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Gisela Follower


[font=Georgia]Gisela is a young bard who left home to search for her father after discovering the truth about her past. She was raised in Riverwood by Mildrith, an old woman who passed away due to a disease. Now Gisela wanders alone, after losing the only person who cared for her.[/font]


[font=Georgia]Level: 20
Class: bard
Skills: Archery
Location: Falkreath Cemetery[/font]
[font=Georgia]I highly recommend to use a mod manager to install. In case you install manually, follow the steps: 

1- download the file and unzip
2- open the folder 01 Option and copy all the files inside the hair option you choose and paste inside 00 Main folder
3 - Open the 02 Option folder and copy all the files inside the bodytype you choose  and paste inside 00 Main folder
4 - Open 00 Main folder and copy all the files inside and paste inside your Data Folder, or zip those files and install it.[/font]

[font=Georgia]Outfits (not included)

Annalise Dress by Full_Inu - look his patreon page

Razia Outfit - (don't know the author, sorry)

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81073]Apachii Divine Elegance Store[/url] by apachii

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100949]Kozakowy's 1700 Lady Sarah Churchill Gown UNP CBBE[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/11770218]kozakowy

[/url][/font][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/90889][font=Georgia]Kozakowy's 1660 Gown UNP CBBE[/font][/url][font=Georgia] by  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/11770218]kozakowy[/url][/font]

[font=Georgia]Mods Used:[/font]
[/center][center][font=Georgia][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71062]The Witcher 2 Brigida Paperbrock Dress[/url]  by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2996604]sumojellybean[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99123]Couriers Edge Dagger[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2774739]Ellise[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71114]Brigida Dress Colour Variations[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3231858]Elianora

[/url]Engraved bow (Hammerfell armoury) by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/1346841]farinelli[/url]
[/font][font=Georgia][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311/?tab=posts]Kalilies and Stealthic - KS Hairdos[/url] 

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35327]SG Female Eyebrows[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2209393]hellosanta[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35267]SG Female Textures Renewal[/url] by  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2209393]hellosanta[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13722]The Eyes of Beauty - [/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/308756]LogRaam[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709/][/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2666]Caliente_ Ousnius e Jeir - belos corpos de Caliente Edição -CBBE- [/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/537675][/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30411]Hvergelmir - Brows [/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709/]Corpo feminino DIMONIZADO UNP[/url] by dimon99

[/size][center][font=Georgia][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98870]Vandfald Cottage - A Player Home[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99576][/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99679]Taina - Standalone Healer Follower[/url][/size][size=3]

[/size][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98464][size=3]Elena Standalone Follower

[/size][/url][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98109]Valkyria Follower (Jordis Option)[/url][/size][size=3]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97616]Sea Dragon - A player Home Ship[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97309]Ahlalia Standalone Redguard Follower[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97078]Blue Palace Overhaul[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/96493]Katheryn Follower (Serana Replacer Option)[/url][/size]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100618]Mjoll Revamped[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100661]Alysanne Follower


Arthemis - A Ranger Wood Elf (Standalone Follower)

[center][b][size=5]Arthemis[/size][/b][/center][center][/center][center]She is a Ranger
Level: 20 (and levels with the player)
You can find her in The Bannered Mane (Whiterun)

Thank you so much to [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/46207497]DovahkiinaThay[/url] for all the help and the Screenshots, I couldn't did it without you.

Mods Used/Credits:

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13722]The Eyes of Beauty[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/308756]LogRaam[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30411]Brows [/url]by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/30027]Hvergelmir[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311]KS Hairdos Renewal - Kalilies & Stealthic[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2666]Caliente's Beatiful Bodies Edition - CBBE by Ousnius and Caliente[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91953]Bijin Skin by rxkx22[/url]

Recommended Mods:

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100661]Alysanne Follower by DovahkiinaThay[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98870]Vandfald Cottage - A Player's Home by DovahkiinaThay[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99679]Taina - Standalone Healer Follower by DovahkiinaThay[/url][/center]

Reyliik do Skyrim - 68 Character presets

[font=Tahoma][size=3]Presets used in the mod [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20575?tab=description/]Reyliik do Skyrim[/url] - Special Edition.

[color=#ffd966][b]USAGE/PRE-REQUISITES/BUILT AROUND:[/b][/color]

[u]Core requirements:[/u]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311/]KS hairdos[/url] ,  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/93712/]Skin Feature Overlay mod[/url] , [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82588/]Improved Eyes[/url] , [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35327/]SG Brows[/url] (many others)

[u]Body skin used while creating this was a mix of:[/u]
Rwos normal maps (_msn, with eeo patch) the rest is bijin skin; upperlineeyesocket tintmask from RWoS, the rest is from Bijin Skin tintmasks; age complexions (mod page has edited files to fit this setup) from Mature Skin 

[u]Meshes requirements[/u]
Enhanced vanilla female head mesh(same results), eye ao clipping fix; natural teeth mouth meshes (not efa-same results); perfect smile(teeth positioning); [u]Ethereal Elven Overhaul+Aesthetic Elves [/u](must for elves)

[u]more requirements:
[/u]Eyes of beauty; Eyes of Aber; Maevan´s Brows; Numenume´s Brows; Fair Skin Brows, Kala´s Eyes, Fangs and eyes; Vanilla warpaint absolution; RWoS._complexions.esp; Salt and Wind Ks hairdos textures

Credits to Racemenu

[b]Permissions[/b]: You may use them. More about it in the Special edition permissions tab[/size][/font]

Little Pond Farm Extended

[center][size=6] Little Pond Farm Extended


[/b][/size]Little Pond Farm Extended is an extension of Robik81's [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46301]original mod[/url]. It adds a small, cozy farm to the tundra west of Whiterun, perfect for low-level or role-playing characters, and corrects some existing issues.

It contains a bed, fully safe storage, and you can plant crops in the field nearby. Till the land, and sell your produce in Whiterun's market. For hunters, there's a tanning rack and more mudcrabs than you could ever want. At night, relax with some tasty home-baked pastries

Live out your dream as a Nordic cabbage farmer!


[*]Added apiary
[*]Added tanning rack
[*]Replaced a table next to the fireplace with an oven.
[*]Some clutter & HAVOK edits.
[*]More realistic lighting.
[*]Made all containers safe and player-owned.
[*]Replaced cupboard next to bed with a wardrobe.
[b][size=4]Installation & Requirements

[/size][/b]Requires Hearthfires DLC and updated Skyrim. Install using your preferred mod manager, or drag and drop the .esp file into your /Data/ folder.

If you use the original Little Pond Farm mod, then remove all personal items and followers from the cell (POITundra05) and travel elsewhere. Save, uninstall Little Pond Farm, and install Little Pond Farm Extended. Save again.

The mod was cleaned with Tes5Edit 4.0.1.


[/b][/size]Thanks to Robik81 for his permission to modify the original mod, [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46301]Little Pond Farm[/url].

The Loners Sword - Turkish Translation


Animated Armoury - New Weapons with third person animations


[line][b][u][size=6][color=#a4c2f4]Quick Links[/color][/size][/u][/b]
[size=5]Check the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/articles/52341]FAQ[/url] if you have some questions about the mod
If you're having issues with the mod [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/articles/52333]check out this article[/url]
If you're wanting to do some compatibility patches for your mods or another [/size][size=5][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/articles/52246]check this article
[/url]Looking for Source files or Guides on how to create weapons for my mod [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99987]check out this Mod page[/url][/size]

[line][b][u][size=6][color=#a4c2f4]Update Log[/color]

[/size][/u][/b][size=3][center][size=4][u][i]Note if you're having issues with NPCS playing their animations after the updating, turn the mod off and on again in the MCM menu[/i][/u][/size][/center]
[color=#ffe599]2.32) Reuploaded files as 7z archives instead of rar, people were having issues with rars, 7zs have better compression, so downloads may be smaller too
Re-Adjusted the range of the whips to make them longer, they now have a reach of 2 instead of 1.8

2.31) Adjusted the range of the whips to make them longer
Added in the missing whip sounds for Stalhrim and Dragon bone whips plus unused regular whip sounds

2.3) Nemesis Patch is no longer needed, this should work with Nemesis out the box
Fixed the Environment map on both Steel Claws
Fixed The invisible Daedric Claw model
Fixed the Papyrus Log File Spam
Added in Single Claw Block Animations, I forgot about 20 times to add the actual animation files to the folder
Claws now Holster at the Dagger Holster bone and are rotated correctly
Slowed Down Claw equip animation as it was causing crashes
Removed Claws from Dragur Levelled lists, for real this time
Claws should appear less frequently on Bandits now
Claws now have a default reach of 1 instead 0.5, this kinda helps with an issue with Engarde as well as generally makes them a bit easier to use
Added in Whips
Whips are Maces that have near instant recoil recovery, they provide mid ranged lowish damage, if you want to wield two Whips together you need to get the Dual wield variants(they have a Dual Prefix) via the add item menu or Console, this is due to an animation restriction
Added the Silver weapon flavour text to all Silver weapons
Distributed some weapons that could become impossible\hard to get, around the world and in some vendor's inventories, Silver weapons can be brought from Khajit Caravans, Dawnguard stuff is with the Dawnguards, Imperial with the Imperials
Added crafting recipes for some weapons that didn't have them
Fixed crafting recipes for Nord hero and Skyforge stuff
Added Meshes for All Geared Up and Claws for Dual sheath\Ecotone
Made the Rapier and Dagger Patch available for SSE
Added a newish keyword to all weapons in my existing patches[/color]

2.21) Fixed the BSA Archives being corrupt
2.2) Compatibility with True Spear Combat added
Compatibility patch made for Skyrim Expanded Weaponry
Fixed the PCEA 2 setting pulling you out of First person view
Added an Animation event to Claws that hopefully stops CTDs with Ultimate combat
Undeleted two refs in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary
Fixed the Quarterstaff Leveled list button not correctly displaying it's unticked state
Removed Claws from Draugr Leveled lists

2.12) Fixed PECA2 Not working correctly
2.11) Fixed the MCM menu not showing up
2.1) Brand New Rewritten scripts by [size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/10236085]Ashingda[/url][/size], the scripts are now much more responsive and quicker
Compatibility with Skyrim Spear Mechanic added
Fixed a missing animation for Sneak attacking with Quarterstaffs
Added in Claw Blocking animations that I forgot about, the first time around[/color]
2.01) Added a DSR Patch with fixed scabbards for Elven and Ebony Rapiers
Fixed the dodgy Halberd anims
Fixed the Sprint camera for Halberds
Merged the Spear Blade fix with the Immersive Weapons Patch
2.0) Added in Claws, claws are classed as daggers, they're designed to be dual wielded but can be used in either hand, they cannot parry they also have a 10% chance to inflict a small stackable bleed debuff
Switched Pike's, Halberd's and Quarterstaff's animation type around so they better represent what perks they receive in game
Fixed a tiny tiny script error to do with Quarter Staffs
Silver Weaponry can now be tempered
Crafting recipe visibility is now toggleable in the MCM menu, you can enable and disable them based on WeaponType
Removed the "nonplayable" check so now any NPC which use the "0_Master" behaviour file will play my anims, eg Enderal Npcs
Sprint Attacks no longer zoom the camera back in
Pike, QuarterStaff an Halberd Sprinting Camera is now correctly zoomed out
Fixed an issue that would allow Rapier anims to continue to play after you unequipped your Rapier with Magic in your left hand

1.9) Fixed the Dragonbone staff in the Immersive Weapons patch to function correctly
Fixed the Spear Dagger in the Immersive Weapons patch to function correctly
Fixed Animations on Player Resetting after equipping a weapon
Fixed Being pulled out of 1st person when setting the animations
Fixed the First person camera check
[line][b][u][size=6][color=#a4c2f4]About the Mod[/color]

[/size][/u][/b][b][size=6][center][u][size=5][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11811]Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS[/url] is [color=#ff0000][b][u]Required[/u][/b][/color]! For this mod to work
The Animations only work for Third Person[/size][/u][size=5]
[/size][size=4][color=#9fc5e8][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/15394/]SE Version Here[/url][/color][/size][/center][/size][/b]

[size=3]This mod adds Rapiers\Thrusting Swords, Pikes, Halberds, Quarter Staffs and Parrying Dagger Functionality to the game, Rapiers, Pikes and Halberds are distributed throughout some level lists and can be crafted + upgraded.
Both the Player and NPCs can all use Rapiers, Pikes, Halberds and Quarter Staffs, both the player and npcs can play the animations, all of which can be turned on and off via the MCM menu[/size]

[size=5]If you would like First Person animations that work with my mod Check out [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2000006]JZBai[/url]'s fantastic mod [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95261]1st Person Spear and Rapier Animations[/url][/size]

[b][u][size=6]Rapier Demo[/size][/u][/b]                [size=3][b][u][size=6]Pike Demo[/size][/u][/b][/size]

[b][u][size=6]Quarter Staff Demo[/size][/u][/b]                [size=3][b][u][size=6]Claw Demo[/size][/u][/b][/size]

[b][u][size=6]Whip Demo[/size][/u][/b] 

[line][b][u][size=6][color=#a4c2f4]Installing \ Uninstalling[/color]
[size=3][center][size=4][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11811]Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS[/url] is [color=#ff0000][b][u]Required[/u][/b][/color] for this mod to work[/size][/center]
[i]You can download and install this mod before or after, it doesn't matter what order, but you need to get FNIS![/i]

[size=3][size=3][color=#d9d2e9][b][u]Steps for Updating
[/u][/b][/color][/size][/size]1) Download the new version
[size=3]2) Run FNIS And click [/size][size=3][b]"[color=#ffd966]Update Behavior[/color]"[/b] you don't need to click anything else, wait for the process to finish[/size]
[size=3]3) You've updated the mod[/size]

[i]Note if you're having issues with NPCS playing their animations after the updating, turn the mod off and on again in the MCM menu[/i]

[color=#d9d2e9][b][u]Steps for Installing[/u][/b][/color]
1) Download and install this mod
2) Download and install [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11811]Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS[/url]
3) Run FNIS And click [/size][size=3][b]"[color=#ffd966]Update Behavior[/color]"[/b] you don't need to click anything else, wait for the process to finish
4) You can now play the game, no need for a new save

[size=3][color=#d9d2e9][b][u]Steps for Uninstalling[/u][/b][/color][/size]
1) In the MCM In the MCM tick "[color=#d5a6bd]Turn Mod Off[/color]" it may take a few in game seconds for the NPCs to stop their animations
2) Save the close the game
3) Uninstall in your preferred mod manager
4)[size=3] Run FNIS And click [/size][size=3][b]"[color=#ffd966]Update Behavior[/color]"[/b] you don't need to click anything else wait for the process to finish[/size]
5) You have now uninstalled the mod

[size=3][i]If you're loading a previous save with this mod installed, you may have to wait a few in game days for the Rapiers to appear in Levelled lists[/i]

They deal a little less damage than Swords, have much higher Crit damage, are faster than Swords and have a lot of range

Each Metal\Crafting type has a Rapier to go along with it, which can be crafted, upgraded, enchanted, found and brought. As well as the Metal\Crafting types there are a few other rapiers that I felt were needed

Iron, Steel, Skyforge, Imperial, Silver, Ancient Nord[/size][size=3], Honed Nord, Orcish, Dwarven[/size][size=3], Elven, Glass, Ebony, Daedric, Dragon Bone, Nordic and Stalhrim

The meshes are just quick edits of the sword meshes of the corresponding type, they're nothing amazing but they'll do. If you have any mod that re-textures Swords these Rapiers will inherit the same re-texture

[/size][size=3][size=3][i]If you're loading a previous save with this mod installed, you may have to wait a few in game days for the Pikes to
appear in Levelled lists[/i]

Pikes are a new type of Two Handed weapon, they deal a little less damage than Greatswords, are faster than [size=3][size=3]Greatswords[/size][/size] and have more range

Each Metal\Crafting type has a Pike to go along with it, which can be
crafted, upgraded, enchanted, found and brought. As well as the
Metal\Crafting types there are a few other rapiers that I felt were

Iron, Steel, Skyforge, Imperial, Silver, Ancient Nord[/size][size=3], Honed Nord, Orcish, Dwarven[/size][size=3], Elven, Glass, Ebony, Daedric, Dragon Bone, Nordic, Stalhrim, DawnGuard, Forsworn, Flamer

The meshes are just kit bashes of [/size]existing weaponry mostly 2 Handed weapons, [size=3]If you have any mod that re-textures Weapons, the Pikes will inherit the same re-texture[/size]

[/size][size=3][size=3][i]If you're loading a previous save with this mod installed, you may have to wait a few in game days for the Halberds to
appear in Levelled lists[/i]

Halberds are a new type of Two Handed weapon, they deal a little less damage than Greatswords, are faster than [size=3][size=3]Greatswords[/size][/size] and have more range than BattleAxes

Each Metal\Crafting type has a Halberd to go along with it, which can be
crafted, upgraded, enchanted, found and brought. As well as the
Metal\Crafting types there are a few other rapiers that I felt were

Iron, Steel, Skyforge, Imperial, Ancient Nord[/size][size=3], Honed Nord, Orcish, Dwarven[/size][size=3], Elven, Glass, Ebony, Daedric, Dragon Bone, Nordic, Stalhrim, DawnGuard, Forsworn

The meshes are just kit bashes of [/size]existing weaponry mostly 2 Handed weapons, [size=3]If you have any mod that re-textures Weapons, the Halberds will inherit the same re-texture[/size]

[line][b][u][size=6][color=#a4c2f4]Quarter Staffs[/color]
[/size][size=3][size=3][i]If you're loading a previous save with this mod installed, you may have to wait a few in game days for the Quarter Staffs to
appear in Levelled lists[/i]

Quarter Staffs are a new type of Two Handed weapon, they deal a tiny bit more damage than Maces, their power attacks hit more than once though

Each Metal\Crafting type has a [size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3]Quarter Staff [/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]to go along with it, which can be
crafted, upgraded, enchanted, found and brought. As well as the
Metal\Crafting types there are a few other rapiers that I felt were

Iron, Steel, Silver, Skyforge, Imperial, Ancient Nord[/size][size=3], Honed Nord, Orcish, Dwarven[/size][size=3], Elven, Glass, Ebony, Daedric, Dragon Bone, Nordic, Stalhrim, DawnGuard, Forsworn

The meshes are just kit bashes of [/size]existing weaponry mostly Warhammers, [size=3]If you have any mod that re-textures Weapons, the [size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3]Quarter Staffs[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size] will inherit the same re-texture[/size]

[i]If you're loading a previous save with this mod installed, you may have to wait a few in game days for the Claws to
appear in Levelled lists[/i]

Claws are a new type of One Handed weapon, they deal less damage than Daggers but have a chance to inflict a stackable bleed debuff they are designed to be dual wielded but can be used in either hand, they cannot be used for parrying, when wielded together they can unleash a flurry of swipes

Each Metal\Crafting type has a [size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3]Claw [/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]to go along with it, which can be
crafted, upgraded, enchanted, found and brought. As well as the
Metal\Crafting types there are a few other claws that I felt were

Iron, Steel, Skyforge, Dragon Priest[/size][size=3], Akaviri, Orcish, Dwarven[/size][size=3], Elven, Glass, Ebony, Daedric, Dragon Bone, Nordic, Stalhrim, Dark BrotherHood and Forsworn
Akaviri and Dark Brotherhood Claws don't appear in levelled lists, they placed in the Sky Haven Temple and both Sanctuaries respectively
I've also included a Blade of Woe variant that can be crafted by converting your Blade of Woe

The meshes are just kit bashes of [/size]existing weaponry, [size=3]If you have any mod that re-textures Weapons, the [size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3]claws[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size] will inherit the same re-texture[/size]

[line][b][u][size=6][color=#a4c2f4]Chain Whips[/color][color=#cc4125] -- Added IN 2.3 --[/color]
[i]If you're loading a previous save with this mod installed, you may have to wait a few in game days for the Whips to
appear in Levelled lists[/i]

Chain Whips are a new type of One Handed weapon, they light of damage, a bit slower to attack with than a sword and provide mid range damage, they have near instant recoil recovery, ideal as an offhand weapon

Due to the nature of whips being an animated weapon, they can sometimes be a bit jank in terms of animation, sometimes NPC's will have their whip randomly animate when blocking, a whip can animate faster than the player can transition between animations etc. Also  if you want to wield two whips together you need to get a dual wield variant(prefixed by the word dual) from the add Item menu or console, these don't appear in levelled lists

[size=3][color=#ffffff][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3]Each Metal\Crafting type has a Whip to go along with it, which can be
crafted, upgraded, enchanted, found and brought. As well as the
Metal\Crafting types there are a few other Whipthat I felt were

Iron, Steel, Silver, Skyforge, [/size][size=3]Orcish, Dwarven[/size][size=3], Elven, Glass, Ebony, Daedric, Dragon Bone, Nordic, Stalhrim, Dawnguard[/size][/size][/size][/size][/color][/size]
There's also a unquie whip Designed for Vampire slaying placed somewhere in the world

[line][b][u][size=6][color=#a4c2f4]Left Hand Animations[/color]
Daggers held in the Left Hand can now parry with or without a Rapier in the Right Hand
This works the same as the bow Bash, it causes a short stagger to your target, the parry replaces the standard left hand attack, the power attack still works but it doesn't use the correct animations (seriously Beth really screwed up the dual wielding behaviour files) Instead of the the correct animation it uses the standard light right+left attack animation

Parrying can be turned off in the MCM menu or set to work with all One handed weapons held in the Left Hand
It [i]should[/i] work with any dual Wield block mod, the Parry events are stored within the animation so any mod that allows you to block and bash while dual wielding will work

Unfortunately NPC's don't seem to perform the parrying action

[line][b][u][size=6][color=#a4c2f4]Compatibility Patches[/color]
[size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3]Not a compatibility patch, but this mod will work with Nemesis out the box[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]

I've made Compatibility Patches for the following mods:
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99250]All Geared Up Derivative - AllGUD[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/21205994]cskriffin[/url] - [size=3][color=#ffffff][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3]Patch is in the Optional Files[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/color][/size], Due to the nature of my Claws I've had to hand make the wearable variants
[size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81726]Rapier and Dagger[/url][/size] by [/size][size=3][size=3][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/5864605]BlueBoar[/url][/size][/size] - Patch is in the Optional Files
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49791]Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/4291352]kryptopyr[/url] [size=3] - Patch is in the Optional Files[/size]
[size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/21120]Heavy Armoury[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/887024]PrivateEye [/url][/size][size=3][size=3]- Patch is in the Optional Files[/size][/size]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27644]Immersive Weapons[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3656551]hothtrooper44[/url] - Only a few weapons received custom animations, the patch is in the Optional Files

[size=3][b][u][size=6][color=#a4c2f4]Patches by other Authors[/color][/size][/u][/b][/size]

[size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3]Not a compatibility patch but [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2000006]JZBai[/url] has made a great 1st person animation mod [/size][/size][/size][/size][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95261]1st Person Spear and Rapier Animations[/url]

[size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/96456]Egil's Rapier[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/31528195]FunkyGandalfCat[/url][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size] Has a patch in the optional files

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91532]Predators - The Lost Tribes Patches-Animated Armoury[/url] by [size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/36454200]WWE20[/url][/size][/size][/size][/size] - Predators - The Lost Tribes
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91740]Animated Armoury - Echizen[/url] by [size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/36454200]WWE20[/url][/size][/size][/size][/size] - Echizen
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91741]Animated Armoury - Jumonjisou_Chidori[/url][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3] by [size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/36454200]WWE20[/url][/size][/size][/size][/size] -[/size][/size][/size][/size] Jumonjisou_Chidori
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97659]Animated Armour - Immersive Weapons Patch - Grasp position repair[/url] by [size=3][color=#ffffff][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/36454200]WWE20[/url][/size][/size][/size][/size] -[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/color][/size] Fixes grips on Immersive Weapons
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97658]Animated Armour - Heavy Armoury Compatibility Patch - Grasp position correct[/url] [size=3][color=#ffffff][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3]by [size=3][color=#ffffff][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/36454200]WWE20[/url][/size][/size][/size][/size] -[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/color][/size] Fixes grips on Heavy Armoury Weapons[/size][/size][/size][/size][/color][/size]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/96723]Requiem - Animated Armoury Patch[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/23313089]Paulicus1[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/96152]Portuguese Translation[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/4644455]komodoro[/url]

[size=3][b][u][size=6][color=#a4c2f4]Compatibility [/color][/u][/b][/size][/size]
[size=3][size=3][color=#ff7700][size=4][i]Note About PCEA2[/i][/size][/color]
In 1.4 I fixed an issue when using this mod along with PCEA2, [b]you have to tick a button[/b] in the MCM menu for this fix to work
it's not a perfect fix but it'll do, what it does is after you unequip a
Weapon from this mod, it will then refresh your PECA2 Anims, as if you
pressed the button in PECA2's MCM menu

The change is not instant there is a little delay but it saves you having to open up the MCM menu[/size][/size]

[size=3]Depending on what version you Download this will either be compatible with everything ([color=#d9d2e9]Scripted Leveled List version[/color]) or non compatible with mods that change levelled lists ([color=#d9d2e9]Plugin Leveled List Version[/color])

The [color=#d9d2e9]"Scripted Levelled List Version[/color]" is compatible with any mod that makes edits to levelled lists
The "[color=#d9d2e9]Plugin Levelled List Version[/color]" is not compatible with mods that make changes to the same levelled lists, you need to have this mod in a lower position in your load order for the rapiers to appear in NPCs, Chests Vendors

With either version if loading from a previous save it may take a few in game days for them to appear on NPCs, Vendors or in chests

The Parry should work with any dual weild blocking mods you have installed, if you're having issues you can turn the Parry off via the MCM menu[/size]

[line][b][u][size=6][color=#a4c2f4]Other Info[/color]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/15394]SE version is out now[/url][/size]

[size=3]Permissions wise, anyone is ok to do anything they want with this mod, rework it, translate it, reanimate it, use the source code(I suck at coding); whatever floats your boat. No need to ask, just give credit please

I do have a tendency to just disappear from projects that I'm working on for whatever reason; usually I get distracted by something else.
Failing me going missing. [/size]

[/u][/b][/size][/size][/color][/size][size=6][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/10236085]Ashingda[/url] : For Fixing my scripts and his mod [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97220]Skyrim Spear Mechanic[/url]
[size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/8120]Fore[/url] : For making animations in Skyrim possible, [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11811]Fores New Idles in Skyrim FNIS[/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54521]FNIS Sexy Move[/url]
[/size][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/4959835]Zartar[/url] : For his WIP Behaviour tool
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/1567449]BouBoule201288[/url] : For his mod [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/78347]True Spear Combat[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/5864605]BlueBoar[/url] : For allowing me to make a compatibility patch for his [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81726]Rapier and Dagger mod[/url]
[size=3][color=#ffe599][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/887024]PrivateEye[/url][/size][/size]: For his mod [size=3][size=3][color=#ffe599][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/21120]Heavy Armoury[/url][/size][/size]
[size=3][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3656551]Hothtrooper44[/url][/size][/size]: For his mod [size=3][size=3][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27644]Immersive Weapons[/url][/size][/size][/size]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/1162571]MaikCG[/url]: For his [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76267]XPMSE Biped[/url]
[size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/11746993]sotaponi[/url]: For His [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87118]HCT TagFile Converter[/url]
Skyrim Together Team : For Inspiring me to finally get this mod going!




MAPS[/b] is a lore-friendly retexture of the two battle maps in the game. The main battle map is the detailed map done by the cartographer Nataly Dravarol in 4E 182. It has all the cities, hamlets, roads, rivers and other notable features illustrated. What makes it a "battle map", is it has circles and squares added to mark the imperial and stormcloak strongholds. The second battle map is the simple hand-drawn map that marks the stormcloak and imperial encampments along with the joining roads. It's used as a reference for commanders in the field.

[b][color=#ff0000]UPDATE 7/30/2015:[/color][/b] [url=http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/user/6568539-skyrimfantom/]SkyrimFantom[/url] was kind enough to make the German text translation for the main map, so there's now an "Auf Deutsch" version in the "optional" downloads section. Choose the appropriate size for your setup.

[center]Hodilton's video really shows the difference in detail versus the vanilla maps.[/center]


One may think it's a bit crazy to use a 4K texture for something like a map, and I don't blame anyone for thinking that. But, if you really want all the text and details to be sharp in game, then that's what's required. For the the cruder "field" map, that may be overkill, since it's not very detailed to begin with, but I'm offering it for those who want it.

The vanilla battle map textures are only 512 x 512, while the hi-res packs versions are 1K. Personally, 1K doesn't really preserve enough of the detail to make the text legible, so I would recommend using the 2K version, at least for the diffuse textures. I'm offering versions with a half-sized normal map to help conserve resources, since a map doesn't have much relief anyway. Therefore, the normal map has secondary importance (and it's shared between the two textures). You won't see a big difference when using a reduced sized normal map.

I tried to maintain the original aged, worn, and dirty look, while still making the important details standout enough to be clearly legible. Not much else to add, only choose the version which suits your particular setup.

[b][color=#ff0000]UPDATE:[/color][/b] I've added some "optimized" versions as well, for people who want to have the detail of the larger textures, but save on VRAM. These optimized versions have the diffuse (color) textures saved in DXT1A compression (with a 1-bit alpha) which allows the double layer textures to be the same file size as a single layer texture. The bigger the texture, the bigger the VRAM savings. The only downside, is you get a rougher edge on the outside of the map where the mask is, but the maps are torn and rough anyway, so it shouldn't be an issue for people.


[center][font=Tahoma][size=5]"MAPS... They don't love you like I love you"[b] - [/b][/size][/font][font=Tahoma][size=4]Karen O[/size][/font][/center][font=Tahoma][size=4]



Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim

[size=4][size=4][color=#cccccc]Skyrim Special Edition version available [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1137?]here[/url].[/color][/size][/size]

[url=https://www.patreon.com/EnaiSiaion][img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/68425-0-1489347895.png[/img][/url][size=4][color=#dd7777]Support Enai Siaion on Patreon![/color][/size]
[size=4][color=#7799dd]Discuss this mod on the Posts tab, [url=http://www.reddit.com/r/EnaiRim]/r/EnaiRim[/url] or [url=https://discord.gg/GfYzjPm]the Enairim Discord[/url][/color][/size]
[size=4][color=#AAAAAA]25/02/2018 Thanks to everyone who donated![/color] [color=#AA7777]♥[/color][/size]

[youtube]PDbfXoFlEXk[/youtube] [youtube]RNI45dNdCaY[/youtube]


All perk trees overhauled: over 400 new perks.[/*]
Enables many new viable character builds.[/*]
Compatible with almost everything, easily made compatible with the rest.[/*]
Lightweight scripts, no save bloat.[/*]

[size=5][color=#9999AA]Perk trees[/color][/size]

[size=2][b]0 - Alchemy Mastery (2)[/b] - Potions and poisons you make are 20/40% stronger.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Physician[/b] - You may choose a type of beneficial potion: Health, Magicka or Stamina. Potions you mix that restore or fortify the chosen attribute are 50% stronger.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Stimulants[/b] - When you use a beneficial potion or ingredient, you regenerate 2% of your Magicka and Stamina per second for 30 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Advanced Lab[/b] - You may choose to upgrade one alchemy lab to an Advanced version for 2500 gold. Potions you mix are 25% stronger at an Advanced Lab. Can be "Disassembled" by sneaking, allowing you to upgrade another.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Experimenter[/b] - Eating an ingredient reveals all effects.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Poisoner[/b] - Poisons you mix are 1% more powerful per level of Alchemy.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Bottomless Cup[/b] - Poisons applied to weapons last for one additional hit per 10 levels of Alchemy.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Crimson Haze[/b] - Stimulants also increases movement speed by 10% for its duration.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Elemental Oil[/b] - You may choose a power: "Fire Oil", "Frost Oil" or "Shock Oil". At will, create a pool of oil that lasts 20 seconds. It reacts violently when struck by a projectile or explosion, exploding and dealing damage equal to your Alchemy skill level.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Alkahest[/b] - Your poisons are highly corrosive, enabling you to ignore 40% of the armor rating of an affected target for their duration.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Lab Skeever[/b] - For 20 seconds after using any alchemy lab, beneficial potions you drink last 15 times longer and are 25% stronger.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Green Thumb[/b] - Twice as many ingredients are gathered from most harvestable objects.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Maenad[/b] - Magicka and Stamina are increased by 50 points when you are under the effect of a beneficial potion or ingredient, but reduced by 25 points when you are not.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - The Alchemist's Cookbook[/b] - You may choose a second Elemental Oil power. In addition to "Fire Oil", "Frost Oil" and "Shock Oil", you may also choose "Calming Oil", "Frenzy Oil", "Paralysis Oil" or "Hallowed Oil".[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Double Toil and Trouble[/b] - You mix twice as many potions at your Advanced Lab.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Pure Mixture[/b] - All negative effects are removed from created potions, and all positive effects are removed from created poisons.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Amplify Lethality[/b] - Grants the "Amplify Lethality" power. Once a day, point at a victim to silently reduce their poison resistance by 250% for 10 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Witchmaster[/b] - When you use a beneficial potion or ingredient, 50% chance to receive a powerful side effect, randomly chosen from a range of 40 side effects.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Chymical Wedding[/b] - Witchmaster side effects have 50% chance to cause side effects themselves.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Walking Disaster[/b] - In combat, periodically spill a random oil puddle on the ground. Puddles last 60 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - World Serpent[/b] - When you shout, your blood turns poisonous for 15 seconds. The next time you get hit with a weapon, retaliate with a powerful poisonous strike that deals 50 points of poison damage per second for 10 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]100 - That Which Does Not Kill You…[/b] - Upon learning this perk, you imbibe a deadly toxin, taking 150 damage per second. If you survive for 60 seconds, you receive 3 perk points and a permanent 25% bonus to all potions and poisons you make.[/size][/*]

[size=2][b]0 - Alteration Mastery (2)[/b] - Cast Alteration spells for 35/50% less Magicka, and Alteration spells last 0.5/1% longer per level of Alteration.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Alteration Dual Casting[/b] - Dual casting an Alteration spell empowers it, increasing effectiveness and cost.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Mage Armor (3)[/b] - Protection spells like Stoneflesh are 100/150/200% stronger if not wearing armor.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Geomancer[/b] - If wearing robes and no light or heavy armor, you take 30% less damage from attacks while charging or concentrating on a spell.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Philosopher's Stone[/b] - Once a day, generates gold equal to four times your Alteration skill level.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Vancian Magic[/b] - Cast magic like the wizards of old. Your next 20 spells do not use Magicka and are twice as effective. When you run out of spells, you are unable to cast spells until you rest by sleeping at an inn or in your home.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Wild Shrines[/b] - Five shrines dedicated to nature's mysteries can be found in Skyrim. Each shrine grants a permanent bonus to one school of magic, making all spells from that school 15% more powerful or last 30% longer.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Alter Self: Resistances[/b] - You may choose two resistances to increase by 25%.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Distorted Shape[/b] - When you gain an armor spell in combat (or enter combat with an active armor spell), you become intangible and unable to be affected by spells or attacks for 10 seconds or until you perform an offensive or defensive action.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Spellblade[/b] - Whenever you cast a spell with one hand, you deal 20% more attack damage for 4 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Command Lock[/b] - Once every 6 ingame hours, you can weaken an Expert or lower lock, reducing its difficulty to zero.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Energy Shield[/b] - If wearing robes and no light or heavy armor, reduces incoming attack and elemental damage by 35% but you lose Magicka equal to the amount of Health lost. The damage reduction gradually diminishes as Magicka falls below half. The energy shield is disabled when your hands are lowered.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Intuitive Magic (2)[/b] - Novice/ and apprentice spells of any school cost 100% less Magicka to cast.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Quadratic Wizard[/b] - Whenever you recharge your Vancian Magic spells, you gain 1 additional Vancian Magic spell for each 10 points of base Magicka.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Alter Self: Attributes[/b] - You may choose an attribute (Health, Magicka, Stamina) to increase by 50 points.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Home Mythal[/b] - Summons a permanent magical field at the location where you learn this perk. Alteration spells gain x2 duration if cast within 5000 feet, and x20 duration if cast within 250 feet. Additionally, Vancian Magic can be recharged by sleeping within 250 feet.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Welloc's Dormant Arcana[/b] - Choose a spell type (Armor, Cloak, Conjure Daedra, Conjure Undead, Invisibility) and 3 magic effects (Fortify, Regenerate, Waterwalking, ...). The chosen magic effects will activate when you are affected by the chosen spell type.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Dungeon Master[/b] - Whenever you recharge your Vancian Magic spells, you may choose less or more spells in exchange for increased or decreased spell effectiveness, and/or choose one of three metamagic enhancements. Your choice remains in effect until your next rest.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Energy Roil[/b] - Whenever you cast a spell with one hand, reduces the armor of nearby enemies within 10 feet by 150 points for 4 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - The Monarch[/b] - You cannot regenerate Magicka and lose 10 points of Magicka per second but absorb 25 points of Magicka per second from living creatures within 20 feet, whether friend or foe.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Aurification[/b] - Once every 12 ingame hours, activate a paralyzed target below half Health to transmute its body into gold worth 100 times its level, killing the target. Has a 50% chance of creating gold ore. No effect on essential targets.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Dimension Door[/b] - Grants the "Dimension Door" power. At will, creates a magical doorway that teleports you to the location of your Home Mythal.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Throne of Nirn[/b] - Standing still for 5 seconds while holding a spell summons a pillar of earth under your feet that carries you into the air and out of melee range. While standing on the pillar, your spells are 20% more powerful or last 40% longer. This effect is disabled when your hands are lowered.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Emergency Teleport[/b] - When you fall below 15% Health due to combat damage, you briefly turn invulnerable and teleport back to the location where you entered combat.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Nullifier[/b] - You radiate a dampening field, preventing enemies within 25 feet from regenerating Magicka and Stamina.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Rend Resistances[/b] - Whenever you attack with a weapon, reduces the magic resistance of nearby enemies within 10 feet by 15% for 4 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]100 - Arcane Thesis[/b] - Grants the "Arcane Thesis" power: use it to master the spell you are dual casting. A mastered spell is 20% more powerful or lasts 40% longer. Only one spell can be mastered.[/size][/*]

[size=2][b]0 - Archery Mastery (2)[/b] - Bows and crossbows deal 25/50% more damage./, and critical strikes with bows and crossbows do 2% more critical damage per level of Archery.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Clean Kill[/b] - Bows and crossbows deal 20% more damage to a target at full Health.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Wingstrike (2)[/b] - Bashing with a bow or crossbow always staggers the target. Bows and crossbows deal 20/40% more damage to that target for 10 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Long Shot (3)[/b] - Bows and crossbows deal up to 40/60/80% more damage to targets beyond 50 feet. The damage bonus increases as distance increases.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Steady Hand (3)[/b] - Pressing Block while aiming will zoom in your view/ and slow time by 25/50%.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Crippling Shot[/b] - Arrows and bolts slow a target within 25 feet by 10% for 20 seconds. This effect stacks.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Hunter's Discipline[/b] - Recover twice as many arrows and bolts from dead bodies.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Thread the Needle (2)[/b] - Bows and crossbows ignore 25/50% armor if the target is not moving.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Pinning Shot[/b] - Arrows and bolts have a chance to stagger a target within 50 feet. More effective against targets with a lower remaining Health percentage. No effect on massive targets.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Ranger[/b] - Can move at full speed with a drawn bow.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Focus on the Prey[/b] - Cannot be staggered while holding a drawn bow or reloading a crossbow.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Quick Shot[/b] - Can draw a bow or reload a crossbow 30% faster.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Snipe[/b] - Shooting targets you haven't shot within the past 10 seconds inflicts a critical strike that deals three times critical damage, and any weapon enchantments applied by the shot are twice as effective.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Ambush Predator[/b] - After standing still for 6 seconds with a bow or crossbow out, it does 25% more damage until you move.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Beak and Talon[/b] - Your shots disrupt targets within 25 feet, disarming them if they are power attacking and knocking them down if they are staggered.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Hailstorm[/b] - Attack 8% faster with bows and crossbows for 10 seconds after shooting a fully drawn bow or crossbow in combat. This effect stacks.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Hawkeye[/b] - Grants the "Hawkeye" power. Once a day, slow time and focus on your foes for 10 seconds, looking for opportunities for a killing shot. Finding their vulnerability takes 1 second per 125 Health. Once you do, you may shoot them for an instant kill.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Trick Arrows[/b] - Able to upgrade many types of arrows at a forge or anvil, adding a bonus effect (Force, Immolation, Freezing, Grounding, Maze or Death) based on its material.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Hunt Together[/b] - When fighting only one enemy, hitting the target with a bow or crossbow manifests a Spirit Wolf for 30 seconds. The wolf deals damage equal to 15% of your current Stamina. This effect has a 30 second cooldown per target.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Lion's Arrow[/b] - Grants the "Lion's Arrow" power: use it to store the spell you are dual casting. Shooting a fully drawn bow in combat also releases the stored spell in the direction of the crosshair. Only works with spells that affect other targets.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Three Crows[/b] - Shooting a target beyond 25 feet three times in rapid succession, leaving less than 2.75 seconds between each hit, deals bonus damage equal to 15% of the target's current Health (max. 150 damage) and knocks the target to the ground.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]100 - Perfect Aim[/b] - Bows deal 25% more damage if the shot strikes a target within 2 seconds after the bow is fully drawn. Crossbows deal triple damage to targets with 20% or less Health remaining.[/size][/*]

[size=2][b]0 - Block Mastery (2)[/b] - Block 10/20% more damage.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Timed Block (2)[/b] - Assume a defensive position for 1 second after raising your shield or weapon, blocking 30% more damage and staggering attackers in melee range. (If you do not block an attack during this time, you cannot attempt another Timed Block for 2 seconds/1 second.)[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Deflect Arrows[/b] - While blocking with a shield or weapon, arrows do half damage. Arrows that hit the shield do no damage.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Poke the Dragon[/b] - After a successful Timed Block within 8 feet, you may retaliate with increased strength, increasing your attack damage and critical strike damage against the attacker by 25% for 5 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Apocalypse Proof (2)[/b] - Perform a Timed Block to mitigate incoming fire, frost and shock spells and effects, reducing their damage by 50%/to zero.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Power Bash[/b] - Able to do a power bash by holding down Attack while blocking.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Quick Reflexes[/b] - Time slows down if you are blocking during an enemy's power attack.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Dominion[/b] - Take 25% less attack damage from any direction when blocking in combat.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Skull Rattler[/b] - Bashing deals 3% more damage per point of Stamina.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Dragon Tail[/b] - After a successful Timed Block, bashing the attacker within 5 seconds deals double damage.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Timing Streak[/b] - Performing 3 successful Timed Blocks in a row completes a Timing Streak, restoring 75 points of Stamina. (Taking an unblocked attack or blocking an attack outside the timed block window breaks the combo.)[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Block Runner[/b] - Can move at full speed while blocking.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Mocking Blow[/b] - Power bashing with a weapon infuriates living targets for 30 seconds. They won't flee from combat but can't regenerate Stamina, lose 15 points of Stamina per second and you take no damage from their attacks during a Timed Block.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Break Their Teeth[/b] - Completing a Timing Streak violently disarms the last attacker, staggering all within an 8 foot radius.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Cast Aside[/b] - Interrupting an attack with a power bash with a shield knocks the attacker to the ground. Targets can only be affected once every 30 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Deliverance[/b] - Completing a Timing Streak grants 10% extra attack damage for 90 seconds. This effect stacks.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Hold the Line[/b] - During a Timed Block, allies within 10 feet gain 250 points of armor rating.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Unstoppable Force[/b] - Able to sprint with a shield raised. This knocks enemies in your path to the ground, but costs 10 points of Stamina per second. Enemies can only be affected once every 10 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]100 - Dragon Scales[/b] - You take no damage from attacks during a Timed Block as long as you have Stamina remaining.[/size][/*]

[size=2][b]0 - Conjuration Mastery (2)[/b] - Cast Conjuration spells for 35/50% less Magicka, and Conjuration spells last 0.5/1% longer per level of Conjuration.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Bone Collector[/b] - Find 11 types of bones on humanoid corpses. 4 Bone Altars are marked on the map. At a Bone Altar, convert 1 of each bone into a Skeleton Warrior. Skeletons do not count against your summon limit. Enemies can only temporarily defeat them, not destroy them.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Conjuration Dual Casting[/b] - Dual casting a Conjuration spell empowers it, increasing effectiveness and cost.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Mystic Binding[/b] - Bound Weapon spells now summon Mystic Weapons which deal more damage.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Dead Tide (2)[/b] - Maximum number of Skeletons increased by 1 for each 75/50 points of base Magicka.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Planemeld[/b] - Able to summon Daedra and other non-undead minions five times farther away.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Ravenous Dead[/b] - Reanimated minions receive a brief burst of strength, dealing 200% extra attack damage for 15 seconds after being reanimated. The level cap of reanimation spells and effects is increased by 1% per level of Conjuration.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Soul Raider[/b] - Bound weapons cast Soul Trap on targets for 5 seconds. After trapping 250 souls, all bound weapon perks last twice as long.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Atromancy[/b] - Summoned Daedra and other non-undead minions last three times as long (or five times at night).[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Barrow Lord[/b] - You may give commands to all Skeletons within 150 feet at once, instead of one at a time. Skeletons take 25% less damage from attacks.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Preservation[/b] - Summoned and reanimated undead last three times as long (or twenty times if you place Hagraven Feathers into their inventory or use the Dread Zombie or Dead Thrall spells). Reanimated undead also gain 500 armor for 60 seconds after being reanimated.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Rat King[/b] - When entering combat, creates 3 undead Skeevers under your control. Their corpses can be raised, but they dissipate when combat ends. Use the "Merciful King" power to temporarily prevent this ability from activating.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Reap and Sow (2)[/b] - You loot 60/100% more bones from corpses and recover 50% more/all bones when you destroy a created Skeleton. Created Skeletons last 75/200% longer.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Rend From This World[/b] - Bound weapons banish conjured Daedra, turn reanimated undead and deal 100 extra damage to non-conjured Daedra.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Signed in Blood[/b] - When a friendly conjured Daedra within 15 feet is below full Health, it absorbs your lifeforce to heal itself, preventing you from regenerating Health but regenerating 10 points per second (increased by 4% of its maximum Health when out of combat).[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Edge of Oblivion[/b] - You can summon or reanimate 1 additional minion and they last 50% longer. When you do not command a summon or reanimated minion, you lose 250 points of armor and 50% magic resistance.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Pact Magic[/b] - Destruction spells and effects are 10% more effective for each friendly conjured Daedra within 30 feet.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Skeleton Mages (2)[/b] - Able to create Skeleton Mages (Fire, Frost, Shock/, Poison, Drain Armor, Stagger) at a Bone Altar. /You may choose their element at the time of creation.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Undead Crown[/b] - Restores 10 points of Health and Magicka per second to summoned or reanimated undead within 15 feet.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Void Burn[/b] - Bound weapons brand victims with unholy energy for 5 seconds, halting Magicka and Stamina regeneration while draining 15 points per second. When both are depleted, the energy starts devouring their flesh, dealing 15 points of magic damage per second.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - A Plague Upon Thee[/b] - If a reanimated undead is destroyed within 20 seconds, the attacker is stricken with a Daedric disease that deals 40 damage per second for 20 seconds. Those who have this perk are immune.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Conjure Altar[/b] - Grants the "Conjure Altar" power. At will, summons a Bone Altar for 60 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Fire Ritual[/b] - Able to ritually burn 1 of each bone at a Bone Altar, strengthening all Skeletons within 150 feet. Lasts until the Skeleton is destroyed and increases weapon damage by 15%, spell damage by 30% and Health by 50 points. This effect stacks.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Hollow Binding[/b] - Bound weapons cut through flesh and spirit, reducing magic resistance by 30% for 5 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Maelstrom[/b] - While you charge or concentrate on a spell, friendly conjured Daedra within 30 feet gain 30% extra attack damage.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Corpse Gas[/b] - If your reanimated undead is destroyed while on fire within 30 seconds, it explodes, dealing up to 300 points of fire damage to targets without this perk. You deal five times as much fire damage to your reanimated undead.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Dark Whispers[/b] - Bound weapons induce a battle rage in their wielder, granting 20% extra attack damage and 100 points of armor rating for 5 seconds when a target is struck.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Elemental Potency[/b] - Atronach conjurations now call Potent Atronachs that are higher level and more powerful.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Brand of the Necromancer[/b] - Brand a corpse by striking it with a bound weapon or by delivering the killing blow with a bound weapon attack. The brand grants 25% attack damage and 100 points of Health when reanimated or resurrected. Undead and automatons cannot be branded.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Feed the Monster[/b] - Able to feed Human Flesh to summoned or reanimated creatures, healing them and increasing Health, Magicka and Stamina by 200 points for 600 seconds. This effect stacks.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Necromaster[/b] - Grants finer control over creatures reanimated with powerful reanimation spells (Dread Zombie, Dead Thrall). Able to manipulate their inventory and equip items (if they are humanoid) and they emit a glow when slain that can be seen through walls. The level cap of those spells is also increased by 100%.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Unleash Hell[/b] - Conjured Daedra within 75 feet gain additional spells on a 30 second cooldown (Flame Atronach: fire explosion. Frost Atronach: reduced armor/magic resistance curse. Storm Atronach: magnetic knockdown. Dremora: increased attack damage and movement speed).[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Covenant of Coldharbour[/b] - Hollow Binding reduces magic resistance by an additional 30% if you control a summoned Daedra or other non-undead minion.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Puppet Master[/b] - Your created Skeletons take 25% less damage when you are blocking, deal 25% more attack damage when you are attacking, and their spells are 25% more powerful when you are casting a spell.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Shocked to Life[/b] - If your reanimated minion is struck by a shock spell within 30 seconds after reanimation completes, it attacks 250% faster and moves 50% faster for 10 seconds. You deal no damage to your reanimated minions with shock spells.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Summon Resist[/b] - Friendly conjured Daedra and other non-undead minions within 75 feet gain 50% magic resistance and 300 points of armor.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]100 - King of Bones[/b] - Assume Control of a Skeleton while becoming invulnerable. The Skeleton does quadruple damage and takes half damage. Unless commanded to remain passive, it automatically attacks foes in range. Lasts up to 45 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]100 - March of Oblivion[/b] - You can summon or reanimate 1 additional minion per 250 points of base Magicka, up to 3 additional minions.[/size][/*]

[size=2][b]0 - Destruction Mastery (2)[/b] - Destruction spells cost 35/50% less Magicka, and Destruction spells are 0.25/0.5% more powerful per level of Destruction.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Combustion (2)[/b] - Fire spells and effects cast on others are up to 20/30% more powerful, based on the target's missing Health percentage.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Destruction Dual Casting[/b] - Dual casting a Destruction spell empowers it, increasing effectiveness and cost.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Ionized Path (2)[/b] - Shock spells and effects cast on others are up to 20/30% more powerful, based on the target's missing Magicka percentage.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Merciless Cold (2)[/b] - Frost spells and effects cast on others are up to 20/30% more powerful, based on the target's missing Stamina percentage.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Force of Nature[/b] - Elemental spells and effects cost 30% less Magicka to cast in favorable weather: fire spells in sunlight, frost spells during snowfall, shock spells in the rain.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Frostfall[/b] - Frost spells reduce the attack damage of their targets by 25% for 5 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Scarring Burns[/b] - Fire spells reduce the fire resistance of their targets by 20% for 5 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Static Field[/b] - Shock spells that would leave their target above 75% Health deal enough additional damage to make up the difference.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Arc Burn[/b] - Shock spells hitting targets that are not fire resistant cause a plasma that deals 5 points of unresistable fire damage per second for 4 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Conflagration[/b] - Fire spells ignite the ground underneath their targets for 30 seconds. The burning ground deals 8 points of damage per second for 3 seconds on contact.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Crystalize[/b] - Frost spells freeze the blood of their targets, halting Stamina regeneration for 5 seconds. If the targets are not resistant to frost, frost spells also reduce armor by 125 points for 5 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Harsh Lesson[/b] - Destruction projectile spells interrupt targets that are casting a spell. Does not work on massive targets.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Runecaster[/b] - Can place runes 75 feet farther away, and place three times as many runes at a time.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Flash Fire[/b] - Fire spells have 15% chance to ignite the target for 2 seconds. The next instance of fire damage that hits an ignited target (except burning ground) detonates, dealing 100% more damage and causing a living target to flee the flames for 4 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Magnetize[/b] - Shock spells have 15% chance to lift the target into the air for 2 seconds, preventing movement.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Robe of the Magi[/b] - If wearing robes and no light or heavy armor, Destruction spells are 30% more powerful.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Shatter[/b] - Frost spells that hit a frost resistant target fragment and explode in a 15 foot area, reducing frost resistance by 25% for 10 seconds. This effect stacks.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Iced Earth[/b] - Dual casting frost spells freezes the earth under your feet. The frozen ground deals 40 points of damage per second to Health and Stamina for 4 seconds on contact. Frost spells and effects are 50% more powerful against affected targets.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Nova Charge[/b] - Dual casting 6 shock spells in combat triggers a shock nova that deals 200 points of shock damage to nearby enemies and staggers them. This can only occur once per battle.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Pyromancer Ascension[/b] - Dual casting 6 fire spells in combat unleashes your power for 20 seconds: fire spells and effects are 50% more powerful and cost half Magicka, and you leave burning ground in your wake that deals 30 damage per second. This can only occur once per battle.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Ancient Seals[/b] - Destruction runes no longer deal instant damage, but inflict a stacking 10 second elemental burn that deals 15% damage per second.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Electroconvulsions[/b] - Shock spells incapacitate living targets below 25% Health if they are not shock resistant.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Hypothermia[/b] - Frost spells paralyze living targets below 25% Health if they are not frost resistant.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Scorched Earth[/b] - Fire spells (except concentration spells) burn corpses to cinders, creating a pyre that burns for 30 seconds. The burning ground deals 50 points of damage per second for 5 seconds on contact.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - War of the Elements[/b] - You deal 40% more attack damage to targets that are taking damage from the burning ground created by Conflagration, Scorched Earth or Pyromancer Ascension or are being affected by Electroconvulsions or Hypothermia.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Elemental Specialization[/b] - You may choose one element (fire, frost, shock). Spells and effects of that element are 15% more powerful, while spells and effects of the other two elements are 15% weaker.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Exhaust[/b] - Frost spells and effects drain 50% more Stamina.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Show Them All[/b] - Shock spells and effects drain 50% more Magicka.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - World in Flames[/b] - The burning ground created by Conflagration, Scorched Earth and Pyromancer Ascension deals 25% more damage. Additionally, other fire spells and effects are 25% more powerful against targets affected by burning ground.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Outburst[/b] - When you fall below 75 points of Health, the fiery energy within you explodes and ignites nearby enemies, dealing 30 points of fire damage per second for 4 seconds and applying fire spell perks. This effect has a 180 second cooldown.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Stormblast[/b] - You accumulate static energy from the ambient air. Every 6-12 seconds in combat, your next shock spell triggers a ground discharge that radiates outward from the target. All enemies in the area take 60 points of shock damage to Health and Magicka.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Winter's Majesty[/b] - You radiate freezing cold, reducing the frost resistance of enemies within 25 feet by 50%. This penalty is applied on top of Shatter.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]100 - Absolute Power[/b] - Aiming a Sparks, Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Thunderbolt or Lightning Storm spell directly at a target will magnetically levitate them in front of you for 6 seconds, reducing magic resistance by 25%. This effect has a 45 second cooldown.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]100 - Cataclysm[/b] - Fire spells that hit targets affected by burning ground explode for 20% of their current Health (max. 250 damage), blasting them into the air and reducing magic resistance by 25% for 6 seconds. This effect has a 45 second cooldown.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]100 - Glacial Prison[/b] - Frost spells immobilize (non-essential) targets in a block of ice for 6 seconds, reducing magic resistance by 25%. This effect has a 120 second cooldown, but killing a victim affected by Glacial Prison or Hypothermia immediately ends the cooldown.[/size][/*]

[size=2][b]0 - Enchanting Mastery (2)[/b] - New enchantments are 20/40% stronger. Soul gems provide 2/4 extra weapon charge points per level of Enchanting.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Last Word (3)[/b] - Scrolls are 2/4/6% more powerful or last 4/8/12% longer per level of Enchanting.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Soul Siphon[/b] - Death blows with enchanted weapons to creatures, but not people, trap 5% of the victim's soul, recharging the weapon. Does not apply to staves.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Staff Channeler[/b] - When a staff is equipped, all weapon enchantments drain 25% less charge and you gain a small amount of Enchanting experience in combat.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Thunderstruck[/b] - Weapon enchantments are 25% more effective when delivered by a power attack (or 50% for a two-handed power attack).[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Gem Dust[/b] - You may choose to destroy a Flawless Gem when you begin the enchanting process and sprinkle its dust on the Arcane Enchanter. New enchantments are 25% stronger when placed upon an item of the type corresponding to the gem.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Secretkeeper[/b] - When a staff is equipped in your left hand, your attacks deal 25% more damage and critical damage. When a staff is equipped in your right hand, your spells and scrolls are 25% more effective.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Spellscribe[/b] - Grants the "Spellscribe" power: use it to store the spell you are dual casting. Your power attacks and power bashes unleash the stored spell for free, with a cooldown based on Enchanting skill. Only works with spells that affect other targets.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Flame of Magnus[/b] - While casting or concentrating on a staff in your left hand, you may attack with your right hand, dealing 50% more damage and critical damage.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Preserver[/b] - Learning an item's enchantment does not destroy it.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Might and Magic[/b] - You are adept at weaving blade and magic. Spells cast with your left hand are 10% more effective if you are wielding a weapon in your right hand. Attacks with a weapon in your right hand deal 10% more damage if you are holding a spell in your left hand.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Regalia[/b] - New enchantments placed upon robes, circlets, hoods and necklaces are 30% stronger.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Staff Recharge[/b] - Equipped staves regenerate 5 points of charge per second, up to their charge level when you last equipped them or recharged them with a soul gem.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Attunement[/b] - All enchantments on equipped weapons and armor are 10% more powerful and last 10% longer.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Charge Tap[/b] - Grants the "Charge Tap" power. At will, drains a quarter of your current weapon charge to restore Health by 15% of the amount drained and Magicka and Stamina by 25% of the amount drained. (If you have two enchanted weapons equipped, the drain is split.)[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Power Echoes[/b] - Spellscribe activates twice before going on cooldown.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Heart of the Sun[/b] - Use an equipped staff as an energy source, causing it to lose charge at a rate of 15 points per second but making your weapon enchantments 1% more effective per 50 points of charge remaining in the staff. (This effect stacks if more than one staff is equipped.) Sheathe to cancel.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Twin Enchantment[/b] - Can place two enchantments upon the same item.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Arcane Nexus[/b] - You may choose to upgrade one arcane enchanter to an Arcane Nexus for 2500 gold. New enchantments created at an Arcane Nexus are 25% stronger. Can be "Disassembled" by sneaking, allowing you to upgrade another.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - You Shall Not Pass[/b] - Simultaneously (within 1 second) using an enchanted staff in your left hand and striking with an enchanted weapon in your right hand releases a flash of light that staggers enemies and deals damage equal to half your Enchanting skill level.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]100 - Miracle[/b] - You put your heart and soul into the next item you enchant at an Arcane Nexus, placing up to three enchantments upon it that are 25% stronger. Try as you might, you will never be able to repeat this feat.[/size][/*]

[size=4][color=#aa8888]Heavy Armor
[size=2][b]0 - Heavy Armor Mastery (2)[/b] - Armor rating of Heavy Armor increased by 20/40%. You gain a small amount of Heavy Armor experience when wearing at least two pieces of Heavy Armor in combat.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Cushioned (2)[/b] - You take half/no damage from falling if wearing all Heavy Armor.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Battle Weary[/b] - Tired enemies have a harder time defeating your armor. You take up to 20% less attack damage from enemies with half or less Stamina, if wearing all Heavy Armor. The lower their Stamina, the less damage you take.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Heavy Armor Fit[/b] - Armor rating of Heavy Armor increased by 25% if wearing all Heavy Armor.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Defiance[/b] - You are trained to deflect incoming attacks while wearing all Heavy Armor. Whenever an enemy attacks you, you gain 15 points of armor rating for 10 seconds. This effect stacks.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Face of Death[/b] - You no longer need to wear a helmet to benefit from perks that require "wearing all Heavy Armor". If you are not wearing a helmet, Heavy Armor pieces have 20% increased armor rating.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Rallying Standard[/b] - Grants the "Rallying Standard" power. Once a day, place a banner that grants 150 points of armor and 25% melee damage to allies within 25 feet wearing all Heavy Armor (including you) and prevents them from fleeing. Lasts 60 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Born to Fight[/b] - Heavy Armor weighs half as much and slows you down half as much when worn.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Revel in Battle[/b] - Defiance also increases melee weapon damage by 3% for 10 seconds. This effect stacks.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Bedrock[/b] - If wearing all Heavy Armor, you have 20% chance to brace for impact when attacked by an enemy, becoming immune to stagger for 4 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Break Upon Me[/b] - You are immune to basic melee weapon perks (Clash of Champions/Heroes, Denting/Crushing Blows, Bleed Like a Lamb/Dog, Bite Marks). If wearing all Heavy Armor, you take 10% less attack damage from enemies affected by one or more of these perks.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Never Kneel[/b] - If wearing all Heavy Armor, take 30% less attack damage from power attacks.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Lead the Tempest[/b] - Sprinting in combat increases the armor of allied people within 20 feet by 25% of your own armor, and the armor of allied Skeletons created by Bone Collector within 20 feet by 15% of your own armor. Lasts 30 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Reap the Whirlwind[/b] - When struck by a power attack or power bash, your attacks deal 125% more damage to the attacker for 5 seconds if wearing all Heavy Armor.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Out of the Inferno[/b] - Incoming fire, frost and shock damage reduced by 0.02% per point of armor if wearing all Heavy Armor.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Rise Above[/b] - If wearing all Heavy Armor, you intimidate enemies within 15 feet. They lose 5% attack damage and you gain 5% attack damage for each enemy affected.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Warbringer[/b] - Raising your hands (to draw a weapon or spell) places a Rallying Standard at your location for 120 seconds. This does not count against the limit of one Rallying Standard at a time.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Doombringer[/b] - Rallying Standard also improves Destruction spells and effects by 15%.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Immortal[/b] - If wearing all Heavy Armor, take 75% less damage from attacks below 15% Health (or 20% Health if you are affected by Rallying Standard).[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Primal Fear[/b] - If wearing all Heavy Armor, walking (but not running) towards living enemies within 30 feet in front of you may break their confidence, causing them to flee for 8 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Sovereign[/b] - When struck by an attack, subsequent attacks are deflected if wearing all Heavy Armor. You take 75% reduced damage from attacks for 1 second.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]100 - Face of the Mountain[/b] - When struck by a power attack or power bash, the attacker's strike rebounds forcefully as if striking solid rock, staggering them and potentially knocking them to the ground if wearing all Heavy Armor.[/size][/*]

[size=2][b]0 - Illusion Mastery (2)[/b] - Illusion spells cost 35/50% less Magicka, Illusion spells last 0.5/1% longer per level of Illusion, and mind affecting Illusion spells (Calm, Fear, Frenzy, Rally) are 0.1/0.2 points stronger per level of Illusion.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Dream Thief[/b] - Activate sleeping victims to steal their dream, increasing the effectiveness of your Illusion spells by 50% for 3600 seconds. Chance to fail and alert the victim, based on Illusion skill.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Illusion Dual Casting[/b] - Dual casting an Illusion spell empowers it, increasing effectiveness and cost.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Commanding Presence[/b] - In combat, you radiate an aura of mystical nobility that touches allied creatures and people within 40 feet. Those affected gain 20% extra attack damage and have 20% chance of a critical strike.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Entice Barter[/b] - Activate any target under the effect of a Calm spell to initiate trade.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Imposing Presence[/b] - You radiate an aura of mystical charisma that touches all within 40 feet. Any Illusion spell you cast on those affected is 25% more powerful and lasts 30% longer.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Night Eye[/b] - Grants the "Night Eye" power. At will, grants improved night vision for 120 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Crown of the False King[/b] - Commanding Presence also increases armor by 80 points and magic resistance by 20%.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Kindred Mage[/b] - Mind affecting spells and effects are 15 points stronger (or 30 points if you are the same race as the target).[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Quiet Before the Storm (2)[/b] - All spells you cast from any school of magic/, as well as all shouts, are silent to others.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Wilting[/b] - Those affected by a Calm spell or effect within the radius of Imposing Presence lose 200 points of armor and 50% magic resistance.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Fickle Fate[/b] - Mind affecting spells and effects cast on others are between 1 and 40 points stronger, chosen at random.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Nemesis[/b] - Activate any hostile creature or humanoid in combat to summon an illusion of the target with 1% extra attack damage per Illusion level. The illusion relentlessly attacks the target for 30 seconds. This effect has a 180 second cooldown.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Terror[/b] - Those affected by a Fear spell or effect within the radius of Imposing Presence drop their weapon.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Imperious Splendor[/b] - Commanding Presence and Crown of the False King are twice as powerful as long as you remain above 75% Health.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Master of the Mind[/b] - Mind affecting spells (Calm, Fear, Frenzy, Rally) and Commanding Presence also work on undead, daedra and automatons.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Pandemonium[/b] - Those affected by a Frenzy spell or effect within the radius of Imposing Presence gain 50% extra attack damage.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Dream Charm[/b] - Activate sleeping victims to project yourself into their dream, improving their disposition towards you. High disposition may earn you quests, discounts and gifts. Chance to fail and alert the victim, based on Illusion skill.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Neverworld[/b] - Those affected by a Calm spell or effect within the radius of Imposing Presence are enraptured by a lotus dream from which they may refuse to return to reality. When the Calm is broken due to an attack, they may become Calmed again for 30 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Shadow Refuge[/b] - While affected by an invisibility spell or effect, you take 35% less damage from attacks and sneaking is 15% better.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - The Reaper Comes[/b] - Activate any non-essential humanoid (only) under the effect of a Calm spell to send a wraith to slay the target within 15 seconds. This counts as an assault, if you get seen. This effect has a 180 second cooldown and can only affect one target at a time.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Lamb to the Slaughter[/b] - Activate any humanoid (only) under the effect of a Fear spell to compel the target to stand motionless for 30 seconds. Your attacks against this target ignore armor. This effect has a 180 second cooldown and can only affect one target at a time.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Protect Your God[/b] - When struck by a weapon, may compel a nearby ally affected by Commanding Presence to engage your attacker, dealing 250% extra attack damage for 5 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Soulcrusher[/b] - Feast upon the minds of those affected by a Fear spell or effect within the radius of Imposing Presence, absorbing 25 points of Magicka per second.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Blind Guardian[/b] - Activate any non-hostile creature or humanoid in combat to summon an illusion of the target. The illusion fights for the target for 60 seconds and the target won't flee for its duration. This effect has a 300 second cooldown.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Dream Geas[/b] - Activate sleeping victims to send a dream that compels them to fight at your side until released. You can only have one Dream Thrall at a time. Chance to fail and alert the victim, based on Illusion skill.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Ghost of the Tenth Eye[/b] - Sneaking while under the effect of the Vision of the Tenth Eye spell will summon a disembodied eye under your control. The eye has 1 point of Health, but is invisible and silent. You must know the Vision of the Tenth Eye spell to learn this perk.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Heavy Weighs the Tapestry[/b] - Activate any humanoid (only) under the effect of a Frenzy spell to incapacitate the target with magical exhaustion for 30 seconds and drain 500 points of Magicka and Stamina. This effect has a 180 second cooldown and can only affect one target at a time.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Nightfall[/b] - Those affected by a Frenzy spell or effect within the radius of Imposing Presence are consumed by battle hunger when there are no other enemies remaining, taking 40 points of damage per second.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]100 - Wraithwalker[/b] - After using an Activate perk (Blind Guardian, Heavy Weighs the Tapestry, Lamb to the Slaughter, Nemesis, The Reaper Comes), Illusion spells are 50% more powerful and last 50% longer for 10 seconds. The cooldown of Activate perks ends after 8 seconds out of combat.[/size][/*]

[size=4][color=#88aa88]Light Armor
[size=2][b]0 - Light Armor Mastery (2)[/b] - Armor rating of Light Armor increased by 20/40%. You gain a small amount of Light Armor experience when wearing at least two pieces of Light Armor in combat.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Iron Fist (3)[/b] - Increases unarmed damage by 5/15/25% of your current Stamina, and you gain Light Armor experience when using unarmed attacks in combat. Requires two free hands.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Annoying Mosquitoes (2)[/b] - You take 10/20% less attack damage from enemies with full Health if wearing all Light Armor.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - As a Leaf[/b] - While sprinting in Light Armor, you cannot be staggered and take 50% less damage from power attacks.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Light Armor Fit[/b] - Armor rating of Light Armor increased by 25% if wearing all Light Armor.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Initiative (2)[/b] - When you enter combat, if wearing all Light Armor, regenerate up to 10/20% of your maximum Stamina per second. This bonus gradually diminishes over the course of 15 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Keen Senses[/b] - You no longer need to wear a helmet to benefit from perks that require "wearing all Light Armor". If you are not wearing a helmet, Light Armor pieces have 20% increased armor rating.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Sweeping Wind[/b] - Unarmed power attacks do 25% more damage. Additionally, if your movement speed is increased, they do 2% damage per 1% movement speed. Requires two free hands.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Rushing Tide[/b] - Unarmed attacks grant 10% increased Stamina regeneration and 5% movement speed for 8 seconds. This effect stacks. Requires two free hands.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Unhindered[/b] - Light Armor weighs nothing and doesn't slow you down when worn.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Windrunner[/b] - Move 10% faster in combat if wearing all Light Armor.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Evasive Leap[/b] - If wearing all Light Armor, jump in combat to cause all incoming attacks and spells to miss for 1 second. This effect has a 5 second cooldown.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Into the Maelstrom[/b] - You take 10% less attack damage when fighting more than one enemy if wearing all Light Armor.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Fight or Flight[/b] - When struck by an unblocked attack or spell in combat, an adrenaline rush regenerates 5% of your maximum Stamina per second for 6 seconds if wearing all Light Armor.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Hissing Dragon[/b] - You may choose a damage type (fire, frost, shock, poison, disease or sun). Unarmed attacks unleash a shockwave that deals the chosen damage type to all targets in front of you. Requires two free hands. Does not activate while sneaking.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Wardancer[/b] - Your agility enables you to strike more effectively, granting 20% more attack damage and critical damage if wearing all Light Armor. This effect is lost for 6 seconds whenever you get struck by an unblocked attack or a hostile spell in combat.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Spelldancer[/b] - Wardancer also improves elemental (fire, frost and shock) spells and effects by the same amount.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Survival Instinct[/b] - When you get struck by an unblocked attack or hostile spell in combat, gain 10% movement speed for 6 seconds if wearing all Light Armor.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Wild and Free[/b] - While sprinting in Light Armor, you take 50% less damage from attacks.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Breaking Waves[/b] - Unarmed attacks have 15% chance of a critical strike that deals critical damage equal to 40% of your current Stamina. If you are affected by Wardancer, every hit is a critical strike. Requires two free hands.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Glancing Blows[/b] - You take 30% less damage from blocked attacks while Wardancer is active. When you lose the Wardancer effect due to an unblocked attack, it also deals 30% less damage.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Lightning Strike[/b] - Your critical strikes deal 75% more critical damage for 10 seconds after entering combat while wearing all Light Armor.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]100 - Tempting Fate[/b] - You gain 20% movement speed if you are not blocking during an enemy's power attack. If the power attack misses, the effect lasts until combat ends or until you get struck by a power attack.[/size][/*]

[size=2][b]0 - Lockpicking Mastery (2)[/b] - Weaker/all locks are easier to pick.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Bear Traps[/b] - Able to pick up Bear Traps or create them at a Forge or Anvil, and drop them from your inventory to place them. The teeth of placed Bear Traps deal 2 points of damage per level of Lockpicking. You can only pick up and carry two Bear Traps at a time.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Game of Fate[/b] - There are 5 Dragons of Fate hidden in random locked containers in Skyrim. Each grants 15000 gold and a free perk point when removed from its container. The name of the container changes to indicate the treasure inside.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Lockdown[/b] - Activate a hostile automaton to lockpick your way into its engine. Lock difficulty is based on its current Health. Pick its lock within 15 seconds to reduce its Health to 1 and shut it down for 60 seconds. If you fail, you can't try again for 30 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Robber's Eye[/b] - When you enter a dwelling you don't own, illuminates a locked container for 120 seconds. During this time, it contains valuable items (based on your Lockpicking skill and the difficulty of its lock). This can only occur once every 12-60 ingame hours.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Wax Key[/b] - Gives you a copy of a picked lock's key if it has one.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Gone in Fifteen Seconds[/b] - Taking 15 seconds or less to pick the lock on a container illuminated by Robber's Eye improves the added treasure by an average of 50% based on the level of the lock and resets the cooldown of Robber's Eye.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Lockjaw[/b] - Your Bear Traps stagger victims struck by the teeth, reducing their armor rating by 10 points per level of Lockpicking for 5 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Locksmith[/b] - Pick starts much closer to the lock opening position.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Big Game Hunter[/b] - Placed Bear Traps are 20% bigger and more likely to successfully hit small or fast moving targets. They also rearm themselves 2.5 seconds after being triggered.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Hotwire[/b] - Activate an automaton under Lockdown to lockpick its brain. Succeed within 15 seconds to hack the automaton, forcing it to follow you and fight for you. If you fail, you can't try again for 30 seconds. You can only have one Hotwired Automaton at a time.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Nose for Treasure[/b] - You may choose an item type (gold, jewelry, books, ingredients, potions, ingots, weapons, armor, scrolls). Containers illuminated by Robber's Eye are three times more likely to contain items of your chosen type over other types.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Dungeoneer[/b] - Robber's Eye also works in dungeons and lasts three times as long.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Golden Touch[/b] - Find 20-100 more gold in many dungeon chests and 2-10 more gold in some corpses, urns, etc.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Bait[/b] - Grants the "Bait" power. At will, lures the nearest hostile target within 75 feet to the location of the nearest Bear Trap placed within 50 feet (not during combat or conversation). Lasts 30 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Bushwhack[/b] - If the victim of your Bear Trap is not detecting you, the trap is five times as effective.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - The Revenge[/b] - You can pick up and carry 3 Bear Traps.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Percussive Maintenance[/b] - Your Hotwired Automaton moves 30% faster and attacks 20% faster. Hitting your Hotwired Automaton with a mace or warhammer repairs it 150 points (or 300 points on a power attack) and further increases attack speed by 50% for 10 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Treasure Hunter[/b] - Increases the chance of finding an additional weapon or armor item in many dungeon chests from 10% to 15%.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]100 - Dragon's Teeth[/b] - When placing a Bear Trap, you may choose to add an extra effect: Poison, Drain Magicka, Drain Stamina, Slow, Banish or Turn Undead. This effect is triggered when a victim is struck by the teeth and takes damage.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]100 - Seen This Before[/b] - Your skill at lockpicking is such that you may bypass locks of Expert or lower level without using a key or manually picking the lock. After picking or bypassing at least 100 locks, you gain 2 perk points.[/size][/*]

[size=2][b]0 - One-Handed Mastery (2)[/b] - One-handed weapons do 25/50% more damage./, and critical strikes with one-handed weapons do 2% more critical damage per level of One-Handed.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Disciplined Fighter[/b] - Reduces the Stamina cost of power attacks with one-handed weapons by 15 points.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Bite Marks (3)[/b] - Unblocked attacks with daggers deal an additional 1/2/3 point/s of bleed damage per second for 30/45/60 seconds to living targets. This effect stacks.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Bleed Like a Lamb (3)[/b] - Attacks with war axes deal an additional 1/2/3 points of damage per second for 3 seconds to living targets. When the bleeding stops, they take damage equal to 15/20/25% of the Health they lost while bleeding.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Clash of Champions (3)[/b] - Attacks with swords reduce the target's attack damage by 10/15/20% for 3 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Denting Blows (3)[/b] - Attacks with maces reduce the armor rating of armored enemies by 50/75/100 points for 15 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Ravage (2)[/b] - Dual wielding attacks are 20/35% faster.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Cross Cut (2)[/b] - Unblocked regular attacks with a sword increase the damage of your power attacks against the target by 25/50% for 4 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Furious Strength[/b] - Power attack damage with one-handed weapons increased by 15% plus 0.1% per point of Stamina. Unlocks decapitations.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Mangle (2)[/b] - Attacks with a war axe ignore 25/50% armor if the target is staggered.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Savage (2)[/b] - Attacks with a dagger deal 25/50% more damage if you rapidly hit the target three or more times. Resets when 2 seconds pass between hits.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Smite (2)[/b] - Power attacks with a mace deliver a critical strike that deals three/six times critical damage (four/eight times against the undead). Targets can only be struck by Smite once every 30 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Falling Sword[/b] - Forwards power attacks with a sword cause targets to bleed for 20 seconds. When a bleeding target falls below 25% Health, your attacks against that target are critical strikes that deals ten times critical damage.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Overrun[/b] - Can perform a one-handed sprinting power attack that deals up to 50% more damage and critical damage to a target above half Health. The higher its remaining Health percentage, the more damage and critical damage is dealt.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Rise Kinsmen[/b] - Forwards power attacks with a mace inspire nearby allies, granting them 20% extra attack damage for 15 seconds. This effect stacks.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Rogue's Parry[/b] - When wielding a one-handed weapon and an empty other hand, attacking with the weapon while the opponent is winding up their attack or drawing a bow deals 40% more damage and delivers a critical strike.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Shieldbiter[/b] - Forwards power attacks with a war axe smash through a block, causing the target to drop their shield and take a critical strike that deals five times critical damage.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Twin Fang[/b] - Forwards power attacks with a dagger impale the target, dealing double Bite Marks damage, whether or not the attack is blocked.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Man O'War[/b] - While dual wielding in combat, build up a battle rage with each attack, gaining 1% extra attack damage and 1% bonus attack speed for 20 seconds. This effect stacks.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Swaying Cobra[/b] - Sideways power attacks with a dagger inflict distracting wounds, draining 100 points of Magicka and Stamina and halting regeneration for 5 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Toll the Bell[/b] - Sideways power attacks with a mace deplete all of your Stamina on impact, dealing 1% more damage per point of Stamina depleted and doing a critical strike.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Windswept[/b] - Sideways power attacks with a sword fling targets backwards up to 6 feet, dealing up to 40% more damage based on distance traveled.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Wolfstooth[/b] - Sideways power attacks with a war axe grant 15% extra attack damage for 30 seconds. This effect stacks.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Death Adder[/b] - Standing power attacks with a dagger ignore armor.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Go for the Throat[/b] - Standing power attacks with a war axe remove all active instances of Wolfstooth on the user, dealing 50% bonus damage and a critical strike for 250% bonus critical damage for each instance consumed.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Into the Dust[/b] - Repeated standing power attacks with a sword against a target do escalating damage if no more than 3 seconds pass between each. This effect stacks up to three times, each doing 15% more damage. Reaching four stacks knocks the target off their feet.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Meteor Storm[/b] - Each standing power attack with a mace that hits a target empowers subsequent standing power attacks with a mace within 20 seconds, increasing their damage and Stamina cost by 15%. This effect stacks.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Thundering Blow[/b] - Whenever you perform a total of 8 or more one-handed regular attacks in combat, your next one-handed power attack is a Thundering Blow that deals double damage and costs no Stamina, resetting the counter.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Apex Predator[/b] - Attacks with war axes deal bonus damage to living targets equal to 4% of their current Health (max. 40 damage).[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Coiling Python[/b] - Hitting a target with a forwards, sideways and backwards power attack with a dagger within 30 seconds paralyzes the target for 20 seconds. Your attacks against the paralyzed target are critical strikes that deal nine times critical damage.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Judgment[/b] - Slaying an enemy under the effect of Clash of Champions restores 100 points of Stamina.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Skull Crack[/b] - Attacks with maces interrupt spellcasting. Does not work on massive targets.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Aftershock[/b] - After a Thundering Blow, attack speed is increased by 75% for 3 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Unleash the Beast[/b] - While dual wielding in combat, enter a murderous frenzy every 20 to 40 seconds. For 8 seconds, dual wield power attacks deal 50% more damage and 100% more critical damage.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]100 - Wandering Warrior[/b] - Whenever you defeat at least 4 humanoids and/or animals in a single battle, you gain a permanent +1% bonus to one-handed damage. This effect stacks up to +20%.[/size][/*]

[size=2][b]0 - Pickpocket Mastery (2)[/b] - Adds 20/40% to your pickpocket chance and increases carry weight by 50/100 points.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Blood Money[/b] - You find 10-100 more gold when looting humanoid corpses you have slain in an especially violent fashion (with an attack that dealt at least 100 more damage than their remaining Health or a killmove).[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Trained Rabbit[/b] - Grants the "Trained Rabbit" power. At will, silently sends out a trained rabbit to lead you to the nearest loose valuable item (armor, weapon, key, book, soul gem, ingredient). It then returns to you.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Cutpurse[/b] - Adds 25% to your chance to pickpocket gold, keys and jewelry.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Thief's Eye[/b] - When you enter a major city, illuminates a random citizen on the streets for 300 seconds. If you interact with the target during this time, they will carry valuable items (based on your Pickpocket skill). This can only occur once every 12-60 ingame hours.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Brotherhood Cocktail[/b] - Silently harm enemies by placing poisons in their pockets while pickpocketing.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Death's Emperor (2)[/b] - A cursed septim appears in your inventory. When someone else is in possession of the coin, your attacks deal 100/200% more damage and critical damage to them.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - On the Run[/b] - After you successfully pickpocket someone, sneaking is 200% more effective and movement speed is increased by 25% for 10 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Lawless World[/b] - Petty crimes are slowly forgotten, allowing your bounties for non-violent crimes to decay at a rate of 50% of your Pickpocket skill level each day.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Thief's Luck[/b] - You may choose an item type (gold, jewelry, books, ingredients, potions, ingots, scrolls). Those illuminated by Thief's Eye are three times more likely to carry items of your chosen type over other types.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Stalk the Prey[/b] - Preparing to pickpocket (sneaking behind a victim with the pickpocket message displayed) for at least 10 seconds adds 20% to your chance to pickpocket any item.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Doomed to Plunder[/b] - Killing a victim in possession of the Death's Emperor grants 100-300 more gold.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Trickster[/b] - Can pickpocket equipped weapons. If the target is sleeping, can pickpocket any equipped item.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Crime Wave[/b] - Shortly after you pickpocket or speak with the target illuminated by Thief's Eye, a new victim is illuminated, up to 4 times in a row.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - You Saw Nothing[/b] - Grants the "You Saw Nothing" power. Once a day, distract a target and others in a 40 foot radius around the target. For 45 seconds, you will not receive a bounty if they are the only witness of your crimes. Does not prevent them from defending themselves.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Mutiny[/b] - Grants the "Mutiny" power. At will, activates the curse of the Death's Emperor, causing whoever is in possession of the coin to attack randomly for 30 seconds. Any deaths resulting from this can't be traced back to you.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Robbed Blind[/b] - Adds the Thief's Eye effect to You Saw Nothing.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]100 - Dragon Hoard[/b] - Whenever you sleep with 50000 or more gold in your inventory, you may choose to spend it to purchase a perk point.[/size][/*]

[size=2][b]0 - Restoration Mastery (2)[/b] - Cast Restoration spells for 35/50% less Magicka, and Restoration spells are 0.25/0.5% more powerful per level of Restoration.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Descending Light[/b] - When you enter combat, rapidly regenerate points of Magicka equal to half of your Restoration skill level per second. This effect gradually diminishes over the course of 15 seconds. The regeneration does not stop while casting.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Restoration Dual Casting[/b] - Dual casting a Restoration spell empowers it, increasing effectiveness and cost.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Edgewalker[/b] - Restoration spells are up to 30% more powerful if the recipient is below half Health. The bonus increases as Health decreases.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Hallowed Burial (2)[/b] - Your attacks and Restoration spells and effects are 20/30% more powerful against undead enemies.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Spirit Tutors[/b] - Two spirit tutors roam Skyrim. Find them and speak with them to receive a permanent blessing that makes Restoration spells 1% stronger per 20 points of Magicka. Each spirit tutor grants one blessing.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Vigilant[/b] - The first ward you cast in combat costs no Magicka to maintain.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Necromanticon[/b] - Study the arts of disease, learning the "Putrefy" spell. When your Restoration skill reaches 50, you learn "Death Cloud". When your Restoration skill reaches 75, you learn "Carrion Wind". These spells deal disease damage to nonmechanical targets.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Exorcist[/b] - Study the arts of destroying the undead, learning the "Sunblast" spell. When your Restoration skill reaches 50, you learn "Holy Hands". When your Restoration skill reaches 75, you learn "Stellar Core". These spells deal damage to the undead.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - False Light[/b] - While in combat, you may cast targeted healing spells and effects on enemies to inflict damage equal to 75% of the heal amount.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Respite[/b] - Healing spells also restore Stamina equal to their power.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Antimagic Field[/b] - Staying within 8 feet of an enemy while maintaining a ward prevents them from casting spells. No effect on massive targets.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Overflowing Cup[/b] - Receiving a healing spell or effect when you are already at full Health overheals you, fortifying Health by 1 point per level of Restoration for 20 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Pilgrim[/b] - Shrine blessings you receive are 1% stronger per level of Restoration.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Warrior's Flame[/b] - In combat, the Warrior's Flame periodically touches a random target within 100 feet (including you). Friendly targets are blessed, restoring 20 points of Magicka and Stamina for 5 seconds. Hostile targets are cursed, draining the same amount instead.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Ashes to Ashes[/b] - Your Warrior's Flame carries the essence of death. Hostile undead cursed by Warrior's Flame take 30 points of damage per second.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Crusader's Fire[/b] - In combat, targets within 30 feet affected by a Turn Undead spell or effect burn with divine fire, taking 10 points of damage per second for 10 seconds. Your attacks and critical strikes deal 25% more damage to targets affected by Crusader's Fire.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Forbidden Sanctuary[/b] - When your ward blocks a spell, you gain Magicka equal to 25% of that spell's cost (or 100% if you are blessed by Warrior's Flame).[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Lightwielder[/b] - Increases False Light damage by 10% and allows the perks Sacred Guardian and Under my Wings to hit and damage enemies.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Sacred Flame[/b] - Your Warrior's Flame carries the essence of life. Living allies blessed by Warrior's Flame are healed 20 points per second.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Bastion Ward[/b] - Wards reduce incoming attack damage by 40% (or 20% for wards generated by Spellbreaker and Mage Ward).[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Chalice of Tears[/b] - If you are diseased or undead, your Restoration spells are 15% stronger and last 50% longer.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Plague Doctor[/b] - Radiate a zone of pestilent death that reduces the poison and disease resistance of enemies approaching within 40 feet by 50% for 30 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Under my Wings[/b] - Dual casting a healing spell on yourself also casts it on nearby nonmechanical allies within 20 feet. Does not apply to concentration spells.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Wheel of Life[/b] - In combat, gradually accumulates ambient lifeforce from the environment and releases it in periodic bursts, healing you 100 points every 30 seconds. Becoming affected by a different healing spell or effect restarts the cycle from the beginning.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Battle Cleric[/b] - When Warrior's Flame blesses or curses a target, it also increases or reduces armor by 200 points and magic resistance by 25% for its duration.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - In Thy Name[/b] - Increases False Light damage by 15% when you are affected by a shrine blessing.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Mage Ward[/b] - Casting a spell also raises a ward that increases armor rating by 100 and negates up to 100 points of spell damage and effects.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Sacred Guardian[/b] - Emanate a 20 foot aura of protection. Any living allies within range who fall below 30% Health are automatically healed 150 points. This effect has a 30 second cooldown per target.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Enduring Ideal[/b] - Wheel of Life heals 25% more and each new cycle is 5 seconds faster than the last.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Eternal Flame[/b] - Warrior's Flame lasts twice as long.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Gods and Mortals[/b] - Shrine blessings last 50% longer, and the blessings of the Divines (Akatosh, Arkay, Dibella, Julianos, Kynareth, Mara, Stendarr, Talos, Zenithar) confer powerful additional effects.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Tome of Many Pages[/b] - Teaches 18 different Restoration spells. Each fortifies a single skill by 15 levels for 120 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]100 - Apotheosis[/b] - Grants the "Apotheosis" power. Once a day, casts Warrior's Flame on all nearby for 20 seconds. Costs 250 Magicka.[/size][/*]

[size=2][b]0 - Smithing Mastery (2)[/b] - You can create Novice (Steel/Bonemold) items at a forge or anvil, and improve them twice as much./All items can be improved 10% more.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Dwarven Autocannon (2)[/b] - You can create Dwemer Autocannons at a forge or anvil. Use the "Dwarven Autocannon" power to deploy them. Cannons fire parallel to your crosshair for 30/60 seconds, dealing damage equal to 30/40% of your Smithing skill, if you are within 12 feet.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Advanced Workshop[/b] - You may choose to upgrade one grindstone or workbench to an Advanced version for 2500 gold. It improves items one tier higher (items can be improved beyond Legendary). Can be "Disassembled" by sneaking, allowing you to upgrade another of the same type.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Meric Smithing (2)[/b] - Choose an item type: Contemporary Meric (Elven/Chitin), Dwarven. You can create items of the chosen type at a forge or anvil, and improve them twice as much. Investing a second perk point lets you choose both./You can create both Contemporary Meric (Elven/Chitin) and Dwarven items at a forge or anvil, and improve them twice as much.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Arcane Blacksmith[/b] - You can improve enchanted weapons and armor.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Electrobolt (2)[/b] - Every fifth Dwarven Autocannon shot is an electromagnetic blast that moves slower than a regular shell but deals shock damage to Health and Magicka equal to 80/240% of your Smithing skill level.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Recycle Materials[/b] - 50% chance to retain any materials you spend at an Advanced Grindstone or Advanced Workbench.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Remote Control[/b] - Your Dwarven Autocannon now fires regardless of the distance between it and you.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Expert Smithing (2)[/b] - Choose an item type: Hard Steel (Scaled/Plate/Nordic), Orcish. You can create items of the chosen type at a forge or anvil, and improve them twice as much. Investing a second perk point lets you choose both./You can create both Hard Steel (Scaled/Plate/Nordic) and Orcish items at a forge or anvil, and improve them twice as much.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Sandstone Sheath[/b] - When you draw a weapon, it is automatically sharpened, granting 25% extra attack damage for 10 seconds. This can only occur once every 30 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Smithing Specialization[/b] - You may choose an item type: One-Handed, Two-Handed, Light Armor, Heavy Armor or Archery. Items of the chosen type can be improved 20% better at a grindstone or workbench.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Exotic Smithing (2)[/b] - Choose an item type: Glass, Crystalline (Ebony/Stalhrim). You can create items of the chosen type at a forge or anvil, and improve them twice as much. Investing a second perk point lets you choose both./You can create both Glass and Crystalline (Ebony/Stalhrim) items at a forge or anvil, and improve them twice as much.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Firing Line[/b] - Your Dwarven Autocannon now deploys two cannons side by side.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Iron Lore[/b] - If you Specialized in an armor type, your attacks ignore 15% of the armor rating of enemies wearing items of the chosen type. If you Specialized in a weapon type, you take 10% less damage from weapons of the chosen type.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Spin Up[/b] - Your Dwarven Autocannon gradually shoots faster over time, gaining 2% firing speed per shot, up to 200%.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Planar Smithing (2)[/b] - Choose an item type: Daedric, Dragonbone. You can create items of the chosen type at a forge or anvil, and improve them twice as much. Investing a second perk point lets you choose both./You can create both Daedric and Dragonbone items at a forge or anvil, and improve them twice as much.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Fuel the Inferno[/b] - When activating an Advanced Grindstone or Advanced Workbench, you may choose to sacrifice a Dragon Soul to improve items by a further one tier during that session.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]100 - Heart of Creation[/b] - Pour your Dragonborn blood into the fire at one forge. Forging an item in this forge empowers you, increasing attack damage and critical strike damage by 15% and reducing attack damage taken by 15% for 1800 seconds.[/size][/*]

[size=2][b]0 - Sneak Mastery (2)[/b] - Sneaking is 15/30% more effective. Sneak success depends on visibility (movement and light level), sound (movement and armor weight), skill level and distance.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Sneak Attack[/b] - Sneak attacks with one-handed weapons deal 100% more damage. Sneak attacks with any other weapon or fists deal 25% more damage.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Tripwire[/b] - Grants the "Tripwire" power. At will, places a tripwire in front of you for 120 seconds. It snaps when tripped, knocking all targets hit by it to the floor.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Demolition Job[/b] - All Destruction spells and scrolls are 1% more powerful per level of Sneak if the target is not detecting the caster (2% for rune spells).[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Fog of War[/b] - Sneaking is 15% more effective against targets that are in combat with you, or 30% if they are in combat with someone else.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Silent Roll[/b] - Sprinting while sneaking executes a silent forward roll.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Spot Detection[/b] - Grants the "Spot Detection" power. At will, outlines all humanoids within 150 feet that are detecting you with a green glow. Lasts 30 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Assassin's Blade[/b] - Sneak attacks with daggers deal 1% more damage per level of Sneak.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Dynamic Entry[/b] - Performing a silent roll increases your weapon damage by 40% and unarmed damage by 40 points for 3 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Infiltrator[/b] - Your footsteps and equipped armor make 75% less noise when sneaking.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Whiplash[/b] - Tripwire also reduces armor rating by 1000 points for 5 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Backstab (2)[/b] - You deal 25/50% more damage and critical damage with daggers when striking a target from behind.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Light Foot[/b] - You won't trigger pressure plates.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Right Behind You[/b] - You are adept at hiding in your target's blind spot. Sneaking is 15% more effective within 30 feet and 30% more effective within 15 feet.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Disengage[/b] - Grants the "Disengage" power. Once a day, all enemies within 100 feet who are attacking you or searching for you instantly stop and resume their normal activities.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Dodge Roll[/b] - Performing a silent roll makes you ethereal for 1 second, causing all incoming attacks and spells to miss.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Smokescreen[/b] - Grants the "Smokescreen" power. Once a day, creates a 35 foot cloud for 180 seconds that blinds those in the cloud, preventing them from seeing sneaking targets. Sneak attacks against them deal 50% more damage.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Backup Plan[/b] - After being out of combat for at least 5 seconds, entering combat will place a Tripwire behind you for 60 seconds. This does not count against the limit of one Tripwire at a time.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Clean Escape[/b] - When you stand still for 8 seconds while sneaking, enemies within 150 feet no longer search for you.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Behind Enemy Lines[/b] - Sneaking is 15% more effective for each enemy within 100 feet that is not detecting you.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Partystarter[/b] - When you gain invisibility, places a barrel of flammable booze at your location. When you lose invisibility, it explodes, dealing fire damage equal to 200% of your Sneak skill level and staggering targets. This effect has a 15 second cooldown.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Problem Solver[/b] - Sneak attacks deal 10% more damage for each 200 points of Health the target has, up to 50% more damage.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Cloak and Dagger[/b] - Breaking invisibility with a power attack is a guaranteed critical strike that deals 50% more critical damage.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Greased Lightning[/b] - A hidden bottle enables you to leave a trail of grease whenever you perform a silent roll in combat. The grease lasts for 10 seconds and staggers running enemies, while sprinting enemies slip and fall to the ground.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Shadow Warrior[/b] - Entering sneak mode in combat grants 2 seconds of invisibility, briefly leaving combat and forcing distant opponents to search for you. This effect has an 8 second cooldown.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]100 - Laughing Ghost[/b] - Grants the "Laughing Ghost" power. At will, while sneaking, teleport through the shadows behind a target to attempt a sneak power attack with your right weapon that deals double sneak attack damage. The target must be out of combat.[/size][/*]

[size=2][b]0 - Speech Mastery (2)[/b] - Sell items for 10/20% more. Your intimidation attempts are twice/four times as likely to succeed.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - And the Universe Listens[/b] - Shouting restores points of Health, Magicka and Stamina equal to your shout cooldown in seconds. You gain Speech experience when shouting based on your shout cooldown.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Performer[/b] - Grants the "Perform" power. Once a day, play a song to entertain up to five people within 50 feet and collect a donation from each, based on your Speech skill and the amount of gold they are carrying.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Bribery[/b] - Can bribe guards to ignore crimes.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Kinship[/b] - Buy items for 15% less when trading with the same race.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Irresistible Dance[/b] - Can Perform in combat to force the two nearest enemy people within 100 feet to dance spellbound, preventing them from acting and reducing their armor skills by 50 levels. Use again to stop.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Serenade[/b] - Performing to members of the opposite sex yields twice as much gold and potentially small items.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Business Relation[/b] - Create a bond with the next merchant you speak with. Buy items for 30% less from that specific merchant.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Encore[/b] - Able to Perform multiple times per day.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Golden Fiddle[/b] - Irresistible Dance now also forces daedra, undead and animals to listen spellbound.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Windborne[/b] - Shouting summons up a divine wind, granting 30% extra attack damage and 15% increased movement speed for 15 seconds. This effect stacks.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Force Redoubled (2)[/b] - 25/50% chance to reduce the cooldown of any shout to 3 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Salesman[/b] - Can sell any type of item to any kind of merchant.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Speak with Animals[/b] - Can Activate animals to tame them, forcing them to follow you anywhere you go and fight for you until released. You can only have one Wild Companion at a time. Use the "Release Companion" power to release your Wild Companion.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Earthquake Drum[/b] - Can Perform in combat to unleash shockwaves. Each drumbeat deals 50 points of damage to nearby enemies within 30 feet. Use again to stop.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Hurricane Force[/b] - Shouts that affect others are 1% more powerful per level of Speech.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Investor[/b] - Can invest 500 gold with a shopkeeper to increase his or her available gold by 500 permanently.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Fence[/b] - Can barter stolen goods with any merchant.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Horn of Sovngarde (2)[/b] - Grants the "Horn of Sovngarde" power. Once a day, blow a horn to call the nearest three friendly people (except followers) within 200 feet to follow you for 600 seconds/one ingame day.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Thu'um of War[/b] - Your shouts stagger nearby enemies within 25 feet, reducing armor rating by 300 points for 10 seconds and knocking enemies below 25% Health to the ground.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Gift of Kynareth[/b] - Improves your Wild Companion. Wolves gain 100% extra attack damage. Spiders gain magic immunity. Bears gain 150 points of Health. Chaurus gain 300 points of armor. Saber cats gain 40% movement speed and move silently.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Merciless Storm[/b] - Grants the "Merciless Storm" power. Once a day, cancels an active shout cooldown, allowing you to shout again immediately afterwards.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Witching Rhythm[/b] - Earthquake Drum deals 50% more damage. Each beat of Earthquake Drum also briefly reduces the magic resistance of affected enemies by 200% for 0.4 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Lord of the Dance[/b] - Irresistible Dance can affect up to five enemies.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - War Drummer[/b] - Each beat of Earthquake Drum also heals nearby allies by up to 20 points based on their missing Health percentage, and grants them 100% extra attack damage for 0.4 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Trade Prince[/b] - Every merchant in the world gains 1000 gold for bartering.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]100 - Dovahzulaan[/b] - For 120 seconds after using Merciless Storm, any shout you use also carries the previous shout.[/size][/*]

[size=2][b]0 - Two-Handed Mastery (2)[/b] - Two-handed weapons do 25/50% more damage./, and critical strikes with two-handed weapons do 2% more critical damage per level of Two-Handed.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]20 - Trained Fighter[/b] - Reduces the Stamina cost of power attacks with two-handed weapons by 20 points.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Bleed Like a Dog (3)[/b] - Attacks with battle axes deal an additional 2/3/4 points of damage per second for 3 seconds to living targets. When the bleeding stops, they take damage equal to 20/25/30% of the Health they lost while bleeding.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Clash of Heroes (3)[/b] - Attacks with greatswords reduce the target's attack damage by 15/20/25% for 3 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]30 - Crushing Blows (3)[/b] - Attacks with warhammers reduce the armor rating of armored enemies by 75/100/125 points for 15 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Batter (2)[/b] - Power attacks with a warhammer have 15/25% chance of a critical strike. All critical strikes with a warhammer deal double critical damage.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Ferocious Strength[/b] - Power attack damage with two-handed weapons increased by 15% plus 0.1% per point of Stamina. Unlocks decapitations.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Maul (2)[/b] - Power attacks with a greatsword destabilize a target, increasing the damage of your regular attacks against the target by 25/50% for 5 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]40 - Rive (2)[/b] - Power attacks with a battle axe ignore 25/50% armor.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Avalanche[/b] - Forwards power attacks with a warhammer daze a target for 10 seconds, causing the target to stagger when struck by any unblocked attack.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Breach the Wall[/b] - Forwards power attacks with a greatsword that would leave the target above 60% Health deal enough additional damage to make up the difference.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Execute[/b] - Forwards power attacks with a battle axe execute targets below 30% Health, delivering a critical strike that deals twenty times critical damage.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]50 - Trample[/b] - Can perform a two-handed sprinting power attack that deals up to 50% more damage and critical damage to a target above half Health. The higher its remaining Health percentage, the more damage and critical damage is dealt.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Death or Glory[/b] - Two-handed power attacks deal up to 100% more damage below half Health. The damage bonus increases as your Health decreases.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Decimate[/b] - Sideways power attacks with a battle axe hit all targets in front of you. This deals 20% more damage for each enemy within 8 feet.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - Subjugate[/b] - Sideways power attacks with a greatsword hit all targets in front of you, lowering attack speed to 50% for 10 seconds. This effect has a 20 second cooldown per target.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]60 - The Pendulum[/b] - Sideways power attacks with a warhammer hit all targets in front of you. When this hits a target twice within 10 seconds, the second hit knocks the target to the ground, dealing 50% more damage and a critical strike that does double critical damage.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Bisect[/b] - Standing power attacks with a battleaxe deal bonus damage equal to 15% of a target's current Health (max. 150 damage).[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Grand Slam[/b] - Whenever a standing power attack with a warhammer inflicts a critical strike, it deals 3% more critical damage per point of Stamina.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Humiliate[/b] - Standing power attacks with a greatsword fatigue a target, draining 150 points of Magicka and Stamina and halting regeneration for 5 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]70 - Massacre[/b] - In combat, swinging a two-handed weapon has 10% chance to increase attack speed by 175% for 3 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Deadfall[/b] - Bashing with a warhammer to interrupt an attack before it hits allows you to follow up with a power attack within 2 seconds to crush the attacker, reducing their armor by 500 points for 5 seconds.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Overthrow[/b] - Bashing with a greatsword to interrupt an attack before it hits allows you to follow up with a power attack within 2 seconds to deliver a critical strike that deals three times critical damage and disarms them.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Ram's Head[/b] - Bashing with a battle axe to interrupt an attack before it hits allows you to follow up with a power attack within 2 seconds to knock them to the ground.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]80 - Wolfkin[/b] - After performing 2 or more consecutive two-handed power attacks in combat, your next two-handed regular attack manifests a Spirit Wolf for 30 seconds that deals 15 bonus damage for each power attack.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Bear Hide[/b] - You take half damage from enemy attacks while power attacking with a two-handed weapon.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Enter the Arena[/b] - Massacre always activates when you take your first two-handed swing in combat. This effect has a 30 second cooldown.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]90 - Voice of Rage and Ruin[/b] - In combat, swinging a two-handed weapon has 4% chance to activate your currently equipped power.[/size][/*]
[size=2][b]100 - Slayer of a Thousand Sons[/b] - In combat, two-handed weapons deal 5% more damage for each humanoid or animal you have slain in the previous battle, up to 40%.[/size][/*]

[size=5][color=#9999AA]Other features[/color][/size]

[size=4][color=#AA8877]Optional thief skills rebalance[/color][/size]

To go with the new thief perks, there is an optional file available on the downloads page that modifies many game settings related to sneaking, lockpicking and pickpocketing to improve the thief experience: the effectiveness of sneaking now depends more on light level and movement and less on skill level, the pickpocket cap is 95%, and more. A full list of changes is in the Readme.

This file is optional. If you want to use a different thief skills overhaul, a combat overhaul that includes stealth changes or if you prefer the vanilla settings, do not use this file.

[size=4][color=#AA8877]NPCs gain Ordinator perks[/color][/size]

Ordinator replaces vanilla perks used by NPCs with equivalent new weapon, magic and/or armor perks. For instance, if a spellcaster has Intense Flames level 1 in vanilla, this perk is replaced with Combustion level 1 and Scarring Burns level 1 from Ordinator.


[size=4][color=#AA8877]Compatibility notes[/color][/size]

See [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/articles/22/?]here[/url] for a list of (in)compatible mods.

[size=4][color=#AA8877]How to install or uninstall[/color][/size]

[color=#777777][b]To install:[/b][/color] Add the mod to your load order and activate it. If your character is level 2 or up, installing the mod will start a perk refund process. This can take up to several minutes, so sit back and wait until the game displays a message telling you that the process is complete. This process will not refund perks from other mods; if you are switching from a different perk mod, follow the instructions it provides to cleanly uninstall it first, or make every skill legendary before uninstalling it to get your points back.

[color=#777777][b]To uninstall:[/b][/color] Manually respec (see below) to get all your perk points back, then remove the mod.

[size=2][color=#777777][b]Can I manually respec (refund my perks)?[/b][/color] Bring 5 Daedra Hearts to a cooking pot and craft a Scroll of Legends. Alternatively, you can make the skill legendary or use the built-in respec feature in Dragonborn.[/size][/*]
[size=2][color=#777777][b]I can't put a point into some perks even though I meet the requirements:[/b][/color] You have another mod loaded below Ordinator that modifies those perks, reverting their prerequisites to vanilla Skyrim. In most cases, the perk modifications in said other mod are not that important and you can load it above Ordinator and let Ordinator take precedence.[/size][/*]
[size=2][color=#777777][b]Hailstorm perk makes my attack speed very slow:[/b][/color] It doesn't. The perk before it, Quick Shot, is a vanilla perk that apparently contains a bug where the attack speed bonus is randomly removed after playing for a long while (the Skyrim condition bug). This also affects Quick Shot in vanilla Skyrim. When it does, other sources of attack speed will result in slowdown instead. Remove and readd Quick Shot (not Hailstorm) with the console, or respec and take the perk again. There is no permanent fix because this is an engine level bug.[/size][/*]
[size=2][color=#777777][b]Some perks or skill trees are still vanilla:[/b][/color] You have another mod loaded below Ordinator that modifies the same perks or skill trees, overriding them with the vanilla ones. Load it above Ordinator.[/size][/*]
[size=2][color=#777777][b]Most of the one-handed/two-handed perks don't do anything:[/b][/color] You have another mod that adds a hidden Combat Hit Spell perk with high or maximum priority. This will override all of Ordinator's Combat Hit Spell perks, disabling them. This is a design flaw on the part of that other mod, making it incompatible with Ordinator.[/size][/*]
[size=2][color=#777777][b]There are several perks named "NPC Perk":[/b][/color] You have another mod loaded below Ordinator that modifies the same skill trees, overriding them with the vanilla ones. Load it above Ordinator.[/size][/*]
[size=2][color=#777777][b]The perks Ranger, Quick Shot and Block Runner have no effect:[/b][/color] These are vanilla Skyrim perks with a peculiar bug. If you had those perks at any point during your playthrough, removing them does not remove the effect. Additionally, Ranger in particular has another bug where it has no effect if you take the perk while sneaking. Note that all of this also applies to the same perks in the vanilla game. See [url=http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Archery]the UESP page[/url] for more information.[/size][/*]
[size=2][color=#777777][b]Fistfights (brawls) immediately end or turn into a real fight:[/b][/color] The "[b]Brawl Bug[/b]" is a common issue with many gameplay mods and hard to avoid due to the way Skyrim brawls are implemented. Ordinator comes with a copy of the [color=#aaffaa]Modern Brawl Bug Fix[/color] included to solve this issue. If it does not, you may have the outdated [color=#ffaaaa]Brawl Bugs Patch[/color] in your load order after Ordinator (as a standalone mod or included with another mod such as Enhanced Blood Textures). Either remove it or add the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/77465]Modern Brawl Bug Fix[/url] to the end of your load order.[/size][/*]
[size=2][color=#777777][b]Perk descriptions are truncated on 4:3 aspect ratio monitors:[/b][/color] This is a limitation of Skyrim. Use the [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57873/?]Extended UI[/url] mod.[/size][/*]

Taina - Standalone Healer Follower

[center][/center][center][size=5]Tainá Follower[/size]

[size=3]Standalone Follower inspired on Brazilian tribal women.[/size]


[font=Verdana]Race: Nord
Level: 25
Class: Healer/Mage
Skills: Archery/Destruction/Restoration
Location: Falkreath exterior (Near the tower)



[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/101019]Barbarian Bodypaints - Racemenu Body and Head Overlays for UUNP CBBE and Males[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/38957115]DomainWolf[/url][/size]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311/?tab=posts]Kalilies and Stealthic - KS Hairdos[/url] 

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35327]SG Female Eyebrows[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2209393]hellosanta[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35267]SG Female Textures Renewal[/url] by  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2209393]hellosanta[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13722]The Eyes of Beauty - [/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/308756]LogRaam[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709/][/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2666]Caliente_ Ousnius e Jeir - belos corpos de Caliente Edição -CBBE- [/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/537675][/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30411]Hvergelmir - Brows [/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709/]Corpo feminino DIMONIZADO UNP[/url] by dimon99


[size=3]My other Mods

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98870]Vandfald Cottage - A Player Home[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99576]Camilla Valerius Replacer[/url]

[/size][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98464][size=3]Elena Standalone Follower

[/size][/url][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98109]Valkyria Follower (Jordis Option)[/url][/size][size=3]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97616]Sea Dragon - A player Home Ship[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97309]Ahlalia Standalone Redguard Follower[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97078]Blue Palace Overhaul[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/96493]Katheryn Follower (Serana Replacer Option)[/url][/size]



Mighty Riften - A Texture Replacer

[size=5][u]Watch the video that is what I made it for[/u][/size]

[size=3]This texture set was made to work with Vivid Landscapes. [/size]

[size=3][u]What this mod does:[/u][/size]

[size=3]Replacer for all the textures in the Riften Architecture set. Any models called on those textures will also use Mighty Riften textures.[/size]
[size=3]These are modified vanilla textures (much like my other mods for Whiterun, Solitude and Markarth.) The textures have been sharpened and darkened in most cases doing away with the nasty washed versions of vanilla Skyrim. The normal maps have been fixed with my super secret Far Eastern Graphical knowledge taught to me by a fat, bald monk in the mountains of Tibet.[/size]

[size=3][u]What this mod doesn't do:[/u][/size]

[size=3]This mod has no ESP so it is merely just the textures. It will not cause problems in any way that I have noticed. It will not modify your load order for you in case you think it wise not to follow installation instructions.[/size]

[size=3]Install with mod manager[/size]

[size=3][u]Load Order:[/u][/size]

[size=3]This should be placed after any texture mods which may modify Riften or after Vivid Landscapes. If you use a different texture replacer such as Noble Skyrim, your mileage may vary.[/size]


[size=3]A Bay full of Pirates which offered me Photoshop in return for a scribbled map to the location of Jack Sparrow's Rum Stash[/size]
[size=3]Jack Daniels for Whiskey[/size]


[size=3]The Comments and Bugs section have been turned off FOR A REASON. You can thank all of the crying little Chads who thought it might be a good idea to mistreat me. This will continue with any mod I post until the Community drives these toxic little twits out[/size]

Skyfall Estate - Multiple Adoption Friendly -Turkish Translation


Guards Armor Replacer Civil War Aftermath Patch

This is a patch for the mod Guards Armor Replacer made by NordwarUA and uploaded by DanielUA.

Have you downloaded Guards Armor Replacer and noticed that after the civil war, guards lose their gear to become imperial or stormcloak soldiers? If that's the case, then this mod was made for you. A lot of people requested a mod like this one, so I took the responsibility upon my shoulders to provide you all with this long awaited patch. Before I say anything else, I just wanted everyone to know that I got permission from the original author before uploading this patch. Here's what this mod does:

- Guards keep their armor, weapons and names after the civil war
- Imperial / Stormcloak camps can be cleared of their inhabitants after the civil war
- Stormcloaks now wear the different variants of rebel armor and gear during the civil war quests and sieges
- A few other things, such as typos in the markarth gear and more were also fixed

Important message to those who side with the Stormcloaks, you may encounter a bug after the attack of Whiterun where you can't report to Ulfric and the Whiterun and Dragonsreach icons won't be shown on your map. To avoid this bug, you must walk to the Whiterun City Gate from Dragonsreach about a minute after Balgruff surrendered. Only after exiting Whiterun through the city gate on foot will you be able to fast travel to Windhelm. This will fix your issue. I cannot patch this and the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch does not fix this issue.

To install the mod, simply extract the files from the archive then drag the esp file from the folder into your data folder. If you don't want to install the mod manually, you can use Vortex or the Nexus Mod Manager. 

If you install this mod in the middle of a playthrough, make sure you type in the command resetinventory if necessary. 

I hope you will enjoy this patch!

Dragonborn stuff Turkish

Bu Dragonborn stuff modunun türkçesidir. Bu modu indirmeniz yeterlidir.

This mod is turkish version of Dragonborn stuff.

orjinal mod:  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/101081?tab=description]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/101081?tab=description[/url]

İyi oyunlar dilerim.

Fully voiced follower Kimshin and Kangmina follower

[b][b][b][b][color=#ffff00][size=6]UPDATE 1.3 Renewal[/size][/color][/b][/b]

[size=5]Please delete old version, and
Clean install and FNIS first!!

1. Dismiss Kangmina all followers
2. Save and Exit
3. Uncheck Kangmina mod in MO(Vortex)
4. Start and Load (Never mind T-pose)
5. Wait at least 24 hours, and Save
6. (Option) SaveCleaner(FallrimTool)
7. Check Kangmina mod in MO(Vortex)
8. Run FNIS!!!
9. Start and Load
10. Hire Kangmina followers again.[/size]

[color=#ff7700][size=5]1. Weaken, recover[/size][/color]
If you think they're too strong, you can hit them in stomachs. Of course spanking can recover their powers.


[size=5][color=#ff7700]2. Gongyoo, Kimshin default BD armors(by TeamTAL)[/color]
[size=4]Now they have the best male armor, BD armor(TeamTaL).


[b][b][color=#ff7700][size=5]3. Added Kimshin comments, and shut up option[/size][/color][/b][/b]

[size=4]If his repeated comments are instrusive, you can shut him up.


[/size][color=#ff7700][size=5]4. Kimshin auto finding the bride[/size][/color]
Now you can make Kimshin find her for himself.


[size=5]There is a script which is searching near girls for every 30 seconds(This script is the only one ongoing in Kangmina mod).[/size]
[size=5]If this makes some problems, plz turn this option off.[/size]

[color=#ff7700]5. Changed Idols location, high res tints, Mina's hair, Naeun's face & hair[/color][/size]
Now 4 idols is in Riverwood Sleeping Giant Inn.
Especially Naeun's face has been changed totally, and has a pretty brow & cheeks.


[color=#ff7700][size=5]6. Neat transform and Baby Shout[/size][/color]
Now using whatever follower managing mod(especially EFF) can make clean transformations.
Babies have a special Shout.


[/size][color=#ff7700][size=5]7. Charmings and Signature dances[/size][/color]
Now charmings can strengthen health, Signature dances staminas.




[/size][size=5]Tested Over than 100 times, and there's no CTD.[/size]
[size=5]Except the only one script(Kimshin auto finding) all scripts are one-time ones, and don't make problems.[/size]
[size=5]If you tell me that I may have missed something, I'll correct it right away[/size]


For HighHeels.

Until now I've not noticed HighHeels problems in this mod, 'cause I play only SSE.
Maybe many people using this mod have been set HDT HighHeels System manually.
I'm sorry about that.
Just overwrite it with 1.31 files(only HighHeel meshes, below 1M).
I've updated BodySlide too.

[size=6][color=#ff00ff]한국어 설명[/color]

[color=#ffff00]강미나모드 1.3 업데이트 리뉴얼[/color][/size]

[size=5]기존 버전 지우시는 것이 좋습니다.
클린 인스톨과 FNIS!!!

1. 강미나 동료들 해고
2. 세이브, 나가기
3. MO(Vortex)에서 강미나 모드 체크해제(MO 기준 왼쪽)
4. 시작, 로드(캐릭터 T자로 굳는 것 무시하십시오)
5. 최소한 24시간 대기, 세이브
6. (옵션) 세이브클리너 사용(FallrimTool)
7. MO(Vortex)에서 강미나 모드 체크
8. FNIS 돌리기
9. 시작, 로드
10. 강미나 동료들 재고용[/size]

[color=#ff7700][size=5]1. 배빵으로 약화반지 효과, 스팽킹으로 다시 원상회복[/size][/color]
강미나 동료들이 너무 세다고 생각하시면 배빵, 다시 원상회복은 스팽킹하시면 됩니다.[/size]

[color=#ff7700][size=5]2. 공유, 김신 기본의상 검은사막(팀탈) 갑옷[/size][/color]
기존 의상도 괜찮지만 그래도 남캐 최고의 갑옷인 검은사막(팀탈) 갑옷으로 변경했습니다.[/size]

[color=#ff7700][size=5]3. 김신 대사 추가 및 아닥 옵션 추가[/size][/color]
똑같은 대사가 지겨우신 분들은 아닥시키시면 됩니다.[/size]

[color=#ff7700][size=5]4. 김신 자동 신부 찾기[/size][/color]
김신 스스로 신부를 찾을 수 있는 옵션을 추가했습니다.[/size]

30초마다 주변 여자를 탐색하는 스크립트가 들어 있습니다(강미나모드에서 유일하게 계속 돌아가는 스크립트입니다).
다른 스크립트와 문제를 일으키면 이 옵션을 끄시기 바랍니다.

[color=#ff7700][size=5]5. 아이돌 변경 위치, 화장, 고화질 텍스처, 강미나 머리, 손나은 머리, 얼굴 교체[/size][/color]
이제 4명의 아이돌은 리버우드 잠자는 거인의 여관에 있습니다.
특히 손나은 얼굴은 처음부터 다시 작업해서 이마와 볼살에 포인트를 주었습니다.[/size]

[color=#ff7700][size=5]6. 깔끔한 변신 및 베이비 용언 추가[/size][/color]
이제 AFT, EFF 등 어떤 동료관리 모드를 쓰더라도 깔끔하게 변신하고 베이비들이 특별한 용언을 씁니다.[/size]

[color=#ff7700][size=5]7. 애교와 시그니처 댄스[/size][/color]
이제 애교는 체력회복, 시그니처 댄스는 스태미나 회복으로 통일되었습니다.[/size]

[size=5]100번 이상 테스트했고 절대 CTD 없습니다.
단 1개의 스크립트(김신 자동 신부찾기)만 제외하고는 모두 1회성 스크립트라서 문제를 일으키지 않습니다.
혹시 제가 놓친 부분 있을 수도 있으니 말씀해주시면 즉시 수정하겠습니다.


하이힐들 업데이트했습니다.

전 SE만 플레이해서 LE에서 하이힐들이 땅속에 묻히는 것을 모르고 있었습니다.
아마도 많은 분들께서 LE용 HDT HighHeels System으로 수동 입력해서 하이힐을 맞추신 것 같습니다.
1.31 파일 그냥 덮어씌우시면 됩니다(오직 하이힐 메시만 들어있고 용량은 1메가도 안됩니다).
바디슬라이드도 수정해서 업데이트했습니다.


[size=5]UPDATE 1.22 Minor Update[/size][/b]

[size=5]Serana can do sexy charming dances, restore, strengthen your health [/size]
[size=5]like other Kangmina followers.[/size]
[size=5]She can be stripped or clothed in conversation(normally impossible).[/size]
[size=5]Add some missing sound files.[/size]

[size=5]I've made Serana appearance changing mod.[/size]

[size=5]Link : [/size][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98480]Serana by Kangmina[/url]

[b][size=5]한국어 설명

세라나가 다른 강미나 모드 동료와 마찬가지로 
섹시한 애교를 부려 체력강화, 회복을 시켜줍니다.
대화로 세라나의 옷을 벗기거나 입힐 수 있습니다.
기존 버전에서 누락된 사운드파일을 추가했습니다.

세라나 리텍을 했습니다.

링크 : [b][size=5][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98480]Serana by Kangmina[/url][/size][/b][/size][/b]

[size=5]UPDATE 1.2[/size]

[/b][size=6][b]Fully voiced follower Kimshin in Kangmina mod.[/b][/size]

[size=5]SSE version link : [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25023]SSE version[/url][/size]

[b][size=5]RUN FNIS FIRST!!![/size][/b]


[size=3]Kimshin has become a fully voiced follower, and something sensual has been added.

About 1,000 lines dialogues, Korean&English voices have been added(Totally 2,000 lines below).

Sexy animations and 1 Quest, Find the bride of Dokkaebi have been added.

Since animations have been added, you must run FNIS.

The secret of the sword in Kimshin's chest will be unraveled in the Quest.

Follow the story and you'll find the bride of Dokkaebi.

Never a needlessly annoying or laborious quest.

If you're a True Nord, just ask a girl proudly to show her pussy.

Then you can find the bride of Dokkaebi.

* Caution

You can ask a girl to show her pussy when Kimshin is your follower and near you.
And you can find the bride naturally doing Main Quest.
So you don't have to ask every girl to do it.
Just order if you like to watch someone's pussy.

Sometimes the female NPC rejects it, but once beaten by Kimshin, they will show it right away.

And it's a variety of different ways to show hers(Leito, Tepi's animation. Thank you.)

I'll tell you more.

1. Main Quest comments

Whenever you're in Mainquest, Kimshin's dialogues will be added.

With the permission of kind Lucien modder I could add those.

I appreciate it, Lucien modder.

I have no ability to make those like his mod.

Thank you very much Lucien modder.

2. Sensual contents

When you're bored, you can invite other colleagues from Kangmina Mod to play 3 times a day.

Then you can hear "It's alive~~" 

Many of these animations are made by dear bahow from Lover's Lab.

And basic cover animation is done by Suzutsuki3, thegooglyman.

Shower, Pee 2 poses from Gomapero.

Thank you.


3. Robbery

You can get money(1,000 or 2,000 gold) from Kimshin 1 time a day.

So you don't have to worry about money.

4. Same as old version

Other contents are the same as the old version.

Charmings, Dokkaebi ability, Transformations, Summoning are all the same.

And I've updated Gunslicer's animations.


I spent a lot of time making a fully voiced follower.
But when I finished it, I felt sad because I saw so many bad things.
I don't like my voices, my pronunciation of English, and I think there are too many unnatural parts.
I'm going to add a new story and increase dialogues.
But honestly, I lost a lot of confidence that I had when I first started,

If you like this mod, please endorse this mod.
Your endorsement can encourage me in going ahead(Not money).

For the time being I will make another female character.
Of course, it's shared with one esp in the existing Kangmina mod,
And it's utilized in the existing Charmings, Dokkaebi, Transformation, Summoning.

I made it fun. I hope you will enjoy it, too!
Thank you.

 - Kangmina

- 한국어 설명

[b][size=5]반드시 FNIS 돌리셔야 합니다.[/size][/b]

김신이 풀보이스 동료가 되었고, 섹시한 것이 추가되었습니다.

약 1,000줄의 대사와 한국어, 영어 음성이 추가되었습니다.

섹시한 애니메이션 및 1개의 퀘스트, 도깨비 신부찾기가 추가되었습니다.

애니메이션이 추가되었으므로, 반드시 FNIS 돌리셔야 합니다.

도깨비 신부찾기 퀘스트에서 김신 가슴에 박혀 있는 검에 대한 비밀이 풀립니다.

스토리를 따라 자연스럽게 진행하면 도깨비 신부를 찾으실 수 있습니다.

쓸데없이 귀찮거나 노가다성 퀘스트가 절대로 아닙니다.

트루노드라면 당당하게 보지 보고 싶은 여성 NPC에게 보지 보여달라고만 하면 됩니다.

그러면 도깨비 신부를 찾을 수 있습니다.


김신이 동료가 되어 주변에 있을 때만 "보보가"를 하실 수 있습니다.
그리고 메인퀘스트 진행하시면 자연스럽게 신부를 찾으실 수 있습니다.
따라서 모든 여자들에게 보지 보여달라고 하실 필요는 없습니다.
그저 보고 싶은 여자들에게만 보여달라고 하시면 됩니다.

간혹 여성 NPC가 거부할 때도 있지만 김신한테 한대 으더 터지고 나면 그때부터 바로 보여주고,

그것도 버라이어티하게 다양한 방법으로 보여줍니다(leito님, Tepi님 애니메이션입니다. 감사합니다.).

그외 추가 내용을 말씀드리겠습니다.

1. 메인퀘스트 코멘트

메인퀘스트 진행할 때마다 김신의 대사가 생깁니다.

루시엔 제작자님의 허락을 받아 루시엔의 메인퀘스트 대사를 상당 부분 참고해서 넣었습니다.

감사합니다 루시엔 제작자님.

제 능력으로는 루시엔처럼 퀘스트 진행에 대사를 넣을 수조차 없습니다.

정말 감사합니다 루시엔 제작자님.

2. 섹시한 놀이

하루 3번 심심할 때 강미나 모드의 다른 동료들을 불러서 놀 수 있습니다.

"살아 있네!"를 들으실 수 있습니다.

이 애니메이션 상당수는 러버즈랩의 bahow님의 애니메이션입니다.

그리고 기본 가리는 애니메이션은 Suzutsuki3님, thegooglyman님의 애니메이션입니다.

샤워, 오줌누는 2 포즈는 고마페로님 포즈입니다.


3. 삥뜯기

하루 1번 김신을 삥뜯을 수 있습니다.

한번에 1,000원 또는 2,000원을 삥뜯을 수 있으므로 돈 걱정은 안하셔도 될 것 같습니다.

4. 기존 버전과 동일

그외 부분은 기존 버전과 동일합니다.

애교, 도깨비 모드, 변신, 소환 모두 동일합니다.

그리고 Gunslicer님 최신 애니메이션으로 업데이트했습니다.

정말 오랜 시간 공을 들여 풀보이스 동료를 만들었습니다.

하지만 완성하고 나니 부족한 부분이 너무 많이 보여서 마음 아픕니다.

제 목소리도 마음에 안들고, 영어 발음도 그렇고, 부자연스러운 부분이 너무 많은 것 같습니다.

앞으로 새로운 스토리를 추가하면서 대사량도 늘릴 생각이지만,

솔직히 처음 시작할 때 자신감은 많이 없어진 상태입니다.

한번 설치해서 해보시고 마음에 안드시면 다음 방법을 쓰시기 바랍니다.

1. 목소리가 마음에 안든다.
김신으로 변신하지 마시고 그냥 바닐라 음성을 쓰는 공유를 데리고 다니시면 됩니다.

2. 너무 야하다.
김신이 동료로 되어 근처에 있을 때만 "보지 보여주고 가"가 활성화됩니다.
마찬가지로 김신을 부르지 않으시면 됩니다.

3. 비속어가 난무한다.
솔직히 외국에는 비속어 들어가는 게임들이 많은데(특히 GTA), 우리나라에서는 그런 게임이 없는 것 같습니다.
스카이림이 19금 게임인 이상 야한 부분과 비속어도 반드시 들어가야 한다고 생각합니다.
다만 비속어가 싫으시면 마찬가지로 김신을 부르지 마시고 공유 샌님으로 변신시키셔서 데리고 다니시면 됩니다.

4. 풀보이스고 나발이고 그냥 싫다.
그냥 지우시면 됩니다.
다만 지우신 후에 반드시 FNIS 돌리셔야 T자로 굳지 않습니다.

하루에도 몇번씩 엔도스(추천) 숫자 올라갔는지 보려고 넥서스에 접속합니다.

마음에 드시면 엔도스해주셨으면 좋겠습니다.

새로운 것들 더 추가할 예정입니다.

당분간은 여성캐릭터(리텍)를 할 예정입니다.

물론 기존 강미나 모드 1개의 esp로 공유하고, 기존 애교, 도깨비, 변신, 소환 등이 활용됩니다.

저는 재미있게 만들었는데 모드 받으신 분들도 재미있으셨으면 좋겠습니다!

  강미나 올림.


[size=4]I'm preparing the next version.

This video will show you something.
It's very short(about 1 min.).
Please watch this,[/size]


[b][size=5]What are transformations?[/size][/b]

Please watch this, (less than 2 min.)

[b][size=4]These are transformations.[/size][/b]


I hesitated to show you that because of a little nudity.

But now I believe the nudity is essential in transformations like Sailor Moon.

[b][size=6]Description - version 1.1 [/size][/b]

[b][size=5]First please watch 4 videos below(less than 5 min. each).[/size][/b]

[b][size=4]1. 4 idols' charming dances & Dokkaebi effects.[/size][/b]


[b][size=4]2. Babies' Dokkaebi forms & combats.[/size][/b]


[b][size=4]3. Gongyoo & Kimshin's Dokkaebi effects & abilities. Player's Dokkaebi ability.[/size][/b]


[b][size=4]4. Player's Dokkaebi ability from Naeun & Suzy.[/size][/b]


[b][size=6]KANGMINA with DOKKAEBI[/size][/b]

[size=6][b]K[/b]ore[b]AN[/b][b] G[/b]orgeous fe[/size][size=6][b]M[/b][/size][size=6]ale [b]I[/b]dols are [b]N[/b]ow [b]A[/b]t Skyrim[b] (KANGMINA)[/b][/size]

SSE version link : [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25023]SSE version[/url]

I'm NOT a modder, but I like Skyrim & Korean Idol Kangmina.

Also this Kangmina mod is NOT my creative works(I will tell you again, you can edit, modify, use, upload, and etc without my permission).

I just wanted to make Skyrim more funny, and so I've learned the modding from Naver elderscrolls Cafe & Google searching.

I admit I'm a beginner, and NOT major in coding&graphic, so I couldn't, and can't make mods more professionally.

But I will update ONLY this Kangmina mod.

I'd like to add Korean Idols, and make you enjoy Skyrim more than before!

Dokkaebi is the Korean traditional God(different from Goblins).

He has a super power.

So I've got decided Dokkaebi, and made Gongyoo from Dokkaebi Drama Model.

Gongyoo & Kimshin have a greatsword in their chests.

Only the bride of Dokkaebi can pull it.

The secret will be revealed in next version.

The above 4 Videos show my concepts.

Mina(gugudan), Seolhyun(AOA), Naeun(Apink), Suzy(MissA) are all Korean idols, Gongyoo(Kimshin) is a Korean actor,
Erika, Moe are Japanese models.
They are the models with this mod.

[b][size=5]RUN FNIS FIRST!!![/size][/b]

1. location : Riverwood entrance.

2. height/weight : Mina(1/0.7), Seolhyun(1/1), Naeun(1/0/7), Suzy(1/1), 4 Babies(0.9/1)
                               Gongyoo(1/0.7), Kimshin(1/0.7), Erika(1/1), Moe(1/1)

3. All can be Dokkaebi forms, and NEVER use bows.

 1) Mina(Sword) : Only dual wield
 2) Seolhyun(Dagger) : Only dual wield.
 3) Naeun : Only Fire bolt(Normal), Fire Ball(Dokkaebi).
 4) Suzy : Only Ice spike(Normal), Ice storm(Dokkaebi).
 5) 4 Babies : Only use unarmed attacks.
 6) Gongyoo, Kimshin : Two handed Sword and Fire Bolt(normal), Fire Ball(Dokkaebi)

4. Each Mina, Seolhyun, Naeun, Suzy can transform herself into Baby, and reverse either.
   Gongyoo, Kimshin can transform himself into each other.

5. GS Poses
    Korean 4 Idols can perform 43 animations(fortify Health),
    Japanese 2 Models 24(fortify Health), and Babes 19 (fortify Stamina).

6. Everyone has voices extracted from Vanilla, so you don't need Fuz Ro-doh.

7. Korean 4 Idols have BodySlides.
   but 4 Babies share 1 BodySlide, and Japanese 2 Models do 1 BodySlide.
   All are CBBE for BodySlides.

8. Scripts are used only in Dialog, and NEVER used in Battle, so free from CTD. In Battle they only use Vanilla Perks & Magics.

9. Simple Perks & Magics but the most powerful followers in Skyrim.

10. You can obtain Dokkaebi ability until 3 times (Fire & Ice & Blue Fire Effects show them), and remove them one by one.

Maybe you're afraid of the overpower or overbalance.

But they're only for fun in Skyrim, and you can handle them like you don't use the console cheat for fun.

Dokkaebi forms are very exciting and dynamic.

If you don't like Dokkaebi forms, just don't click it, and make followers normal(Though you can get Health&Stamina Bonus from them).

That's it.
I wish you enjoy my humble mod.
Any question and problem will be welcomed.

Thank you.

Below are Credits and Special Thanks.

1. Character Making : CBBE, KS Hairdos, ECE, Darrenstone, Elza
    I'm using Darrenstone's CME, textures, and tints.
    Darrenstone can make idols more beautiful than me I bet.
    I appreciate it.
    Male Character's textures are from Elza's beautiful works. Thank you Elza.

2. Charming Animations : GS Poses (Gunslicer)

    All charming Animations are made by Gunslicer.
    Thank you for works & permission.
    You can get more sexy animations in Gunslicer's page.

3. Clothes : Nini & SunJeong, KEUNG, Lustmord Armor, Daedric Reaper Armor
    Idols wear Nini & SunJeong's clothes.
    Babies do KEUNG's animal pajamas.
    Gongyoo & Kimshin do Lustmord Armor, Daedric Reaper Armor.
    They are the most beautiful & cutest clothes.

4. Weapons : LuxAndNoctis, Altair's Dagger, FASTER UNARMED COMBAT, Fledgling Adventurer GreatSword
    Mina's swords are from LuxAndNoctis
    Seolhyun's daggers are from Altair's Dagger,.
    Babies unarmed attacks are from FASTER UNARMED COMBAT
    Gongyoo & Kimshin's greatsword is from Fledgling Adventurer GreatSword

5. Fire, Ice Cast : FASTER CASTING
    Transform & Dokkaebi effects : Colorful Magic, Fledgling Adventurer GreatSword

6. Ideas & Concepts : Korean Dokkaebi Drama, private squad mod

7. Special Thanks

   Naver elderscrolls CAFE, Google, and BakaFactory who enlightened the way in making mod.
   DC inside Ulfric & Tulius users who gave me the feedback and problems.
   Most of all, everything could be possible because of FACERIM modder(Jinagadeon Eolgul nim). Thank you.

8. Permission

    I doubt I made this mod or gather mods, because I used many other's mod(free or got permissions).
    If I'm proud of this mod, I will be shamed. I am NOT a modder(cheater neither).

    Therefore you can edit, modify, use, upload, and etc without my permission.
    Just do anything you like with this mod.
    I will enjoy it.
    But I don't want commercial usages.

9. My purpose is making 10 idols.
    I've made 4, and 6 left.
    I guess If I make 10 idols, and Riverwood entrance is filled with 10 idols, then elderscrolls 6 will release.

10. There are so many modders in Korea.
       They are real experts much better than me.
       I wish they make Korean beautiful celebrities, and introduce  them to the world.

I will prepare a full voiced, and interactive follower like Inigo.

PLEASE Endorse this mod if you like it, or look forward to my follower mod.

I Never want to make money with this mod.
I Really want to make this mod without money.

Making, and sharing the mod is my great pleasure.
Thank you for reading, and enjoy Skyrim!!!

   - Kangmina

한국어 설명

아래는 SE 버전입니다.

SSE version link : [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25023]SSE version[/url]

- 기본 설명

저는 모더가 아니라 스카이림을 좋아하는 연예인 강미나의 팬입니다.

또한 이 강미나 모드 역시 제 순수 창작이 절대 아닙니다(뒤에서 다시 말씀드리겠지만 이 모드의 수정, 개조,
응용, 배포 등 모든 것을 하셔도 되고 제 허락 같은 것은 필요 없습니다).

그저 여기저기서 아이디어를 수집하고 네이버 엘더카페, 구글 검색을 하면서
제가 스카이림을 좀더 재밌고 편하게 하고 싶어서 동료 모드를 만들게 된 것 뿐입니다.

제 실력이 너무 부족하고 이쪽 전공과 전혀 다른 일을 하고 있어서 전문적으로 모드를 만들 수는 없습니다.
아마도 강미나 모드 하나로만 업데이트를 할 예정입니다.
한국의 아이돌들을 더 추가하고 더 재미있고 즐겁게 스카이림을 할 수 있으시도록 만들고 싶습니다.

아시다시피 도깨비는 우리나라 신이고(고블린이 아닙니다),
엄청난 능력을 가지고 있습니다.
그래서 도깨비로 결정했고, 도깨비 드라마의 공유를 모델로 했습니다.

도깨비 드라마와 같이 공유와 김신은 가슴에 검이 꽂혀 있는 상태이고,
도깨비 신부만이 그 검을 뽑을 수 있습니다.

다음 버전에서 이 부분을 밝히겠습니다.

일단 설명에 앞서 위 동영상 4개를 보시면 어떤 컨셉인지 알 수 있으실 것입니다.

한국의 아이돌 가수(강미나, 김설현, 손나은, 배수지), 한국 배우(공유), 
일본 모델(모모타니 에리카, 오나 모에)를 모델로 해서 만든 동료들입니다

[b][size=5]반드시 FNIS 돌리셔야 합니다.[/size][/b]

1. 위치 : 리버우드 입구(헬겐 방향)

2. 키/몸무게 : 강미나(1/0.7), 김설현(1/1), 손나은(1/0.7), 배수지(1/1),  베이비들(0.9/1), 
                        공유(1/0.7), 김신(1/0.7), 모모타니 에리카(1/1), 오나 모에(1/1)

3. 캐릭터 : 모두 도깨비로 변신 가능하고 활을 절대 쓰지 않습니다.

가. 강미나(검) : 오로지 쌍수 근접 전사.
나. 김설현(단도) : 오로지 쌍수 근접 전사.
다. 손나은 : 화염 화살(기본), 화염구(도깨비)만 쓰는 화염 법사.
라. 배수지 : 얼음 송곳(기본), 냉기폭풍(도깨비)만 쓰는 냉기 법사.
마. 베이비 모드 4명은 오로지 주먹만 쓰는 복서.
바. 공유와 김신 : 양손검과 화염화살(기본), 화염구(도깨비)

4. 강미나, 김설현, 손나은, 배수지는 베이비와 언니로 왔다갔다 변신 가능.
    공유와 김신은 서로 변신 가능.

5. GS포즈 애교
    4명의 아이돌들은 43개(체력강화), 일본 2 모델은 24개(체력강화), 베이비들은 19개(스태미나 강화)

6. 모두 스카이림 바닐라 음성을 입혔음.

7. 아이돌 4명은 모두 바슬이 따로 있고, 4명의 베이비들은 1개 바슬, 2명의 일본 모델들은 1개 바슬 공유

8. 대화 시에만 간단한 스크립트를 쓰고 전투 시에 절대로 스크립트를 쓰지 않고 오로지 바닐라 퍽, 마법만 사용하여
   CTD 절대 없음.

9. 심플한 퍽과 마법이지만 초사이어인 상태에서는 동료들 중 최고로 강력함.

10. 플레이어 역시 도깨비로 변신, 해제 가능함. 플레이어는 냉기, 화염, 푸른 화염 3종류의 도깨비를 중첩할 수 있고
      각각 해제 가능함.

너무 오버파워를 걱정하실 수도 있으나,

얼마든지 콘솔, 치트를 사용할 수 있지만 쓰지 않는 것은 게임의 재미를 위한 것이므로,

도깨비 모드는 잘 활용하시면 정말 즐겁게 스카이림을 하실 수 있습니다.

도깨비를 쓰지 않으시면 그저 평범하지만 애교를 부려서 체력, 스테미나를 강화시키는 동료가 됩니다.

아래에는 강미나 모드를 만드는데 도움을 주신 분들, 강미나 모드에 사용된 모드, 그리고 흔쾌히 허락을 해주신 분들께
감사를 드리고자 합니다.

1. 아이돌 성형 : CBBE, KS Hairdos, ECE & 다렌스톤님. Elza님
   저는 다렌스톤님 CME를 기초로 성형했고, 다렌스톤님 텍스처, 틴트를 사용했습니다.
   다렌스톤님께서 직접 한국 아이돌을 만드시면 훨씬 더 예쁘게 만드실 것입니다.
   정말 감사합니다.
   남자 캐릭터 텍스처는 Elza님의 텍스처를 사용했습니다. 감사합니다. Elza님.

2. 애교 애니메이션
   애교 애니메이션은 모두 GS포즈 제작자이신 Gunslicer 작품입니다.
   강미나 모드에 쓸 수 있도록 흔쾌히 허락을 해주셔서 감사합니다.
   애니메이션이 마음에 드시면 꼭 Gunslicer님 페이지 가셔서 다운받으시기 바랍니다.

3. 의상
   기본 아이돌 의상은 니니님/정승은님 작품입니다.
   베이비들 의상은 KEUNG님의 동물 파자마입니다.
   공유와 김신은 Lustmord Armor, Daedric Reaper Armor입니다.
   모두 스카이림 최고의 의상들이라고 생각합니다.

4. 설현 단도는 Altair's Dagger, 미나 검은 LuxAndNoctis, 베이비의 주먹무기는 FASTER UNARMED COMBAT 이고,
    공유, 김신의 양손검은 Fledgling Adventurer GreatSword입니다.

5. 화염, 냉기 연사는 FASTER CASTING 모드를 이용했고, 도깨비, 베이비 변신 이펙트는 컬러풀매직의 이펙트 3개를 사용하였습니다.

6. 도깨비 드라마와 프라이빗 스쿼드에서 아이디어를 얻어 도깨비와 베이비 변신을 하도록 하였습니다.

7. 네이버 엘더카페, 구글 검색, 막혔을 때 길을 열어주신 바보공장님, 
   그리고 제가 약 1달 전 모드를 만들기 시작할 때부터 함께 피드백 주시고 좋아해주신 디씨 울붕이, 툴붕이 갤러님들 감사합니다.
   그리고 이 모든 것을 가능하게 해주신 면상림 세타 제작자이신 지나가던 얼굴님께 진심으로 감사드립니다.

8. 위와 같이 프리 사용이 허락된 모드, 그리고 제작자분들의 허락을 받아 강미나 모드를 만들었는데,
   기본적인 부분부터 모두 짜집기에 불과해서 제가 강미나 모드에 대해서 제작자라고 내세우기도 민망합니다.
   강미나 모드에 사용된 부분에 대해서 자유롭게 수정, 개조, 응용, 배포 등 모든 것은 제 허락 없이 가능합니다.
   하시고 싶은대로 모두 다 하셔도 됩니다.
   단 상업적 사용은 절대로 안됩니다.

9. 제 목표는 우리나라 여자 아이돌 10명을 만드는 것입니다.
   이제 4명 만들었으니 6명 더 만들고 싶습니다.
   아마 10명 채워져서 리버우드 입구가 정신없어질 때쯤 엘더6가 나올 것 같습니다.

10. 우리나라에 실력자들이 정말 많은데, 한국 연예인을 모델로 동료 모드를 많이 만드셨으면 좋겠습니다.
    외국에는 초창기부터 연예인 동료가 넘쳐났는데, 우리나라에서는 왜 안 하시는지 잘 이해가 안됩니다.
    영리 목적만 아니라면 초상권, 퍼블리시티권 침해가 절대 아니고, 비슷한 게임 캐릭터를 만든다고
    절대로 명예훼손, 모욕이 되지 않습니다.
    오히려 연예인분들은 자신을 모델로 스카이림 동료를 만들면 좋아하시면 좋아하시지 절대로 싫어하시지 않습니다.

이니고 동료와 같은 독립 음성과 상호 작용이 있는 동료를 준비할 예정입니다.

모드를 만들어서 공유하는 것이 너무나 즐겁습니다.

엘더6가 대중화될 때까지, 아이돌 10명 채울 때까지 열심히 업데이트하겠습니다.

가끔 생각나실 때 업데이트가 되는지 확인해주셨으면 좋겠습니다.

마지막으로 Endorse 꼭 부탁드립니다.

모드 만들어서 돈 벌 생각은 전혀 없고, 후원도 절대로 원하지 않습니다.

우리나라에도 베데스다의 광적인 팬들이 많고 실력자 역시 어마어마하게 많은데도 불구하고

베데스다는 한국화를 시도하지도 않습니다.

제발 엘더6에서는 제작할 때부터 한글화, 한글음성이 될 수 있도록,

우리나라에서 만든 모드들이 외국보다 더 인기를 얻었으면 좋겠습니다.

Endorse 꼭 부탁드립니다.

긴 글 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

   강미나 올림.

Witcher 3 Female Armors UNP - Turkish Translation


Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim - Spanish Translation

Esta es la Traducción al Español de la Versión 3.1.5 del interesante Mod Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim  <Requiere el Mod original>  Lo que me motivó a traducir este Mod es que Nunca pude entender el Mod Religion,   mientras que este mod aparte de ser desarrollado por uno de los mejores Modders de Skyrim su contenido está muy conectado al Lore profundo de Skyrim y es muy fácil de entender con un montón de alternativas para el Juego,  de acuerdo al Dios que sigas  :). Es un Aporte más a la Comunidad Hispana,  para el deleite de nuestro Skyrim en Español.

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/18610979?tab=user+files]Mis otros Mods publicados en Skyrim[/url]

Para Instalarlo Manualmente, se requiere un Manejador de Archivos Zip en tu PC, sugiero buscar en www.7-zip.org, una vez abres el .7z descargado, Ubicas en tu PC el Directorio donde se encuentra instalada tu Versión de Skyrim, abres su carpeta data y descargas los archivos que trae esta versión en Español.


Todos los Créditos para el Creador del Mod Original [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3959191]EnaiSiaion[/url]

Mod Original : [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95545]Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim[/url]

Better Innteriors

[size=6][b]Better Innteriors[/b]
[/size][size=3]Better Inneriors is a project that aims to improve the interior cells of the inns and taverns of Skyrim.

As is, in game many of the miscellaneous inns are similar, if not the same, interior as every other one. weather your in Sleeping Giant Inn, or Windspeak Inn, or Frostfruit, they all have a single fireplace with one two separate rooms.[/size] [b][size=4]Better Innteriors[/size][/b][size=4][size=3] aims to refurbish the stale interiors to [/size][/size][size=3]something visual distinct. THIS PROJECT DOES NOT PLAN TO EDIT EXTERIORS as to keep as mods that effect town's and hold's layout compatible as possible. This is a work in progress project, with individual Inn files being released as they're completed.

Please recommend which interior you would like to see next! or report any issues you encounter and I'll see what I can do to help solve it.
[/size][/b][/u][size=3]Each interior file will also be released with an optional door file, adding doors to any room that aren't already added with the mod.
[b]-Thank you to Hyrdrangea1992 for the suggestion.[/b][/size]

[size=4][u][b]Completed Inns
[*][size=3]Frostfruit Inn[/size]
[*][size=3]Old Hroldan Inn[/size]
[*][size=3]Moorside Inn[/size]
[*][size=3][size=3]The Frozen Hearth[/size][/size]
[u][b][size=4]Next Planned Innterio[size=3]r
[*]Windspeak Inn
[*][size=3]Dead Man's Drink (In the works until I work out the issues with ELFX)[/size]
[/list][size=2]Visual Mods Used in Screenshots: Enhanced Lighting and Effects, Static Mesh Improvement Mod, and Noble Skyrim.[/size]

As Cronicas de Yerick

(WIP) Um Skill Book localizado no INN de Riverwood - Upa Armadura Leve
Após conversar com alguns amigos do grupo TES BRASIL - Amino, surgiu a ideia de criar conteúdo para meu char. Tenho em mente criar algumas quests relacionadas, mas por enquanto serão alguns livros.

Obrigado amigos do TES BRASIL - AMINO por acender a chama da minha criatividade outra vez.

A Sekiro Combat Mod for Skyrim - Shinobi Combat

[size=4]Thanks to [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3329368]Tyroine[/url] for making this awesome video! (The place seen there is NOT part of this mod though, it's a mod called World of Rudra)

[/size][quote][size=4]A huge Thank You goes to [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/5493833]LertKrush[/url], author of [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/101125]Sekiro Combat[/url] for SE & LE, who offered me to use his hand-made deflect visual effects in this mod! (Previously I was using the vanilla sparks model)
Basically, this means that from version 1.2.0 on both our mods will [i]LOOK [/i]exactly the same when it comes to parrying. But they are still different:
His mod is a modification and extension of [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36006]Ultimate Combat[/url], which changes its "timed blocking" feature to resemble Sekiro's Deflect. That means you'll get all the great combat changes UC does together with his mod. 
[/size][size=4]My mod on the other hand is standalone, and adds a few more Sekiro-specific features like Shinobi Executions, Perilous Attack and Resurrection mechanic (and will be steadily expanded in the future).[/size][/quote]


[*][size=4]1.2.1: I am an idiot and had forgotten to include a texture from Sekiro Combat. So, unless you had also installed and loaded that mod, you won't have seen the new sparks in their full glory. Also, death & resurrection animations should now play correctly.[/size]
[*][size=4]1.2.0: Added Sekiro's resurrection system. This finally gives some meaning to Shinobi executions! See Features below for more details[/size]
[*][size=4]Thanks to the beautiful deflect flash & spark effects made by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/5493833?tab=user+files&BH=0]LertKrush[/url] in his own mod [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/101125]Sekiro Combat[/url], which he provided to be included here, this new version of the mod will from now on look 10 times more stylish than before!
[*][size=4]1.1.1: Added a readme file that doubles as a menu to adjust all settings. [/size]
[*][size=4]Shinobi execution should work on creatures now, if it doesn't you can change it from doing the special animation to just increased damage normal attacks.[/size]
[*][size=4]The sparks now fly into the proper direction[/size]
[*][size=4]1.1.0: most of the problems users reported (shinobi execution not triggering, permanent damage immunity) seemed to come from one essential script being too slow. I streamlined that one and transferred some of its work to others, so I hope these problems are solved now. Sorry for the inconvenience![/size]
[*][size=4]1.0.4: Added notifications on the top left of the screen, each time you hit an enemy, it will display their current Posture.[/size]
[*][size=4]1.0.3: Arrows will now bounce off the blade  as intended when blocked or deflected, instead of still impaling the character. Blocking them now consumes Posture, Deflecting does not[/size]
[*][size=4]Added a "killcam" effect where the camera focuses onto the enemy during Shinobi Execution. If you don't want this or if your camera somehow gets stuck, "set sekiro_killcam to 0" in console[/size]
[*][size=4]1.0.2: You can now change the Perilous Attack alert. Type "set sekiro_peril to 0" in the console to turn it off completely, or "set sekiro_peril to 1" for just the Kanji and sound without the slowdown effect. Default is 2 for both. (If you want the slowdown but no Kanji, move/rename/delete sekirolike_perilous.pex from the scripts folder)[/size]
[*][size=4]1.0.1: Added a Lesser Power on startup that activates / deactivates the mod. Can be used to restart if it isn't working. I'd recommend deactivating before you uninstall the mod[/size]

This mod was made with the idea to bring "The Clashing of Swords", which Sekiro's swordsplay tries to capture, into Skyrim. 
It is a standalone combat overhaul that adds some of the features found in Sekiro's combat system, and tries to do so in the most minimalistic and performance-friendly way I could think of. 

Since this is my very first own mod, expect it to be buggy. Also, I have zero experience about how to balance such a mod, so I'd gladly take any kind of feedback and suggestions for improvements. Just tell me if you want something changed or addded.

The mod is far from finished and will be updated regularly. I'm planning on adding more "situational" special moves, like Mikiri Counter, Jumping off enemies, Ninjutsu. Also, I'll try to make some of the Combat Arts (like Ichimonji, Dragon Flash, Ashina Cross etc.) as far as it's possible within the bounds of Skyrim's behaviour.




[*][size=3]Stamina is "Posture". Getting hit by undeflected attacks damages one's posture (in proportion to one's Block skill) in addition to health, [s]and causes stagger[/s]. Blocking reduces health damage, but does not prevent Posture damage. Unlike in Sekiro, sprinting and performing power attacks still costs Stamina. While blocking, and not getting hit, Posture regenerates faster. From version 1.2 on, Posture regeneration scales with your current health (low health -> slow posture regen). Be aware that your opponen's posture regenerates in the same way, so be aggressive while they still have a lot of health[/size]
[*][size=3]Blocking at the perfect time will "Deflect" attacks and negate any damage it would have dealt, while damaging the opponent's Posture in return. Deflection can parry any weapon and even arrows. Of course, there will be flashy spark effects![/size]
[*][size=3]When you swing your blade to attack at the exact same time as your opponent, you will also parry their strike and the two blades will clash with each other, with the Posture of both opponents deciding who comes out on top. [/size]
[*][size=3]Power attacks are "Perilous Attacks". They CANNOT be blocked or deflected and should be evaded. They'll be telegraphed very clearly. This really shines when you use a Dodge mod together with mine. Weapon swings in vanilla are usually too abrupt to really dodge them, so I added a slowdown effect. In the future I want to add some "Mikiri Counter" and jump kick feature to reward timed dodging[/size]
[*][size=3]When an NPC's Posture is depleted or "broken through", they will enter a state in which the player attacking them results in a special "Shinobi Execution" finisher move. When the player's Posture is broken, they get staggered.[/size]
[*][size=3]Alternatively, you can turn the finisher animation off and just deal increased damage to the target while it is posture broken. If you have a killmove mod installed and set the chance to 100, you could see a vanilla killmove every time you break an opponent's posture![/size]
[*][size=3]Shinobi Executions can also be performed while Sneaking, on any target that hasn't noticed you.[/size]
[*][size=3]Some animation conditions are changed: Hitting a blocking target no longer makes you and NPCs recoil. GETTING hit while blocking now makes you and NPCs recoil from the force. Deflecting attacks instead of blocking does NOT cause recoil. GETTING your attack deflected by the opponent leads to recoiling.[/size]
[*][size=3]The Dragon's Heritage runs strong within the Dragonborn as well. Everytime they kill a living creature with Shinobi Execution, they absorb a part of the opponent's life force, which manifests as a "Dragonsoul Shard" (no lore to be found here, I just made that up). If they have accumulated at least ten such soul shards, they can use up that stored excess life force ro resurrect from death once - only to probably die again soon after.[/size]


[quote]As you can see, my PC is a potato. Anyone with a decent graphics card is more than welcome to make a more stylish showcase video for this mod, and I'll put it here.[/quote]

This mod is Standalone, except that it requires SKSE.

The changes should be automatically applied when loading the game with the mod installed.
You can basically deflect everything anyone throws at you, and your deflecting will sooner or later poisebreak anything that has a stamina bar.
Enemies will receive the same abilities as you, but only after the've attacked you once. If an NPC with the ability attacks someone else, they too will receive them.
This was done to avoid using a scripted cloak spell which could somewhat slow down performance a bit depending on you PC. I might change this in future updates depending on feedback.
I have no idea how to make MCM menus, sorry. You'll have to make do with manually changing the settings via console, or use the settings file that's contained from 1.1.1 onwards.[/size]

[size=3]set sekiro_parrytime to 1.0               ; time frame in seconds for deflecting attacks[/size]
[size=3]set sekiro_deflect_hyperarmor to 1        ; 1: invulnerable while deflecting, 0: not invulnerable[/size]
[size=3]set sekiro_attackstagger to 0    ; 1: every unblocked attack staggers[/size]
[size=3]set sekiro_perilous_stagger to 1       ; 1: perilous attacks from melee weapons stagger[/size]
[size=3]set sekiro_unarmed_stagger to 1     ; 1: unarmed perilous attacks stagger[/size]
[size=3]set sekiro_posturecounter to 0         ; 1: display enemy posture in top left screen each time you hit them (not really too useful, since debug messages don't update fast enough, I can't change this unfortunately)[/size]
[size=3]set sekiro_player_posturebreak to 1 ; 1: like NPCs, player will enter a posture broken state when their posture is depleted by attacks[/size]
[size=3]sekiro_npc_break_percent to 5.0      ; if NPC posture percentage falls below this threshold, NPC posture is broken[/size]
[size=3]sekiro_player_break_percent to 5.0  ; if player posture percentage falls below this threshold, player posture is broken[/size]
[size=3]set sekiro_killmoves to 2            ; 2: killmove with special animation, 1: normal attacks do increases damage against targets in posture broken state, 0: breaking posture has no effect [/size]
[size=3]set sekiro_npc_deathblow to 0  ; NPCs can perform executions. Buggy, use at your own risk![/size]
[size=3]set sekiro_killcam to 0         ; 1: camera will focus on target during execution animation[/size]
[size=3]set sekiro_peril to 3              ; 0: no visual cue for perilous attacks, 1: red kanji and sound only, 2: time slowdown only, 3: kanji + sound + slowdown[/size][/quote]


[*][size=4]Definitely use a dodge mod of you choice![/size]
[*][size=4]Mods that change combat & difficulty numerically, like [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56147]Combat Evolved[/url], will most likely go great together with this. Also mods that improve NPC AI, such as [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76529]Wildcat[/url] or [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36006]Ultimate Combat[/url]. HOWEVER: My mod has a lot of mechanics that e.g. Ultimate covers as well but in a different way (timed blocking, poise, stagger). So having both would not only be redundant but also double your script load for achieving the same things. So if you're using Ultimate, you should definitely disable timed block and stagger mechanics there![/size]
[*][size=4][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44014/?]Pseudo Parry Animation[/url] for a more elegant parrying (blocking uses the Recoil animation now)[/size]
[*][size=4]some stylish Samurai-like Swordplay animations, for example a mix of [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70108]OSEA[/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81070]Katana Animations[/url], or the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98920]EAD[/url] mashup[/size]
[*][size=4][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76768]No StaggerCamera[/url], this is just personal preference, it removes the camera sway from stagger but keeps the animation[/size]
[*][size=4]an audio overhaul that improves swinging, clanging and slashing sounds of weapons. The "Soulsborne Sound FX" mod could be a nice fit.[/size]
[*][size=4][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97573]Sekiro's Mortal Blade[/url] is a must-have![/size]

Katheryn Follower (Serana Replacer Option)

[center][font=Times New Roman][img]https://i.imgur.com/hnYPviH.png[/img]

[/font][img]https://i.imgur.com/ssvr5hd.png[/img][font=Times New Roman]
[size=3]Race: Nord[/size]
[size=3]Class: Vampire[/size]
[size=3]Level: 30[/size]
[size=3]Location: Morthal Exterior
[size=3][/size][img]https://i.imgur.com/Gqm8dRh.png[/img][font=Times New Roman]
[/font][/center][center][font=Times New Roman]

[font=Times New Roman]Check my other follower mods

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/96247]Nymeria Standalone Follower[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/96194]Shiera Follower[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95905]Visenya Standalone Follower[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95832]Rhaenys Standalone Follower[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95630]Ayleen Standalone Healer Follower[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95349]The Last Kingdom Skade[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95050]Lyanna Standalone Follower[/url][/font]


[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69007?tab=files&file_id=1000277170]Witcher 3 Female Armors UNP[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2689072]zzjay[/url][/font][font=Times New Roman]
[/font][font=Times New Roman]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311/?tab=posts]Kalilies and Stealthic - KS Hairdos[/url] 

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35327]SG Female Eyebrows[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2209393]hellosanta[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35267]SG Female Textures Renewal[/url] by  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2209393]hellosanta[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13722]The Eyes of Beauty - [/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/308756]LogRaam[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709/][/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2666]Caliente_ Ousnius e Jeir - belos corpos de Caliente Edição -CBBE- [/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/537675][/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30411]Hvergelmir - Brows [/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709/]Corpo feminino DIMONIZADO UNP[/url] by [/font][font=Times New Roman]dimon99


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