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Detrimental Diseases

All diseases except for vampirism and lycanthropy apply a sickly appearance, weakening speechcraft by 15%. It is possible to have negative speech if you contract enough diseases. At that point, you'd have to pay people to take the items that you've touched

All diseases lower movement speed and weapon speed by 10% each. If you contract too many, it becomes difficult to move and fight

Cure disease potions can no longer be crafted, only bought or found. 
They also have a higher value, so it costs more to purchase

Shrines no longer cure diseases
Shrines have been buffed to contain my "9 Divines" mod

Diseases are twice as likely to be contracted

Lockpicking and pick-pocketing is 50% harder
Ataxia Knuckles: Unarmed attacks deal 10 additional points of damage
Ataxia is supposed to stiffen the hands up, so delicate things are harder to accomplish, but slugging things is easier

Black Heart Blight
Lowers carry weight by 50 points
Weakened Pulse: increases poison resistance by 20%
A weakened heart means it takes poison longer to take effect

Bone Break Fever
Stamina is reduced by 50 points
Fever Heat: Resist 10% of frost
Fevers make you warm, therefore ice isn't as effective

Brain Rot
Magicka is reduced by 50 points
Ignore: increases magic resistance by 5%
Brain Rot makes you go a little insane, so you ignore the effects of magic slightly

Lowers magic resistance by 35%
Uncaring: Increases disease resistance by 20%
Being droopy and terrible makes disease less likely to find you hospitable? I don't know, this is a weird one

Stamina regenerates 70% slower
Shiver: Resist 10% of fire
Rattling and shivering means you're cold, so fire would make you feel a little better

Melee weapons are 35% weaker
Stiffened: Resist 10% of shock
Rockjoint makes you stiff like a lightning rod, so you resist shock? (I couldn't really think of anything else that would make sense. But wizards would
probably like this one)

Sanguinare Vampiris
Reduces health by 50 points

Magicka regenerates 70% slower
Unaware: Increases armor rating by 15 points
Witbane makes you oblivious, so you don't feel as much pain. Any non-wizard character might like this one

Only 50% resistant to disease

Only 50% resistant to disease and poison
The sun is much more intense on vampires:
Stage 1: sun reduces stats by 40
Stage 2: sun reduces stats by 60
Stage 3: sun reduces stats by 80
Stage 4: sun reduces stats by 100

In conclusion, this mod should fill your desire to bring more challenge to the game, because vanilla diseases are way too easy to overcome. If you're a devotee to Peryite or Namira, this should satisfy your gross desires.

Millwater Retreat



[size=4][font=Corbel]Millwater Retreat is a player home situated on the edge of lake Ilinalta. It’s been left in a broken state after plans to restore it went sideways. Uncover the mystery of this old mill and build it back up into a profitable business with the help of a few labourers.


When I first started modding Skyrim, this was my first player home which quickly became popular for its business mechanics. Seven years on and I’ve rebuilt the mod from scratch, resulting in a far more polished and rewarding experience.




Thanks to my partner simsim899 for assistance with a few of the major assets for the mod.

Thanks go to Phayntom for planting the idea in my head and using subliminal messaging to get me working on this project again.

Many thanks to my live stream community for keeping me company and throwing in ideas during the development process.

Credits for assets and other things can be found at the top of the mod page.


More Kats of Skyrim - Khajiit Followers Mod LE

[size=3]Adds 20 Khajiit followers male and female at various loactions in Skyrim, inns and members of the khajiit caravans etc.[/size]

All are set to essential.
All level with player up to 100.
All use Khajiit voices will require [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74568?tab=description]Relationship Dialogue Overhaul[/url] to work.
All are basic followers so should work fine with follower framework mods like AFT.
2 Versions available one file will include extra character presets for each Khajiit if you want to use one for a player character the other file will be without the presets. [size=3]Don't use both.[/size]
I have added all khajiits to the potential marriage factions.
Most of the Khajiit use names from other Elder Scrolls games (mostly Oblivion)

[size=4][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/31743]Special Edition Version here[/url][/size]


[size=2][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74568?tab=description]Relationship Dialogue Overhaul[/url]

[/size][size=3]Load Order:

[/size]Works fine when placed near bottom of load order.
If using Immersive Citizens load this after that mod.

[size=3]Names & Locations:[/size]

[size=3]Anahbi[/size] - Female, Heavy Armor, Two Handed weapons
Falkreath Deadmans Drink

[size=3]Ahnassi[/size] - Female, Light Armor, One Handed weapons
Riften Haelga's Bunkhouse

[size=3]Ahnissi[/size] - Female, Light Armor, Archer & One Hand weapons
Riverwood Sleeping Giant Inn

[size=3]Bhisha[/size] - Male, Light Armor, One Handed weapons
Windhelm Candlehearth Hall

[size=3]J'bari[/size] - Male, Light Armor, One Handed weapons
Ivarstead Vilemyr Inn

[size=3]J'mhad[/size] - Male, Light Armor, One or Two Handed weapons
Ma'dran's caravan spawns outside Windhelm stables

[size=3]Kazra[/size] - Female, Heavy Armor, Two Handed weapons
Ahkari's caravan spawns outside Dawnstar

[size=3]K'sharr[/size] - Male, Thief, Light Armor, One Handed weapons
Riften Ragged Flagon

[size=3]Ma'raska[/size] - Male, Heavy Armor, Two Handed weapons
Whiterun Drunken Huntsmen only recruitable during opening hours

[size=3]Nashi[/size] - Female, Light Armor, Archer & One Handed weapons
Dawnstar Windpeak Inn

[size=3]Razum-dar[/size] - Male, Light Armor, Spellsword
Solitude The Winking Skeever

[size=3]Shamada[/size] - Female, Light Armor, Archer & One Handed weapons
Morthal Moorside Inn

[size=3]Shuravi[/size] - Female, Light Armor, Archer
Darkwater Crossing camp outside mine

[size=3]S'kasha[/size] - Female, Light Armor, Dual wielder
Riften Bee & Barb

[size=3]S'mirra[/size]  - Female, Spellsword
Whiterun Bannered Mare

[size=3]Vitani[/size] - Female, based off my player character One handed warrior
Winterhold College Hall of Attainment

[size=3]Yushi[/size] - Female, Thief, Archer & One Handed weapons
Kynesgrove Braidwood Inn

[size=3]Zahrasha [/size]- Female, Witchblade
Old Hroldran Inn

[size=3]Zara[/size] - Female, Scout
Morthal Moorside Inn

[size=3]Zira[/size] - Female, Spellsword
Ma'drans caravan spawns outside Windhelm stables


[size=2]None let me know if you find any[/size]

[size=3]Mods used in the screenshots: (screenshots are from se version i'l add some le versions soon)[/size]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41482]Rudy ENB[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19733]Immersive Armors[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84946/]Beyond Skyrim Bruma[/url]
Khajiit mods (nsfw)
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709]DIMONIZED UNP female body[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18051]Better Khajiit female body Texture for UNP and CBBE body[/url] (works fine  in Oldrim) or try this mod [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87124]Khajiit Overhaul[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70481]Masculine Khajiit Textures[/url]


cloudedtruth for Relationship Dialogue Overhaul

[size=3]Future Plans:[/size]

I intend to make the same mod for some of the other races sometime in the near future.

Aetherium Forge Crafting

This mod was originally made for Skyrim SE by Skulliam, who released it with permission to convert it.

You can now craft all of the Aetherial Artifacts from Dawnguard's "Lost to the Ages", or even craft more of the same artifact. This does not interfere with the quest itself or the initial crafting recipes, so Katria's dialogue won't break. Maximum compatibility with anything except mods that edit the last quest's stage value. Lore-friendliness in mind, meaning Aetherium is still rare and thus the recipes are hard to fill.

Requires [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/89898?tab=description]More Lore-Friendly Soul Gems[/url]

Slow Affects Attack Speed

This mod was originally created for Skyrim SE by Migck and released with open permission. From the original mod page:

"It seems kinda common for ARPGS using the "fire frost shock" elemental trifecta for frost to slow down the afflicted's speed of his various actions. Skyrim does implement something like that, and its various frost magical items use a hidden "Slow" effect also lowering the movement speed of the target by 50% for a few seconds, plus a few alchemical effects also doing such. What'd be missing from it would be attack speed, for both the right and left hands, but due to the bonkers way in which the game controls these stats, this was not really straightforward to implement.

So what I've done is make my first contact with the papyrus scripting system into a project to work around this limitation. The various Slow effects now use a custom script which allows them to also lower the weapon speed multipliers of their target by the same factor that their movement speed is. So by default, all frost magic items and spells in the game will make the targets move and attack 50% slower than usual, adjusted for resistances. This includes the player character of course, so now frost damage is something a melee character might want to especially avoid. And Slow poisons have a little more use, allowing to get the upper hand when trading blows.

Some magic items in the game have also been patched, namely, the various instances of the Ice Storm spell were using frost damage over an area of effect of 15 feet, but the attached slow effect only worked on a direct hit. The spells, scroll and staff enchantment versions of Ice Storm will now also slow all targets caught in the area.

The script can recognize whether the target's right or left attack speed value is above 0 or not in order to decide whether to use a fortification or drain to it when the magic effects take hold, and uses SKSE functions to dynamically adjust the chosen dummy spells to the needed magnitude to achieve the desired results. This should ensure it works correctly when using mods that fix the attack speed base values on actors, like [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10741]Attack Speed Fix[/url].[size=3]

HOWEVER, do note that the attack speed AVs have no effect on unarmed combat. It can only alter the speed of actual weapon swings, so creatures and humanoids that fight with their limbs or other 'fake' weapons will not be affected by this mod's features. Not much to do about it that I can think of, sorry.[/size]

This mod edits several magic effects to attach the new script to, as such it will likely be incompatible with other mods altering those in any way, and only magic spells and items using the regular game's Slow effects can benefit from the added features to it. However other mods' magic effects can be patched with the included script if needed be.
The script also incorporates fixes related to altering the SpeedMult value of actors, like the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37476]Frost Magic BugFixes[/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1137]Ordinator[/url] mods also do. You can load this mod after Ordinator with no issue. The fix will update the afflicted's speed multiplier so that they cannot keep their momentum after Slow starts affecting them, and will also prevent it from reaching 0 and move as if at 100% speed, capping the minimum speed multiplier at 1.

The mod also alters a few magic items with a new AoE Slow effect as described. [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/164]SSEdit[/url] can be used to spot any conflicts. Drop the contents in your Data folder and activate MigSlowAtk.esp to install."

A Nord Male Preset

To install simply extract the file and drop into your Skyrim data folder. Once in game open up the race menu and select malenord in both presets and sculpt. Please let me know if you have any problems.

Preset RaceMenu Beatrice

[color=#980000][size=3][b][i][u]Хочу представить вам свой новый пресет. Девушка - норд, милой и одновременно страшной внешности.[/u][/i][/b][/size][/color]

[/color][color=#660000][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][left][u]"Вообще-то я ангел. [/u][u]Просто крылья в стирке, а нимб на подзарядке."
Skyrim LE
[/color][url=https://gamer-mods.ru/load/skyrim_le/replejsery_tel/fair_skin_complexion/7-1-0-464][/url][url=https://gamer-mods.ru/load/skyrim_le/replejsery_tel/fair_skin_complexion/7-1-0-464]светлая кожа[/url]
[url=https://gamer-mods.ru/load/skyrim_le/kosmetika/eye_brows/14-1-0-4738][/url][url=https://gamer-mods.ru/load/skyrim_le/kosmetika/eye_brows/14-1-0-4738]Брови Maevan2[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311][/url][url=https://gamer-mods.ru/go?https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311]KS Hairdos[/url]
[url=https://gamer-mods.ru/load/skyrim_le/magija/facelight_plus/9-1-0-2456][/url][url=https://gamer-mods.ru/load/skyrim_le/magija/facelight_plus/9-1-0-2456]Facelight Plus[/url]

[color=#d8d8d8]Распакуйте файл пресета Beatrice.jslot в [ваш каталог Skyrim] / Data / SKSE / Плагины / CharGen / Presets (если у вас нет папки "Presets",то открываем в игре консоль и вводим "showracemenu", потом переходим во вкладу "Пресеты"и нажимаем f5. Ваш персонаж сохранился и папка "Presets"создана автоматически)

The Elder Scrolls Legends Imports

The Elder Scrolls Legends Imports adds references to Elder Scrolls: Legends cards and story into the world of Skyrim.


I've tried to keep this mod as compatible as possible, but it may conflict with other mods that modify the same locations or NPCs that I did. I suggest loading it before any follower mods, as one follower is affected by this mod.


Version 1.0

 - Initial Release



Names: Bethesda/Direwolf Digital/Sparkypants Studios

HorsebackRiding - Campfire Addon

[size=3]This mod is completely compatible with all other mods. Every time you mount a horse, it is detected, and if it was your last horse ridden nothing is done. If you mount a new horse the necessary scripts are applied to it and you will get notified that it has been found along with its default statistics for speed, health regen and stamina regen. [/size]

[size=3]There are two versions of this mod currently because disabling trampling, even in combat situations, in requiem cannot be done through setting a global variable. Thus I have added a requiem dependent version for requiem users. Currently, the Immersive Horses trample will be set to Off if it is detected.[/size]


[size=3]Horseback Riding - Default Version: [/size]
[size=2]Requires Campfire and Frostfall. If you don't have Frostfall and turn off the dynamic weather update in the MCM you should be okay. Note the weather updating will not work until Frostfall is running. If you do use Frostfall your horse's stamina regen will never drop too low(which is fun to have to deal with) so I would recommend adding it but setting the exposure rate as low as needed. (the exposure rate will not affect this mod's interaction with Frostfall)
[size=3]Horseback Riding - Requiem Version:[/size]
Same as above except it tweaks the Requiem trample effect to be completely off if the associated requiem global variable NoTrample variable is set to 1. (which is done automatically when this mod is loaded). Unfortunately, it cannot prevent the mass effect system from working. Thus, at present, the trample mechanic will look like its triggering for almost all attempts regardless of your perks.


[size=3]Perks can be progressed with passively riding your horse, killing on horseback or training at a local stable. Once the Experienced Rider perk is taken, training at the stables will no longer be possible. Additionally, if you ask for a training lesson and are asked how much you are willing to pay but only have the option to say "Nevermind" it means you do not have more gold than the Riding_TrainingCost(tweakable in the MCM). The mod mainly edits ImmersiveHorses scripts to implement its changes.

The rate at which you gain experience from riding, killing on horseback or training can all be adjusted in the MCM.

A quick overview of the main things to know:[/size]
The horse's attributes of speed. stamina regen and health regen are effected dynamically based:[/size][list=1]
[*][size=2]Stamina percentage - when tired your horse will move more slowly and its health regeneration will slow.[/size]
[*][size=2]Health percentage - when hurt your horse will move more slowly and its stamina regeneration will slow.[/size]
[*][size=2]Carry Weight - Your inventory weight, horse's inventory weight and carry weight will be taken together to determine the amount to dampen the attributes.[/size]
[*][size=2]Weather Update - Using Frostfall's functions the cold and the severity of the weather will lead to significant effects to regeneration and speed of your horse. The impact of this will be lessened if you are near a fire source.[/size]
[*][size=2]Horse perks - the final three rider perks will both increase and lessen the impact of other effects on your horse's speed and stamina regeneration. The Cavalry Tactics perk will increase and lessen the impact of other effects on your horse's health regeneration.[/size]
In order to help the player, if the player's stamina regeneration falls below 0.1 a notification will be shown that "<your horse's name> is regenerating stamina very slowly". If this occurs you will need to either conserve stamina or find warmth or move to a warmer climate(if the cause of the low regen is cold/bad weather but it most likely is unless you are carrying a ton of inventory).

The dynamic attributes are smoothed according to the formula .98*old_value + .02*new_value in order to both smooth speed transitions and add a compound-like effect, such that staying in a cold climate becomes progressively worse. It also presents a good dynamic where you must decide between conserving stamina vs. rushing through cold areas. These effects are still active after dismounting, so building a fire near your horse can provide substantial benefits in cold areas.

[size=3]4 main effects while riding are added/tweaked:[/size]
[*][size=2]Horse Trample - Trampling now occurs based on chance, its probability increases slightly with rider perks and greatly with cavalry tactics perks(note: the requiem trample effect is disabled in this mod - we use the ImmersiveHorses effect.) This probability is now also decreased with respect to the target's current stamina and health. Powerful foes should become easier to trample after exhausting themselves or being injured in battle.[/size]
[*][size=2]KnockOff - If your horse is hit, there is now a chance you will be "knocked off" (a fast rear dismount is triggered), the probability of this can be decreased with rider perks and cavalry tactics perks. This is significantly more likely if your horse is hit with a power attack. If the attack is a power attack the attacker's stamina and health attributes are also factored in.[/size]
[*][size=2]FallDown - If you are knocked off, there is a chance that you will land on your feet(the alternative is being knocked down), this chance of landing on your feet can be decreased with rider perks and cavalry tactics perks.[/size]
[*][size=2]Sprinting damage - if you attack when sprinting on your horse you will get a 1.5X boost to your melee attack[/size]

[size=3]In addition to the dynamic effects, the main rider branch will lead to greater horse stamina and lessened player stamina regeneration penalties (this ranges from significantly worse than normal to normal)[/size][size=3]
In addition to the dynamic effects, the three Cavalry Tactics perks will give improved attack damage and speed when using a melee weapon. (the damage can be a significant increase to the normal damage)

The three Horse Archery perks will give improved attack damage and speed when using a bow.(the damage will never eclipse what the damage that can be done normally but you will be able to fire a bow just as fast as on the ground.)

The three Horse Strength perks will give added carry weight to your horse, by doing this it will also lessen the impact of weight on your horse's regeneration and speed.[/size]

[size=6]PERK ATTRIBUTES[/size]
(note dynamic changes are not discussed below)
(note weapon speed values operate much different on horseback than on the ground and have been chosen based on gameplay and animations)
Main Rider Branch:

5 main levels (None->Novice ->Intermediate->Experienced->Expert->Master)
Horse stamina increase: -500, -200, -50, +100, +250, +400
Player stamina regeneration: -5.0, -1.8, -1.2, -.8, -.4, 0

Cavalry Tactics:

3 levels(None -> Cavalry Tactics I -> Cavalry Tactics II -> Cavalry Tactics III)

One-Handed Speed Multiplier: .05, 1.25, 2.0, 2.5
One-Handed Damage Multiplier: .45, .85, 1.05, 1.35
Two-Handed Speed Multiplier: .05, .35, .65, 1.0
Two-Handed Damage Multiplier: .25, 1.0 , 1.35, 1.5
Horse Health: 0, 50, 100, 150
Player Stamina: -50, 50, 125, 200

Horse Archery:

3 levels(None -> Horse Archery  I -> Horse Archery II -> Horse Archery III)

Ranged Speed Multiplier: .025, .35, .65, .85
Ranged Damage Multiplier: .25, .65, .80, .95
Player Stamina: -250, 50, 125, 200

Horse Strength:

3 levels(None -> Horse Strength  I -> Horse Strength II -> Horse Strength III)

Horse Carry Weight: 50, 100, 150

(note: RealTimeDays is what you think. If you sat there for 24 hours on a horse time_ridden would be 1.0)
(also note: the excel file in the Extra folder contains formulas for planning out experience gains)

Normal Perk Progression is based off the formula:

((Riding_ProgressRate * time_ridden) + (kill_change * Riding_KillBonus)) / pow((next_level+1), Riding_DifficultyScaleRate)

Training Perk Progression:

((Riding_ProgressRate * Riding_TrainingExperience)) / Math.pow((next_level+1), Riding_DifficultyScaleRate)


time_ridden = the time ridden in RealTimeDays
kill_change = the number of kills on horseback since last update
next_level = the total number of perks earned
pow = raises the first argument to the power of the second argument


Riding_DifficultyScaleRate = rate at which gaining new perks gets harder and harder
Riding_KillBonus = bonus per kill in RealTimeDays
Riding_ProgressRate = bonus per time ridden
Riding_TrainingExperience = experience gain in RealTimeDays

Default values example:
Out of the box we have the following values:
ProgressRate = 48
DifficultyScalingRate = 1.15
Killbonus = .15
TrainingExperience = .025 (note this is multiplied by ProgressRate as well)

Thus, in order to gain our first perk we would expect to need to ride for 30 real time minutes or train twice.
For the next perk we would need to ride for 66.57 minutes of real time.
For the final 14th perk we would need to ride for 10.4 hours of real time.

Changing these values at any point will effect progression moving forward and not change anything that has already occurred. So if the difficulty in gaining perks becomes too steep no problem tweaking the values then.

[/size](If you change a value and it shows up as an integer the fix is to back out of the menu and re-enter, the value will be what you set it to. I currently don't know why this is occurring.)
[size=3]The MCM Options Fall into 3 Main categories:

[/size]1. Horseback Riding Stats

Should provide you with a good reference to where you are at and where you need to get to. Also, provides current speed, stamina regen, and health regen for a non-intrusive way to check your dynamic stats occasionally.

2. Manipulate skill points

Can be used to respec/restore skill progress

3. Alter Gameplay values

First is the option to turn on debug mode. If this is on then there is a 20% chance that every update will provide notification as to the current speed, stamina regen and health regen. This should be helpful in understanding how the mod plays as well as

Then, there are toggle options for each of the 4 dynamic updates that occur which affect your horse stamina regen, health regen and speed.

Then, there are Max and Min values for each of these. These are important, especially the Horse Speed values to make sure the animations do not get too slow or too fast.

Skill progression tweaks are after which are touched on in the section above.

Finally, are the training cost of taking lessons at the stables and the experience gained from it.

If you toggle on debug mode, you will periodic updates as to the values of speed, stamina regen and health regen. In addition, you will get notified when events such as knockoff, falloff and trample are triggered and whether or not they succeeded or failed. It should hopefully be useful to diagnose a potential problem and get an idea for how the values work.[/size]

[size=3]An attached excel file in the Extra folder gives formulas for calculating experience gain and dynamic horse values. Hopefully it is useful.


Late in the process, I changed the progression names from Beginner->Expert to Novice->Master. If you are editing the mod don't be confused by the naming of attributes, just know that any naming of EditorIDs that refers to BeginnerRider is actually affected what is now labeled as Novice Rider in game. As an example, the Global Value "Riding_PerkRank_IntermediateRider" actually governs the Experienced Rider perk. If you aren't planning on using the Creation kit or Tes5edit to change this mod don't worry about this.


My attacks do little damage?

You need to get a perk in either Cavalry Tactics for melee damage or Horse Archery for ranged damage to do any real amount of damage.

I can’t sprint?

Make sure you have perks in the main branch. If you still can’t sprint maybe your stamina regen is 0, either increase the min stamina regen in the MCM or move to a warmer climate.

It still looks like trampling is always working?

If you are using requiem that is due to the requiem mass effect system. If you are not I would suggest turning on Debug Mode and you will get updates as to when trample fails/succeeds.

Gisela Follower


[font=Georgia]Gisela is a young bard who left home to search for her father after discovering the truth about her past. She was raised in Riverwood by Mildrith, an old woman who passed away due to a disease. Now Gisela wanders alone, after losing the only person who cared for her.[/font]


[font=Georgia]Level: 20
Class: bard
Skills: Archery
Location: Falkreath Cemetery[/font]
[font=Georgia]I highly recommend to use a mod manager to install. In case you install manually, follow the steps: 

1- download the file and unzip
2- open the folder 01 Option and copy all the files inside the hair option you choose and paste inside 00 Main folder
3 - Open the 02 Option folder and copy all the files inside the bodytype you choose  and paste inside 00 Main folder
4 - Open 00 Main folder and copy all the files inside and paste inside your Data Folder, or zip those files and install it.[/font]

[img]https://i.imgur.com/psjr0xZ.png[/img][/center][center][font=Georgia][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71062]The Witcher 2 Brigida Paperbrock Dress[/url]  by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2996604]sumojellybean[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99123]Couriers Edge Dagger[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2774739]Ellise[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71114]Brigida Dress Colour Variations[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3231858]Elianora

[/url]Engraved bow (Hammerfell armoury) by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/1346841]farinelli[/url]
[/font][font=Georgia][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311/?tab=posts]Kalilies and Stealthic - KS Hairdos[/url] 

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35327]SG Female Eyebrows[/url] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2209393]hellosanta[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35267]SG Female Textures Renewal[/url] by  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2209393]hellosanta[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13722]The Eyes of Beauty - [/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/308756]LogRaam[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709/][/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2666]Caliente_ Ousnius e Jeir - belos corpos de Caliente Edição -CBBE- [/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/537675][/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30411]Hvergelmir - Brows [/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709/]Corpo feminino DIMONIZADO UNP[/url] by dimon99

[/size][center][font=Georgia][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98870]Vandfald Cottage - A Player Home[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99576][/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99679]Taina - Standalone Healer Follower[/url][/size][size=3]

[/size][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98464][size=3]Elena Standalone Follower

[/size][/url][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98109]Valkyria Follower (Jordis Option)[/url][/size][size=3]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97616]Sea Dragon - A player Home Ship[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97309]Ahlalia Standalone Redguard Follower[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97078]Blue Palace Overhaul[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/96493]Katheryn Follower (Serana Replacer Option)[/url][/size]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100618]Mjoll Revamped[/url]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100661]Alysanne Follower


CursorLocker Redux

[center][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][size=6]~~ Cursor Locker Redux ~~ [/size] [/font] [/center]

[center] This is a complete remake of my previous mod: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95474/]MouseLock[/url], which is a utility designed to solve the bug that occurs when someone with more than one monitor moves their mouse in-game which continues to move the Windows cursor in the background, making it go off-screen to other monitors which can cause unwanted inputs (e.g. scrolling a window) [/center]

[center] [b] From the original description [/b] [/center]
[center] [quote] [size=2] [i] If you're like me, and you constantly have other windows open on your other monitors, you probably experienced a phenomena at some point where if you scroll your mouse in game, it can scroll down a window on a completely separate monitor. This is due to the fact that Skyrim does not actually lock the cursor while you're playing, instead the cursor is actually just invisibly moving around in the background, which means your cursor can also wander onto other monitors and perform inputs that were never intended. To solve this pet peeve of mine, I wrote a small C++ program that essentially just locks your cursor to the center of your main monitor upon pressing a key. This works universally, so if there are any other games that don't lock the cursor, this program will work on them as well, since it's not really program specific. Optionally, you can also set it so that it automatically starts and stops when another program starts and stops. [/i] [/size] [/quote] [/center]

[center] [size=6] Redux[b] [/b][/size][/center]
[size=3][center]The original program was a hastily programmed command line utility with bugs, and core design problems. After a while I released an update which improved it by a decent chunk, but I still wasn't really satisfied. Eventually I began to write another update, but the more I worked on it, the more I started to realize that it's starting to look less like an update, and more like a new program. I deleted so much code that there was more new code than there was old code. So I decided to just start from scratch, and that gave me the opportunity to make major improvements.[/center] [/size]

[center] [size=6] So, what's new ? [/size] [/center]
[center] See for yourself! I created an entire GUI for the utility, so it's no longer a command line utility.
[i](Oh, and also bugfixes and generally cleaner and more efficient code all around)[/i][/center]
[center] [img] https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MisanthropicShayna/CursorLocker/master/screenshots/screenshot-3.png [/img] [/center]

[center] [size=6] Instructions & Details [/size] [/center]
[center] [size=2] [i] [s] The way this program works is by re-setting the position of the cursor to a specific position on the screen (the center, by default) every N amount of milliseconds. The amount of time between each reset is called the locking frequency. By default it ranges from 1-200 milliseconds. The strongest lock would be 1ms, or better yet 0ms (no delay) but this can be very CPU intensive for weaker hardware, which is why I have a variable range between 1-200ms. The default option should work fine for most, but you may tweak it if you'd like to.

The center of your screen is calculated by trying to guess your resolution and then dividing the X and Y axis in half. You can use the two input boxes grouped under "Override Resolution" to change the two X and Y variables used to calculate the center -- in case the automatic resolution is wrong. [/s] [/i] [/size] [/center]

[center] [size=3] As of version 3.0.1, CursorLocker now uses a different locking mechanism that clips the cursor to the primary monitor, allowing for free motion on the primary monitor alone, so the above information is outdated, and only applies to versions < 3.0.1 (still available for download) [/size] [/center]

[center] [size=3] There are three different activation modes that you can use to trigger locking. [/size] [/center]

[center] [size=3] [list=1]
[*] Keybinding (using a VKID)
[*] Process Image (e.g. SkyrimSE.exe)
[*] Window Title (e.g. Skyrim Special Edition)
[/list] [/size] [/center]

[center] [size=3] When running the program for the first time, a file called defaults.json will be generated, where you can set the default VKID, image, and title that the program should load upon starting, so that you don't have to re-configure it every time. Optionally, you can ignore this file completely and no default values will be used. [/size] [/center]

[center][size=3] Keybindings are configured via VKIDs, which are small hexadecimal key-codes used to identify keys. For example [u]Numpad *[/u] which has a VKID of [u]0x6A[/u]. You can find a [url=http://www.kbdedit.com/manual/low_level_vk_list.html] comprehensive list of VKIDs here [/url] (use the numeric value).

While using window title mode, the edit button can be right clicked to grab the title of the next window automatically.
(Sometimes, window titles are annoyingly long, and tedious to type in)[/size][/center]

[center] [size=6] Downloads & Source Code [/size] [/center]
[center] [size=3] You can find all versions, including the latest under the [url=https://github.com/MisanthropicShayna/CursorLocker/releases] releases [/url] section of the Github repository, or from the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100011?tab=files]files section[/url] on this mod page, however the files section may not always be up to date, nor does it include every version made, only major versions. The releases section of the repository contains every version, including minor ones.This project is open-source, and licensed under GPL, meaning anyone can analyze, download, compile, modify, redistribute, or do (mostly) anything they want with the code, as long as the GPL license is maintained. That being said, if you're interested in checking the code out for yourself, you can find it on [url=https://github.com/MisanthropicShayna/CursorLocker] Github[/url]. The whole project has been developed using C++, the Qt5 library, and the Windows API. The pre-compiled versions available for download have been compiled using MSVC17, and come with everything needed to run the program, including a re-distributable copy of Microsoft Visual C++ (which most people already have, so it'll rarely be necessary) and the Qt dynamic link libraries. [/size] [/center]

Follower Lvy 2.0

armor: light armor
location: DragonsReach
[u]spell:Summons Sword Soul(Player level must higher than 80)[/u][/u]

(This mod does not include clothing)
[/u]Skyrim SE version available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/31448(by:[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3743885]ff7legend[/url])

Shortcuts for BSArch - pack or unpack or get info by double-click

[b][color=#fce5cd] [size=3]Description
What BSArch can do? Pack, unpack and show archive info. When packing, it sets the flags automatically based on future archive's content.
Games supported: Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Skyrim Special Edition, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4.

How my .bat files works?
You use it, it send command to console, and if all okay, it runs BSArch and tell it to do stuff. Also [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batch_file]wiki[/url] about what is bat files.

[b][color=#fce5cd][size=3]How to[/size][/color][/b]


Download [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/64745]BSArch[/url].
Download ths mod.
Create a folder (I will refer to it as "parent folder") anywhere with any name.
Put bsarch.exe and all 5 .bat's in parent folder.

In parent folder create folder [b]pack[/b].
Put into [b]pack[/b] your files to archivate (so relative paths should be like "parent folder\pack\textures" "parent folder\pack\scripts" and so on).
Rename your parent folder depending on what the archive is for.
Accepted names are: tes3 / tes4 / tes5 / fo3 / fnv / sse / fo4 / fo4dds. Explanations under spoiler:
[spoiler]tes3 Morrowind archive format
tes4 Oblivion archive format
fo3 Fallout 3 archive format
fnv Fallout: New Vegas archive format
tes5 Skyrim LE archive format (fo3/fnv/tes5 are technically the same)
sse Skyrim Special Edition archive format
fo4 Fallout 4 General archive format
fo4dds Fallout 4 DDS archive format (streamed DDS textures mipmaps)
(from BSArch's page)[/spoiler]
Double-click on "pack.bat". BSArch will tell you after work is done.
Before starting a new packing: remove files from pack, remove/rename new.bsa.

Put archive in parent folder. There's should be only one archive.
Double-click on "unpack.bat".

   [b]Get archive info

[/b]Put archive in parent folder. There's should be only one archive.
Double-click on "info.bat" / "info -list.bat" / "info -dump.bat".
 [u]What info you get[/u][b]:[/b]
info.bat: format, version, number of files, archive and file flags
info -list.bat: all above and list of files with their relative paths
info -dump.bat: all above and sizes/hashes of archive content

[/b]pack.bat doesn't use parameters "-af:value", "-ff:value", "-z", "-share" because they needed in rare cases and overcomplicate bat's.
What are those parameters and how to use - look at BSArch's page.

Ridiculously High Res Mountains by Lers

[b]The title says it all.
[/b]While fiddling with Gigapixel's AI image up-scaler, I ran a few of Skyrim's textures through to see how much the program could bring out the original detail in the diffuse maps made by the game's artists. The AI did a good enough job of bringing out minor details but I realised that the textures still seemed so flat.
I wondered what would happen if I were to try making my own high fidelity diffuse maps from scratch in 8K to draw some beauty out of Skyrim's landscape. These 8K mountain textures are the result of my afternoon tangent.
I hope you enjoy using them as much as I enjoyed making them!

[b]Technical Details/Creating the Textures[/b]
The diffuse maps (mountainslab01.dds and mountainslab02.dds) are both in 8192x8192 resolution and the normals (mountainslab01_n.dds and mountainslab02_n.dds) as well as the parallax maps (mountainslab0_p.dds and mountainslab02_p.dds) are in 4096x4096 resolution. I could probably make these have the same fidelity as the diffuse maps but my PC is a bit behind in the RAM and CPU department, making that an incredibly jinky, crashy, laggy process. If I ever do upgrade my PC, I'll be sure to come back to this page and update it with 8K normals and parallax maps.

If texturing is something that interests you, [i]Adobe Photoshop CC[/i] and [i]Bounding Box Software's Materialize [/i]are great programs to make a start with.  You can find numerous tutorials and resources on the internet which allow you to learn how to make textures like mine for yourself.

[b]What ENB am I using in the screenshots?
[/b]I'm using the latest version of Rudy's ENB with NLVA compatibility: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41482]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41482[/url]
It's the best ENB I've ever used. Period. 

1. Extract the .rar file to wherever you'd like.
2. Copy and paste the contents of the "Data" folder into the Data files in your Skyrim directory which is usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. However, this is dependent upon where you have chosen to install Steam and/or Skyrim.
3. If prompted, elect to overwrite any files you are asked you to.
4. Enjoy the high-res goodness!

This is where I'll upload most of my in-game showcases as well as some other content which may interest you: https://bit.ly/2uEMz1l

[/b]I've had some adventures creating textures in the past, mostly focusing on simple projects in Minecraft which were never really published (that may change soon). I enjoy making resources like this so much and I would love it if you supported me at my Patreon: [url=https://www.patreon.com/lersresources]https://www.patreon.com/lersresources[/url]

Alchemy Table Variants

Didn't see many Alchemy Table designs, so we decided to release a 5 pack of alchemy table variants based on the vanilla design.

The variants are:

[*]A broken down Alchemy Table
[*]An Alchemy Table that's treated as a cooking station
[*]An Alchemy Table containing reading and writing materials to give the impression that someone is working on a new recipe
[*]An Alchemy Table containing ingredients to give the impression that someone is creating a new potion
[*]An Alchemy Table without the (what I presume to be) shelf because not all tables/stations would be made exactly the same



For this mod resource -
[*]Drag and drop our ESP file into your Skyrim Data Folder
[*]Drag and drop our Meshes folder into your Skyrim Data Folder
Should you find that textures are missing for these models, try extracting your 'Skyrim - Texutures' BSA file to your Skyrim Data Folder. For that process I would recommend:

BSAExtractor (CynicRus)


[center][b]Be sure to check out our other work![/b]

Lists Of Mods With The Asset Usage Permission Tick - Download Link In The Description


Skyrim Short - Harding - Zombie Episode - Teaser - With Sound


Our Other Monster Mod Add-Ons:[/center][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100928]
[/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97483]           Naga[/url]            [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98479] Ogroid[/url] [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100391]       [/url]  
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98343]                         Pahmar[/url]        [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98503] Bolgan [/url]            
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98423]                  Goblin[/url]  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98511] Nemesis[/url]                 
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98933]                 Xivilai[/url]   [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98636] Dwarven Sentinel[/url]   
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98842]                  Minotaur[/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98433]     Scamp & Banekin[/url] 
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100553]                 Golden Saints[/url]    [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100421] Mimic[/url]  
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100431]                  Leshen[/url]         [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100349] Lich[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98522]                  Imp[/url]        [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100388] Goatsucker[/url]
                 [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100338]Sload[/url]    [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100391] Alternate Vampire Lords[/url]
                       [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99558]Ja'wa[/url]                  [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100345] House Cat
[/url]                [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100928] Tyrannosaurid[/url]   [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100943] Centaur[/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100928]
[/url]                         [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/101066]Undead Werewolf[/url]      [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/101106]Corprus Victim[/url]

A Sekiro Combat Mod for Skyrim - Shinobi Combat

[size=4]Thanks to [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3329368]Tyroine[/url] for making this awesome video! (The place seen there is NOT part of this mod though, it's a mod called World of Rudra)

[/size][quote][size=4]A huge Thank You goes to [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/5493833]LertKrush[/url], author of [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/101125]Sekiro Combat[/url] for SE & LE, who offered me to use his hand-made deflect visual effects in this mod! (Previously I was using the vanilla sparks model)
Basically, this means that from version 1.2.0 on both our mods will [i]LOOK [/i]exactly the same when it comes to parrying. But they are still different:
His mod is a modification and extension of [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36006]Ultimate Combat[/url], which changes its "timed blocking" feature to resemble Sekiro's Deflect. That means you'll get all the great combat changes UC does together with his mod. 
[/size][size=4]My mod on the other hand is standalone, and adds a few more Sekiro-specific features like Shinobi Executions, Perilous Attack and Resurrection mechanic (and will be steadily expanded in the future).[/size][/quote]


[*][size=4]1.2.1: I am an idiot and had forgotten to include a texture from Sekiro Combat. So, unless you had also installed and loaded that mod, you won't have seen the new sparks in their full glory. Also, death & resurrection animations should now play correctly.[/size]
[*][size=4]1.2.0: Added Sekiro's resurrection system. This finally gives some meaning to Shinobi executions! See Features below for more details[/size]
[*][size=4]Thanks to the beautiful deflect flash & spark effects made by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/5493833?tab=user+files&BH=0]LertKrush[/url] in his own mod [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/101125]Sekiro Combat[/url], which he provided to be included here, this new version of the mod will from now on look 10 times more stylish than before!
[*][size=4]1.1.1: Added a readme file that doubles as a menu to adjust all settings. [/size]
[*][size=4]Shinobi execution should work on creatures now, if it doesn't you can change it from doing the special animation to just increased damage normal attacks.[/size]
[*][size=4]The sparks now fly into the proper direction[/size]
[*][size=4]1.1.0: most of the problems users reported (shinobi execution not triggering, permanent damage immunity) seemed to come from one essential script being too slow. I streamlined that one and transferred some of its work to others, so I hope these problems are solved now. Sorry for the inconvenience![/size]
[*][size=4]1.0.4: Added notifications on the top left of the screen, each time you hit an enemy, it will display their current Posture.[/size]
[*][size=4]1.0.3: Arrows will now bounce off the blade  as intended when blocked or deflected, instead of still impaling the character. Blocking them now consumes Posture, Deflecting does not[/size]
[*][size=4]Added a "killcam" effect where the camera focuses onto the enemy during Shinobi Execution. If you don't want this or if your camera somehow gets stuck, "set sekiro_killcam to 0" in console[/size]
[*][size=4]1.0.2: You can now change the Perilous Attack alert. Type "set sekiro_peril to 0" in the console to turn it off completely, or "set sekiro_peril to 1" for just the Kanji and sound without the slowdown effect. Default is 2 for both. (If you want the slowdown but no Kanji, move/rename/delete sekirolike_perilous.pex from the scripts folder)[/size]
[*][size=4]1.0.1: Added a Lesser Power on startup that activates / deactivates the mod. Can be used to restart if it isn't working. I'd recommend deactivating before you uninstall the mod[/size]

This mod was made with the idea to bring "The Clashing of Swords", which Sekiro's swordsplay tries to capture, into Skyrim. 
It is a standalone combat overhaul that adds some of the features found in Sekiro's combat system, and tries to do so in the most minimalistic and performance-friendly way I could think of. 

Since this is my very first own mod, expect it to be buggy. Also, I have zero experience about how to balance such a mod, so I'd gladly take any kind of feedback and suggestions for improvements. Just tell me if you want something changed or addded.

The mod is far from finished and will be updated regularly. I'm planning on adding more "situational" special moves, like Mikiri Counter, Jumping off enemies, Ninjutsu. Also, I'll try to make some of the Combat Arts (like Ichimonji, Dragon Flash, Ashina Cross etc.) as far as it's possible within the bounds of Skyrim's behaviour.




[*][size=3]Stamina is "Posture". Getting hit by undeflected attacks damages one's posture (in proportion to one's Block skill) in addition to health, [s]and causes stagger[/s]. Blocking reduces health damage, but does not prevent Posture damage. Unlike in Sekiro, sprinting and performing power attacks still costs Stamina. While blocking, and not getting hit, Posture regenerates faster. From version 1.2 on, Posture regeneration scales with your current health (low health -> slow posture regen). Be aware that your opponen's posture regenerates in the same way, so be aggressive while they still have a lot of health[/size]
[*][size=3]Blocking at the perfect time will "Deflect" attacks and negate any damage it would have dealt, while damaging the opponent's Posture in return. Deflection can parry any weapon and even arrows. Of course, there will be flashy spark effects![/size]
[*][size=3]When you swing your blade to attack at the exact same time as your opponent, you will also parry their strike and the two blades will clash with each other, with the Posture of both opponents deciding who comes out on top. [/size]
[*][size=3]Power attacks are "Perilous Attacks". They CANNOT be blocked or deflected and should be evaded. They'll be telegraphed very clearly. This really shines when you use a Dodge mod together with mine. Weapon swings in vanilla are usually too abrupt to really dodge them, so I added a slowdown effect. In the future I want to add some "Mikiri Counter" and jump kick feature to reward timed dodging[/size]
[*][size=3]When an NPC's Posture is depleted or "broken through", they will enter a state in which the player attacking them results in a special "Shinobi Execution" finisher move. When the player's Posture is broken, they get staggered.[/size]
[*][size=3]Alternatively, you can turn the finisher animation off and just deal increased damage to the target while it is posture broken. If you have a killmove mod installed and set the chance to 100, you could see a vanilla killmove every time you break an opponent's posture![/size]
[*][size=3]Shinobi Executions can also be performed while Sneaking, on any target that hasn't noticed you.[/size]
[*][size=3]Some animation conditions are changed: Hitting a blocking target no longer makes you and NPCs recoil. GETTING hit while blocking now makes you and NPCs recoil from the force. Deflecting attacks instead of blocking does NOT cause recoil. GETTING your attack deflected by the opponent leads to recoiling.[/size]
[*][size=3]The Dragon's Heritage runs strong within the Dragonborn as well. Everytime they kill a living creature with Shinobi Execution, they absorb a part of the opponent's life force, which manifests as a "Dragonsoul Shard" (no lore to be found here, I just made that up). If they have accumulated at least ten such soul shards, they can use up that stored excess life force ro resurrect from death once - only to probably die again soon after.[/size]


[quote]As you can see, my PC is a potato. Anyone with a decent graphics card is more than welcome to make a more stylish showcase video for this mod, and I'll put it here.[/quote]

This mod is Standalone, except that it requires SKSE.

The changes should be automatically applied when loading the game with the mod installed.
You can basically deflect everything anyone throws at you, and your deflecting will sooner or later poisebreak anything that has a stamina bar.
Enemies will receive the same abilities as you, but only after the've attacked you once. If an NPC with the ability attacks someone else, they too will receive them.
This was done to avoid using a scripted cloak spell which could somewhat slow down performance a bit depending on you PC. I might change this in future updates depending on feedback.
I have no idea how to make MCM menus, sorry. You'll have to make do with manually changing the settings via console, or use the settings file that's contained from 1.1.1 onwards.[/size]

[size=3]set sekiro_parrytime to 1.0               ; time frame in seconds for deflecting attacks[/size]
[size=3]set sekiro_deflect_hyperarmor to 1        ; 1: invulnerable while deflecting, 0: not invulnerable[/size]
[size=3]set sekiro_attackstagger to 0    ; 1: every unblocked attack staggers[/size]
[size=3]set sekiro_perilous_stagger to 1       ; 1: perilous attacks from melee weapons stagger[/size]
[size=3]set sekiro_unarmed_stagger to 1     ; 1: unarmed perilous attacks stagger[/size]
[size=3]set sekiro_posturecounter to 0         ; 1: display enemy posture in top left screen each time you hit them (not really too useful, since debug messages don't update fast enough, I can't change this unfortunately)[/size]
[size=3]set sekiro_player_posturebreak to 1 ; 1: like NPCs, player will enter a posture broken state when their posture is depleted by attacks[/size]
[size=3]sekiro_npc_break_percent to 5.0      ; if NPC posture percentage falls below this threshold, NPC posture is broken[/size]
[size=3]sekiro_player_break_percent to 5.0  ; if player posture percentage falls below this threshold, player posture is broken[/size]
[size=3]set sekiro_killmoves to 2            ; 2: killmove with special animation, 1: normal attacks do increases damage against targets in posture broken state, 0: breaking posture has no effect [/size]
[size=3]set sekiro_npc_deathblow to 0  ; NPCs can perform executions. Buggy, use at your own risk![/size]
[size=3]set sekiro_killcam to 0         ; 1: camera will focus on target during execution animation[/size]
[size=3]set sekiro_peril to 3              ; 0: no visual cue for perilous attacks, 1: red kanji and sound only, 2: time slowdown only, 3: kanji + sound + slowdown[/size][/quote]


[*][size=4]Definitely use a dodge mod of you choice![/size]
[*][size=4]Mods that change combat & difficulty numerically, like [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56147]Combat Evolved[/url], will most likely go great together with this. Also mods that improve NPC AI, such as [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76529]Wildcat[/url] or [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36006]Ultimate Combat[/url]. HOWEVER: My mod has a lot of mechanics that e.g. Ultimate covers as well but in a different way (timed blocking, poise, stagger). So having both would not only be redundant but also double your script load for achieving the same things. So if you're using Ultimate, you should definitely disable timed block and stagger mechanics there![/size]
[*][size=4][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44014/?]Pseudo Parry Animation[/url] for a more elegant parrying (blocking uses the Recoil animation now)[/size]
[*][size=4]some stylish Samurai-like Swordplay animations, for example a mix of [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70108]OSEA[/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81070]Katana Animations[/url], or the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98920]EAD[/url] mashup[/size]
[*][size=4][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76768]No StaggerCamera[/url], this is just personal preference, it removes the camera sway from stagger but keeps the animation[/size]
[*][size=4]an audio overhaul that improves swinging, clanging and slashing sounds of weapons. The "Soulsborne Sound FX" mod could be a nice fit.[/size]
[*][size=4][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97573]Sekiro's Mortal Blade[/url] is a must-have![/size]

CBBE BS Aradia Leather Armor NIND Remake




This is a HDT CBBE  repackage of the original Aradia Leather Armour pack.

[b]In addition to adding zaps to the original outfit:[/b]
[i]-Leather Straps only (With zap options)
-Transparent straps only (with zap options)
-and the ability to build either of the previous two with a "lotioned/shiny" bodytype.[/i]

Calientes CBBE body mod installed and running in your game with compatible textures

HDT    CBBE w/Compatible Textures


Install archive Manually or with Mod Manager[/b]



Skyrim Unbound Reborn

[size=2][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27962]SE VERSION[/url]
(sorry for half-machine translation)

It's a modified version of [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71465]Skyrim Unbound[/url][size=2] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/3488499]chinagreenelvis[/url].
If you for some incredible reason do not know what is Skyrim Unbound, then it's time to finally take up the case, and then I advise you to start with [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71465]the original mod page[/url] and then come back here.
The changes mostly relate to the start options. Many things, of course, are a matter of taste. Let's move on to the list of changes, finally.

The original [/size][/size][/size][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2]Skyrim Unbound[/size][/size][/size] does not inherit any fixes from the unofficial patch. Not anymore. Now [/size][/size][/size][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2]Skyrim Unbound[/size][/size][/size] looks like it was originally created with the [/size][/size][/size][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2]USLEEP[/size][/size][/size] in mind. Not only the plugin has been patched, scripts also have [/size][/size][/size][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2]USLEEP[/size][/size][/size] changes now.[/size][/size][/size][size=2][size=2][size=2]

List of merged scripts:
Fixed a couple of minor bugs.

The MCM now uses translation via text file.


[*][size=2][size=2][size=2]Non-SkyUI support (as[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29440] there is mods[/url] to bring back vanilla interface and leave MCM, if you don't like SkyUI by some reason).[/size][/size][/size]
[*][size=2]The Breezehome price change. Actually all vanilla houses have fairly low price and there are already mods that fix it.[/size]
[*][size=2]The "Character Name" and "Race Menu" options.[/size]
GAME START[/b][/color]

The character creation menu will now be opened in the custom room, instead of the Helgen corridor.

After entering the character's name, a menu with three options will be open:
[b]Continue [/b]- Teleport to the starting location (what normally happened before).
[b]Reload gear[/b] - All items and spells will be re-added (same with the debug ability), after which the menu will be open again. This option was previously only available in [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/articles/1489]QuickStart Mode[/url].
[b]Stay here[/b] - You can stay in the starting room if you need to do something before you start the game. To start the game, press Enter (out of the interface). You will receive a notification on the screen and a log entry about it.

Skyrim Unbound Reborn also will create several autosaves during the game start, it can be disabled with a new MCM option (or via corresponding global value). Added option to disable headwear unequipping if you want to see your headwear during the character creation (and it also has a global)

[/size][/b][color=#ffffff][size=2]The old wilderness starting locations were completely replaced (19 with 21). Most of the old locations were the hunter\fishermen camps and there was no options to spawn just in the wilderness. One of the locations was the forsworn camp, where you could be immediately become detected and attacked. So, the old options didn't have integrity and didn't make sense for most characters (what the hell is my warrior-mage doing in a hunter camp?).
New starting locations are various places in the wilderness: forests and plains, sea coast, rivers and lakes, roads and crossroads.

The "Camp" option is splited into "Imperial Camp" and "Stormcloak Camp", allowing you to select a random camp of one of the sides of the conflict. Also, military camps and orcish strongholds will no longer be randomly selected if the starting location is set to random or hold, as these locations do not make sense for most characters.

Removed the option to start in the Stumbling Sabrecat Inn (the tavern in a bandit fort).[/size][/color] [/size][/color][/size]


Previously, when choosing one magic school twice, you get one novice spell and one apprentice spell (for use which you might not have enough magic). Now you will get two different novice level spells. In my opinion, it is more logical and balanced.

"Raize Zombie" spell is now available for selection from the menu. Previously, it could only be given to a player when selecting a conjuration school twice (although this is a novice level spell).

Added a shortcut to quickly activate the spell selection.


[/size][/size][size=2][size=2]In the original mod, the variability of the starting inventory is limited by how many units of potions, wine, vegetable soup, and horker meat you get. No food variability and the set of items is always the same, without the ability to disable a certain type of items. Gold has a large range (0-2500 septims) and the only way to set a more specific amount is the unimmersive option to set an exact value, so the gold is either absolutely random or absolutely certain.
I removed the unimmersive option and added three wealth sets: Poor/Common/Noble. Each option has its own range for the amount of gold and items. The resulting items depend on the selected item set, for example, Poor does not contain potions, and Noble can give not only weak, but also standart potions.

Options to toggle individual item types have been added. Turn off potions if you want to make your start harder, or maybe your vampire doesn't need human food? And if your character is a rough warrior who does not know the art of lockpicking, you can turn off the lockpicks. Except food and drinks, all item types can be set to random, with a chance of 50%.
You can also get a woodcutter's axe that will be useful with Campfire or similar mods, and a pickaxe.

All wealth settings have been moved to a separate MCM page.
Now it partially uses leveled lists.


[/size][/size]Let's remember the original weapon options
Random Weapon
Random Staff
Dagger Only
Offensive Staff/Dagger
Defensive Staff/Dagger
Utility Staff/Dagger
Dual Daggers
Dual Swords[/i][/spoiler]
Despite the impressive length, it is not exhaustive. As you can see, the weapon combinations are very limited, and you can't get some weapons at all (where is my warhammer, two war axes, or a mace?).
Not anymore. [size=2]The weapon and outfit options were moved to a separate MCM page.[/size] Select the type of the weapon on the left side of the page, then leave it random or select a specific weapon on the right side. Choose your 1H combination: single, dual or with a shield.

The original mod will always give you iron weapons, even for steel plate armor. Now the weapon material will match your armor set if possible (for example, unfortunatelly there is no "forsworn mace" in vanilla Skyrim, in such cases [size=2]you will get iron weapons[/size])[size=2][size=2].


[/size][/size]One long list has been divided into two menus: one for armor type and one for a specific outfit.
Two random headgear options were added: "Non-default" and "Non-Hooded", which randomly choose the headgear between the two options.
For those who want to limit the randomization and start with the weakest armor, the "Low-Level Armor Only" option has been added.[size=2][size=2]

The following armor options have been removed:
[*][i][size=2]Stormcloak Officer Armor [/size][/i]
[*][i][size=2]Scaled Armor[/size][/i]
[*][i][size=2]Elven Armor[/size][/i]
[*][i][size=2]Ancient Nord Armor[/size][/i]
[*][i][size=2]Steel Plate Armor[/size][/i]
The following armor options have been added:[/size][/size][/size]
[*][i][size=2]Merchant Clothes (moved to a separate option from Common Clothes)[/size][/i]
[*][i][size=2]Monk Robes[/size][/i]
[*][i][size=2]Dark Robes[/size][/i]
[*][i][size=2]Miner Clothes[/size][/i]
[*][i][size=2]Vampire Armor[/size][/i]
[*][i][size=2]Vampire Clothes[/size][/i]
[*][i][size=2]Iron Banded Armor[/size][/i]
[*][i][size=2]Imperial Studded Armor[/size][/i]
Armor sets have been adjusted. 
Under the hood, the armor and weapon selection system has been completely redesigned to use leveled lists, so you can customize the result of existing MCM options without editing the script (for example, to add armor/weapon variations or adjust the lists according to your taste).


Some randomization conditions have been added to give you more acceptable random results, avoiding some strange or unusual combinations, including both those that were present in the original mod and those that are caused by new functionality. Of course, unusual combinations can still be selected manually.
Some examples of such combinations: shield + dagger; clothes + two-handed weapon; magic robe + less than two spells; fine clothes + poor wealth.
It also makes it possible to set fewer options to get the correct result, for example, if you select imperial armor and random one-handed weapon, you will always get an (imperial) sword, or if you select completely random weapon, you will get a sword or a bow (same for forsworn set).[/size][size=2]


[/size][/size][size=2][size=2][size=2]There are also some other changes. In addition to various technical and MCM changes, they are:

Added some conditions to dragons- and dragonborn-related loading screens. Loading screens about dragons will not displayed if there are no dragons, etc.

Notifications about dragons delay end are now optional and disabled by default.

If "Dragon Souls" option is set to "Random", it now will be visually set to the appropriate value after the game start.

Added descriptions and menu objects to the Debug Abilities. The teleport spell now will also set the next location after teleporting in sneaking mode. Added another debug ability that disables debug mode and removes debug spells.[/size][/size][/size][size=2]
[center][size=4][b]INSTALLATION AND COMPATIBILITY[/b][/size][/center][/size][/size]

Requires [url=https://skse.silverlock.org/]SKSE[/url] and [size=2][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3863]SkyUI[/url].[/size]
Requires[/size][/size][/size][size=2][size=2][size=2][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71214] USLEEP[/url].

Install with your mod-manager.[size=2][size=2][size=2] You don't need the original mod.
Click "Track" at the top of the page to start tracking mod updates.[/size][/size][/size]


[/size][/size][/size][/size][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][color=#6d9eeb][b]RECOMMENDED MODS[/b][/color]
[size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98250]Misc Dialogue Edits[/url][/size][/size] - [/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2]adjusts as many dragons-related dialogues as possible[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size], for proper immersion to the world without dragons or until the dragons don't appear [/size][/size][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2](Skyrim Unbound already covers many dialogues, but not all)[/size][/size][/size][/size][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2]. [/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]Other changes are also noteworthy.
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97478]Choose Your Starting Skills[/url] - my mod. A simple mod to allow you set starting values of skills without regard to race, as well as magicka/health/stamina values, within the vanilla balance, but with the ability of customization.[/size][/size][/size][/size]

[color=#6d9eeb][b]KNOWN ISSUES[/b][/color]

[b](From the original)[/b] NPCs (Interesting NPCs, Sofia Follower) think you are the Thane of Whiterun, even if you are not. This is due to the fact that most mods use conditions like "if MQ104 [size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2]quest [/size][/size][/size][/size]completed", while SU completes all main quests up to MQ105 immediately at the game start. For the same reason, various mods may consider you dragonborn initially. [size=2][size=2][size=2]Check[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/articles/1489] Q&A [/url]for compatible conditions.[/size][/size][/size] I have planned some patches for v1. 4.
Please report any bugs\issues\incompatibilities you find. I am interested in your opinion and ideas. Of course, I'm not obliged to satisfy all requests, but you have to try.

[size=2][size=2][size=2]Feel free to upload your translations. There is the [i]special/translation update.txt[/i] file to help you to update translation files manually.[/size][/size][/size]
[/size][/size][/size][size=2][size=2][size=2]Feel free to upload your patches or modifications. I can add your patch to the installer.[/size][/size][/size][size=2][size=2][size=2]


[/size][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/3488499]chinagreenelvis[/url] [/size][/size][/size][/size][size=2][size=2]for the great original mod[/size].
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/5732881]sevencardz[/url] for [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/14060]Dragon Stalking Fix[/url][/size][size=2].[/size]
[size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][color=#b6b6b6][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/25216299]FetorMortem[/url][/color][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size] for the WWLMG and DSAMG patches.
[/size][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][size=2][color=#b6b6b6][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/3868425]GOsteW[/url] [/color][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][size=2]for the GDO patch and the loading screen tweaks.[/size]

Akaviri Martial art- Oriental swordsmanship redux

[b][center][size=6]Akaviri Martial art[/size]
[size=4]-Oriental swordsmanship redux-[/size][/center][/b]

[center][size=4]contents :[/size]
1. One-handed attack animations (normal , while running rightleft, backstep, sprint, walk as well)[/size]
[size=4]2.  One-handed run, block, (staggering)recoil animations[/size]
[size=4]3. idle animation, walk, run 360 degree animation. (no equip, unequip motion included)[/size][/center]


[size=3]Hi, here is new 1handed swordsmanship. I might consider it as Oriental swordsmanship Rredux mode, I just quit motion works for a long time according to my modeling job and I am back for some new animations. 
I did a little study for the flow of attack and the footstep of the move set so it will be bit joyful compare to old mod.

Moveset contains 1handed attack animations, recoil animation (which is staggering motion come out at the right time  you are blocked by foes ) yes, your blocked motions usually came out from vanilla motions so it didn't matched with altered motions before  but now  I also add new recoil motions so to be not weird. [/size]

Version 1.3 update tutorial[/url] <-video preview





power attack

run powerattack

left powerattack

right powerattack

back powerattack
block and hit
blocked hit recoil 1
blocked hit recoil 2

sprint power attack

and change some more animations..


[size=4]1. manual install[/size]

1.Unzip the file and you will find the 'data' folder.
paste it(including contents) on proper 'data' route in your game folder.
if you are using other attack animations than overwrite it.

2.run FNIS (find requirement section) to prevent the glitch [/size]

2.  NMM[/size]

[size=3]1. just install it in the same way you did[/size]

[size=3]2. run FNIS (find requirement section) to prevent the glitch 
Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS [/size][/url][size=3]
[/size]-player only use this martial art by the mod
Weapon parry standalone[/url]
[/size]-you can parry while wielding your weapon

Q & A[/size]

1. Q: Do other one handed weapon like 1h axe, stick share the motions?

A: Yes, so it might be quite weird when you use other weapon, these new motions look natural when you use curved sword or blade. if you do not want
to be in that situation I might recommend mod named PCEA2 above.

2. Q: Succeed to install it, but now player is wielding too slow or seems footstep is bit slippy, whatever it is, not like the video.

A : By default, wielding speed might be slower than the video, it is normal, but you can speed up the weaponspeed simply by console command
press ~ button and type : player.forceav weaponspeedmult 1.4 and then enter to adjust the speed 1.4 (default is 1)

And.....about slippy footstep, if you change the parameter of running speed by some other mod so your speed is bit slow, it might look slippy. but in the vanilla speed not much slippier I guess. I will trim a bit more for that. However if you can't wait for it, there is also console command to fix it.
press ~ button and type: player.forceav speedmult 150  

it might boost your character's speed. have fun

for extra question,
[size=2]Add comments pls,


for about credit
No modification allowed for commercial applications.
Don't use motion sources in the contents without my permission please. [/size]

Victorian Breezehome

A cosy Breezehome strongly inspired by the magnificent Clockwork Castle of Antistar. The shape of the house has been kept but enlarged a bit and a basement added. It's also a one cell house.

The house has :

1/ upstair
player bedroom, with shower, safechest, wardrobe...
housecarl bedroom
library with book container instead of shelves (sometimes tricky)

2/ groundfloor
dining room / entrance

3/ downstair
workroom with forge, smith, taning rack and so, alchemy and enchantment and a disenchantement warderobe (not the font in the picture), and a lot of storage

Most of the storage are labeled to make life easier

Fireplace, tap and shower can be activated to make things a bit more realistic (thanks to Antistar and Matteo Cattaneo)

The house do not need purchase options, they will come in the way and be a waste of septim.

Due to the fact that i play under linux, i can't make creation kit to work with multiple masters (crash always), so there is no place for adoption. Same for creating a BSA archive. If someone want to do the technical script part, there is a version with bed for the housecarl and the children upstair and no garderobe. As it work well on my computer and under Linux (except somme flickering where texture overlap and tricky book container), i can suppose it will do as well on yours, but no guarantee.

The picture of workroom use Sexy Solitude by horrorview https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12308, but the texture are not included in my archive.

copy the content in the data folder and check Breezehome_clock

erase content from data folder


I have taken care to only use resources from the public domain. However, if you are the copyright holder of an item used in this
mod and believe your work has been used unfairly, please contact me
using the contact details provided above.

Clockwork by Antistar https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/77809
Tlaffoon's Rugs and Tapestries by Tlaffoon https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68040
Rug Resource by yourenotsupposedtobeinhere https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17303
Openbook by Blary  https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14134
BookSets Resource by  Blary https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14135
A Loojires Tale by Matteo Cattaneo_Loojires Knight https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69249
XunAmarox Modder's Resource by XunAmarox https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61166
Immersive Laundry by Nerd of Prey https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2011
Windows Resource Pack by lazyskeever https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40676
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