boat models and used them as new boat options.  I kept the original mod completely intact, so that the original canoe will still function as intended.  The only major changes I made are the addition of a few other boat models, and the addition of a sailing mechanic.  This script is actually a copy of ElstarThomas's original mount/dismount script, but with an added line that switched the boat model between a furled and unfurled state.  This goes a long way to make it seem much more like you're actually sailing.  There are still some issues that need fixed, but for the most part it works surprisingly well!


-Because of the way the sail raising function works, you actually have to mount the boat twice.  This actually makes some immersive sense, since you are essentially activating the boat once to raise the sail, then activating it again to actually sit down and steer.  I'm trying to streamline the scripts so this feels a little more natural, but I don't mind having the extra step.

-The only real way to make the sail function work was to make two completely separate races for the furled and unfurled boat, and then to switch between the races via script.  I'm not 100% sure what the system implications of that are, but so far I haven't seen any issues.  (Other than it forcing you to dismount when the race changes, hence the issue above.)  I don't think it will hurt game memory at all.

-All of the new boats still use the collisions of the original canoe.  This means there is a little bit of mismatch, especially with the longer Maormer Sloop.  This just means when you're standing on the deck, you might look like you're hovering above the deck.  There's not much I can do without re-making custom collision meshes for each boat, and that is far beyond my ability or level of commitment.

-The sails and masts have no collision (see above.)  That means they will clip through overhead bridges, logs, etc.  It would be a nightmare trying to use the sailboats otherwise.

-Every once in awhile, your boat might lose control after the sail lowers and start whipping around on its own.  I think this is a problem with the races switching and not loading the behavior graphs.  This is however very much a thing that can happen in a real sailboat, so it feels kind of natural.

-Be careful not to fall of your boat!  The collision of the deck is fairly small, so it can be easy to slide off.  Again, immersion!

-Every once in a while, the boat will just straight up disappear after the sails switch.  I have no idea why this happens.  As you can conjure a new boat using spells, it's not a huge deal, but be careful putting anything valuable in the boat's inventory because you might lose it.  I'm pretty sure this is only an issue with the sailboats.

So obviously I'm still working out the kinks, but I wanted to upload this as a beta and let people check it out.  Let me know what you think, and if you run into any other bugs.  If you are having any issues with the functionality of spells or follower boarding, please refer to the original mod page, as I haven't changed those systems.

Traducao Pt-Br Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim

Você quer um mod q mude suas arvore de perks, mas esta cansados com patchs como perkus maximus?
e quer mais compatibilidade? Entao este mod é  para você....

Senhoras e senhores lhes apresento "Ordinator"
Esse fantastico mod de perks muda totalmente suas perks sendo lore frendly ainda, ele adiciona cerca de
400 e pontos de perks para vc preencher,tendo total imersão em cada arvore e
o maior diferencial dele é que não precisa de patch pra rodar,
basta instalar e voçe podera adicionar outros mod com maior facilidade!!
(por logica, mods de mágias podem ou não se integrar a ele, mas geralmente não; para saber se é compativel ou não consulte o mod especifico)

Creio que havera alguns erros da tradução, qualquer reporte é bem aceito para min para  fazer a correção
e este mod é novo, tentarei manter o ritmo com a versão atual para manter sempre atualizado.
Informações completas na pagina do Mod :)

[/s][color=#00ff00][size=3]Agradecimento especial [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/9609463]Samatter[/url][u][/u] com os arquivos para traduzir o Menu[/size][/color][/b]

[/u][/i][/size][u][/u][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68425/?][u]Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim [/u][/url]
Extrair arquivo .ESP para a pasta "/Data" de seu Skyrim.
Darude - Sandstorm
[i][u][b][b]Enai Siaion[/b][/b][/u]  [/i]por criar o MOD
[u][i][/i][i]Komodoro[/i][/u] por traduzir o MOD
Suporte [u][i]Sampaio[/i][/u]
[i][u]Skyrim MODS[/u][/i] pela ótima page *-* Traduções e Divulgações de MODS

[size=5]CASO TENHA ALGUM MOD QUE QUEIRA TRADUZIDO, DEIXE UM COMENTÁRIO NA PAGINA: [/size][url=https://www.facebook.com/Skyrimmodss/photos/a.373746939466786.1073741828.373730779468402/466433370198142/?type=1&theater][i][u][size=5]Somos Salvadores do seu Jogo Traduzido (SSJT)[/size][/u][/i][/url][size=5]![/size]


Traducao Pt-Br Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim

[font=Comic Sans MS][center][color=#ffff00][size=3]Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim[/size][/color][/center][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][center][color=#00ffff][i]O que dizer deste mod? mais uma obra prima? Ultra nível de imersão?

R:Sim pra todos[/i][/color][/center]
Mais uma obra prima de Enai para melhorar sua gameplay, Wintersun vem com a proposta de verdadeiramente introduzir a religião de Tamriel em skyrim e um modo imersivo e divertido.

Ele adiciona um novo método de adoração em skyrim onde você devera´seguir os princípios e os NÃO quebrar os tabus de sua divindade, isso lhe concedera poderes especiais relacionado a sua divindade.

Fora os 9 divinos de skyrim ele adiciona o Panteão de Deuses dos Redguard, Khajiit, Altmer, e fora outros que são divindades fora deste panteão com Sithis e O Criador, também adiciona o Principes Daédricos para que você passa servi-los.

Algumas Divindades são restritas por raça, exemplos As Hists só podem ser adoradas por Argonianos e etc...

E você nunca deve violar os tabus de sua divindade senão ela te abandonará, como exemplos os 9 de skyrim, se aborrecem se você infringir a lei.

Para ganhar o favor deles medite e siga seus princípios para ganha cada vez mias favor, e ao chegar a 100% você se tornará devoto de sua divindade e ganhara poderes extras sendo representante deles na terra.

[center][/center][center][color=#f9cb9c][i]Para maiores informações acesse a página do mod original[/i][/color]


DLC Dwanguard
DLC Dragonborn

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95545]Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim
[/b][/size][size=5][b]Créditos e agradecimentos[/b][/size]


[/url][size=2][b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/53732701][/url][/b][/size][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3959191]EnaiSiaion[/url] [/i]por criar o MOD
[u][i]Komodoro[/i][/u] por traduzir o MOD[/b][/center]

Requiem Patch - Black Sacrament Dark Brotherhood Replacer

This is a Simple Requiem 3.2.0 patch for AmethystDeceiver's Arise - Chapter 1 - The Black Sacrament Dark Brotherhood replacer. (This Only touches the replacer version, the main mod should be balanced by the Reqtificator) What Happens when you run the reqtificator with the replacer plugin is that the boots and gloves change back to the vanilla model. This little patch just combines the requiem changes and the remodel so you can look spiffy, practical, and hot.
It also changes Astrid's husband (I can't for the life of me remember his name) armor back to light armor and revert some unwanted weight/gold cost that the Arise mod gave the replacer.
Just in case someone ask I made this with the shrouded CBBE version so I'm not sure if it will work with the other recolors or body options (I assume it will) If I messed up something or you find any bug leave me a comment.


I'm not that good at modding so bear with me.

 - I have purple mesh invisible arms and I'm bald why?!
Make sure both esp files from Arise are active.
 - Where is the remodel?!
....This is just a patch for both mods o_o
 - A non replacer version?
See question above.
 - Why no pictures of the changes?
I would have to uninstall my patch, run the reqtificator, get in game, take a screenshot, close game, install patch, rerun reqtificator...
TL;DR: I'm lazy.

I will expand this is if someone asks more stuff :v

ElSopa HD - Farmhouses

[center][color=#f1c232][size=6]HD Farmhouses
[size=3]Since the bigger projects I'm working on are a delayed for a reason or another, I started to experiment with this, here's the result.
-Everything you see in the screenshots it's vanilla except the hand made inn sign.
(and my farmhouses retexture of course)
-I decided to leave the vanilla hay roof texture since it's good enough and perfect.
-ENB it's Rudy for vanilla weather.
-I don't use SMIM so no idea if it's compatible, I guess it is with the UV tweaks.
-If you use a mod that enables parallax on the farmhouses I can add a parallax patch (didn't add the files by default because I don't think it looked good enough TBH, so don't expect something amazingly better).[/size]

[color=#f1c232][b][size=4]SHARE YOUR SCREENSHOTS! I LOVE THAT![/size][/b][/color]


Fast Travel only when Riding Dragon

As [url=https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8353368-disable-fast-travel-only-if-not-riding-dragon/]requested[/url], this mod will disable fast travel permanently, except when riding a dragon. It requires Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE).

Please report any issues.

Fast travel can be enabled again by using a console command. Can be useful to temporarily enable fast travel, without uninstalling the mod.
[spoiler]Set the global variable FTDR_EnableFastTravel to any other value than 0, example:
set FTDR_EnableFastTravel to 1[/spoiler]

Werebeast Expansion Reborn LE

This is a complete remake from scratch of my old werebeast expansion modit adds some new locations and werebeasts to both skyrim adn solstheim

can also be found on bethesda.net for xbox and pc
*pics coming soon*
[size=5]________________Werebeast Expansion__________________

*****Update 01.29/2020*****
-small bug fixes and minor changes

*****update 11/4/2019*****
- changed and fixed the glitchy boar tusk cavern
- changed tuskuru to an orc from a breton
- streamlined and cleaned the file of files not used
- fixed the buggy enemy NPC werebeast transformations
- added a new follower to Gallows Rock (best if used with amazing folower tweaks)
- added special skins for AFT werewolf followers
- kharjo becomes a WereLion
- Derkeethus becomes a WereCroc
- Faendal becomes a WereVulture

***** update 12/17/2017*****
-added white wolf cave and white werewolf clan

*****Beta 11/8/2017*****
-added wereboars
-added Boar's Tusk Cavern
-changed the looks of the rings of hircine
-moved Hircines Ring of Instinct to the Wereboar Boss Tuskuru
-moved Hircines Ring of Bloodlust to the Black Werebear Boss Ursa

*****Beta 10/30/2017*****
- rescripted the buildable camp so bugs should be fixed
- changed the transformations from the shrine of hircines to marksman damage
- fixed the beds in the frostmoon camp so that they are each npcs ownership
- Custom Female werewolf model based off of the howling werewolf model

*****Beta 10/15/2017*****
-Black Werebear encampment with Boss Fight

-changes the Frostmoon Werewolves Transformations skins to white Werewolves

-Changes Hjordis werewolf skin form to Red Werewolf

-Added Red Werewolf Corpses to Snowclad Ruins on solstheim which was the hoe of Hjordis' Werewolf Pack

-Changed the model and textures of the Bow of the Stag prince
-Made the bow of the stag prince buyable from majini the trader of the frostmoon werewolf pack

-Build a camp/home for yourself and the the pack at frostmoon crag on solstheim

-Recruit a Werewolf Follower at frostmoon crag who has a unique combat style

[size=4]______________________Wolf Armor Sets________________________________[/size]

[size=3]****Update 01/29/2020****
- fixed file paths of the wolf mage armor 
- removed a couple glitchy armors temporarily for editing

[/size][size=3]****Update - 11/9/2019****
[/size][size=3]- book can befound in the new area in the underforge[/size][size=3]- did a few small changes and fixes[/size][size=3]- added basic wolf mage robes[/size][size=3]- added 3 new armors[/size][size=3]- changed up the random werebeast encounter equipment[/size][size=3]- added new outfi for skjor of the companions[/size][size=3]- added new outfit for aela for the companions[/size][size=3]- added new outfit to dawnguard forge as long as you have unlocked skyforge smithing[/size][size=3]- changed the crafting recipes to make more since[/size][size=3]- added crafting recipes for companions wolf armor once you unlock skyforge smithing
[/size][size=3]****Update - 9/28/2019****
[/size][size=3]- fixed a few clipping issues[/size][size=3]- changed a few armors meshes so it is compatible with mods like bandoliers[/size][size=3]- fixed a small issue with the scout head mask now a hood and mask combo[/size][size=3]- removed the armor rating from the normal mask[/size][size=3]- redid the crafting for the wolf armors now need only 1 book Wolf Style Forging[/size][size=3]- changed the Lunar forge to a true unique forge like the Skyforge[/size][size=3]- added the Lunar Tanning Rack to the Lunar forge [/size][size=3]- armors no longer use the 44 45 and 53 armor slots [/size][size=3]- Added the Harbinger armor to the skyforge recipe as long as you have the book[/size][size=3]- to use lunar forge you need the lunar forge book from the lunar forge[/size][size=3]- Wolf Style Forging book can be found the second area of the Underforge[/size][size=3]
[/size][size=3]****Update - 5/11/2019****
[/size][size=3]- added small expansion to underforge[/size][size=3]- Crafting books can be found in the new underforge addition[/size][size=3]- Crafting books can be found in the chest at the frostmoon camp (stealing)[/size][size=3]- Majini can be pickpocketed for the crafting books [/size][size=3]
[/size][size=3]this mod adds several new types of saviors hide like armor [/size][size=3]
[/size][size=3]needs [/size][size=3]Wolf Hearts from wolves[/size][size=3]Werewolf Pelts[/size][size=3]Wolf Pelts[/size][size=3]
[/size][size=3]created by hurricain87/Elfendrago87

[/size]to Earrindo for the Wolf mage armor

[size=4]_________________Werebeast Expansion Bloodlines_____________________[/size]

- made a compatibility edition for bloodlines for he new Growl werewolf mod by Enaision
- Added WereLion Bloodline
  - New Khajiit Caravan Guard Korra (dawnstar to riften caravan)
- Added WereCroc Bloodline
  - Derkeethus from Darkwater Cossing
- Added WereVulture Bloodline
  - Faendal
- Added WereBoar Bloodline 
  - All Wereboars 
- Added WereShark Bloodline
  - Ancano from the college of winterhold
Each bloodline currently only has 1 location to get them more soon

Standalone Bloodlines Mod coming in the next couple days
[size=4]_________________Werebeast Expansion Quests_____________________[/size]

- adds quests to certain friendly or neutral werebeasts as long as you are also a werebeast
- so far only 1 quest for hjordis is done and it is a lore friedly quest 

***Coming Easter Sunday***
Werebeast Expansion - Silver Hand Hunter Quests
Quests for werebeast hunters along with revamping and turning the silver hand into a joinable faction 


***More to come***

- more werebeasts 
- silver hand encounters
- Quests 
- Weapons & Armors
- Werebeast Expansion Reborn - Clans Addon

- Earrindo for the wolf mage armor mesh
- SpikeDragonKing for the werebeast Resources
- Darkfox127 for his tutorial on buildable structures

Folkstead and the Border of Hammerfell - Spanish Translation

Traducción al Español  del Mod Folkstead and the Border of Hammerfell - <Requiere el Mod original> Este Mod ha tenido una Evolución Interesante y en estas ultimas versiones ha mejorado mucho la Immersion,  las Aventuras y las Voces de Una Región de Skyrim digna de ser explorada,  que viene incluida con el Juego original pero  completamente desperdiciada.  Es un Aporte más a la Comunidad Hispana,  para el deleite de nuestro Skyrim en Español.

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/18610979?tab=user+files]Mis Otros Mods Publicados en Nexus[/url]

[/size]Para Instalarlo Manualmente, se requiere un Manejador de Archivos Zip en tu PC, sugiero buscar en www.7-zip.org, una vez abres el .7z descargado, Ubicas en tu PC el Directorio donde se encuentra instalada tu Versión de Skyrim, abres su carpeta data y descargas los archivos que trae esta versión en Español.  Se sugiere crear un NUEVO Save Game,  por si quieres volver a tu estado de Perks original Fácilmente.

[b][color=#ffff00]Todos los Derechos Reservados[/color][/b]: No se autoriza replicar esta Traducción en Ninguna otra Parte,  sin mi Autorización


Todos los Créditos para el Creador del Mod Original [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3591326][/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/6616512]Joopvandie[/url]

Mod Original : [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58331]Folkstead and the Border of Hammerfell[/url]

Better Innteriors

[size=6][b]Better Innteriors[/b]
[/size][size=3]Better Inneriors is a project that aims to improve the interior cells of the inns and taverns of Skyrim.

As is, in game many of the miscellaneous inns are similar, if not the same, interior as every other one. Whether you're in Sleeping Giant Inn, Windspeak Inn, or Frostfruit, they all have a single fireplace with one two separate rooms.[/size] [b][size=4]Better Innteriors[/size][/b][size=4][size=3] aims to refurbish the stale interiors to [/size][/size][size=3]something visual distinct. THIS PROJECT DOES NOT PLAN TO EDIT EXTERIORS as to keep as mods that effect town's and hold's layout compatible as possible. This is a work in progress project, with individual Inn files being released as they're completed.

Please recommend which interior you would like to see next! or report any issues you encounter and I'll see what I can do to help solve it.
[/size][/b][/u][size=3]Each interior file will also be released with an optional door file, adding doors to any room that aren't already added with the mod.
[b]-Thank you to Hyrdrangea1992 for the suggestion.[/b][/size]

[size=4][u][b]Completed Inns
[*][size=3]Frostfruit Inn[/size]
[*][size=3]Old Hroldan Inn[/size]
[*][size=3]Moorside Inn[/size]
[*][size=3][size=3]The Frozen Hearth[/size][/size]
[*][size=3][size=3]Windpeak Inn[/size][/size]
[*][size=3][size=3]Nightgate Inn[/size][/size]
[*][size=3][size=3]Four Shields Tavern
[u][b][size=4]Next Planned Interio[size=3]r
[*][i][size=3]To be determined[/size][/i]
[*][size=3]Dead Man's Drink (In the works until I work out the issues with ELFX)[/size]
Visual Mods Used in Screenshots: Enhanced Lighting and Effects, Static Mesh Improvement Mod, and Noble Skyrim.[/size]

Night Eye for Lykaios Reborn

Re-adds the Night Eye ability for the Lykaios as it was removed with Lykaios:Reborn.

May cause conflicts with mods that makes changes to the Lykaios race but I'm not sure.

TES5Edit Script - Fix Book Record Types

This TES5Edit script changes the DATA/Type field of BOOK records to match the item depicted in the inventory art.

If the DATA/Type field and inventory art do not match SkyUI will display the wrong icon next to the item name.

The script comes in two versions:

The replacer version will modify the original mod files, this can save plugin space.

The patcher version places the modifications into a new plugin, this allows the patch to work if the mods are updated.

[u][b][size=4]How to install:[/size][/b][/u]

1. Download the latest version of [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859?tab=files]TES5Edit[/url].
2. Extract it wherever you want.
3. Install [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68617]MXPF[/url] (if using the patcher version).
4. Download and extract this mod into your TES5Edit installation.

[u][b][color=#f4f4f4][size=4]How to run:[/size][/color][/b][/u]

1. Start TES5Edit.
2. Load the plugin(s) you want to edit.
3. Right click on the plugin(s) you want to edit.
4. Select apply script.
5. Choose 'Skyrim - Fix BOOK data types' or 'Skyrim - Make a patch to fix BOOK data types'.
6. Click Ok.
7. Close TES5Edit.[color=#ff0000]
[/color]8. Save all plugins.

[u][b][size=4]Updating Instructions:[/size][/b][/u]

[b]Replacer script:
Run the script on your load order, any new or changed mods will be automatically updated.

[b]Patcher script:[/b]

Adding mods:

Ensure that the patch file that you generated with this script is placed below the new mods in your load order and run the script again.

Removing mods:

Delete the patch file that you generated with this script and run the script on your new load order.
This should also be done when changing load orders.

Solitude Big Child Bedroom And Extra Rooms for Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions

This mod adds a big child bedroom for 6 kids and 3 extra rooms to Solitude Proudspire Manor player house.
Requires[b] Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions[/b] and the [b]Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch[/b].
There are 3 Extra Rooms to buy by the steward of Solitude.
English and german versions.

[b]English :

[/b][b]This mod is not compatible with other mods that change Proudspire Manor.
This mod is also incompatible with my own mod [/b][b][b][b]: 3 Mannequins to Solitude Proudspire Manor[/b][/b]
[b][b]The child bedroom requires the Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions mod from TMPhoenix : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29249[/b]
[b]and all 3 DLC's : Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn. Also required is the USLEP : [/b]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71214/?
You can buy by the steward of Solitude :
Armory (1750 gold)
Staff Room with a cook and a maid (1100 gold)
Basement (2200 gold)
See more details in screenshot section.
[b]This mod is cleaned with TESVEdit and tested in Game.
I recommend LOOT for the right load order.

[/b][/b][b]Deutsch :

Diese mod ist nicht kompatibel mit anderen mods die Gut Stolzspitze verändern.
Diese mod ist nicht mit meiner eigenen mod kompatibel [/b][b][b][b]: 3 Mannequins to Solitude Proudspire Manor[/b][/b].

[b][b]Für das Kinderzimmer ist die Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions Mod von TMPhoenix erforderlich[/b][b] : (siehe Link oben)
und alle 3 DLC's : Dawnguard, Hearthfire und Dragonborn. Außerdem benötigt wird der USLEP : (siehe ebenfalls Link oben).
Ihr könnt beim Vogt von Einsamkeit folgendes kaufen :
Waffenkammer (1750 Goldstücke)
Personalraum mit einem Koch und einer Magd (1100 Goldstücke)
Keller (2200 Goldstücke)
Siehe die screenshots für mehr Details.
Diese mod ist mit TESVEdit gecleant und im Spiel getestet worden.
Ich empfehle diese mod mit LOOT in die richtige Ladereihenfolge zu bringen.[/b]

[b][b]See my other mods : 

Windhelm Big Child Bedroom and a Basement for Heartfire Multiple Adoptions : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97451/?
Riften Big Child Bedroom and an Enchanting Lab for Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100163
Markarth Big Child Bedroom and a Basement for Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99145/?[/b]
[b]Whiterun Big Childroom and a Basement for Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100844/[/b]
[b]Dragon Bridge South Side : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87439/?
Dragon Bridge Vendors and Blacksmith : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81246/?
3 Mannequins to Solitude Proudspire Manor : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69118/?
Breezehome Mannequins : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/67209/?
Riften Honeyside Mannequins and more : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/83270/?
Morthal Vendor and Blacksmith : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97455/?[/b]

Mrak (Darkness) werewolf (rus-engl)

Mod add an one follower. His name Mrak (Darkness). He is a werewolf. The mod is voiced by Author with English sub-titles.
Russian and English version
[/size][/center][center][color=#cc0000][size=5](Нет! Это не герой книги Ю. Никитина!) 
[/size][/color][/center][center][b][i][size=5][color=#38761d]"What can You do for a true Love? Can you love so much?"[/color]

"From a Broken Life by the Werewolf Path"
[color=#38761d]What is one person capable of in the name of love? Even to challenge an invincible![/color][/size][/i][/b][/center][color=#38761d]

Skyrim Legendary 1.9 or higher

[b][color=#ff0000]Class:[/color][/b] Tank
[b][color=#ff0000]Atack:[/color][/b] 2x50 by each claw, Fire Anger, Shout of Fire
[b][color=#ff0000]Location:[/color][/b] High Hrothgar. Also there you can find a spell-list near the candles. Look the screenshot
[b][color=#ff0000]Uniques: [/color] He will stay in any location that you will leave him
[color=#ff0000]Carry Weight:[/color] 2000 (a big beast and forceful)
[color=#ff0000]Body: [/color]in special folder, so the other werewolves won't be a big.
[color=#ff0000]His Howl: [/color]in to a special sound folder
[color=#ff0000]His Height: [/color]1.2
(on a screenshots my girl having [0.9] height)
He perfect moving inside a caves.

[/b][b][color=#ff0000]Alone revenger, who will be your friend.

[size=3]Don't let him to use a horse![/size]
[size=3]Or you will be watching how he rape a horse duaring a 2 hours[/size]
[size=3]Or the Game will crash!
[size=3][color=#38761d][b]Features: [/b][/color]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]Stand-alone free person who don't use vanila follower slot[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]Compabillity with AFT, UFO and etc, but don't mamnaging by its[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]He have a his own deep story of his life[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]He have his chracter and feelings[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]He comment some places where He is.[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]Each 12 hours will be able his life-story in dialogues.[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=3]He like a gifts, If You have a venison or goat legs, he will eat it with pleasure =)[/size][/font]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9400/?]Bigger Badder Werewolves by Orcadude[/url][size=3] (thanks for a body)[/size]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/6486/?]Werewolves - The Curse of Hircine by Cid88[/url][size=3] (thanks for a howl)
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13779]Heart of the Beast - Werewolf Sound and Texture Overhaul[/url] by NsJones[/size]
[size=4]Have a nice game![/size]

[b][size=3][color=#ff0000]Forbidden: The publications of this mod belongs to [/color][color=#1155cc]nexusmods.com[/color][color=#ff0000]. the publication of this plugin on other sites without permission of the author.

Запрещено: Публикации данного мода принадлежат сайту [b][size=3][color=#1155cc]nexusmods.com [/color]публикация на других сайтах без разрешения автора запрещена.[/size][/b][/color][/size][/b]

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