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UNO A Beautiful Standalone CBBE Follower

Adds Uno as a standalone follower in Sleeping Giant Inn, in Riverwood
[b]NEW OPTION[/b]: Added an optional file to download Uno at [b]WEIGHT 0 and using YOUR bodyslide files[/b] instead of the custom ones. Choose this [color=#ffff00][b][u]OR[/u][/b] [/color]the Main file
[b]NEW OPTIONAL FILES: [/b]Added [b]JadeBody[/b] and [b]JadeBSOutfit[/b] [b]BodySlide Presets [/b]as Optional downloads. Now you can use the [b]same bodyslide as the custom one used in MAIN file[/b] for your females, if you wish

Any issues let me know.

[b][u]Uno Info:[/u][/b]
[b]Voicetype: [/b]Young Eager
[b]Bodytype:[/b] [b][color=#ffffff]CBBE JADEBODY see optional downloads
[/color][/b][b]Weight:[/b] Main File: 70  or Optional: 0
[b]Height:[/b] default
[b]Combat Style:[/b] FireSpellSword
[b]Armor/Outfit: [/b]Naked as the day she was born!  She does come with a steel sword, nothing else! 

[i][u][b][color=#ffff00]YOU CAN FIND HER IN SLEEPING GIANT INN, IN RIVERWOOD[/color][/b][/u][/i]

[u][b]I highly recommend installing: [/b][/u]
Amazing Follower Tweaks: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15524]Amazing Follower Tweaks[/url]
I am not sure if the above is required? Certainly means you can change her combat style, outfits etc. So well worth it imo! 

[u][b]Installation (Recommended)[/b][/u]
Install via NM or Vortex.

[u][b]To install manually[/b][/u]
unpack and drag and drop into your Skyrim Special Edition, main game folder (where  skyrimSE.exe is)

Auto Harvest 2 - CACO V2 Patch

[b][u]OLD USE [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/23891]THIS[/url] instead[/u][/b]

Since @AuroraPhoenix44 is not around, im uploading the files needed by AH2 to loot all new things from CACO v2

I think i got all, if you find anything that it does not pick up please tell me so i can update.

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/79405]Patch for old CACO[/url]

Maelstrom - Fully Voiced Follower and Quest Mod

[center][img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/110/2572102-1568920966.jpg[/img][/center][center][color=#eeeeee][i]“The tide is rising.”[/i][/color][/center]

[size=4][color=#c3ffae]A strange island has risen from the depths of the sea, an expedition to uncover its mystery is already on its way. You are just a little too late to the party, and following the expedition's footsteps you uncover a tale of treachery, madness and forgotten secrets before you self are drawn into the Maelstrom...[/color][/size]

[size=4]This quest mod features a fully voice acted follower who potentially becomes available at the end of the questline. During the quest there is also a second follower with a customized vanilla voice available. The quest itself is inspired by Norse mythology and spans a large dungeon complex and other locations filled with puzzles, enemies, secret areas and more![/size]

[size=4]Maelstrom is also available for [b]Skyrim SE[/b], you can get it [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29170]here[/url].[/size]

[size=4][color=#c3ffae]How to start the quest:[/color][/size]
[size=3]Talk to the innkeeper of the Winking Skeever in Solitude, and ask if he knows about some work for you. Alternatively you can find a new location along the coastline which also leads to starting the quest.[/size]

[size=4][color=#c3ffae]What awaits you:[/color][/size]
[*][size=3]A fully voice acted follower (voiced by Simone Mountain)[/size]
[*][size=3]A secondary vanilla voice follower with some custom dialogue[/size]
[*][size=3]A multipart dungeon questline with two possible endings (and some slight variations)[/size]
[*][size=3]A well-hidden, powerful weapon[/size]
[*][size=3]New dialogue created by editing vanilla voice assets[/size]
[*][size=3]New enemy variants, equipment, lore and flavour texts, puzzles and a lot more[/size]
[*][size=3]Latest version of Skyrim[/size]
[*][size=3]Dawnguard DLC[/size]
[*][size=3]Dragonborn DLC[/size]
[size=3]Use your favourite mod manager that can handle a FOMOD installer, simple as that. Manual installation is also possible by dropping the .esp and .bsa files from the archive into Skyrim's Data folder.[/size]

[size=3]Uninstalling a mod midgame is never really a good idea, but if you have no other choice:[/size]
[*][size=3]Dismiss the follower you might get from this mod and go to a location which is definitely not part of this mod (e.g. Riverwood)[/size]
[*][size=3]Save game and uninstall the mod with your mod manager or delete the files you've installed manually from the Data folder.[/size]

Many thanks to [url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8B86C6tlovtQIX3IgvdDKQ][b]Porterhause Mod Reviews[/b][/url] [b]|[/b] Many thanks to [url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzkN_dlUwVpL5dSzAdLsrLA][b]Ikari[/b][/url]

Maelstrom Voice Demo[/center]

[size=5][color=#c3ffae]The Fully Voiced Follower:[/color][/size]
[size=3]Depending on how the quest ends for you, you can gain a fully voiced companion in the end, so be careful with your choices. She has her own set of dialogue options and use her own follower system, meaning you can use her along any other followers you might have.
If she's your follower for several ingame days, she will you offer you new dialogue from time to time in which you can learn more about her.[/size]

[size=3]Custom one, you will find out more once you played the quest.[/size]

[size=4][color=#c3ffae]Combat Style:[/color][/size]
[size=3]She can switch between a melee focused combat style and a magic focused one, you can change it via dialogue.[/size]

[size=4][color=#c3ffae]Spells, Perks and Abilities:[/color][/size]
[size=3]Spells: Fast Healing, Healing, Ice Spike, Icy Spear, Bound Sword
Perks: Mystic Binding, Oblivion Binding, Conjuration (Novice), Armsman (Rank 1), Destruction (Apprentice, Adept, Expert), Dual Flurry (Rank 1), Dual Savagery

She also has a custom shout-like ability you can toggle on and off via dialogue.[/size]

[size=3]Sorry, but don't get your hopes up.[/size]

[size=3]She will be Essential once she becomes available as a companion.[/size]

[size=4][color=#c3ffae]Body Type:[/color][/size]
[size=3]She uses a standalone CBBE body, but you won't have to worry about armour.[/size]

[size=5][color=#c3ffae]The Secondary Follower:[/color][/size]
[size=3]This mod also features a second, vanilla voice follower with some custom dialogue you will meet early during the quest. She is a Breton with some healing capabilities, and recommend taking her with you during the first playthrough, but of course this is up to you as she is optional.[/size]

[size=3]Both followers have their own follower system and they will follow you regardless of any other followers you might have. They won't conflict with any mods regarding followers, but they also will be ignored by them and their respective special features. It's not recommended to use any force recruit / manage features from other mods on them as this certainly will mess up things.

The vanilla voice follower will switch to Skyrim's vanilla follower [b]AFTER[/b] the questline is completed, then she can be managed by any mod you like.

As of v1.02, Maelstrom is compatible with [b]Realistic Needs and Diseases[/b].[/size]

[size=4][color=#c3ffae]Content Warning / Install Options:[/color][/size]
[size=3]This mod is intended for a mature audience, a few of the NPCs including the fully voiced follower are nude by default. If you don't like this, the FOMOD installer gives you the option to give the respective NPCs a basic set of underwear.[/size]

[size=4][color=#c3ffae]Conflict Potential:[/color][/size]
[size=3]This mod makes no changes to any vanilla records except adding two new locations to the worldmap by editing the cells 00000D74, 00003DBE and 0000B478. Only new objects are placed, existing objects are left untouched.[/size]

[*][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99765]Japanese Translation[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/12326049]BowmoreLover[/url][/size]
[*][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99644]Spanish Translation[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/18610979]LatinGames[/url][/size]
[*][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99635]Turkish Translation[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/5257962]Negatrm[/url][/size]

[*][size=3][color=#c3ffae]Who voiced the follower?[/color][/size]
[*][size=3]The very talented Simone Mountain ([url=https://www.castingcall.club/m/Simone%20Mountain]https://www.castingcall.club/m/Simone%20Mountain[/url] & [url=https://www.facebook.com/simone.mountain.3]https://www.facebook.com/simone.mountain.3[/url])[/size]
[*][size=3][color=#c3ffae]What about the other NPCs?[/color][/size]
[*][size=3]Their dialogue was created by editing vanilla voice files.[/size]
[*][size=3][color=#c3ffae]At which level I should start the quest?[/color][/size]
[*][size=3]This is of course hard to say since everyone plays and mods the game differently. But I recommend to be at least level 10. Taking the vanilla voice follower you meet early in the questline with you will also help.[/size]
[*][size=3][color=#c3ffae]I'm stuck in the quest, how do I advance?[/color][/size]
[*][size=3]Some parts of the quest are designed to be non-linear, so if you're stuck you are maybe just in the wrong place right now or missing an item or hint laying around somewhere else. Look around and explore everywhere.[/size]
[size=3]Unlike vanilla Skyrim quests, the quest markers shows you more where to be next instead of what exactly to do.[/size][/list]
[*][size=3][color=#c3ffae]Some of the names and texts are missing characters.[/color][/size]
[*][size=3]Some of the custom fonts for Skyrim unfortunately don't feature all the international characters like the vanilla Skyrim font does. But I wanted the names as close as possible to the original names, so it's a design choice not a bug.[/size]
[*][size=3][color=#c3ffae]I don't like follower mods, what should I do?[/color][/size]
[*][size=3]The biggest part of this mod is the questline which can be played and enjoyed without having any of the two as your follower.[/size]
[*][size=3][color=#c3ffae]Will you release any presets?[/color][/size]
[*][size=3]No, sorry.[/size]
[*][size=3][color=#c3ffae]Is this mod really lore friendly?[/color][/size]
[*][size=3]It's thematically fitting as Skyrim is already influenced by Norse mythology, and the story told isn't too far off and secluded enough to not meddle with the overall lore too much.[/size]
[*][size=3][color=#c3ffae]Can I make a translation of this mod and release it?[/color][/size]
[*][size=3]Sure, only conditions are: the translation requires the original mod in order to work (i.e. the translation may only contain the translated files but not the rest), and that credits are given. If you want a link to your translation added to this mod description, please let me know.[/size]


[size=3][b][i]The Porterhause Chronicles:[/i][/b][/size]

[size=3][i]For my mods for [b]Skyrim Special Edition[/b] please check out my [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/2572102?tab=user+files][b]profile page[/b][/url].[/i][/size][/center]

[center][size=4][color=#c3ffae][i]- Voice Acting -[/i][/color][/size][/center]
[center][size=3]Simone Mountain ([url=https://www.castingcall.club/m/Simone%20Mountain]https://www.castingcall.club/m/Simone%20Mountain[/url] & [url=https://www.facebook.com/simone.mountain.3]https://www.facebook.com/simone.mountain.3[/url]) as Rán[/size]
All other NPC voices were created by editing vanilla voice assets[/center]
[center][size=4][color=#c3ffae][i]- Mods, Assets & Resources -[/i][/color][/size][/center]
[center][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62574]Feminine Argonian Textures (Chameleon and Lizard) by [b]MONSTERaider[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16525]Modder's Resource Pack by [b]Oaristys and Tony67[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53442/]zzjay's wardrobe by [b]zzjay[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311/]KS Hairdos Renewal by [b]Kalilies Stealthic Khaos and Shocky[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75674/]Lind's Human Eyes by [b]Lind001 - LindsWorkshop[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72825/]Maevan2's Eye Brows by [b]Maevan2[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2666/]Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE- by [b]Ousnius and Caliente[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709/]DIMONIZED UNP Female Body by [b]dimon99[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70834/]Demoniac High Quality Glossy Female Body Texture by [b]Regenbot03[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32986/]Demoniac FMS uses assets from Mature skin texture and body for UNP(B) 7BASE CBBE Vanilla by [b]Maevan2[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73512/]Leyenda Skin by [b]HeroedeLeyenda[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/86208/]Freckle Mania 2 by [b]tetrodoxin[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/83383/]The Amazing World of Bikini Armor by [b]NiseTanaka[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91010/]Ice Titans - Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- giant- witcher) by [b]MihailMods[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72130/]Duelist - A New Sword by [b]Billyro[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/89680/]Yggdrasil Viking Sword by [b]Billyro[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57113/]Amulets of Skyrim by [b]uni_SL[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61620/]Vanilla Followers AI by [b]uni_SL[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRqc_yVhN6c]Evil Laughing Woman Sound - Woman Laugh Sound Effect | Ver.2 by [b]Distorted Room[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBXqEZbxsg8]A Siren's Lure Song[/url] by [url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs9M0mOoQ2TZEHUWwrpPXBw][b]Reaper Cat[/b][/url]
[url=https://adrianvonziegler.bandcamp.com/track/sgar-r-2]Music: Ásgarðr[/url] by [url=https://www.youtube.com/user/AdrianvonZiegler][b]Adrian von Ziegler[/b][/url][/size][/center]
[center][size=4][color=#c3ffae][i]- Mods used for the screenshots -[/i][/color][/size][/center]
[center][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54362/]Somber Dreams ENB presets by [b]Maeldun0[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/45807/]NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K by [b]Shutt3r[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24909/]aMidianBorn Book of Silence by [b]CaBaL-EmeraldReign-The AMB team[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13457/]Face Light by [b]tktk[/b][/url]
[url=http://mod.dysintropi.me/mods/skyrim/]Halo's Poser[/url]
[url=http://mod.dysintropi.me/gomapero/]GomaPero Poses[/url]
[url=http://mod.dysintropi.me/skyarsenic/]Arsenic Poses[/url]
[center][size=4][color=#c3ffae][i]- Tools -[/i][/color][/size][/center]
[center][size=3]GIMP, NifSkope, Audacity
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82482/]Lazy Voice Finder by [b]BowmoreLover[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19242/]Unfuzer CPP Edition by [b]greentea101[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29624/]RaceMenu by [b]Expired[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015/]BodySlide and Outfit Studio by [b]Ousnius and Caliente[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859/]TES5Edit by [b]ElminsterAU[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40494/]NifMerge by [b]Turulo[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3159]MultiXWM by [b]Vikichan[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4089/]SSE NIF Optimizer by [b]Ousnius[/b][/url]
Skyrim & Creation Kit by Bethesda

[center][size=3][b]Simone Mountain[/b], for bringing life to my creation[/size]
[size=3][b]Porterhause[/b], my trusty Chronicler[/size][/center]

[center][size=4]Also a big [color=#c3ffae][b]Thank you[/b][/color] to all of you who endorsed & voted for this mod and made this possible:

[center][size=5][color=#c3ffae]I'm always happy about screenshots (auto-approve is on and I'm fine with nudity obviously, but please keep it classy), comments and stuff like that.[/color][/size][/center]

TARDIS - STL - Reborn

[i][size=4][b][color=#00ff00]TARDIS-STL-Reborn [/color]by [url=https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/user/16953129-malinson/]Benka Malinson[/url]
Update Replacement Standalone plugin for [color=#00ff00]STL-Regenerated [/color]by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3120374]TheShatteredSteel[/url][/b][/size][/i]

[size=4][center][b]          Now with [color=#ff00ff]Special Edition[/color] support. [/b][/center][/size][center]                    [color=#ff00ff] [/color][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6605/]Special Edition Nexus page[/url][/center]

[size=4][b]**[/b] Checkout the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35774?tab=articles]Articles [/url]tab for more info about features in [color=#00ffff]Reborn[/color].

[b][color=#00ff00]What Reborn offers:[/color][/b][/size]
[color=#ff0000][color=#00ff00]-[/color] [/color]Travel to 250 different locations across Skyrim
[color=#00ff00]-[/color] Save & Name 128 custom landing markers
[color=#00ff00]- [/color]Programmable fast travel buttons
[color=#00ff00]-[/color] TARDIS sounds and FX tremor Effects
[color=#00ff00]-[/color] Vast storage and sorting system with remote access.
[color=#00ff00]- [/color]TARDIS usable as a family home (Requires Hearhfire Family [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29249]plugin[/url]) 
[color=#ff0000][color=#00ff00]-[/color] [/color]Unlock the secrets of Gallifreyan regeneration

[b][color=#00ff00][size=4]Where to Find it: [/size][/color][/b]
Loading the mod adds a note about the blue box to your inventory. Read it to start the quest!
Alternatively, climb the mountain north-west of Whiterun.

[b][color=#00ff00][size=4]How to use:[/size][/color][/b]
To fly the TARDIS, 
[color=#00ff00]1[/color]. Activate Dematerialization Primer
[color=#00ff00]2[/color]([color=#00ff00]a[/color]). Optionally enter co-ordinates into Nav-Computer or hit the Fast Return Button
[color=#00ff00]2[/color]([color=#00ff00]b[/color]). Disengage Handbrake or
[color=#00ff00]2[/color]([color=#00ff00]c[/color]). Engage AutoPilot (Do not throw the Handbreak if you want to engage autopilot)
[color=#00ff00]3[/color]. Set Space-Time Throttle to full (Only if not using AutoPilot).
[color=#00ff00]4[/color]. Follow onscreen instructions (Only if not using AutoPilot).
[color=#00ff00]5[/color]. Have a seat or take a RL bathroom break. (Only if using AutoPilot).

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3863]SkyUI[/url] (Needed for the TARDIS Menu systems)
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29249]Hearthfire multiple adoptions[/url] (Only needed if you want your family to live in your TARDIS. ( [b][i][color=#00ffff]NOTE:[/color] Do not install optional requirement mid-game[/i][/b] )
All Official [color=#1e84cc][b]DLC [color=#ffffff]( [/color][/b][color=#00ffff]Dawnguard[/color][b][color=#ffffff],[/color] [/b][color=#00ffff]Hearthfire[/color][b] [color=#ffffff]and[/color] [/b][color=#00ffff]Dragonborn[/color][b][color=#ffffff] )[/color][/b][/color]

[b][color=#00ff00][size=4]Known Issues:[/size][/color][/b]
[color=#00ff00]-[/color]  There exists some kind of bug with the Matter Converter script in that if you mix different components that are interchangeable in recipes you
    end up loosing stuff. For example, if you want to make 50 items that require 50 soul gems of any type then use 50 gems of the exact same type.
    Don't mix alternative components in the converter box or you will loose components and or produce undesirable items.

[color=#00ff00]- [/color] The Programmable fast travel buttons have been known to stop working or not work at all. As such, most people just use the custom location save
    option instead. Once I finish building all the desktop theme rooms, I'll go ahead and see what's up with those buttons once and for all.

[color=#00ff00]-[/color] This mod's update will add SOME keywords to various vanilla game assets for use with the P.O.E.T. This was a mistake and I did what I could to
   back-peddle that. Anyway, it will spark a conflict report when you have other mods that edit those same assets. My edits are not important so
   just allow them to take priority. Your P.O.E.T. will still work just fine.

[color=#00ff00]-[/color] If you use the MCM to abort the quest to find the TARDIS and have it come straight to you, it may just cause the interior door to be crooked
  when entering the TARDIS for the first time. Although I have corrected it to some degree, the door can become crooked if the game fails to
  fully load the door before the system places it.

   Should this occur you can correct it easy by going into the MCM menu while inside the control room. Go to where the MCM has you select
   Which era policebox you want; you can find it easy. When you do, you don't need to select anything. Just hit the okay button and the door will
   automatically get corrected from then on. If you still have trouble let me know.

[color=#00ff00]- [/color]If adopting, it will take awhile for the kids to eventually show up; just don't wait for them in the TARDIS, any area technically inside the TARDIS
  Which includes [color=#00ffff]Damogran[/color], or in the external area near the [color=#00ffff]TARDIS Oculus[/color] or their former home. It could take as long as a week - just do a
  Quest or something, but stay away from those areas or else their arrival could get pushed out [u]indefinitely[/u].

  Plus, make sure you have the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29249]HearthFire mod[/url] installed and have the Temporal Oculus to Skyrim activated. You need to also cast the Bless
  Home spell provided by the HearthFire mod in the appropriate area. Just the mod's page for instructions on using that spell.

[color=#00ff00]-[/color] [color=#00ffff]Secret Dark Chambers[/color] is a work-in-progress and not truly ready. Shooting your Sonic at the door will display a message as to how to open
  the door. Yes, I will be making changes to the sonic so that it will give information about things as opposed to just being an overgrown lockpick.
  Spoiler: To open the door you need to be a vampire. Casting Vampiric Drain on the door will permanently unseal it.
[b][size=4]Known Conflicts:[/size][/b][/color]
[color=#00ff00]- [/color]DO NOT install [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75292?tab=posts]TARDIS HearthFire Patch[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/54038]Chet [/url]for this plugin already does what it does and beyond. Now, I've spoken with Chet and he has some
  great ideas that together we can bring to Reborn; so I'm looking forward too that.

[color=#00ff00]-[/color] DO NOT install [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46156/]Prince and the Pauper[/url] if you plan to use TARDIS as a family home. For even with its [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75292?tab=files]Hearthfire Compatibility Patch[/url], by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/5363]TMPheonix[/url],
  there are still issues that get in the way of successfully adopting all six kids and getting them to move into the TARDIS. Uninstalling is not enough,
  you need a new game without that plugin.

[size=5][b][color=#00ff00][center]::: Contributors ::: [/center][/color][/b][/size]
[color=#00ff00][size=4]-[/size][/color][size=4] [color=#00ffff]Wooden Picture Frames[/color] extracted from [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65703]HQ Real Painting Modder's Resource[/url]
[color=#00ff00]-[/color] [color=#00ffff]Misc Assets[/color] from [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26132/?tab=description]Resources For Modder's[/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58651/?tab=files]Modder's Resource[/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16525/]Modder's Resource Pack[/url][/size]
[size=4][color=#00ff00]-[/color] [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/38442990]DarthTjaa2040[/url] for providing Special Edition support
[color=#00ff00]-[/color] [url=https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/user/1083588-eolhin/]Eolhin[/url] (Creator of [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/43304]TARDIS by Eolhin[/url] for Oblivion) for assets, input and layout ideas.
- [color=#00ffff]Michael [/color]of [url=https://www.youtube.com/user/gamerpoets]GamerPoets[/url] for his educational videos on [url=https://skse.silverlock.org/]SKSE[/url] and other Skyrim essentials.
- [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3120374]TheShatteredSteel[/url] For setting up the groundwork and bringing the TARDIS to Skyrim.
- [color=#00ffff]Spyduck[/color] For creating  the 11th Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver model
- [color=#00ffff]Murfy27[/color] TARDIS exteriors assets
- [color=rgb(97, 97, 97)][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2171250/?tab=about+me]SparrowPrince[/url][/color] Providing Assets for custom interior models, glow effects and other model texture tweaks.
- [color=#00ffff]Brian Rocz[/color] (and [color=#00ffff]WitchBoy [/color]for permissions) For using some control models optimized and re-textured.
- [color=#00ffff]SkyUI [/color]Team For making the TARDIS menu systems possible.
- [color=#00ffff]BBC[/color] For creating Doctor Who.
[center]SOME FEATURES TO EXPECT[/center][/b][/color][/color][/size][/color]
[color=#00ff00]-[/color][b] Asteroid Room[/b] (good place to mine and get lost in the process)
[color=#00ff00]-[/color] [b]Greenhouse Room[/b]: (If farming is your thing)
[color=#00ff00]-[/color] [b]Farm House[/b]: (Yeah, it has a farmhouse in there with running water too)
[color=#00ff00]-[/color] [b]Farmhouse Basement[/b]: (with an oven and misc furnishing.)
[color=#00ff00]-[/color] [b]Sky Room[/b] (Orbital Platform with spot made for use with optional [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51094/?]Fieldlab[/url])
[color=#00ff00]- [/color][b]Several Librarys[/b] (With more shelf space than I think I should have made - oh well)
[color=#00ff00]-[/color] [b]Big Empty Room[/b]: (Just a big room to build things in or whatever)
[color=#00ff00]-[/color] [b]Kids Bedroom[/b] (Even if you don't want any there's room for six of them.)
[color=#00ff00]-[/color] [b]Captured Planet[/b]: (Okay, now this is insane; your own personal planet with caves, new resources and even a saw mill)
[color=#00ff00]-[/color] [b]Secret Treasure Room[/b] (Linked to the Crap-Shoot; It's Located behind a secret something but I ain't say'n where  - hehe)
[color=#00ff00]-[/color] [b]Drinks Bar[/b] (Linked to the Crap-shoot; A good place to store and categorize booze of all ilk.)
[color=#00ff00]-[/color] [b]Regeneration Temple[/b] (Where you manage collected artron energy and or obtain regeneration cycles. Also includes all of the divine shrines.)  
[color=#00ff00]- [/color][b]Master Bedroom[/b] (With a fireplace, TARDIS Face Sculpter and a secret passage that leads somewhere I ain't say'n; ain't I a stinker??)
[color=#00ff00]- [/color][b]Console Rooms[/b] ( I'll let you see them for yourself; working to make more with Blender.)
     DO NOT install this plugin on an [u]X-Box [/u]or a version of Skyrim that does not support [color=#00ff00][url=https://skse.silverlock.org/]SKSE[/url][/color] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3863]SkyUI[/url]. To use, you must install all of the official
DLC content which is [color=#00ffff]Dawnguard[/color], [color=#00ffff]Hearthfire[/color] and [color=#00ffff]Dragonborn[/color]. You need to also install [color=#00ff00][url=https://skse.silverlock.org/]SKSE[/url][/color] as well as [color=#00ff00][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3863]SkyUI[/url][/color]. Load high in load order.

[center][b][color=#00ff00][size=4]SPECIAL EDITION SUPPORT[/size][/color][/b][/center]
You bet! A good friend and fan of Doctor Who, [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/38442990]DarthTjaa2040[/url], saw too it to provide for us a ported version of Reborn. You can either find it
here or on the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6605/]Special Edition Nexus[/url] page. I will not be uploading to [color=#00ff00]Steam[/color] however because I want to avoid accidental auto-updating messing up
peoples saves with a newer versions.

[color=#00ff00][b]NOTE: [/b][/color][b][i]You still need[/i][/b] [url=https://skse.silverlock.org/]SKSE for SE[/url] [b][i]and[/i][/b] [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12604]SkyUI for SE[/url] [i][b]installed on on Special Edition as well so don't forget that.[/b][/i]

[center][b][color=#00ff00][size=4]USING AUTOPILOT[/size][/color][/b][/center]
     To use the autopilot, press the dematerialization button and set your desired location as you normally would. However, instead of unlocking the
break pull the autopilot lever instead. From that point on the TARDIS will control itself. Now, it will lockout access to the controls while it takes over
so don't get worried when you can't do anything with the controls while it's doing its thing. Just have a seat or use the real-life restroom while it
travels. When it's done it will unlock everything and you can venture outside for some adventure.

     Oh, almost forgot, you don't have to remain in the flight room while the autopilot is engaged.

[color=#00ff00][size=4][center][b]TARDIS Fast Travel[/b][/center][/size][/color]
     To use the TARDIS fast travel feature, press the dematerialization button than then use the NAV computer to select your desired destination.
Next, release the breaks as the quest instructs you too but instead of next applying thrust, press the dematerialization button once again. There
will be some violent shaking as the TARDIS screeches to its destination.

     [color=#00ff00][b]NOTE:[/b][/color] [b][i]There may be a delay before the fast travel takes place if you use the function straight away after loading up the game.[/i][/b]

[color=#00ff00][size=4][center][b]TARDIS P.O.E.T. Hypercube[/b][/center][/size][/color]
     Located in the mechanical themed desktop control room you will find a hypercube called the P.O.E.T. (Portable Oculus Equipment Transfer).
When placed in your inventory, you will be given a power to remotely access the Crap-Shoot, its controls, all the containers it sends too and all
the item control levers that direct those items.

     This allows you to access all of them anywhere you travel where baddies are not nearby. Connected to this system are levers (found in the
Greenhouse room) that allow you to redirect items to be recycled via the smelting bins.

     Item smelt-down is not a complete feature provided by this mod even though the TARDIS smelter of options. The system was designed to
complement[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49791] Complete Crafting Overhaul's[/url] smelting options.

     To use, simply fill the crap-shoot with your stuff and press the button or select the button option if using the P.O.E.T. to begin item sorting.
Your items will be distributed to their respective containers throughout the TARDIS. It categorizes important items such as notes, journals, 
artifacts, etc., all things have their place for any well to do hoarder. 

[color=#00ff00][size=4][center][b]Custom Fast Travel Buttons[/b][/center][/size][/color]
     In the console room of your choice, you will discover eight buttons you can program via the new NAV system. Once programmed, they will
function similarly to the fast travel button for faster returns to common places.

[color=#00ff00][size=4][center][b]New Resources[/b][/center][/size][/color]
     On the Captured planet of Damogran (your own personal planet inside the TARDIS), you will find many resources to aid in your adventures. You will
also find a mine that yields salty clay. Now, although salty clay is useless in of itself, you can use the TARDIS matter Converter to extract the salt for
salt piles. You can even use the matter converter to not only make black and other soul gems from scratch, but charge them up as well.

     Although the TARDIS matter converter is its own separate system, I designed it so that recipes for use with the atronach forge located in the
Midden will work just the same on the Converter. Yet, the converter does not function the same way or use the same FX effects. In fact, the
converter is a much more useful and capable device.

INSTALLING AND SETTING UP[url=https://skse.silverlock.org/] [color=#00ff00][/color][/url][color=#00ff00][url=https://skse.silverlock.org/][/url][url=https://skse.silverlock.org/]SKSE[/url][/color][color=#00ff00][/color][color=#ffffff][/color][/size][/b][/color][/center]
 After you install [url=https://skse.silverlock.org/]SKSE[/url] via Steam,  navigate to ([color=#00ffff][b]steam - SteamApps - Common - Skyrim[/b][/color]). Right-click the '[b][color=#00ff00]SKSE_Loader.Exe[/color][/b]' and select to
send a short-cut to your desktop from its drop-down menu.

From now on, you will launch the Skyrim game from [u]this executable[/u] shortcut and NOT through the Steam launcher. This is important
otherwise [url=https://skse.silverlock.org/]SKSE[/url] will not be able to establish its system registries and file pass for it to work.

[url=https://skse.silverlock.org/] SKSE[/url] also expands script capabilities beyond Skyrim's original 32-bit allowing for scripts to move beyond those limitations opening doors to more expansive Mods.

Make sure that before you launch Skyrim via the [color=#00ffff]SKSE executable[/color] that you already have Steam loaded up. If Steam is not loaded up, the executable will still launch steam but the file pass will fail and steam will launch Skyrim from within itself. This can potentially corrupt your 
game's [b].INI [/b]files as they might get overwritten launching Skyrim in this fashion.

[b][color=#00ff00]NOTE:[/color][/b] [b][i]Many veteran players perform tweeks to their game .ini files to both enhance their play experience as well as to reduce lag and CTD. 
            In time, you will Eventually discover just how beneficial those tweeks can be. As such, I always try advise keeping backups of your
            game's ini files if and when that time occurs. [/i][/b]

with Steam running, go ahead and launch the game via the new [color=#00ffff]SKSE shortcut[/color] you created. When you have made it to the game's main menu
([color=#00ffff][b]where you create or continue games[/b][/color]) press the '~' key to bring up the console.

Type [b]GetSKSEversion[/b] (CAPS not Needed) and press <[color=#ff7700]ENTER[/color]>

     If an [color=#00ffff]SKSE version[/color] is returned then you have properly installed [url=https://skse.silverlock.org/]SKSE[/url]. If an Error is returned, then you will need to double check the installation steps.

[color=#00ff00][size=4][b][center]Adjusting the SKSE ini File[/center][/b][/size][/color]
Navigate to ([b][color=#00ffff]Steam - SteamApps - Common - Skyrim[/color][/b]). Open the Data Folder.

At this location, if an [color=#00ff00]SKSE folder[/color] does not exist, [b]right-click[/b] in the blank space and create a new folder and name it '[color=#00ffff][b]SKSE[/b][/color]'.

Make sure to uncheck the '[b]Hide Extensions for Known File Types[/b]' in the folder's options if you are using windows.

        Within that new [color=#00ff00]SKSE folder[/color], [b]right-click[/b] and create a new text document. Rename the document being sure to delete the
file extension '[color=#00ffff][b].txt[/b][/color]' that should appear as apart of the name field.

Again, if the '[color=#00ffff][b].txt[/b][/color]' does not appear along with the name such as '[color=#00ffff][b]New Text Document.txt[/b][/color]', then you need to go back to the windows
properties and uncheck the "[b]Hide Extensions for Known File Types[/b]" in the folder's options.

Name the file '[b]SKSE.ini[/b]'. A window will popup warning you about the file extension select '[b]yes[/b]'.

Edit the [color=#00ff00][b]skse.ini[/b][/color] file using a standard text editor. Cut and paste the text below:


[/b] [b]Click[/b] save and exit. [b]

[/b] This will take advantage of the built-in memory patch that fixes vanilla Skyrim's memory problem by giving you the full 512 MB the game
originally intended the player to receive.
[/b] For those new to [url=https://skse.silverlock.org/]SKSE[/url], vanilla Skyrim uses two memory block allocations called the default heap (256 MB) and the scrap heap (256 MB).[b]
[/b]Upon exhausting it's default heap, Skyrim is known to freeze or CTD when it taps it's scrap heap memory which is actually unstable.

To correct the problem, [url=https://skse.silverlock.org/]SKSE[/url] adjusts the default heap accordingly, significantly reducing memory related CTD and infinite loading screens.

[color=#00ff00][b][size=4][center]Some Undocumented List Of Fixes And Additions Done By Malinson After Support For Regenerated Ended in 2016[/center][/size][/b][/color]
> -  Numerous fixes done at first.
> - Overhauled the entire living area.
> - Added Asteroid room and other misc rooms.
> - Corrected clipping, NAV-Mesh and other graphical issues.
> - Added the Captured World of Damogran and a Sawmill.
> - Automated the sliding doors inside the TARDIS.
> - Incorporated Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions compatibility to make the TARDIS a potential family home.
> - Added the Oculus to Skyrim and laid out furniture markers.
> - Rearranged the TARDIS hallways, entry points and added additional hallways and space.
> - Added a kitchen, Greenhouse Room and Farmhouse. Also laid out some custom artworks and furnishings.
> - Added a vampire room.
> - Added a matter converter
> - Added a second library with mannequins and office furnishings
> - Added a SpellBook Crafting station and connecting storage containers.
> - Added code to reduce the crooked door issue at beginning of game.
> - Fixed spelling errors and fixed the TARDIS sounds not always starting during flight.
> - Fixed the TARDIS flight controls not sequencing in the break and throttle properly at end of flight.
> - Added additional control components for flights. 
> - Corrected a design flaw that allowed players to just leave the TARDIS while it's still inflight.
> - Replaced In-Flight Sound with a more mellow and metro version of it. ( Thanks to DarthTjaa2040 for sound)
> - Fixed the MCM Menu issues.
> - Fixed Problems with the NAV-Computer and Custom Locations not being stored by creating a new system from scratch.
> - Added timed tremor effects for normal landings and takeoffs (it's really cool!)
> - Added additional sounds for the console.
> - Added an AUTOPILOT feature.  Just watch the controls toggle themselves for a change  - hehe.
> - Added an alpha version of the TARDIS item sorting system.
> - Deleted Regenerated's old NAV-Computer Script and just made a new one from scratch.
> - Eliminated the annoying 'Location List Post Processing' by simply packaging the lists already processed.
> - Added eight fast travel buttons you can program using the new NAV system
> - Added a face sculptor device in the main TARDIS bedroom.
> - Made script corrections to the NAV-Computer's search functions.
> - Upgraded TARDIS sorting system to beta.
> - Added the P.O.E.T. the Portable Oculus Equipment Transfer device to access TARDIS storage remotely anywhere.
> - Upgraded TARDIS sorting system up from beta and integrated the P.O.E.T. with it.
> - Fixed issue where the auto-pilot would create stacking orphaned flight quests.
> - Added TARDIS Artron energy charging system.
> - Made FX changes to the TARDIS summoning effect.
> - Creating TARDIS Custom Locations no longer costs Artron energy points.
> - Eliminated limits on Artron charge capacity.
> - Player gets a 30 Artron energy point bonus for completing the Cracks in Time Quest.
> - Expanded Greenhouse Room entrance as it was difficult for followers to navigate
> - Added a Hay Baler crafting station so that you can grow and make your own bales of hay.
> - Misc fixes and corrections.
> - Added new recipes to the Matter Converter including gem purification, recipes added to the manual found on the steps next to it.
> - Replaced Smelter with the TARDIS Smelter which can also convert steel to iron as well as make glass from malachite.
> - TARDIS console room monitors give info upon clicking.
> - Added a Sawn Log pile next to the Sawmill so that you can monitor your Sawn Log inventory.
> - Added a Woodworking station next to the sawmill so as to make things from your logs.
> - Added many new resources (some hidden) to be found and collected on Damogran.
> - Added a cave on Damogran.
> - More Script fixes and corrections.
> - Fixed old issue where players could not always activate the cracks in the Cracks in Time quest. (about time I did that)
> - Added another cave on Damogran and laid out NavMesh.
> - Added a salty clay mines to Damogran, a new Skyrim resource.
> - Added new recipes to the Matter Converter, and established a new system of item fabrications for making filled black soul gems from scratch.
> - TARDIS flight energy will be depleted when entered for the first time (as would be expected).
> - Reduced the sound volume of the P.O.E.T. as it was wearing on my ears.
> - Added auto repeat feature to matter converter for multiple production projects.
> - Performed various fixes on scripts, recipes, resource distribution and oversights.
> - Overhauled the Asteroid Room.
> - Performed additional FX Changes to the matter converter
> - Performed minor changes, terraforming and NAV-MESH on Damogran
> - [b]Main Regenerated Plugin Merged with Regurgitated Update and Became REBORN !!

                                                     See Reborn Change-logs for further recent changes..

Nether's Follower Framework

[b][color=#f6b26b][size=5][center][b][color=#f6b26b][size=5]NETHER'S FOLLOWER FRAMEWORK[/size][/color][/b][/center][/size][/color][/b]
Looking for a multi-follower framework that is easy on game resources and gives you the choice between animal or humanoid companions, with as little as one or as many as 10 at a time? How about a system that also provides a wealth of interesting features, both immersive and quality-of-life, to allow you to tailor the framework to your own style of gameplay?

[b]Look no further[/b],  Nether's Follower Framework is that and more!

This mod has 4 goals in mind:
- Be compatible with as many other mods out there as possible, so that you can use it alongside your favorites.
- Provide companion features that are familiar and useful but also engaging and interesting.
- Make preferences optional and undoable, so that companions (and your game) don't get broken along the way.
- Offer interesting options but also keep it resource-friendly and script-engine light.

This framework is intended to be used with followers that use the default follower system. In other words, hook into the standard Dialogue Follower quest (most companions on the Nexus). However, there is also an optional feature that allows you to [i]Import [/i]custom followers so that they can also make use of many aspects of this mod (no guarantees, of course, but has been tested with many unique followers out there).

This mod does [b]require SKSE and SkyUI[/b], but those components allow me to deliver streamlined and engaging options to you, that wouldn't be possible without.

[b][i]NFF [/i][/b]is crafted by a follower fanatic with many years of gaming and programming experience who loves putting together a rotating group of adventurers together to accompany his dragonborn on adventures in Skyrim. For the [s]Nerds![/s] (ahem...) Nords!

[b][color=#1e84cc][size=4]This a backward port for Skyrim Legendary Edition by request.
[/size][/color][/b]You may post about bugs, read changelog and so forth at the [b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18076]Special Edition Page[/url][/b]. Please notate that you are using LE when reporting bugs/asking questions.
This mod uses features that are common to both LE and SSE, so should be 99.9% compatible. I wish to make it very clear that I only play the SSE version and therefore cannot provide direct, realistic support for LE as I won't be spending enough time in it for that to be fair. Consider this to be Use at Your Own Risk, with no guarantees of functionality provided. For all intents and purposes this should work fine but I'm being brutally honest with you, whether anyone feels that is fair or not.

[color=#ffff00][font=Tahoma][size=4][b]How to Solve Some Issues:[/b][/size][/font]
[/color]- Sort your Mods with Loot.
- Put nwsFollowerFramework.esp at the end of your load order, even if Loot puts it somewhere else and no, I don't care where it puts it. Heck, even make a rule in Loot to put it at the end.

[color=#fff2cc][size=4][b][font=Tahoma]Core Features[/font][/b][font=Trebuchet MS] [/font][/size][/color]
- Up to 10 Followers (flexible, can be humanoids or animals).
- No starter bow or arrows.
- Integrated Interesting NPC support (requires iNPC, obviously)
- Explicit support for Serana and Sofia.
- Plenty of options, below, [b]all at your choice,[/b] set with a robust MCM menu. If you don't like something, it's very likely you can turn it off.
- Detailed PDF Guide provided, for explaining all features.
- Optional (vanilla + DLC) scripts replacement if you have a problem getting the framework to "stick". Option as well for RDO.
- 3DNPC is supported natively, like vanilla followers. Make sure the option in the FOMOD is checked.

- Allow Followers to Sandbox when you are doing passive tasks.
- Set Followers to only Sandbox In-Town.
- Auto-Sandbox in Town Interiors, Your Homes or Locations you determine.
- Toggle off for any specific Follower.
- Allow Followers (and other NPCs) to Sandbox multi-level interiors.
- Followers can be individually set up to craft and/or interact when sandboxing. "Craft" in this sense is not a sim, but it does give them something actual to do while hanging around with some minor conveniences/buffs. Interaction is currently limited to ordering drinks at the taverns.

[color=#fff2cc][font=Tahoma][size=4][b]Mount/Riding Support[/b][/size][/font][/color]
- Allow Followers to use spawned horses provided by this mod.
- Allow Horses to disappear when not being ridden or have them stay around.
- Select breed and effects of their horse, select breed globally.
- Provide Riding Package support only if another mod provides a horse system but no packages.
- Toggle off for any specific Follower.

- Set combat and non-combat distance of Followers.*
- Place Followers in a Healer or Tank Role.
- Choose from 10 different combat styles for Followers.
- Reduce Infighting between Followers.
- Optionally Disable bleedout recovery keeping them down during a fight.
- Revive fallen followers with health potions.

- Catch Up teleport (and On-Demand Ability for player)
- Can Control distance and polling time.
- Enable a +25% Movement Boost for faster following.
- Reduce interpolation between walk/run state changes (faster reaction).

- Create/Manage up to 10 "Home Bases" for your followers, where they will go when you dismiss them. Can set up work and relax locations, optionally. You can rename Bases and all locations, move followers to/from bases and visit your bases at any time.
- Regard System for Followers - relationship system that is more of their respect for you as an adventuring partner. Awards some abilities and benefits.
- Improve Follower Stealth AI when out of combat. They will not initiate combat, chatter and they move in close.
- Extinguish Torches when you and Followers are stealthing.
- Cause Follower Torches to Expire when being used.
- Stop Idle Chatter on all or selected followers (or only allow it while sandboxing)
- Prevent Followers from drawing weapons when you do.
- Followers will not set off basic traps (equivalent of LightFoot perk). Optional via installer.
- Followers get out of the way when you get very close to them.
- Followers can Auto-Recharge weapons they use or use filled soul gems (not player filled).
- Learn skills from your followers when fighting with them in combat (Affinity system).
- Teach Followers spells by trading spell books to them and/or directly teaching the spells you know. Works with spell mods!
- Set any Follower to Essential (or reverse it). While in the Framework, all Followers are Protected.
- Change the Behavior of Followers (morality, crime, etc).
- Set the Damage Multiplier of followers, affecting their attack damage.

[/b][/size][/font][/color]- Set up Adventuring Gear for a Follower, telling them what to wear while they are following you. This is gear enforcement [u]NOT [/u]outfit managment.
- Storage system for re-applying Adventuring Gear when re-recruited. Storage for up to 50 individual Followers, one storage set per follower.
- Copy their default outfit into your inventory (for custom armor, mainly).
- Set a Follower to only equip headwear, shield, quiver and/or weapons while in combat.
- Blades compatibility for multiple followers plus the ability to give followers the blades gear instead of changing their base outift. Only supports SkyHaven Temple Restore and Expanded at this time.

- Issue Commands to all Followers or individual ones at a distance.
- Commands for All Followers: Wait/Follow, Toggle Sandbox, Combat/Follow Distance, Summon and Dismiss.
- Commands for Single Followers (when facing follower and in your sights): Wait/Follow, Trade, Favor, Set Adventuring Gear and Dismiss.
- Variety of hotkey customizable commands.

[/b]- Much like a character sheet, you can view Stats, Skills, Perks and Abilities of your followers.
- Convenient History feature allows you to see where your past followers are and either move to them or move them to you.

[/b][/size][/font][/color]- Enlist the help of non-essential (inconsequential) NPCs by bribing them to join you, adding them to the framework.
- Offer them varying amounts of gold, with more gold equaling a greater chance they will join you.
- Repeatedly hiring the same NPC will eventually make them join you free of charge.
- Experimental feature but works on most non-essentials, even those provided by other mods. Use with caution. They will retain vanilla dialogues, so be wary of some options while they are with you.
- You can bring them to your level and allow them to go up in level as you do by using the optional batch file (install MANUALLY to your main Skyrim directory). Open the console, make sure they are selected and type: bat nfflevel

[/b]- Divorce your wife or husband and marry someone else (follower or not!).
- Apply a Weekly Follower Cost to Followers (as a gold sink).
- Share the Wealth with Followers when you find big hauls of gold (gold sink).
- Call Player Horse ability with hotkey support.
- Track the whereabouts of Follower via a quest.

[i]* - Custom Followers are usually completely outside of the Framework but can be Imported to use any feature not shown with "*" above. Importing allows them to "borrow" a Follower Slot, so they count towards the max limit. Custom Follower here specifically means any Follower with their own follower framework outside of the vanilla system (Serana, Sofia, Recorder, Arissa, and so on). This includes Custom Pets that have their own follower framework outside of the vanilla system. [b]Not all imported followers are compatible.[/b][/i]

- Pets (Animal Companions) under this Framework use most of the features that Followers do. However, all races in the game are governed by behavior files meaning that pets will do what they want to do at times. Example: Dogs will sit when the player stops whether you have them set to sandbox or not.

[b][color=#ffff00][size=3]Do Not Import These Followers (incompatible):
[/size][/color][/b]- Inigo
- Shingchen Holysee Knight Followers.

[/font]- SKSE64
- SkyUI
- Dawnguard - Must be installed and enabled.

- Fuz Ro D-oh (OPTIONAL)
- PapyrusUtil (OPTIONAL)
- ConsoleUtil (OPTIONAL)
- Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch (OPTIONAL)

- Convenient Horses for follower horses.
- Simple NPC Outfit Manager for actual outfit management, if you don't like the Adventuring Gear feature of NFF.

I recommend using a mod manager to install this mod. It is in FOMOD format.

The following scripts, if they are present, will be overwritten:
- DialogueFollowerScript (and QF_DialogueFollower_000750BA) - retains original functions but alters their contents to segway into the framework controller script.
- FollowerAliasScript - as above.
- TrainedAnimalScript - as above.
- TrapBear - Altered to not affect followers. You can optionally remove this script if you want vanilla follower trap behavior.
- TrapTriggerBase - as above.
- BladesChangeOutfitScript, FreeformSkyHavenTempleAScript, QF_FreeformSkyHavenTempleA_000E38C9 - For adapting to the Blades recruitment and adding equipment option.

[b]New Game
[/b] This is the recommended approach. You can begin your game with this mod enabled. Startup impact is minimal.

[b]Existing Game[/b]
Likely works best if you have never installed a multiple follower mod (AFT, EFF, UFO, etc).
1. Follow the directions for uninstalling your multiple follower mod, including uninstalling the mod.  Your followers should all be dismissed.
2. Make sure your current follower is dismissed, along with any animal follower.
3. Travel to a new cell (any indoor location, for example).
4. Save your game.
5. Exit and Install Nether's Follower Framework.
6. Load your game. You should get text on the screen saying that the mod is installed.
7. Save your game and then load the save you just created.
If all went well you should be using the framework. I cannot guarantee it will work flawlessly in an older save file, especially one that previously had a different framework installed. You may wish (at your own peril/comfort) to use a save game cleaner. Personally I use Fallrim Tools and I haven't had an issue with it.

[/b] Best behavior in most cases is to uninstall then install using the FOMOD installer.

[b]Load Order
[/b] Place this mod near the end of your load order.

If LOOT constantly puts it somewhere else, place [b]near the end of your load order[/b] and make a rule in LOOT. LOOT may say to set Riding Only when using with Convenient Horses. You can do that OR turn off horses for followers you want to buy horses for using CH.
[b][color=#f6b26b][font=Tahoma][size=4]SCRIPT LOAD[/size][/font][/color][/b]
The script load of this Framework is pretty light to minimal. Most of the scripts and functions are fire and forget and use game events when possible. There are some exceptions. If you don't want any Papyrus load, you can turn off some features to have zero load in real time.

[b]Sandboxing [/b]- The sandbox function uses a single update loop that checks in real time. At around 7 seconds of the player being more or less idle, Followers will sandbox.
[b]Catch-Up "Teleport"[/b] - The catch up system is on the same single update as Sanboxing but only checks once per 10 seconds. It isn't a necessary component as you can use the Teleport ability to pull all Followers and Pets to you.
[b]Check Count[/b] - This checks the follower and animal count and adjusts it occasionally (single loop in real time, quick check every 8 seconds). I do recommend you leave it on. The only time it does anything in depth at all is if my animal and follower count doesn't match Skyrim's. You can turn it off and check manually (or on location change event) - this might feel more kludgy though.
[b]Import Adjustment [/b]- Same single update loop as Check Count, this simply removes an Imported follower from the Framework. You don't use my Framework to Dismiss or Recruit Custom Followers, they use their own system so this is just a clean up as their follower system doesn't directly talk to mine. Zero impact when no Custom Follower is imported.

So... If you really, truly want zero impact, turn off Sandboxing, Catch-Up, Check Count and don't Import any custom followers. You might want to try these systems first before just turning them off. These systems are actually pretty light.
[b][color=#f6b26b][font=Tahoma][size=4]COMPATIBILITY[/size][/font][/color][/b][font=Georgia] [/font]
Compatible with[/b] most mods that affect followers, including:
- Immersive Horses (switch Mount Support in my mod to Riding Support Only)
- Convenient Horses (switch Mount Support in NFF to Riding Support Only OR disable horse on a per-follower basis)
- My Home is Your Home (NFF has similar feature with setting up larger "bases of operation")
- Simple NPC Outfit Manager
- Relationship Dialogue Overhaul
- Interesting NPCs
- Skyrim Horses Renewal
- Sofia

*** The above mods work in my game. Some have reported issues with these mods. However, I have had no issues with them, nor CTD or anything of that nature.  If I cannot replicate an issue, that issue cannot reasonably be fixed.

This framework will not make any followers explicitly compatible with any of the mentioned mods, except iNPCs.
Mods that affect marriage or children should be fine as those systems are untouched.
Not fully tested with Animal mods. In theory, most should be fine. I have tried Dogs of Skyrim so far.

[b]Not compatible with[/b]:
- Any multi-follower framework mods (AFT, EFF, UFO and similar).
- Any mods that directly affect the recruitment of Blades.
- Not compatible with mods that teach spells by trading books with Followers.
- Not compatible with Better Stealth AI for Followers (NFF does have some similar features)
- May conflict with any mod that enforces the following game settings: fFollowSpaceBetweenFollowers, iFriendHitCombatAllowed, fCombatTeammateFollowRadiusBase, fCombatTeammateFollowRadiusMin, fAIDistanceTeammateDrawWeapon, fFastWalkInterpolationBetweenWalkAndRun, fJogInterpolationBetweenWalkAndRun.

[b]Potential Conflicts:
[/b]- Mods that enhance follower combat AI will likely override this mod. This affects the Healer Role and Combat Distances.
- Mods that affect how followers travel with the player will likely override this mod. This affects Follow Distance. moving out of the way, Sandboxing, Stealth movement.

Frost Slow Tweaks

[b][size=5][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/26584]SSE Version Here[/url]

[*][size=3]Slow strength is no longer affected by perks such as augmented frost. Instead [i]all[/i] frost spells that apply a slow do so with a set magnitude. [/size]
[*][size=3]The magnitude will, however scale with the subject's missing stamina. A "standard" slow effect (base magnitude of 50, like in nearly all vanilla spells) will reach upto a maximum of 80% slowdown at less than 10% stamina remaining. [b]Installer option is available to disable this behavior starting in version 1.0.3.[/b][/size]
[*][size=3]Moderately frost resistant (resistance < 75) characters no longer take reduced slowdown from frost spells and effects.[/size]
[*][size=3]Heavily resistant (resistance >= 75) characters are now completely immune to the slow effect.[/size]
[*][size=3]Characters weak to frost no longer suffer more severe slow effects.[/size]
[*][size=3]Any general magic resistance or weakness other than immunity also no longer affects slow.[/size]
[size=3]NOT COMPATIBLE with "Simply Capped Slow" by... myself. Simply capped slow is a newer alternative for SKSE users that only want a cap without removing scaling completely or replacing it with a weird stamina workaround.[/size][size=3]

Load after any mod that edits the vanilla frost slow effects (this includes Ordinator and Vokrii). When in doubt, check with xEdit first or just put it after all other spell/magic mods. Do note that any mods that attempt to use the vanilla frost slow effects with a magnitude other than 50 will need a consistency patch to maintain their intended values but will not otherwise suffer due to this mod.

Patches available for following mods:

Wildcat and Smilodon both have a slow effect they apply to combatants with no stamina remaining at all. Because of implementation details, this stacks additively with the slow effect my workaround applies. This is not enough to cause the effect to break, but does make frost slow feel even more powerful (95% slow at empty stamina). If this bothers you, I recommend disabling the stamina depletion slow effect in the Wildcat/Smilodon configuration or using the "no stamina scaling" option in the installer for this mod.[/size]

Simply Capped Slow

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/28390][size=5]SE Version Here[/size][/url]

[color=#f1c232][size=4]What it Does:[/size][/color]
Implement a hard cap on how powerful slow effects can be. By default, the cap is set to 80 to match my personal preferences, but it can be adjusted using the console. Simply open the console and type "set SCS_MagnitudeCap to x" with x being the maximum amount of slow you want to allow. This cap both acts as a balance tweak to avoid ridiculous levels of slow effect holding characters in place, and a means of fixing the bug where the effect simply ceases functioning when it reaches a magnitude of 100.

This mod also applies a common fix to make slow effects start and stop at the proper times for the effects it touches.

Effects currently handled by this mod:
[*]All vanilla frost slow effect variants. This is the main focus as it is by far the most likely slow effect to exhibit runaway scaling/magnitude issues.
[*]The slow poison alchemy effect. This is included because despite being intended to [i]not[/i] scale in magnitude, "weakness to poison" effects still increase its magnitude anyway.

[/size]Generally, this approach should be highly compatible with anything that isn't already trying to manipulate slow effects. Just note that any other mod that edits the vanilla slow effects will either need a patch or to be loaded prior to this mod. Also, any mod that adds its own new slow effects will need a patch for the cap introduced here to work on those new effects.

See the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/articles/52351]compatibility notes article[/url] for details on specific mods with known compatibility.

[size=4][color=#f1c232]Questions and Answers:[/color]
[/size]Q: Hasn't this issue already been fixed before?
A: Yes and no. The stop/start timing problem has been flawlessly fixed before as part of other mods, so that is nothing new. The main bug that motivated this mod was not so easy to simply solve though. There are other mods that address it in different ways, but all of the ones I am aware of have certain quirks and/or critical error conditions involved. I made this as a simple and to the point no-nonsense solution without having to involve any other potentially unwanted gameplay effects.

Q: Didn't you make [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/26584]Frost Slow Tweaks[/url] to address this already?
A: Yes I did. And see above. Frost Slow Tweaks is still in the gimmicky/quirky category as it either forces a fixed magnitude slow that scales with nothing or it causes the effect to amplify with target missing stamina. Neither of these effects stay within the focus of [i]just [/i]fixing the actual problem. The implementation also leads to really weird compatibility situations with any mod that wants to apply slow in even a [i]slightly[/i] different way to the vanilla spells, such as a spell pack that wants to use the vanilla frost slow to apply a weaker but longer lasting movement debuff. This motivated me to revisit the solution, but the only better way I could find is only possible with SKSE. As such, I am releasing this as a separate mod instead of an update/option for Frost Slow Tweaks.

Masters Of The Universe


Masters Of The Universe is a blend of sci fi future tech mixed perfectly with barbarian Fantasy Magical feel world.

This is my first true mod done on creation kit so im sure some of you would do a better job but i will be updating it as i learn more on how to script and so on (im currently on the basics). I am using all 3 DLC Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn. Except in 0.1

Look UnderWhiteruns entrance just inside where water runs is a chest with key in u need. You Can Find The Portal Entrance Near Riverwood Across The River bridge side. or just outside Raven Rock Sols. plus portals to other tamreil locations in the tamreil wing. If You Use The Trap Door You will find some Swords And Gear

again this is my first mod im working on learning what goes where and so on on creation kit nifscope gimp blender and more i bet as i go. so try not to expect too much in the start lol.

More will Be Added With Time. More Eternia and Etheria Locations once im more comfortable with meshes And Rooms In The Castle.

I always wanted this place since starting the game so now i have it so figure why not share  with those like me who dont have it and maybe inspire someone else like i have been to use creation kit and see the other side of this game.



Appart from me making this from scratch i have used some mods for meshes or so on like my She-Ra Sword so this bit is reserved for thanks to those whos stuff i used to help make mine

Bethesha   - U know why
MOTU        - For Everything
Av1dPup1l - He-Man Outfit (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/31023 for it separately from my mod)
Venarez     -  He-Man Sword (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/90247 for it separately from my mod)
Liam's        -  Dragon Furniture

Yggdrasil Main Menu Replacer

Just a dark wallpaper of Ratatosk bringing gossip to Nidhoggr found in Google Images lol. I've also added Yggdrasil by Skald (http://skaldvikings.com/) to go with it. It goes pretty well with [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/93910]Yggdrasil Music and SoundFX Overhaul[/url]. 

To install, just extract the contents of the .rar file to your skyrim directory (merge data folders) and overwrite both files.

I've also added a misc file for the wallpaper itself, as edited and made darker by myself, and the original unedited version, which i may also make a variant of the menu replacer for.

Oblivionesque Active Effects For SkyUI

[center][b][color=#f1c232][size=6]Oblivion-esque Active Effect Icons[/size][/color][/b]
[size=5][b][color=#f1c232]Self explanatory title :)
Not all of them are 100% Oblivion, I tried to make them look nice
and visible against dark and dark backgrounds.
No ESP, 100% safe to install/uninstall midgame.[/color][/b][i]
[color=#c27ba0][b]-ENB in the screenshots it's Rudy ENB for Vanilla Weather-[/b][/color]

Infamous Ice Wraiths

[center][color=#00ff00][size=5][b][ [ [ Mod Author [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/20882614]Rougeshot[/url] ] ] ][/b][/size][/color]

[color=#d9ead3][size=4][b]Hello fellow modders, I'm Rougeshot and I'm open to[/b][b] any feedback or[/b][b] constructive criticism you may have, but keep in mind that I have a full time career and am in college part time, so it may be a while before I can respond to any comments or questions you may have.  Please be patient with any questions or concerns and I will respond as soon as I am able. Please keep tracking my mods and profile for any news or updates to my latest mods! 

[/b][/size][/color][b][size=4][color=#d9ead3]Please feel free to send me as many images or videos as you like, I truly enjoy seeing your encounters![/color]  [/size][/b][b][size=4][color=#d9ead3]And if you enjoy the mod hit that [/color][color=#00ff00]thumbs up[/color][color=#d9ead3] button so that your fellow modders will have an easier time finding this mod among the thousands of others.
[/color][/size][b][color=#00ff00][size=5]Thank you so much for your support.

[/size][/color][/b][b][color=#00ff00][size=5]! ! ! Thank You Brodual ! ! ![/size][/color][/b][size=6]


[/size][/color][/b][color=#00ffff][size=6][b][ [ [ MOD DESCRIPTION ] ] ][/b][/size][/color]

[size=5][b]If you're like me and have been disappointed with the vanilla Ice Wraiths, then this mod is for you. Skyrim's Ice Wraiths have the proportions of a giant tadpole[/b][b]. This mod replaces the vanilla Ice Wraith's skeleton with a new custom skeleton meant to give the Ice Wraiths of Skyrim a more dramatic and serpent-like appearance.  Working within the confines of the vanilla mesh, I enhanced the body and tail of Skyrim's Ice Wraiths to give them a far more intimidating  [/b][b]appearance[/b][b]!  These new subtle changes to Skyrim's Ice Wraiths have transformed them to them into fantastic magical ice[/b][b] serpents that could rip a man apart.  Now you can enjoy encountering these impressive man-eating serpents throughout the province of Skyrim, immersing you even more into the word of Skyrim with every encounter! 

[/b][/size][b][color=#00ff00][size=5]! ! ! SEEING IS BELIEVING ! ! !


[/size][/color][/b][b][color=#00ff00][size=5]Combat and animations still work perfectly!


! ! ! Infamous Ice Wraiths ! ! !


[/size][color=#00ffff][size=6][b][ [ [ MOD COMPATIBILITY ] ] ] 

[/b][/size][/color][size=5][b]Infamous Ice Wraiths uses a custom skeleton for the Vanilla Ice Wraiths and will overwrite any mod that makes changes to the vanilla Ice Wraith skeleton.
Mods that make sweeping changes to vanilla skeletons e.g."Realistic Ragdoll and Force" [/b][color=#ffff00][b]should be compatible as long as "Infamous Ice Wraiths" is installed after those mods and allowed to overwrite their files.[/b][/color]

[b][color=#ffff00]Should be fully compatible with any texture mods, since this mod contains no textures of it's own only a skeleton.  Which also makes it compatible with most other creature mods that do not edit vanilla skeletons.

[/color][/b][/size][color=#00ffff][size=6][b][ [ [ INSTALLATION ] ] ]

[/b][/size][/color][size=5][b]Recommend using Vortex or your favorite mod manager.

[/b][/size][b][size=5][color=#fce5cd]Install "Infamous Ice Wraiths"[/color][color=#ffff00][u] after[/u] [/color][color=#fce5cd]any mod that makes changes to the vanilla Ice Wraiths and[/color][color=#ff7700] [/color][u][color=#ffff00]Overwrite[/color][/u][color=#fce5cd] any files when prompted to.[/color]
[color=#ffff00] There is no ".esp plugin" with this mod![/color][color=#fce5cd]

[/color][/size][/b][b][color=#00ffff][size=6][ [ [ MY OTHER MODS ] ] ]

[/size][/color][/b][b][size=5][color=#fff2cc]If you like this mod then I'm sure you'll enjoy my other mods as well. 
For a complete list of all my mods for [/color][color=#6fa8dc]SKYRIM[/color][color=#fff2cc], [/color][color=#3c78d8]SKYRIM SE[/color][color=#fff2cc] and [/color][color=#ff7700]ENDERAL[/color][color=#fff2cc] visit my[/color][color=#00ff00] NEXUS profile @ [/color]
[/size][color=#00ff00][size=6] [/size][/color][/b][b][size=6][color=#00ff00]! ! ![/color] [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/20882614]Rougeshot[/url] [/size][color=#00ff00][size=6]! ! !


[b][size=6][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/96700/?tab=description]ABSOLUTE ARACHNOPHOBIA[/url]

[/color][/size][/b][color=#fff2cc][b][size=6][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/96581]GRANDIOSE GIANTS[/url]

[size=6][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/96398?tab=description]TYRANNICAL TROLLS[/url]



Load Screen Alternatives

I really enjoy the interesting load screens, but some of them make me cringe and I figure I've suffered with it enough, so here we go!
[size=1][i](No offence to anyone who actually likes these load screens.. I just... can't.. do it.. anymore. *shudders*)

[/i][/size][b][size=4]What It Does[/size][/b]
This is a simple mod that replaces the models used in some load screens with other models that still fit the load screen text.
No esp required, if you don't want all of them, you can just delete whichever files you don't want, they're all named easy enough to figure it out.

If I ever get around to playing the game, I'll keep adding more as I encounter more load screens I don't like!
[b]I am open to requests, if there are any load screens anyone is particularly sick of~[/b]

[size=3][b]So far this replaces...[/b][/size]
Frostbite Spider

[size=1]There are more falmer, trolls and hagraven screens, but I either haven't encountered them or they haven't bothered me yet.[/size]

Compatible with anything!
I highly recommend Chesko's [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/21265]Lore-Based Loading Screens[/url], it adds so much more variety!!

[b]Check out my other mods! :)[/b]


[size=1]And some more without fancy picture links...[/size]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/23996]Werewolf Feral Beast Run[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25030/]Bigger Werewolf Tails[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/24016]Less Confrontational Animals (For SkyTEST)[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/24319]Healthy Skeevers[/url][/center]

Know Your Enemy - Trait-based resistances and weaknesses


SSE version available [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13807]here[/url].

Changes the resistances and weaknesses of creatures and armor to magic and physical damage enhancing combat challenge and variety.
21 books to be found throughout Skyrim that unlock extra effects.
Covers all vanilla armors, mage armor spells and enemies, except dragons and playable races.
Modular: choose only the creatures module, only the armors module, or both.
Compatible: Installs via a zEdit patcher for maximum compatibility.
Lightweight: only a handful of scripts, none runs more than once.

Know Your Enemy fixes Skyrim's repetitive combat by changing the resistance and susceptibility of different creatures and armor pieces to different types of damage. No longer will you be able to slaughter your way through Skyrim armed with only a single weapon or spell, instead you will need to flexibly adapt your strategy to the current foe.

Here's how it works: Know Your Enemy adds 33 different traits that affect how much an enemy is damaged by different kinds of attacks. Physical attacks are broken down into blades, axes, blunt weapons and bows. Magic attacks are broken down into fire, frost, shock, poison and disease. Each creature or armor piece is given a number of traits that stack to determine its overall resistances and weaknesses. Open the spoiler below for an armor example:

[spoiler]Imperial light armor has two traits: Layered and Leathery. These have the following effects:

Layered: Resist blade (x0.75), weak to blunt (x1.25)
Leathery: Resist blunt (x0.8), weak to blade and arrows (x1.25)

These combine to give the following effects:
[color=#93c47d]Resistances:[/color] blade (x0.9375), 
[color=#e06666]Weaknesses:[/color] arrows (x1.25), 

Armor effects will apply to both enemy NPCs and the player. So you can switch your attack style to deal with a tricky enemy, or change your own gear to withstand an enemy's attacks.[/spoiler]

Here's a creature example too:

[spoiler]Draugr have four traits: Undead, Vile, Cave dwelling, and Weak willed. The effects of these traits are as follows:
Undead: Resist shock (50%), blade (x0.75), blunt (x0.25) and arrows (x0.25. Weak to axe (x1.25). Immune to poison and disease (-1000%).
Vile: Resist disease (50%).
Cave dwelling: Resist poison (50%), weak to disease (50%).
Weak willed: No effect

These traits combine to give draugr the following overall effects:
[color=#6fa8dc]Immunities: [/color][color=#ffffff]disease, poison.[/color]
[color=#93c47d]Resistances: [/color]shock (-50%), blade (x0.75), blunt (x0.25), arrows (x0.25),
[color=#e06666]Weaknesses:[/color][color=#ffffff] axe (x1.25).[/color][/spoiler]

But that's not all! Know Your Enemy includes a series of 21 bestiaries that give information about creatures' weaknesses and unlock additional effects. The books can be found across Skyrim and will be a challenge to find, so happy hunting! To see an example of the unlockable effects, open the spoiler below:

[spoiler]Let's return to the draugr's four traits, the four corresponding books unlock the following effects:
Undead: axe x1.25 -> x1.5, blade x0.75 -> x1
Vile: frost +25%
Cave dwelling: fire +25%
Weak willed: fire +25%, frost +25%, shock +25%

These stack with the base effects to give the following:
[color=#6fa8dc]Immunities: [/color][color=#ffffff]disease, poison.[/color]
[color=#93c47d]Resistances:[/color] shock (-25%), blunt (x0.25), arrows (x0.25),
[color=#e06666]Weaknesses:[/color][color=#ffffff] axe (x1.5), fire (+50%), frost (+50%)[/color][/spoiler]

There's one last book that acts as an in-game introduction to the armor system. It can be bought from any blacksmith.

Part of the fun is not knowing what the traits are and instead experimenting with different approaches to figure out good strategies. All the traits have corresponding loading screens that will give you tips too. But, if you [i]really[/i] want to know exactly how each trait works and which enemies they apply to, open the spoiler below:

Creature traits:

[spoiler]Note: remember each creature can have multiple traits, to see the total effect for each enemy type scroll to the creatures section below.
Note 2: the bonus effects are unlocked by finding books and are stacked on top of the regular effects

Furred creatures like wolves, bears and mammoths, are insulated against heat as well as the cold.
Resistant to frost (-50%).
Bonus effects:
Weak to fire (+25%).
Creatures: troll, Armored troll, frost troll, Armored frost troll, bear, cave bear, snow bear, goat, cow, dog, Husky, Armored husky, rabbit, fox, mammoth, sabre cat, horse, snowy sabre cat, vale sabre cat, skeever, deer, Vale deer, Werewolf, Werebear, Frostgiant, wolf, 

Fat insulates creatures like the horker against fire and frost, it also dissipates blunt impacts.
Resistant to fire (-50%).
Resistant to frost (-50%).
Resistant to axe (x0.75).
Resistant to blunt (x0.5).
Bonus effects:
Weak to arrows (x2.0).
Creatures: frost troll, Armored frost troll, snow bear, horker, mammoth, snowy sabre cat, Frostgiant, 

Being big gives creatures thermal inertia, providing weak protection against fire and frost. It also reduces damage taken from blunt weapons, axes and arrows.
Resistant to fire (-25%).
Resistant to frost (-25%).
Resistant to axe (x0.75).
Resistant to blunt (x0.5).
Resistant to arrows (x0.75).
Bonus effects:
Weak to blade (x1.25).
Creatures: dwarven centurion, Forgemaster, chaurus reaper, gargoyle, frost atronach, ash guardian, bear, cave bear, snow bear, cow, giant, mammoth, sabre cat, snowy sabre cat, vale sabre cat, Hulking draugr, vampire beast, Lurker, Netch, Werewolf, Werebear, Frostgiant, 

Small creatures like chickens and skeevers are vulnerable to extreme temperatures, making them weak to fire and frost. Arrows are particularly effective against the the delicate frames of small creatures.
Weak to fire (+25%).
Weak to frost (+25%).
Weak to arrows (x1.5).
Bonus effects:
Weak to blunt (x1.5).
Creatures: dwarven spider, Chaurus hunter fledgling, ice wraith, magic anomaly, chicken, goat, rabbit, fox, skeever, slaughterfish, Riekling, 

Armor protects against physical damage, particularly arrows. Axes are the best weapon to defeat an armored foe.
Resistant to blade (x0.5).
Resistant to blunt (x0.75).
Resistant to arrows (x0.25).
Bonus effects:
Weak to blunt (x1.25).
Creatures: chaurus, chaurus reaper, Chaurus hunter, Chaurus hunter fledgling, Ash hopper, Armored troll, Armored frost troll, Armored husky, spider, mud crab, keeper, Wrathman, FrozenChaurus, 

Dwarven Machine:
Frost interferes with the steam engines that power Dwemer Automata, but fire supercharges them while they are immune to shock.
The sturdy metal frame of Dwarven machines deflects arrows and bladed weapons, but it can be bent out of shape by blunt blows.
Resistant to fire (-50%).
Weak to frost (+25%).
Immune to shock (-1000%).
Resistant to blade (x0.25).
Resistant to axe (x0.5).
Resistant to arrows (x0.25).
Immune to poison (-1000%).
Immune to disease (-1000%).
Bonus effects:
Weak to frost (+50%).
Weak to blunt (x1.5).
Creatures: dwarven sphere, dwarven centurion, Forgemaster, dwarven spider, 

The undead are immune to disease and poison, and without a functioning nervous system they are resistant to shock too.
Blunt weapons and arrows do little damage to undead creatures like Draugr, they must be hacked apart ideally with an axe.
Resistant to shock (-50%).
Resistant to blade (x0.75).
Weak to axe (x1.25).
Resistant to blunt (x0.25).
Resistant to arrows (x0.25).
Immune to poison (-1000%).
Immune to disease (-1000%).
Bonus effects:
Weak to blade (x1.25).
Weak to axe (x1.25).
Creatures: draugr, Hulking draugr, death hound, dragon priest, vampire, vampire beast, 

Venomous creatures like the Chaurus are immune to poison.
Immune to poison (-1000%).
Bonus effects:
Weak to poison (+1000%).
Creatures: chaurus, chaurus reaper, Chaurus hunter, Chaurus hunter fledgling, spider, Lurker, FrozenChaurus, falmer, 

ice elemental:
Creatures with a magical affinity for ice are immune to frost, but weak to fire.
Weak to fire (+25%).
Immune to frost (-1000%).
Bonus effects:
Weak to fire (+50%).
Creatures: ice wraith, magic anomaly, frost atronach, frost troll, Armored frost troll, death hound, wispmother, FrozenChaurus, Frostgiant, 

fire elemental:
Creatures with a magical affinity for fire are immune to fire based magic, but weak to frost.
Immune to fire (-1000%).
Weak to frost (+25%).
Bonus effects:
Weak to frost (+50%).
Creatures: Forgemaster, flame atronach, Burnt spriggan, 

shock elemental:
Creatures with a magical affinity for electricity are resistant to shock damage.
Immune to shock (-1000%).
Bonus effects:
Weak to shock (+1000%).
Creatures: storm atronach, Netch, 

Living plants, like the Spriggan, fear the woodsman's axe above all else. They are also weak to fire and disease, but their wooden bodies can easily withstand blunt blows.
Weak to fire (+50%).
Resistant to shock (-50%).
Weak to axe (x1.5).
Resistant to blunt (x0.5).
Weak to disease (+50%).
Bonus effects:
Weak to frost (+50%).
Creatures: spriggan, Burnt spriggan, 

The vile inhabitants of Skyrim's dankest depths are resistant to disease.
Resistant to disease (-50%).
Bonus effects:
Weak to frost (+25%).
Creatures: chaurus, chaurus reaper, Chaurus hunter, Chaurus hunter fledgling, Ash hopper, gargoyle, spider, skeever, hagraven, draugr, Hulking draugr, death hound, dragon priest, Lurker, Werebear, FrozenChaurus, falmer, 

Animated skeletons are hard to hit with arrows, and without flesh they are resistant to bladed weapons, fire and shock too.
Resistant to fire (-75%).
Resistant to shock (-75%).
Resistant to blade (x0.5).
Resistant to axe (x0.75).
Resistant to arrows (x0.1).
Immune to poison (-1000%).
Immune to disease (-1000%).
Bonus effects:
Weak to shock (+75%).
Weak to blunt (x1.25).
Creatures: skeleton, boneman, keeper, Wrathman, Mistman, 

troll kin:
Troll blood brings with it a crippling weakness to fire.
Weak to fire (+50%).
Bonus effects:
Weak to fire (+50%).
Creatures: troll, Armored troll, frost troll, Armored frost troll, 

weak willed:
Subservient creatures like the undead and animated minions are weak to all kinds of magic.By domesticating them, humans tamed the wild spirits of animals, rendering them docile and weak to magic.
Bonus effects:
Weak to fire (+25%).
Weak to frost (+25%).
Weak to shock (+25%).
Creatures: Ash spawn, flame atronach, frost atronach, storm atronach, ash guardian, chicken, goat, cow, dog, mammoth, skeleton, draugr, Hulking draugr, death hound, Netch, 

strong willed:
The commanding power of certain magical creatures makes them resist all kinds of magic.
Resistant to fire (-25%).
Resistant to frost (-25%).
Resistant to shock (-50%).
Bonus effects:
Weak to blunt (x1.5).
Creatures: ice wraith, spriggan, Burnt spriggan, hagraven, dragon priest, wispmother, vampire, vampire beast, Seeker, Riekling, Dremora, 

cave dwelling:
Creatures than dwell in underground caves like the cold, being resistant to frost, but weak to fireLiving underground makes creatures vulnerable to diseases found on the surface, but feeding on mushrooms often found in caves gives poison resistance.
Resistant to poison (-50%).
Weak to disease (+50%).
Bonus effects:
Weak to fire (+25%).
Creatures: chaurus, chaurus reaper, Chaurus hunter, Chaurus hunter fledgling, gargoyle, draugr, Hulking draugr, vampire, vampire beast, Seeker, Riekling, FrozenChaurus, falmer, 

The powerful hearts of ferocious beasts makes them fearsome predators, but weak to poisons.
Weak to poison (+100%).
Bonus effects:
Weak to blade (x1.25).
Creatures: gargoyle, troll, Armored troll, frost troll, Armored frost troll, bear, cave bear, snow bear, sabre cat, snowy sabre cat, vale sabre cat, Werewolf, Werebear, falmer, wolf, 

Aquatic creatures are resistant to fire, weak to frost, and devastated by shock.
Resistant to fire (-50%).
Weak to shock (+100%).
Bonus effects:
Weak to frost (+50%).
Creatures: mud crab, slaughterfish, Lurker, 

Brittle creatures will shatter when struck with blunt weapons, though arrows are also effective.
Weak to blunt (x1.5).
Weak to arrows (x1.25).
Bonus effects:
Weak to axe (x1.5).
Creatures: chaurus, chaurus reaper, Chaurus hunter, Chaurus hunter fledgling, Ash hopper, ice wraith, magic anomaly, frost atronach, spider, mud crab, skeleton, boneman, Wrathman, Mistman, FrozenChaurus, 

Some creatures are not of this plane and are immune to all worldly poisons and disease.
Immune to poison (-1000%).
Immune to disease (-1000%).
Bonus effects:
Weak to shock (+50%).
Creatures: Ash spawn, ice wraith, magic anomaly, flame atronach, frost atronach, storm atronach, ash guardian, wispmother, Seeker, Dremora, 

Creatures made from living rock are highly resistant to physical damage.
Resistant to fire (-50%).
Resistant to shock (-50%).
Resistant to blade (x0.25).
Resistant to axe (x0.5).
Resistant to blunt (x0.75).
Resistant to arrows (x0.25).
Bonus effects:
Weak to frost (+50%).
Creatures: Ash spawn, storm atronach, ash guardian, 

Ghosts are immune to all physical attacks, except silver, daedric, dragonbone, stahlrim, dawnguard, bound and ghostly weapons. They are still affected by magic and weapon enchantments.
Immune to physical.
Note that this only applies to the player. NPCs deal half damage to ghosts. This is to get around issues where quests trap you and a bunch of NPCs in a room full of ghosts, and also to stop the player abusing ghostly summons.[/spoiler]

Armor traits:

[spoiler]Note that only the main armor piece effects resistances and weaknesses - gloves, boots and helmets don't matter.

Resistant to frost (x0.5).
Weak to fire (x1.25)
Armors: Fur with bare torso, Fur with covered torso, Forsworn, Scaled, Stalhrim, Banded Iron, Steel, SaviorsHide, StormcloakOfficer, Wolf, 

Weak to blade (x1.25).
Resistant to blunt (x0.8).
Weak to arrows (x1.25).
Armors: Hide, Studded, Leather, Nightingale, Scaled, Nordic carved, Dawnguard, Shrouded, Imperial light, StormcloakOfficer, Guard, Stormcloak, 

Weak to axe (x1.25).
Weak to blunt (x1.5).
Armors: Elven, Chitin, Glass, Ebony, Dragonplate, Falmer, 

Resistant to fire (x0.8).
Resistant to frost (x0.8).
Resistant to shock (x0.5).
Armors: Elven, Glass, Stalhrim, Dragonscale, Bonemold, Ebony, Ebony mail, Dragonplate, 

Resistant to blade (x0.5).
Resistant to arrows (x0.5).
Armors: Chitin, Glass, Stalhrim, Dragonscale, Iron, Banded Iron, Steel, Bonemold, Dragonplate, Daedric, Falmer, Ancient Nord, 

Weak to fire (x1.25).
Weak to frost (x1.25).
Weak to shock (x1.5).
Resistant to blade (x0.5).
Resistant to arrows (x0.5).
Armors: Iron, Banded Iron, Steel, Dwarven, Steel plate, Orcish, Nordic carved, Daedric, Blades, Ancient Nord, Penitus Oculatus, Imperial, SaviorsHide, Wolf, 

Resistant to blade (x0.75).
Weak to blunt (x1.25).
Armors: Studded, Nightingale, Elven, Scaled, Dragonscale, Bonemold, Orcish, Ebony mail, Dawnguard, Blades, Penitus Oculatus, Imperial, Imperial light, Wolf, 

Resistant to axe (x0.75).
Resistant to blunt (x0.5).
Armors: Dwarven, Steel plate, Ebony, Dragonplate, Daedric, [/spoiler]

Again, I suggest you play the mod and try to figure out enemies for yourself, but for a bit more info I've added a pdf as an optional download that discusses the distribution of resistances and weakness across creatures in considerable detail. If you really want to know exactly how different enemies are affected open the spoiler below.

[spoiler]dwarven sphere:
Traits: Dwarven Machine, 
The Dwarven sphere is not alive, it is powered by a steam engine housed within its armored frame.
Immunities: shock, disease, poison, 
Resistances: fire (-50%), blade (x0.25), axe (x0.5), arrows (x0.25), 
Weaknesses: frost (+25%), 
Bestiary effects: frost (+25% -> +75%), blunt (x1 -> x1.5), 
Bestiary immunities: shock, disease, poison, 
Bestiary weaknesses: frost (+75%), blunt (x1.5), 
Bestiary resistances: fire (-50%), blade (x0.25), axe (x0.5), arrows (x0.25), 

dwarven centurion:
Traits: big, Dwarven Machine, 
The Dwarven centurion is not alive, it is powered by a steam engine housed within its enormous armored frame.
Immunities: shock, disease, poison, 
Resistances: fire (-75%), blade (x0.25), axe (x0.375), blunt (x0.5), arrows (x0.1875), 
Weaknesses: None
Bestiary effects: frost (+0% -> +50%), blade (x0.25 -> x0.3125), blunt (x0.5 -> x0.75), 
Bestiary immunities: shock, disease, poison, 
Bestiary weaknesses: frost (+50%), 
Bestiary resistances: fire (-75%), blade (x0.3125), axe (x0.375), blunt (x0.75), arrows (x0.1875), 

Traits: big, Dwarven Machine, fire elemental, 
The forgemaster.
Immunities: fire, shock, disease, poison, 
Resistances: blade (x0.25), axe (x0.375), blunt (x0.5), arrows (x0.1875), 
Weaknesses: frost (+25%), 
Bestiary effects: frost (+25% -> +125%), blade (x0.25 -> x0.3125), blunt (x0.5 -> x0.75), 
Bestiary immunities: fire, shock, disease, poison, 
Bestiary weaknesses: frost (+125%), 
Bestiary resistances: blade (x0.3125), axe (x0.375), blunt (x0.75), arrows (x0.1875), 

dwarven spider:
Traits: small, Dwarven Machine, 
The diminutive Dwarven spider is not alive, it is powered by a steam engine housed within its delicate metal frame.
Immunities: shock, disease, poison, 
Resistances: fire (-25%), blade (x0.25), axe (x0.5), arrows (x0.375), 
Weaknesses: frost (+50%), 
Bestiary effects: frost (+50% -> +100%), blunt (x1 -> x2.25), 
Bestiary immunities: shock, disease, poison, 
Bestiary weaknesses: frost (+100%), blunt (x2.25), 
Bestiary resistances: fire (-25%), blade (x0.25), axe (x0.5), arrows (x0.375), 

Traits: armored, venomous, vile, cave dwelling, brittle, 
The venomous chaurus lives in underground caves, its strong exoskeleton is a natural armor.
Immunities: poison, 
Resistances: blade (x0.5), arrows (x0.3125), 
Weaknesses: blunt (x1.125), 
Bestiary effects: fire (+0% -> +25%), frost (+0% -> +25%), axe (x1 -> x1.5), blunt (x1.125 -> x1.40625), poison (-1050% -> -50%), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+25%), frost (+25%), axe (x1.5), blunt (x1.40625), 
Bestiary resistances: blade (x0.5), arrows (x0.3125), poison (-50%), 

chaurus reaper:
Traits: armored, venomous, vile, cave dwelling, big, brittle, 
The chaurus reaper is even larger and more dangerous that its smaller brethren.
Immunities: poison, 
Resistances: fire (-25%), frost (-25%), blade (x0.5), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5625), arrows (x0.234375), 
Weaknesses: None
Bestiary effects: fire (-25% -> +0%), frost (-25% -> +0%), blade (x0.5 -> x0.625), axe (x0.75 -> x1.125), blunt (x0.5625 -> x0.703125), poison (-1050% -> -50%), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: axe (x1.125), 
Bestiary resistances: blade (x0.625), blunt (x0.703125), arrows (x0.234375), poison (-50%), 

Chaurus hunter:
Traits: venomous, vile, cave dwelling, armored, brittle, 
The chaurus hunter has sacrificed some of its bulk for increased mobility.
Immunities: poison, 
Resistances: blade (x0.5), arrows (x0.3125), 
Weaknesses: blunt (x1.125), 
Bestiary effects: fire (+0% -> +25%), frost (+0% -> +25%), axe (x1 -> x1.5), blunt (x1.125 -> x1.40625), poison (-1050% -> -50%), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+25%), frost (+25%), axe (x1.5), blunt (x1.40625), 
Bestiary resistances: blade (x0.5), arrows (x0.3125), poison (-50%), 

Chaurus hunter fledgling:
Traits: venomous, vile, cave dwelling, armored, small, brittle, 
The fledgling chaurus hunter is yet to reach full size.
Immunities: poison, 
Resistances: blade (x0.5), arrows (x0.46875), 
Weaknesses: fire (+25%), frost (+25%), blunt (x1.125), 
Bestiary effects: fire (+25% -> +50%), frost (+25% -> +50%), axe (x1 -> x1.5), blunt (x1.125 -> x2.109375), poison (-1050% -> -50%), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+50%), frost (+50%), axe (x1.5), blunt (x2.109375), 
Bestiary resistances: blade (x0.5), arrows (x0.46875), poison (-50%), 

Ash hopper:
Traits: armored, vile, brittle, 
an ash hopper.
Immunities: None
Resistances: blade (x0.5), arrows (x0.3125), disease (-50%), 
Weaknesses: blunt (x1.125), 
Bestiary effects: frost (+0% -> +25%), axe (x1 -> x1.5), blunt (x1.125 -> x1.40625), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: frost (+25%), axe (x1.5), blunt (x1.40625), 
Bestiary resistances: blade (x0.5), arrows (x0.3125), disease (-50%), 

Ash spawn:
Traits: rocky, supernatural, weak willed, 
an ash spawn.
Immunities: disease, poison, 
Resistances: fire (-50%), shock (-50%), blade (x0.25), axe (x0.5), blunt (x0.75), arrows (x0.25), 
Weaknesses: None
Bestiary effects: fire (-50% -> -25%), frost (+0% -> +75%), shock (-50% -> +25%), 
Bestiary immunities: disease, poison, 
Bestiary weaknesses: frost (+75%), shock (+25%), 
Bestiary resistances: fire (-25%), blade (x0.25), axe (x0.5), blunt (x0.75), arrows (x0.25), 

Traits: big, vile, cave dwelling, vascular, 
The ferocious gargoyle disguises itself as a statue in underground ruins waiting for unsuspecting adventurers.
Immunities: None
Resistances: fire (-25%), frost (-25%), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), arrows (x0.75), 
Weaknesses: poison (+50%), 
Bestiary effects: fire (-25% -> +0%), frost (-25% -> +0%), blade (x1 -> x1.5625), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: blade (x1.5625), poison (+50%), 
Bestiary resistances: axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), arrows (x0.75), 

ice wraith:
Traits: small, ice elemental, strong willed, brittle, supernatural, 
A being of pure frost, the ice wraith is physically frail, but magically potent.
Immunities: frost, disease, poison, 
Resistances: shock (-50%), 
Weaknesses: fire (+25%), blunt (x1.5), arrows (x1.875), 
Bestiary effects: fire (+25% -> +75%), shock (-50% -> +0%), axe (x1 -> x1.5), blunt (x1.5 -> x3.375), 
Bestiary immunities: frost, disease, poison, 
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+75%), axe (x1.5), blunt (x3.375), arrows (x1.875), 
Bestiary resistances: None

magic anomaly:
Traits: small, ice elemental, brittle, supernatural, 
Peculiar magical entities brought forth by accident, these creatures are nonetheless vulnerable to blunt blows.
Immunities: frost, disease, poison, 
Resistances: None
Weaknesses: fire (+50%), blunt (x1.5), arrows (x1.875), 
Bestiary effects: fire (+50% -> +100%), shock (+0% -> +50%), axe (x1 -> x1.5), blunt (x1.5 -> x2.25), 
Bestiary immunities: frost, disease, poison, 
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+100%), shock (+50%), axe (x1.5), blunt (x2.25), arrows (x1.875), 
Bestiary resistances: None

flame atronach:
Traits: fire elemental, weak willed, supernatural, 
A magical servant of pure fire, flame atronachs will ceaselessly serve their masters while in this realm.
Immunities: fire, disease, poison, 
Resistances: None
Weaknesses: frost (+25%), 
Bestiary effects: fire (-1000% -> -975%), frost (+25% -> +100%), shock (+0% -> +75%), 
Bestiary immunities: fire, disease, poison, 
Bestiary weaknesses: frost (+100%), shock (+75%), 
Bestiary resistances: None

frost atronach:
Traits: ice elemental, weak willed, big, brittle, supernatural, 
A magical servant of pure ice, frost atronachs will ceaselessly serve their masters while in this realm.
Immunities: frost, disease, poison, 
Resistances: axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.75), arrows (x0.9375), 
Weaknesses: None
Bestiary effects: fire (+0% -> +75%), frost (-1025% -> -1000%), shock (+0% -> +75%), blade (x1 -> x1.25), axe (x0.75 -> x1.125), 
Bestiary immunities: frost, disease, poison, 
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+75%), shock (+75%), blade (x1.25), axe (x1.125), 
Bestiary resistances: blunt (x0.75), arrows (x0.9375), 

storm atronach:
Traits: shock elemental, weak willed, supernatural, rocky, 
A magical servant of pure electricity, storm atronachs will ceaselessly serve their masters while in this realm.
Immunities: shock, disease, poison, 
Resistances: fire (-50%), blade (x0.25), axe (x0.5), blunt (x0.75), arrows (x0.25), 
Weaknesses: None
Bestiary effects: fire (-50% -> -25%), frost (+0% -> +75%), shock (-1050% -> +25%), 
Bestiary immunities: disease, poison, 
Bestiary weaknesses: frost (+75%), shock (+25%), 
Bestiary resistances: fire (-25%), blade (x0.25), axe (x0.5), blunt (x0.75), arrows (x0.25), 

ash guardian:
Traits: weak willed, big, supernatural, rocky, 
An ash guardian.
Immunities: disease, poison, 
Resistances: fire (-75%), frost (-25%), shock (-50%), blade (x0.25), axe (x0.375), blunt (x0.375), arrows (x0.1875), 
Weaknesses: None
Bestiary effects: fire (-75% -> -50%), frost (-25% -> +50%), shock (-50% -> +25%), blade (x0.25 -> x0.3125), 
Bestiary immunities: disease, poison, 
Bestiary weaknesses: frost (+50%), shock (+25%), 
Bestiary resistances: fire (-50%), blade (x0.3125), axe (x0.375), blunt (x0.375), arrows (x0.1875), 

Traits: plant, strong willed, 
Spriggan's are guardians and commanders of the forest, they will guard their land from any intruders.
Immunities: None
Resistances: frost (-25%), shock (-100%), blunt (x0.5), 
Weaknesses: fire (+25%), axe (x1.5), disease (+50%), 
Bestiary effects: frost (-25% -> +25%), blunt (x0.5 -> x0.75), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+25%), frost (+25%), axe (x1.5), disease (+50%), 
Bestiary resistances: shock (-100%), blunt (x0.75), 

Burnt spriggan:
Traits: plant, strong willed, fire elemental, 
A burnt spriggan.
Immunities: fire, 
Resistances: shock (-100%), blunt (x0.5), 
Weaknesses: axe (x1.5), disease (+50%), 
Bestiary effects: frost (+0% -> +100%), blunt (x0.5 -> x0.75), 
Bestiary immunities: fire, 
Bestiary weaknesses: frost (+100%), axe (x1.5), disease (+50%), 
Bestiary resistances: shock (-100%), blunt (x0.75), 

Traits: troll kin, furred, vascular, 
Trolls are physically imposing, but their troll blood gives them a weakness to fire.
Immunities: None
Resistances: frost (-50%), 
Weaknesses: fire (+50%), poison (+100%), 
Bestiary effects: fire (+50% -> +125%), blade (x1 -> x1.25), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+125%), blade (x1.25), poison (+100%), 
Bestiary resistances: frost (-50%), 

Armored troll:
Traits: troll kin, furred, vascular, armored, 
An armored troll.
Immunities: None
Resistances: frost (-50%), blade (x0.5), blunt (x0.75), arrows (x0.25), 
Weaknesses: fire (+50%), poison (+100%), 
Bestiary effects: fire (+50% -> +125%), blade (x0.5 -> x0.625), blunt (x0.75 -> x0.9375), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+125%), poison (+100%), 
Bestiary resistances: frost (-50%), blade (x0.625), blunt (x0.9375), arrows (x0.25), 

frost troll:
Traits: troll kin, furred, fat, vascular, ice elemental, 
More powerful than their regular kin, frost trolls have a magical affinity for the cold, compounding their weakness to fire.
Immunities: frost, 
Resistances: axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), 
Weaknesses: fire (+25%), poison (+100%), 
Bestiary effects: fire (+25% -> +150%), blade (x1 -> x1.25), arrows (x1 -> x2.0), 
Bestiary immunities: frost, 
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+150%), blade (x1.25), arrows (x2.0), poison (+100%), 
Bestiary resistances: axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), 

Armored frost troll:
Traits: troll kin, furred, fat, vascular, ice elemental, armored, 
An armored frost troll.
Immunities: frost, 
Resistances: blade (x0.5), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.375), arrows (x0.25), 
Weaknesses: fire (+25%), poison (+100%), 
Bestiary effects: fire (+25% -> +150%), blade (x0.5 -> x0.625), blunt (x0.375 -> x0.46875), arrows (x0.25 -> x0.5), 
Bestiary immunities: frost, 
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+150%), poison (+100%), 
Bestiary resistances: blade (x0.625), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.46875), arrows (x0.5), 

Traits: big, furred, vascular, 
Bears are large and ferocious predators that live across Skyrim's wilderness.
Immunities: None
Resistances: fire (-25%), frost (-75%), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), arrows (x0.75), 
Weaknesses: poison (+100%), 
Bestiary effects: fire (-25% -> +0%), blade (x1 -> x1.5625), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: blade (x1.5625), poison (+100%), 
Bestiary resistances: frost (-75%), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), arrows (x0.75), 

cave bear:
Traits: big, furred, vascular, 
Cave bears are large and ferocious predators that are found in Skyrim's many caves and mountain ranges.
Immunities: None
Resistances: fire (-25%), frost (-75%), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), arrows (x0.75), 
Weaknesses: poison (+100%), 
Bestiary effects: fire (-25% -> +0%), blade (x1 -> x1.5625), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: blade (x1.5625), poison (+100%), 
Bestiary resistances: frost (-75%), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), arrows (x0.75), 

snow bear:
Traits: big, furred, fat, vascular, 
The snow bear's thick coat and insulating fat render it virtually immune to the cold.
Immunities: frost, 
Resistances: fire (-75%), axe (x0.5625), blunt (x0.25), arrows (x0.75), 
Weaknesses: poison (+100%), 
Bestiary effects: fire (-75% -> -50%), blade (x1 -> x1.5625), arrows (x0.75 -> x1.5), 
Bestiary immunities: frost, 
Bestiary weaknesses: blade (x1.5625), arrows (x1.5), poison (+100%), 
Bestiary resistances: fire (-50%), axe (x0.5625), blunt (x0.25), 

Traits: small, weak willed, 
Small and brainless, the chicken is one of the least threatening creatures you will encounter in Skyrim.
Immunities: None
Resistances: None
Weaknesses: fire (+25%), frost (+25%), arrows (x1.5), 
Bestiary effects: fire (+25% -> +50%), frost (+25% -> +50%), shock (+0% -> +25%), blunt (x1 -> x1.5), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+50%), frost (+50%), shock (+25%), blunt (x1.5), arrows (x1.5), 
Bestiary resistances: None

Traits: furred, weak willed, small, 
Small groups of semi-domesticated shaggy goats are found across Skyrim, both in farms and in the wilds.
Immunities: None
Resistances: frost (-25%), 
Weaknesses: fire (+25%), arrows (x1.5), 
Bestiary effects: fire (+25% -> +75%), frost (-25% -> +0%), shock (+0% -> +25%), blunt (x1 -> x1.5), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+75%), shock (+25%), blunt (x1.5), arrows (x1.5), 
Bestiary resistances: None

Traits: furred, big, weak willed, 
The cows thick fur keeps in warm as it grazes in Skyrim's open areas.
Immunities: None
Resistances: fire (-25%), frost (-75%), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), arrows (x0.75), 
Weaknesses: None
Bestiary effects: fire (-25% -> +25%), frost (-75% -> -50%), shock (+0% -> +25%), blade (x1 -> x1.25), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+25%), shock (+25%), blade (x1.25), 
Bestiary resistances: frost (-50%), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), arrows (x0.75), 

Traits: furred, weak willed, 
Domesticated dogs are common in Skyrim, while friendly enough they lack the vital instincts of their wild cousins.
Immunities: None
Resistances: frost (-50%), 
Weaknesses: None
Bestiary effects: fire (+0% -> +50%), frost (-50% -> -25%), shock (+0% -> +25%), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+50%), shock (+25%), 
Bestiary resistances: frost (-25%), 

Traits: furred, 
Wilder than your average dog.
Immunities: None
Resistances: frost (-50%), 
Weaknesses: None
Bestiary effects: fire (+0% -> +25%), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+25%), 
Bestiary resistances: frost (-50%), 

Armored husky:
Traits: furred, armored, 
Bran and Sceolang.
Immunities: None
Resistances: frost (-50%), blade (x0.5), blunt (x0.75), arrows (x0.25), 
Weaknesses: None
Bestiary effects: fire (+0% -> +25%), blunt (x0.75 -> x0.9375), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+25%), 
Bestiary resistances: frost (-50%), blade (x0.5), blunt (x0.9375), arrows (x0.25), 

Traits: furred, small, 
Wild rabbits are common in Skyrim, although they are rarely seen as they avoid larger animals.
Immunities: None
Resistances: frost (-25%), 
Weaknesses: fire (+25%), arrows (x1.5), 
Bestiary effects: fire (+25% -> +50%), blunt (x1 -> x1.5), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+50%), blunt (x1.5), arrows (x1.5), 
Bestiary resistances: frost (-25%), 

Traits: small, furred, 
Foxes are common throughout Skyrim, their fur protects against the cold, but they run from larger creatures.
Immunities: None
Resistances: frost (-25%), 
Weaknesses: fire (+25%), arrows (x1.5), 
Bestiary effects: fire (+25% -> +50%), blunt (x1 -> x1.5), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+50%), blunt (x1.5), arrows (x1.5), 
Bestiary resistances: frost (-25%), 

Traits: armored, venomous, vile, brittle, 
Spiders are a common threat, the exoskeleton is a natural armor and their venomous bite packs a punch.
Immunities: poison, 
Resistances: blade (x0.5), arrows (x0.3125), disease (-50%), 
Weaknesses: blunt (x1.125), 
Bestiary effects: frost (+0% -> +25%), axe (x1 -> x1.5), blunt (x1.125 -> x1.40625), poison (-1000% -> +0%), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: frost (+25%), axe (x1.5), blunt (x1.40625), 
Bestiary resistances: blade (x0.5), arrows (x0.3125), disease (-50%), 

Traits: fat, 
The thick layer of blubber under the skin of the Horker keeps them insulated and warm even along Skyrim's Northern edge.
Immunities: None
Resistances: fire (-50%), frost (-50%), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), 
Weaknesses: None
Bestiary effects: arrows (x1 -> x2.0), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: arrows (x2.0), 
Bestiary resistances: fire (-50%), frost (-50%), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), 

Traits: big, 
Groups of enormous giants lived scattered throughout Skyrim, while they usually ignore passers by, they will attack anything that threatens their mammoths.
Immunities: None
Resistances: fire (-25%), frost (-25%), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), arrows (x0.75), 
Weaknesses: None
Bestiary effects: blade (x1 -> x1.25), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: blade (x1.25), 
Bestiary resistances: fire (-25%), frost (-25%), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), arrows (x0.75), 

Traits: furred, fat, big, weak willed, 
Domesticated by giants, mammoths are huge, with a thick coat and an even thicker layer of fat beneath.
Immunities: frost, 
Resistances: fire (-75%), axe (x0.5625), blunt (x0.25), arrows (x0.75), 
Weaknesses: None
Bestiary effects: fire (-75% -> -25%), frost (-125% -> -100%), shock (+0% -> +25%), blade (x1 -> x1.25), arrows (x0.75 -> x1.5), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: shock (+25%), blade (x1.25), arrows (x1.5), 
Bestiary resistances: fire (-25%), frost (-100%), axe (x0.5625), blunt (x0.25), 

mud crab:
Traits: armored, aquatic, brittle, 
The semi-aquatic mudcrab is a common pest, although somewhat protected by an armored shell it is relatively defenseless.
Immunities: None
Resistances: fire (-50%), blade (x0.5), arrows (x0.3125), 
Weaknesses: shock (+100%), blunt (x1.125), 
Bestiary effects: frost (+0% -> +50%), axe (x1 -> x1.5), blunt (x1.125 -> x1.40625), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: frost (+50%), shock (+100%), axe (x1.5), blunt (x1.40625), 
Bestiary resistances: fire (-50%), blade (x0.5), arrows (x0.3125), 

sabre cat:
Traits: furred, big, vascular, 
The speed and sterngth of the ferocious sabre cat make it one of the most terrifying beasts in Skyrim.
Immunities: None
Resistances: fire (-25%), frost (-75%), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), arrows (x0.75), 
Weaknesses: poison (+100%), 
Bestiary effects: fire (-25% -> +0%), blade (x1 -> x1.5625), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: blade (x1.5625), poison (+100%), 
Bestiary resistances: frost (-75%), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), arrows (x0.75), 

Traits: furred, 
Skyrim's horses are sturdy and reliable, their thick fur coat protects them against the harsh climate.
Immunities: None
Resistances: frost (-50%), 
Weaknesses: None
Bestiary effects: fire (+0% -> +25%), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+25%), 
Bestiary resistances: frost (-50%), 

snowy sabre cat:
Traits: furred, big, vascular, fat, 
In the far North, sabre cats have evolved thick coats and insulating fat to survive the harshest Winters.
Immunities: frost, 
Resistances: fire (-75%), axe (x0.5625), blunt (x0.25), arrows (x0.75), 
Weaknesses: poison (+100%), 
Bestiary effects: fire (-75% -> -50%), blade (x1 -> x1.5625), arrows (x0.75 -> x1.5), 
Bestiary immunities: frost, 
Bestiary weaknesses: blade (x1.5625), arrows (x1.5), poison (+100%), 
Bestiary resistances: fire (-50%), axe (x0.5625), blunt (x0.25), 

vale sabre cat:
Traits: furred, big, vascular, 
A vale sabre cat
Immunities: None
Resistances: fire (-25%), frost (-75%), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), arrows (x0.75), 
Weaknesses: poison (+100%), 
Bestiary effects: fire (-25% -> +0%), blade (x1 -> x1.5625), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: blade (x1.5625), poison (+100%), 
Bestiary resistances: frost (-75%), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), arrows (x0.75), 

Traits: small, furred, vile, 
Skeevers are vile and filthy rodents that spread disease across Skyrim.
Immunities: None
Resistances: frost (-25%), disease (-50%), 
Weaknesses: fire (+25%), arrows (x1.5), 
Bestiary effects: fire (+25% -> +50%), frost (-25% -> +0%), blunt (x1 -> x1.5), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+50%), blunt (x1.5), arrows (x1.5), 
Bestiary resistances: disease (-50%), 

Traits: vile, strong willed, 
Hagravens are disgusting creatures, once witches they have traded in their humanity for magical power.
Immunities: None
Resistances: fire (-25%), frost (-25%), shock (-50%), disease (-50%), 
Weaknesses: None
Bestiary effects: frost (-25% -> +0%), blunt (x1 -> x1.5), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: blunt (x1.5), 
Bestiary resistances: fire (-25%), shock (-50%), disease (-50%), 

Traits: skeletal, weak willed, brittle, 
Skeleton minions are a favorite of necromancers, these hateful creatures will not rest while their masters live.
Immunities: disease, poison, 
Resistances: fire (-75%), shock (-75%), blade (x0.5), axe (x0.75), arrows (x0.125), 
Weaknesses: blunt (x1.5), 
Bestiary effects: fire (-75% -> -50%), frost (+0% -> +25%), shock (-75% -> +25%), axe (x0.75 -> x1.125), blunt (x1.5 -> x1.875), 
Bestiary immunities: disease, poison, 
Bestiary weaknesses: frost (+25%), shock (+25%), axe (x1.125), blunt (x1.875), 
Bestiary resistances: fire (-50%), blade (x0.5), arrows (x0.125), 

Traits: skeletal, brittle, 
A boneman.
Immunities: disease, poison, 
Resistances: fire (-75%), shock (-75%), blade (x0.5), axe (x0.75), arrows (x0.125), 
Weaknesses: blunt (x1.5), 
Bestiary effects: shock (-75% -> +0%), axe (x0.75 -> x1.125), blunt (x1.5 -> x1.875), 
Bestiary immunities: disease, poison, 
Bestiary weaknesses: axe (x1.125), blunt (x1.875), 
Bestiary resistances: fire (-75%), blade (x0.5), arrows (x0.125), 

Traits: skeletal, armored, 
A keeper.
Immunities: disease, poison, 
Resistances: fire (-75%), shock (-75%), blade (x0.25), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.75), arrows (x0.025), 
Weaknesses: None
Bestiary effects: shock (-75% -> +0%), blunt (x0.75 -> x1.171875), 
Bestiary immunities: disease, poison, 
Bestiary weaknesses: blunt (x1.171875), 
Bestiary resistances: fire (-75%), blade (x0.25), axe (x0.75), arrows (x0.025), 

Traits: skeletal, armored, brittle, 
A wrathman.
Immunities: disease, poison, 
Resistances: fire (-75%), shock (-75%), blade (x0.25), axe (x0.75), arrows (x0.03125), 
Weaknesses: blunt (x1.125), 
Bestiary effects: shock (-75% -> +0%), axe (x0.75 -> x1.125), blunt (x1.125 -> x1.7578125), 
Bestiary immunities: disease, poison, 
Bestiary weaknesses: axe (x1.125), blunt (x1.7578125), 
Bestiary resistances: fire (-75%), blade (x0.25), arrows (x0.03125), 

Traits: skeletal, brittle, 
A mistman.
Immunities: disease, poison, 
Resistances: fire (-75%), shock (-75%), blade (x0.5), axe (x0.75), arrows (x0.125), 
Weaknesses: blunt (x1.5), 
Bestiary effects: shock (-75% -> +0%), axe (x0.75 -> x1.125), blunt (x1.5 -> x1.875), 
Bestiary immunities: disease, poison, 
Bestiary weaknesses: axe (x1.125), blunt (x1.875), 
Bestiary resistances: fire (-75%), blade (x0.5), arrows (x0.125), 

Traits: Undead, vile, cave dwelling, weak willed, 
Animated corpses, Draugr mindlessly patrol their underground prisons attacking anything that enters from above.
Immunities: disease, poison, 
Resistances: shock (-50%), blade (x0.75), blunt (x0.25), arrows (x0.25), 
Weaknesses: axe (x1.25), 
Bestiary effects: fire (+0% -> +50%), frost (+0% -> +50%), shock (-50% -> -25%), blade (x0.75 -> x0.9375), axe (x1.25 -> x1.5625), 
Bestiary immunities: disease, poison, 
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+50%), frost (+50%), axe (x1.5625), 
Bestiary resistances: shock (-25%), blade (x0.9375), blunt (x0.25), arrows (x0.25), 

Hulking draugr:
Traits: Undead, vile, cave dwelling, weak willed, big, 
A hulking draugr.
Immunities: disease, poison, 
Resistances: fire (-25%), frost (-25%), shock (-50%), blade (x0.75), axe (x0.9375), blunt (x0.125), arrows (x0.1875), 
Weaknesses: None
Bestiary effects: fire (-25% -> +25%), frost (-25% -> +25%), shock (-50% -> -25%), blade (x0.75 -> x1.171875), axe (x0.9375 -> x1.171875), 
Bestiary immunities: disease, poison, 
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+25%), frost (+25%), blade (x1.171875), axe (x1.171875), 
Bestiary resistances: shock (-25%), blunt (x0.125), arrows (x0.1875), 

death hound:
Traits: Undead, vile, ice elemental, weak willed, 
Undead wolves with a magical affinity for ice, death hounds are subservient to their vampire masters.
Immunities: frost, disease, poison, 
Resistances: shock (-50%), blade (x0.75), blunt (x0.25), arrows (x0.25), 
Weaknesses: fire (+25%), axe (x1.25), 
Bestiary effects: fire (+25% -> +100%), frost (-1000% -> -950%), shock (-50% -> -25%), blade (x0.75 -> x0.9375), axe (x1.25 -> x1.5625), 
Bestiary immunities: frost, disease, poison, 
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+100%), axe (x1.5625), 
Bestiary resistances: shock (-25%), blade (x0.9375), blunt (x0.25), arrows (x0.25), 

dragon priest:
Traits: Undead, vile, strong willed, 
Even in death, the powers of the Dragon Priests cannot be contained and their appearance spells doom for any mortals they encounter.
Immunities: disease, poison, 
Resistances: fire (-25%), frost (-25%), shock (-100%), blade (x0.75), blunt (x0.25), arrows (x0.25), 
Weaknesses: axe (x1.25), 
Bestiary effects: frost (-25% -> +0%), blade (x0.75 -> x0.9375), axe (x1.25 -> x1.5625), blunt (x0.25 -> x0.375), 
Bestiary immunities: disease, poison, 
Bestiary weaknesses: axe (x1.5625), 
Bestiary resistances: fire (-25%), shock (-100%), blade (x0.9375), blunt (x0.375), arrows (x0.25), 

Traits: furred, 
Deer are a common sight in the wilderness of Skyrim where they keep a watchful eye for predators.
Immunities: None
Resistances: frost (-50%), 
Weaknesses: None
Bestiary effects: fire (+0% -> +25%), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+25%), 
Bestiary resistances: frost (-50%), 

Vale deer:
Traits: furred, 
A Vale deer.
Immunities: None
Resistances: frost (-50%), 
Weaknesses: None
Bestiary effects: fire (+0% -> +25%), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+25%), 
Bestiary resistances: frost (-50%), 

Traits: small, aquatic, 
The slaughterfish prowls Skyrim's rivers and lakes looking for prey, it will happily take on swimmers who stray too far from the shore.
Immunities: None
Resistances: fire (-25%), 
Weaknesses: frost (+25%), shock (+100%), arrows (x1.5), 
Bestiary effects: frost (+25% -> +75%), blunt (x1 -> x1.5), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: frost (+75%), shock (+100%), blunt (x1.5), arrows (x1.5), 
Bestiary resistances: fire (-25%), 

Traits: strong willed, supernatural, ice elemental, 
The wispmother is a fabled magical being found in mountainous areas, it uses glowing wisps to lure travellers away from the road.
Immunities: frost, disease, poison, 
Resistances: shock (-50%), 
Weaknesses: None
Bestiary effects: fire (+0% -> +50%), shock (-50% -> +0%), blunt (x1 -> x1.5), 
Bestiary immunities: frost, disease, poison, 
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+50%), blunt (x1.5), 
Bestiary resistances: None

Traits: strong willed, Undead, cave dwelling, 
A vampire.
Immunities: disease, poison, 
Resistances: fire (-25%), frost (-25%), shock (-100%), blade (x0.75), blunt (x0.25), arrows (x0.25), 
Weaknesses: axe (x1.25), 
Bestiary effects: fire (-25% -> +0%), blade (x0.75 -> x0.9375), axe (x1.25 -> x1.5625), blunt (x0.25 -> x0.375), 
Bestiary immunities: disease, poison, 
Bestiary weaknesses: axe (x1.5625), 
Bestiary resistances: frost (-25%), shock (-100%), blade (x0.9375), blunt (x0.375), arrows (x0.25), 

vampire beast:
Traits: strong willed, Undead, cave dwelling, big, 
A vampire beast.
Immunities: disease, poison, 
Resistances: fire (-50%), frost (-50%), shock (-100%), blade (x0.75), axe (x0.9375), blunt (x0.125), arrows (x0.1875), 
Weaknesses: None
Bestiary effects: fire (-50% -> -25%), blade (x0.75 -> x1.171875), axe (x0.9375 -> x1.171875), blunt (x0.125 -> x0.1875), 
Bestiary immunities: disease, poison, 
Bestiary weaknesses: blade (x1.171875), axe (x1.171875), 
Bestiary resistances: fire (-25%), frost (-50%), shock (-100%), blunt (x0.1875), arrows (x0.1875), 

Traits: aquatic, vile, venomous, big, 
a lurker
Immunities: poison, 
Resistances: fire (-75%), frost (-25%), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), arrows (x0.75), disease (-50%), 
Weaknesses: shock (+100%), 
Bestiary effects: frost (-25% -> +50%), blade (x1 -> x1.25), poison (-1000% -> +0%), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: frost (+50%), shock (+100%), blade (x1.25), 
Bestiary resistances: fire (-75%), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), arrows (x0.75), disease (-50%), 

Traits: strong willed, cave dwelling, supernatural, 
a Seeker
Immunities: disease, poison, 
Resistances: fire (-25%), frost (-25%), shock (-50%), 
Weaknesses: None
Bestiary effects: fire (-25% -> +0%), shock (-50% -> +0%), blunt (x1 -> x1.5), 
Bestiary immunities: disease, poison, 
Bestiary weaknesses: blunt (x1.5), 
Bestiary resistances: frost (-25%), 

Traits: cave dwelling, small, strong willed, 
a Riekling
Immunities: None
Resistances: shock (-50%), poison (-50%), 
Weaknesses: arrows (x1.5), disease (+50%), 
Bestiary effects: fire (+0% -> +25%), blunt (x1 -> x2.25), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+25%), blunt (x2.25), arrows (x1.5), disease (+50%), 
Bestiary resistances: shock (-50%), poison (-50%), 

Traits: shock elemental, weak willed, big, 
a Netch
Immunities: shock, 
Resistances: fire (-25%), frost (-25%), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), arrows (x0.75), 
Weaknesses: None
Bestiary effects: fire (-25% -> +0%), frost (-25% -> +0%), shock (-1000% -> +25%), blade (x1 -> x1.25), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: shock (+25%), blade (x1.25), 
Bestiary resistances: axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), arrows (x0.75), 

Traits: vascular, big, furred, 
a Werewolf
Immunities: None
Resistances: fire (-25%), frost (-75%), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), arrows (x0.75), 
Weaknesses: poison (+100%), 
Bestiary effects: fire (-25% -> +0%), blade (x1 -> x1.5625), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: blade (x1.5625), poison (+100%), 
Bestiary resistances: frost (-75%), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), arrows (x0.75), 

Traits: vascular, big, furred, vile, 
a Werebear
Immunities: None
Resistances: fire (-25%), frost (-75%), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), arrows (x0.75), disease (-50%), 
Weaknesses: poison (+100%), 
Bestiary effects: fire (-25% -> +0%), frost (-75% -> -50%), blade (x1 -> x1.5625), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: blade (x1.5625), poison (+100%), 
Bestiary resistances: frost (-50%), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), arrows (x0.75), disease (-50%), 

Traits: supernatural, strong willed, 
a Dremora
Immunities: disease, poison, 
Resistances: fire (-25%), frost (-25%), shock (-50%), 
Weaknesses: None
Bestiary effects: shock (-50% -> +0%), blunt (x1 -> x1.5), 
Bestiary immunities: disease, poison, 
Bestiary weaknesses: blunt (x1.5), 
Bestiary resistances: fire (-25%), frost (-25%), 

Traits: armored, venomous, vile, cave dwelling, ice elemental, brittle, 
The frozen chaurus has lain dormant, trapped within ice, waiting for its next victim.
Immunities: frost, poison, 
Resistances: blade (x0.5), arrows (x0.3125), 
Weaknesses: fire (+25%), blunt (x1.125), 
Bestiary effects: fire (+25% -> +100%), frost (-1000% -> -975%), axe (x1 -> x1.5), blunt (x1.125 -> x1.40625), poison (-1050% -> -50%), 
Bestiary immunities: frost, 
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+100%), axe (x1.5), blunt (x1.40625), 
Bestiary resistances: blade (x0.5), arrows (x0.3125), poison (-50%), 

Traits: vile, cave dwelling, vascular, venomous, 
The vile Falmer dwell in perpetual darkness far below the surface of Skyrim.
Immunities: poison, 
Resistances: None
Weaknesses: None
Bestiary effects: fire (+0% -> +25%), frost (+0% -> +25%), blade (x1 -> x1.25), poison (-950% -> +50%), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+25%), frost (+25%), blade (x1.25), poison (+50%), 
Bestiary resistances: None

Traits: big, fat, furred, ice elemental, 
A frost giant.
Immunities: frost, 
Resistances: fire (-50%), axe (x0.5625), blunt (x0.25), arrows (x0.75), 
Weaknesses: None
Bestiary effects: fire (-50% -> +25%), blade (x1 -> x1.25), arrows (x0.75 -> x1.5), 
Bestiary immunities: frost, 
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+25%), blade (x1.25), arrows (x1.5), 
Bestiary resistances: axe (x0.5625), blunt (x0.25), 

Traits: furred, vascular, 
Packs of wolves hunt across Skyrim's wilderness, while weak individually, their numbers make them a threat.
Immunities: None
Resistances: frost (-50%), 
Weaknesses: poison (+100%), 
Bestiary effects: fire (+0% -> +25%), blade (x1 -> x1.25), 
Bestiary immunities: None
Bestiary weaknesses: fire (+25%), blade (x1.25), poison (+100%), 
Bestiary resistances: frost (-50%), 

[size=2]Know Your Enemy take both worn armor and mage armor spells into account. For worn armor it uses the main armor piece to determine resistances and weakness, so you can wear whatever gloves, boots and helmet you want. The patcher will add the effects of the armor to its description (see installation section if you want to turn this off) and an in-game introduction to the armor system is provided by a book that can be bought from all blacksmiths. For a sneak peak open the spoiler below:[/size]

Worn armor:
Traits: Leathery, 
Resistances: blunt (x0.8), 
Weaknesses: blade (x1.25), arrows (x1.25), 

Traits: Warm, 
Resistances: frost (x0.5), 
Weaknesses: fire (x1.25), 

Traits: Layered, Leathery, 
Resistances: blade (x0.9375), 
Weaknesses: arrows (x1.25), 

Traits: Leathery, 
Resistances: blunt (x0.8), 
Weaknesses: blade (x1.25), arrows (x1.25), 

Traits: Leathery, Layered, 
Resistances: blade (x0.9375), 
Weaknesses: arrows (x1.25), 

Traits: Layered, Nonconductive, Brittle, 
Resistances: fire (x0.8), frost (x0.8), shock (x0.5), blade (x0.75), 
Weaknesses: axe (x1.25), blunt (x1.875), 

Traits: Thick, Brittle, 
Resistances: blade (x0.5), arrows (x0.5), 
Weaknesses: axe (x1.25), blunt (x1.5), 

Traits: Layered, Warm, Leathery, 
Resistances: frost (x0.5), blade (x0.9375), 
Weaknesses: fire (x1.25), arrows (x1.25), 

Traits: Thick, Nonconductive, Brittle, 
Resistances: fire (x0.8), frost (x0.8), shock (x0.5), blade (x0.5), arrows (x0.5), 
Weaknesses: axe (x1.25), blunt (x1.5), 

Traits: Thick, Nonconductive, Warm, 
Resistances: frost (x0.4), shock (x0.5), blade (x0.5), arrows (x0.5), 
Weaknesses: None

Traits: Thick, Nonconductive, Layered, 
Resistances: fire (x0.8), frost (x0.8), shock (x0.5), blade (x0.375), arrows (x0.5), 
Weaknesses: blunt (x1.25), 

Traits: Thick, Metal, 
Resistances: blade (x0.25), arrows (x0.25), 
Weaknesses: fire (x1.25), frost (x1.25), shock (x1.5), 

Banded Iron:
Traits: Thick, Metal, Warm, 
Resistances: frost (x0.625), blade (x0.25), arrows (x0.25), 
Weaknesses: fire (x1.5625), shock (x1.5), 

Traits: Thick, Metal, Warm, 
Resistances: frost (x0.625), blade (x0.25), arrows (x0.25), 
Weaknesses: fire (x1.5625), shock (x1.5), 

Traits: Thick, Nonconductive, Layered, 
Resistances: fire (x0.8), frost (x0.8), shock (x0.5), blade (x0.375), arrows (x0.5), 
Weaknesses: blunt (x1.25), 

Traits: Metal, Deep, 
Resistances: blade (x0.5), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), arrows (x0.5), 
Weaknesses: fire (x1.25), frost (x1.25), shock (x1.5), 

Steel plate:
Traits: Metal, Deep, 
Resistances: blade (x0.5), axe (x0.75), blunt (x0.5), arrows (x0.5), 
Weaknesses: fire (x1.25), frost (x1.25), shock (x1.5), 

Traits: Layered, Metal, 
Resistances: blade (x0.375), arrows (x0.5), 
Weaknesses: fire (x1.25), frost (x1.25), shock (x1.5), blunt (x1.25), 

Traits: Nonconductive, Deep, Brittle, 
Resistances: fire (x0.8), frost (x0.8), shock (x0.5), axe (x0.9375), blunt (x0.75), 
Weaknesses: None

Nordic carved:
Traits: Leathery, Metal, Layered, 
Resistances: blade (x0.46875), arrows (x0.625), 
Weaknesses: fire (x1.25), frost (x1.25), shock (x1.5), 

Traits: Thick, Nonconductive, Deep, Brittle, 
Resistances: fire (x0.8), frost (x0.8), shock (x0.5), blade (x0.5), axe (x0.9375), blunt (x0.75), arrows (x0.5), 
Weaknesses: None

Traits: Nonconductive, Thick, Brittle, 
Resistances: fire (x0.8), frost (x0.8), shock (x0.5), blade (x0.5), arrows (x0.5), 
Weaknesses: axe (x1.25), blunt (x1.5), 

Traits: Leathery, Layered, 
Resistances: blade (x0.9375), 
Weaknesses: arrows (x1.25), 

Traits: Thick, Brittle, 
Resistances: blade (x0.5), arrows (x0.5), 
Weaknesses: axe (x1.25), blunt (x1.5), 

Traits: Metal, Layered, 
Resistances: blade (x0.375), arrows (x0.5), 
Weaknesses: fire (x1.25), frost (x1.25), shock (x1.5), blunt (x1.25), 

Traits: Leathery, 
Resistances: blunt (x0.8), 
Weaknesses: blade (x1.25), arrows (x1.25), 

Ancient Nord:
Traits: Thick, Metal, 
Resistances: blade (x0.25), arrows (x0.25), 
Weaknesses: fire (x1.25), frost (x1.25), shock (x1.5), 

Penitus Oculatus:
Traits: Layered, Metal, 
Resistances: blade (x0.375), arrows (x0.5), 
Weaknesses: fire (x1.25), frost (x1.25), shock (x1.5), blunt (x1.25), 

Traits: Layered, Metal, 
Resistances: blade (x0.375), arrows (x0.5), 
Weaknesses: fire (x1.25), frost (x1.25), shock (x1.5), blunt (x1.25), 

Imperial light:
Traits: Layered, Leathery, 
Resistances: blade (x0.9375), 
Weaknesses: arrows (x1.25), 

Traits: Warm, Leathery, Layered, 
Resistances: frost (x0.5), blade (x0.9375), 
Weaknesses: fire (x1.25), arrows (x1.25), 

Traits: Leathery, 
Resistances: blunt (x0.8), 
Weaknesses: blade (x1.25), arrows (x1.25), 

Traits: Leathery, 
Resistances: blunt (x0.8), 
Weaknesses: blade (x1.25), arrows (x1.25), 

Traits: Leathery, 
Resistances: blunt (x0.8), 
Weaknesses: blade (x1.25), arrows (x1.25), [/spoiler]

Mage armor:
Oakflesh mimics the plant trait from the creatures module, its resistances/weaknesses are a mixed bag.
Resistances: shock x0.5, blunt x0.5
Weaknesses: fire x1.5, axe x1.5

Stoneflesh mimics a combination of the armored and brittle creature traits, its physically great.
Resistances: blade x0.5, arrows x0.5

Ironflesh mimics the metal and thick armor traits. It's a beefed up version of stoneflesh, but is weak to magic.
Resistances: blade x0.5, arrows x0.5
Weaknesses: fire x1.25, frost x1.25, shock x1.5.

Ebonyflesh mimics the nonconductive armor trait, it has not physical effects, but is great against magic.
Resistances: fire x0.75, frost x0.75, shock x0.5[/spoiler]

[/color][/b]This mod installs via zEdit patchers which allows unprecedented compatibility. If you don't feel like installing this way you should download v6.2.1 from the old versions in the files section, however the patchers are strongly recommended (see the FAQ). Here's how to do it:

[b]1. Install the mod[/b]
- Download and install the mod into your data directory. Make sure know_your_enemy.esp is active.

[b]2. Install zEdit[/b]
- Download, and install [url=https://github.com/z-edit/zedit/releases]zEdit[/url].

[b]3. Add the patchers to zEdit[/b]
- Open zEdit.
- Load your full load order, including know_your_enemy.esp. The position of the KYE esp does not matter. Note that if you have more than 256 plugins in your load order you should load only those esps that you want to be patched (i.e. those that modify or add new NPCs or armors).
- In the top right is a button that looks like 3 little cubes, click it and it will show a list of currently installed patchers.
- Click to install a new patcher. Know your enemy comes with 2 patchers: one for the creatures module, and one for the armors module. They are added to your data directory with the esp, inside a folder called "zEdit patchers". Install one or both and then click the button to restart zEdit.

[b]4. Configure the patchers[/b]
- In the top right of zEdit is a button that looks like a jigsaw piece. Click it to bring up a list of your installed patchers.
- On the left is a list of which patchers have config options. Adjust the config options as follows:

Know Your Enemy patcher:
- Silver Perk - if set to 'true' the patcher will edit the silver perk effects to be a little more interesting. This is potentially incompatible with other mods that edit the silver perk, hence it is 'false' by default.
- Effect Intensity - a number the scales how dramatic the resistances and weaknesses are. 1.0 is usual, lower numbers (like 0.5) are 'lite' mode, higher numbers (e.g. 2.0) are 'insane' mode, negative numbers will probably break your game.

Know Your Armor patcher
- Patch armor descriptions - if set to 'true' (the default) a short description of the effects of the armor is added to the armors description and will be visible in your inventory. This is optional because it will hide the effects of any enchantments in your inventory, you will need to go into your active effects to check enchantments.
- Effect intensity - a number the scales how dramatic the resistances and weaknesses are. 1.0 is usual, lower numbers (like 0.5) are 'lite' mode, higher numbers (e.g. 2.0) are 'insane' mode, negative numbers will probably break your game.

*** Important Note ***
Upgrading the zEdit patcher from v7.x to v7.5 will set the effect intensity value to 0 (effectively turning KYE off). After installing v7.5 of the patcher, please set the effect intensity value in the patcher config before running the patcher (1 is default).

[b]5. Run the patchers[/b]
- Load your full load order* into zEdit, including know_your_enemy.esp. The position of the KYE esp does not matter.
- *If you have >254 plugins, the patcher will not work, and so you should load only the subset of you load order that needs patching. If you are not sure which esps need to be loaded see the guide [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27143]here[/url].
- In the top right is a button that looks like a jigsaw puzzle, click it to see a list of installed patchers.
- Build the patches you want (they take about 5 minutes each, longer if you have a long mod list).
- Watch the logs as the patchers run, they tell you what the patcher is doing and give you warnings if something is up with your load order.
- Note: do not use the build all function as this will create conflicts between the patchers. Instead build one, then when it has finished build the other.
- Exit zEdit saving the newly created patch esps.

[b]6. Play your game[/b]
- Make sure the patches are below all the mods they patched. If you ran both patchers you want which ever you created last to be below the other.

Delete the esps created by the patchers, install the new version of the mod, and re-run the patchers. Bear in mind updating mid playthrough is risky.

[/color][/b]Uninstalling mods mid playthrough is a bad idea unless you are very careful. KYE adds perks to the player, as well as to enemies and the there is a possibility for null references to remain after uninstall. If you want to do it though, it's straightforward: deactivate the esps and remove them from your load order. Here are some extra tips: uninstall in a cell with no enemies loaded, make sure you have no copies of the KYE books on you, use a save cleaner.


[color=#999999][b]Performance impact:[/b][/color]

Know Your Enemy is designed for maximum compatibility. As of v7, with the addition of zEdit patchers, it does not edit vanilla records until the patcher is run and so it is (technically) compatible with everything. Issues can arise with mods that add new kinds of NPCs/armors/resistances as the patcher might skip them, however, I have made the patcher robust to many common mods.

[color=#6aa84f][size=3]100% Compatible:[/size][/color]
[b]Advanced Adversary Encounters [/b]- the patcher removes AAEs resistance system and replaces it with KYE's
[b]Animal tweaks
Armor rating redux[/b]
[b]Arrows and bolts tweaks
Artifact - The Breton Paladin[/b]
[b]Audio overhaul Skyrim 2
[/b][b]Better Vampires
Beyond Reach
Beyond Skyrim: Bruma[/b]
[b]Birds and flocks[/b]
[b]Birds of Skyrim
Cats of Skyrim
Cloaks of Skyrim
Colorful Magic[/b]
[b]Combat evolved
Complete Alchemy and Cooking overhaul
Complete crafting overhaul remade
Cutting Room Floor
[b]Diverse dragons[/b] - KYE doesn't touch dragons
[b]Druagr Upgrades and Improvements
Elemental Destruction Magic[/b] - you will need the mod 'Know Your Elements' if you want the new elements added by EDM to be affected by KYE, otherwise don't load EDM when the patcher runs.
Forgotten Dungeons[/b]
[b]Genesis - Dynamically increased spawns
Hammet's Dungeon Pack[/b]
[b]Heavy Armory[/b] - the added weapons use vanilla keywords and so will fall into the following categories.
                             Blade: shortswords, glaives, spears, shortspears, daggers, tantos etc, tridents
                             Axe: halberds, battleaxes, hatchets
                             Blunt: clubs, maces, warhammers, quarterstaves, mauls, long maces
[b]Height adjusted races
Helgen Reborn
High Level Enemies
Immersive Armors
Immersiver Horses[/b]
[b]Increased Enemy Spawns
Konahrik's Accountrements
Magic Tweaks
Moonlight Tales
Morrowloot Ultimate
Mortal Enemies[/b]
Project AHO
Racial body morphs
Shadow Spells Package[/b] - you will need "KYE Light and Shadow" if you want the new spells added by SSP to be affected by KYE.
[b]SidePannel's Leveled Skyrim[/b]
[b]Simply Balanced[/b]
[b]Skyrim Immersive Creatures[/b]
[b]Skyrim Revamped - Complete Enemy Overhaul[/b]
[b]Skyrim Sewers[/b]
[b]Skyrim Underground[/b]
[b]Skyrim Unleveled[/b]
Tomebound[/b] - the patcher will tweak some spells so they are affected by the appropriate resistances/weaknesses
[b]True Armor[/b] - See FAQ below
[b]Ultimate Combat[/b]
[b]Vanilla Creatures and Bosses Tweaked[/b]
Weapons, Armor, Clothing and Clutter Fixes[/b]
Wild World[/b]

[size=3][color=#ffe599]Mods to be careful with[/color][/size]
[b]Bring Your Silver[/b][b] [/b]- the effects of BYS will stack with those from KYE making creatures like undead extremely powerful. If you are using KYE I wouldn't use BYS aswell.
[b]Beasts of Tamriel[/b] - NPCs in new races will not be affected by KYE. Also, some new NPCs were added to inappropriate races and so will receive unusual perks
[b]Daedric Entity Restoration Project[/b] - NPCs in new races will not be affected by KYE.
[b]Monster Mod SE[/b] -  no KYE traits will be applied to the new NPCs added by MM.
[b]Plague of the Dead[/b] - I haven't bought it, so can't guarantee the patcher will patch the zombies.
[b]Revenge of the enemies[/b] - effects will stack with KYE making even tougher enemies.
[b]Ultimate Deadly Encounters/Sands of Time[/b] - the patcher will probably skip some of the new enemies


[center]Future plans[/center]
Adjust the patcher to add compatibility with more mods.

[b]1) Why use traits instead of just giving each species its own specific resistance and weaknesses?[/b]
Two reasons. First, traits that affect multiple species allow you to use past experience with enemies to guess at likely strategies for similar enemies. Second, traits combine in interesting and fun ways. Sometimes a creature ends up with an immunity, not from a single trait, but from how all its traits work together. Similarly, some enemies end up with crippling weaknesses.
2) Does this make the game harder?[/b]
Yes and no. If you try to play like vanilla Skyrim and use a single strategy for all enemies you will probably find some enemies extremely difficult. If you use the spoilers above to see each species weaknesses you will probably find the game a little easier (though only a few enemies have crippling weaknesses and some have none at all). If you play the way I intend and experiment with different approaches you will find new enemies tough at first, but as you learn strategies to deal with them they will become more manageable. As you discover the books new approaches will open up too.

This said, NPC AI does not take this sort of stuff into account so sometimes NPCs will have a very hard time. For instance, in one of the companion quests you are accompanied by Aela and Farkas etc and must fight ghosts. However, the weapons carried by these NPCs don't damage ghosts with KYE installed and so it will basically be up to you to kill the ghosts while the companions simply distract them. In another quest, you and Neloth (an NPC who mostly knows shock spells) fight dwarven automata, however, with KYE these are immune to shock so Neloth won't be much help. Nonetheless, these moments are few and far between, and when NPCs are your followers you can change their equipment strategically yourself (though you can't make the read the books due to an engine limitation). As such this shouldn't be a major problem.

[b]3) Will this mod force me to play as a jack-of-all-trades?[/b]
No, however single weapon builds are less viable with this mod. Instead you should invest in two or three different attack types. So you could combine blunt weapons with offensive restoration spells (from Apocalypse for instance). Or you could combine shock magic with poison and bows. You can certainly go for a pure magic or pure physical build though; combining swords and hammers should work well too. That said, depending on which skills you favor you might still encounter a few really tricky enemies. If you really want to remain a specialist, then another option is to use a complementary follower, someone with strengths against enemies you struggle with.

[b]4) Do I need a bashed patch?[/b]
No. The books are added to leveled lists at runtime via a script and so will be added to lists without the need of a bashed patch.

[b]5) Where can I find the books?[/b]
The armor book is sold by all blacksmiths, but the creature books are much rarer. They can be found in boss chests associated with human(ish) enemies (bandits, imperial legion, stormcloaks, forsworn, hagravens, vampires and mages). Different books are more likely to be owned by different types of enemy (e.g. mages are more likely to own magic-relevant volumes), but any book can be found with any of the above enemies. Each boss chest has about a 10% chance of containing a book but some are much rareer than others. In general I wouldn't expect you to find all 21 volumes until you get to a very high level.

[b]6) What's the difference between KYE's armors module and True Armor? Can I use both?[/b]
True Armor is a great mod, but you probably don't want to use it and KYE's armors add-on at the same time. For this reason, I made KYE's armors a separate esp so you can use True Armor with the KYE creatures module no problem. That said, I do think KYE's armors module is good! In general I think KYE's armors module is simple and stripped-down compared to True Armor. Here are some specific differences between the two:
- KYE's armors module is script free, True Armor uses scripts.
- KYE's armors module is has no MCM, True Armor has an MCM.
- KYE's armors effects are flat resists/weaknesses, True Armor's effects are more complex and stochastic.
- KYE's armors module is only based on the cuirass, True Armor takes all armor pieces into account.
Try both and let me know what you think!

[b]7) Why use a zEdit patcher instead of patching via esps?[/b]
There are many reasons why a zEdit patcher is preferable to the traditional method of making patch esps:
- Because KYE edits NPCs, without the patcher it would require lots of patches, this clutters up your load order. The zEdit patcher produces a single patch esp.
- While esp patches resolve conflicts between a pair of mods, they exacerbate conflicts between more than 2 mods. Imagine you have already installed and patched AAE and SRCEO. If you tried to add KYE via patch esps this would reintroduce the incompatibility between AAE and SRCEO. With the patcher, once you have resolved the conflicts between AAE and SRCEO, KYE can be added on top without messing anything up.
- Maintaining patches for constantly updating mods is a huge amount of work, the patcher will only rarely need to be updated.
- The patcher will automatically accommodate most mods, while traditional esp patches only accommodate the mods they were built for.
- zEdit allows patchers to have optional settings (e.g. adding optional descriptions to the armor), esp patches cannot be configured this way.
Overall zEdit patchers are the future for mods that edit commonly affected records (like NPCs, races etc) and I am exceptionally grateful to Mator for providing the community with the ability to create them.

[color=#6fa8dc][size=5][center]Synergistic mods[/center][/size][/color]
Know Your Enemy overhauls enemy defenses, but you'll probably want an enemy offense mod too. I use [b]Skyrim Revamped - Complete Enemy Overhaul[/b], but [b]Advanced Adversary Encounters[/b] is another option (both are compatible with KYE). You should also pick up [b]Mortal Enemies[/b] too and you might consider fixing up enemy combat AI, with [b]smilodon[/b], [b]wildcat [/b]or [b]combat evolved[/b] (all fully compatible with KYE).

KYE gives you more reason to carry around multiple weapons, so why not show them off with a mod like [b]visible favorited gear[/b]? You can also get a greater variety of weapons with a mod like [b]heavy armory[/b].

[center][size=5][color=#6fa8dc]My other mods[/color][/size][/center]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/88243]Know Your Enemy[/url] - A resistance and weakness overhaul for enemies and armors
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/93967]Trainers Galore[/url] - An expansion of the training system designed for "training only" leveling
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/94078]Challenging Spell Learning[/url] - Spell Tomes trigger a costly ritual you must pass to learn spells
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/96473]Pick Your Poison[/url] - An alchemical handbook to support strategic foraging
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/96817]NPC Stat Rescaler[/url] - A patcher that adjusts NPC stats for faster, fairer, and less spongy combat.
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/96863]XP Editor[/url] - A patcher that adjust xp gain and leveling

Thanks to Mator for creating zEdit. It is an incredible tool that offers a solution to the "rule-of-one" that plagues modding.

Special thanks to mooglerampage who helped with the design of the mage armor effects and who created Know Your Elements.

Special thanks to Sthaag, /u/TendiesForBreakfast, Takahirn, sirjesto, sasnikol, SidePannel, thelegg77, SpaceOden, purplepharaoh, theCeige, novastark, OriginalDint and FeelTheBerne who have contributed to the development of this mod by providing patches. Extra special thanks to thelegg77 whose support has been tireless.

Thanks also to tx12001 and sirjesto for their work on Advanced Adversary Encounters which was a major inspiration for this mod; the folks over at r/skyrimmods who offered feedback and encouragement, particularly Arindel who helped with adding books to leveled lists via a script and the 340 users who completed a questionnaire that helped me balance KYE; and, finally, thanks to Bethesda for making such an easily modded game that I can't put down.

MINPCs OE (More Immersive NPCs Oldrim Edition)

[b]I will be taking a hiatus working on this mod to work on my project for Endurance Games, apologies in advance if I don't respond to messages/posts etc.

[/b](Shameless plug) if you like Indie games, please consider checking out my studio! [url=https://www.endurancegamesllc.com/]https://www.endurancegamesllc.com/

[/url]Is now compatible with Open Cities by default, no extra patches needed. 

A mod I've been working on off and on for almost two years now, that I finally deemed worthy of uploading. It adds a bunch of NPC's that explore the world organically (Using a tweaked sandbox multi-location AI packages, not scripts), but not so many that the world seems cluttered. Meant to be compatible with most other mods. Including other mods that add more NPCs, and mods like Immersive Armor and weapons, since many of the NPCs gear uses Skyrim's base Leveled lists. Probably not fully compatible with mods that add new stuff the same places I've placed NPCs and sandbox/travel markers, like most city overhaul mods. Only time (and hopefully you guys) will tell.

Here's a list of all the NPCs I've added and what they do, in no particular order.

[*][b]Fugitives:[/b] Wander around the world trying to avoid other NPC's.
[*][b]Outlaws:[/b] Hide from the law, usually in bandit camps.
[*][b]Bandit Raiders:[/b] Three different Bandit groups ranging from 5-15 Members that travel the world and attack other Bandit camps. They don't currently raid villages/cities on purpose, but will walk through them from time to time, which is why[b] I recommend "Protect your People - PyP - Better NPC Protection SE"[/b].
[*][b]Black-Briar Mercenaries:[/b] Patrolling Riften, to better give the impression that Maven has Riften under her Thumb.
[*][b]Bounty Hunters:[/b] Essentially city guards with leveled armor sets that explore the world killing bandits and such, they will attempt to arrest/attack you if you have a bounty in their respective city, even if you're not in that city.
[*][b]Companions:[/b] Heavily armored Companion members you can find doing contracts throughout the world and hanging out in taverns.
[*][b]Thieves Guild Members:[/b] Steal stuff from various cities and run away if caught.
[*][b]Daedra Worhippers:[/b] Radical Daedra worshippers that will attempt to kill you and other NPC's in the name of their daedric gods.
[*][b]Dawnguard Sentinals:[/b] Protecting unwalled settlements from raiding vampires and bloodhounds (also added by this mod) at night.
[*][b]Vampires and Blood Hounds:[/b] That raid unwalled settlements that are protected by the Dawnguard Sentinals at night.
[*][b]Forsworn Scouts and Raiding parties:[/b] Individual forsworn members that run amuck in the Reach, and 2 raiding parties that will occasionally attack Markarth, Karthwasten, and Dragon Bridge, to make the Reach as Forsworn infested as the Reachmen claim it to be.
[*][b]Silver-Blood Mercenaries:[/b] That further express the Sliver-Bloods hold on the Reach, as well as protect Markarth, and Karthwasten if you don't side with Ainethach against them.
[*][b]Reachmen:[/b] Reach natives that will protect Karthwasten from Forsworn instead of the Silver-Bloods if you side with Ainethach.
[*][b]Caravan:[/b] Caravan of warriors that travel between Rorikstead, Karthwasten, Markarth, and Dragon Bridge.
[*][b]Imperial and Stormcloak war parties:[/b] They will be found travelling to enemy camps throughout and raiding them.
[*][b]Imperial, Stormcloak, and Aldmeri scouts:[/b] about 60 total will be scouting the entirety of Skyrim, and constantly reminding you that Skyrim is deep in a deadly conflict
[*][b]Imperial, Stormcloak, and Thalmor spies:[/b] Only named "Agent" in game, you will be able to tell which faction they belong to though based on their clothing and equipment. They will travel and spy between different cities and will only be recognized by spies of other factions. Aldmeri scouts who will also recognize Stormcloak spies.
[*][b]Thalmor Inquisitors:[/b] More powerful Thalmor Justiciars that travel between Skyrims cities, making sure the humans follow their doctrine.
[*][b]Skooma Dealer and 3 bodyguards:[/b] Will hang out on the outskirts of Whiterun, the Windhelm docks, and next to the Riften docks, occasionally travelling in between. You can buy from them.
[*][b]Couriers:[/b] Will book it to and from cities, towns, keeps, etc. 24/7, intended to make news of the players feats immediately known all throughout skyrim a little more believable. They also carry notes of varying value that you can steal/loot and sell for a profit.
[*][b]Morag Tong and Mythic Dawn Assassins:[/b] Will be found hunting targets throughout the world, and are hostile towards you.
[*][b]Treasure Hunters:[/b] Search for treasure at night, sell their treasure during the day.
[*][b]Alchemists:[/b] Will sell potions and ingredients to you and in Alchemist shops, as well and hang out in taverns.
[*][b]Poachers:[/b] Hunt and sell their goods to various vendors throughout the world, as well as the player.
[*][b]Suppliers:[/b] Collect and sell various types of good to sell to shops and Inns.
[*][b]Traveling Miners:[/b] Mine ore to sell to all the blacksmiths, as well as the player.
[*][b]Nomads, Monks:[/b] wander around Skyrim and hang out in taverns, Monks also visit Temples.
[*][b]Generic Adventurers: [/b]Named “Archer” or “Warrior” etc. can get found in taverns or out in the wilds.
[/list]And last but not Least, 16 Companion NPCs (Most of which are based on friends or friends Skyrim characters) that will adventure solo during the week, andmost of which hang out at set locations on weekends. Their services can all be requested for free.

[*][b]Adhena Do'Sihkahr[/b]: Khajiit Female, one handed heavy warrior, spends weekends at the camp outside Alftand.
[*][b]Akylai Jantaeva[/b]: Breton Female, medium armored rogue spellsword, spends weekends at the Moorside Inn in Morthal.
[*][b]Alexander the Based[/b]: Nord Male, one handed heavy warrior, and old friend and occasional traveling companion of Richard the Great. Spends weekends at the Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun.
[*][b]Aurelius Unruh[/b]: Nord Male, light armored frost magic spellsword, spends weekends at the Silver Blood Inn in Markarth.
[*][b]Baynor[/b]: Nord Male, two handed heavy warrior, and Homeless.
[*][b]Bumzel the Bold[/b]: Orc Female, light armored berserker, spends weekends at Dusknikh Yal.
[*][b][color=#009000][/color]Gaius Aquilarios[/b]: Imperial Male, light armored warrior, spends weekends at the Winking Skeever in Solitude
[*][b]Ilya Wilson[/b]: Breton Female, light armored scout, spends weekends at the Vilemyr Inn in Ivarstead.
[*][b]Janus Sa'ij[/b]: Khajiit Male, light armored Daedra conjuring spellsword, spends weekends at the Bee and Barb in Riften.
[*][b]Karena Oren[/b]: Nord Female, Dual wielding Thieves Guild member, spends weekends at the Ragged Flaggon in Riften.
[*][b]Lucifer Lane[/b]: Redguard Male, Fire mage, also skilled as one handed heavy warrior, spends weekends at the Frostfruit Inn in Rorikstead.
[*][b]Madara Var Emreis[/b]: Imperial Male, light armored warrior/cwossbowman, spends weekends at the Winking Skeever in Solitude.
[*][b]Rafaelle[/b]: Nord Female, heavy Valkyrie berserker, spends weekends at the Windpeak Inn in Dawnstar.
[*][b]Richard the Great[/b]: Nord Male, two handed heavy warrior, elf slayer, absolute Chad, and old friend and traveling companion of Alexander the Based. Spends weekends at The Bannered Mare in Whiterun.
[*][b]Lovem Vermilion[/b]: Imperial/Nord Male, heavy lightning spellsword and crossbowman, spends weekends at Agni’s camp south of Falkreath.
[*][b]Union Jack[/b]: Nord Male, light armored warrior, spends weekends at the Dead Man’s Drink in Falkreath
[*][b]Vhictor and Oskar:[/b] Redguard Male brothers, spend weekends at old Hroldon Inn
[*][b]Rarick:[/b] Nord Male, heavy armored warrior, spends weekends at Candlehearth Hall in Windhelm.
PS. When I say NPCs trade with each other, I don't mean it literally, it's just meant to appear that way.

Dovah Defense - Yakudan Shehai and Dwarven Thu'um Cannons

The Lore      Not sure if anyone has noticed but…Dragons have returned to Tamriel. Defensive/Offensive options regarding these
winged beasts are certainly hard to come by. Ask any native of the land and
they may fill your ears with stories of the Voice. Traditionally wielded by the
Nordic people of Skyrim and only with years of training can one manifest this
great power of the Dragon Tongue. Once one begins the path of the Voice it
could take a lifetime to finish the journey of mastering the Dovah's Thu'um.
The members of such an A-list group mostly consists of the wise Greybeards, a
few mighty Nord leaders and of course the Dragonborn if you believe in the
rumors.       The Shout is not the only weapon againstAkatosh's children. If we immerse ourselves in the history and lore of
Tamriel's people it is easy to tell the Nords were not the only race that
contended with these powerful creatures. 
Surely other races have procured, developed or created something to
battle these ancient beings. Even if true, it was thought these methods and the
people that used them were lost long ago UNTIL NOW…….          As itstands, the way of the voice is one of three paths to be taken. The way of the
sword and gunslinger complete the Trifecta of Dovah Defense.

 Ansie Shehai       Lost to the sands of time are theAncestors of the Redguards. They were an elite sub-set of the Yakudan people
known as the Ansie who later settled in what is now known as Hammerfell. These
special warriors had the ability to materialize a sword using their own life
force known as a Shehai. This complete mastery of the sword was sometimes referred to as sword singing. Dubbed so
because only with complete dedication and mastery of the sword can someone
strike in such a way where the vibrations of their blades can match the pitch
rivaling those of even the mystical Dovah. There are two ranks of Shehai. The
first is wispy and has hardly taken physical form. The second is a Mystic
Shehai fully materialized and much more powerful. To most this story is just a
fable from long ago used to instill the values of the Redguard people with
their Swordsmen way of life. Eorlund Gray-Mane appears to know a great deal
more then he lets on about these spirit swords. With mastery of Arcane smithing, the fires of the Skyforge can yield a spell tome imbued with the knowledge of
the mystical art of Shehai. [youtube]Ppn_nBTeYO4[/youtube]
 Dwarven Thu'um Cannon          The fascinating Dwemer race. A peoplewhose history is shrouded in mystery, we are left with only the relics of the
once-great people. Truth is no one knows where they have gone (or where they
will be). As the people of Tamriel continue to delve into these ruins we get a
glimpse into their culture and technology. The Dawngaurd faction has ventured
the depths of these ruins many of times and have uncovered some knowledge such
as the schematics for a dwarven crossbow and something even more powerful a
weapon infused with their Tonal technology referred to only as the Thu'um
Cannon. Not much is known of this Tonal technology other then it produces and
manipulates sound waves into physical damage and in other cases even a dragon's
voice. The Dawnguard have tried to replicate this weapon in their Nordic ways
resulting in a spell gun that some playfully referred to as a staff with a
trigger. The key comes down to two things, a complete mastery of both Dwarven and
Arcane Smithing; then and only can one create a true Dwarven Thu'um Cannon.  The Books The Book Of Circles& Thu'um Cannon Journals        The books not only contain essentiallore-friendly knowledge to your chosen path but, also act as a manual as you
navigate the Ranks/Tiers of the different variants.  They can both be crafted at any forge or if
luck is on your side you may be able to buy them from a merchant. Preferred
reading order is Book Of Circles then Cannon Journals. (If you have any issues
consult the readme as it combines all of the written content included)

Blademaster Shura

[font=Tahoma][size=3][left][/left]BladeMaster Shura, a two-handed sword nord warrior , also dual weild, you can find her at the entrance to dragon tomb behind Kynesgrove. Trained strictly by an Orc hermit, she become a dread Blademaster.
"Attack me...with everything you have."(Black Mamba said, aha!)
Levels with player, UNP body, Weight100
[/size][/font][font=Tahoma][size=3]Skills refer to Warcraft 3 BladeMaster, such as wind walk, mirror image and so on.
[/size][/font][font=Tahoma][size=3]Required: Skyrim.esm   Update.esm   Dwanguard.esm   dragonborn.esm[/size][/font][font=Tahoma][size=3]
Armor(Osare Culort Outfit by anano): [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43609][u]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43609
[/u][/url][/size][/font][font=Tahoma][size=3]Shura Tachi(Bishu Osafune Ju Morikage Tachi rename, now it’s a sword blade tachi, scrip by shikigami2H, Bishu Osafune Ju Morikage Tachi by China-YYK and Moral-cat)[/size][/font]:[font=Tahoma][size=3][u][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43609][font=Tahoma][size=3] [/size][/font]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53798
[/url][/u][/size][/font][font=Tahoma][size=3]KS Hairdo’s: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311][u]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311
[/u][/url][/size][/font][font=Tahoma][size=3]2K Lips: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/79586][u]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/79586
[/u][/url][/size][/font][font=Tahoma][size=3]ECE: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12951][u]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12951
[/u][/url][/size][/font][font=Tahoma][size=3]Mikan Eyes: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56056][u]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56056

Khajiit Will Follow (ma'kara edition) Spanish

Ahora gracias a robbobert existe la posibilidad de poder casarse con acompañantes de raza khajiita completamente expresados.

[/size][/u]- Totalmente expresado, con más de 2800 líneas de diálogo, cada seguidor con líneas únicas para ellos.- Soporte completo tanto para seguidores como para eventos matrimoniales.- Comentarios sobre el clima, las ubicaciones, las armas y la magia que tienes, los elementos que has equipado, las facciones en las que estás, etc. Cuanto más hables con tu seguidor, más cosas nuevas tendrán que decir, pero críticamente, en su mayoría solo hablarán cuando se les hable (te estoy mirando, Mjoll).- 2 nuevas armas, 5 nuevas armaduras, 1 misión semi-oculta y 1 nuevo hechizo para que encuentres y salves el mundo.- Desentraña el misterio de Chatur'jo, pero hagas lo que hagas, ¡no lo hagas enojar!

Esta es mi primera traduccion haci que si encuentras algun error hazmelo saber.

Le doy muchas gracias [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/5284088]robbobert[/url] por haber creado este genial mod.

Fair Skin Complexion ALL-IN-ONE HDT Animated Pussy Patch

[b]Fair Skin Complexion patch for ALL-IN-ONE Animated Pussy[/b]

Aellia Blade-Walker- Ningheim RaceMenu Preset

[font=Verdana][size=3]My Ningheim girl, Aellia Blade-Walker. For once, I'm not using SG Hair Pack 268 for this preset (though I did in the past), as I felt this hairstyle from ApachiiSkyHair fits her best.

Mods Required:
RaceMenu (obviously) -[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29624]LINK[/url][/size]
[size=3]The Ningheim Race -[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35474]LINK[/url]
ApachiiSkyHair -[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10168]LINK[/url][/size]
Mods Recommended (to make her look exactly like the screenshots):[/size]
[size=3]Pubes Forever (for pubic hair) -[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49414]LINK[/url][/size]
[size=3]Hvergelmer's Brows (with Ningheim add-on) -[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30411]LINK[/url]

NOTE: If the body of the character appears all purple, set the Body Textures in RaceMenu to "default"

[size=3]The Ningheim Race[/size]
[size=3]Killer Keos Skimpy CBBE V2-V3 Armor Replacer[/size]
[size=3]Immersive Weapons[/size]
[size=3]Seasons of Skyrim ENB
Wyvern Rock Castle
Realistic Skyrim Overhaul

NOTE: If you're going to post trolling or flaming comments on this (or any other) preset, then please keep it to yourself; or I will take the liberty of keeping it to yourself by deleting your comment and banning you from making any future
comments. [/size][/font]

Readable Plaques

[b][color=#00ffff]The SSE Version is here [/color][/b][/size][color=#00ffff][size=5][b]:[/b][/size][/color][size=3] [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29669?tab=description]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29669?tab=description[/url][/size]

[color=#ffff00][size=5][b]What this mod done?[/b][/size][/color]
The writings of five plaques in windhelm were illegible and hard to recognize. Here I provide an alternative way to help you read it better instead of installing high quality textures mod for these plaques.

The solution here was made all the five plaques (introduction of wulfharth,harld and olaf one-eye) became readable. You only need to approach the plaque and press E button to examine it. The content of the plaque(Reference from the UESPWiki) would then show up clearly in a message box for you.[/size]

[color=#ff0000][size=5][b]How this mod work?[/b][/size][/color]

[size=4]I created an invisible activation box that allowed player interact with it by pressing the "E" button, and put the box in front of each plaque. Once you approach the plaque, you could press "E" button interact with the invisible activation box, and it would show up to you a message box that contain the certain message.[/size]

[color=#ffff00][size=5][b]Any compatibility issues?[/b][/size][/color]

[size=4]Since this mod didn't touch any vanilla objects in game, so it should be compatibility with mods modified the texture or somethings else of these plaques.

[/size][size=4]However, if there is a mod likes a windhelm city overhaul mod which would change the locations of these plaques, it probably cause conflicts due to the locations of those invisible activation boxes would not match with the locations of plaques.

[/size][size=3][color=#ff0000][b]How to Install?[/b][/color]

install with mod manger or put the unpacked esp file and bsa file into the data folder.

[/size][color=#00ffff][size=3][b]Special Thanks:[/b][/size][/color]

[url=https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Main_Page]The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - UESPWiki[/url]
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