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Spells as Incantations


Utilizing magic as an archer or two-handed warrior can be a bit jarring in the world of Skyrim. It involves lots of retreating into the menu system to switch out weapons and spells. This off putting aspect of what I believe should be a viable play style led me to create this mod here. Spells as Incantations adds lesser power variants of most non-concentration spells that can be learned via spell tome. These lesser powers cost magicka, are effected by relevant perks, and provide experience when effectively used. My hope is that this will allow players to explore more styles of play from spell swords and arcane archers to powerful wizards who can cast three spells simultaneously. 

[b]Spells added

[/b]Most vanilla spells that are not concentration spells and can be learned via spell tome are obtainable as incantations. (With the exception of Bound Weapons and Spectral Arrow)
You can see a complete list of the spells added by typing "help incantation" in the console while in-game. The spells and their IDs should be the first thing you see.
Note: There are a few spells you will see here that are only acquirable via the console due to them not being learned by spell tome (Summon Arvak) or not being normally obtainable in the game (Spectral Arrow.)


[/b]The incantations can be learned from reading incantation spell tomes, but these tomes cannot be obtained in the typical manner; they are not included in any leveled lists. You make these unique tomes yourself. The Hall of the Elements, located within the College of Winterhold, now has five special stone tablets that each contain ancient knowledge of the practice of incantation for one of the five major schools of magic. If you bring an eligible vanilla spell tome to the appropriate tablet, you can use the ancient knowledge to edit this tome such that it can teach you an incantation.

ex: activating the destruction tablet will prompt a menu listing several destruction spells. If you have a fireball spell tome and select the fireball spell, the destruction tablet will yield the fireball incantation spell tome.

Note: The original spell tome is lost in this process. This makes it doubly expensive if you were to, say, buy two of each master spell so you could cast them regularly as well as by incantation. Also, some spell tomes are unique, ex: Flaming Familiar and Conjure Mistman. This means there are a handful of spells that can only be learned as regular spells OR as incantations. Not both. That is, unless you use console commands.

(I thought this was an interesting method of distributing these new spells. Feel free to let me know how you think this method could be refined or to suggest another method. I am not opposed to using the regular leveled list method of distribution, but would like to do so via script and am not yet comfortable navigating the master spell ritual quest requirement. Also, again, I thought this tablet method was interesting.)

[b]How it works (for those of you who want to know)

[/b]The majority of the spells I added do not actually do much of anything at all. They are simply linked to a dummy magic effect that is attached to a script that triggers the player to cast the appropriate spell. That's how I got these lesser powers to grant experience. The rune spells and summon spells don't work as well with this method, so those spells have real magic effects but are attached to scripts that grant experience upon successful casting (in combat condition for summons and upon detonation for runes.) All of these scripts are suuuuper short, so they are unlikely to cause any performance issues. 

There is a lesser power cooldown of 3 seconds built into the game. In the Creation Kit, I changed this to 0.5 seconds to let players cast much faster. If you want to mess around with this value, load up the kit and find the "Gameplay" tab. Select "Settings" and search for "fMagicLesserPowerCooldownTImer". Change this to whatever you want. Again, vanilla is 3 seconds.

The stones are attached to looping menu scripts that check to see if the player has a specific tome in their inventory, removes said tome, and provides the incantation tome. These scripts are only triggered upon activation, so, again, they shouldn't effect your performance. 

(The source files for all the scripts I used are included; feel free to scrutinize them and let me know if you have any ideas for higher efficiency or greater functionality.)


[/b]-Magicka cost: The base cost of each added spell is the same as its vanilla counterpart and is affected by the appropriate perk, but the comparison isn't perfect. Vanilla spell cost scales with their respective school skill level as well. Once, you are level 100 in a school, spells from that school should cost around 60% of what they would cost at level 0. The spells I added are lesser powers and don't scale in this manner. It's tolerable. Maybe even good for balance, since these lesser powers will end up costing more than their analogous vanilla spells. I can probably emulate the proper scaling via script, but I'm afraid to increase the length of a script that could be fired so frequently.
-Bound Weapons: Testing these had some weird effects. The weapons wouldn't dispel when sheathed and effects could somehow stack on top of each other. Oh, and the weapons were often invisible.....among other weird things. I may work on getting those spells working, but they honestly don't seem to be super critical to me for the style of play this mod is going for anyway.
-Organization: All of the spells I added are lesser powers. Therefore, they can be found and equipped under the lesser powers tab in the magic menu instead of in their respective schools. This obviously isn't ideal, but I'm not sure how to fix that. The lesser powers tab can get quite cluttered if you learn lots of these incantations. I'm looking into making an "unlearn lesser power" spell to deal with this, but I'm not sure how to do it yet. For now, you'll have to use the player.removespell command to get rid of unwanted lesser powers.
-Balance: This is subjective, but you may find the instant casting and 0.5 second cooldown a bit too overpowered. If people feel like they can spam the spells too much, I may increase the cooldown. I'll see what people say before making that decision, and you can make the adjustment yourself in the meantime. Instructions on how are in the "[b]How it works" [/b]section above.


[/b]Everything seems to work fine, but I am sure you will tell me if this is not the case :)


[/b]Same as most mods, it's best if you install with a mod manager. If you want to manually install this mod, extract the contents of the folder, put the .esm file in the Skyrim/Data folder and the scripts in the Skyrim/Data/scripts folder.


[/b]-This mod references vanilla spells. If a mod changes those vanilla spells, this mod will not behave normally, with spells either failing or having unintended effects.
-This mod does make some changes to the Hall of the Elements in the College of Winterhold through the placement of the five tablets. I tried to put them in unobtrusive spots, but other mods that make changes to the Hall of the Elements (ex: Immersive College of Winterhold) could conflict with this mod.
-Other spell mods will work fine with this mod, but there will not be incantation versions of mod-added spells. I would need to make patches for that. May look into that if the demand is there.

AngelEyes Standalone Follower with Outfit

Angel Eyes  Standalone Follower with Outfit

Nord Race
Weight 100 / UNP
yes you can marry her

Coming from the Stars….

Fightingstyle: CombatSpellsword
Lovings: Healing, Restoration, Natur
Hate: bad things

Located:Riverwood Sleeping Giant Inn

CREDITS:[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29624]RaceMenu[/url]   by  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2950481]expired6978[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13722]The Eyes Of Beauty[/url]  by    [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/308756]LogRaam[/url]
SG Hair Pack 268 By [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/Users/2209393]HelloSanta[/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311]
KS Hairdos - Renewal[/url]  by Hellosanta, Shocky, Anto, Darko, Geisha,Hal, Jakea, Karzalee, Kijiko, Lapiz, Leah Lilith, Momo, NewSea, S-Club,
Sintiklia, Sky, Stealthic, Peggy, Raonjena, Wings, XM and Zauma[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91953]
Bijin skin UNP and CBBE[/url]  by  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/Users/2650523]rxkx22[/url]

Vandfald Cottage - A Player Home

[font=Times New Roman]

[size=4]Vandfald  is a custom player home nearby Riverwood. It was owned by Mildrith, an old woman who spent her last days waiting for her daughter to come back home. You can get the key if you can find "where the bees sleep" on Mildrith's note. [/size]

[size=4]The house is full compatible with Hearthfires and you can adopt up to 4 children. To be able to adopt the children you must have installed [/size][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29249?tab=files]Hearthfire multiple adoptions[/url][size=4] by [/size][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/5363]TMPhoenix[/url][size=4] and use the spell "bless this home" to be able to move with your family.[/size]

[size=5]Special Edition [/size][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/28071][size=5]here[/size][/url]
[/font][img]https://i.imgur.com/jKFVgJC.png[/img][font=Times New Roman][size=4]
Loft with trophy and weapon racks
Main Room
Bedroom with bathtube and manequins
Basement with custom displays for dragonpriest masks, dragonclaws, blackbooks and more!
Enchantment lab
Alchemy lab
Kids room
Garden where your kids and followers can interact with the place and the city





[font=Times New Roman][size=4]This mod is incompatible with any mod that modify the land where this house is placed. Riverwood replacers will work just fine with that as long as they don't change Riverwood Bridge Location.


[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97078]Blue Palace Overhaul[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98464]Elena Standalone Follower[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97616]Sea Dragon - A player Home Ship[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98109]Valkyria Follower (Jordis Option)[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97309]Ahlalia Standalone Redguard Follower[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/96493]Katheryn Follower[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95905]Visenya Standalone Follower[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95832]Rhaenys Standalone Follower[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95630]Ayleen Standalone Healer Follower[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95050]Lyanna Standalone Follower [/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/89626]Lagertha Standalone Follower[/url][/size][/font]
[font=Times New Roman][size=4][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/45807]NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K[/url] by  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/5656572]Shutt3r[/url][/size][/font]

[font=Times New Roman][size=4][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29249?tab=files]Hearthfire multiple adoptions[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/5363]TMPhoenix[/url] REQUIRED FOR ADOPTION

[/size][size=4][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/141]Skyrim Flora Overhaul[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/41808]vurt[/url][/size]

[font=Times New Roman][size=4]Outfits[/size][/font]
[font=Times New Roman][size=4][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97612?tab=posts]Tasheni's Winterclothes[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/16030609]Tasheni[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98589]True Tavern Music[/url] by  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/7245098]elpocoo[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40188]CaptainCreepy - Music for modders[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2419474]OrganicView[/url]

Resources and displays
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11618]Modders Resource-Weapon Racks-Bookshelves-Plaques-Mannequins[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/916280]eldiabs[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59596]Displays - Dragon Claw and others[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/4138425]kyrimlazz[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16525]Modder's Resource Pack[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2235573]Oaristys[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68755]Modder's Resource Pack - The Witcher Extension[/url] by [/size][/font][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2235573][font=Times New Roman][size=4]Oaristys


The Infinity Gauntlet LE BACKPORT

[size=1]This is the official SSE port of my [/size][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91350]"The Infinity Gauntlet"[/url][size=1] mod. It now contains some HUGE improvements over the original mod, such as improved models, bug fix, reworked stone location, additional spells and abilities, alternative textures, better scripting, etc... I'll allow the other version to stay on the SSE Nexus since I had given my permission for the mod to be uploaded. [/size]

At the dawn of the Universe, 6 Stones were created along with the Universe.
These 6 Stones were used, lost, misplaced, hidden and exploited by multiple ill-intended individuals throughout History.
At the dawn of a new crisis, the stones have awaken again, and are waiting to be found so that the balance can be restored.

Inspired by Avengers : Infinity War and Avengers : Endgame, this mod adds a tiny adventure to find the 6 Infinity Stones gathered all throughout Skyrim and beyond to eventually restore the Infinity Gauntlet, an artifact of great power capable of accomplishing anything the user thinks.

Disclaimer :
[s]This mod can be considered a work in progress... You can consider this a fully fledged beta... If anyone with more modding skills than me is willing to help me out or even restart the mod from scratch using these assets, they have my blessing. The only thing that I demand is crediting the original authors. Thank you for your comprehension.[/s]
[size=4]As of V7, I am very exited to announce that this mod
is more or less how I had envisioned it to be, and is mostly bug free. It’s no longer a public Beta / Alpha, etc. It’s the real deal. We’re in the Endgame now... 

To begin the scavenger hunt, go to the College Of Winterhold's Arcaneum. There awaits a journal detailing the history of every Stone, and their last known location.
[size=5]READING THIS JOURNAL IS ALSO ESSENTIAL. READING IT ALLOWS YOU TO CRAFT THE MOD'S ITEMS[/size]. [size=1]also there's pretty pictures inside lol.[/size]

The gems and their powers are as follows :

The Power Stone : Retrieved a long time ago by the Dragon Priests, its power was so dangerous it was casted in a dimensional rift by an Elder Scrolls. It may be lost forever unless someone can travel to a time when it was stored by the Dragon Priests...

Being the embodiment of Power in the universe, taking the Orb hosting the Stone should not be taken lightly, as its power could kill weak individuals. However, when claimed, the Power Stone will grants its user a large supply of might, enhancing their unarmed strikes by 25pts, their carry weight by 50pts, their magicka by 100pts and will render the user's spell 1.35x more powerful, at the cost of 50pts of health, plus the initial damage taken when it is hold the very first time (125pts of damage when first picked up).

The Power Stone can be used to forge a very powerful hammer with magical properties ( 30 pts of Chaos Damage ) or a Staff inflicting enormous damages.
When it is finally mounted on the Gauntlet, the Stone still grants its boon, but without the 50 HP drawbacks, and grants 3 Unique spells :
Power Stone - Sream : which is basically a scaled-up Lighting Storm spell.
Power Stone - Fireball : which is similar to Alduin's fireball shout, only much more powerful.
Power Stone -  Shatter Star calls upon several meteors to strike your target.

The Reality Stone : Kagrenac and Mzark used this gem's power to fashion the tools used to harness the power of the Heart Of Lorkan. Investigating a place linked to one of them could lead you to the Aether containing the Stone.

While in your inventory, the Aether will duplicate the potions you craft (+2 potions crafted), allow you to apply one more enchantment and will boost the soul gems' effectiveness ( better charges on enchanted items and more efficient weapon recharging ), at the cost of 75 points of health. 
It may be mounted on a staff to be used much like Wabbajack, with an almost limitless charge.
When mounted on the gauntlet, it gives the player the Stone's boon but without the 75 HP malus, and grants several spells :
Reality Stone - Warp : Which is a portable version of Wabbajack's effect.
Reality Stone - Disarm : Which is a much more powerful version of the Disarm Shout, without the cooldown.
Reality Stone - Fire Rain : the Reality Stone turns the Sky into a volcano and unleash a fury of fireball to nearby foes.
Reality Stone - Vanish : The Reality Stone will cloak the caster with an invisibility spell, make him ethereal and boost their sneak skill by 100 points until they interact with the real world again.

The Mind Stone : When he was known as "Loki", Miraak used this Stone mounted on a staff to carve out words of power capable of controlling the spirit of any beast. You may find his old staff stashed in his old temple.

Inside a very familiar Scepter, the Mind Stone is used to manipulate other people's spirits. Works similar to the "Bend Will" shout from Dragonborn. Merely having it equipped allows the Scepter to boost your speechcraft tremendously, prices will be halfed and intimidation / persuasions attempts are 3x more likely to succeed.
You may also choose to wield the Scepter as a makeshift sword, loosing the capabilities of the Mind Stone in exchange of a powerful blade. ( A spell allows you to switch the Staff to a Sword and vice-versa ).    
When mounted on the gauntlet, it grants, along with the Stone's boon :
Mind Stone - Control : Which is the staff's spell.
Mind Stone - Telekinesis : Which is used to lift and throw actors off the ground.
Mind Stone - Mayhem : Which is used to confuse nearby actors, causing them to attack each other for a long period of time.

The Soul Stone : Long ago, a necromancer known for his red head sacrificed everything to use this stone's power. After his demise, they were both send to the Soul Cairn. He is now known as "The Reaper", and will give the Ring to anyone how can summon him and survive. 

Mounted on a ring, it grants 50% resistance to Ice, Fire and Shock ; 100 points and 50% regen to Magicka, Health and Stamina ; along with 100 armor points.
When mounted on the Gauntlet, it grants the same effect and gives the player three spells :
Soul Stone - Detect : Which works like a long range Detect Life AND Undead spell.
Soul Stone - Reanimate Thralls : Allows the caster to reanimate all the dead entities around them for a short period of time.
Soul Stone - Soul Tear : Which works like the shout, but without the drawbacks.

The Space Stone : Used by the Snow Prince of the Falmer to conjure up his troops, the Tesseract was eventually taken to the Forgotten Vale when it was studied to create the portals used in the valley. A certain Paragon sharing the Tesseract's Color would take you to the Cosmic Cube if it is brought to the Paragon Platform. Be careful though... Maybe the Space Stone can still conjure the troops of the dead Snow Prince...

It too can be mounted on a staff to summon a small team of 6 falmers minion to fight for you. But that's not all ! While in your inventory (and not on a Staff), it allows you to teleport to any big cities of Skyrim ( and Raven Rock ! ), along with a teleport to aiming point spell. The Tesseract also allows you to conjure up to 20 minions.
On the gauntlet, it still raise the summon cap and you keep the ability to teleport on sight and at any Major City. 

The Time Stone : Worn like a pendant by some kind of Sorcerer Supreme of the Psijic Order. Since he’s a being out of time, your chances of finding him are slim... However, the Psijiic Order doesn’t like that outsiders investigate the Stones...

The Eye of Agamoto hosting the Time Stone can be used to slow down time, much like the "Slow Time" shout, with the added bonus of freezing nearby actors in place. When worn, the Eye Of Agamoto will also grant insightful knowledge, allowing the user to gain 3 additional skill points when reading skill books, and allowing the user to learn all skills 2x more quickly !
When mounted on the gauntlet, it gives a 95% slow time spell and another Area on Effect spell to freeze actors in place, along with the Insightful Knowledge boost and finally, the Time Stone - Revert spell, which will revert Actors to the state they were when you first met them, even allowing you to bring the dead back to Life !  

The completed gauntlet, along with granting you all the aforementioned goodies, will also grant you a spell called "Snap your fingers". After a long casting time, the power of all 6 Infinity Stones will disintegrate anything near you, no half-mesures taken this time, but with an insanely long winding up time. Use this carefully, piles of dust can't be brought back to life by the Time Stone.

Being worn on the left hand, all the Infinity Spells are only castable with the hand wearing the gauntlet. Also worth noting is that you are harnessing the most powerful artefact in the universe with your weak hand. You’ll have to concentrate a few seconds to cast some of the spells... and that’s not taking into account the Magicka Cost... Thankfully, the Power Stone and the Soul Stone grants you 200 points of supplementary magicka. On the gauntlet, this can ease ( but not erase ! ) the cost of some spells.

Not a fan of heavy armor ? Going to any forge will allow you to swap your gauntlet type to Light, to clothing and back to heavy ! If you're not a fan of the gauntlet either, you can now directly wear all the Infinity Stones on your hands ! As if they were rings !! ( Don't call yourself "The Mandarin" just yet though... Trevor might take it the wrong way ). This allows you to use the power of the Infinity Stones without having to give up on your favorite pair of gloves. You'll have to ditch the ring you were currently wearing though.

In the optional files, you'll find a whole bunch of alternative textures for your gauntlet. Tell me which one is your favorite ^^ !


[size=2]Can you add X spell to one of the stones ? / Will you add more content ?
- Maybe. If it's reasonable enough, I can try to add a spell of two, or even a new effect.

Can you upload this mod to Bethesda.Net for XboxOne users ?
- This mod is now available on Xbox One through Bethesda.Net [url=https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/4109309]https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/4109309[/url]

There is a invisible area above my right hand when I equip the gauntlet !
- Should be fixed as of version 5.

Something is written in french !
- [s]Sorry :/ I looked up in the Creation Kit if anything was still in french, but I may have left a few things out :/ .[/s] Shouldn't be a problem for the SSE version since I now switched to a completely english version of Skyrim. If there's any typo or english errors in the mod, please let me know though? 

After an update, I don't get the new powers !
- It's normal. It's because Skyrim's Scripting System sucks. Put the gauntlet and/or any Infinity Stone in a chest. Save. Exit the game. Use [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5031]Save Tool[/url] to clean my mod scripts of your save file (More specifically the "INFINITYGauntletSpells" script). Load your game, pickup the Gauntlet and equip it. It's probably fixed now. Otherwise, just unequip the gauntlet, save, uninstall the mod, load your game and save, re-install the mod and it should be fixed... But you'll either have to pick all the stones again or to console command your Infinity Gauntlet.

Characters added by the mod have gray faces !
- They shouldn't ! Re-installing the mod should fix this.

The armors added by the mod look exactly like vanilla armor sets !
-Two armor sets added by the mod are male only. Trying to wear it while being a female will cause it to look just like vanilla sets. The Only exception being, Thanos' Armor, the Eye Of Agamoto, the Gauntlets and the Rings, all of which are unisex.

Your mod sucks !
- It does, but I try my best to offer a bit of fan service to Marvel fans... DC Fans will have [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/685850]something[/url] too, don't worry. Also, you're free to try to make better. For real ! Take the assets I've created and make your own thing. I'll allow it.

Do you have the permission to use X or Y ?
- I probably do, check the credits tab or the bottom of this page if you think I " borrowed " something I shouldn't have. If you think something is off, you can always PM me or comment. I'll either remove or change what shouldn't have been there in the first place.

When I use the Space Stone's power, I only summon one falmer !
-[s]Due to limitation of my modding skills, the Space Stone's power is still limited by Skyrim summon cap of 2 creatures. Installing a mod to remove the cap like [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1554]Unlimited Summons[/url] fixes the problem.... Sorry.[/s] No longer a problem as of V5

What are the improvements unique to the SSE version ?
-A lot of things. Mainly improved models, textures and scripting.

I use open cities and the Teleport spells conflict with it.
-No longer a problem as of V8

I die when I pick up the Reality / Power Stone
-The Power Stone zaps you when you try to pick it up, inflicting 150 points of damage. If your health is somehow under 75 HP, the Reality Stone's malus will kill you. You'll either have to grow stronger or have one of your minion picking it up for you... If you can bring them to the location of these Stones, of course.[/size]

CREDITS : Permissions were asked or otherwise the assets were stated safe to use

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/4522213]Saerileth[/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/5712421]Gamwich[/url] for their textures.
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/1926808]T3alrose[/url] for the Loki Mod
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/383710]Nikinoodles[/url] for the Cloaks of Skyrim mod
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/4256126]LordBaraban[/url] and LordOfWar for the Witcher gauntlet
[url=https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/user/6567351-soverusbaine/]SoverusBaine[/url] for his Dragon's Dogma spell pack
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/928863]bingles[/url] for his Bingles Buff Armors
[url=https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/user/5790589-cunny1975/]cunny1975[/url] for his [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21379]2K Ring Of Khajit[/url] mod
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/2920623]Medtech[/url] for the textures used in the Alternative Gauntlet Textures file

Thank you for downloading and playing this mod ^^ ! I love you all 3000. Especially a Reddit user who'll recognize himself, who motivated me to not give up on this project.

Stone Location : 

[i]up yo butt, lol *dabs*[/i]
More seriously, if you're someone reviewing my mod or an especially lazy person... or both, here's the location of each stone :
Journal : VERY IMPORTANT. You HAVE to read it in order to properly kickstart the mod. It's located on a table in the College Of Winterhold Arcaneum.
Space : Inside the Temple of Auriel in the Forgotten Vale, you must use the Sapphire Paragon on the Paragon Platform to access the Area. Falmers will spawn to defend the Stone after picking it up.
Time : After picking up 3 Infinity Stones, Doctor Strange will spawn at your location.
Soul : Inside the Reaper's Lair in the Soul Cairn.
Mind : Stuck on the Tree Stone at Miraak's Temple in Solstheim. The Mind Stone will drive everyone crazy in your vicinity when picking it up.
Power : Inside Bromjunaar Sanctuary, accessed through the Wooden Mask. The Stone will shock you when picking it up, inflicting 150pts of damage.
Reality : On a table in Mzark's Tower.
Base Gauntlet : After picking up all the other Stones, Thanos himself will spawn, wearing the gauntlet. You'll have to loot it off his corpse.

Martina a little breton girl in troubles

[b][size=3]V3 Update

_ New Hair from KS Hairdos required: 


It must be installed, although it is not necessary to activate it (to improve the game load).

_ After leaving the cell, she goes to the Sleeping Giant Inn. 

- Compressed with 7Zip for compatibility.[/size]

[size=3]V2 Bugs & solutions:[/size]

[size=3]_ Hair is not seen -> install SG Hairpack 268  ( I'm sorry, but it's the best haircut for her ).[/size]
[size=3]_ Fixed the doppelganger in Bannered Mare.[/size]
[size=3]_ If you dismiss her, she will return to the mine, it still has no solution or use Amazing Follower Tweaks or similar.[/size]

[size=4][b]Martina is a curious little breton and lover of adventures, unfortunately she ended up trapped in the Embershard mine by a group of bandits who require rescue for their release.

Martina is in a cell inside the Embershard mine. Rescue her and she will be your best adventure companion.

* She is a Vanilla follower. 

* To respect the lore, it carries the minimum equipment and is not overpowered.

* Rogue Clase: Ranger, support Dual Wielding, Archery, Light Armor y Sneak.
[/size][/b][size=3][b] [/b]

[/size][size=3][b][u]Requirements:[/u][/b]   SG Hairpack 268 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjIIlIJ20ko)

[/size][size=4][color=#f1f1f1][b]***  It must be installed for the hair to look, although it is not necessary to activate it to improve the game load.[/b][/color][color=#f1f1f1][b]
[/b][/color][color=#f1f1f1][b]Please send photos !!![/b][/color][color=#f1f1f1][b]
[/b][/color][color=#f1f1f1][b]Thanks to the Nexus community![/b][/color][/size]

[/b][b][u]Manual installation:[/u]

download the compressed file,
copy those two files to the / Data / folder inside the game,
then enable the mod.




[color=#00ff00]                                                                                                                    [size=6]Hut[/size]                                                                                                                        [size=3]Players home.                  
[/size][color=#00ff00][size=3]To get to Hut open map see pics for location then teleport there. [/size][/color][color=#00ff00][size=3]
[/size][/color][color=#00ff00][size=3]To get a good idea of Hut look through the pics.   [/size][/color][color=#00ff00][size=3]
[/size][/color][color=#00ff00][size=3]Hut has mannequins, weapon racks, soil for planting, tanning rack forge smelter ETC. 
[/size][/color][color=#00ff00][size=3]I have tested the navmesh with a follower and encountered no problems.[/size]
[/color][color=#00ff00][size=4]Requirements:          Dawnguard.Hearthfire.Dragonborn.

[/size][/color][color=#00ff00][size=5]CREDITS:         Many thanks to.                                                                                                                                           
[/size][/color][color=#00ff00][size=5]                               "Tamira"             [/size][/color][color=#00ff00][size=5]                               
                               "Sheogorad"             [/size][/color][color=#00ff00][size=5]     
                               "lor for resorces"[/size][/color][color=#00ff00][size=5]                 
                               "Mr Silka"      [/size][/color]

Vandfald Cottage - Polish Translation

[/size][size=3]Mod dodaje dom dla gracza w pobliżu mostu Rzecznej Puszczy.
W domu znajdziemy strych ze stojakami na trofea i broń, kuchnie, główny pokój, sypialnie z wanną i manekinami, piwnice z miejscem na maski smoczych kapłanów, smocze szpony, czarne księgi i inne przedmioty, laboratorium alchemiczne, pokój dla dziecka i ogród.

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98870]Vandfald Cottage[/url]

Wystarczy umieścić plik .esp i folder scripts do folderu Skyrim / Data i podmienić.
Możliwa jest też instalacja tłumaczenia poprzez [url=https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Nexus-Mod-Manager/releases]Nexus Mod Manager[/url].


Usuń plik .esp z folderu Skyrim / Data + skrypt z folderu scripts.
Autor modyfikacji - [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/46207497]Dovahkiinathay[/url]
Autor tłumaczenia - [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/16395054]CARANDIRU123[/url][/size]

Enhanced Summons

[font=Arial][size=3]Are you disappointed when your summons only last for a few seconds against enemies when you enter combat, especially when playing on higher level or with mods adding some OP enemies? Well, if you don't like that, you should download this mod. This mod empowers all summons, from vanilla to DLCs, and makes them stronger. Also enemies' summons will also be buffed, so combat against summoners will be more challenging. 
[u][b][size=5]I strongly recommend starting a new game if you choose to use this mod, as the Skyrim engine will not update these changes on the fly.
[size=3]Here are all the details about what this mod will do:

[b]*Max level[/b]: your summons now don't have a max level; they will level up with you indefinitely.

[*][font=Arial][size=3]             0.2 level per 1 of your level (Novice summons)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=3]             0.4 level per 1 of your level (Apprentice summons)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=3]             0.6 level per 1 of your level (Adept summons)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=3]             0.8 level per 1 of your level (Expert summons)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=3]             1.0 level per 1 of your level (Master summons)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=3]             1.2 level per 1 of your level (Potent Thrall Atronachs)[/size][/font]
[b]*New Damage buff[/b]: 
[*][font=Arial][size=3]             x1.2 damage (Novice summons)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=3]             x1.4 damage (Apprentice summons)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=3]             x1.6 damage (Adept summons)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=3]             x1.8 damage (Expert summons)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=3]             x2.0 damage (Master summons)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=3]     x2.2 damage (Potent Thrall Atronachs)[/size][/font]
[b]*New Unarmed damage increase[/b]: 
[*][font=Arial][size=3]            + 10 unarmed damage (Novice summons)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=3]            + 15 unarmed damage (Apprentice summons)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=3]            + 20 unarmed damage (Adept summons)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=3]            + 25 unarmed damage (Expert summons)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=3]            + 30 unarmed damage (Master summons)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=3]            + 35 unarmed damage (Potent Thrall Atronachs)[/size][/font]
[b]*New Base level[/b]: 
[*][font=Arial][size=3]              Level 2 (Novice summons)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=3]              Level 4 (Apprentice summons)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=3]              Level 6 (Adept summons)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=3]              Level 8 (Expert summons)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=3]              Level 10 (Master summons)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=3]              Level 12 (Potent Thrall Atronachs)[/size][/font]
[b]*New Base Stat buff[/b]: 
[*][font=Arial][size=3]             100 points in Health, Stamina and Magicka (Novice summons)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=3]             150 points in Health, Stamina and Magicka (Apprentice summons)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=3]             200 points in Health, Stamina and Magicka (Adept summons)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=3]             250 points in Health, Stamina and Magicka (Expert summons)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=3]             300 points in Health, Stamina and Magicka (Master summons)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=3]             350 points in Health, Stamina and Magicka (Potent Thrall Atronachs)[/size][/font]
[b]*Potent Atronachs[/b]: All potent Atronachs will now have stronger abilities than normal Atronachs. Example: Normal Flame Atronachs have base level, damage buff and leveling ratio from apprentice level, while Potent Flame Atronach will have those buffs from adept level. This applies to other Potent Atronachs as well.

[b]*Elemental damage[/b]: Atronachs and several summons have an extra perk increasing their respective element damage.

[b]*Bug fixes[/b]: Some summons use wrong class and combat data; I have fixed that by correcting them with proper classes, perks and spells.

[/size][/font][font=Arial][size=3]The downside of this mod is the spell "Banish Daedra" will become useless around level 35, as most summons would level up past that. Also for some reason the Seeker won't use the right hand spell with my edit; I have no idea why though. If you couldn't live with these two incoveniences, then my mod is probably not for you.[/size][/font]

Katarina Ningheim Racemenu Presets

[center][size=2][b][i][size=5][b][/b][/size][/i][color=#dd7e6b][b][/b][/color][color=#dd7e6b][b][color=#dd7e6b][b]please do not upload this or any other of my file packages on any other site!
please respect my wishes! thank you!
if you find any of my nexusmods mod file packages on any other site it is
definitely an unauthorized copy from nexusmods.com and uploaded without my permission!
if you think about to disrespect my wishes or to download my mods from a 3rd party site please watch this first:

modorganizer, ningheim custom race and racemenu are some of so many mods making oblivion and skyrim fascinating, lovely, epic games for me. the modding capabilities are the resaon i'm still playing and modding skyrim. beautifying  this open world is a lot of fun and my motivation to upload my experiments. it seems to be a neverending story...

a "more than just a preset" ningheim and unp based character
presented as a slowly growing bunch of optional quality presets and addons with their individual settings:[/b][/size][/center]

optional league of legends version, sweet and blond edition and so on. additional and recommended highly detailed features (see picture gallery) like eyecandy skin and cute detailed high res fingers based on unp, eye and teeth options included. these presets are a suggestion and hopefully are a good basis for you to easily create your own handsome female character. just chose the one from the photo gallery coming closest to your taste or try them all.

if you want the body, eyes and teeth in the screenshots use my uploaded body, eye and teeth replacers.

some examples:

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/725059]katarina pure [/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/722737]katarina in halofarms aether suite[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/718767]lady starlight image[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/716869]face image[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/718523]katarina dragonbone[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/724555]katarina with freckles[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/612107]here you can compare all my female presets with same settings using my skin and additional mods[/url]

the focus was laid on natural appearance, high detail. so the easy customizable and out of the box cute ningheim race was the best choice for me to create close up capable detailed female character with some eye candy addons.

some mods must or at least should be installed to get the correct results.
the preset file has to be placed at the right place. put it just in the folder where your other loadable presets are located!

YOU NEED THE FOLLOWING MODS and addons for full details and the appearance in the screenshots (and of course [b]credits to all modders providing the basis for my presets[/b]):
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35474/?]the ningheim race[/url] unp option (including some of its options to prevent crashes with some
of the racemenu sliders)
current race menu version
skse and related skse.ini settings! (most good stuff probably does not run without it)
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311/?]ks hairdo's renewal[/url] for the hair, hdt if you use the hdt hair options
stoja's warpaints (essential for correct appearance of makeup/warpaints, in some cases you may deactivate the esp in case of warpaint slider related ctd)
northborn scars (for katarina lol preset)
true eyes (optional files section)
true eyes ningheim add on
true brows (optional files section)
true brows ninheim add on
my ningheim cute fingers option in my [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82568/?]cute fingers seamless body mod[/url] is strictly recommended for a full detailed unp based character (just don't use it on low end rigs) and for all of my female ningheim presets! you may use it also for high res unp npc and followers.

[u]recommended checks if preset does not appear as expected:
[/u]use unp body as the recommended body base. cbbe settings probably interfere with my unp based cute fingers mod (not relevant for the face). if you encounter problems try this as your body base. you may also enhance your npc and other races with my high res cute fingers body options. 

check all the settings for the needed mods including skse.ini settings! otherwise makeup will not appear high res or you may encounter ctd.

i recommend my teeth replacer for ningheim and other races ([url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73328/?]better teeth for human races[/url]) or my first and slightly different version (see file folder)
if you do not use ks hairdos hdt option you my have to change the hair to a non hdt one in the racemenu.
same if you use other warpaint, eye or eyebrow options.

if something still does not show as indended check your modlist first. you may correct some errors in your loaded preset if you change eye and hair in racemenu. in all other cases you may pm me or just leave a post with a description of your problem.

[u]installation of the preset:[/u]
- unpack and put the preset file in the folder data\skse\plugins\chargen\presets (if you use mo it also can be the
overwrite folder depending on your installation settings).
- open console ingame an type showracemenu
- select ningheim race female if not already set
- chose "preset" button in the menu and then the preset load button and load the desired preset.
- you may change and optimize the preset now. don't forget to save it in a new preset and to save the game.

you may use newerminds katarina armor mod. you see parts of this armor set and sylva dragon jewels in some of my screenshots.

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/717563]some katarina pictures with nice kozakowy clothes[/url]

[b]i absolutely recommend the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/93219?tab=posts]doppelganger follower mod[/url] if you like to try my presets with a beautiful twin follower.[/b]
* you are welcome to post your katarina preset screenshot in the user image section *
thank you for trying my presets and have fun playing skyrim!

[u]**IMPORTANT update uploaded for sse users - watch optional files in my katarina sse preset folders**

thank you all and the modders of the listed mods above (including caliente for body customizer images) for making this preset possible and
you for trying it - and for taking your time for comments and endorsments!

True HD ENB-for all weather compatible

This is a ENB preset for skyrim.ENB version 0.392.

Required MOD:
This ENB preset is compatible all weather! So,the weather mod is not Required.But still recommend use for [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17802/]COT[/url] and [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27043/]ELFX[/url] ,or [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73937/]Vivid Weathers[/url] and [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27043/]ELFX[/url] ,or [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52423/]Pure Weather[/url] and [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27043/]ELFX[/url].
PS : Screenshots is use for [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17802/]COT[/url] and [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27043/]ELFX[/url].
PS2 : And also you can use for [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/77868]Enderal[/url].

Required :
[*]ENB version matching this mod's version or newer: download and copy enbhost.exe and d3d9.dll or enbseries.dll since this mod has all other ENB file.Do not copy those EXE and DLL files to the Windows directory! Copy them to the Skyrim directory.[url=http://enbdev.com/download_mod_tesskyrim.htm][/url]
[url=http://enbdev.com/download_mod_tesskyrim.htm]ENB download site[/url] OR [url=http://enbdev.com/download_mod_tesskyrim.html]ENB download site[/url][*]This mod has all required ENB preset files including the tweaked ENBoost mod, so you can install this over your current ENB preset. You do not need the previous Wilds preset mod to use this mod.
[*][url=http://dev-c.com/skyrim/enbhelper]ENB helper dll[/url]: This helper dll is now required because the default settings are for the clear or scattered cloudy weathers. Especially the vegetation will look extremely bright with the foggy, cloudy shower, and stormy raining weathers. Please copy the enbhelper.dll file to the Skyrim/enbseries directory.
You must modify your SkyrimPrefs.ini for:

Green Grass:[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/85827/]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/85827/[/url]

[/font]I'm chinese.I just know a little bit of English.So,If you don't understand Above the description.Only sorry!

Shingcheng Holysee Knight

[size=6]Shingcheng Holysee Knight[/size]

[b][size=4]Your Skyrim version has to be or higher[/size]
[size=4]SKSE 1.07.03 or higher is required[/size]
[size=4]NetImmerse Override v3.4.4 (Optional)
Heels Sound 1.5[b][size=4] (Optional)[/size][/b][/size]
[size=4]SMP-PE Compatible patch [b][size=4] (Optional)[/size][/b][/size]

[size=5]VIEDO [/size][url=https://www.bilibili.com/video/av53969787][size=5][b]https://www.bilibili.com/video/av53969787[/b][/size][/url]


[size=5][b]Blog: [url=https://weibo.com/sadgd]https://weibo.com/sadgd[/url]
Communication QQ group: [url=https://jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&k=5R2QwkQ]511049296[/url][/b][/size]





[size=5][u]How To Start[/u]
According to each knight's patrol route, You can find them.


[u]Used Resources[/u]
1.Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68425]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68425[/url]
2.Colorful Magic  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37440]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37440[/url]
3.Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16225]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16225[/url]
4.RR Elphintos Set for UNP  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29690]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29690[/url]
5.Templar Set  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25642]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25642[/url]
6.Leah Lillith Jewelry

[u][size=3]If you like my MOD, please give me endorsements, which will be the driving force for me to keep on doing it. Thank you.[/size][/u]


[b][size=5][u]Guardknight Vieruohsina[/u][/size][/b]

[b]Divine Shield: [/b]Knocks down the target and inflicts continuous Divine Fire damage and damage equal to 10% Maximum Health. Triggers Divine Majesty.
[b]Divine Majesty: [/b]If the weapon of the target hit by Divine Shield is not enchanted, grants a continuous effect that allows you to heal the target while attacking.
[b]Holy Blessing: [/b]If the target is affected by Divine Shield, triggers Self-Healing effect while attacking.
[b]Guardian Aura: [/b]When entering the battle, continuously heals allies and triggers the advanced Healing effect when an ally has abnormal states or low Health.
[b]Total Annihilation:[/b] Lateral attacks can hit all targets within the attack range.
[b]Arrow Crush:[/b] Immune to arrows of any forms.
[b]Solid Rock:[/b] Immune to any Tenacity damage, and deals 2 times Tenacity damage to the enemy.
[b]Spatial Distortion: [/b]Fixes the Physical damage received, reflects damage, and decreases 0.05% Magical damage for every point of remaining Endurance. Enters the Invincible state while blocking.
[b]Frost Shout:[/b] Inflicts Frost damage and deprives the target's Endurance recovery ability. Can make dragons unable to fly.
[b]Ice Armor:[/b] Deals continuous Frost damage to nearby targets and deprives their Endurance recovery abilities.
[b]Gale Swordwave:[/b] Launches a transparent shock wave that deals Divine Fire and Tenacity damage.
[b]Frozen Realm:[/b] When Health drops below 30%, inflicts continuous large-scale Frost damage, all damage increases 3 times, and enters the Invincible state. If the target is dead, causes a Shingcheng Force explosion that deals Divine damage to nearby allies.

[b][size=5][u]Chastenknight Litelina[/u][/size][/b]

[b]Shingcheng Armor: [/b]Each point of remaining Mana decreases Physical damage by 0.03%, and Magical damage by 0.05%.
[b]Flame Fission:[/b] Fire spells deal 1 time Additional and Tenacity damage against targets with Deflagration Flame.
[b]Shingcheng Fusion: [/b]Creates a huge Fire explosion, blowing up the target and inflicting damage equal to 10% Maximum Health.
[b]Divine Storm:[/b] Deals continuous Divine Fire damage to the target and decreases the target's Movement Speed by 50%. Triggers Divine Penetration.
[b]Shingcheng Magic Realm:[/b] Continuously decreases the Magical Resistance of enemies within 120 yards.
[b]Mirror Guardian Aura:[/b] Mirrors another Guardian Aura effect upon receiving Guardian Aura effect.
[b]Surging Flames: [/b]Creates a lava zone that deals Burn damage to contacted targets and inflicts Flame Weakness. Triggers Deflagration Reaction.
[b]Hyper Power Fireball: [/b]Inflicts Fire damage. Can ignite the enemy and trigger Deflagration Flame and Shingcheng Fusion.
[b]Fire Shout:[/b] Deals Fire damage, inflicts Magic Weakness on the target, and triggers Shingcheng Fusion and Deflagration Flame. Can make dragons unable to fly.
[b]Flame Armor:[/b] Deals continuous Fire damage to targets within 60 yards and triggers Deflagration Flame.
[b]Deflagration Flame:[/b] 10% chance to cause a Fire explosion, igniting the target and inflicting Tenacity damage, with a 30% chance to terrify the target.
[b]Divine Fin Funnel:[/b] When entering the battle, opens a Divine Gap that can launch Divine Storms around the enemy, dealing Physical and Divine damage and decreasing the target's Movement Speed.
[b]Holy Cross: [/b]Launches a giant Holy Cross shock wave composed of two holy lights, dealing Divine and Tenacity damage to enemy targets in range and triggering Healing effect on allies.
[b]Divine Stroke: [/b]When the contacted enemy target is affected by Divine Penetration, Holy Cross has a 30% chance to cause the target to deal massive Tenacity damage.
[b]Divine Discipline: [/b]When the contacted enemy target is affected by Divine Penetration, Holy Cross has a 15% chance to tear 3 Space Rifts around the target, create a binding Divine Blockage, and launch an advanced Divine Storm that deals Divine damage.
[b]Divine Enlightenment:[/b] When the contacted enemy target is affected by Divine Penetration, Holy Cross has a 1% chance to enlighten and absorb the target to the Shingcheng Holysee.
[b]Holy Swordwave:[/b] Launches a tiny Holy Cross that deals Divine Fire and Tenacity damage.
[b]Devastation Realm:[/b] When Health drops below 30%, inflicts continuous large-scale Fire damage, triggers Shingcheng Fusion and Absolute Deflagration Flame, all damage increases 3 times, and enters the Invincible state. If the target is dead, causes a Shingcheng Force explosion that deals Divine damage to nearby allies.
[b]Divine Echo: [/b]Allows allies to trigger Healing effect while attacking for a period of time.
[b]Flame Link:[/b] If an ally's weapon is not enchanted, gains a 30% chance to inflict Deflagration Flame while attacking.

[b][size=5][u]Trialknight Irunina[/u][/size][/b]

[b]Repressive Dualblade Genre: [/b]Smashes with dual-held weapons deal 1 time Additional and Tenacity damage.
[b]Crosscut:[/b] Lateral attacks can knock back enemies and deal up to 1 time Additional damage according to the knock-back distance.
[b]Focus Shot: [/b]When bending a Bow or reloading the Crossbow, immune to all Tenacity damage.
[b]Anti-Magic Field:[/b] Becomes immune to Physical damage while attacking. Physical damage received decreases by 50%, immune to the effect and duration of all non-Shingcheng Holysee skills.
[b]Sniper Archery: [/b]When using a Bow, Physical damage increases 2 times, and can ignore the target's Armor. All attacks increase 2 times when Health drops below 50%.
[b]Dark Valkyrie:[/b] Damage increases 4 times when performing effective attacks from the side and back of the target. Triggers a 5-second Invincible state when paralyzed by enemy attacks.
[b]Lightning Swordwave:[/b] Launches Divine Lightning, removing one Magical effect on the target and inflicting Lightning damage and damage equal to 0.3% Maximum Health.
[b]Thunderstorm Archery:[/b] Bow attacks can create Thunderstorms, inflicting Lightning damage and damage equal to 0.3% Maximum Health.
[b]Berserk Fencing:[/b] When Health is above 30%, Movement Speed increases 1 time, Attack Speed increases by 70%. When Health drops below 30%, Movement Speed increases 5 times, Attack Speed increases 7.5 times.
[b]Divine Armor:[/b] Deals continuous Lightning damage to nearby targets and deprives their Magical recovery abilities.
[b]Divine Shout: [/b]Inflicts Lightning damage, removes one Magical effect on the target, deprives the target's Magical recovery abilities, and creates a magnetic field to lock the target. Can make dragons unable to fly.
[b]Thunderstorm Realm: [/b]When Health drops below 30%, inflicts continuous large-scale Lightning damage, all damage increases 3 times, and enters the Invincible state. If the target is dead, causes a Shingcheng Force explosion that deals Divine damage to nearby allies.
[b]Power of Conviction:[/b] Increases allies' Physical Attack by 50% for a period of time.
[b]Divine Adjudication: [/b]If an ally's weapon is not enchanted, gains a 30% chance to remove one Magical effect on the target while attacking.

[b][size=5][u]Perfect Formation[/u][/size][/b]

[b]Vieruohsina Field: [/b]Physical damage received decreases by 50%.
[b]Litelina Field: [/b]Magical damage dealt increases by 50%.
[b]Irunina Field: [/b]Magical damage received decreases by 50%.
[b]Mecha Field: [/b]Becomes immune to Tenacity damage for a period of time.
[b]Justice Crush:[/b] Gains a 30% chance to ignore the target's Armor while attacking.
[b]Divine Flame Induction:[/b] If the target is affected by Divine Shield, ignores the target's Armor while attacking.
[b]Flame Link:[/b] Inflicts Deflagration Flame on the target regardless of whether the weapon is enchanted.

[b][size=5][u]General Abilities[/u][/size][/b]

[b]Lethal Smash: [/b]Deals up to 50% Additional damage to targets above 50% Health. Targets with higher remaining Health will take higher Additional and Critical damage.
[b]Critical Increase: [/b]Increases 85% Critical Chance.
[b]Hyper Heroic Spirit: [/b]When killed with above 20% Health, returns to the battle as a Hyper Heroic Spirit. The Hyper Heroic Spirit's attacks inflict Instant Death.
[b]Overtime Reaction:[/b] When the combat time exceeds 10 minutes, directly enters the Fifth Combat Stage, and attacks inflict Instant Death.
[b]Shingcheng Counter Field: [/b]Breaks the target's Special Protection effects such as Undead, Phantom, and Blur.
[b]Shingcheng Protection:[/b] When Health drops below 70%, conjures the Heroic Spirit forms of the other 2 Knights to assist in combat.
[b]Dimensional Deflection: [/b]Enters the Invincible state while out of combat.
[b]Divine Light:[/b] When Health drops below 20%, triggers Self-Healing effect.
[b]Shingcheng Backtrack: [/b]When Health drops below 20% and Divine Incarnation is on cooldown, recovers all Health and triggers special Divine Incarnation.
[b]Shingcheng Form: [/b]When Health drops below 30% and both Divine Incarnation and Shingcheng Backtrack are on cooldown, generates a Divine Field that deals continuous large-scale Divine damage and drags the enemy targets into Chaos, all damage increases 10 times, and enters the Invincible state. If the target is dead, causes a Shingcheng Force explosion that deals Divine damage to nearby allies.


How to Edit a Vanilla NPC's Face

[b][center][color=#00ff00]HOW to EDIT a VANILLA NPC FACE[/color][/center][/b]
[size=3][center][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29946/]SE Version HERE![/url] (Really it's the same file, just uploaded there too)[/center]
I've had many requests over the years to make some tutorials on this or that subject of modding Skyrim. I usually answered that, well there are already so many tutorials out there, so why are you asking me instead of reading/watching them? Hi-profile modders like Gopher and DarkFox, yet people ask me. I'm honestly confused. Anyway, I was recently asked for simple instructions to edit a vanilla NPC, because those popular tutorials had a bunch of other stuff some people don't need or want, usually dealing with how to make a custom follower with a bunch of unique aspects.[/size]

[size=3]DISCLAIMER: I am writing this from memory because I'm currently away from my main computer and all my modding stuff. I'm back at my parents because my mom is in hospice care about to pass away from cancer. These days I have nothing but time while we wait. I'm typing this on her Notebook, which she no longer uses, thus I cannot provide any screenshots or videos at this time. Parts of this knowledge I gathered from videos and other tutorials ages ago, and parts of it are from my own exploration and discoveries in the CK.[/size]

[size=3]This tutorial makes no assumptions about previous modding abilities. If you already know how to Duplicate and navigate the Creation Kit menu trees, you can probably skip the first bit.[/size]

[size=3]Here are several excellent [/size][url=https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Video_Tutorials]Youtube Video tutorials[/url][size=3]. The first 10 here are official ones by Bethesda. The rest are community-made tutorials. I highly recommend watching at LEAST the very first one, Introduction to the Kit, which explains the menus, "buttons" and how to navigate the Kit. Full list of videos here:[/size]

[b][color=#ffff00][size=4][center]Now please go to the Files tab and download the tutorial.
It's a simple RTF so will open in Word or Wordpad.[/center][/size][/color][/b]
[b][color=#00ff00][center]SOME SUGGESTED RESOURCES:[/center][/color][/b]
[size=3]Here are several popular NPC "beautifying" resource mods. You must check each modder's individual permissions if you plan on publishing your mod with their assets incorporated. That's called making a "Standalone" NPC mod. Alternatively, you can [i]not [/i]package these assets into your mod, and MAKE IT CLEAR to users that THEY MUST DOWNLOAD those mods separately to make the mod work as intended.[/size]

[u]Skin Mods:[/u]
[size=3]CBBE Meshes & Textures[/size]
[size=3]SG Textures Renewal[/size]
[size=3]Urshi's Smooth Male Textures[/size]
[size=3]Skysight Skins (male)[/size]
[size=3]Bjinn's Skins (female)[/size]
[size=3](many more)[/size]

[u]Eye Mods:[/u]
[size=3]Eyes of Beauty[/size]
[size=3]Natural Eyes[/size]
[size=3]Ruby Red Vampire Eyes[/size]
[size=3]Eyes of Aber[/size]
[size=3]Kala's Eyes[/size]
[size=3](many more)[/size]

[u]Hair Mods:[/u]
[size=3]Apachii Hair (Males and Females)[/size]
[size=3]KS Hairs[/size]
[size=3]Lore-Friendly Hairs[/size]

[u]Makeup & Warpaint Mods:[/u]
[size=3]TairenSoul Warpaints[/size]
[size=3]Community Overlays, 1 and 2[/size]
[size=3](many, many more)[/size]

[color=#ffff00][size=4][center]If you found this helpful, please Endorse it :)

If you're feeling extra appreciative and generous, please drop by [url=https://www.patreon.com/AnnaCastiglioni]my Patreon page[/url] and have a looksie. Support is never required, but ALWAYS APPRECIATED! :)[/center][/size][/color]

Xelor the Orc Follower with her custom companion Lumpjaw

[b]Description: [/b]

This is maybe last of my extra muscular followers, mainly because of permission issues with assets needed for planned Alduin mod and well some other sites were not kind to them while giving feedback. That was heartbreaking, especially after the effort I put to make them. Well they have their preferences, I am not to judge. 

[u]However I might personally make some mods if anyone wishes[/u]. Free of cost!!

Anyways, Xelor is a simple orc follower, with orcish bikini, orcish weapons an orcish voice. She will mark your map with nearest orc stronghold on your first encounter. And compared to my other mods, she is much more muscular! Yes, more muscular than Katia and Kelly. You will find her roaming near Sven's house in Riverwood.

Body: Custom UUNP HDT
Skin: Pride of Valhala with normal maps from Tigersan

[b]Lore:[/b] Xelor and Lumpjaw were the siblings and from elite warrior orc tribe. They went to many adventures together. One day they were unfortunate to meet Sanguini who cursed Lumpjaw to become the ferocious beast he is now. Xelor now wanders with Lumpjaw in hopes of one day finding a cure for her brother.
[*]Fixed Xelor's hair color
[*]Added Xelor's companion Lumpjaw the troll
[b]Location[/b]: Riverwood

[b]Requirements: [/b]

[*]XP32 Maximum Skeleton -XPMS
[*]HDT Physics

[*][b]Please do not download if you have phobia of muscular ladies[/b]

[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/1637400?tab=about+me]dracofish[/url] for skin textures
[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2304498]WAST1980[/url] for normal maps
[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/13875685]Zornlux[/url] for providing base preset for this body
[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/1575830]nisetanaka[/url] and honeypopcorn for armor
[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/4559665]Kalilies[/url] for hair
[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/722261]Tigersan[/url] for normal maps
[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2845280]gendundrup[/url] for troll meshes
[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/29481300]somethingwhatever[/url] for troll textures

Manul - Male Khajiit Replacer

This mod replaces the male Khajiit head models with remodelled meshes that look more like a grumpy feline known as the Pallas' cat.
Khajiit NPCs aren't affected by the new mesh unless you regenerate new facegen data using the CK.
Comes with an SoS-compatible body texture.

[s]Known issues:
Most hairdos will not look right with the new head, especially not the facial hairs. Even helmets will look out of position. Don't feel like adjusting them all for now.
I also don't really plan to make a female version, then in my mentality pallas cats aren't really meant to look feminine :)
[/s]I've now adjusted most headparts to look better with the sculpted head mesh.

Consider the assets in this file a modders resource.

List of recommended mods to use alongside this replacer:
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16976]Grimoas Plantigrade Feet for Beast Races[/url]
[url=https://www.afkmods.com/index.php?/files/file/1699-fluffy-khajiit-tail/]Fluffy Khajiit Tail[/url]

mrLenski - "Coverkhajiits" face texture (modified by me)
ShinglesCat - "SC - Khajiit Improvement" body texture (modified by me)

Follower Follow Distance

[size=5]Please endorse if you like it.[/size]

Simple add-on to the default follower system. Allows the player to increase or decrease the distance their humanoid followers are from them through dialogue.

Has only been tested with single follower setups. If any oddities are found with multiple follower setups and reported, I'll try to fix them.

[size=5]GENERAL STUFF[/size]

You've probably been sneaking around a nordic ruin and thought, "Hmm, I'd like to go a bit ahead of my follower and clear out some Draugr stealthily" or maybe walking through town and thought "My follower is more of a friend than a pack mule, wish they could walk closer to me (thinking: walking side-by-side-ish)".

If not then this mod is not for you. However, if you have then this mod allows you to ask your follower to stay either much closer or much further from you than in vanilla.

It has 4 distances:

Close: Follower stands almost right behind you.

Medium: Same as vanilla, just a few feet behind you.

Far: Enough space that they won't trigger a trap you successful passed by before you've fully left the trap zone.

Really Far: Enough space that you can probably have the follower follow from 2 rooms away in most nordic ruins.

By default your follower follows at Medium distance.

Use the "About how close you follow me..." topic to change their follow distance.

The mod also attempts to fix the Hunting Bow issue followers have.


Base Game


The mod will take effect as soon as its installed. To be safe you should probably dismiss any followers first.

Dismiss your follower.

- Use a Mod Manager[MO, Vortex] and activate the plugin.

- For manual install, move FollowerDistance.BSA and FollowerDistance.ESP to the Data Folder and activate the plugin.


Dismiss your follower.

- Deactivate the plugin.

- For those who installed manually, remove the FollowerDistance.BSA and FollowerDistance.ESP from the Data Folder


Any mods that changes the default DialogueFollower quest records will be incompatible.

If any bugs are found please post them and i'll try to fix them quickly.

Male Khajiit Fluff

So I tried my hand att making my own shell meshes/textures for the first time after I wanted my recent Khajiit character to have some fluffy aesthetics, especially since he rushes into combat bare-chested most of the time.
You probably guessed right - I kinda took inspiration from [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/89747]Fluffy Khajiit Project[/url]

So yeah, this mod adds an equippable item that imitates fuzzy fur :)
It can be worn on top of any attire that takes up the body slot.
You can craft it at a tanning rack at the cost of one sabre cat pelt, alternatively you can bring up the console, enter "help fluff" and then enter "player.additem <ID> 1"
Do NOT try to equip the fluff unless you're playing as a Khajiit or it's vampire counterpart, as for now I've set it to only display on aforementioned races for a reason.

The mesh was based on the SoS body replacer, but will work just fine without it.

I plan to update this mod as soon as possible, might as well add shell versions of the hands, feet and tail.

Screenshots welcome!

AngelEyes Standalone Follower with Outfit

Angel Eyes  Standalone Follower with Outfit

Nord Race
Weight 100 / UNP
yes you can marry her

Coming from the Stars….

Fightingstyle: CombatSpellsword
Lovings: Healing, Restoration, Natur
Hate: bad things

Located:Riverwood Sleeping Giant Inn

CREDITS:[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29624]RaceMenu[/url]   by  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2950481]expired6978[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13722]The Eyes Of Beauty[/url]  by    [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/308756]LogRaam[/url]
SG Hair Pack 268 By [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/Users/2209393]HelloSanta[/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311]
KS Hairdos - Renewal[/url]  by Hellosanta, Shocky, Anto, Darko, Geisha,Hal, Jakea, Karzalee, Kijiko, Lapiz, Leah Lilith, Momo, NewSea, S-Club,
Sintiklia, Sky, Stealthic, Peggy, Raonjena, Wings, XM and Zauma[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91953]
Bijin skin UNP and CBBE[/url]  by  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/Users/2650523]rxkx22[/url]

Hilda - Vanilla Follower

[b][u][size=4]SHORT DESCRIPTION[/size]

[/u][/b]Though her Nord companions growing up were of the tavern-dwelling, mead-swilling, Ragnar-the-Red-warbling type, there was always something... different about Hilda. She was the quiet type; the type who might hold a few of the secrets of the universe in her head. The type her neighbors worried a little about, whether or not they ought to have. After eyewitnessing the brutal death of a fellow researcher of Skyrim at the claws of a lycanthrope - barely escaping with her life - her opinion of the best way to spend her free hours was drastically and permanently altered.
[b]Name :[/b] Hilda

[b]Race :[/b] Nord

[b]Marriable : [/b]No

[b]Location :[/b] Old Hroldan Inn

[b]Skill :[/b] One & Two Handed, Destruction, Heavy & Light Armor

[b]Default Outfit :[/b] Novice Robes

[b]Weapon : [/b]Steel Dagger

[b][size=4][u]HOW TO INSTALL[/u][/size]

Manual Install:
• Click 'MANUAL' button
• Extract ZIP file to anywhere on your computer
• Place ESP & BSA files into Skyrim/Data

[b]NMM Install:[/b]

• Click 'NMM' button
• Enable mod via NMM


[center][/center]                [url=https://flic.kr/p/2hzPiUF][img]https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/48953075707_659492656d_o.png[/img][/url]
[/size][b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=5][i]Background[/i][/size][/font][/b][/center][center][font=Trebuchet MS][/font][/center][center][font=Trebuchet MS][/font][/center][font=Trebuchet MS]The [b]karambit[/b] (as is spelled in the [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippines]Philippines[/url] and in most Western countries[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karambit#cite_note-Farrer2009-1][1][/url]), [b]kerambit[/b] (as used in both [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indonesian_language]Indonesian[/url] and [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bahasa_Malaysia]Malaysian[/url] variants of [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malay_language]Malay[/url]), [b]kurambik[/b], [b]karambol[/b] or [b]karambiak[/b] (both from the [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minangkabau_language]Minangkabau language[/url]) is a small Indonesian curved [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knife]knife[/url] resembling a claw.

The karambit is believed to have originally been weaponized among the [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minangkabau_people]Minangkabau people[/url] of [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Sumatra]West Sumatra[/url][url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karambit#cite_note-2][2][/url] where, according to folklore, it was inspired by the claws of [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumatran_tiger]tiger[/url]. As with most weapons of the region, it was originally an agricultural implement designed to rake roots, gather threshing and plant [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rice]rice[/url] in most of island Southeast Asia. (source : Wikipedia)

[color=#6fa8dc][size=5][b]             [i]

[color=#6fa8dc]This Karambit is a bound weapon, the reasons? i must invert the dagger nif so the positon when the player equip this weapon is like a real karambit and when i did that the position of the weapon when sheated is look very weird and there is no way to change that in nifskope. So i made this a boundweapon instead. But, i also made a normal one and you can acquire that from the boss drop.
[color=#6fa8dc]This weapon of course has a shock enchantment just like the name, has a  basedamage of 12, and faster than any dagger in the game but less weaponreach. The spell level is adept conjuration and this weapon is not affected by conjuration perk for boundweapon except for the spell only.

For the regular weapon you also can grind it.        [/color]

[color=#6fa8dc]To acquire this weapon enter the cave , kill the boss and take the tome. See the map location in the image tab. [/color]

[color=#6fa8dc]Big thanks to my friend [/color][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/37904930]ASROFI089[/url][color=#6fa8dc] for taking screenshoot  and testing this mod  :), go follow him on his flickr, he made epic screenshot for SKYRIM.[/color]

[color=#6fa8dc]My Instagram [url=https://www.instagram.com/mzaky_15/]https://www.instagram.com/mzaky_15/[/url] [/color][url=https://www.instagram.com/mzaky_15/][color=#ff00ff]
[/color][color=#6fa8dc]Youtube [/color][/url][/font][color=#6fa8dc][font=Trebuchet MS][url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC65oMKH2Yu_ByyMdlHjAXOQ]https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC65oMKH2Yu_ByyMdlHjAXOQ[/url] 
dont forget to subscribe :)
[/color][color=#3d85c6]             [/color][b][color=#6fa8dc][i]
[size=5]               Credits[font=Lucida Sans Unicode]     [/font][size=2] [/size][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]    [/font][/size][/i][/color][/b][center][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]    [/font][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/users/37904930][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]asrofi089[/font][/url][/center][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/users/37904930][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]

[/url][url=https://flic.kr/p/2hzNieo]            [/url][url=https://flic.kr/p/2hzNieo][img]https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/48952878316_ffc809d922_n.jpg[/img][/url]


Randomly distributed CBBE female body skin

[color=#fff2cc][size=3]   It was nap time in kindergarten class. My nap mat was directly in front of Mrs. E's desk. While everyone was fast asleep, The blood was coursing through my veins. My heart pounding, pupils dilated, senses heightened. I had just returned from a personal scouting excursion to the dark lands beneath her desk and was almost killed. I looked over at Marky, my best friend at the time. He was fast asleep just like a good little pussy. He was so obedient, he would pee pee on command and in the toilet no less if told to do so. Not I. No one told me what to do. No toilet shall confine my urine. I will only sleep from sheer exhaustion, where ever and whenever I collapse. But now I needed him to wake up so I could tell him the tale of the great and terrible creature I had just discovered and narrowly escaped with my life. Under Mrs E's skirt and between her legs. Every nap time seemed to last at least two or three days long and we were only on day one so Marky would be sleeping another week. All I could do was lay back on my mat and recount the horrific creature strangely beckoning me like the siren's song which lived beneath the desk, under her skirt and between her legs.

   The Doctors eventually figured out they would have to dose me with something and knock me out to get something similar to Marky's coma. But it was too late. They would have to perform a full lobotomy to stop me from my objective. For I tell you dear friend I have seen it, they do exist and I have been in pursuit ever since of these elusive graceful creatures I come to respectfully know as "They that live between" and almost viciously took my life that day so long ago.[/size][/color]

OH.. yea the mod:[/size][/color]
[size=3]Randomly distributes 7 in total different body skin textures across all females in skyrim.

Things we all love like various types of nipple color and size, moles, scars, pubes ETC. [size=3] I think i may be missing one of the textures from the screenshot section.[/size]

This is for CBBE because that's what I use however if UNP ppl have various types of skins they would like to swap out for these CBBE textures it is very easy to do.

This mod will add 6 more textures to what ever primary you are already using 6+1=7[/size]
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