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Jaxonz Positioner - Spanish_Translation

[center][b][color=#00ff00][size=6]Jaxonz Positioner - ESPAÑOL -
Esta es la traducción al español del mod [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52583]Jaxonz Positioner[/url] creado por [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/10674107]jaxonz[/url].

[color=#ff7700][size=5][b]Descripción[/b] [/size][/color][color=#f1c232][size=2][b](por jaxonz)[/b][/size][/color]

[center][font=Tahoma][color=#f1c232][size=5][b]¡SIMPLEMENTE INCREÍBLE![/b][/size][/color][/font][/center]
[center][size=4]Mueve objetos, muebles, maniquíes, placas de armas y casi todo lo demás con Jaxonz Positioner.
[/size][size=4]¡No más vueltas! Positioner te proporciona habilidades motoras finas para mover las cosas con absoluta precisión.[/size][/center][size=3]
Positioner es una [color=#f1c232]herramienta de decoración dentro del juego[/color] que te permite:

[*]Mover prácticamente cualquier objeto del juego, incluyendo objetos que no se pueden agarrar como muebles, contenedores y estáticos.
[*]Mover objetos complejos como maniquíes, placas de armas y vitrinas.
[*]Recoja cualquier elemento estático tomado como un artículo de inventario y llévalo a tu casa.
[*]Duplicar objetos.
[*]Cambiar el tamaño de los objetos.
[*]Fijar los objetos en su lugar para evitar que sean movidos, ya sea uno a uno o en toda la celda.
[*]Deshacer los errores, para una edición sin preocupaciones.
[*]Manipular objetos de los DLC y mods de terceros.
[*]Seleccionar y manipular luces.
Positioner es lo que debería haber sido el agarre.

[/size][color=#f1c232][size=4][b]SIMPLE Y FÁCIL DE USAR[/b][/size][/color]

[size=3]Positioner se siente "incorporado al juego", por lo que no hay hechizos tontos ni habilidades especiales.[/size]
[size=3]Sólo tienes que agarrar o apuntar a un objeto, pulsar la tecla Intro del teclado numérico, y entonces podrás:[/size]

[*][size=3]Usar las teclas de flecha para mover el objeto.[/size]
[/size][*][size=3]Usar RePág/AvPág para moverlo hacia arriba y hacia abajo.[/size]
[/size][*][size=3]Usar las teclas de flecha del teclado numérico (2, 4, 6, 8 y 7, 9) para la rotación de 3 ejes.[/size]
[/size][*][size=3]Usar Inicio/Fin para escalar el tamaño del objeto.[/size]
[size=3]Cuando el objeto esté posicionado en el lugar deseado, pulse el botón "." para soltarlo allí, o pulse el botón Intro para fijarlo en su sitio.

Positioner proporciona consejos útiles en el juego para operaciones comunes. También hay diagramas para la distribución del teclado y las operaciones de los objetos.[/size]

[b][color=#f1c232][size=4]¿QUÉ PUEDES HACER CON POSITIONER?[/size][/color][/b]

[size=3]Tu imaginación es el único límite. Monta las armas en paredes sin placas. Decora tus salas con banderas, trofeos y recuerdos de tus aventuras. Coloca una mesa de banquete. Construye un monumento.[/size]

[b][color=#f1c232][size=4]USOS LOCOS NO DESEADOS[/size][/color][/b]

[size=3]La gente también ha encontrado algunos usos hilarantes para Positioner que nunca pretendimos:[/size]

[*][size=3]Capturar amigos, enemigos y cadáveres para hacer un inventario, los cuales resucitan cuando se sueltan.[/size]
[/size][*][size=3]Escalar el tamaño de personas y criaturas. La gente se deforma si se suelta. Dañar las escalas con el tamaño.[/size]
[/size][*][size=3]Resolver conflictos de 2 mods que colocan objetos en el mismo lugar ajustando las ubicaciones.[/size]
[/size][*][size=3]Recoger una catapulta de un área de asedio y usarla para infligir daño a un dragón o a otros enemigos.[/size]


[*][size=3]Positioner es totalmente compatible con los DLC y mods de terceros. Incluso puedes manipularlos.[/size]
[/size][*][size=3]No se sabe que Positioner entre en conflicto con ningún otro mod. Cualquier orden de carga funciona.[/size]
[/size][*][size=3]Todas las asignaciones de teclado de Positioner pueden ser fácilmente cambiadas para evitar conflictos.[/size]
[/size][*][size=3]Positioner no añade scripts a los objetos que manipula, por lo que Positioner puede ser limpiamente desinstalado en cualquier momento. Los objetos que han sido posicionados no se revertirán.[/size]
[center][color=#f1c232][b]---------- fin de descripción ----------[/b][/color][/center]


[color=#00ff00][size=3]Este mod solo contiene el archivo .esp y MCM traducido, necesitas tener el mod original que se encuentra aquí:

[size=3]Una vez instalado el mod original; copiar este archivo y reemplazar el original.

Por favor, antes de reemplazar el archivo original, asegurarse que la versión del mod original se corresponde con la misma versión de esta traducción.

El mod se irá actualizando a medida que lo haga el autor del mod original.[/size][/color]

[*][size=3]Descargar e instalar el mod original de jaxonz.[/size]
[*][size=3]Descargar este mod de forma manual o con NMM.[/size]
[*][size=3]Copiar y reemplazar los archivos de forma manual (Recomendado) o utilizar NMM o el administrador de mods que prefieras.[/size]

[size=5][b][color=#ff7700]¿Qué tienen de especial mis traducciones?[/color][/b]
[*][size=4]No utilizo traductores online, utilizo la lógica y mis conocimientos de inglés.[/size]
[*][size=4]Utilizo palabras y reglas gramaticales para que puedan ser entendidas tanto por América Latina como por Europa.[/size]
[*][size=4]No traduzco apurado, me tomo el tiempo correspondiente para armar de manera correcta las traducciones y corregir los errores.[/size]
[*][size=4]Todos los textos, frases, nombres, etc., se adaptan fielmente al mundo de The Elder Scrolls.[/size]
[*][size=4]Siempre se corrigen los errores y se actualizan las veces que sean necesarios.[/size]


[size=4]Todo está traducido excepto el plugin .DLL del SKSE que, por obvias razones, no traducí para evitar problemas, lo demás está completamente en español, el .esp y el menú MCM que es lo más importante en este mod ya que contiene instrucciones, explicaciones y demás cosas.
Para más detalles observar las imágenes del post.


[/size][size=4]Cualquier duda que tengan pueden contactarme en mi facebook que se los dejaré aquí abajo.

[/size][size=5][b][color=#00ff00]Quiero pedirte una traducción[/color][/b]

[/size][size=4]Visita mi página de [url=https://www.facebook.com/ciceron.traductor.5]facebook[/url] y dejame un mensaje, ahí te podrás enterar de los próximos mods que voy a estar traduciendo y podrás ponerte en contacto conmigo para hacerme algún pedido, alguna consulta o informarme sobre algún error que encuentres para corregirlo de una manera más rápida. 

[color=#00ff00]Mi facebook se encuentra aquí:[/color]   [url=https://www.facebook.com/ciceron.traductor.5]https://www.facebook.com/ciceron.traductor.5[/url]

En caso de no utilizar facebook envíame un mensaje privado aquí en nexus con el link del mod que te gustaría que traduzca y lo haré con gusto.


[/size][color=#ffff00][b]jaxonz[/b][/color] por crear este magnífico mod.


D.D.'s LUTs

Here's where I'll be dumping LUTs I've made for use with Snapdragon Prime v5. Haven't tested any of them with other ENB Presets.

I'm a sucker for high contrast so most of them don't have the best value range unless you get certain lighting conditions. Good luck.
[*][color=#d9d2e9][size=4][b]Deathbell Dreams[/b][/size][/color][size=4] - Purple, purple, and more purple.[/size]
[*][size=4][b][color=#c9daf8]Diamond Eyes[/color] [/b]- Very cool. Almost too cool. Might turn you into a Popsicle.[/size]
[*][size=4][b][color=#dbb0a7]Elder Light[/color] [/b]- Pale and brownish. Supposed to evoke a sense of peace.[/size]
[*][color=#b6b6b6][size=4][b]Empty Days[/b][/size][/color][size=4] - Just pale. Supposed to be a bit spooky.[/size]
[*][color=#ead1dc][size=4][b]Ghost Petal[/b][/size][/color][size=4] - Pale again, but with pink![/size]
[*][size=4][b][color=#fff2cc]Realism[/color] [/b]- Somewhat tried to imitate Rudy here. Results vary.[/size]
[*][size=4][b][color=#9fc5e8]Crystal Fruit[/color] [/b]- Bright and colorful, but with cool tones.[/size]
[*][size=4][color=#e06666][b]Roseblood[/b][/color] - Almost like CF, but with more red tones.[/size]

[/b][color=#ff0000][size=4][b]You'll need to add the code to a text file in order to be able to select the LUTs from the in-game ENB GUI.[/b] [b]This can either be accomplished by replacing your enbeffect.fx file with my own or adding [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rj-5Gj6YBGDUHVn4TttWLo0FD72pFlAbCITlIoE7b0Y/edit?usp=sharing]this code[/url] to the end of yours. This depends on whether you have data that'd be erased by replacing your enbffect.fx file or not (e.g. if you have your own custom LUTs.)[/b][/size][/color]

I mostly take screenshots of characters, so these are geared towards character-based screenarchery rather than environment or anything else.

I encourage you guys to share what screenies you take with these and upload them here! It'd be especially cool to see what other ENB presets do to them.


[size=4][url=https://twitter.com/TheDaedricDoll]Twitter[/url] / [url=https://thedaedricdoll.tumblr.com/]Tumblr[/url] / [/size][url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/165771165@N03/][size=4]Flickr[/size][/url]

Serana Dialogue Edit - TRADUZIONE ITALIANA

[center]Questa è la traduzione in italiano della fantastica mod "Serana Dialogue Edit", che aggiunge nuovi dialoghi con la bella vampira.

Per applicare la traduzione scaricare la mod originale da [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52283]qui [/url]e sovrascrivete il file .esp con la traduzione.

Ricordatevi di lasciare un endorse a [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/9937690]ThatGuyYeah[/url].

This is the italian translation of "Serana Dialogue Edit". To use it you need the original mod you can find [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52283]here[/url].

All credits go to [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/9937690]ThatGuyYeah[/url], remember to endorse his page.[/center]

Ghost Horses

[center][/center][center]Adds some colorful Ghost Horses to Skyrim! 4 colors in all (except the blue and purple look alike lol)
You can buy the spells off Farengar in DragonsReach or you can use add menu item to acquire the spells.

The Horses spell Duration lasts a whole game day and then they need to be re-summoned.

No special abilities and all horses found in Tamriel can be equipped with Saddles if you have Convenient horses mod.
these horses are not owned so you dont have to Steal them!

Void  is near Winterhold just look near the edge of town he's kind of purple(blueish?)

Blue is near Windhelm Stables (Behind the stables)

Flare is Located around the back of Old Hroldan Inn.

Misty is Located near Whiterun's Honningbrew Meadery.[/center]

Skyrim Supplemental Patch (Russian)

[size=4]Skyrim Supplemental Patch - это комплексное исправление ошибок от [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/1118832]brytag[/url], основная цель которого - устранить как можно больше оставшихся ошибок, которые все еще существуют в мире Скайрима. Этот патч предназначен для использования в сочетании с неофициальным патчем для Skyrim [[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71214]USLEEP[/url]], хотя технически он не требуется.

Skyrim Supplemental Patch должен быть совместим со всеми модами.

Skyrim Supplemental Patch требует легендарного издания Скайрима. 

Для более подробного описания мода и поиска ответов на вопросы можете перейти на [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91069]страницу оригинального мода.[/url]

Detrimental Diseases

All diseases except for vampirism and lycanthropy apply a sickly appearance, weakening speechcraft by 20%. It is possible to have negative speech if you contract all 6 diseases. At that point, you'd have to pay people to take the items that you've touched

Lockpicking and pick-pocketing is 50% harder
Ataxia Knuckles: Unarmed attacks deal 10 additional points of damage
Ataxia is supposed to stiffen the hands up, so delicate things are harder to accomplish, but slugging things is easier

Bone Break Fever
Stamina is reduced by 50 points
Fever Heat: Resist 10% of frost
Fevers make you warm, therefore ice isn't as effective

Brain Rot
Magicka is reduced by 50 points
Mindless Fury: Attack speed increased by 10%
Brain Rot makes you go a little insane, which actually fits well for a warrior build

Stamina regenerates 70% slower
Shiver: Resist 10% of fire
Rattling and shivering means you're cold, so fire would make you feel a little better

Melee weapons are 35% weaker
Stiffened: Resist 10% of shock
Rockjoint makes you stiff like a lightning rod, so you resist shock? (I couldn't really think of anything else that would make sense. But wizards would
probably like this one)

Sanguinare Vampiris
Reduces health by 50 points

Magicka regenerates 70% slower
Unaware: Increases armor rating by 25 points
Witbane makes you oblivious, so you don't feel as much pain. Any non-wizard character might like this one

Only 50% resistant to disease

Only 50% resistant to disease and poison
The sun is much more intense on vampires:
Stage 1: sun reduces stats by 40
Stage 2: sun reduces stats by 60
Stage 3: sun reduces stats by 80
Stage 4: sun reduces stats by 100

In conclusion, this mod should fill your desire to bring more challenge to the game, because vanilla diseases are way too easy to overcome. If you're a devotee to Peryite or Namira, this should satisfy your gross desires.

Costume bodyslide preset file

My own costume bodyslide preset for Bodyslide and Outfit Studio. 

Download the .XML file and place it in Data/CalienteTools/BodySlide/SliderPreset

All the credit goes to:

BodySlide and Outfit Studio by Caliente [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015[/url]

Racemenu [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29624/]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29624/[/url]

Demoniac - high Quality Glossy Female Body Texture   [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70834]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70834[/url]

Outfits used in the screenshots
H2135's Fantasy Series6 UUNP HDT-SMP Bodyslide

[Melodic] Yvas Outfit

Requiem - Dragonborn Patch

[center][b][color=#900000][size=5]Requiem - Dragonborn patch[/size][/color][/b][/center][b][b][size=2][i][center]Compatible with Requiem 3.4.x[/center][/i][/size][/b][/b][b][b]
 Please report all found bugs and shortcomings.

[b]Major changes:
[*][b][b][size=2]Almost all actors will have static level[/size][/b][/b]
[*][b][b][size=2]Almost all actors will have appropriate perks and stats [/size][/b][/b]
[*][b][b][size=2]Crafting, tempering, cooking recipes were modified to fit Requiem[/size][/b][/b]
[*][b][b][size=2]Potions, alcohol drinks, ingridients were modified to fit Requiem[/size][/b][/b]
[*][b][b][size=2]Leveled lists were modified to fit Requiem[/size][/b][/b]
[*][b][b][size=2]Some of the armour/weapons/ammo stats were modified to fit Requiem [/size][/b][/b]
[*][b][b][size=2]Some of the spells were modified to fit Requiem[/size][/b][/b]
[*][b][b][size=2]The damage from the traps is now huge and static.[/size][/b][/b]
[*][b][b][size=2]Renamed potion similar to the Requiem. The effect is protracted, not instant.[/size][/b][/b]
[*][b][b][size=2]Reworked the loot in the Apocrypha.[/size][/b][/b]
[*][b][b][size=2]Bandits and Guards now have classes: Marksmen, Archers, Swordsmen, and so on. Bandits have random race with a predominance of the Nords and Dunmer. Bandits have occasional random quality equipment, including Chitin and Bonemold.[/size][/b][/b]
[*][b][b][size=2]Seekers and Lurkers is now very serious opponents.[/size][/b][/b]
[*][b][b][size=2]The main storyline Dragonborn should start after completing the quest "Blade in the Dark."[/size][/b][/b]
[*][b][b][size=2]Ingredients are now harvest in an amount of several pieces.[/size][/b][/b]
[*][b][b][size=2]Increased fines for crimes in Raven Rock, in analogy with the Requiem.[/size][/b][/b]
[*][b][b][size=2]Added recipes for destruction Nordic equipment to quicksilver ingots.[/size][/b][/b]
[*][b][b][size=2]Stalhrim armor and weapons now have a worse stats, but ALL enchantings 25% better.[/size][/b][/b]
[*][b][b][size=2]Added explosive Stalhrim/Nordic arrows/bolts.[/size][/b][/b]
[*][b][b][size=2]Added new weapons. [/size][/b][/b][b][i]Stalhrim: [/i][/b][b]Battlestaff, [/b][b]Crossbow, [/b][b]Longsword, [/b][b]3 kinds of magical staves, [/b][b]Katana. [/b][i][b]Nordic: [/b][/i][b]Crossbow, Katana.[/b]
[*][size=2][b]And a lot of changes and innovations.[/b][/size]
[/b][/size][b][color=#980000]Alternate Patches:[/color][/b]

[*][b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/94430]AC Dragonborn Patch[/url][/b]

Newrite for invaluable contribution to patch update for version 2.0
DJjojo for Carved Nordic Crossbow
lautasantenni for Stalhrim Longsword, Stalhrim Katana and Nordic Katana
Elsys656 for Stalhrim Crossbow
PrivateEye for Stalhrim Staff
thetrader for assistance in finding shortcomings
Newrite, Kerzhak, Green Samurai, Xandr, Sweet for testing patch

[color=#980000][b]My mods:
[*][b][size=2][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95237]Main Menu Design Replacer[/url][/size][/b]
[*][b][size=2][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97371]Dragonborn Presence - Discord Rich Presence[/url][/size][/b]

Nether's Follower Framework

[b][color=#f6b26b][size=5][center][b][color=#f6b26b][size=5]NETHER'S FOLLOWER FRAMEWORK[/size][/color][/b][/center][/size][/color][/b]
Looking for a multi-follower framework that is easy on game resources and gives you the choice between animal or humanoid companions, with as little as one or as many as 10 at a time? How about a system that also provides a wealth of interesting features, both immersive and quality-of-life, to allow you to tailor the framework to your own style of gameplay?

[b]Look no further[/b],  Nether's Follower Framework is that and more!

This mod has 4 goals in mind:
- Be compatible with as many other mods out there as possible, so that you can use it alongside your favorites.
- Provide companion features that are familiar and useful but also engaging and interesting.
- Make preferences optional and undoable, so that companions (and your game) don't get broken along the way.
- Offer interesting options but also keep it resource-friendly and script-engine light.

This framework is intended to be used with followers that use the default follower system. In other words, hook into the standard Dialogue Follower quest (most companions on the Nexus). However, there is also an optional feature that allows you to [i]Import [/i]custom followers so that they can also make use of many aspects of this mod (no guarantees, of course, but has been tested with many unique followers out there).

This mod does [b]require SKSE and SkyUI[/b], but those components allow me to deliver streamlined and engaging options to you, that wouldn't be possible without.

[b][i]NFF [/i][/b]is crafted by a follower fanatic with many years of gaming and programming experience who loves putting together a rotating group of adventurers together to accompany his dragonborn on adventures in Skyrim. For the [s]Nerds![/s] (ahem...) Nords!

[b][color=#1e84cc][size=4]This a backward port for Skyrim Legendary Edition by request.
[/size][/color][/b]You may post about bugs, read changelog and so forth at the [b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18076]Special Edition Page[/url][/b]. Please notate that you are using LE when reporting bugs/asking questions.
This mod uses features that are common to both LE and SSE, so should be 99.9% compatible. I wish to make it very clear that I only play the SSE version and therefore cannot provide direct, realistic support for LE as I won't be spending enough time in it for that to be fair. Consider this to be Use at Your Own Risk, with no guarantees of functionality provided. For all intents and purposes this should work fine but I'm being brutally honest with you, whether anyone feels that is fair or not.

[color=#ffff00][font=Tahoma][size=4][b]How to Solve Some Issues:[/b][/size][/font]
[/color]- Sort your Mods with Loot.
- Put nwsFollowerFramework.esp at the end of your load order, even if Loot puts it somewhere else and no, I don't care where it puts it. Heck, even make a rule in Loot to put it at the end.

[color=#fff2cc][size=4][b][font=Tahoma]Core Features[/font][/b][font=Trebuchet MS] [/font][/size][/color]
- Up to 10 Followers (flexible, can be humanoids or animals).
- No starter bow or arrows.
- Integrated Interesting NPC support (requires iNPC, obviously)
- Explicit support for Serana and Sofia.
- Plenty of options, below, [b]all at your choice,[/b] set with a robust MCM menu. If you don't like something, it's very likely you can turn it off.
- Detailed PDF Guide provided, for explaining all features.
- Optional (vanilla + DLC) scripts replacement if you have a problem getting the framework to "stick". Option as well for RDO.
- 3DNPC is supported natively, like vanilla followers. Make sure the option in the FOMOD is checked.

- Allow Followers to Sandbox when you are doing passive tasks.
- Set Followers to only Sandbox In-Town.
- Auto-Sandbox in Town Interiors, Your Homes or Locations you determine.
- Toggle off for any specific Follower.
- Allow Followers (and other NPCs) to Sandbox multi-level interiors.
- Followers can be individually set up to craft and/or interact when sandboxing. "Craft" in this sense is not a sim, but it does give them something actual to do while hanging around with some minor conveniences/buffs. Interaction is currently limited to ordering drinks at the taverns.

[color=#fff2cc][font=Tahoma][size=4][b]Mount/Riding Support[/b][/size][/font][/color]
- Allow Followers to use spawned horses provided by this mod.
- Allow Horses to disappear when not being ridden or have them stay around.
- Select breed and effects of their horse, select breed globally.
- Provide Riding Package support only if another mod provides a horse system but no packages.
- Toggle off for any specific Follower.

- Set combat and non-combat distance of Followers.*
- Place Followers in a Healer or Tank Role.
- Choose from 10 different combat styles for Followers.
- Reduce Infighting between Followers.
- Optionally Disable bleedout recovery keeping them down during a fight.
- Revive fallen followers with health potions.

- Catch Up teleport (and On-Demand Ability for player)
- Can Control distance and polling time.
- Enable a +25% Movement Boost for faster following.
- Reduce interpolation between walk/run state changes (faster reaction).

- Create/Manage up to 10 "Home Bases" for your followers, where they will go when you dismiss them. Can set up work and relax locations, optionally. You can rename Bases and all locations, move followers to/from bases and visit your bases at any time.
- Regard System for Followers - relationship system that is more of their respect for you as an adventuring partner. Awards some abilities and benefits.
- Improve Follower Stealth AI when out of combat. They will not initiate combat, chatter and they move in close.
- Extinguish Torches when you and Followers are stealthing.
- Cause Follower Torches to Expire when being used.
- Stop Idle Chatter on all or selected followers (or only allow it while sandboxing)
- Prevent Followers from drawing weapons when you do.
- Followers will not set off basic traps (equivalent of LightFoot perk). Optional via installer.
- Followers get out of the way when you get very close to them.
- Followers can Auto-Recharge weapons they use or use filled soul gems (not player filled).
- Learn skills from your followers when fighting with them in combat (Affinity system).
- Teach Followers spells by trading spell books to them and/or directly teaching the spells you know. Works with spell mods!
- Set any Follower to Essential (or reverse it). While in the Framework, all Followers are Protected.
- Change the Behavior of Followers (morality, crime, etc).
- Set the Damage Multiplier of followers, affecting their attack damage.

[/b][/size][/font][/color]- Set up Adventuring Gear for a Follower, telling them what to wear while they are following you. This is gear enforcement [u]NOT [/u]outfit managment.
- Storage system for re-applying Adventuring Gear when re-recruited. Storage for up to 50 individual Followers, one storage set per follower.
- Copy their default outfit into your inventory (for custom armor, mainly).
- Set a Follower to only equip headwear, shield, quiver and/or weapons while in combat.
- Blades compatibility for multiple followers plus the ability to give followers the blades gear instead of changing their base outift. Only supports SkyHaven Temple Restore and Expanded at this time.

- Issue Commands to all Followers or individual ones at a distance.
- Commands for All Followers: Wait/Follow, Toggle Sandbox, Combat/Follow Distance, Summon and Dismiss.
- Commands for Single Followers (when facing follower and in your sights): Wait/Follow, Trade, Favor, Set Adventuring Gear and Dismiss.
- Variety of hotkey customizable commands.

[/b]- Much like a character sheet, you can view Stats, Skills, Perks and Abilities of your followers.
- Convenient History feature allows you to see where your past followers are and either move to them or move them to you.

[/b][/size][/font][/color]- Enlist the help of non-essential (inconsequential) NPCs by bribing them to join you, adding them to the framework.
- Offer them varying amounts of gold, with more gold equaling a greater chance they will join you.
- Repeatedly hiring the same NPC will eventually make them join you free of charge.
- Experimental feature but works on most non-essentials, even those provided by other mods. Use with caution. They will retain vanilla dialogues, so be wary of some options while they are with you.
- You can bring them to your level and allow them to go up in level as you do by using the optional batch file (install MANUALLY to your main Skyrim directory). Open the console, make sure they are selected and type: bat nfflevel

[/b]- Divorce your wife or husband and marry someone else (follower or not!).
- Apply a Weekly Follower Cost to Followers (as a gold sink).
- Share the Wealth with Followers when you find big hauls of gold (gold sink).
- Call Player Horse ability with hotkey support.
- Track the whereabouts of Follower via a quest.

[i]* - Custom Followers are usually completely outside of the Framework but can be Imported to use any feature not shown with "*" above. Importing allows them to "borrow" a Follower Slot, so they count towards the max limit. Custom Follower here specifically means any Follower with their own follower framework outside of the vanilla system (Serana, Sofia, Recorder, Arissa, and so on). This includes Custom Pets that have their own follower framework outside of the vanilla system. [b]Not all imported followers are compatible.[/b][/i]

- Pets (Animal Companions) under this Framework use most of the features that Followers do. However, all races in the game are governed by behavior files meaning that pets will do what they want to do at times. Example: Dogs will sit when the player stops whether you have them set to sandbox or not.

[b][color=#ffff00][size=3]Do Not Import These Followers (incompatible):
[/size][/color][/b]- Inigo
- Shingchen Holysee Knight Followers
- Recorder (reported issues)
- Lucien (reported issues)
- Anna's NPCs (not recommended)
- Any follower that says "do not manage with a follower manager", "do not manage with AFT" or similar.

[/font]- SKSE64
- SkyUI
- Dawnguard - Must be installed and enabled.

- Fuz Ro D-oh (OPTIONAL)
- PapyrusUtil (OPTIONAL)
- ConsoleUtil (OPTIONAL)
- Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch (OPTIONAL)

- Convenient Horses for follower horses.
- Simple NPC Outfit Manager for actual outfit management, if you don't like the Adventuring Gear feature of NFF.

I recommend using a mod manager to install this mod. It is in FOMOD format.

The following scripts, if they are present, will be overwritten:
- DialogueFollowerScript (and QF_DialogueFollower_000750BA) - retains original functions but alters their contents to segway into the framework controller script.
- FollowerAliasScript - as above.
- TrainedAnimalScript - as above.
- TrapBear - Altered to not affect followers. You can optionally remove this script if you want vanilla follower trap behavior.
- TrapTriggerBase - as above.
- BladesChangeOutfitScript, FreeformSkyHavenTempleAScript, QF_FreeformSkyHavenTempleA_000E38C9 - For adapting to the Blades recruitment and adding equipment option.

[b]New Game
[/b] This is the recommended approach. You can begin your game with this mod enabled. Startup impact is minimal.

[b]Existing Game[/b]
Likely works best if you have never installed a multiple follower mod (AFT, EFF, UFO, etc).
1. Follow the directions for uninstalling your multiple follower mod, including uninstalling the mod.  Your followers should all be dismissed.
2. Make sure your current follower is dismissed, along with any animal follower.
3. Travel to a new cell (any indoor location, for example).
4. Save your game.
5. Exit and Install Nether's Follower Framework.
6. Load your game. You should get text on the screen saying that the mod is installed.
7. Save your game and then load the save you just created.
If all went well you should be using the framework. I cannot guarantee it will work flawlessly in an older save file, especially one that previously had a different framework installed. You may wish (at your own peril/comfort) to use a save game cleaner. Personally I use Fallrim Tools and I haven't had an issue with it.

[/b] Best behavior in most cases is to uninstall then install using the FOMOD installer.

[b]Load Order
[/b] Place this mod near the end of your load order.

If LOOT constantly puts it somewhere else, place [b]near the end of your load order[/b] and make a rule in LOOT. LOOT may say to set Riding Only when using with Convenient Horses. You can do that OR turn off horses for followers you want to buy horses for using CH.
[b][color=#f6b26b][font=Tahoma][size=4]SCRIPT LOAD[/size][/font][/color][/b]
The script load of this Framework is pretty light to minimal. Most of the scripts and functions are fire and forget and use game events when possible. There are some exceptions. If you don't want any Papyrus load, you can turn off some features to have zero load in real time.

[b]Sandboxing [/b]- The sandbox function uses a single update loop that checks in real time. At around 7 seconds of the player being more or less idle, Followers will sandbox.
[b]Catch-Up "Teleport"[/b] - The catch up system is on the same single update as Sanboxing but only checks once per 10 seconds. It isn't a necessary component as you can use the Teleport ability to pull all Followers and Pets to you.
[b]Check Count[/b] - This checks the follower and animal count and adjusts it occasionally (single loop in real time, quick check every 8 seconds). I do recommend you leave it on. The only time it does anything in depth at all is if my animal and follower count doesn't match Skyrim's. You can turn it off and check manually (or on location change event) - this might feel more kludgy though.
[b]Import Adjustment [/b]- Same single update loop as Check Count, this simply removes an Imported follower from the Framework. You don't use my Framework to Dismiss or Recruit Custom Followers, they use their own system so this is just a clean up as their follower system doesn't directly talk to mine. Zero impact when no Custom Follower is imported.

So... If you really, truly want zero impact, turn off Sandboxing, Catch-Up, Check Count and don't Import any custom followers. You might want to try these systems first before just turning them off. These systems are actually pretty light.
[b][color=#f6b26b][font=Tahoma][size=4]COMPATIBILITY[/size][/font][/color][/b][font=Georgia] [/font]
Compatible with[/b] most mods that affect followers, including:
- Immersive Horses (switch Mount Support in my mod to Riding Support Only)
- Convenient Horses (switch Mount Support in NFF to Riding Support Only OR disable horse on a per-follower basis)
- My Home is Your Home (NFF has similar feature with setting up larger "bases of operation")
- Simple NPC Outfit Manager
- Relationship Dialogue Overhaul
- Interesting NPCs
- Skyrim Horses Renewal
- Sofia

*** The above mods work in my game. Some have reported issues with these mods. However, I have had no issues with them, nor CTD or anything of that nature.  If I cannot replicate an issue, that issue cannot reasonably be fixed.

This framework will not make any followers explicitly compatible with any of the mentioned mods, except iNPCs.
Mods that affect marriage or children should be fine as those systems are untouched.
Not fully tested with Animal mods. In theory, most should be fine. I have tried Dogs of Skyrim so far.

[b]Not compatible with[/b]:
- Any multi-follower framework mods (AFT, EFF, UFO and similar).
- Any mods that directly affect the recruitment of Blades.
- Not compatible with mods that teach spells by trading books with Followers.
- Not compatible with Better Stealth AI for Followers (NFF does have some similar features)
- May conflict with any mod that enforces the following game settings: fFollowSpaceBetweenFollowers, iFriendHitCombatAllowed, fCombatTeammateFollowRadiusBase, fCombatTeammateFollowRadiusMin, fAIDistanceTeammateDrawWeapon, fFastWalkInterpolationBetweenWalkAndRun, fJogInterpolationBetweenWalkAndRun.

[b]Potential Conflicts:
[/b]- Mods that enhance follower combat AI will likely override this mod. This affects the Healer Role and Combat Distances.
- Mods that affect how followers travel with the player will likely override this mod. This affects Follow Distance. moving out of the way, Sandboxing, Stealth movement.

Deadly Elements - Hazardous Magic Overhaul

[i]                                             [color=#00ffff][size=6][b]Deadly Elements - Hazardous Magic Overhaul[/b][/size][/color][/i]

[center][color=#b4a7d6][size=6][i]"[font=Times New Roman]Whoa, whoa, whoa... Watch the magic!"[/font][/i][/size][/color][/center]                                                                                                                                                                                     [size=3] [i][font=Times New Roman][color=#b4a7d6]-- Guard[/color][/font][/i][/size]

                                                      Have you ever wondered why the elements in Skyrim seem like they're supposed to be taken lightly?[center]    Not anymore, now they will pose a real danger to you and your foes alike.
    Every elemental spell and enchantment damage/resistance has been reworked to behave as it's real life counterpart , posing a very real threat to your
    enemies  as well as your allies or yourself if you're not wary.
    This mod tailors the damage of all useable elemental spells and even torches, so that they wreak havoc amongst mortals and
    undead alike. With new obtainable powers to balance it to your style. It now expands upon the perk system, offering resistances with each elemental perk.
   Shields now block 99% of all elemental magic with the first perk of the Block skill tree (Shield Wall), the perk (Elemental Protection) now adds 100%                     resistance to all incoming elemental magic damage.
All concentration spells are still very deadly, however the first aimed elemental spells you get won't output as much damage, these aimed spells have also been made to cost signifficantly less in order to improve combat versatility at a distance and let both you and the opponent exchange a couple of spells before the inevitable demise of one of the parties.
   On top of using the elemental spells, you must use the Overclock Spell to push your limits, which advances your destruction skill. But beware, it will cost you,     don't overdo it without making up for it by meditating and building up your magicka.
   Added a more studious way of leveling your destruction tree and upgrading upon your magical knowledge, a series of encrypted books by the name of                 Magnus Corpus, found across skyrim's most acessible places.[/center]

  [center][color=#e69138][size=4][u] Added Magic Spells/Powers[/u] [/size][/color][/center][color=#e69138]                                                                                                     [/color][center][list=1]
[*][color=#e69138][u][i]Magic Meditation[/i][/u] -[/color] [color=#f9cb9c]Expands your magical knowledge by increasing your magicka  and health points cap [b][i]permanently[/i][/b] by 5 and 3 points, respectively. Only useable once a day. (Find it in Farengar's Desk)[/color]

[*][color=#e69138][u][i]Magic Battle Meditation[/i][/u] -[/color] [color=#f9cb9c]Calm your mind and call forth the fruits of your training by increasing your magicka points cap by 300 points for 100 seconds, costing you 10 Magicka points off your cap upon the end of the power's effect duration. Only useable once a day.[/color]

[*][color=#e69138][u][i]Overclock[/i][/u] - [/color][color=#f9cb9c]Push your magical limits as you channel an enormous upgrade to your magicka and Health (1000 points to each) for 20 seconds, costing you greatly after (50 magicka, 10 health), but making you a better mage overall, improving your destruction skill. Only useable once a day.[/color]
[/list]     [/center][left]

                                                                       [color=#b6d7a8][size=4][b][u]Modified Vanilla Magic Spells (On top of the Deadly Damage)[/u][/b][/size][/color]
[color=#e69138]                                                                                 [/color][list=1]
[*][color=#00ffff][i][u]Ice Spike / Icy Spear-[/u][/i][/color] [color=#d9ead3]Both of these spells have been made to deal a ridiculously low amount of damage, but are debatingly the most deadly spells of all, since no one would survive for long with an icicle ripping their chest open, it now adds a longterm bleeding effect that is [/color][i][b][u][color=#dd7e6b]virtually unstoppable[/color][/u][/b][/i][color=#d9ead3] by normal means, meaning death will surely await those who suffer from it, be extremely cautious or exploit it to your advantage, since the bleeding effects stack with each icicle[/color]

                                                                                                                [i][b][size=4] [/size][/b][/i][i][b][size=4][color=#b6d7a8]Survivability Tools[/color][/size][/b][/i][/left][left]
[color=#e69138]                                            [/color]
[*][color=#e69138] [/color][color=#b6d7a8][u][i][b]"Forsworn Blood"[/b][/i][/u][/color][b] [/b][b]- [/b][color=#d9ead3]A red vial that contains the blood of a forsworn, those naked people that live in the wilds of the cold province that is Skyrim. It's a last resort, not very healthy in the longrun as one would expect from drinking blood. It gives you health regen to overcome the bleeding effect you will take from ice projectiles, while it paralyzes you for 2 seconds (just for the gist of it) and depletes your magicka and stamina bars temporarily. It's better used out of combat, obviously, but for obvious reasons you can still use it in combat if the situation requires, just chug it away and hope for the best if you can't deal with those pesky ice mages in time.You can obtain it by buying it from a vendor or [/color][i]you can loot them by the bunch from most corpses of Forsworn.[/i]
[/i]Do note: If you're bleeding out really fast from multiple ice spikes that ran through your body, enough to overpower the health regen effect from the Forsworn Blood Vial, you're screwed, pray to the divines as you kiss your shoebox goodbye[u].[/u][/color][/list][/left][color=#e69138]

                                                                                                     [b][color=#ffff00][size=5][u]Playstyle Adaptability
                                                                                                  [b][color=#b4a7d6]For either mage or non-mage characters:[/color]

[color=#b4a7d6]                                                                                                                       [/color][color=#ffd966][size=4]Cleric:
[/color][size=4]   [/size][/b][center][color=#f1c232][size=3]All added powers use Faith instead of Magicka, which is expressed by the Stamina bar, the more faith you have, the longer you can go![/size][/color]
[*][left][color=#ffe599][b][u][i]Pray to the Divines -[/i][/u] [/b]Doing your part towards the Divines grants you +5 Faith (Total Stamina). Only useable once a day.[/color][/left]
[*][left][color=#ffe599][u][i][b]Divine Prayer: Feel Warmth -[/b][/i][/u] Detects friendly and hostile life around you, costs 10 Stamina per second. Useable from the start.[/color][/left]

[*][left][color=#ffe599][u][i][b]Divine Prayer: Guidance -[/b][/i][/u] Reveals the path to follow, depending on the quest you've selected, costs 3 Stamina per second. Useable at 120 Faith (Total Stamina)[/color][/left]

[*][left][color=#ffe599][u][i][b]Divine Prayer: Shield -[/b][/i][/u] Partially blocks melee and projectile damage, as if you would summon a divine shield, costs 5 Stamina per second. Useable at 140 Faith (Total Stamina)[/color][/left]

[*][left][color=#ffe599][u][i][b]Divine Prayer: Life -[/b][/i][/u] Pray to get out alive of a pressing situation, heals 30 points and costs 10 Stamina per second. Useable at 150 Faith (Total Stamina).[/color][/left]
[color=#ffe599]This can actually overcome the bleeding effects on an Ice Spike.

[*][left][color=#ffe599][u][i][b]Divine Redemption -[/b][/i][/u] Pledge your life to the Divines, purify yourself by renouncing daedric worship forever. Sets +2000 Faith (Total Stamina), takes out every daedric ritual from your character and adds the following Divine methods. Only use once. Useable at 200 Faith (Total Stamina)[/color][/left]
[*][left][color=#ffe599][u][i][b]Divine Prayer: Exorcize -[/b][/i][/u] In a blaze of cleansing fire, kills all undead in an area of 100. Only useable once a day.[/color][/left]

[*][left][color=#ffe599][u][i][b]Miracle: Detect Profane -[/b][/i][/u] Detects undead and hostile life around you, costs Stamina. [/color][/left]

[*][left][color=#ffe599][u][i][b]Miracle: Divine Protection -[/b][/i][/u] Generates a ward that costs stamina and protects incoming magic damage. [/color][/left]

[*][left][color=#ffe599][u][i][b]Miracle: Virtuous Mind -[/b][/i][/u] Pull, hold and throw objects from a distance with your mind, costs stamina. [/color][/left]

Although you need a certain Faith (Total Stamina) level for certain prayers to work, the Divines will not abandon you during your times of need, which means they will channel their grace even after your stamina bar runs out.[/color][/center][center]


[size=3][color=#ea9999]As opposed to the Cleric, all added powers use Health instead of Magicka or Stamina, there's no faith here, sacrifice yourself to your overlords.
[*][left][color=#f4cccc][u][i][b]Daedric Ritual: Death Vision -[/b][/i][/u] Detects undead around you, costs 5 Health per second. Useable from the start.[/color][/left]
[*][left][color=#f4cccc][u][i][b]Daedric Ritual: Horror -[/b][/i][/u] Instils fear in those around you. Only useable once per day. Useable at 140 Health.[/color][/left]
[*][left][color=#f4cccc][u][i][b]Daedric Ritual: Blood Ward -[/b][/i][/u] Generates a ward that costs 5 Health per second. Useable at 150 Health.[/color][/left]
[*][left][color=#f4cccc][u][i][b]Daedric Ritual: Force Manipulation -[/b][/i][/u] Pull, hold and throw objects from a distance, costs 5 Health. Useable at 160 Health.[/color][/left]
[/color][*][left][color=#f4cccc][u][i][b]Daedric Covenant -[/b][/i][/u] Enter into a Covenant with the Daedra by selling them your soul, leaving your humanity behind forever. Sets Health and Magicka to 5000, rids you of any Divine prayer permanently. Be wary, as you become immortal and virtually unstoppable, you will leave all trace of sentiment behind, without your soul, you will not be able to find pleasure as your basic senses become twisted themselves.[/color][b]                              [/b][/left]
[*][left][b]                                [/b][b]      [/b][/left]

[b][color=#00ffff][size=5]                                                                      How to start
[/size][/color][/b]                                                                                                      [color=#a4c2f4]- All mage spells are located in Farengar's Desk[/color]
[color=#a4c2f4]                                              [/color][size=3] [/size][color=#ffff00][size=2] - To become Cleric/Cultist just read a book found in the temple of Kynareth in Whiterun: "The Divine and The Occult,"                                                                                                   then you will recieve a power "Ponder about The Divine and The Occult." Upon using, you will recieve all of the                                                                                                            respective abilities to customize your playthrough, follow the instructions above to tip the scale and make a definitive yet                                                                                       rewarding choice.[/size][/color][size=3]

[size=5][color=#e06666][b]                                                Work[/b][/color][/size][b][color=#e06666][size=5]s best with the Adept Difficulty!
[/color][/size]                                                                                                                   [color=#00ff00][size=5][i][b][u]Latest Features[/u][/b][/i][/size][/color]

    [color=#00ff00][size=5] V1.4[/size][/color]
    [color=#00ff00][size=3]Added Playstyle Adaptability:[/size][/color]
     [color=#b6d7a8]- Cleric/Cultist  [/color]                                                                                 [color=#00ff00]             [/color][size=5][color=#00ff00]
[/size][color=#a4c2f4][size=4] [b][i]Pre V1.4:[/i][/b][/size][/color]
[*][color=#a4c2f4][size=1]All elemental spells are really powerful. [/size][/color]
[*][color=#a4c2f4][size=1]With frost being the less powerful, it comes with the addition of gathering heat from the opponent and turning into life force (will be taken out and posted as an optional file if frowned upon) as well as the ability to slow down your opponents to a staggering degree. [/size][/color]
[*][color=#a4c2f4][size=1]Fire is a very dangerous element, burning through your enemies, allies or yourself in moments, resulting in a quick yet painful death.[/size][/color]
[*][color=#a4c2f4][size=1]Electricity is the most deadly, with the first spells being considerably less deadly than fire, but as your lightning spells build up in energy,[/size][/color]
[color=#a4c2f4][size=1]few can stand a chance against a steady volley of electricity, perishing to it's destructive nature.[/size][/color][*][color=#a4c2f4][size=1]Wards are your new best friend, blocking most of the elemental damage you recieve. They have been severely reworked so that the more you[/size][/color]
[color=#a4c2f4][size=1]progress in your mastery of wards, the more magicka damage they block and the less magicka they consume from the weilder, being given a
very real use when it comes to magic combat and strategizing against a mage.[/size][/color][*][color=#a4c2f4][size=1]Potions are now balanced to offer resistance accordingly, not breaking the potions of elemental resists.[/size][/color]
[*][color=#a4c2f4][size=1]Elemental Enchantments to weapons have been reworked. May be too overpowered (that's kinda the point of this mod but in this case may be too much) let me know what you think.[/size][/color]
[*][color=#a4c2f4][size=1]All mages are what they are supposed to be, adepts of the unknown and now they hone their unspeakable prowess in magic.[/size][/color]
[*][color=#a4c2f4][size=1]All dragons are naturally resistant to the deadliest element, electricity, as their scales are impervious to it, however fire dragons are resistant to fire[/size][/color]
[color=#a4c2f4][size=1]and frost dragons are resistant to frost. Plan accordingly when facing each type.[/size][/color][*][color=#a4c2f4][size=1]Atronachs are naturally resistant to the element they are composed off.[/size][/color]
[*][color=#a4c2f4][size=1]Dragon Priests hone the capabilities of all dragon types, therefore, they are resistant to all of the elements, be extremely cautious.      [/size][/color]
[/list][color=#a4c2f4][size=1]        [u]V1.1[/u]
        Adds Powers and their spelltomes to Farengar's Table:
[*][color=#a4c2f4][size=1]Magic Meditation - Expands your magical knowledge by increasing your magicka points cap [b][i]permanently[/i][/b] by a small amount, only useable once a day.[/size][/color]
[*][color=#a4c2f4][size=1]Magic Battle Meditation - Calm your mind and call forth the fruits of your training by increasing your magicka points cap by a great amount for 100 seconds, only useable once a day.            [/size][/color]
[/list][color=#a4c2f4][size=1]        [u]V1.2[/u]
     Adds/Modifies Powers:
[*][color=#a4c2f4][size=1]Magic Meditation - On top of adding to your magic points cap, it now adds a small amount of Health points as well.[/size][/color]
[*][color=#a4c2f4][size=1]Magic Battle Meditation - It now rids you of an additional 10 Magicka Points upon the end of the power's effect duration.[/size][/color]
[*][color=#a4c2f4][size=1]Added: Overclock - Push your magical limits as you channel an enormous upgrade to your magicka and Health for 20 seconds, costing you greatly after, but making you a better mage overall.[/size][/color]
[color=#a4c2f4][size=1][s] Using spells is not enough to progress your destruction tree, you must[/s] Use the Overclock Power to push your limits, which advances significantly your               destruction skill. But beware, it will cost you, don't overdo it without making up for it by meditating and building up your magicka.
Don't just spam the powers that level and buff you up, you will need to build up through magic meditation in order to have the resources to evolve.
With great powers comes great responsibility.[/size][/color][/list][color=#a4c2f4][size=1]     Adds respective elemental resistances to perks:
[*][color=#a4c2f4][size=1]Augmented Flames, Frost, Shock (Destruction) - 60% at (1), 90% at (2)[/size][/color]
[*][color=#a4c2f4][size=1]Intense Flames, Deep Freeze, Disintegrate (Destruction) - 99% (just a little more challenging than vanilla damage)[/size][/color]
[*][color=#a4c2f4][size=1]Shield Wall (Block) - 90% resistant to all elements when blocking with a shield.[/size][/color]
[*][color=#a4c2f4][size=1]Elemental Protection (Block) - 100% resistant to all elements when blocking with a shield.[/size][/color]
[/list][color=#a4c2f4][size=1]    Other:
[*][color=#a4c2f4][size=1]Reworks elemental resistance enchantments to armor.[/size][/color]
[*][color=#a4c2f4][size=1]Added more studious way of leveling your destruction tree and upgrading upon your magical knowledge, a series of encrypted books by the name of Magnus Corpus, found across skyrim's most acessible places.[/size][/color]
       All of the useable elemental destruction spells have been thoroughly rebalanced and tailored to work best in adept difficulty. 
[*]Now all the spells, values and resistances have been tailored to not break immersion.
[*]All concentration spells are still very deadly, however the first aimed elemental spells you get won't output as much damage, so you don't get molested and vice versa as soon as you're spotted, these aimed spells have also been made to cost signifficantly less in order to improve combat versatility at a distance and let both you and the opponent exchange a couple of spells before the inevitable demise of one of the parties.
[*]Spells still respect the original hierarchy of deadliness: Frost < Fire < Electricity.
[*]Ice Spike and Icy Spear now deal a ridiculously low amount of damage, but are debatingly the most deadly spells of all, since no one would survive for long with an icicle ripping their chest open, it now adds a longterm bleeding effect that is [i][b][u]virtually unstoppable[/u][/b][/i] by normal means, meaning death will surely await those who suffer from it, be extremely cautious or exploit it to your advantage, since the bleeding effects stack with each icicle.
[*]With the last feature having been spoken, you will have to make good use of something newly added to guarantee your survival in dire times:
   "Forsworn Blood" - A red vial that contains the blood of a forsworn, those naked people that live in the wilds of the cold province that is Skyrim. It's a last resort, not very healthy in the longrun as one would expect from drinking blood. It gives you health regen to overcome the bleeding effect you will take from ice projectiles, while it paralyzes you for 2 seconds (just for the gist of it) and depletes your magicka and stamina bars temporarily. It's better used out of combat, obviously, but for obvious reasons you can still use it in combat if the situation requires, just chug it away and hope for the best if you can't deal with those pesky ice mages in time.      You can obtain it by buying it from a vendor or [b][i]you can loot them by the bunch from most corpses of Forsworn[/i][/b]..       Do note: If you're bleeding out really fast from multiple ice spikes that ran through your body, enough to overpower the health regen effect from the Forsworn Blood Vial, you're screwed, pray to the divines as you kiss your shoebox goodbye.[*]Dragon's are no longer impervious to lightning and are no longer completely resistant to their respective element, the same goes for Dragon Priests, although they are still very resistant to the elements nonetheless.
[*]Using elemental spells will now upgrade your destruction skill again, as it should!

                                                                                [center]               [color=#a4c2f4][size=5]   Plans for Future Versions:
[color=#9fc5e8]                                    [/color][color=#cfe2f3] [size=3]- More Custom Buffs, Debuffs, Diseases and ailments resulting from the elements
[/size] [size=3]- More Custom Spells and Powers.
                                                     - The ability to enter into a covenant with a Daedra. Become more powerful than ever in a specific way to your choosing, for a permanent price...
[/size]                                                           [size=3] - Additional books to the Magnus Corpus series, as well as other book series that boost destruction.[/size]
                                     [s] - [/s][/color][size=3][color=#cfe2f3][s]To implement any elemental damage that has been missed out.[/s]
                                             [s]- To rebalance any inconvenience that is deemed necessary by further testing [/s]
                              [s]and your feedback/suggestions/bug reporting.[/s][/color][/size][/center][size=3][color=#cfe2f3][s][/s]

[/color]                                                                                               [/size]

[color=#b6d7a8][size=5]Don't hesitate to let us know of what you would like to see next for this mod or if you have any mod request. [/size][/color]


                                                                  [color=#00ffff][size=6]WE STRIVE TO SERVE THE USERS
[/size][/color][size=4]                                                                   [/size][size=2][color=#00ffff]find us at[/color][/size][color=#00ffff][size=4]                [/size]RisingTalesMods[size=2]@gmail.com[/size][/color]

                                                                [color=#00ffff]  If you have any question or suggestion at all, please feel free to comment or get in tough.     [/color]                                                                                                                                       [color=#9fc5e8][size=5]

Honed Metal -NPC Crafting and Enchanting services- - Spanish_Translation

[center][b][color=#00ff00][size=6]Honed Metal - ESPAÑOL -

Esta es la traducción al español del mod [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51024]Honed Metal -NPC Crafting and Enchanting services-[/url] creado por [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/563698]skyliner390[/url].


[color=#00ffff][size=4][b]Los herreros y magos de todo Skyrim podrán fabricar, templar y encantar tu equipamiento, incluyendo cualquier armadura y armas añadidas por otros mods. La calidad y el precio de su trabajo dependerá de su habilidad como herreros y encantadores, así como de tu habilidad en elocuencia. Totalmente personalizable a través de un menú MCM.

[/b][/size][/color][b][color=#e06666][size=6]Introducción[/size][/color][/b] [color=#ffff00](por skyliner390)[/color]

[b][size=4]Skyrim es una tierra de herreros. Los nórdicos son alabados y presumidos por sus legendarias habilidades artesanales con el metal y en todo Tamriel se conocen los cuentos de su destreza en la forja. Sin embargo, por todo esto, ni un solo herrero del juego se molestará en fabricar un cuerno para ti. Ninguna cantidad de persuasión, soborno o intimidación, doblará su voluntad. Están decididos. Es como si se hubieran unido a una organización secreta cuyo único propósito es privarte a ti, el pobre aventurero, de una protección apropiada y adecuada.
Y no mencionemos a los desquiciados magos de Hibernalia que, según ellos mismos, se ganan la vida encantando cosas para los nórdicos y, sin embargo, se niegan a aceptar ni siquiera tus más triviales peticiones de encantamiento.
Este mod es un humilde intento de poner fin a esta conspiración.[/size][/b]


[size=3]Este mod es muy simple por naturaleza. Está diseñado para que cumpla con las siguientes reglas:

[*][size=3]Está desarrollado para minimizar los conflictos o interferencias con otros mods.[/size]

[*][size=3]Puede ser indirectamente susceptible a interferencias de otros mods, pero dichas interferencias no deberían causar nada más que una funcionalidad limitada.[/size]

[*][size=3]Puede ser apagado y desinstalado con seguridad en cualquier momento. Se limpia por sí mismo para no dejar basura en su archivo de guardado.[/size]

[*][size=3]Puede ser instalado en cualquier momento en cualquier archivo de guardado sobre cualquier otro mod.[/size]

[*][size=3]Se apagará automáticamente y le informará cuando detecte que algo está mal.[/size]

[*][size=3]No estropeará tu juego, no causará CTDs ni inundará tu registro de papyrus con errores.[/size]

[*][size=3]Sólo funcionará cuando sea necesario. Sus scripts sólo se ejecutarán brevemente cuando solicites servicios y se detendrán inmediatamente después de que el diálogo haya terminado. No hay monitorización constante, ni comprobaciones, ni encuestas. El módulo de actualización se ejecutará una vez en la carga del juego para comprobar la versión del mod y realizar una comprobación de integridad, y luego se detendrá.[/size]



[*][size=3]Los herreros fabricarán y templarán lo que les pidas. Los encantadores encantarán y recargarán los artículos para ti.[/size]
[*][size=3]El nivel de habilidad del herrero / encantador determina qué beneficios (Perks) tienen, el tipo de equipo con el que pueden trabajar y el costo de su trabajo. El coste también dependerá del valor del artículo, los materiales utilizados por el NPC y tu habilidad de elocuencia y la configuración económica del juego...[/size]
[*][size=3]Si un herrero no puede elaborar o templar un artículo, busca otro con un nivel de habilidad más alto o cambia su habilidad a través del menú MCM.[/size]
[*][size=3]Cuanto mayor sea la habilidad del herrero, mayores serán las estadísticas de los objetos elaborados/templados. Los herreros con poca habilidad son más baratos, pero también lo es su trabajo.[/size]
[*][size=3]Cuanto más alta sea la habilidad del encantador, más poderosos serán los encantamientos y más costosos. [/size]
[*][size=3]El dinero utilizado para pagar los servicios irá directamente al inventario del herrero / encantador.[/size]
[*][size=3]Los herreros usarán sus propios materiales y podrán adquirir lo que no tienen a expensas de tiempo y dinero extra. Tendrás que seguir proporcionándoles materiales raros, como huesos de dragón, si quieres que hagan algo de ese tipo.[/size]
[*][size=3]Los encantadores sólo conocerán los encantos comunes. Si quieres un encantamiento diferente, tendrás que traer un objeto del que puedan obtener el encantamiento.[/size]
[*][size=3]Elaborar, templar y encantar lleva tiempo por defecto.[/size]

[b][color=#e06666][size=6]Compatibilidad y Orden de Carga[/size][/color][/b]

[size=3]El mod no hace modificaciones en los registros de vanilla por lo que las incompatibilidades típicas no son posibles, aunque otros mods pueden afectar a su funcionalidad si hacen adiciones al árbol de beneficios de herrería y encantamiento. La severidad de estas interferencias van desde que los NPCs producen encantamientos y templados más débiles -o más fuertes-, hasta la incapacidad de hacer objetos de ciertos materiales. Esto ocurre porque HM utiliza beneficios de encantamiento[/size] y de herrería[size=3] de vanilla, y es posible que se necesiten beneficios adicionales para poder trabajar con ciertos artículos.

Si cree que un mod cambia los árboles de ventajas de la herrería y el encantamiento, pruébelo. Es perfectamente seguro hacerlo. Lo peor que puede ocurrir es que los NPCs no puedan cumplir con tu pedido.

El mod reconocerá automáticamente si estás usando Requiem, Perma, SkyRe, Ordinator, Sperg, Ace o Smithing Perks Overhaul e importará los beneficios esenciales de estos mods -así como las de la lista negra de vanilla, dependiendo del caso- para que los NPCs sean capaces de crear y encantar sin obstáculos y mantener el equilibrio adecuado según la visión de cada mod.

El orden de carga no importa.[/size]


[size=3]* Si haces pedidos simultáneos comisionando artículos idénticos, puede haber una mezcla confusa con tus artículos y un NPC puede venderte el artículo pedido a otro NPC. Esto se debe al hecho de que todos los herreros y encantadores almacenan los artículos en el mismo contenedor y no hay una forma sencilla de diferenciar los artículos idénticos cuando están dentro del inventario o contenedor. Esto no es un gran problema. Si tu hechicero te vende la espada de plata que habías templado en lugar de la espada de plata que habías encantado, ve al herrero con el que hiciste el pedido de templado y él tendrá la versión encantada. Hay maneras simples y tediosas o interesantes pero algo complicadas de resolver este asunto, simplemente no he tenido tiempo de hacerlo.

* El mod necesita eliminar y posteriormente volver a añadir todas las armaduras y armas de tu inventario para hacer su trabajo cuando solicite servicios de encantamiento o templado. Esto puede resultar en la pérdida de teclas de acceso rápido y/o favoritos, dependiendo de qué mod de teclas de acceso rápido utilices. Esto es un inconveniente del enfoque actual que utilizo y hasta que no diseñe una mejor manera no hay nada que hacer al respecto.[/size]

[url=http://skse.silverlock.org/]SKSE 1.7.3 or later[/url]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3863/?]SkyUI or SkyAway
[center][color=#ffff00]---------- fin de la descripción ----------[/color][/center]


[b][color=#00ff00][size=3]Este mod solo contiene el archivo .esp y MCM traducido, necesitas tener el mod original que se encuentra aquí:

[size=3]Una vez instalado el mod original; copiar este archivo y reemplazar el original.

Por favor, antes de reemplazar el archivo original, asegurarse que la versión del mod original se corresponde con la misma versión de esta traducción.

El mod se irá actualizando a medida que lo haga el autor del mod original.[/size][/color][/b]

[center][b][color=#00ffff][size=6]* * * * * AVISO IMPORTANTE SOBRE ACTUALIZACIÓN * * * * *[/size][/color][/b][/center]
[size=4]Si estabas usando la traduccion de Haruto08 entonces debes desinstalar esa traducción eliminando algunos archivos de la carpeta Data,, sigue las siguientes instrucciones:

1) Dirígete a la carpeta donde tienes instalado Skyrim y entra a Data / scripts

2) Borra los siguientes archivos:
     * hm_actor.pex
     * hm_inventory.pex
     * hm_mod.pex

3) Listo ya puedes instalar mi traducción.[/size]

[*][size=3]Descargar e instalar el mod original de SkylineR390.[/size]
[*][size=3]Descargar este mod de forma manual o con NMM.[/size]
[*][size=3]Copiar y reemplazar los archivos de forma manual (Recomendado) o utilizar NMM o el administrador de mods que prefieras.[/size]


[size=3]Todo está traducido, desde los diálogos hasta el MCM y los mensajes de avisos del mod.[/size]

[size=5][b][color=#ff7700]¿Qué tienen de especial mis traducciones?[/color][/b]
[*][size=4]No utilizo traductores online, utilizo la lógica y mis conocimientos de inglés.[/size]
[*][size=4]Utilizo palabras y reglas gramaticales para que puedan ser entendidas tanto por América Latina como por Europa.[/size]
[*][size=4]No traduzco apurado, me tomo el tiempo correspondiente para armar de manera correcta las traducciones y corregir los errores.[/size]
[*][size=4]Todos los textos, frases, nombres, etc., se adaptan fielmente al mundo de The Elder Scrolls.[/size]
[*][size=4]Siempre se corrigen los errores y se actualizan las veces que sean necesarios.[/size]

[/size][size=4]Cualquier duda que tengan pueden contactarme en mi facebook que se los dejaré aquí abajo.

[/size][size=5][b][font=Tahoma][color=#00ff00]Quiero pedirte una traducción[/color][/font][/b]

[/size][size=4]Visita mi página de [url=https://www.facebook.com/ciceron.traductor.5]facebook[/url] y dejame un mensaje, ahí te podrás enterar de los próximos mods que voy a estar traduciendo y podrás ponerte en contacto conmigo para hacerme algún pedido, alguna consulta o informarme sobre algún error que encuentres para corregirlo de una manera más rápida. 

[color=#00ff00]Mi facebook se encuentra aquí:[/color]   [url=https://www.facebook.com/ciceron.traductor.5]https://www.facebook.com/ciceron.traductor.5[/url]

En caso de no utilizar facebook envíame un mensaje privado aquí en nexus con el link del mod que te gustaría que traduzca y lo haré con gusto.


[/size][color=#ffff00][b]SkylineR390[/b][/color] por crear este magnífico mod.


Meridia Revoiced

[font=Verdana][size=5]This is a mod I've wanted to make for quite some time, and now it's finally here.
Meridia's voice has been fully replaced with something much softer and less grating.

The new voice was provided by the wonderfully talented singer, songwriter, and now voice actress [i]Andrea Kaden. [/i]You can hear more of her on her YouTube channel: [url=https://www.youtube.com/user/stormkaden][font=Verdana][size=5]https://www.youtube.com/user/stormkaden[/size][/font][/url]

There are two versions available: [i]Standard [/i]and [i]Dialogue Edits[/i].
The Standard version only affects the sound files, while the Dialogue Edits version changes certain lines (e.g. [i]"Do you prefer heedlessness to my luminous glory? Go!"[/i] becomes [i]"Do you prefer heedlessness to my luminous glory? I urge you, go!"[/i] and [i]"Of course you will. I have commanded it"[/i] becomes a simple [i]"Good."[/i]).
Because I had to edit the text displayed in the subtitles, the Dialogue Edits version has an associated esp file, whereas the Standard version does not.


Programs used:

Mods in the video that aren't mine:
[/size][/font][font=Verdana][size=5][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44091]A Matter of Time

Sekiro Mod for Skyrim LE - Shinobi Combat

This mod was made with the idea to bring "The Clashing of Swords", which Sekiro's swordsplay tries to capture, into Skyrim.
It is a standalone combat overhaul that adds some of the features found in Sekiro's combat system, and tries to do so in the most minimalistic and performance-friendly way I could think of. 

[*]Stamina is "Posture". Getting hit by undeflected attacks damages one's posture (in proportion to one's Block skill) in addition to health, and causes stagger. Blocking mitigates health damage, but does not prevent Posture damage. Unlike in Sekiro, performing attacks still costs Stamina. While blocking, Posture regenerates faster.
[*]Blocking at the perfect time will "Deflect" attacks and negate any damage it would have dealt, while damaging the opponent's Posture in return. Deflection can parry any weapon and even arrows (for spells, it might or might not work, this part is still W.I.P.).
[*]When swung at the exact same time, two blades will clash with each other, and the Posture of both opponents will decide who comes out on top.
[*]Power attacks are "Perilous Attacks". They CANNOT be blocked or deflected and should be evaded (by jumping, sprinting or with a dodge mod). They'll be telegraphed very clearly.
[*]When an NPC's Posture is depleted or "broken through", they will enter a state in which the player attacking them results in a special "Shinobi Execution" finisher. When the player's Posture is broken, they get knocked down.
[*]Shinobi Executions can also be performed while Sneaking, on any target that hasn't noticed you.
[*]Some animation conditions are changed: Hitting a blocking target no longer makes you and NPCs recoil. GETTING hit while blocking now makes you and NPCs recoil from the force. Deflecting attacks instead of blocking does NOT cause recoil. GETTING your attack deflected by the opponent leads to recoiling.


(Sorry for the potato PC used in making this video. Showcase of the mod with no other combat mods installed. Watch 2:40 for arrow deflection)

Since this is my very first own mod, expect it to be buggy. Also, I have zero experience about how to balance such a mod, so I'd gladly take any kind of feedback and suggestions for improvements. Just tell me if you want something changed or addded.

The mod is far from finished and will be updated regularly. I'm planning on adding more "situational" special moves, like Mikiri Counter, Jumping off enemies, Ninjutsu. Also, I'll try to make some of the Combat Arts (like Ichimonji, Dragon Flash, Ashina Cross etc.) as far as it's possible within the bounds of Skyrim's behaviour.

This mod is Standalone, except that it requires SKSE.

The changes should be automatically applied when loading the game with the mod installed.
You can in theory deflect and poisebreak anything that has a stamina bar. Enemies will receive the abilities only after the've attacked you once. If an NPC with the ability attacks someone else, they too will receive them. This was done to avoid using a scripted cloak spell which could somewhat slow down performance a bit depending on you PC. I might change this in future updates depending on feedback.
The timeframe for Deflecting can be changed through a global variable. Type
"set sekiro_parrytime to X" 
in the console. X can be any number of seconds. It's set to 1.0 for testing purposes by default, I'd recommend having it lower.

[*]Definitely use a dodge mod of you choice!
[*]Combat Mods that improve NPC AI, such as [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76529]Wildcat[/url] or [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36006]Ultimate Combat[/url]
[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44014/?]Pseudo Parry Animation[/url] for more stylish parrying (blocking uses the Recoil animation now)
[*]some stylish Samurai-like Swordplay animations, for example a mix of [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70108]OSEA[/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81070]Katana Animations[/url]
[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76768]No StaggerCamera[/url], this is just personal preference it removes the camera sway from stagger but keeps the animation
[*]an audio overhaul that improves swinging, clanging and slashing sounds of weapons. The "Soulsborne Sound FX" mod could be a nice fit.

BHUNP (UUNP Next Generation) LE

[color=#e06666][size=4][b][Do not use HDT-SMP for NPCs if you have to use SMP.
Just make sure you use it only for your character.
Otherwise FPS drops rapidly and it causes CTD in the end.]

[I[b]f you don't know anything, or aren't sure about the relationship between
HDT-PE, HDT-SMP, T/BBP, etc, it is highly recommended you read this
[color=#f1c232][b][size=5][color=#e06666][size=4][b] [url=https://babofactory.blogspot.com/2019/10/what-is-hdt-pe-hdt-smp-bbp-tbbp-3bbb.html]https://babofactory.blogspot.com/2019/10/what-is-hdt-pe-hdt-smp-bbp-tbbp-3bbb.html[/url][/b][/size][/color][/size][/b][/color][/b][/size][/color][/size][/center][size=5]
[center][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/31126]SE Version[/url][/center]

[color=#efefef]Greatly improved UNP base body wtih natural movements with HDT based.
Fully compatible with UUNP Body types.
High-poly, putting a lot of efforts on vagina, anus, breasts shapes,
believable collision effects, much more tender breasts with 3 breast

[color=#e06666][b]All this possible on BHUNP body.


[/b][b][color=#ea9999]- Bodyslide Support
- TextBlend Support
- Added collidable meshes for optimization
- Much more details on vagina shape like NSFW SFM.
- Anus model has been added(Controllable in animating)
- Overall topology, weights, shapes has been repolished.
- Much more realistic and natural but sexier breasts jiggly bouncing.
- Support SOS, SAM for SMP collision physics.
- the vagina shape and the nipple shape bodyslide available.
- Super easy converting.[/color][/b]

[u][b][color=#e06666][s]- Some bodyslides are deleted: 7BUNP, CNHF, CNHF Bonus, ZGGB-R2[/s]
[/color][/b][/u][b]Every bodyslide is available now.[/b]

[color=#ff0000][b][size=5][center][/center][/size][/b][/color][color=#f1c232][size=5][b]Features of the Body[/b][/size][/color]

[b][color=#e69138]BHUNP 3BBB[/color]:[/b] The base body. It contains [hdtVagina.xml / hdt.xml / hdtFingers.xml]

[b][color=#e69138]BHUNP 3BBB PE Havok Path[/color]:[/b] It contains [hdtVagina.xml / hdt.xml / hdtFingers.xml / hdt3bbb.xml]

[b][color=#e69138]BHUNP 3BBB SMP Havok Path[/color]: [/b]It contains [hdtVagina.xml / hdt.xml / hdtFingers.xml], and [Baseshaep.xml]

[b][color=#e69138]BHUNP 3BBB Vagina Ref[/color]: [/b]It contains nothing. This body is not for playing but for modders' resource. Do not use it for playing.


hdtPhysicsExtensionsDefaultBBP.xml - controls nothing. Empty.(I made this empty to avoid confliction with hdt.xml because they handle the same bones.)

hdt.xml - controls TBBP bone branch, Butts, Belly

hdtVagina.xml - controls Vagina, Thighs, Calves

hdtfingers.xml - controls finger collisions for PE.

hdt3bbb.xml - controls 3bbb bone branch.


[/b]BaseShape.xml - controls 3bbb bone branch.


[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68000]XPMSE 4.67Version or above[/url]

UNP compatible texture



HDT PE(Added in the pack)


Texture Blender

HDT SMP(Added in the pack, if you want to use SMP body)

High-end CPU(Highly recommended if you want SMP)

Your own race(Highly recommended if you want SMP)


[color=#f1c232][b][size=5]How to Install[/size]
1. Get the file

2. Install it(Recommend MO2)

3. Follow the instruction

4. Build your body(Starting with BHUNP 3BBB)

5. Enjoy


[color=#ff0000]Q. Belly physics collision seems not working with SMP body. PE was fine.[/color]
A. It's almost impossible to make it work as PE does to Belly. It's just
because SMP collision radius is too short. SMP is known to be much more
precise than PE. It's just the stick can't reach the belly collision
mesh. You might think 'Then, do I have to give up?'. Maybe... But to
compensate for the issue, I made 'Belly' bone movable with 3BBB skeleton
so that animators aniamte belly if necessary(like when a huge cock
kicks in). Nonetheless, this limit will be solved in SE. In LE, you
can't help it.

[color=#ff0000]Q. There's no anus physics. What's wrong?[/color]
A. Nothing wrong with it actually. It's not supposed to move itself. It
won't move unless animators give keyframes to it. Anus doesn't belong to
hdt physics. I decided to give up on Anus physics because it became too
ugly and it didn't seem very realistic. Best leave it to animators.

[color=#ff0000]Q. I have my own custom race other than your ygnord race. But it doesn't seem to work.[/color]
A. It could be complicated to solve this problem. You need to learn how
to make your new bodyslide for your custom race in Outfit Studio. In
Outfit Studio, load project BHUNP 3BBB body. Then, do Save As.. Name it a
different name. Set the folder path where your custom race body mesh is
located. Finished? Run the bodyslide you created just now.

[color=#ff0000]Q. Breasts aren't moving at all. They are... not moving and detached from the body.[/color]
A. It should be absence of skeleton issue. Double check if your character has a proper 3BBB skeleton.nif.

[color=#ff0000]Q. Some of Racemenu bone scale options aren't working. What's happening?[/color]
A. It's natural. Don't worry. 3BBB breasts bones are not subordinate to
bbp bones. They are independent bones. So any slides that handle bbp
bones won't work for 3bbb breasts.

[color=#ff0000]Q. Racemenu Morphs isn't working in showracemenu.[/color]
A. It works. You just need to start a new save. I don't know but it looks like it's how it works.


[b][color=#f1c232][size=5]Future Plans[/size][/color][/b]
[s]WIP: BHUNP 3BBB Advanced for both LE and SE[/s] - Done[/b]


You are allowed to use my work as a base(Followers, armor bodyslides, etc,).

You don't have to inform me but just credit me.


[/b]HHaleyy for FairSkin Texture

Regenbot03 for PureSkin Texture and Demoniac Texture

Regenbot03 for providing Vagina texture

StaticPhobia2 for sharing his awesome work on vagina and anus.
HydrogensaysHDT[/url] for HDT engine

Ousnius for his bodyslide

[b][color=#cc0000][size=5]Special Thanks to / Co-worker[/size][/color]

[/b]이하은(Ha-eun) for the better topology shape / reshape the vagina / so many other useful tips. 이하은 남부완!!

박아영 for providing wonderful pics!![b]

[/b]Immense thanks to All my supporters who have been supporting me so far. Thank you.[b]
[/b]절 서포트해주신 모든 후원자 분들에게 크나큰 감사말씀 드리고 싶습니다. 감사합니다.[b]

C5Kev's Perfect Storm Sexy Clothes CBBE Patch


This is a HDT CBBE CURVY PATCH  of the original Perfect Storm Outfit  by C5Kev.
PATCH meaning that the original files are required.

For the source files and addition description of how it is used ingame:
[url=http://][/url][url=https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/11502-c5kevs-perfect-storm-sexy-clothes-uunp/]C5Kev's Perfect Storm Sexy Clothes[/url]

DOWNLOAD THE [u][color=#ff0000][b]NOHS[/b][/color] [/u]VERSION

Calientes CBBE body mod installed and running in your game with compatible textures

HDT    CBBE w/Compatible Textures


OPTION 1:[/b]
-Install Perfect Storm[color=#ff0000] NOHS[/color] from the source link using NMM
-Install the patch

OPTION 2:[/b]
-Add Patch files to Perfect Storm Archive.
-Install the patched archive using preferred installation method





Vtaw utility pack - UNP

[b] [size=5][b][size=5][b][b][b][size=5][b][b][center][size=6][b][u][size=5][b][b][b][size=5][b][b][img]https://i.imgur.com/YkmLGfa.jpg[/img][/b][/b][/size][/b][/b][/b][/size][/u]

[color=#3d85c6]A big thank you to Patrons who has supported my work.[/color]
You can find my work in progress clothing, armor mods on[/color][/center]
[url=https://twitter.com/vtaw0][b][b][size=6] [/size][/b][/b][size=5]Twitter[/size][/url][url=https://twitter.com/vtaw0][/url][/center][url=https://twitter.com/vtaw0]

Port of Vtaw utility pack from Fallout 4 to Skyrim LE (Oldrim)

Add +20 items with a lot of different textures swaps.

[b]Pantyhose where designed to work with only  Onepiece or  OnepieceV2[/b] [b]

[/b] [color=#3d85c6][size=5][b]Requirements[/b][/size][/color]

 UNP Textures
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68000]XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended - XPMSE[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53996]HDT-PE[/url] or [url=https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mNve_qQgYFgxqo_C2sq0uWaDvdcuP8PM/view?usp=sharing]HDT-SMP[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015]BodySlide & Outfit Studio[/url]  
[color=#3d85c6][size=5][b]How To Get[/b][/size][/color]

The outfits can be obtained via crafting at any forge or by using [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64905]AddItemMenu - Ultimate Mod Explorer[/url]

[size=4][b]Item list [/b][/size][b]


Volturi vs Werewolves

New village with the last clan of shape shifting wolfs who are just as powerful in the human form as the werewolf shape shift form
Volturi Vampires and leaders mission to destroy all potential threats, threathens this last powerful clan. If playing as a werewolf they will not attack but others wise are very aggressive to outsiders
location near anga's mill above the waterfallVolturi and Skinwalkers war near Yngolbarrow Coc yngolbarrow01
shape shifters: Meagan and Arlette
Volturi Vampire fire sorcerer -Elizabeth
New spells
Vampire steelfist2 created for  brute ancient vampire felix and marcus
telekenisisgreater  created for aro
add by help "....."

Follower Canna - Canna The Little Magician -

I'm not good at English.
Canna is a standalone follower.
She fights with her own magic.
There are two versions. (Non HDT hair ver. & HDT Hair ver.)
Please choose one of them.

Name : Canna (Flower Name "Canna Lily")
Race : Breton
Sex : Female
Body : UNP
Weight : 0
Voice : FemaleChild ([color=#e06666]Requirement:RDO[/color])
Level : 3 - 81
Skills : Destruction , Restoration , Light Armor , Sneak
Default Outfit : Mantled College Robes and College Boots (UUNP Vanilla Outfits Bodyslides)
Place : Whiterun Dragonsreach (Farengar's room)

[color=#ffff00]Can't get married.
Don't pick up her default outfit. Her body is invisible , because she is a magician...[/color]

Dawnguard.esm (for RDO)
Hearthfires.esm (for RDO)
Dragonborn.esm (for RDO)
[color=#e06666]Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO[/color] : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74568]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74568[/url]
Any Follower Control MODs

[HDT Hair version]
Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE)
HDT Physics Extensions : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53996/]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53996/[/url]
Toggle Options : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84174]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84174[/url]

Install this MOD using MO2 or Vortex.

[Character Edit Tools]
Enhanced Character Edit : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12951]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12951[/url]
saLa Hair : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/85848]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/85848[/url]
[HDT Hair]
HHairstyles : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60730]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60730[/url]
[Eyes Texture]
Fair Skin Complexion : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51602]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51602[/url]
Cute Eyes : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13076]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13076[/url]
[Eyes Mesh]
nvisibility and Eyes Mesh Fix : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43055]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43055[/url]
Eyes AO Clipping Fix : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97707]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97707[/url]
[Face & Body Texture]
Adorable Face : by Lumina
Fair Skin Complexion : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51602]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51602[/url]
[Body Mesh]
DIMONIZED UNP female body : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709[/url]
XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68000]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68000[/url]
[Default Outfit]
UUNP Vanilla Outfits Bodyslides : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/85411]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/85411[/url]

version1.0 Release
version1.1 Skeleton adjustment , Add HDT Hair version
version1.2 Changed face modeling

My old PC don't use ENB.
GomaPeroPoses : by GomaPeroPero
[Light source]
Face Light : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13457]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13457[/url]
Quick Light : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73473]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73473[/url]
IMAGINATOR - Visual Control Device for Skyrim : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13049]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13049[/url]
ULTRA REALISTIC WORLD LIGHTING for Skyrim BETA : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13531]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13531[/url]
DYNAVISION - Dynamic Depth of Field : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12525]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12525[/url]

[color=#00ffff]====From the author====
Thank you for using this MOD.[/color]

Male Npc Overhaul LE

[/b][color=#ead1dc][size=3]My english is bad,i hope you know what i am trying to say.This mod will replace 57 male npc's apperence.[/size][/color]
SE version is [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25450/]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25450/[/url]


[/size][/b][size=5][color=#ff0000][b]Dark face bug[/b][/color]
[/size][b][size=5][color=#ffff00]Please put this mod at nearly bottom of your load order.try "fast travel "to another city when you see someone have dark face.or [/color][/size][/b][b][size=5][color=#00ff00]Try reinstalling this mod when you see a dark face."loot" the load order.if you see some npc still have black face sometimes, reinstalling is alway helpful.[/color][/size][/b]
neck gab problem[/b][/size][/color]
[color=#00ffff][size=3]  I change 14 npc's weight,so it will cause neck gab probelm.there are 2 way to slove this:[/size][/color]
[color=#f4f4f4][size=4]1[/size] [/color][color=#00ffff]strat a new game,all the npc won't have neck gab[/color]
[color=#00ffff]    [size=4]                 [/size][/color][b][color=#f4f4f4][size=4]or[/size][/color][/b]
[size=4]2[/size] [color=#00ffff]use the console.  for example,if you want to fix ralof's neck gab, open the console, click ralof, then type " setnpcweight 70 "(i have write all the npc's weight below), enter , then you will see ralof have a wired face,  type " diasble" ,enter ,type" enable ", enter . done!

[b][color=#ffd966][size=5]If you don't want some npc changed by my mod[/size][/color][/b]
[color=#ffff00]first,delete the headnif and facetint in my mod before you install my mod[/color]
[color=#ffff00]for example,if you don't want ralof be covered by my mod, you should know ralof's ID(i have write all the npc's ID below),ralof's ID is 2bf9d,then delete these two file in my mod.[/color]
[color=#ffff00]     0002bf9d.nif          (data/meshes/actors/character/facegendata/facegeom/skyrim.esm/ )[/color]
[color=#ffff00]and  0002bf9d.dds     (data/textures/actors/character/facegendata/facetint/skyrim.esm/ )[/color]
[color=#ffff00]After install this mod ,use tes5edit to only open ljtynpc.esp ,find ralof,and remove him.[/color]
[color=#f9cb9c][size=4]name                        weight                     ID[/size][/color]
ralof                               70(changed)                  2bf9d
farkas                             85                                  1a692

jon battleborn               50(changed)                  13bb1
hadvar                               70(changed)               2bf9f
athis                               70(changed)                1a6d5
vilkas                            70(changed)                   1a694
torvar                             60                                  1a6db
onmund                        15                                    1c194
ainethach                        25                                  13b69
marcurio                          10                                  b9980
tullius                               60                                  1327e     d0577
ancano                            0                                     1e7d7

golldir                             65                                   19fe8
erik                                   60                                   350a7     65657
idolaf battleborn              85                                  13bb2
captain aldis                    80                                   41fb8

erikur                                50                                   13272
sven                                  40                                   1347f
erandur                                0                                   2427d
ahtar                                   85                                  1325f
cosnach                            50                                    13390
benor                                90                                     135e8
calder                                30                                   a2c90
stenvar                             50                                     b9983

delvin mallory                  60(changed)                    1cb78
belrand                             70(changed)                     b9981
alvor                                   100                                   13475
quintus navale                   40(changed)                   1414c
wilhelm                              55                                     136bb
brynjolf                               65                                      1b07d

[color=#f4cccc]vorstag                              60(changed)                  b997f
hod                                    100                                 1347d
yngvar                               75   (changed)                133c1
argis the balwark            80(changed)                   a2c8c
courier                              40(changed)                   39f83
eorlund greymane          65                                     13b9d
omluag                             20                                     133ae
sigurd                               30(chajged)                       cdd72
faendal                              40                                   13480
nazil                                  40                                     1c3ab    4dda0
amren                               10                                    13baa
captain lonelygale           55                                     14134
kjeld the younger             65                                    13661
siddgeir                            45                                    13653
mikael                              15                                      1a670
ambry                               50                                     3550b
balimund                         100                                      1334c
ulfric                                  70                                     1414d      d0575
solaf                                    75                                   13652
bolund                                75                                   13651
madanach                        50                                      133a7
lucan valerius                  50(changed)                      1347a
runil                                 0                                           1364d
sorex vinius                    100                                       132a7
kjar                                   60                                         13293
galmar stonefist            75                                         14128    d0570   
sinmir                              70                                          813b5 [/color]


many thank to these awesome authors.if you like me work,please endos their mods

[/url]nifmerge  by  tululo

racemenu by  expired6978

ks hairdos-renewal by  Kalilies and Stealthic

apachiiskyhair   by  apachii
apachiiskyhair natural retexture by hein84

Salt and Wind - Rough Hair for KS Hairdos by  jasperthegnome

SC - The Witcher 3 hairdos by  ShinglesCat
High Res Face Maps for Men by Geonox by geonox

Fine Face Textures for Men by urshi

dizona body by Letho0036

dizona body_texture option by letho0036

VITRUVIA SKIN by mandragorasprouts

tempered skins for males- vanilla and sos version  BY traa108

cullen racemenu preset by enaya13

geonox male character preset by geonox

dragon age follow by enaya13

Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - New hairstyles by chris57

mild complexions by nicostein

beards by  Hvergelmer

brows by Hvergelmer

Kyoe's Bang'n Brows

svbeards by shadowtiger

the eyes of beauty by LogRaam

improved eyes by nazenn

natural eyes by  nevenbridge81

llygaid Eye Improver by zhoulia

Ixum's tattoos by ixator

Community Overlays 1 (0-30) Bodypaints Warpaints Tattoos and more made for the Community by domainwolf

casanova pach by zhoulia

hallgarth's additional vanilla hair by hallgarth

vanilla hair variety plus by omegajp99

bed head- a vanilla hair replacement by jasperthegnome

sam light by kouleifoh (from vectorplexus)

SOS - Schlongs of Skyrim by b3lisario (from LL)

HG hairdos by summerdew (from LL)

true brow by  jimtownirish

ks crazy hair 

Remiros' Chitin Armor HD

Replaces the textures of the Chitin Armor introduced with the Dragonborn DLC with new high quality ones in 4k resolution. Both the light and heavy versions, as well as the Morag Tong variant are covered.
Simply drop the "textures" folders into your "data" folder and let the files overwrite. Alternatively, just use your mod manager of choice.
Delete all the textures that come with this mod or uninstall using your mod manager.
This mod only replaces textures and is therefore compatible with everything.
Do not upload this anywhere else without my explicit permission.
The vanilla normal maps have been decompressed and upscaled using the following models for ESRGAN:
Manga109Attempt by Kingdomakrillic
BC1 smooth 2.0 by BlueAmulet
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