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Robin Suit for Team Batman

This is just a mod for the Batman Team

Cute Vampire Astrid Replacer - Plugin for Lamae Follower

[size=2]I know what you're thinking. This doesn't even remotely fit Astrid. You're right, it's weird af. Still I thought it'd be a fun change. I actually wanted to use Misuke's adult Lamae version but I couldn't find it anywhere.[/size]

[b][u][size=3]What Does This Mod Do?[/size]
All this mod does is uses Misuke's Lamae Follower as a template for Astrid. Astrid inherits her look and her spells. This does break the original follower, so she is disabled on start up. If you still want a follower either use my Astrid Reborn mod or if you want her to have the spells use the Astrid Reborn version in the downloads.


[size=2]Latest Skyrim Patch[/size]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63365/?]Lamae Follower[/url] (obviously)

[u][size=4][b]Mods in Screenshots[/b]
[/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25852/?]Lustmord Vampire Armor[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54009]Astrid Reborn - Back from the Void[/url]


[/size][/u][/b]Feel free to join my [url=https://discord.gg/Vzs7FW9]Discord[/url]


For an idea that I included on a whim, the ability to claim Valtheim was surprisingly well-received. People liked the idea of their actions having a lasting, positive impact on the world, and they also liked not being extorted by a bandit who didn't realize how underleveled she was. It was nice to know those bandits wouldn't be an issue for you, or anyone else, after you dealt with them once, instead of finding a new set of squatters every two weeks.
I've done different kinds of mods since then as my interests shift basically at random, but the idea of spreading the ability to claim locations across more and more parts of Skyrim was something people often brought up if they were talking about one of my mods. Only recently was I able to make a system that I could easily spread from one area to the next, letting you claim more and more areas as your character defeated the enemies there, stabilizing Skyrim one area at a time.

Lawbringer is a mod that lets you claim several bandit outposts for the faction you support, and it's a framework that can be expanded to let you claim any location for any faction you like. After clearing a supported area, you'll be able to find a nearby banner and use it to claim the fort. After that, waiting or leaving the fort will clear it and lead to it being taken over by the faction you claimed it for. Lawbringer supports Radiant Exclusions by default, so there's no chance of you being sent to clear a boss who no longer exists as long as you've got the Radiant Exclusions plugin.

Currently, five areas have added support for Hold guards, Imperial soldiers, or Stormcloaks. These are:
[*]Ruins of Bthalft
[*]Falkreath Watchtower
[*]Pinefall Bridge
[*]Rift Watchtower
[/list]Tactical Valtheim and Halted Stream Mine already use a more customized version of Lawbringer's system, and my upcoming Silent Moons Camp mod will as well. I'm planning how I want to handle Forsworn and the Reach in general, and once that's over I should be able to support every Forsworn camp. Mountain passes like Brittleshin Pass are also on my list once I've added support for locations that cross Hold borders.

Adding basic Lawbringer support to a new area takes me about 10 minutes right now. Mostly, it's a matter of drag and dropping the right things, and then my system will Just Work. I'll be writing a formal guide for how anyone who's used the CK before can add basic Lawbringer support to a new area in the next few days; until then, feel free to PM me about it and I'll be happy to discuss how to use the framework with you.

Birds - Mounts - Hordes and Followers

[i]With this mod you can summon many birds (Penguins, Dodos, Owls, Peacocks (2),Turkeys (3), Terror Birds (2), Hummingbirds (3), Fellrunner, Moa, Marabou, Emu, Rhea and Shoebill) and ride them, or select hordes of different birds ! [/i]

The DLC Dawnguard, and possibly [url=http://skse.silverlock.org/] Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) [/url] or [url=http://store.steampowered.com/app/365720/?l=english] Skyrim Script Extender [/url] are required

This mod also works without SKSE but the giant Hummingbirds fly at ground level !

This mod is a merging of my mods:

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76666]Curious Birds of Skyrim [/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/94063]Terror Birds Mount and Army [/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/92875]Moa and Co. Hordes - Followers and Mount [/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87033]Mihail's Birds Mounts [/url]

[color=#ff0000][b][i][size=4]WARNING: If you install Birds, Mounts, Hordes and Followers, you must uninstall these mods [/size][/i][/b][/color]


[b][size=5]SUMMONABLE MOUNTS or FOLLOWERS[/size][/b] ([b]Birds[/b]: [i]dodo, turkeys, terror birds, marabou, shoebill, emu, rhea, moa, giant hummingbirds, fellrunner[/i])

To have the SUMMONABLE MOUNTS or FOLLOWERS, you must buy the (16) “Spell tome: XXXX”, at [color=#00ff00][b]Farengar Secret-Fire in Dragonsreach[/b][/color]/Fort Dragon (Whiterun) or with an other "Spell Vendor" (ex: Sybille Stentor in the Blue Palace/Palais bleu in Solitude).

With the book, you have the spell (Duration of the summon: 1 hour) ...

You can easily DISMISS when you want ! with an other "Spell tome: Dismiss Summoned Bird"

In order to buy the 17 books at Farengar, [b][i]you must place this mod at the bottom of the list when you launch the game[/i][/b]

[b][color=#ff0000][size=3]CONTROLS OF THE GIANT HUMMINGBIRDS[/size][/color][/b] (with SKSE):

->->->->->->[color=#ff0000][size=3][b]If you have SKSE you can really fly ![/b][/size][/color]<-<-<-<-<-<-

[color=#ff0000]UP[/color]: [color=#00ff00] Left Shift[/color]

[color=#ff0000]DOWN[/color]: [color=#00ff00] Left Ctrl[/color]

[color=#ff0000]DOWN to the ground quickly[/color]: [color=#00ff00] E or Space[/color]

[color=#00ff00] W[/color] (or Z): [color=#ff0000]forward[/color]

[color=#00ff00] S[/color]: [color=#ff0000]backward[/color]

[color=#00ff00] A[/color] (or Q): [color=#ff0000]turn left[/color]

[color=#00ff00] D[/color]: [color=#ff0000]turn right[/color]

[size=3][b][u]You MUST mount the Summoned Hummingbirds, dismount and re-mount again before flying ![/u][/b][/size]

When flying press F12 to reconfigure the Keys (...a little problem: it is the default screenshot button on Steam ! You can go into Steam and disabled screenshots)

If there is a problem with the F12 key, uncheck the mod, make a backup and then check again the mod



[b][size=5]HORDES[/size][/b] ([b]*Birds[/b]: [i]penguin, peacock, owl, shoebill, marabou, moa, rhea, dodo, turkey, terror bird, hummingbirds[/i])

This mod adds the ability to quickly incubate eggs of *birds with the fire of the forge, and quickly create a horde of *birds (5, 15, 50, 100 ...MORE ?...ATTENTION with the freezes in your computer !).

To obtain these *birds eggs, simply bring any “*bird Egg ” (found with some [color=#00ff00]Merchants in Whiterun [/color]: [i][b]Arcadia of Arcadia’s Cauldron, Anoriath, Hulda of the Bannered Mare[/b][/i]) to a forge and create the "Incubated *bird Egg" in the "misc" section. Now open up your inventory, navigate to "Scrolls" and there they are. You throw them and when they hit the ground they hatch into *bird.

When your creatures die, remember to loot their corpses for more eggs


warning: the terror bird (new model) is very agressive


[b][size=5]COMPANIONS[/size][/b] ([b]Birds[/b]: [i]penguin, owl, peacock[/i])

Penguins: the (3) companions (you can talk: Wait - Follow - Trade - Favor - Dismiss) are located [u]near Dawnstar[/u] and [u]near the Wreck of the Brinehammer[/u]

Owl: this companion (you can talk: Wait - Follow - Trade - Favor - Dismiss) is located [u]near the Deadwood Lumber Mill[/u] of [color=#00ff00]Falkreath [/color] (It lies just north of Dengeir's House along the river)

Peacocks: these 9 companions (you can talk: Wait - Follow - Trade - Favor - Dismiss) are located in the[color=#00ff00] 5 Towns[/color]



58 penguins with 7 nests (with eggs) [u]near Dawnstar[/u] and [u]near the Wreck of the Brinehammer[/u]

6 owls and 6 nests (with eggs) [u]between the Roadside Ruins and the Falkreath Watchtower[/u] near the [b]Tree House[/b] of my mod[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/78954] The World Tree of Skyrim [/url]

8 peacocks near the companions in the 5 towns. You have also a nest with egg (Riften only)




[color=#ff0000][b][size=5] INSTALLATION [/size][/b][/color]

In order to find these eggs/books at Merchants, you must choose the mod for which you want to buy and place it at the bottom of the list when you launch the game


[color=#ff0000][b][size=5] Bugs or Problems [/size][/b][/color]

[i][b] For the flying mounts (Hummingbirds):[/b][/i]

You only have to be careful to not crash into the ground (apparently they can also burrow underground) !

[i]If your mount disappears (with impossibility to dismount): Be patient a few seconds or Zoom out with the scroll Wheel or FAST TRAVEL[/i]

[i] [b]For the armies of Dodos, Owls or Penguins:[/b][/i]

When the Dodo/Penguin/Owl is in battle, it approaches the enemy and just stand their and lets itself be attacked and it doesn't fight back (there is no animation in the game to fight)

[i][b] For the mounts:[/b][/i]

The Dodo can’t jump, fly or swim…

To turn easily,it is better to walk ! ...

If you dismount in the water, it is possible to swim in the air !! Solution: MOUNT AGAIN or SPACEBAR

[i] [b]For the companions:[/b][/i]

You can only have one Follower at a time: if you want a different one (in my other mods), you need to dismiss the first one before you recruit them.

If telling the follower to return at home (With message: “Your companion heads home”) doesn't dismiss him, or if you have lost the active Follower, you can try this:

Type “²” or "`" or "~" key to get into console, and type:

set playeranimalcount to 0

With [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15524/?] Amazing Follower Tweaks [/url], or other mod with followers, if problem to dismiss the followers, you can uncheck this mod (AFT or other) in the Data Files when you launch the game

If problem with the Dialog Box of the followers/ companions (Wait - Follow - Trade - Favor - Dismiss) you can also enter / exit a house or make a fast travel


[color=#ff0000] [size=5] [b]Credits [/b][/size][/color]

Merci aux moddeurs dont les noms suivent:

[color=#ff0000]SpikeDragonLord and jboyd4 [/color] for the Dodo in the mod [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76203/?] Beasts of Tamriel [/url] (also thanks to Dogtown1)

Dodo is a free model from [url=http://www.horniman.ac.uk/get_involved/blog/3d-models-of-horniman-objects] Horniman Museum [/url]

[color=#ff0000]Fluff Eisenkette [/color] for the Penguin in the mod [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/79077/?]Fluff's Followers - Winston the Penguin [/url]

[url=http://www.123dapp.com/123C-3D-Model/Penguin/592686] Penguin Model off of 123D [/url] by Autodesk Premium

+++This mod uses a model under a BY-NC-SA Creative Commons License+++

[url=https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/] Link to CC license [/url]

[color=#ff0000]LorSakyamuni [/color] for the Owls and the Peacocks in the mod [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76524/?] The Witcher 3 Monsters and Animals Resource Pack [/url] (“You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me”,“Pack containing a lot of monsters and animals included in the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. All the original assets belong to [url=http://en.cdprojektred.com/] CD PROJEKT RED [/url] and are distributed with their permission. Feel free to use them, just remember to credit me.”); the Owls are rigged by [color=#ff0000] SpikeDragonLord and jboyd4 [/color] in the mod [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76203/?]Beasts of Tamriel[/url]; the Peacocks are rigged by [color=#ff0000] Mihail Romanov[/color] in his mod [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81868/?] Peacocks- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- animals- birds) [/url] ("Feel free to use my mod in your projects, no need to ask me for permission first") , Peacock custom loot by [color=#ff0000]Achronos11[/color]

[color=#ff0000]Mihail Romanov[/color] for the Turkeys in his mod [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/92883] Turkeys- Elements of Skyrim pt.19 (mihail immersive add-ons- animals- birds)[/url], for the Terror Birds in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87008/?] Terror Birds- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons - tundra- megafauna) [/url], for the Fellrunner in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/86791/?] Fellrunners- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons - hammerfell- ESO) [/url]; for the Hummingbirds in [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/86335/?] Hummingbirds- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons - animals) [/url], for the Moa and the Emu in his mod [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/92813/] Moas and Emus- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- birds- megafauna) [/url] and for the Marabou and the Shoebill in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/92861/]Giant Storks- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- birds) [/url]

Peacock model Repair by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/1796097] zenlyking [/url]

[color=#ff0000]NoxyGame [/color]and [color=#ff0000]DOSMaster [/color]for the script of the mod [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29860/? ] Pegasus MLP fully flyable [/url]

Free sounds [url=http://www.universal-soundbank.com/]universal-soundbank[/url] - [url=http://www.sound-fishing.net/bruitages_animaux.html]Sound Fishing [/url] - [url=http://www.xeno-canto.org/]xeno-canto[/url]

PIE Standalone Followers Reborn

[center][size=4][b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#ff0000][color=#ff0000][font=Courier New][size=4][b]Re-uploading this file to any other websites is strictly prohibited.[/b][/size][/font][/color][font=Courier New]

Requirement: [/color][/font][/b]
[/size][font=Georgia]Dawnguard DLC
Dragonborn DLC
[size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53996]HDT Physics Extensions[/url] (Optional[/size])[/font]

[size=4][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#ff0000][b]About PIE Standalone Followers: [/b][/color][/font]
[/size][font=Georgia]This mod adds 7 characters to your game, Include all the characters I have released, and two new character.
All female characters use UNPB or CBBE Curvy body.
All male characters use bettermale underwear body.
[size=4][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#ff0000][b]About Returns: [/b][/color][/font]
[/size][font=Georgia][size=3]the Returns is a brand new storyline about the followers and companions. It's mainly about Nami, also with some new figures and special abilities around.
[/size][/font][font=Comic Sans MS][size=4][b][color=#ff0000]About Reborn:[/color]
[/b][/size][/font][font=Georgia][size=3][color=#f4f4f4]Two mouths ago my PC had got a virus extortionists and I lost almost all my files, It took me two mouths to get back to my working condition, and this is the reborn of PIE standalone followers.[/color]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#b6d7a8][size=4][Character][/size][/color][/font][/b][/center][center]Characters' FormID: 
















[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#b6d7a8][size=4][Backstories]
[/color][code][spoiler][size=1]"Ki’s father is the other lord from Cyrodiil brought to Akaviri by the eruption of the Civil War. Ki was born with the birthsign of the Thief – it’s not that pleasant to accept this for Ki’s father, who used to be honored as a lord in Cyrodiil. Although Ki was taught in every aspect to stay away from the world’s unprincipled side, undeniably the gifted talent from the Thief grants him much keener dexterity.  
At the age of 7, Tsaesci bandits visited Ki’s family with blades and blood. Everything has been set ablaze. In the following years, struggling such destitute life is all about the practice of thievery and dishonesty. However, the teachings of good and evil from Ki’s childhood kept him a faint pursuit of the honorable and virtuous life. 
7 years have passed since the unspeakable misfortune. On an occasional chance, Ki eavesdropped an astonishing truth that the local Daimyo is united with Tsaesci bandits. Those dreadful memories crawl relentlessly inside Ki. He soon gathered with other thief friends and stopped an ongoing slaughter led by the Tsaesci bandits, then exposed the truth of the attack. Aside from this bloody fact, the tyranny brought by Daimyo is also unforgivable. Eventually, the rebellion was provoked. With the help of some dwemer assassins used to be from Morag Tong, Ki finally killed Daimyo in a secret hideout. Daimyo’s kindred withered away on the land and the mark of old power effaced. Nevertheless, the new ruler absolved the rebels. Peace has returned. Without a doubt, Ki became the hero of the land. 
Two roads converged here. Nami lost her family but then found herself saved by Ki, her only cousin. In fact, Ki is the last and the only one Nami could rely on at this point. Two youngsters chose to stay and live together, yet the happiness of victory faded out. Instead, the intimacy from their blood stirs with the ambiguous feeling within daily lives.  
Years have passed, they became knowing each other better than knowing themselves. With minds thought alike, the relationship had grown with embarrassment. The contests inside Ki’s mind drove him to leave this place. Just in time, his good friends Naoki and Keisuke were also planning on leaving. Three thriving dreamers decided someday, they will commence aboard together. 
On a cloudy morning of Last Seed in 4e198, with all the considerations in mind, Ki left Nami a letter and then ventured forth to the Cyrodiil, the place where his father and uncle lived. During a stop at the Impirial city Ki occurred to an acquaintance with Methredhel, a female pickpocket from the Thieves Guild. The appearance and personal belongings engaged Methredhel to realize that Ki's father has the same blood as one of the Master Thieves in the guild. After the meeting with him, Ki became a secret member of the Thieves Guild, as advised by Methredhel and his newly-met elder.
In the city of Chorrol, Ki followed Naoki’s advice and joined Fighters Guild. He then met Estela, soon they became good friends. On an occasion, Ki got the chance to study with the old warrior Modryn Oreyn.  
Keisuke who joined Mages Guild hired Ki for escorting him to meet with Janus Hassildor in Skingrad. Nothing special happened until they arrived. At the house of Janus Hassildor, the mysterious woman named Cornelia Green awaited.  
Ki earned Benirus Manor from his elders in Cyrodiil. Known as a member of Fighters Guild while keeping the secrecy of Thieves Guild, such an opulent and extraordinary life lasted for a long time for him. 
In 4e201, a thief sold Ki’s identity to the count of Anvil. The count then helped the lich in the ruin of Ayleid to set Ki cursed. The curse wasn’t easy to lift, while Ki’s dealing with the curse, in Benirus Manor count found some more obvious evidences about Ki’s presence in Thieves Guild. 
After Ki got rid of the curse, no one and nothing can help him stay in Cyrodiil any longer. His master Modryn Oreyn pointed out that he can visit Skyrim, where imperial’s reach is weak. On the passage from Bruma to Skyrim, if without the help of Naoki, Keisuke, Cornelia and Hassildor, Ki wouldn’t be able to make it while the pursuit from the imperials never stopped.  
In Skyrim, Ki will again meet the long-lost one of his life. "
[/color][code][spoiler][size=1]"Nami is the cousin of Ki. During the Akaviri Invasion, the military campaign mounted by Uriel Septim V, many imperial soldiers have been sent to the frontier. The battle has taken countless brutal and unforgiven moments across the land of Akaviri, casualties are inevitable. Fortuitously, among all the mortalities, some have been enslaved instead. Mistakenly they were recognized as slaves of a local Akaviri Daimyo and these soldiers survived the Invasion. Our story didn’t end here. In the following years, due to the huge economic impact brought by fierce contests between the Tsaesci and the Ka Po’ Tun, all slaves within Akaviri are pardoned with the responsibility of paying taxes. Thus, in the land of Akaviri, a small settlement of “freemen” has been established. 
Wars never end, at least not during these chaotic years. The eruption of the Civil War brought the people of Tamriel to Akaviri once again. Two siblings of all those outlanders are lords of manors from Cyrodiil. One of them married Nami’s mother and became an owner of a farm. 
At the age of 12 for Nami, an unexpected ambush by some Tsaesci bandits turned up. All family members have been slaughtered, Nami found herself saved by Ki, the never-met cousin of her own. They lived together since then. 
The fate never turns aside, Ki’s parents are murdered by Tsaesci bandits just like Nami’s. With similar experiences, the mutual feelings have grown beyond boundary in every possible way. It didn’t take too long for them to figure out how close they are about to accept this illusory happiness despite their cousinship. With this concern in mind, Ki left a letter to Nami and went aboard. 
The promise in the letter is unfulfilled. Ki didn’t come back after 2 years like the letter stated. With a tiny hope of coming across her loved one, Nami set out to Tamriel on the morning of Suns Dawn.  
The land of Vvardenfell and Morrowind is not good enough to stay except she developed the great interest of the Dwemer Ruins. Nami then visited High Rock through Skyrim and traveled to Hammerfell a few months after. During the journey, Nami made a handful of friends and had a few dissatisfied romances. The memory of Ki just can’t fade out that easily for her.  
In 4e201, Nami moved on from Elinhir to Skyrim. Ahead of Nami’s destination, the fate finally constructed the path for her to meet the long-lost acquaintance.[/size] "
[/size][/color][code][spoiler][size=1]"Gul used to be a hunter, with beauty and strength. However, something has changed her. Something...telepathic. 
It all happened a few months ago. On the way from Elinhir to Markarth, Gul found herself in an unintended expedition into the ancient dwemer ruins. The unknown and omnipotent power there has desolated her soul, but with mysterious failure, only a portion has been taken. As an exchange, Gul is now able to summon the isolated image of her soul to fight for her whenever she is feeling anxious.
At first, the soul is not easy to control. In fact, due to the autistic nature of her own and with a few unexpected soul attacks, this ability did bring her into an notorious state at the Hammerfell.
At this point, Nami, an omniscient traveller from Akaviri, appeared and helped control the unstable ability of Gul. Now they are leaving Hammerfell together. "
[color=#d9d2e9][b](To be continued.)[/b][/color]

[color=#ff0000][font=Comic Sans MS][size=4][b]How to install: [/b][/size][/font][/color]
Use Vortex or MO.

[font=Comic Sans MS][b][color=#ff0000][size=3]Recommended: [/size][/color][/b]
[/font][size=3]RYA enb
Face Light
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=#ff0000][size=5][b]Credits: [/b][/size][/color]
Fair Skin Complexion
CITRUS Heads (HD Meshes)
XP32 Maximum Skeleton - XPMS
Sporty Sexy Sweat - wet body skin texture - CBBE UNP UNPB ADEC Vanilla
UNP Minidresses Collection
KS Hairdos - Renewal
Leyenda Skin
[/url]SG Female Textures Renewal
Mikan Eyes
Kijiko Hair
XCE - Warpaint and Dirt
Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - New hairstyles
The Eyes Of Beauty
Pretty Face
SOS Fair Skin men retexture and bonuses for males
saLa Hair
Adorable Face
Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-
The Amazing World of Bikini Armor
Multi Colored KS Hairdos
[/url]Eyes of Aber
[/url]Dawnguard Arsenal
[/url]Vanilla Makeup HD - HD Racial Colors and Makeup for all Races and Genders

KN khajiit followers LE

[size=5][b][u]Where is he?[/u][/b][/size]
I'm with Dari on the second floor of The Bee and Barb in Riften.

[size=3]Nacht is good at bow and dagger.
Arrows are consumable goods, so please buy Nacht's arrows when you visit the city.
He is also good at secret communication, assassination and conversation.
I prefer light equipment.[/size]

[size=5][b][u]Where is he?[/u][/b][/size]
[size=3]I'm with Nacht on the second floor of The Bee and Barb at Riften.
[size=3]Dari is good at close combat.
He is good at all two-handed and one-handed weapons and can handle shields, light equipment and heavy equipment.
But I'm not good at two-sword style.[/size]


[size=3]Download the main file and activate it through a mod manager such as NMM or Vortex. If you do not use mod manager, you can extract esp and bsa and place them in the data folder instead.[/size]

[size=3]In general, they are safe to update in the middle of play. Uninstall the older version by using mod manager or by removing KN khajiit followers.esp from the data folder. Then download and install the new version.[/size]

[size=3]As a general rule, Skyrim does not support mid-MOD uninstallation. Therefore, if a problem occurs, support cannot be provided. However, if for any reason you need to uninstall KN khajiit followers, you can uninstall it using mod manager or by removing esp from the data folder.[/size]

[b][u][size=5]Frequently Asked Questions[/size][/u][/b]
[size=3]Q: Can I marry him?[/size]
[size=3]A: I can't. We have no plans to do so in the future.[/size]
[size=3]Q: Do I need anything to take them?[/size]
[size=3]A: I don't need anything. I've been your friend since we met.[/size]
[size=3]I am thinking about some plans such as Quest in the future.[/size]
[size=3]Q: I changed the KN khajiit followers myself, but they no longer work.[/size]
[size=3]A: I don't think I can really recommend or support people who change KN khajiit followers by themselves. That's because I don't have much knowledge. It is simply unpredictable and difficult to troubleshoot.[/size]
[size=3]Q: I found a bug![/size]
[size=3]A: I'm sorry. Please let me know in the bug report section. I'll fix it as soon as possible.[/size]
[size=3]Q: I have an idea of what KN khajiit followers should have.[/size]
[size=3]Tell me about it in the comments. I want to refer to it![/size]
[size=3]Q: I am a modder/voice actor behind another custom voice-follower mod, and it would be great if followers could interact with each other.[/size]
[size=3]A: I'm so happy about this! Please send me the PM.[/size]
[size=3]However, I can only speak Japanese and this is my first MOD, so I think there are many difficult things.[/size]
[size=3]Q: I am a MOD author and would like to create a patch/translation that modifies KN khajiit followers in some way.[/size]
[size=3]A: I'm very happy. I think it's okay if you contact me with patches and translations first and let me know what you are going to do.

[/size][/u][/b][b][i][size=4]I use it on the body of KN khajiit followers SE.[/size][/i][/b]
[b][i][size=4][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/900]Muscular Khajiit Textures and Skeleton[/url]  [b][i][size=4] MOD Creator [/size][/i][/b] [b][i][size=4] [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/4727757]Khajiitas[/url][/size][/i][/b][/size][/i][/b][size=3]
I really have to thank you.[/size]

[b][i][size=4]Dari Hair MOD Creators  
The original version is [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98274?tab=description]THE Mane - Lion khajiit replace[/url]    MOD Creator [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/57353916]DracoWarrior729[/url]
[/size][/i][/b][b][i][size=4][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/26861]Khajiit Mane [/url]  MOD Creator SE Port   [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/40124930]Arkathor[/url][/size][/i][/b]
[size=3]I really have to thank you.[/size]

[i][b][size=4]Nacht Hair MOD Creators
The original version is  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/67873?/]Khajiit Hair [/url] MOD Creator  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/4522213]Saerileth[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22504]Beast Hair Horn and Beard - Vanilla based - Hair Replacer for Khajiit and Argonian[/url]  MOD Creator  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/20108844]ruirno[/url][/size][/b][/i]
[size=3]I really have to thank you.[/size][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/67873?/]

[b][size=4]Please give kudos and endorsements to them
Without them, these khajiits couldn't go down to SKYRIM.
I would be very happy if you could pay any attention to khajiit and the creators of these MODs with this MOD.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.[/size][/b]

The perfect russian doll Busty Anna Song 1.0.0

About anna song
She was born in a small town outside of Moscow, Russia. on July 6, 1987. She is 5'7 and 121 lbs with a truly huge pair of 38F natural tits. Anna has long jet black hair and amazing brown eyes. She has no tattoos or piercings on her all natural body. Anna does only solo glamour shoots, and has been on big European adult sites like DDF Prod. Please feel free to look over all of our super busty Anna Song picture and video galleries.Our Take: Anna Song is a super busty and sensual Russian adult model. She is best know for her huge F cup natural tits. Anna is nice and tall, with a soft and womanly body with great curves. She only does solo work, which mostly focuses on her massive tits. We would think it would super hot to see Anna getting it on with another super busy glamour model.Tanya Song is a Russian adult model, widely admired for her youthful beauty, long brown hair, slim figure and her pale, enormous natural breasts.Her real name is Tanya.Her breasts started to grow when she was 10 years old.Her breast size fluctuated while modeling: 30F to 32HH (Depending on Period and Hormones).She has recently lost weight (almost 8 kg) and is now a 30F – 30G.Tanya Song began her nude modeling career at the age of 19 under the name Anna Song. She has modeled for DDFBusty, Scoreland, Nadine Jansen, Busty Cafe (as Anita), 18andbusty.com (as Anita), Overdeveloped Amateurs (as Billie), and TopHeavyAmateurs (as Tina.) She has starred in two DVDs produced by Scoreland, Climax with Anna and Cum Along with Anna Song. Despite their suggestive titles, these are both solo movies; she has not yet performed with a man. She has done softcore lesbian photos and videos with Marie and Melissa Mandlikova at Nadine Jansen.In December 2008, the sites of Nadine Jansen and Milena Velba announced that she had officially changed her name to Tanya Song because of misuse of her former name Anna Song.[4][5] Her own website tanya-song.com was announced to open in early 2009.In December 2010, a final photo set was published on Nadine Jansen's site and it was announced that Tanya had retired from modeling. It is unclear yet, if this just regards her work with Nadine's photographer Daktari or if she quit modeling completely.In 2005 she moved to Paris, France to study languages in university.   
[u][b]Prinelucian  presentatiion[/b][/u] [u][b]I recreated Busty Anna Song to perfection, She is now as a follower in Skyrim le, You can find her in dragonreach balcony.The appearance of this follower is the vision of the mod author, requests for changes may or may not be considered[/b][/u] [u][b]The head mesh is custom sculpted in zbrush[/b][/u] [u][b]The body mesh is custom sculpted in zbrush (not work with bodyslide)[/b][/u] [u][b]hands and feets High Poly Feet and Hands by Halofarm[/b][/u] [u][b]textures my original modification of fairskin maps. Mesh for the head parts and  body are custom. [/b][/u] [u][b]Textures created and others altered to represent this character. [/b][/u] [u][b]This mod is independent of any body type or textures used as avanilla re-placer. It is completely standalone. There will be no offering as cbbe. Use HDT Physics Extension and all its dependencies ifso desired. All screens and videos by the mod author are in-game usingan ENB.[/b][/u] [u][b]Mod may cause slow downs, stuttering, black textures or followeri nvisibility on lower end machines or game setups with Hi Res textures and script heavy mods. Follower statistics:She is a companion, she will accompany you on your adventures.[/b][/u] [u][b]She has her own race.[/b][/u] [u][b]She has her own XPMSE skeleton.Set as essential.[/b][/u] [u][b]Marriagable.Weight 100.[/b][/u] [u][b]4 dress versions avaiable[/b][/u] [u][b]/ original yum yum doll dress that is a recreation of one of the dresses of her set[/b][/u] [u][b]/ [/b][/u][u][b]partizan nurse… a convertion[/b][/u] [u][b]/ [/b][/u][u][b]bloody nurse ….  a convertion[/b][/u] [u][b]/[/b][/u][u][b]misa amane…. a convertion[/b][/u] [u][b]/[/b][/u][u][b]a nice bra…. original[/b][/u]

Spiffy Daedric Gear


Chicken: Want to buy some Spiffy Daedric Gear?

Well, if you're rich enough, you can do just that; or you can create your own Spiffy Daedric Gear at the forge, using Daedric Ebony Ingots!

To create a Daedric Ebony Ingot, you will require the following items...

2 x Ebony Ore.
1 x Daedra Heart.
1 x Filled Black Soul Gem. (This is what makes the magic happen!)

So, what's so spiffy about this gear, then?


Spiffy Daedric weapons weigh 50% less, deal twice as much damage, and can be swung/drawn 25% faster than normal Daedric weapons.

Spiffy Daedric armor weighs 50% less and offers twice the protection of normal Daedric armor.

To create some Spiffy Daedric Gear, you will require the following items...

Daedric Ebony Ingots.
Leather Strips.

What you will get from the chicken...

1 x Spiffy Daedric Boots
1 x Spiffy Daedric Cuirass
1 x Spiffy Daedric Gauntlets
1 x Spiffy Daedric Helmet
1 x Spiffy Daedric Shield
1 x Spiffy Daedric Sword
1 x Spiffy Daedric Bow
1 x Spiffy Daedric War Axe
1 x Spiffy Daedric Battleaxe
1 x Spiffy Daedric Dagger
1 x Spiffy Daedric Greatsword
1 x Spiffy Daedric Mace
1 x Spiffy Daedric Warhammer
20 x Enchanter's Spiffy Potion *
20 x Blacksmith's Spiffy Potion *
50 x Spiffy Daedric Arrow
100 x Daedric Ebony Ingot

* Enchanter's Spiffy Potion - Items enchanted are 300% stronger for 60 seconds.
* Blacksmith's Spiffy Potion - Weapon and armor improving is 300% better for 30 seconds.



Website: [url=https://www.deviantart.com/satans-comrade]https://www.deviantart.com/satans-comrade


Skyrim (Like you didn't know that!)


ElminsterAU: "TES5Edit" (What this mod was created with.) - [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859[/url]

Amadar: "Papyrus Compiler Plus" (What my scripts went through.) - [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74672]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74672[/url]


You may host this mod on other websites.
You may translate this mod to other languages.
This mod is not supported by Bethesda Game Studios or anyone else.

Hraghenskaag Labyrinths

[color=yellow] DESCRIPTION [/color]
Dwemer based dungeon with puzzle orientation. It's gonna be intense and brain breaking to someone, you are warned. (At least one hour gameplay)
Followers are not needed to play this adventure, it could be beaten with one single (breathtaking) fight, but not get too confident to make it this way.
It is recommended to play at least a level 25 character (any type).
To start the journey go to the Arcaneum at Mage's College in Wintherhold and look for a book (as showed in the picture).
This dungeon is not hard considering the combat side, strategy and sharp mind are the keys.

[color=yellow] INSTALL/UNINSTALL [/color]
After downloading, unpack the provided package and copy both files (esp & bsa) into your Skyrim/Data folder, as usual, or use NMM.
Just remove the afore mentioned files or simply deactivate the mod unticking it through the ingame launcher.
Only vanilla Skyrim up to date is required to run this mod.

[color=yellow] BUGS [/color]
Everything has been tested but unfortunately I didn't have the opportunity to have other people tests in order to have a wider angle of prospective looking for weirdness which I'm sure are lying around, hidden somewhere. So, if you stumble across something unpleasant, please, let me know (However, there should be nothing to actually worry about).

[color=yellow] NOTES [/color]
Please do not discuss about puzzle solving into the comments page. Have the courtesy to avoid spoilers or the meaning of this mod would be lost (along with all my work).
Not every single puzzle is necessery in order to get this mod finished but one single mistake could end up having you face a real bad time. Some puzzles have unlimited amount of attempts, riddles just a couple; just be careful.
Honestly I have no idea if those puzzles are that hard, since I'm the one who made it and I can't get rid of my "logic" to approach the task with a different mind... for those who might have some serious trouble there is the possibility to "cheat" your way through (use console command "help solutions" searching for a custom note containing all you might need).

[color=yellow] IF YOU WANT TO PLAY MORE [/color]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16256] Hjakhtravarr Tomb [/url]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18772] The Temple of Black Rock [/url]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/21256] ORS1 - The Gate of Solitude [/url]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25676] ORS2 - MorthalPain [/url]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32487] Djiin Cube [/url]

Expanded Towns and Cities PL (spolszczenie)

[size=5][color=#ff7700][b][center]Expanded Towns and Cities PL (spolszczenie)[/center][/b][/color]
[/size]Jest to SPOLSZCZENIE Moda [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13608]Expanded Towns and Cities[/url] autorstwa [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/3123219]missjennabee[/url]

For English Users: Please note this is only a Polish Translation of the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13608]Expanded Towns and Cities[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/3123219]missjennabee[/url]

[color=#ff7700][size=4][b][center]CO DAJE MOD:[/center][/b][/size][/color]
Modyfikacja zmienia miasta i miasteczka w Skyrim. Dodaje nowych NPCów, miejsca, zadania, dialogi itd.
Zrobione: Czarny Ruczaj, Gwiazda Zaranna, Rzeczna Puszcza, Rorikstead
W trakcie: Morthal
Kolejne: Zimowa Twierdza
UWAGA: Kilka książek nie zostało przetłumaczonych. Jak czas pozwoli, to dorzucę.

[size=4][color=#ff7700][center][b]SZCZEGÓŁY ZMIAN (GŁÓWNE)[/b][/center][/color]
[/size][color=#00ff00][size=3][b]CZARNY RUCZAJ[/b][/size][/color]
- 6 nowych domów
- 9 nowych NPCów.
- Dialogi dla nowych mieszkańców
- Nowe zadanie: Riften Delivery.
- Nowe zadanie: Isobel's Family Ring.
- Różne zapiski i dzienniki
- Nowy sklep
- Nowa gospoda
- Kapliczka i kącik alchemiczny
- Studnia z pitną wodą
- Farmy i farmerzy, łowcy i wędkarze
- Nowe domy dla NPCów (Derkeethus, Sondas, Tormir iHrefna.)
- Zadanie Derkeethusa – Ludzie w  Czarnym Ruczaju reagują na nieobecność/Powrót Derkeethusa
- Zadanie Derkeethusa – Dodano możliwość rozmowy z mieszkańcami, żeby rozpocząć zadanie.
- Zadanie Derkeethusa - dom Derkeethusa zmienia się w zależności od jego obecności/nieobecności
- Zmienione trasy patroli
- Obszerne zmiany w rozkładzie miasta
[size=3][b][color=#00ff00]GWIAZDA ZARANNA[/color][/b]
- 6 nowych domów
- 18 nowych NPCów.
- Dodano Świątynię Dibelli wraz z kapliczką
- W dokach dodano Magazyn Kompanii Wschodniocesarskiej
- Nowy sklep
- Nowa przystań rybacka
- Nowe stajnie (można przechować konia, nie ma możliwości zakupu).
- W dokach dodano mewy I szczury
- Różne zapiski i dzienniki
- Nowe zadanie: The Burning Queen.
- Nowe zadanie: Blessing the Temple.
- OPCJONALNIE – mury wokół miasta (Można przełączać w MCMalbo w komunikatach konfiguracji)
- Studnia z pitną wodą
- Farmy i farmerzy, łowcy i wędkarze itd.
- Nowe domy dla NPCów (Abelone.)
- Obszerne zmiany w rozkładzie miasta, zachowaniach NPC itd.
[size=3][color=#00ff00][b]RZECZNA PUSZCZA[/b][/color]
- 6 nowych domów
- 9 nowych NPCów.
- Dialogi dla nowych mieszkańców
- Nowe zadanie: A Potion in Time.
- Nowe zadanie: The Collector Pt. 1.
- Nowe zadanie: The Collector Pt. 2.
- Nowe zadanie: The Collector Pt. 3.
- Nowe zadanie: The Collector Pt. 4.
- Różne zapiski i dzienniki
- Nowy sklep alchemiczny
- Studnia z pitną wodą
- Farmy i farmerzy, łowcy i wędkarze itd.
- Nowe domy dla NPCów (Embry.)
- Obszerne zmiany w rozkładzie miasta, zachowaniach NPC itd.
- 7 nowych domów
- 12 nowych NPCów.
- Dialogi dla nowych mieszkańców
- Nowe zadanie: Unnatural Bounty.
- Nowe zadanie: Alms for the Poor.
- Różne zapiski i dzienniki
- Nowy sklep
- Nowy kowal
- Nowy sklep alchemiczny
- Nowe stajnie (można przechować konia, nie ma możliwościzakupu).
- Studnia z pitną wodą
- Farmy i farmerzy, łowcy i wędkarze itd.
- Zmienione trasy patroli
- Zmienione trasy patrol Rorika
- Obszerne zmiany w rozkładzie miasta, zachowaniach NPC itd.

Nadal są dwie wersje – Kompletna i Modułowa. Możliwaopcja z i bez MCM. Możliwa opcja bez nowych zadań.

DO DZIAŁANIA [color=#00ff00][size=3][b]POTRZEBUJESZ [/b][/size][/color]ORYGINALNEJ WERSJI
Pobierz oryginalną angielską wersję moda i zainstaluj za pomocą NMM, MO, Vortex lub ręcznie
Pobierz spolszczenie i je zainstaluj – za pomocą NMM, MO, Vortex lub ręcznie

ETaC może być zainstalowany w dowolnym momencie, niewymaga nowej gry. Upewnij się jednak, że nie jesteś w żadnym zmienianym przez moda miejscu. Udaj się na przykład do gospody Pod Chorągwianą Klaczą w Białej Grani. Zapisz grę i wtedy instaluj moda. Tak samo postępuj, jeśli będzie konieczność aktualizacji. 
Dezinstalacja moda w czasie istniejącej gry jest zawsze niewskazana i niesie za sobą ryzyko uszkodzenia savów. Jeśli jednak KONIECZNIE musisz odstalować moda, oto co należy zrobić:
#1 Udaj się na przykład do gospody Pod Chorągwianą Klacząw Białej Grani. Konieczne jest, żeby być w miejscu, które NIE JEST zmieniane przez mod. 
#2 Użyj opcji „czyszczenia questów” . Opcja ta usuniewszystko, co zostało dodane przez mod - zabierze przedmioty z moda, usunie osoby itd. 
Musisz powtórzyć to dla każdego zainstalowanego miasta. 
Otwórz konsolę i wpisz 
SetStage MJB[TownName]Setup 01
Na przykład: SetStage MJBDarkwaterCrossingSetup 01
SetStage MJBDawnstarSetup 01
SetStage MJBRiverwoodSetup 01
SetStage MJBRoriksteadSetup 01
Poczekaj, aż zakończy się oczyszczanie.
Zapisz grę, wyjdź, możesz teraz odinstalować mod.
NMM ma problemy z instalacją Moda. 
Czasami NMM nie radzi sobie z dużymi plikami/długiminazwami plików, przez co nie może prawidłowo zainstalować moda. Spróbuj wtedy pobrać moda na pulpit i stamtąd zaimportować go do NMM.
Niestety nie ma rozwiązania tego problemu – zdecydowanie proponujęprzerzucić się na Mod Organizer.

[color=#00ff00][size=3][b]BRAK KONFLIKTÓW – PATCH NIEPOTRZEBNY[/b][/size][/color]
[*]Ars Metallica - Smithing Enhancement by Arthmoor.
[*]Ask the Way by Sagittarius22.
[*]Atlas Map Markers - Updated with MCM by kryptopyr.
[*]Atlas Map Markers for Skyrim by kronixx.
[*]Blowing in the Wind by sialivi. (Upewnij się, że ETaC jestładowany PO Blowing in the Wind SSE.esp.)
[*]Bring Your Own Dead by Arthmoor. (Upewnij się, że ETaC jestładowany PRZED Bring Out Your Dead.esp.)
[*]Companions and Followers SE by Scrabbulor. (Upewnij się,że ETaC jest ładowany PO  ImmersiveFollowers.esp.)
[*]Convenient Carriages by tarlazo. (Upewnij się, że ETaC jestładowany PO Convenient Carriages.esp.)
[*]Cutting Room Floor by Arthmoor.
[*]ESO Skyshards by Arthmoor.
[*]Falskaar by AlexanderJVelicky.
[*]Flayer's Practical Home by TheFlayer.
[*]Helarchen Creek by Arthmoor.
[*]Helgen Reborn by Mike Hancho aka Balok.
[*]Holidays by isoku.
[*]Hunters Not Bandits by raccoondance.
[*]Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul by Shurah. (Upewnij się,że ETaC jest ładowany PO - Immersive Citizens.esp.)
[*]Immersive Patrols by Scrabbulor.
[*]Inconsequential NPCs by Ripple.
[*]Interesting NPCs by Kris Takahashi. (Upewnij się, że ETaCjest ładowany PO - 3DNPCs.esp.)
[*]Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods by code1k. (Upewnij się,że ETaC jest ładowany PO - Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.esp.)
[*]Notice Board SE by MannyGT.
[*]Oblivion Gates Remade by Pabulum.
[*]Open Cities Skyrim by Arthmoor.
[*]Populated Cities Towns Villages by Sands of Time Team. (Upewnijsię, że ETaC jest ładowany PO - Populated Cities Towns Villages.)
[*]Qaxe's Questorium by Ahondara. (Upewnij się, że ETaC jestładowany PO - Qaxe's Questorium.)
[*]Relighting Skyrim by JawZ and NovakDalton.
[*]Simply Bigger Trees SE (formerly SkySight SBT) byfadingsignal.
[*]SkyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds by Steve40.
[*]Skyrim Better Roads (SkyBeRoads) by SilentResident.
[*]Skyrim Bridges by BJS_336.
[*]Skyrim Flora Overhaul by vurt.
[*]Skyrim Souls - Unpaused Game Menus by Kassent. *
[*]Touring Carriages by DayDreamer.
[*]Unique Border Gates by Kelsenellenelvian.
[*]Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin by Preeum. (Upewnij się,że ETaC jest ładowany PO - Verdant: A Skyrim Grass Plugin.esp.)
[*]Veydosebrom - Grasses and Groundcover by Merkcy.
[*]Winterhold Restored by Mannenyuki.
* Dezaktywuj opcję "Books/Księgi" z tego moda,żeby uniknąć zawieszenia gry podczas zadania Kolekcjoner cz.4  
[color=#00ff00][size=3][b]MNIEJSZE KONFLITY – PATCH DOSTĘPNY[/b][/size][/color]
[*]Better Docks by zebra0. (Patch dostępny w plikach ETaC'sPatches.)
[*]Better Dynamic Snow by SparrowPrince, TechAngel85 andBrumbek. (Patch dostępny w plikach ETaC's Patches)
[*]Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhauls by Kinaga. (Patch dostępnyw plikach ETaC's Patches)
[*]CLARALUX SSE - Controllable Lights Everywhere byMyGoodEye and Scythe42. (Patch dostępny w plikach ETaC's Patches)
[*]Hunter's Cabin of Riverwood by Okiir. (Patch dostępny wplikach ETaC's Patches)
[*]JK's Skyrim by jkrojmal and Teabag86. (Użyj pliku"JK's Skyrim SE ETaC Compatible Replacer File" now z moda @ JK's Skyrim.)
[*]Lanterns of Skyrim SE by MannyGT. (Patch dostępny wplikach ETaC's Patches)
[*]Leaf Rest by Aukmat. (Patch dostępny w plikach ETaC's Patches.)
[*]Morskom Estate by Darkfox127 and Elianora. (Tylko wersja LE--- Patch dostępny w plikach ETaC's Patches
[*]No Snow Under the Roof by PROMETHEUS_ts. (Patch dostępny wplikach ETaC's Patches.)
[*]Realistic Lighting Overhaul by The Realistic LightingTeam. (Patch dostępny w plikach ETaC's Patches.)
[*]Rigmor of Bruma by Rigmor. (Patch dostępny w plikachETaC's Patches.)
[*]Rorikstead Wagons - Wagons Only by Th3 Duk3. (Patch dostępnyw plikach ETaC's Patches.)
[*]RS Children Overhaul by Azrael WTF and Ranaline. (Patch dostępnyw plikach ETaC's Patches.) *
[*]Skyrim 3D Landscapes by mathy79. (TYLKO WERSJA SE --- Patchdostępny w plikach ETaC's Patches; Upewnij się, że ETaC jest ładowany PO - S3D.)
[*]The Kids Are Alright SE by The Care Taker. (Patch dostępnyna stronie The Kids Are Alright's.)
[*]Unique Locations - Riverwood Forest by Cooleoj. (TYLKOWERSJA SE --- Patch dostępny w plikach ETaC's Patches.)
[color=#00ff00][size=3][b]POWAŻNE KONFLIKTY – BRAK PATCHA[/b][/size][/color]
[*]ETaC nie działa wraz z innymi modami, które zmieniająmiasta (Np. Mody Arthmoora, JK’s Skyrim czy The People Of Skyrim), dlatego też modularna opcja pozwala wybrać miasta, które chcesz zmienić. Można np. używać Rzecznej Puszczy z ETaC i Czarnego Ruczaju od Arthmoora.
[*]Beginner's Shack in Riverwood by Elianora
[*]Hogor the Giant by Braiven. (Konflikt z ETaC Complete i RzecznąPuszczą.)
[*]Rorikstead Wagons and Town Overhaul by Th3 Duk3. (Konfliktz ETaC Complete i Rorikstead.)
[size=4][color=#ff7700][center][b]DODATKOWE INFORMACJE:[/b][/center][/color]
ETaC jest w dużej mierze kompatybilny ze Skyrim Souls -Unpaused Game Menus, ale jeśli korzystasz z ETaC Complete lub ETaC Rzeczna
Puszcza, to zaleca się wyłączenie opcji „Książek” w tamtym modzie, ponieważ
powoduje ona zawieszanie się gry podczas zadania Kolekcjoner cz. 4.
Nowa wersja ETaC jest kompatybilna z Blowing in the Wind –patch jest niepotrzebny. Istnieje drobny konflikt z jedlą latarnią w Czarnym Ruczaju, ale można to naprawić poprzez umieszczenie ETaC PO Blowing in the Wind.esp. Jeśli nie korzystasz z ETaC z Czarnym Ruczajem, to kolejność ładowania nie jest istotna.
ETaC jest w pełni kompatybilne zarówno z Interesting NPCsi Immersive Citizens. ETaC musi być załadowany PO - Interesting NPCs i Immersive Citizens.

Curious Birds of Skyrim

[b][color=#ff0000][size=5]Curious Birds [/size][/color][/b] -NO DLC required-

Penguins, Dodos, Owls, Peacocks and Turkeys are invading Skyrim ...


[b] [size=5][color=#ff0000]DODOS[/color][/size][/b]

[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodo] Dodo in Wikipedia [/url]



This mod adds a Mount near the [u]Whiterun stables[/u] (with nests and feathers)


This mod adds the ability to quickly incubate eggs of Dodos with the fire of the forge, and quickly create a horde of Dodos chicks (5, 15, 50, 100 ...MORE ?...ATTENTION with the freezes in your computer !) that are following you as if you were their mother !

To obtain these Dodos eggs, simply bring any “Dodo Egg ” (found with some [color=#00ff00]Merchants in Whiterun [/color]: [i][b]Arcadia of Arcadia’s Cauldron, Anoriath, Hulda of the Bannered Mare[/b][/i]) to a forge and create the "Incubated Dodo Egg" in the "misc" section. Now open up your inventory, navigate to "Scrolls" and there they are. You throw them and when they hit the ground they hatch into Dodo chick. The Dodo chick follow you.

When your creatures die, remember to loot their corpses for more eggs

[b] [size=5][color=#ff0000]PENGUINS[/color][/size][/b] (Manchots en Fr.)

[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penguin] Penguin in Wikipedia [/url]



Army of Penguins with the incubated eggs (Eggs can be purchased with some [color=#00ff00]Merchants in Whiterun [/color]: [i][b]Arcadia of Arcadia’s Cauldron, Anoriath, Hulda of the Bannered Mare[/b][/i])


(3) companions (you can talk: Wait - Follow - Trade - Favor - Dismiss) located [u]near Dawnstar[/u] and [u]near the Wreck of the Brinehammer[/u]


58 Penguins, 7 nests (with eggs) [u]near Dawnstar[/u] and [u]near the Wreck of the Brinehammer[/u]

[b] [size=5][color=#ff0000]OWLS[/color][/size][/b]

[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owl] Owl in wikipedia [/url]



Army of Owls with the incubated eggs (Eggs can be purchased with some [color=#00ff00]Merchants in Falkreath [/color]: [i][b]Volga Vinicia of the Dead Man's Drink, Solaf of the Gray Pine Goods, Zaria of the Grave Concoctions[/b][/i])


This companion (you can talk: Wait - Follow - Trade - Favor - Dismiss) is located [u]near the Deadwood Lumber Mill[/u] of [color=#00ff00]Falkreath [/color] (It lies just north of Dengeir's House along the river)



6 Owls and 6 Nests (with eggs) [u]between the Roadside Ruins and the Falkreath Watchtower[/u] near the [b]Tree House[/b] of my mod[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/78954] The World Tree of Skyrim [/url]

[b] [size=5][color=#ff0000]PEACOCKS[/color][/size][/b]

[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peafowl] Peacock in wikipedia [/url]



These 9 companions (you can talk: Wait - Follow - Trade - Favor - Dismiss) are located in the[color=#00ff00] 5 Towns[/color]


8 wild peacocks near the companions in the 5 Towns. You have also a nest with egg (Riften only)

[b] [size=5][color=#ff0000]TURKEYS[/color][/size][/b]

[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkey_(bird)] Turkey in wikipedia [/url]



To have the SUMMONABLE FOLLOWERS, you must buy the (3) “Spell tome: XXXX”, at [color=#00ff00][b]Farengar Secret-Fire in Dragonsreach[/b][/color]/Fort Dragon (Whiterun) or with an other "Spell Vendor" (ex: Sybille Stentor in the Blue Palace/Palais bleu in Solitude).

With the book, you have the spell (Duration of the summon: 1 hour) ...

You can easily DISMISS when you want ! with an other "Spell tome: Dismiss Summoned Bird"

In order to buy the 3 books at Farengar, [b][i]you must place this mod at the bottom of the list when you launch the game[/i][/b]

[b]HORDE[/b] (Repopulate Skyrim with the Blue Turkey !)

Horde of Turkeys with the incubated eggs (Eggs can be purchased with some [color=#00ff00]Merchants in Falkreath [/color]: [i][b]Volga Vinicia of the Dead Man's Drink, Solaf of the Gray Pine Goods, Zaria of the Grave Concoctions[/b][/i])

[color=#ff0000][b][size=5] INSTALLATION [/size][/b][/color]

In order to find these eggs/books at Merchants, you must choose the mod for which you want to buy and place it at the bottom of the list when you launch the game

[color=#ff0000][b][size=5] Bugs or Problems [/size][/b][/color]

[i] [b]For the armies of Dodos, Owls or Penguins:[/b][/i]

When the Dodo/Penguin/Owl is in battle, it approaches the enemy and just stand their and lets itself be attacked and it doesn't fight back (there is no animation in the game to fight)

[i][b] For the mount:[/b][/i]

The Dodo can’t jump, fly or swim…

To turn easily,it is better to walk ! ...

If you dismount in the water, it is possible to swim in the air !! Solution: MOUNT AGAIN or SPACEBAR

[i] [b]For the companions:[/b][/i]

You can only have one follower at a time: if you want a different one, you need to dismiss the first one before you recruit them.

If you have any problem with the dialog box, or if telling the follower to return at home doesn't dismiss him, or if you have lost the active follower, you can try this:

Type “²” key to get into console, and type:

set playeranimalcount to 0

You can also enter / exit a house or make a fast travel

[color=#ff0000] [size=5] [b]Credits [/b][/size][/color]

Merci aux moddeurs dont les noms suivent:

[color=#ff0000]SpikeDragonLord and jboyd4 [/color] for the Dodo in the mod [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76203/?] Beasts of Tamriel [/url] (also thanks to Dogtown1)

Dodo is a free model from [url=http://www.horniman.ac.uk/get_involved/blog/3d-models-of-horniman-objects] Horniman Museum [/url]

[color=#ff0000]Fluff Eisenkette [/color] for the Penguin in the mod [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/79077/?]Fluff's Followers - Winston the Penguin [/url]

[url=http://www.123dapp.com/123C-3D-Model/Penguin/592686] Penguin Model off of 123D [/url] by Autodesk Premium

+++This mod uses a model under a BY-NC-SA Creative Commons License+++

[url=https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/] Link to CC license [/url]

[color=#ff0000]LorSakyamuni [/color] for the Owls and the Peacocks in the mod [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76524/?] The Witcher 3 Monsters and Animals Resource Pack [/url] (“You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me”,“Pack containing a lot of monsters and animals included in the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. All the original assets belong to [url=http://en.cdprojektred.com/] CD PROJEKT RED [/url] and are distributed with their permission. Feel free to use them, just remember to credit me.”); the Owls are rigged by [color=#ff0000] SpikeDragonLord and jboyd4 [/color] in the mod [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76203/?]Beasts of Tamriel[/url]; the Peacocks are rigged by [color=#ff0000] Mihail Romanov[/color] in his mod [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81868/?] Peacocks- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- animals- birds) [/url] ("Feel free to use my mod in your projects, no need to ask me for permission first") , Peacock custom loot by [color=#ff0000]Achronos11[/color]

Peacock model Repair by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/1796097] zenlyking [/url]

[color=#ff0000]Mihail Romanov[/color] for the Turkeys in his mod [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/92883] Turkeys- Elements of Skyrim pt.19 (mihail immersive add-ons- animals- birds)[/url]

Free sounds [url=http://www.universal-soundbank.com/]universal-soundbank[/url] - [url=http://www.sound-fishing.net/bruitages_animaux.html]Sound Fishing [/url] - [url=http://www.xeno-canto.org/]xeno-canto[/url]

The Tools of Kagrenac


[size=4][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/14168]Also available for SSE [/url][/size]

[line][i]“Determined to use the divine powers of the Heart of Lorkhan to create a new god for the exclusive benefit of the Dwemer, Lord Kagrenac forged three great enchanted artifacts, which are called "Kagrenac's Tools." Wraithguard is an enchanted gauntlet to protect its wearer from destruction when tapping the heart's power. Sunder is an enchanted hammer to strike the heart and produce the exact volume and quality of power desired. Keening is an enchanted blade that is used to flay and focuses the power that rises from the heart. When Kagrenac used these tools on the heart in the Battle of Red Mountain, no one knows what happened, but the Dwemer race disappeared entirely from the mortal world..”[/i]
- Kagrenac's Tools by Gilvas Barelo


If you ever played Morrowind, then you know Keening, Sunder and Wraithguard and how incredibly powerful these artifacts were.
If in Skyrim you joined the College of Winterhold, you probably were thrilled to see Keening make a return at the end of the [url=http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Arniel's_Endeavor]Arniel’s Endeavor[/url] questline.
But why is Keening so weak compared to its version in Morrowind? And where are Sunder and Wraithguard, and what happened to them?
This mod reintroduces the rest of Kagrenac’s Tools to Skyrim and unlocks their full potential!

Go on a quest to obtain these incredibly powerful artifacts in Skyrim!

- Embark on a quest to unearth the legendary Tools of Kagrenac!
- Fully voiced with 300+ lines of dialogue!
-  Enjoy hours of new gameplay with sprawling new dungeons to explore and new challenging enemies to overcome.
- Discover what happened to Kagrenac's Tools after the events of Morrowind and help restore them to their former glory.
- Get your hands on many new items, spells, and other treasures.

Your quest won’t be easy, but the rewards and fame will be unmeasurable!

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/articles/51203]Get a full overview of content items and spells added to this mod right here![/url]


You start this quest by first obtaining Keening. To do this, you’ll have to join the College of Winterhold and finish the side questline [url=http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Arniel%27s_Endeavor]Arniel’s Endeavor[/url]. You’ll also need to have finished [url=http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Dragon_Rising]Dragon Rising[/url] in the main questline.
A couple of days after you completed Arniel’s Endeavor and claimed Keening, you will receive a letter from the courier, and the quest will kick-off.

Make sure you have Keening in your inventory, it will turn into a quest item when the mod starts! If this doesn't happen, try dropping Keening in an interior cell, leaving that location, then returning and picking Keening up again. When Keening becomes a quest object and can't be dropped you know the quest has started properly!


All DLC / Legacy edition is required. We won’t make a version that does not require DLC!

The easiest way to install (and this is recommended) is to download using the NMM or a similar mod manager. It can do the downloading and activate it for you.
If, for some reason, you want or need to do a manual install, just download and extract the content of the .7zip to your Skyrim/Data folder (choose to overwrite if asked).
All that's left to do is activate the .esp and start the game!


[b]The courier doesn't appear![/b]
Make sure you meet all the quest requirements as detailed above in the Quest Start section!
Also, be very sure that you have Keening in your inventory, it will turn into a quest item when the mod starts!
If this doesn't happen, try dropping Keening in an interior cell, leaving that location, then returning and picking
Keening up again. When Keening becomes a quest object and can't be dropped you know the quest has started properly!

[b]Where is the ring in the Arcanaeum?[/b]
Answer:[color=#444444] The ring will randomly spawn in one of five different locations around the Arcanaeum.
[*]The first location to search is in Urag gro-Shub's desk.
[*]The second location can be on the right side table in the center of the Arcanaeum.
[*]The third spot is on the far right side under a pile of books.
[*]The fourth spot is on the far left side inside a cup on the table closest to Urag gro-Shub's desk.
[*]The last area to search is near the entrance to the Arcanaeum underneath a bench.
If you don't find the ring there, see if you have any mods that modify the Arcanaeum and in particular that area.
Try moving ToK down your load order or deactivating the other mods. We also have a compatibility patch for Immersive College of Winterhold that you can download in the optional files.

[b]How do I solve the Sunder Vault puzzle?
[/b]Here are a few hints to help you. Try using only 1 or 2 hints and see if that gets you on the right path. Hint 5 contains the full answer.[b]
Hint #1[/b]: [color=#444444]Find the book at the end of the walkway by the three receptacles. There's a note inside. First, read the journal to start the miscellaneous quest, then read the note after you have placed the three Stanzas on the receptacles.[/color]
[b]Hint #2[/b]: [color=#444444]The titles in the note correspond with the numbers 1, 13, and 29. These are not the numbers needed to unlock Sunder, but what do they mean? And what do the numbers behind each title mean?[/color]
[b]Hint #3[/b]: [color=#444444]At the entrance to the [/color][color=#444444]Vault, you'll find multiple volumes of the Sermons of Vivec. What are the numbers of these volumes?[/color]
[b]Hint #4 [/b][color=#444444]Find numbers 1, 13, and 29 of the Sermons. Then look for the 349th word in the 1st Sermon, the 129th word in the 13th Sermon, and the 56th Word in the 29th Sermon.[/color]
[b]Hint #5[/b]: [color=#444444]You can obtain Sunder with the following combination: 348[/color]

[b]Does (Mod X) conflict with ToK?[/b]
ToK should only have a conflict with mods that edit Keening and the same locations.

[b]Will you create a patch for (Mod X)?[/b]
It depends on how complex that patch would be. So.. maybe?

[b]Can I translate ToK to another language?[/b]
Sure! Please share your translation with us, so we add it to the page, and more people can find it.

[b]Can I use assets from your mod for my mod project?[/b]
It depends on the asset since we did not make everything in this mod.


TitansBane: Game design / Level design
PrivateEye: Art assets / Level Design / Story
[url=http://www.imdb.com/name/nm6377264/]Ben Britton[/url]: Voice Acting

Many thanks to the following modders whose assets we’ve used:

[*] lifestorock -[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24913/] Immersive Creatures[/url]
[*]lautasantenni - [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/23530/]Aetherium Armor and Weapons[/url]
[*]The Beyond Skyrim - Cyrodiil Development Team - [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84946/?tab=files][/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84946/?tab=files][/url][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84946/?tab=files][/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84946/?tab=files][/url][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84946/?tab=files]Beyond Skyrim - Brum[/url][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84946/?tab=files]a[/url][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84946/?tab=files][/url]
[*]DanielCoffey - [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57120][/url][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57120][/url][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57120][/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57120][/url][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57120]Book Covers Skyrim - Lost Library[/url]
[*]Urbansiv - Base Wraithguard model and textures
[*]Leanwolf - Keening model from [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/39870]Better-Shaped Weapons[/url]

Screaming Quagsire - An Unrelenting Force Shout Audio Replacer

[center][i]Ever had one of those days where you just need to do is shout at the world and not worry about the consequences?
Do you feel that when you do your upgraded Unrelenting Force Shout, it's missing that guttural vocal punch? Not really reflecting your true feelings?
You want to experience Skyrim with the voice of a screaming Pokemon from that one short viral video on Twitter and want to harness that to rip apart bandits, giants and Nazeem?[/i][/center]

[center][/center][center]Now this is your chance to finally become the Quagsire the Dragonborn has never really thought to be!


[center][u][size=3]Follow Tom Fawkes[/size][/u]

Based on [url=https://twitter.com/TomFawkes/status/976604455985664000]the tweet[/url] from YouTuber Tom Fawkes, you too can now become the Pokemon Quagsire and use your Unrelenting Force to truly reflect all you are currently feeling about the world. Really give it to them as you take in a deep breath and unleash a scream that can tear through the land, letting everyone know about that pent up anger, frustration, or whatever that goes through a Quagsire's head. You can also give a quick scream to scare off anyone that gets in your way, or need one quick burst after someone took your sweet roll. (Just don't do Fus Ro, the game never seems to like doing the middle shout...)

The mod is a simple audio replacer for Unrelenting Force, quickly made to be used for Tom Fawkes' current run in modded Skyrim as Swoley the Elf. This has expanded to the other races to allow others to have the chance to use this silly idea in their own game. The idea itself did start out when first playing Skyrim during the opening cutscene, with a well placed donation during Alduin's attack and finally came into fruition after one small discussion on a Mario Kart 8 Deluxe stream. Nothing really else to it other than replacing the sound bites, giving a slight reverb to match the other shouts and then copying the files to have everyone else to have it.

This only replaces the Shout for playable characters (and any modded followers that use the game's vanilla voices and can use Shouts). I did not (originally) replace the Draugrs' files (asked about it, but was asked otherwise) and any Dragon's usage of the Shout. While there is a version for all shout commands (Fus, Fus Ro, Fus Ro Dah), you're more than likely will be using either Fus or the full Fus Ro Dah. I did Fus Ro so it doesn't feel incomplete in the sense (even if I basically use Fus for Ro).

And yes, all PC females will sound like a man when doing this Shout. It just adds to the silliness of it.

[b]NEW[/b]: now Draugrs will have the Voice of Quagsire now. Will eventually work on making a version where the subtitles match the scream.

[i]Loose[/i]: Wherever you have Skyrim installed, go to your Data folder and drop the Sound folder right in the Data folder. Everything else should go right into place.

This will replace whatever you currently use for Unrelenting Force, so whatever Shout mod you have will not play the file. This should not affect any other Shout files you have besides your Unrelenting Force.

Original Idea - TomFawkes
Pokemon - (C) Nintendo, GameFreak, The Pokemon Company
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - (C) Bethesda Studio

Il Vento D'oro - A Combat Music Replacer

[center][i]You, the Dragonborn, have a dream.
The dragons have come back to terrorize the good citizens of Skyrim. Vampires hide in the shadows, waiting for their moment to strike. A cult led by a masked individual claims you are the false Dragonborn.
No matter the evil, be it large or small, you are just one in this open world and whatever you have in your arsenal, be it swords, axes, spells or your fists, you need something to reflect your dream.
A music track to give your enemies something to fear as you approach them, or something to give you fear when it's something that is out of your league.

Whatever it may be, let it be something to get you saying "Arrivederci"



[i][url=https://clips.twitch.tv/HungryTemperedPanRiPepperonis]Click here to see the mod in action (if only Nexus can allow embedding of Twitch Clips)
[/center][center][u][size=3]Follow Tom Fawkes[/size][/u]

So after one simple idea, this mod has been created. There's nothing really extra to it other than it simply replaces one of the combat music (specifically the song known as the Dragon Fight song) with the last minute of "Il Vento D'oro" (Giorno Giovanna's theme from [i]JoJo's Bizarre Adventures: Golden Wind[/i]), starting at the part where the piano comes into play. The part that people love to use for memes, based on how the song tends to be used during important battles and that piano starts playing. This mod's goal is to replicate that feeling and place that into Skyrim, especially when fighting a dragon.

Really there's not much else to it. It will play randomly, though, given how the game works with its music. Time it well and this will feel good, or it may not end so well for you~


[i]Loose[/i]: Wherever you have Skyrim installed, go to your Data folder and drop the Music folder right in the Data folder. Everything else should go right into place.

This will replace whatever you currently use for combat music, so whatever music mod you have will not play the file. This should not affect any other music files you have besides this very specific music track.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventures - (C) Hirohiko Araki, David Productions
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - (C) Bethesda Studio

Shadowmark Labels

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12995][size=3]Port from SSE [/size][/url][size=3]from [/size][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/5232181][size=3]shad0wshayd3[/size][/url]
be sure to give an endorsement and thank you there as well because this is really awesome :)

This is a simple mod that adds an activator to Shadowmarks, allowing you to look at a glance to see the name of the mark. Activating it gives you a quote from the in-game book [i]Shadowmarks. [/i]Text placement is done dynamically, meaning any mods that place Shadowmarks in the world should properly display themselves without compatibility patching, as long as they use an existing Shadowmark TextureSet.

Until you find the in-game book [i]Shadowmarks[/i], or join the Thieves' Guild, you won't be able to read Shadowmarks, and they'll only look like strange symbols to you. If you really can't be bothered to find the book, or do one quest, you can spawn the book with the console, or use the command:

set ShadowmarkBookObtained to 1

1.0 Created
1.1 Fix for form 44 from [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/25216299]FetorMortem[/url] :)

Slightly stronger dragons

Dragons, the apex predators of Nirn. Many people say they are just a legend, but are they?
Now after millenia of being defeated and droven to excintion, they return to our world once more, to terrorise and to rule the world again with their immeasurable strength.

At least, that is what you would think. In reality, however, they are just a bunch of sisses I tell you. What kind of dragons are they to be defeated by squadrons of soldiers armed with just normal steel? Or just by a giant, a creature one would call primitive by nature? 

Well, if you wish to see dragons become the true overlords of Skyrim, give my mod a try. My mod changes their following attributes:

[*]Dragons now only take [b]25%[/b] [i][u]physical damage[/u][/i] from NPCs. 
[*]Dragons now deal [b]2x[/b] more damage with their [u][i]shouts[/i][/u] (against the Dragonborn the extra shout damage is [b]25%[/b] more)
[*]Their [u][i]stamina[/i][/u] and [i][u]magicka[/u][/i] regenerate [b]25%[/b] faster than normal.
[*]Their hide is their strongest armor; dragons now have [b]500 [/b]armor rating by nature. 
[*]They are immune to diseases, and poisons are now only [b]50%[/b] effective against them.
[*]They now have [b]100[/b] extra [i][u]bite damage[/u][/i], which is enough to tear through your strongest steel. Their physcial attacks also ignore [b]30%[/b] of armor (against the Dragonborn is [b]15%[/b]).
[*]Their stature is a tool of both defense and offense; their enemies are [b]50% [/b]more susceptible to stagger, while they are [b]50% [/b]less likely to be stunned (against the Dragonborn he/she is only [b]25% [/b]more[b] [/b]susceptible to stagger, while the dragons are [b]25% [/b]less likely to be stunned by Dragonborn's strikes).
[*]Finally, their protection against elemental magic is no joke either. With [b]70%[/b] resistance against [u]the element they command[/u] (fire or frost), [b]50%[/b] against [u]the opposite one[/u] and[b] 30%[/b] against [u]shock damage[/u].
If you want to be more hardcore, there is an optional file that strengthens their shout powers: 

[*]Dragons' Fire Breath and Frost Breath now cause [b]elemental barrier[/b] on the ground; it works like Wall spells.
[*]Dragons' Fire Ball and Ice Storm are now [b]faster[/b] and [b]bigger[/b]. It also cause stagger upon impact. 
[*]Dragons' Drain Vitality now has[b] [/b]extra [b]50% [/b]absorption damage. 
[*]Alduin's shouts are [b]stronge[/b]r than other dragons' and they scale up to [b]level 68[/b]. 
Now fighing dragons requires preparations, because without it, you are either burnt to a crisp, or frozen eternally. Or worse, become their afternoon snacks.
If you don't want that to happen, then be careful on dragon slaying quest, Dragonborn!

The Ancient Falmer - A Snow Elf Race



[color=#f1c232]NEW UPDATE: 1.3[/color]
[/b][/font][b]What's new?[/b]
[color=#ffff00][b]* REVAMPED REPRISE![/b] [/color]Reprise no longer auto casts. It now auto-equips and has been tweaked and given new sounds and visuals!
[color=#ffff00]* [/color][b][color=#ffff00]Turn your snow elves into arctic paladins with new sun fire spells![/color]
[/b]* Added Nova, Castigate, and tweaked Smite
* New sound effects for spells
* Other minor changes... see changelog for details[/spoiler][/center]

[center](Bug reports and feedback are welcome)
[b][u](Please add your screenshots! :D)[/u][/b][/center][font=Arial][color=#f1c232][center][/center][/color]

   There are several Snow Elf race mods on the Nexus (such as Playable Dawnguard Snow Elf Race, True Snow Elf Race, etc), but I wanted to put together my own mod using recolored and edited high res assets from the Skyrim community's wonderful modders and creators. This mod is inspired by BetrayalSeeker's Snow Elf Overhaul.

   Though long thought to be extinct, the remnants of the ancient Falmer race are emerging from their hidden underground enclaves. Some are survivors, returning to the surface after enduring thousands of years of war and constant danger. Others are but mere children, bearing witness to the light of day for the first time in their lives. But whether young or old, these Falmer walk the hostile land of Skyrim knowing that they are the last of their kind, and that every step could be their last.


* [b]Dawnguard [/b][color=#ffff00](REQUIRED!)[/color]
[color=#f4f4f4]* [b]Dragonborn [/b][/color][color=#ffff00](REQUIRED!)[/color]
[color=#f4f4f4]* [/color][url=http://skse.silverlock.org/][b]SKSE[/b][/url][color=#f4f4f4] by the SKSE Team [/color][color=#ffff00](REQUIRED!)[/color]
* [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71214/?]USLEEP[/url][b] [/b][color=#ffff00](REQUIRED!)[/color]
* [b]RaceCompatibility[/b] by TMPhoenix [color=#ffff00][i](Included in installer!)[/i]
[color=#f4f4f4]* [/color][color=#ff0000](NSFW link:)[/color][color=#f4f4f4] [/color][url=http://www.loverslab.com/topic/23944-sos-schlongs-of-skyrim/][b]Schlongs of Skyrim[/b][/url][color=#f4f4f4] or Schlongs of Skyrim Light [/color][color=#ffff00](optional)[/color][list]
[*][color=#f4f4f4][/color]- If you don't want to use SOS, there is[color=#ffff00] a never-nude male body option[/color]
[/list]* [color=#ff0000](NSFW link)[/color] [url=https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/4597-the-ancient-falmer-a-snow-elf-race-sos-plugin/]The Ancient Falmer - A Snow Elf Race SOS Plugin Installer[/url] [color=#ffff00](optional)[/color]
[*]- adds SOS and SOS Light genitals to male snow elves
[/list]* [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24273][b]Ethereal Elven Overhaul[/b][/url] by Nuska and the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73909/][b]EEO USLEEP Update[/b][/url] by Sakr3d [i][color=#ff7700](highly-recommended) [/color][/i]
   - this mod uses Nuska's elven headmorphs, which are incompatible with vanilla beards. Without Ethereal Elven Overhaul's beard tweaks and the USLEEP update, most vanilla beards will clip through the faces of male snow elves.)
* [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9557/?][b]Alternate Start – Live Another Life[/b][/url] by Arthmoor [color=#ff7700](recommended)[/color]
[*]- useful if you want a more immersive or varied start to the game

Their skills are weighted towards spellsword or witchhunter type characters.

[*][font=Arial]- [b]Destruction [/b]10[/font]
[*][font=Arial]- [b]Restoration [/b]5[/font]
[*][font=Arial]- [b]Enchanting [/b]5[/font]
[*][font=Arial]- [b]Light Armor [/b]5[/font]
[*][font=Arial]- [b]One-Handed [/b]5[/font]
[*][font=Arial]- [b]Archery [/b]5[/font]
[*][font=Arial]- (Vanilla spells:) Flames, Healing, and Frostbite [/font]
[*][font=Arial]- [b]Icy Ternion[/b] - launch a volley of three ice spikes. It works kinda like a shotgun blast - the spikes spread out the farther they travel, and are more effective when at close range where all three can hit[/font]
[*][font=Arial] - [b]Smite [/b]- unleash a blast of sunfire magic to briefly stun an undead foe, set it aflame, and cause it to flee for 10 seconds while taking lingering sunfire damage[/font]
[*][font=Arial]- [b]Reprise [/b]- Once per day, when your health reaches 30%, instantly restore all your Magicka and Stamina, and surround yourself in a storm of ice, dealing 10 damage per second to surrounding enemies and hurling them off their feet, while increasing all your offensive skills and your Restoration skill by 20% for 10 seconds. You also take moderate lingering damage (possibly enough to kill you if you don't heal yourself in time).[/font]
[*][font=Arial]- I have included a castable version of this ability in the mod's installer[/font]
[*][font=Arial]- [b]Resist Frost [/b]- Resist 50% of incoming Frost damage[/font]
[*][font=Arial]- [b]Resist Poison[/b] - Resist 50% of incoming Poison damage[/font]
[*][font=Arial]- [b]Weakness to Fire[/b] - Take 25% more of incoming Fire damage [/font]
[*][font=Arial]-[b] Icy Fury [/b]- Frost spells do 25% more damage[/font]
[*][font=Arial]- [b]Ivory Glass Smithing[/b] - Allows you to forge Ivory Glass weapons and armor[/font]
[*][font=Arial]- [b]Ivory Glass Armor[/b] - Gives a 5% armor bonus to all equipped Ivory Glass armor pieces[/font]
[*][font=Arial]- [b]Ivory Glass Weapons[/b] - Gives a 1% damage bonus to all equipped Ivory Glass weapons[/font]
The[b] [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55574/?]Ancient Falmer Ivory Glass Weapons mod[/url][/b] by [b]GyntRyles[/b] has been integrated into this race mod
* Adds craftable Ancient Falmer weapons to the leveled lists (loot, enemy inventories, etc) and the world
[*][font=Arial]- only Snow Elf player characters can forge them at the start of the game... but if for some reason you're not playing a Snow Elf while this mod is installed, you can find a book in the Inner Sanctum at the Chapel of Auriel that'll teach you how to craft Ancient Falmer weapons and armor. This book is also useful to Snow Elves, as it gives them perks that further buffs their Ancient Falmer weapons and armor.[/font]
[*][font=Arial]- the are equivalent in damage to Ebony weapons[/font]
[*][font=Arial]- includes Ancient Falmer arrows, swords, axes, maces, daggers, battleaxes, warhammers, and greatswords[/font]
[*][font=Arial]- they can be crafted at a forge and improved at grindstones [/font]
[*][font=Arial]- they require the same materials to craft as Glass weapons, but with an additional requirement of Mammoth Tusks [/font]
[*][font=Arial]- replaces all Elven weapons found in the Forgotten Vale with Ancient Falmer weapons[/font]
[*][font=Arial]- Ancient Falmer weapons are (supposed to be) rare, and can only be found on Falmer, Falmer loot/treasure chests, places where Falmer reside, and in the Forgotten Vale (including the Temple of Auri'el. [/font]
[*][font=Arial]- they have a rather low drop rate, ranging between 10-25%. I might lower this even more with further testing.[/font]
[*][font=Arial]- Enchanted variants of Ancient Falmer weapons can also be found[/font]
[/b]The Ancient Falmer Armor pieces are now craftable! They are categorized as 'Ivory Glass Material' and as such are only craftable by Snow Elves. Non-Snow Elf players can find a book that teaches them how to make Ancient Falmer armor during the Dawnguard questline, and can still acquire a full set at the end of Dawnguard.[/font][list]
[*][font=Arial]- they require the same materials as Glass armor, but with an additional requirement of Mammoth Tusks [/font]
[*][font=Arial]- You still can't forge the Ancient Falmer Crown, though, because it's a circlet[/font]
Included in this mod is an optional plugin that adds two Snow Elf followers to the game: Valrysa, a Spellsword, and Ashian, an Assassin. They can be found in the Silverblood Inn at Markarth.

[b][spoiler]* SG Hairs Pack 350 [/b]
[*]- I can't provide a link to it here, but [color=#fff2cc][b]you can find it by searching for "SG Hairs 350" on Google[/b].[/color] If you can't find it then you didn't try hard enough because it's LITERALLY one of the first three results on Google. If you somehow truly can't find it (which I find hard to believe), then there's nothing else I can do to help you.
[*]- If you still somehow can't find it, PM me and I will help you.
[/list][b]* [/b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10168][b]Apachii Male Hairs[/b]
[*][font=Arial][font=Arial][color=#ffffff]- I'm working on a version that uses the main Apachii hairs .esm.[/spoiler][/color][/font][/font]
[/b][/font][b]Valrysa[/b] (Spellsword)
Valrysa is a young Falmer, born less than a century ago. Growing up, she honed her innate, natural skills with magic, melting and shattering her foes with a deadly mix of destructive sorcery and brutal close combat. Life beneath the earth is a precarious one, with monsters lurking in every shadow. Many times has an over the head swing with her trusty mace saved her life in close combat when her spells proved too slow to cast. Once, however, a feral Falmer slashed through her guard and across her cheek, leaving a scar that she now hides carefully with her platinum blonde hair. Ever since then, Valrysa became determined to perfect her skills with her magic and her mace, and is never content with settling for second best. 
Valrysa had never seen or felt the light of the sun upon her skin until she stepped out into the surface world. Spurred onward by her youthful pride and a lust for action and adventure, Valrysa was eager to venture forth into  Skyrim and leave her mark on the history books in the land her ancestors once called home. Valrysa is skilled in magical ranged combat, and isn't afraid to enter a bloody melee with her frost-enchanted Ivory Glass mace, Leyaser.
[b]Ashian[/b] (Assassin)
Ashian is a truly ancient Falmer. Having witnessed and survived both the Atmoran Conquests of Skyrim and his people's enslavement by the Dwemer, Ashian has seen all that the world could offer - for better or for worse. He carries with him the horrors he saw and committed in his long life, knowing that they will forever haunt him for as long as he lived. But those memories have not stopped him from living. In the centuries he spent underground, he grew accustomed to that neigh fruitless, brutal life. After being hunted for so long by both his devolved brethren and the Dwemer machines that patrol Skyrim's underworld he learned how to hunt them, and became exceptionally skilled at stalking unseen and loosing magical arrows from the darkness. When Ashian emerged unto the outside world, he was filled with great relief. After all he had seen and all that he had done, he was finally glad that he could put that darkness behind him and start anew.
Although he looks forward to brighter, sunnier days, he has no qualms with plunging back into the darkness beneath the earth to slay the monsters that had tormented him and his people for so long. Ashian wields the ancient Ivory Glass witch-hunting bow, Leshasea, and prefers to strike from a distance.
[size=1][spoiler][/size]* Right now neither of the two followers have any unique dialogue options or voices. I have no idea how to make either of those, and as it stands, I'm far too busy IRL to learn how. Eventually, I would like to have add more depth to these followers.
* I intend on fleshing out this mod more when I have the time to learn how to script spellcasting and make combat packages. I originally wanted Ashian to be a Witchhunter, who summons Atronachs and uses Illusion spells against enemies. Unfortunately NPC's don't cast these kinds of spells on their own... much to my frustration. 
* Ashian (and probably Valrysa) will equip a Hunting Bow when first recruited. This is a bug that all custom followers have. You will need to remove the bow from his inventory, or he won't use his own weapons. You only need to do this once. I can't fix this without breaking every follower mod out there, so manually removing that stupid Hunting Bow from his inventory ingame is the only way around this bug (thanks Bethesda)[/spoiler]
Overhauls [b]Gelebor [/b]and [b]Vyrthur's[/b] appearances, and equips them with Ancient Falmer weapons! This overhaul is an optional plugin that may be installed via the mod's installer.
See the gallery for more pictures of the two Ancient Falmer brothers!

* [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311]KS Hairdos - Renewal[/url]
* [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10168]Apachii Male Hairs
[/b]-This mod is fully-compatible with [b]Dawnguard[/b], which is also a requirement for this mod to work.
- Compatible with [b]Better Vampires[/b] and [b]Sacrosanct [/b](requires the Sacrosanct Patch, more info in the installation section)

- Snow Elves can become [b]werewolves [/b]too!

* Male body texture is made for use with Schlongs of Skyrim
[*][font=Arial]an SOS plugin for this mod can be found on Loverslab. I have a provided links for it in the Requirements section, and in the Installation section[/font]
[*][font=Arial][color=#ffff00]There is a non-SOS option, never nude male body option... more info on that below in the Installation section[/color][/font]
[/list][font=Arial]* Both males and females use recolored body textures from the Veteran Skin, SkySight Skin, PureSkinTexture, Demoniac skin, and Clams of Skyrim, and recolored eye textures from the Eyes of Beauty mod to create a unique elf race!
[*][font=Arial]the Snow Elves in this mod were inspired by Light Elves from Kingdoms of Amalur [/font]
[*][font=Arial]Default skin tones include: White, Yellow, Blue, and Teal. Default hair colors include: Platinum Blonde, White, Dark Red, Dirty Blonde, and Dark Brown. Check out the gallery if you want to see what they look like![/font]
[/list][font=Arial]* Five preset faces for both Males and Females

* [b]I strongly recommend that you install this mod and all its requirements using Mod Organizer.[/b] You can use Nexus Mod Manager too. Just install this mod the way you'd normally install mods with those two programs. 
[*][font=Arial]Note that I won't help you if you try installing this manually![/font]
[/list][font=Arial]* [color=#ffff00][b]There are notes, and warnings[/b][/color] listed as well which you should read (I put them under spoilers to keep the guide clean and organized).
* [color=#ffff00][b]If you are using HDT bodies and or SOS[/b][/color], make sure you have their requirements installed as well
* If you are using Better Vampires, make sure that RaceCompatibility loads AFTER Better Vampires. RaceCompatibility's scripts must overwrite Better Vampires or you won't be able to gain Vampirism!
* I have included in the mod both Snow_Elf_Race.esm and Snow_Elf_Race.esp. You can find the .esp in the development folder.[color=#ffff00]
[b][size=3]Step-by-Step Installation[/size][/b]
[/font][font=Arial][b]1. Install [/b][url=http://skse.silverlock.org/][b]SKSE[/b]

[b]2. Install [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71214/?][b]USLEEP[/b][/url][/b]
[*]I recommend that you install [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24273]Ethereal Elven Overhaul[/url] and the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73909/]EEO USLEEP Update[/url] as well, to prevent beard clipping in Snow Elf males

[b]4. Install The Ancient Falmer - A Snow Elf Race[/b]. The FOMOD Installer will guide you through the installation process.
[*]Main Screen: Read the text on the left, then hit [i]Next[/i]

5.[/b] Choose [b]compatibility patches [/b]for any [b]vampire overhauls[/b] you are using [color=#ffff00](this will also install [b]RaceCompatibility[/b])[/color]
[*]Choosing [b]None[/b] will install [b]RaceCompatibility[/b] for the [b]base game[/b], with compatibility for [b]USLEEP[/b].
[*]Choosing [b]Better Vampires[/b] will install [b]RaceCompatibility[/b] with compatibility for [b]Better Vampires[/b] and [b]USLEEP[/b].
[*]Choosing [b]Sacrosanct[/b] will install [b]RaceCompatibility[/b] with compatibility for [b]Sacrosanct[/b] and [b]USLEEP[/b].[/spoiler]

[b]6. Choose the Female Snow Elf Body Textures that match the body you are using. [/b][color=#ffff00]There is a never-nude female body texture option available.[/color] It is compatible with the vanilla body, and the SFW NeverNude body.
[color=#ffff00][b][u]Additional Requirements:[/u][/b][/color]
[/font][font=Arial][font=Arial] [size=1] [spoiler][/size]
[*][font=Arial]If you choose the NeverNude textures, you must install the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69898/?]SFW Body Mod[/url]. That, or you should be using the vanilla body. If the feet look weird, you can install UNP feet to fix this[/font][font=Arial].[/spoiler][/font]

[/font][b]7. Choose the Male Snow Elf Body Textures that match the body you are using.[/b] [color=#ffff00]There is a non-SOS (never-nude) male body option available.[/color] If you don't want to use SOS, choose the SkySight Skin option when choosing your preferred male body. 
[color=#ffff00][b][u]Additional Requirements:[/u][/b][/color]
[*]If you choose the SOS textures or SOS Light textures, you need to installer the appropriate [url=https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/4597-the-ancient-falmer-a-snow-elf-race-sos-plugin-oldrimse/]Snow Elf SOS Plugin[/url]
[*]If you choose the SkySight Skins textures, you must install the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58443/?tab=description]SkySight Skins with Real Feet Meshes[/url]. That, or you should be using the vanilla body[/spoiler]

[/font][font=Arial][b]8. Check whether or not you want to install the [/b][u]Snow Elf Follower Plugin,[/u][b] and or the [/b][u][b]Gelebor and Vyrthur Overhaul[/b].[/u] These are both completely optional, and you don't have to install it. Make your selections and click Install.
[u][b][color=#ffff00]Additional Requirements/Warnings:[/color][/b][/u]
[*][size=2]If you install the Follower Plugin, you must also install SG Hairs Pack 350 and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10168]Apachii Male Hairs[/url][/size]
[*][size=2]If you install the Gelebor and Vyrthur Overhaul, you must also install  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311]KS Hairdos - Renewal[/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10168]Apachii Male Hairs[/url][/size]
[/list]      [color=#ff7700]- Be advised! The Gelebor and Vyrthur Overhaul [u]is still in its testing phase, [b][i]so install at your own risk![/i][/b][/u][/color] I had to change Gelebor and Vyrthur's races to this mod's Snow Elf race, and I am not sure what impact this may have on the Dawnguard questline. 
      - I suggest installing this before you begin the Touching the Sky quest, or after you finish Dawnguard. [color=#ff7700]Please report any bugs while you are doing the Dawnguard questline, if you find any.[/spoiler]

[b]9[/b]. [b]Check whether or not you want to install any [u]compatibility patches[/u] or optional plugins.[/b] Make your selections and click Install to finish installation. 
[*][size=2]I[/size]f you are using [b]Immersive Jewelry[/b], install the [b]Immersive Jewelry Patch.[/b]
[*][size=2]If you are using [b]Sacrosanct[/b], install the [b]Sacrosanct Patch.[/b][/size]
[*][size=2][u][color=#ffff00]If you choose to install the Immersive Jewelry Patch, or if you are using any mods that modify the game's leveled lists (such as weapon/armor mods like Immersive Weapons or Immersive Armors), I HIGHLY recommend that you build a Bashed Patch.[/color][/u] More info on that further below.[/size]
[*][size=2]Install the [b]Better Shaped Weapons patch for Ivory Glass Weapons[/b] if you want[/size]
[*][size=2]If you are using [b]Dual Sheath Redux[/b], you can install the [b]DSR Patch[/b] for Ivory Glass weapons if you want - [color=#ffff00]but make sure to run your Dual Sheath Redux patcher after finishing your installation of this mod[/spoiler][/color][/size]

[/size][/color][b]10.[/b][b] Use [b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1918/]LOOT[/url] [/b]to sort out your plugins, but refer to the load order guide below[/b] otherwise you MAY have issues with Better Vampires or Sacrosanct depending on where LOOT puts your RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp. 
[/color][/b][/u]   [size=1][spoiler][/size]   
[*]If you are using an HDT Body, make sure to install[b] XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended, HDT Physics Extensions, and FNIS.[/b] 
[*]After installing FNIS, do not forget to [b]Generate FNIS[/b], or your feet will be sticking to the ground when you walk.[/spoiler]

[b][u]LOAD ORDER:[/u][/b]
Use LOOT to sort out your plugins.
After finishing installation make sure that you are [color=#ffff00][i]only[/i] using [/color][color=#ffff00]Snow_Elf_Race.esm.[/color]

[b][color=#ffff00]If you are using Better Vampires, Sacrosanct, and or Immersive Jewelry, you will need to manually sort some plugins after running LOOT:[/color][/b]


[color=#ffff00]Make sure that [b]Better Vampires.esp [/b]loads [b][u]after[/u][/b] [b]RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp[/b][/color] (as seen in the picture above) or Better Vampires will not be able to apply its vampire scripts to your character ingame. This will prevent you from leveling up your Vampirism, casting certain Vampire abilities, and other problems that will give you headaches.


[color=#ffff00]Make sure that [b]RaceCompatibility[/b] [b][u]overwrites[/u][/b] [b]Better Vampires[/b] in the Left Pane [/color][color=#ffffff](as seen in the picture above)[/color], or your vampire mod won't use RaceCompatibility's vampire scripts. If you don't do this, vampirism won't even work.[/spoiler]
If you are using Sacrosanct, you should have installed the Sacrosanct Patch in the previous installation steps. 
Make sure that [b][color=#ffff00]Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim.esp[/color][/b] [color=#ffff00]loads[/color][color=#ffff00][b][u]after[/u] RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp, [/b]and load the [b]Snow_Elf_Race_SCS_Patch.esp[/b] loads [b][u]after[/u][/b] [b]Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim.esp[/b] [/color](as seen in the picture above) or Sacrosanct will not work at all.

[color=#ffff00]Make sure that [b]Sacrosanct [u]overwrites[/u] RaceCompatibility[/b] in the Left Pane[/color][color=#ffffff] (as seen in the picture above), or Sacrosanct will not work.[/spoiler]
[color=#ffffff][b]IMMERSIVE JEWELRY USERS:[/b]
Additionally, make sure you load the [b]Snow Elf Race + Immersive Jewelry Patch.esp[/b] [b][u]AFTER[/u][/b] [b]Immersive Jewelry.esp[/b].[/spoiler]
[b][u]BASHED PATCHES:[/u][/b]
[color=#ffff00]If you installed any optional compatibility patches, or if you are using any mods that modify the game's leveled lists [/color](such as weapon/armor mods Immersive Weapons and Immersive Armors) [color=#f1c232]I [b][i]HIGHLY [/i][/b]recommend that you run [/color][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1840/][b]Wrye Bash[/b][/url] and build a [b][color=#ffff00]Bashed Patch[/color][/b]. 
You will find advanced instructions on how to build a Bashed Patch here: [url=http://wiki.step-project.com/Bashed_Patch][b]STEP GUIDE: Bashed Patch[/b].[/url]
[b]However, if you want to just do what I do and only merge Leveled Lists (which is what is only really necessary) then follow my instructions below:[/b]
1. Open Wrye Bash.
2. Right click Bashed Patch, 0.esp, and click Rebuild Patch
3. Uncheck EVERY box in the window that pops up, EXCEPT Leveled Lists
4. Click Build Patch
5. Done!
Building a [b]Bashed Patch[/b] will resolve many plugin conflicts, including those that you may encounter with this mod. 
My mod adds weapons to the vanilla leveled lists, and without a Bashed Patch, you may never see any Ivory Glass weapons in Falmer loot.

I aim to provide updates and bugfixes for this mod when I am able. These updates should not break your save, however, there are some steps you should take to make sure your character's traits are updated properly. 

[color=#f1c232][b]Standard Updating Procedure
[color=#f1c232]This is the standard updating procedure for 1.1.7 and above, unless specifically stated otherwise.
- Hit Tilde ~ to open the console, type in 'showracemenu' (without quotes) and press enter
- You will now be in the RaceMenu Screen. Make any changes you want (you don't need to) and press R to save and finish
- You should see on the top left of your screen: [i]"Ancient Falmer perks and spells have been added successfully."[/i]
- Done!
[b][color=#f1c232]Advanced Updating Procedure
[color=#f1c232]WARNING! If you are updating from any version lower than 1.1.7 [/color][u][b][color=#ffd966]TO[/color][/b][/u][color=#f1c232] 1.1.7, you MUST follow the updating procedure below. You will NOT get the new Restoration skill bonus unless you follow this procedure:
- Hit Tilde ~ to open the console, type in 'showracemenu' (without the quotes) and press enter
- You will now be in the RaceMenu Screen. If you are using the RaceMenu mod or ECE, I suggest that you save a character preset of your current character before continuing 
- Change your character's race to any other race 
- Press R and confirm your changes, and return to the game. You should see the message at the top left of the screen: [i]"Ancient Falmer perks and spells have been removed successfully"[/i]
- Open the console a second time, and enter RaceMenu again
- Change your character back to a Snow Elf, load your the character preset you saved
- Press R and confirm your changes, and return to the game. You should see a message on the top left of your screen: [i]"Ancient Falmer perks and spells have been added successfully."[/i] Your new skill bonuses should be applied, and the Smite ability should be in your spellbook

You may also need to rebuild your Bashed Patch if I update the leveled lists, but I will let you know if you need to.

[/size]* [b][color=#00ff00]Compatible [/color][/b]with [i]all[b] [/b][/i][b]perk tree [/b]or [b]enchantment overhauls[/b]
* [b][color=#00ff00]Compatible [/color][/b]with [b][color=#00ff00]Better Vampires[/color][/b]
* [b][color=#00ff00]Compatible [/color][/b]with [b][color=#00ff00]Sacrosanct [/color][/b](requires a patch; see installation section)
* [b][color=#00ff00]Compatible [/color][/b]with [b][color=#00ff00]Ordinator [/color][/b]and [b][color=#00ff00]Summermyst[/color][/b]
* This mod uses default [color=#00ff00]Vampire eye textures[/color], so your Snow Elves will use any Vampire eye textures you've personally installed
[b]* [color=#ffff00]Gelebor and Vyrthur Face Replacers[/color][/b]
If you installed the [color=#ffff00]Gelebor and Vyrthur Overhaul plugin[/color], it will [b][i]overwrite [/i][/b]any mod that touches their faces/appearances, particularly their facegen data. If you are using another NPC replacer that makes [b][u]ANY [/u][/b]changes to Gelebor and Vyrthur, make sure you load this mod after it (or overwrite it) in both the left and right panes of Mod Organizer or their faces will not look like what they are supposed to[/spoiler]
[b][color=#ffff00]Body/Face Textures Mods[/color][/b]
* [color=#ffff00]Should not overwrite any body texture mods![/color] This mod's primary assets (body/hand/foot/head meshes and textures) are contained in their own folders, and thus shouldn't overwrite any textures or meshes
[list][*]- Some face texture mods may be incompatible with the snow elf body texture, and may make your face discolored or brighter than the rest of your body. I recommend that you use a face texture mod that is compatible with Demoniac Skin (which is what snow elves use), such as Mature Female Textures[/spoiler]
[/list][b][color=#ffff00]Head Meshes and Beards[/color][/b]
* [u]The Snow Elf males in this mod use Nuska's Ethereal Elven Overhaul headmorphs.[/u] Thus, they will be [b][u]incompatible[/u][/b] with the vanilla beards.
[list][*]- I recommend  that you download and install [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24273]Ethereal Elven Overhaul, [/url]then patch it with the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73909/]EEO USLEEP Update[/url] because it tweaks the vanilla beards to be compatible with Nuska's elven headmorphs. Without EEO, your male snow elf's beard will clip through his face![/spoiler]
[/list][b][color=#ffff00]Ancient Falmer Armor [/color]& [color=#00ff00]Immersive Jewelry[/color][/b]
* This mod modifies the Ancient Falmer armor's [b]STATS [/b]and is thus [u][b]incompatible[/b][/u] with other mods that alter their names, stats, keywords etc such as [b][color=#ffff00]Immersive Jewelry[/color][/b]. I can make compatibility patches upon request. I already made a patch for Immersive Jewelry, which can be installed via the FOMOD installer.
[list][*]- Mods that modify their meshes/textures are fully compatible[/spoiler]
[/list][b][color=#ffff00]Leveled Lists[/color][/b]
* This mod modifies vanilla leveled lists, the vanilla Ancient Falmer Armor, and both vanilla and Dawnguard Falmer weapon spawn locations (it also replaces all Glass weapons in the Forgotten Vale with Ivory Glass Weapons) If you use other mods that edit the leveled lists, you will need to build a Bashed Patch[/spoiler]
[size=2]* [/size][b][color=#ff0000]Incompatible [/color][/b][size=2]with [/size][b][color=#ff0000]Enhanced Character Edit[/color][/b]
[b]* [/b][b][color=#ff0000]Incompatible [/color][/b]with [b][color=#ff0000]Requiem [/color][/b][size=2]and other similar overhauls[/size]
[list][*]As far as I know, this mod is [color=#ff0000]incompatible [/color]with [b][color=#ff0000]Requiem [/color][/b]and other combat overhauls
[*]I am not interested in rewriting and re balancing my entire mod just to make it work with Requiem, [i]so please don't ask me to[/i]
[*]I did include the .esp version of Snow_Elf_Race in each download (it can be found in the development folder). So feel free to make patches for your favorite overhauls. [i]Please PM me if you've made any patches so I can add it to this mod's optional downloads.[/spoiler][/i]

If you want to use your own custom textures to fit your custom body meshes, all you need to do is replace this mod's textures with yours.
Simply drag and drop your textures (such as femalebody_1.dds, femalebody_0.dds, etc) into the following folder:
...\Snow Elf Race - The Ancient Falmer\Textures\[b]snow elf
[/b]Click yes to overwrite any files if asked. 

[/font][b]My game is crashing on start![/b][font=Arial]
[/b][/font]You are most likely missing a requirement. Read through the installation guide again and make sure you installed every requirement needed for the mod to function. If you installed any plugins or patches, you must make sure their requirements are installed, too.[/spoiler][font=Arial]
[b]Vampirism isn't working!
[b]My character isn't getting his/her Better Vampires/Sacrosanct spells![/b]
1: Make sure that when you installed RaceCompatibility that you also installed USKPOverride (if you are using USLEEP).

2: Make sure you checked Better Vampires/Sacrosanct when you installed RaceCompatibility. 

3: Make sure you are also loading RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp and the Better Vampires and Sacrosanct .esp's in the right order. See the Load Order section of the Installation guide for instructions.[/spoiler]

[b]Reprise killed me! Why?[/b]
Reprise damages you when its triggered. Luckily for you, Reprise buffs your Restoration skill, so you can use the last few seconds of Reprise to quickly heal yourself back up to full.[/spoiler]

[b]I don't like this mod >:C[/b]
Then don't play it.[/spoiler]

[b]My male snow elves have holes in their crotches![/b]
You are missing the Snow Elf SOS Plugin. You need both SOS/SOS Light and the Snow Elf SOS Plugin if you want your male snow elves to have genitals.

If you have the Snow Elf SOS Plugin installed, and your Snow Elf males still have holes in their crotches, you may need to [i]manually-apply [/i]their schlongs. Make sure to apply the Snow Elf schlong.[/spoiler]

[b]I'm using CBBE and there's some weird stretching going on my female snow elves' breasts! [/b]
[b]I'm using CBBE and my female snow elves' nipples are weird looking![/b]
The snow elf female textures are only compatible with Curvy body presets. If you are using a Slim body preset, snow elf females will look odd. You can replace their textures with your Slim body textures if you want by following the Customization guide above.[/spoiler] 

[b]The vanilla beards are clipping into my male snow elf's face![/b]
You need to install [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24273]Ethereal Elven Overhaul[/url] and the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73909/]EEO USLEEP Update[/url] by Sakr3d. This mod uses Nuska's elven headmorphs, which are incompatible with vanilla beards. Without Ethereal Elven Overhaul's beard tweaks and the USLEEP update, most vanilla beards will clip through the faces of male snow elves.[/spoiler]

[b]Do NPC's refer to me as a snow elf ingame?[/b]
No. That would not be possible unless I edited every dialogue option that refers to you by race, and I don't want to do that.[/spoiler]

[b]Can you share your Snow Elf Follower face presets?[/b]

[b]Can you make a Requiem Patch?[/b]
[b]Can you make a patch for [Insert Overhaul Here][/b]
No. If the patch requires me to rebalance every item, NPC, spell, or race added by my mod, that's definitely going to be a [i]no.[/i] Feel free to make your own patches, though.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

* Beards may clip through Snow Elf male faces if you don't install [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24273]Ethereal Elven Overhaul[/url] and the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73909/]EEO USLEEP Update[/url]

* make a Better Males Non-SOS Patch[/s]  [color=#ffff00](Done!)[/color]
[u][s]* Snow Elf NPC followers[/s] [/u][color=#ffff00](Done!)[/color]
* A [u]Snow Elf Alternate Start - Live Another Life plugin[/u], which starts you off inside of a cave somewhere in the Reach. [/font]
   - If someone can help me make this plugin, I'd GREATLY appreciate it...[list]
[/list][font=Arial][s]* [u]Port to Special Edition[/u][/s]  [/font][font=Arial][color=#ffff00](Done!)[/color][s][/s]

[/u][/b][/size][/font][color=#f1c232]* [/color][color=#f1c232]The Daedric Exile - A Dremora Race [/color][i](WIP... not coming any time soon)[/i][font=Arial][/spoiler]

Old Changelogs:[spoiler][/size]
[b][Version 1.0.0][/b]
[size=1]Initial release[/size]
[b][Version 1.1.0][/b]
[size=1]* Icy Fury Perk was not actually being applied. I fixed my perk application script to actually do this.
* Snow Elf Vampires should be the same height as regular Snow Elves now
* Snow Elves now have a 50% vulnerability to fire
[*]- consequently, if you are a Snow Elf Vampire with Stage 4 Vampirism, you will have a 100% vulnerability to Fire Damage, a 100% resistance to Frost Damage, and a 150% resistance to Poison Damage
[/list]* Updated Snow Elves’ Resist Frost and Poison descriptions to be more immersive and consistent in wording
* The Vanilla Snow Elf Race (Gelebor and Vyrthur’s race) are now around the same height as Snow Elf players
* Hostile Falmer NPC’s and Snow Elf NPC’s now have the exact same resistances and weaknesses as Snow Elf players
[*]- this means Gelebor and Vyrthur now have the same resistances and weaknesses as you
[*]- note that Vyrthur is a vampire, so his resistance and vulnerabilities will be equivalent to that of a Snow Elf Vampire player 
[/list]* Updated Ancient Falmer Knowledge - Icy Fury’s description.The ability increases the damage of your Frost Magic by 25%, but the description said it was 5%. This has been corrected to 25%.
* Ivory Glass Arrows now do 20 base damage.  
* Snow Elf body, hand, head, and eye textures have been moved to \Snow Elf Race - The Ancient Falmer…\Textures\snow elf
* Snow Elf females now use facial complexions from Mature Skin Complexion
[/size][b][Version 1.1.1][/b]
[size=1]* Lowered charge up time for Icy Ternion to 0.5 seconds
* Reprise now does 20 damage per second and restores all your magica and stamina rather than 100 points of each
* Added default light yellow skin tone (resembles Altmer skin, but lighter and kinda bluish)
* Vulnerability to fire reduced from 50% to 25%. I did this because I kept getting melted by fire mages and dragons, and I figured that since fighting dragons is pretty central to the game's main quest, you shouldn't get one-shotted by them for being a snow elf.
[/size][b][Version 1.1.2][/b]
[size=1]* Gave vanilla Snow Elves the Reprise ability[/size]
[*][font=Arial][size=1]- this means when you fight Vyrthur, he'll use Reprise when his health gets low enough... consequently this will make him more dangerous in combat[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=1]- I have yet to actually combat test him in the actual Dawnguard questline so please report any bugs you find[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=1]- Vyrthur already has a Frostcloak spell, so it might look like he's using Reprise above 50% health, when actually he's just using Frostcloak[/size][/font]
[/list][font=Arial][size=1]   * Tweaked vanilla Snow Elf and Falmer resistances and weaknesses to be the same levels as player Snow Elves[/size]
[*][font=Arial][size=1]- thus Vyrthur and all hostile Falmer NPC's will have 50% frost resistance, 50% poison resistance, and 25% fire weakness [/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=1]- Vyrthur is a vampire, so these resistances and weaknesses stack on top of his vampire traits[/size][/font]
[*][font=Arial][size=1]- consequently, he will be (near) impervious to frost damage and poison damage, but will take 75% more damage from fire attacks[/size][/font]
[/list][font=Arial][size=1]   * Fixed Gelebor and Vyrthur's body textures [/size]
[*][font=Arial][size=1]- they shouldn't be missing textures anymore[/size][/font]
[/list][font=Arial][size=1]   * Fixed Gelebor and Vyrthur's face textures[/size]
[*][font=Arial][size=1]- their faces should be the same color as the rest of their body now[/size][/font]
[/list][font=Arial][size=1]   * Fixed female Snow Elf first person hand mesh[/size]
[*][font=Arial][size=1]- hand textures should not be missing in first person when wielding weapons anymore[/size][/font]
[/list][font=Arial][size=1]   * Edited textures for males and females to make their nipples darker... lol[/size]
[*][font=Arial][size=1]- prior to this edit their nipples were near or at the same color as the rest of their body hahahahaha[/size][/font]
[/list][font=Arial][size=1]   * Swapped the non-HDT CBBE female textures with the CBBE HDT COSIO textures, because I couldn't darken the color of the non-HDT textures' nipples properly[/size]
[size=1]* Male Veteran's Skin-derived textures are now in 4k quality[/size]
[*][font=Arial][size=1]- Male Skysight Skin-derived textures are still in 4k[/size][/font]
[size=1]* Icy Ternion is now an Apprentice level Destruction spell, and is thus affected by the Apprentice Destruction perk[/size]
[b][Version 1.1.3][/b]
[size=1][color=#f1c232]* Finished my Snow Elf Follower plugin!!! [/color]
[*]- this plugin adds Valrysa and Ashian, the two Snow Elves seen in the gallery above. 
[*]- Valrysa is a Spellsword, and Ashian is a Witchhunter.
[*]- this plugin requires the [b][u]SG Hairs Pack and Apachii Male Hairs [/u][/b]
[/list]* This mod is now packaged in a convenient FOMOD Installer 
[*]- If there is something wrong with the installer, or my instructions (they might be confusing...) PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP!!!!
[*]- I didn't include the Better Males Non-SOS patch in the installer because I really don't like that mod
[/list]* Updated COSIO mesh to v4.0
* Changed Non-HDT CBBE mesh to CBBE Curvy
[*]- In previous versions, the Non-HDT CBBE body mesh in this mod used the Slim Preset, while its textures were meant to be used with the Curvy Preset. This caused strange warping/bulging of the breasts due to the incorrect texture being used. This is now fixed, and the Non-HDT CBBE body should look normal with its textures, now.
[/list][/size][size=1]* Added in new enchanted Ancient Falmer Ivory Glass weapons
[*][size=1]- includes Shock, Magicka Damage, Sun Damage (new), and Icy Soul (new) enchantments[/size]
[*][size=1]- Ivory Glass weapons enchanted with Sun Damage are functionally equivalent to Dawnguard Rune Axes[/size]
[*][size=1]- Ivory Glass weapons enchanted with Icy Souls both Soul Trap enemies and deal Frost damage, similar to the Fiery Souls enchantment in the base game.[/size]
[*][size=1]- The Icy Souls Enchantment can only be found on Ivory Glass Daggers.[/size]
[/list][size=1]* The new enchanted Ivory Glass weapons can now be looted off Falmer or found in Falmer chests too. 
* The drop rates for both enchanted and non-enchanted Ivory Glass weapons are now slightly higher (by about 10%)
* Some Falmer enemies should be guaranteed to drop both enchanted and non-enchanted Ivory Glass weapons, or wield them, or both
* Some Falmer chests are guaranteed to hold both enchanted and non-enchanted Ivory Glass weapons
* Vyrthur now wields an Ancient Falmer Ivory Glass Dagger of Icy Souls
* Vyrthur now has Snow Elf Perks too. In previous updates, I gave him the same resistances and abilities that Snow Elf players have. Now, he also has their same perks, namely the Armor and Weapon set buffs, as well as the Icy Fury 
[*]- this means he should be even deadlier in combat
[/list][/size][/font][size=1]*Added a book that can teach non-Falmer how to craft Ivory Glass weapons and armor. I honestly don’t see the point of this, since… why would you be playing this mod if you aren’t playing a Snow Elf? But, I made the book anyway. You can find it in the Inner Sanctum inside that secret room[/size]
[size=1]* Fixed SnowElfPerkStart script so that it removes Icy Fury if you are not a Snow Elf[/size]
[b][Version 1.1.4] 
[/b][color=#f1c232][size=1]* Added an Immersive Jewelry compatibility patch.[/size][/color]
[*][size=1]- IJ alters the names and keywords of the Ancient Falmer armor set, essentially rendering the Ivory Glass Armor perk useless. This patch, which is included in the FOMOD installer as an optional plugin, fixes this, combining the Ancient Falmer armor set's  keywords and IJ's keywords. Ivory Glass Armor should work, now.[/size]
[/list][size=1]* Gave enchantment charges to all enchanted Ivory Glass weapons. Prior to this enchanted Ivory Glass weapons found in the world had no charges, and thus were essentially just unenchanted weapons.[/size]
[size=1]* Added a 10% Ivory Glass weapon damage bonus, and 10% Ivory Glass armor bonus to those who read the book 'Ivory Glass', found in the Inner Sanctum. [/size]
[*]- Initially, this only gave non-Snow Elves the Ivory Glass smithing perk, but I added the damage bonuses (Forgotten Falmer Knowledge +10% damage for Ivory Glass weapons and Ancient Falmer armor) to make it useful to non-Snow Elf players, too.
[/list][size=1]* Gave Vyrthur and Gelebor unique, named, and enchanted weapons that are slightly more powerful than the enchanted Ivory Glass weapons you can find in the leveled lists[/size]
[size=1]* Edited the flavor text and names of the magic effects applied by the Snow Elf racial perks[/size]
[size=1]* Snow Elf males now use Fine Male Face Textures' complexions[/size]
[size=1]* UUNP and UNP Snow Elf females now use the Demoniac UUNP skin. [/size]
[size=1]   - this consequently fixed the UUNP and UNP Snow Elf female's neck seams[/size]
[size=1]   - Snow Elf female faces are a lot smoother now, due to the Demoniac textures.[/size]
[size=1]* Fixed wrist and ankle seams on male Snow Elves [/size]
[color=#f1c232]* Fixed Valrysa's transparent hair bug. Her hair was missing some headparts.[/color]
[size=1]* Fixed the percentages listed in the Snow Elf perk descriptions. The weapon and armor perks increase your damage and armor rating by 20% and 25%, respectively, and their magic effects should reflect this. [/size]
[size=1]* I renamed the three tiers of enchanted Ivory Glass weapons to match their vanilla counterparts (Ivory Glass Sword of Blizzards, etc)[/size]
[size=1]* [/size][b][size=1]Reworked the Snow Elves' starting spells so that they are added to the player via script, and not by default ingame. I did this so that Ashian wouldn't spawn with Icy Ternion by default, forcing him to use that spell and not his bow. [/size][color=#f1c232][size=1]You will NEED to make sure the script re-applies all your perks/spells. Please see the 'Updating' section above for instructions on how to do that.[/size]
[size=2][b][Version 1.1.5]
[/b][/size][size=1]* Reduced Ancient Falmer Knowledge - Armor buff to 5%.[/size]
[size=1]* Reduced Forgotten Falmer Knowledge - Armor buff to 5%.[/size]
[size=1]* Reduced Ancient Falmer Knowledge - Weapons buff to 1%.[/size]
[size=1]* Reduced Forgotten Falmer Knowledge - Weapons buff to 1%.[/size]
[size=1]* Added some new instructions to the FOMOD installer, to indicate to users that they need XP32 Skeleton if they choose the SOS male body[/size]
[size=1]* Moved Snow_Elf_Race.esp to the Development folder so people wouldn't make the mistake of having both the .esp and .esm enabled...[/size]
[b][size=2][Version 1.1.6][/size][/b]
[size=1]* Added Ancient Falmer Shields and their enchanted variants to the leveled lists[/size]
[size=1]   - these shields do not count toward, or are affected by the Ancient Falmer armor set bonus[/size]
[size=1]   - these shields do not replace Auriel's Shield, but they use the same graphics (minus the special effects)[/size]
[size=1]* You can craft Ancient Falmer Shields, too[/size]
[size=1]* Added the Sacrosanct Patch[/size]
[size=1]* Added a patch that makes it so that Snow Elves can't craft Ancient Falmer Armor at the start of the game. Instead, this skill will need to be learned by reading the Ivory Glass book, which I hid in the Inner Sanctum in the Touching the Sky quest. [/size]
[size=2][b][Version 1.1.7][/b][/size]
[color=#f1c232][size=2][b][u]1) WARNING![/u] If you are using the SOS Plugin, you will need to download the new version [url=https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/4597-the-ancient-falmer-a-snow-elf-race-sos-plugin-oldrimse/](The Ancient Falmer - A Snow Elf Race SOS Plugin 1.0.1)[/url] so that the genitals textures will match the newly-colored body in the main mod's update[/b][/size][/color]
[b][color=#ffd966][u]2) WARNING![/u] If you are updating from any version lower than 1.0.2 [u]TO[/u] 1.0.3, you MUST follow the updating procedure below: You will NOT get the new Restoration skill bonus unless you follow this procedure:[/color][/b]
[color=#f1c232][spoiler]- Hit Tilde ~ to open the console, type in 'showracemenu' (without the quotes) and press enter
- You will now be in the RaceMenu Screen. If you are using the RaceMenu mod or ECE, I suggest that you save a character preset of your current character before continuing 
- Change your character's race to any other race 
- Press R and confirm your changes, and return to the game. You should see the message at the top left of the screen: [i]"Ancient Falmer perks and spells have been removed successfully"[/i]
- Open the console a second time, and enter RaceMenu again
- Change your character back to a Snow Elf, load your the character preset you saved
- Press R and confirm your changes, and return to the game. You should see a message on the top left of your screen: [i]"Ancient Falmer perks and spells have been added successfully."[/i] Your new skill bonuses should be applied, and the Smite ability should be in your spellbook[/spoiler][/color][size=1][b]Main Mod:[/b]
* Snow Elves starting skill bonus for Alteration has been replaced with Restoration. The skill bonuses are now as follows:
- Destruction 10
- Restoration 5
- Enchanting 5
- Light Armor 5
- One Handed 5
- Archery 5
* Snow Elves now start with the Smite spell
- casts a ball of blazing light that does a moderate amount of initial damage, staggering your target, and causing them to flee while dealing lingering sunfire damage for 9 seconds
- can only damage undead
* Ivory Glass Arrows have been renamed to Ancient Falmer Arrows
* Auriel's Shield now has the Ivory Glass keyword
* Made male Snow Elves' skin lighter. This should achieve the same 'snow white' look that female Snow Elves can have if using the 'white' skin tone
[b][color=#f1c232]Follower Plugin:[/color][/b]
* Updated Valrysa's face to look like my Valrysa. Her face is more refined now and she should not look like she's scared or sad all the time (lol). This will likely be my final iteration of her. You can see pictures of her in this mod's newly-updated gallery
[color=#f1c232]SOS Plugin:[/color]
* I updated the genitals texture to match the lighter skin tone of the male body texture
* You will need to download the new version of the plugin: [url=https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/4597-the-ancient-falmer-a-snow-elf-race-sos-plugin-oldrimse/]The Ancient Falmer - A Snow Elf Race SOS Plugin 1.0.1 [/url]
[b][color=#ffd966]New Patches:[/color][/b]
* Added [color=#ffd966][b]Better Shaped Weapons patch[/b][/color] for the Ivory Glass weapons
* Added a [color=#ffd966][b]Dual Sheath Redux Patch[/b][/color] for the Ivory Glass weapons
[/size][b][Version 1.1.8]
[/b][color=#ffff00][size=1][b][u]* Please do the standard updating procedure (enter RaceMenu and exit. See the Installation>Updating section in the mod description for more info)[/u][/b][/size][/color]
[color=#ffff00]* Now requires the Dragonborn DLC[/color]
[size=1]* Snow elf and snow elf vampires now use the same headmorphs[/size]
[size=1]   - this essentially makes non vampire snow elves and vampire snow elves look the same in terms of face shape[/size]
[size=1]* Replaced snow elf headmorphs with up-to-date Ethereal Elven Overhaul headmorphs[/size]
[size=1]   - Gelebor and Vyrthur use these headmorphs too, now[/size]
[size=1]* Removed all non-snow elf complexions from snow elf vampire complexions and added default Snow Elf complexions to Snow Elf vampire race[/size]
[size=1]* Replaced Frostbite with a unique (but statistically unchanged) Frostbite spell so that the SnowElfPerkStart won't remove the vanilla Frostbite from characters when changing races[/size]
[size=1]   - you can now play non-Snow Elves and or keep this mod in your load order even when you aren't playing a snow elf without losing Frostbite every time you exit RaceMenu[/size]
[size=1]* Reprise has been reworked:[/size]
[size=1]   - it now triggers when you are below 30% HP, and restores 60HP when activated[/size]
[size=1]   - reduced the damage Reprise inflicts from 20 damage per second to 10 damage per second[/size]
[size=1]   - it now has a chance to hurl enemies off their feet, and slows those who are caught in the blizzard[/size]
[size=1]   - you now suffer moderate, lingering damage per second for 20 seconds[/size]
[size=1]   - the spell is now more powerful, but increasingly risky to use as you can die during or after it wears off if you don't take the chance to heal yourself[/size]
[color=#f1c232]* New Patch: [b][u]Castable Reprise[/u][/b][/color][size=1]   [/size]
[size=1]   - this patch replaces Reprise with a version that can be casted at will. With this patch, you will no longer need to wait till you have 30% HP for Reprise to auto-cast. However, this version of castable Reprise is much more dangerous to use as it deals more damage to the player and lasts for 25 seconds instead of 20[/size]
[color=#f1c232]* New Plugin: [b][u]Gelebor and Vyrthur Overhaul (Beta)[/u][/b][/color]
[size=1]   - this plugin overhauls Gelebor and Vrthur's appearance (see the gallery for screenshots)[/size]
[size=1]   - it will consequently overwrite any NPC overhaul/replacer that edits Gelebor and Vyrthur's appearance[/size]
[size=1]   [/size][color=#f1c232]- USE AT YOUR OWN RISK![/color][size=1] I had to change Gelebor and Vyrthur's race from the vanilla Dawnguard Snow Elves to my modded Snow Elves. I don't know what effects if any this will have on the Dawnguard questline, as I have yet to test it.[/size]
[size=1]   - What I DO know is that this plugin gives Vyrthur the Reprise ability, which will trigger when he reaches 30% HP, making him more dangerous when his health is low. It may also kill him. lol. I will see if I can fix this in the next udpate. [/size]
[color=#ffff00][size=2][b][Version 1.1.8b][/b][/size][/color]
[color=#f1c232]* [/color][b][color=#ffff00]BUGFIX[/color] [/b][color=#f1c232]- fixed Better Vampires compatibility[/color]
[size=1]   - you should be able to play as Snow Elf vampires again[/size]
[b][color=#ffff00][Snow Elf Follower Missing Dialogue Patch][/color][/b]
[b][color=#f1c232]* [/color][color=#ffff00]BUGFIX[/color][/b][color=#f1c232]- Changes Valrysa and Ashian's voices to YoungEager and EvenToned, respectively. [/color]
[size=1]   - This will give them follower dialogue and allow them to be recruited. [/size]
[size=1]   - In previous versions of this plugin, you needed Relationship Dialogue Overhaul or Vanilla Voice Expansion to recruit Valyrsa and Ashian, because they used ElfHaughty soundsets which do not by default have follower dialogue.[/size]
[size=1]   - Only install this if you installed the Snow Elf Follower Plugin in previous patches.[/size]

[b][size=2][Version 1.1.9][/size][/b]
[size=1][color=#f1c232]* Snow Elves now use whatever body mod you have installed
   - consequently, their bodies will fit and conform any armors you built in BodySlide[/color]
   - they still use their own unique texture, so there may be some mesh-texture misalignments if you aren't using a CBBE Curvy or U(UNP) body
* added KS Hairdos as a soft requirement for the Gelebor and Vyrthur Overhaul
* edited the femalehead_ridged_msn.dds to blend in with the base head texture better
   - try it out on your character: I blended the texture with the base head texture but kept the brow ridges
* Added ridged versions of the non-ridged complexions:
   - Ridged40yo, Ridged50yo, Ridged Freckles, Ridged Rough
* Added ridged versions of the male non-ridged complexions:
   - Ridged40yo, Ridged40yo Rough, Ridged50yo, Ridged Rough01, Ridged Rough02
* Snow Elf vampires now have regular Snow Elf skin tones... prior to this, they were using High Elf skin tones
* Reduced the installer size by about 21%
Follower Plugin
[color=#f1c232]* Valrysa and Ashian now use the YoungEager and EvenToned voicesets, respectively
   - this gives them follower dialogue, and allows them to be recruited[/color]
   [color=#f1c232]- previously, both NPC's used the ElfHaughty male and female voicesets, which do not by default have follower dialogue unless you have Relationship Dialogue Overhaul or Vanilla Voice Expansion installed[/color]
* SG Hairs is now a soft requirement for the follower plugin (the .esp will not load without SG Hairs)
   - requires SGHairPackBase.esm and SGHairPackAIO.esp
* Added the following perks to Ashian:
   - Overdraw 60%, Critical Shot 15%, Ranger, Power Shot, Quick Shot
* Added the following perks to Valrysa:
   - Augmented Frost 50%, Augmented Shock 25%, Deep Freeze, Disintegrate, Armsman 40%, and Novice, Apprentice, and Adept Destruction
[color=#f1c232][b]SOS Plugin Installer + SOS Light Plugin[/b][/color]
* Made a new installer that includes both the SOS Plugin and the SOS Light Plugin
* can only be downloaded at [url=https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/4597-the-ancient-falmer-a-snow-elf-race-sos-plugin/]Loverslab[/url]
* New SOS Light Plugin which includes the VectorPlexus Regular, Smurf Average, and Smurf Muscled schlongs
   - The SOS Light Plugin requires SOS Light to function[/size][size=1]

[/size][b][Version 1.2][/b]
[size=1]* CBBE/HDT and COSIO texture options now use the appropriate textures made specifically for their bodies (CBBE uses a CBBE texture now, not a COSIO texture)
* Fixed the installer and missing SkySight males textures
- choosing SkySight Skins resulted in missing textures for males
- this was because the FOMOD config wasn't pointing to the right installation folder
Snow Elf Plugin
* Added perks to Valrysa and Ashian (they don't need to unlock these perks as they level. Instead, these perks are active for them at the start of the game)
- Valrysa: Agile Defender 60%, Augmented Frost, Augmented Shock, Light Foot, Bonbreaker, Armsman 40%, Destruction Apprentice, Deep Freeze, Disintegration, Fighting Stance
- Ashian: Agile Defender 40%, Overdraw 40%, Quick Shot, Ranger, Power Shot, Light FOot, Critical Shot, Stealth 30%, Silent Roll, Silence, Muffled Movement, Atronach, Atronach Stone Perk, Armsman 20%
* Removed Frostbite and Lightning Bolt from Valrysa's spell list
* Made Valrysa's Icy Ternion ability cost less mana so she can cast it more often even at lower levels
- I did this so that she, as a snow elf, could showcase Icy Ternion instead of using vanilla spells

[/size][b][Version 1.21][/b]
[color=#ff7700]* Added Snow Elf Better Vampire Lord Transformation plugin[/color]
[color=#ff7700] - lets you keep you sexy snow elf body when changing into a vampire lord (ONLY WORKS ON FEMALES)[/color]

[font=Arial][size=2][b][Version 1.211][/b][/size][/font]
[size=1]* [/size][b]Follower Plugin[/b][size=1] now requires ApachiiHairs (the main mod) rather than ApachiiMaleHairs[/spoiler][/size]

[b][size=2][Version 1.3][/size][/b]
[size=1][b][color=#ffff00]* Overhauled Reprise![/color][/b]
- Reprise no longer auto-casts upon reaching 30% health
- Now, at 40% health, Reprise will be added to your spellbook and auto-equipped, giving players the choice to cast Reprise for 10 seconds before it is removed from their inventory
- using Reprise will make it unusable for 24 hours just like any power
- TL;DR Reprise auto-equips at 40% HP, and players have 10 seconds to use it before it disappears
- At 40% Health, time will slow briefly and you will be notified that Reprise is equipped 
- Reprise no longer damages your health - so you won't suicide yourself when you use it anymore
- Reprise now causes Overexertion, which damages your health, magicka, and stamina regeneration for 30 seconds when Reprise is used
- Radius of Reprise's ice storm is doubled
- Reprise's Ice Storm is now affected by Augmented Frost
* Smite is now affected by Novice-Master Perks, and the Regeneration perk
- Smite now turns undead up to level 30
* Smite's magicka cost is now 80 and it takes 1 second to charge
[color=#ffff00]* New power: Nova[/color]
- unleash a flash of light that hurls aside nearby undead, dealing 40 sunfire damage to them and additional 4 sunfire per second for 10 seconds, and causing them to flee.
[color=#ffff00]* New spell: Castigate[/color]
- concentrated sun fire spell that deals 10 damage per second to undead and half of that to nearby targets
* New sound FX for Reprise and Smite
* Applied MagicRestoreHealth keyword to all Snow Elf sun fire spells, and the DLC sun fire spells so that they benefit from the Regeneration perk in the Restoration tree.[/size]

[size=2][url=https://www.youtube.com/arcticscrolls]by ArcticScrolls[/url][/size][/center]

[size=2][b]dimon99 [/b]for [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709/?]UNP[/url] and [b]BringtheNoise[/b] for [url=http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1454-project-unified-unp/]Project UUNP[/url]
[b]Caliente[/b] for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2666/?]CBBE body and Body Slide[/url]
[b]Leito86[/b] for [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82390/?]FemFeet Redesigned[/url]
[b]Sunspot2 [/b]for [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49285/?]Feminine Hands CBBE[/url]
[b]scivirius[/b] for the [url=http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1829-clams-of-skyrim-project-inni-outie-cbbe-hdt-vagina/]Clams of Skyrim body[/url]
[b]nuska[/b] for [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24273/?]Ethereal Elven Overhaul's[/url] headmorphs and meshes
[b]FavoredSoul [/b]for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2488/?]Better Males[/url] Meshes
[b]NeoValen [/b]for [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34155]Dual Sheath Redux[/url]
[b]LeanWolf [/b]for [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/39870]Better-Shaped Weapons[/url]
[size=2][b]ZwabberdieBo[/b] for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81004/?]Veteran Skin[/url] male body textures
[b]Fadingsignal [/b]for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58443/?]SkySight Skins[/url] male body textures
[b]urshi[/b] for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27815/]Fine Face Textures of Men[/url] face detail textures
[b]Regenbot03[/b] for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70834/?]Demoniac[/url] UUNP and CBBE body textures
[b]scivirius[/b] for the [url=http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1829-clams-of-skyrim-project-inni-outie-cbbe-hdt-vagina/]Clams of Skyrim CBBE Demoniac Texture Patch[/url]
[b]LogRaam [/b]for [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13722/?]The Eyes of Beauty [/url]eye textures
[b]Maevan2 [/b]for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32986/?]Mature Skin Texture's [/url]femaleheaddetail textures
[b]Chris57 [/b]for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2488/?]Better Males[/url] Body Textures
[u][b][size=3]Other Mods
[/size][/b][/u][b]jynx474 [/b]for putting together the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59240/?]Dual Sheath Redux and Better Shaped Weapons patches[/url]
[size=2][b]GyntRyles [/b]for the amazing, intricate work on his [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55574/?]Ancient Falmer Ivory Glass Weapons [/url]mod
[b]VectorPlexus, Smurf, and b3lisario[/b] for [url=http://www.loverslab.com/topic/23944-sos-schlongs-of-skyrim/]Schlongs of Skyrim[/url], and their ‘How to make an SOS Plugin guide’
[b]Halofarm[/b] for [url=http://mod.dysintropi.me/]Halo's Poser[/url], which I used to pose my characters in the screenshots above
[/size][b]Apachii [/b]for [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10168/]ApachiiSkyHairs[/url]
[b]Kalilies[/b] for [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311]KS Hairdos - Renewal[/url]

[size=2][b]SKSE Team [/b]for [url=http://skse.silverlock.org/]SKSE[/url], and their scripts
[b]Feyra [/b]from [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/]/r/SkyrimMods[/url] for helping me write my scripts
[b][u][size=3]Auri'el Star Emblem[/size][/u][/b]
[size=2]Made by [b]Redshiftja [/b]with Photoshop CS6[/size]
[size=2]Skyrim SE Logo from [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2260/]Better Looking Desktop Icons[/url] by Darkzip
[b][u][size=3]Special thanks to:[/size][/u][/b]
[b]TMPhoenix[/b][size=2] for [/size][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24168/?]RaceCompatibility[/url][size=2] and all his help (I wouldn’t have been able to get this mod working without him)[/size]
[b]StackEmHigh[/b][size=2] for his guides on [/size][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59220/?]Creating a Playable Race[/url][size=2] (I wouldn’t have been able to put this mod together without them)[/size]






[/b][/size][size=4][b][color=#f1c232]If you like this mod, please Endorse it![/color]
And if you take any cool screenshots, feel free to add them to the gallery!
Thanks! :D

A Skyrim Waltz

[center][size=4]This is a 3rd person animation - it won't work in 1st person. This is not a bug, just the nature of the mod.
If you'd like me to extract some poses from these animations for you and upload them, please let me know :).[/size][/center]

[center][color=#ffc000][size=5][b]HARD REQUIREMENTS[/b][/size][/color][/center][center][color=#ffffff][size=4]► [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11811]FNIS[/url] version 7_4_5 or later,
► [url=https://skse.silverlock.org]SKSE[/url] version 1_07_03 or later,
► [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3863]SkyUI[/url] version 5.1 or later.[/size][/color][/center][color=#ffffff]
[center][size=4][color=#ffc000][size=4][b]PARTIALLY INCLUDED[/b][/size][/color][/size][/center][size=4][center][color=#ffffff][size=4]►[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58705]PapyrusUtil[/url] partially included in this mod
[size=3]overwrite if you have an older version, do not overwrite if you already have the latest version installed in your game,[/size]
► [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44596]MfgConsole[/url] partially included in this mod
[size=3]overwrite if you have an older version, do not overwrite if you already have the latest version installed in your game.[/size][/size][/color][/center][line]
[size=4][color=#ffc000][b]A LITTLE BACKSTORY:[/b][/color][/size]

[size=3]Okay, my Dovahkiin is better at ease with a warhammer than a flower bouquet even though he tries to behave like a gentleman (or some rough idea he formed about what that may be), but some female followers have been vehemently complaining: what's the point of all these lovely dresses and cleavaged outfits they can find at the forge if it's to roll around in the mud all day and charge draugrs all night?!.. There must be something more civilized to do in Skyrim than just rob Belethor and murder emperors, right?

Lydia's been looking all around for a proper dancing teacher, other than Cicero that is, but even Elisif had no clue. So, well, she decided to teach my Dovahkiin what she thought it was like, you know, 1,2,3... 1,2,3... can't be that hard, can it? Come on, be a nice Dovahkiin!.. Hoping to prove himself a gentleman, he kindly obliged (in some remote ruin's hidden chamber first, a Dovahkiin should never be laughing matter!). Turns out it's [b][i]very[/i][/b]  hard!.. He sure is stiff in the joints and has absolutely no sense of rythm, but he keeps practising and at least the girls are happy(er) now...

Personal note: this is also my very first animation ever, so yeah, I'm still a bit stiff in the joints too... ;)[/size][line]

[size=3]1. Make sure your install meets this mod's requirements: FNIS, SKSE, SkyUI.
2. Pick and dowload only one main file version: v0.1a if you already have MFGConsole and PapyrusUtil in your game, OR v0.1b if you do not have these mods installed in your game. Then install your main file with any mod manager of your choice - or manually if you know what you're doing,
3. Do not forget to run FNIS for Users before you launch your game,
4. Once in game, a new lesser power will be added to your inventory called "Dovah-Waltz".
5. After a few minutes, you'll get a notification saying that a new MCM menu has been added to your Mod Configuration. One way to speed this up is to immediately reload your loaded save, MCM menu should then appear almost instantly.[/size]
[size=4][color=#ffc000][b]HOW TO:[/b][/color][/size]

[size=3]Once the mod is enabled, a new lesser power called "Dovah-Waltz" will automatically be added to your inventory. When used, it will find the closest actor in front of you and play the animation for as long as you let it play. When you want to end the animation, just press your activate key, and let the "exit" animation play - and that's it. Should you want to instantly end the animation for some reason, press your Jump key instead, this will bypass the exit anim.

The MCM menu will let you change the animation speed (10% slower, 10% faster, or default: honestly no huge difference, this was more of a test thing), customize the animation offset and actors' size, or toggle your Dovah-Waltz power in and out of your inventory to prevent cluttering it when needed. There's also a Debug option you can use, should you ever get stuck for some reason. And you can swap roles: you lead, or you follow (but this comes at the price of a lot of clipping and bad alignments (yeah, 'cause you know, male and female bodies are not exactly interchangeable... ;)).[/size]
[size=4][color=#ffc000][b]CUSTOMIZABLE WALTZ MUSIC:[/b][/color][/size]

[size=3]This mod also adds a music file which'll add some background music to the waltzing animation - default is a wonderful piece by [/size][url=https://vindsvept.bandcamp.com][size=3]Vindsvept[/size][/url][size=3], because of course I couldn't upload a Strauss waltz or Shostakovich's Waltz n°2 which I used in the video. You can replace it with whatever you like to customize that music, there are plenty of waltz music on the Internet, duration doesn't matter as the .esp is set to cycle the track anyway. Just convert your custom file to Xwm format first, rename it "WaltzMusic" and place it in your Data/Music/HoamaiiWaltz folder.

Xwm are way preferable as .wav are known to occasionally cause CTDs. You can use [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3159]MultiXwm[/url] to convert your .mp3 or .wav files to .xwm (and please endorse this precious tool).[/size]
[size=4][color=#ffc000][b]QUESTIONS AND POTENTIAL ISSUES: PLEASE READ[/b][/color][/size]

[size=3][b]1. Why do my toons resize in animations?[/b]

Because all movements are created frame by frame and bone by bone in 3DS, for BOTH actors, and if actors are not the same height, they will never align properly in game.
By default, both actors will rescale to a base of 1.0. You can however adjust this value in the MCM menu - just make sure to scale them both with an even multiplier.

Mods which modify actors' scales outside the scope of the CK can mess up the rescaling native functions. These are mods like RaceMenu (which I use too and gets along fine with custom animations as long as you do not modify actors' heights or scales in RaceMenu), NiOverride functions (which I use too, but not to modify actors' scales), some custom skeletons (but not all) and HDT High Heels. On the other hand, mods which modify actors' scales or heights directly inside the game system and the CK, like Gender And Heights for instance, are completely safe.

[b]2. Why do some body parts still clip while playing the animation?[/b]

I can assure you they don't in 3DS. This is a limitation from the game engine, causing small misalignments at runtime: even though the script rescales and positions both actors very precisely and both actors' animations are called simultaneously, there's always a split second difference and a few unit's fractions misplacement in game due to the game's limited floating point precision, which become even more noticeable as the actors move around - and the more script lag in your game, the worse it gets. Nothing I can do about it I'm afraid.

Of course, this will get even worse if your body type inflates boobs or butts or whatever you think the bigger the better. This was created with the most "natural looking" body types I could find (Better Males and Dream Girl at bodyslide 1, both Vanilla skeleton), it will look fine with Vanilla, UNP, original CBBE, Dream Girl, FavoredSoul and Sundracon.

[b]3. Animation glitches and potential conflicts:[/b]

Mods which modify your camera, FOV, perspective, settings, or some custom skeletons, may cause all sorts of issues with animations. It's your game, your install, your load order, it's up to you to understand the stress you're adding to it all and investigate your issues. Even if I wanted to help, I don't use such mods and I really have no time to dig through them all. Just keep in mind that this mod works perfectly fine in a conflictless install.

[b]4. Hey Hoamaii, please change/patch/add/convert/port/create...?[/b]

Nope, sorry. 2 actors, 99 bones per actor and per frame, over 2500 frames in total, plus I have a lot on my plate already: why don't you do it?[/size]
[size=3][color=#ffc000][b]SPECIAL THANKS:[/b][/color][/size]
[size=3]- [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/users/8120][size=3]Fore[/size][/url][size=3] for his amazing [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11811][size=3]FNIS[/size][/url][size=3],
- [/size][url=http://www.loverslab.com/topic/39996-3ds-max-skyrim-video-animation-tutorial/][size=3]Pornphile[/size][/url][size=3] for his very precious tutorials, rigs and tools,
- [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/users/26412789][size=3]CEO[/size][/url][size=3] for putting together his tutorials,
- [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/5355250][size=3]mastercchris aka Zaz[/size][/url][size=3] and [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/1179663][size=3]Kentington[/size][/url][size=3] for creating and sharing their paired animation rigs and tutorials,
- [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3325399][size=3]Migal130[/size][/url][size=3] for sharing his animation scripting insights,
- [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3324848][size=3]Bergzore[/size][/url][size=3] for his [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35941][size=3]Animation Lectures and Resources[/size][/url][size=3],
- [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3076419][size=3]Nightasy[/size][/url][size=3] as always for his wonderful tutorials which got me started with 3DS Max,
- and last but not least, [/size][url=https://vindsvept.bandcamp.com][size=3]Vindsvept[/size][/url][size=3] for sharing his musical creations which have been acompanying me through many years of modding,
- I also want to thank Bethesda, not only for creating an everlasting game, but even more so for giving us the Creation Kit which enticed me to finally get under the hood of a game. I've learnt a lot from these amazing sandboxes: 3D modeling, texturing, coding, character creation, quest design, and lately animating... The fun never ends!
- The Nexus, for gathering such an amazing community of modders always willing to share their experience, their secrets and findings, and lend a helpful hand. Cheers to you, guys!. [/size]
[size=3][color=#1e84cc][b]TOOLS USED:[/b][/color][/size][list][*][size=3] 3DS Max[/size]
[*][size=3] HavokContentTools[/size]
[*][size=3] PEN_Attribute_Holder[/size]
[*][size=3] Pornphile 3DS Max XPMS rigs[/size]
[*][size=3] Zaz resource for modders[/size]
[*][size=3] Hktcnv[/size]
[*][size=3] Hkxcmd[/size]
[*][size=3] FNIS for modders[/size]
[*][size=3] FNIS for users[/size]
[*][size=3] SKSE[/size]
[*][size=3] MCM[/size]
[*][size=3] MfgConsole[/size]
[*][size=3] PapyrusUtil[/size]
[*][size=3] MultiXwm[/size]
[*][size=3] TES5edit[/size]
[*][size=3] Audition[/size]
[*][size=3] Première[/size]
[*][size=3] Photoshop[/size]
[*][size=3] Papyrus[/size]
[*][size=3] NotePad++[/size]
[*][size=3] Skyrim Creation Kit[/size]
[size=4][color=#ffc000][b]SOME OF MY OTHER MODS:[/b][/color][/size]

[/size][/color][center][color=#ffc000][b][size=4]Do not upload to any other website than the Nexus or use any of this mod's created assets
without asking my permission first. Thank you.[/size][/b][/color][/center][line]

A Skyrim Kiss

[center][size=4]Adds a togglable spell which lets you hug and kiss any human NPC nearby.
This is a custom 3rd person animation - won't work in 1st person. It's not a bug, just the nature of the mod.
I'll be adding later some extracted poses from this anim for those of you who like them.[/size][/center]

[center][youtube]hf4Vcgw23p8[/youtube][/center][center]Quick and dirty video montage from my early tests, stuttering is [i]not [/i]included in the anim (due to %#@*! FRAPS hijacking my FPS!).
The animations have been completely polished since then - I'll eventually do a cleaner video later on.[/center]
[center][color=#ffc000][size=5][b]- HARD REQUIREMENTS -[/b][/size][/color][/center][center][color=#ffffff][size=4]► [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11811]FNIS[/url] version 7_4_5 or later,
► [url=https://skse.silverlock.org]SKSE[/url] version 1_07_03 or later,
► [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3863]SkyUI[/url] version 5.1 or later.[/size][/color][/center][color=#ffffff]
[center][color=#ffc000][size=4][b]- PARTIALLY INCLUDED -
not necessary if you already use my [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99688]Skyrim Waltz[/url] mod[/b][/size][/color][/center][/color][center][color=#ffffff][size=4]► [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58705]PapyrusUtil[/url] partially included in Kiss v0.1b
[size=3]use this version if you do not have PapyrusUtil installed in your game - or overwrite if you have an older version,[/size]
► [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44596]MfgConsole[/url] partially included in Kiss v0.1b
[size=3]use this version if you do not have MfgConsole installed in your game.[/size][/size][/color][/center][line]

[size=3]No idea this'd end up as "adult" content, really. I just happened to watch the old movie 'Ghost' while I was struggling at my Waltz animation and I thought that'd be some good inspiration for another anim, maybe a warmer 'welcome home' for the Dovahkiin when he returns from risking his butt out there. 'Turned out like this, more romantic than sexual I thought, but hey, who am I to tell, I'm only French, right? ;)

I know there are tons of kissing anims for Skyrim out there, and I'm still a complete rookie at making animations, so bear with me, ok? It's been completely repolished since I captured that fracking video (heck, guys, one of you is gonna have to advise me on video capture apps for PC, mine is a voracious monster of an FPS eater!..). Hands and heads moves completely redone too, to make sure this plays well with smaller female hands like Skyrim's. And facial expressions better tuned. It's still probably full of mistakes though - I'll fix them as I keep learning.

Anyway, I hope you have fun with this - and yeah, since I'm now uploading stuff with an adult-only tag, I might very well loosen up a bit in some future anims - while still trying to be a bit more romantic and tender, why not?..

[size=3]1. Make sure your install meets this mod's requirements: FNIS, SKSE, SkyUI.
2. Pick and download only one main file version: v0.1a if you already have MfgConsole and PapyrusUtil in your game, OR v0.1b if you do not have these tools installed in your game. If you are also using my "Skyrim Waltz" mod, v0.1a is all you need.
Then install your main file with any mod manager of your choice - or manually if you know what you're doing,
3. Do not forget to [b]run FNIS for Users[/b] before you launch your game for the first time after installing the mod,
4. Once in game, a new lesser power will be added to your inventory called "Dovah-Kiss".
5. After a few minutes, you'll get a notification saying that a new MCM menu has been added to your Mod Configuration. One way to speed this up is to immediately reload your loaded save, MCM menu should then appear almost instantly.[/size]
[size=4][color=#ffc000][b]HOW TO:[/b][/color][/size]

[size=3]Once the mod is enabled, a new [b]lesser power[/b] called [b]"Dovah-Kiss"[/b] will automatically be added to your inventory. When used, it will find the closest human actor in front of you and play the animation for as long as you let it play. When you want to [b]end the animation[/b], just press your [b]Activate key[/b], and let the "exit" animation play - and that's it. Should you want to instantly end the animation for some reason, press your Jump key instead, this will bypass the exit states.

The MCM menu will let you customize a few features:
- animation offsets (default is 0.0),
- customize actors rescaling multiplier (default is 1.0),
- customize actors' position above the ground if need be,
- toggle on and off the facial animations,
- toggle the Dovah-Kiss lesser power in and out of your magic inventory to prevent cluttering it,
- you can also swap sex roles if you wish [size=3] (but this comes at the price of clipping and bad alignments (yeah, 'cause you know, male and female bodies are not exactly interchangeable... ;)).[/size]

There's also a Debug option which comes very handy if you forget to toggle out of free camera before you exit the animation.[/size]
[size=4][color=#ffc000][b]QUESTIONS AND POTENTIAL ISSUES: PLEASE READ[/b][/color][/size]

[size=3][b]1. Why do my toons resize in animations?[/b]

Because movements are created frame by frame and bone by bone in 3DS, for BOTH actors, and if actors are not the same height, they will never align properly in game. By default, both actors will rescale to a base of 1.0. You can however adjust this value in the MCM menu - just make sure to scale them both with an even multiplier. [color=#ffffff][size=3]You can also adjust actors' position relative to the ground to better tune positions.[/size][/color]

Mods which modify actors' scales outside the scope of the CK can mess up the rescaling native functions. These are mods like RaceMenu (which I use too and gets along fine with custom animations as long as you do not modify actors' heights or scales in RaceMenu), NiOverride functions (which I use too, but not to modify actors' scales), some custom skeletons (but not all) and HDT High Heels - but there again, if you unequip high heels before the animation, actors will be properly aligned.
On the other hand, mods which modify actors' scales or heights directly inside the game system and the CK, like Gender And Heights for instance, are completely safe with rescaling functions.

[b]2. Why do some body parts still clip while playing the animation?[/b]

I can assure you they don't in 3DS. This is a limitation from the game engine, causing small misalignments at runtime: even though the script rescales and positions both actors very precisely and both actors' animations are called simultaneously, there's always a split second difference and a few unit's fractions misplacement in game due to the game's limited floating point precision - and the more script latency or lag in your game, the worse it gets. Nothing I can do about it I'm afraid.

Of course, this will get even worse if your body type inflates boobs or butts or whatever you think the bigger the better. This was created with the most "natural looking" body types I could find (Better Males and Dream Girl at bodyslide 1, both Vanilla skeleton), it will look fine with Vanilla, UNP, original CBBE, Dream Girl, FavoredSoul and Sundracon.

[b]3. Facial animations:[/b]

The ones I chose and scripted work well with Vanilla meshes and .tri but they may occasionally look odd when you use custom meshes and/or custom .tri files, so you can disable them in the MCM menu if you want.

[b]4. Animation glitches and potential conflicts:[/b]

Mods which modify your camera, FOV, perspective, settings, or some custom skeletons, may cause all sorts of issues with animations. It's your game, your install, your load order, it's up to you to understand the stress you're adding to it all and investigate your issues. Even if I wanted to help, I don't use such mods and I really have no time to dig through them all. Just keep in mind that this mod works perfectly fine in a conflictless install.

[b]5. Hey Hoamaii, please change/patch/add/convert/port/create...?[/b]

Nope, sorry. 2 actors, 99 bones per actor and per frame, over 2500 frames in total, plus I have a lot on my plate already: why don't you do it?[/size]
[size=3][color=#ffc000][b]SPECIAL THANKS:[/b][/color][/size]
[size=3]- [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/users/8120][size=3]Fore[/size][/url][size=3] for his amazing [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11811][size=3]FNIS[/size][/url][size=3],
- [/size][url=http://www.loverslab.com/topic/39996-3ds-max-skyrim-video-animation-tutorial/][size=3]Pornphile[/size][/url][size=3] for his very precious tutorials, rigs and tools,
- [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/users/26412789][size=3]CEO[/size][/url][size=3] for putting together his tutorials,
- [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/5355250][size=3]mastercchris aka Zaz[/size][/url][size=3] and [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/1179663][size=3]Kentington[/size][/url][size=3] for creating and sharing their paired animation rigs and tutorials,
- [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/users/1024728][size=3]Kaeper[/size][/url][size=3] for his [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44596]MfgConsole[/url] add-on,
- [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3325399][size=3]Migal130[/size][/url][size=3] for sharing his animation scripting insights,
- [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3324848][size=3]Bergzore[/size][/url][size=3] for his [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35941][size=3]Animation Lectures and Resources[/size][/url][size=3],
- [/size][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3076419][size=3]Nightasy[/size][/url][size=3] as always for his wonderful tutorials which got me started with 3DS Max,
- and last but not least, [/size][url=https://vindsvept.bandcamp.com][size=3]Vindsvept[/size][/url][size=3] for sharing his musical creations which have been acompanying me through many years of modding,
- I also want to thank Bethesda, not only for creating an everlasting game, but even more so for giving us the Creation Kit which enticed me to finally get under the hood of a game. I've learnt a lot from these amazing sandboxes: 3D modeling, texturing, coding, character creation, quest design, and lately animating... The fun never ends!
- The Nexus, for gathering such an amazing community of modders always willing to share their experience, their secrets and findings, and lend a helpful hand. Cheers to you, guys!. [/size]
[size=3][color=#1e84cc][b]TOOLS USED:[/b][/color][/size][list][*][size=3] 3DS Max[/size]
[*][size=3] HavokContentTools[/size]
[*][size=3] PEN_Attribute_Holder[/size]
[*][size=3] Pornphile 3DS Max XPMS rigs[/size]
[*][size=3] Zaz resource for modders[/size]
[*][size=3] Hktcnv[/size]
[*][size=3] Hkxcmd[/size]
[*][size=3] FNIS for modders[/size]
[*][size=3] FNIS for users[/size]
[*][size=3] SKSE[/size]
[*][size=3] MCM[/size]
[*][size=3] MfgConsole[/size]
[*][size=3] PapyrusUtil[/size]
[*][size=3] MultiXwm[/size]
[*][size=3] TES5edit[/size]
[*][size=3] Audition[/size]
[*][size=3] Première[/size]
[*][size=3] Photoshop[/size]
[*][size=3] Papyrus[/size]
[*][size=3] NotePad++[/size]
[*][size=3] Skyrim Creation Kit[/size]
[size=4][color=#ffc000][b]SOME OF MY OTHER MODS:[/b][/color][/size]

[center][color=#ffc000][b][size=4]Do not upload to any other website than the Nexus or use any of this mod's created assets
without asking my permission first. Thank you.[/size][/b][/color][/center][line]

Hearthfire Planter Fix

A Simple mod to correct the hearthfire harvest system who is broken with green thumb.  In the base Skyrim if you get cabbage (2) (3) you will get 2 cabbage Now you will get 6 :) It Should be working with any plant
Compatible with anything that don't modify BYOHHiddenObjectScript

I personnaly use [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26228]RND[/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26851]More Plants and Recipes [/url]and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73449]Craftable Hearthfire Planter[/url] and no problem :)

Know bug : the game will still indicate item (x) (y) and not the final result  but you'll get the right number

Install NOTE : just unpack and add it to your Skyrim/data activate the .esp and you're done.
The mod order is not important
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