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BHUNP (UUNP Next Generation) LE

[color=#e06666][size=4][b][Do not use HDT-SMP for NPCs if you have to use SMP.
Just make sure you use it only for your character.
Otherwise FPS drops rapidly and it causes CTD in the end.]

[I[b]f you don't know anything, or aren't sure about the relationship between
HDT-PE, HDT-SMP, T/BBP, etc, it is highly recommended you read this
[color=#f1c232][b][size=5][color=#e06666][size=4][b] [url=https://babofactory.blogspot.com/2019/10/what-is-hdt-pe-hdt-smp-bbp-tbbp-3bbb.html]https://babofactory.blogspot.com/2019/10/what-is-hdt-pe-hdt-smp-bbp-tbbp-3bbb.html[/url][/b][/size][/color][/size][/b][/color][/b][/size][/color][/size][/center][size=5]
[center][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/31126]SE Version[/url][/center]

[color=#efefef]Greatly improved UNP base body wtih natural movements with HDT based.
Fully compatible with UUNP Body types.
High-poly, putting a lot of efforts on vagina, anus, breasts shapes,
believable collision effects, much more tender breasts with 3 breast

[color=#e06666][b]All this possible on BHUNP body.


[/b][b][color=#ea9999]- Bodyslide Support
- TextBlend Support
- Added collidable meshes for optimization
- Much more details on vagina shape like NSFW SFM.
- Anus model has been added(Controllable in animating)
- Overall topology, weights, shapes has been repolished.
- Much more realistic and natural but sexier breasts jiggly bouncing.
- Support SOS, SAM for SMP collision physics.
- the vagina shape and the nipple shape bodyslide available.
- Super easy converting.[/color][/b]

[u][b][color=#e06666][s]- Some bodyslides are deleted: 7BUNP, CNHF, CNHF Bonus, ZGGB-R2[/s]
[/color][/b][/u][b]Every bodyslide is available now.[/b]

[color=#ff0000][b][size=5][center][/center][/size][/b][/color][color=#f1c232][size=5][b]Features of the Body[/b][/size][/color]

[b][color=#e69138]BHUNP 3BBB[/color]:[/b] The base body. It contains [hdtVagina.xml / hdt.xml / hdtFingers.xml]

[b][color=#e69138]BHUNP 3BBB PE Havok Path[/color]:[/b] It contains [hdtVagina.xml / hdt.xml / hdtFingers.xml / hdt3bbb.xml]

[b][color=#e69138]BHUNP 3BBB SMP Havok Path[/color]: [/b]It contains [hdtVagina.xml / hdt.xml / hdtFingers.xml], and [Baseshaep.xml]

[b][color=#e69138]BHUNP 3BBB Vagina Ref[/color]: [/b]It contains nothing. This body is not for playing but for modders' resource. Do not use it for playing.


hdtPhysicsExtensionsDefaultBBP.xml - controls nothing. Empty.(I made this empty to avoid confliction with hdt.xml because they handle the same bones.)

hdt.xml - controls TBBP bone branch, Butts, Belly

hdtVagina.xml - controls Vagina, Thighs, Calves

hdtfingers.xml - controls finger collisions for PE.

hdt3bbb.xml - controls 3bbb bone branch.


[/b]BaseShape.xml - controls 3bbb bone branch.


[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68000]XPMSE 4.67Version or above[/url]

UNP compatible texture



HDT PE(Added in the pack)


Texture Blender

HDT SMP(Added in the pack, if you want to use SMP body)

High-end CPU(Highly recommended if you want SMP)

Your own race(Highly recommended if you want SMP)


[color=#f1c232][b][size=5]How to Install[/size]
1. Get the file

2. Install it(Recommend MO2)

3. Follow the instruction

4. Build your body(Starting with BHUNP 3BBB)

5. Enjoy


[color=#ff0000]Q. Belly physics collision seems not working with SMP body. PE was fine.[/color]
A. It's almost impossible to make it work as PE does to Belly. It's just
because SMP collision radius is too short. SMP is known to be much more
precise than PE. It's just the stick can't reach the belly collision
mesh. You might think 'Then, do I have to give up?'. Maybe... But to
compensate for the issue, I made 'Belly' bone movable with 3BBB skeleton
so that animators aniamte belly if necessary(like when a huge cock
kicks in). Nonetheless, this limit will be solved in SE. In LE, you
can't help it.

[color=#ff0000]Q. There's no anus physics. What's wrong?[/color]
A. Nothing wrong with it actually. It's not supposed to move itself. It
won't move unless animators give keyframes to it. Anus doesn't belong to
hdt physics. I decided to give up on Anus physics because it became too
ugly and it didn't seem very realistic. Best leave it to animators.

[color=#ff0000]Q. I have my own custom race other than your ygnord race. But it doesn't seem to work.[/color]
A. It could be complicated to solve this problem. You need to learn how
to make your new bodyslide for your custom race in Outfit Studio. In
Outfit Studio, load project BHUNP 3BBB body. Then, do Save As.. Name it a
different name. Set the folder path where your custom race body mesh is
located. Finished? Run the bodyslide you created just now.

[color=#ff0000]Q. Breasts aren't moving at all. They are... not moving and detached from the body.[/color]
A. It should be absence of skeleton issue. Double check if your character has a proper 3BBB skeleton.nif.

[color=#ff0000]Q. Some of Racemenu bone scale options aren't working. What's happening?[/color]
A. It's natural. Don't worry. 3BBB breasts bones are not subordinate to
bbp bones. They are independent bones. So any slides that handle bbp
bones won't work for 3bbb breasts.

[color=#ff0000]Q. Racemenu Morphs isn't working in showracemenu.[/color]
A. It works. You just need to start a new save. I don't know but it looks like it's how it works.


[b][color=#f1c232][size=5]Future Plans[/size][/color][/b]
[s]WIP: BHUNP 3BBB Advanced for both LE and SE[/s] - Done[/b]


You are allowed to use my work as a base(Followers, armor bodyslides, etc,).

You don't have to inform me but just credit me.


[/b]HHaleyy for FairSkin Texture

Regenbot03 for PureSkin Texture and Demoniac Texture

Regenbot03 for providing Vagina texture

StaticPhobia2 for sharing his awesome work on vagina and anus.
HydrogensaysHDT[/url] for HDT engine

Ousnius for his bodyslide

[b][color=#cc0000][size=5]Special Thanks to / Co-worker[/size][/color]

[/b]이하은(Ha-eun) for the better topology shape / reshape the vagina / so many other useful tips. 이하은 남부완!!

박아영 for providing wonderful pics!![b]

[/b]Immense thanks to All my supporters who have been supporting me so far. Thank you.[b]
[/b]절 서포트해주신 모든 후원자 분들에게 크나큰 감사말씀 드리고 싶습니다. 감사합니다.[b]

Steal Books is not Stealing - A new Perk added to Ordinator pickpocket

[color=#ffff00]Attention! This Mod features require SKSE to run![/color]

[color=#00ffff]What this mod does?[/color][/b][/size]

[size=3]Are you a fanatic book collector likes me who just can't stop taking every books you had seen in the game? But on the same moment, you are bothered by the fact that many books inside the game are belong to other npc. 
That means you must steal some books if you want to own them, but you are not a skillful theft or you don't want to be a theft.
Well , if that is your dilemma then this mod should give you some help. It simply add a perk called "Innocent Nerd" to the pickpocket skill tree, the perk will birngs you the speical ability of "Steal the book you are reading will not commit crime, the stealing this time will not record into the crime stats." 
Therefore, Once you unlock this perk you can take any book you want without commit cirme in the game.

For the No-Perk-Need Version, you would gain the ability once you enter the game.

[color=#00ffff][size=4][b]How to Install?[/b][/size][/color]

[b][size=3][color=#ff7700]For [/color][color=#00ffff]Perk-Need Version[/color][color=#ff7700] User:[/color][/size]

[/b][size=3](1) Install [/size][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68425]Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim[/url][size=3] first[/size]

[size=3](2) Download and Install the mod with mod manager.[/size]

[size=3](3) Load the esp of my mod after Ordinator, the load order should be:[/size]

[size=3]    [/size][color=#ffff00]   Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp[/color]
[color=#ffff00]       BooksNoSteal.esp[/color]

[size=3][b][color=#ff7700]For [/color][color=#00ffff]No[/color][color=#ff7700]-[/color][color=#00ffff]Perk-Need Version[/color][/b][/size][color=#ff7700][size=3][b] User:[/b][/size]
[size=3]Download and Install the mod with mod manager.[/size]

[b][color=#00ffff][size=4]Compatibility issue:[/size][/color]

[/b][b][size=3][color=#ff7700]For [/color][color=#00ffff]Perk-Need Version:

[/color][/size][/b][size=3](1) incompatible with all the mods that incompatible with Ordinator.

(2) [/size][size=3]incompatible with mods that modify the pickpocket skill tree except Ordinator.

[/size][size=3][b][color=#ff7700]For [/color][color=#00ffff]No[/color][color=#ff7700]-[/color][color=#00ffff]Perk-Need Version[/color][color=#ff7700] User:[/color][/b]

Should compatible with any other mod.

[color=#ffff00][b]Credit : [/b][/color]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/3959191]EnaiSiaion[/url] : mod depend on his ordinator.

Simple Lock-On LE

[color=#00ff00]- Description[/color]
This is a mod backported Simple Lock-On SE to LE. (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18086)

Press LockOnKey (C by default) to lock on the target closest to the crosshair.

[color=#a4c2f4]Additional features[/color]
Switch targets by pressing SwitchTargetKey (V by default).
Displays the target in EnemyHealth of HUDMenu.

You can open "[color=#ff7700]SimpleLockOn.ini[/color]" to change the settings.

[color=#00ff00]- Requirement[/color]
SKSE 1.7.3+

[color=#00ff00]- Credits[/color]
himika for Lock-On - adds a lock-on system.
User_48928348 for Simple Lock-On SE.
himika for libSkyrim.
SKSE team for SKSE.

Honed Metal -NPC Crafting and Enchanting services-

Skyrim is a land of Blacksmiths. The Nords are praised and boasted for their legendary crafting skills and all over Tamriel, the tales of their prowess at the forge are known. Yet, for all of this, not a single smith in the game will bother to craft a shoehorn for you. No amount of coaxing, bribery or coercing, will bend their will. They are determined. It is as if they've joined a secret organization which sole purpose is to deprive you, the poor adventurer, from proper, adequate protection.
And let's not mention the unhinged mages at Winterhold that according to themselves, make a living by enchanting things for the Nords and yet refuse to even acknowledge your most trivial enchanting requests.
This mod is a humble attempt at thwarting this conspiracy.

[size=2]This mod is very simple by nature. It's designed so that it complies with the following rules:
[/size][list=1][*][size=2]It is developed to minimize conflicts or interferences with other mods. [/size][/*]
[*][size=2]It may be [b]indirectly [/b]susceptible to interference from other mods, but such interference should cause nothing more than limited functionality.[/size][/*]
[*][size=2]It can be safely turned off and uninstalled at any time. It cleans after itself in order not to leave garbage in your save file.[/size][/*]
[*][size=2]It can be installed at anytime on any save over any other mod.[/size][/*]
[*][size=2]It will auto-shutdown and inform you when it detects something is wrong.[/size][/*]
[*][size=2][size=2]It will [u][b]not [/b][/u]botch your[/size] game, cause CTDs or flood your papyrus log with errors.[/size]
[*][size=2]It will only work when needed. Its scripts will only run briefly when you request services and stop immediately after the dialogue is over. No constant monitoring, no checks, no polling. The update module will run once on game load to check the mod version and perform an integrity check, then stop.[/size]

[size=2]Blacksmiths will craft and temper at your request. Enchanters will enchant and recharge items for you.
[/size][list][*][size=2]The skill level of the blacksmith /enchanter determines what perks they get, the type of equipment they can work with and the cost of their work. The cost will also depend on the value of the item, the materials used by the NPC and your barter skill and game economic settings..[/size]
[/*][*][size=2]If a blacksmith can't craft or temper an item, find another with higher skill level, or change their skill via the MCM menu.[/size]
[/*][*][size=2]The higher the skill of the blacksmith the higher the stats on crafted/tempered items. Low skill smiths are cheaper, but so is their work.[/size][/*]
[*][size=2][size=2]The higher the skill of the enchanter the more powerful the enchantments will be, and the costlier. [/size][/size][/*]
[*][size=2][size=2]Money used to pay for services will go straight to the blacksmith/enchanter's inventory.[/size][/size]
[/*][*][size=2]Blacksmiths will use their own materials and can acquire what they don't have at the expense of extra time and money. You'll still need to provide them with rare materials like dragon bones if you want them to craft something of that sort.[/size][/*]
[*][size=2]Enchanters will only know common enchantments. If you want a different enchantment you'll need to bring an item they can get the enchantment from.[/size][/*]
[*][size=2]Crafting, tempering and enchanting takes time by default.[/size]
[color=#ff33ff][size=5][u][b]Compatibility and load order[/b][/u][/size][/color]
The mod makes no modifications to vanilla records so typical incompatibilities aren't possible, although other mods may affect its functionality if they make additions to the smithing and enchanting perk trees. The severity of these interferences range from NPCs producing weaker -or stronger- enchantments and tempering, to the inability of crafting items of certain materials. This occurs because HM uses vanilla enchanting and smithing perks and mod-added perks may be needed to be able to work with certain items.

If you think a mod changes the smithing and enchanting perk trees, test it out. It is perfectly safe to do so. The worse that can happen is that NPCs will be unable to fulfill your order.

The mod will automatically recognize if you are using Requiem, Perma, SkyRe, Ordinator, Sperg, Ace or Smithing Perks Overhaul and will imports essential perks from these mods -as well as blacklist vanilla ones depending on the case- so that NPCs are able to craft and enchant without hindrances and to maintain proper balance according to the vision of each mod.

Load order does not matter.

[*]If you open simultaneous orders commissioning identical items, there can be a mix up with your items and one NPC may sell you the item commissioned from another NPC. This is due to the fact that all blacksmiths and enchanters store items in the same container and there is no simple way to differentiate identical items when they're inside the inventory or container. This is no big issue. If your enchanter sells you the silver sword you had tempered instead of the silver sword you had enchanted, go to the blacksmith you placed the tempering order with and he'll have the enchanted version. There are simple and tedious or interesting but somewhat complicated ways to solve this issue, I just haven't gotten around to it.
[*]The mod needs to remove and later re-add all armor and weapons in your inventory to do its job when requesting enchanting or tempering services. This can result in the loss of hotkeys and/or favorites, depending on which hotkey mod you use. This is a drawback of the current approach I use and until I design a better way there's nothing to do about it.

TES Skyrim v1.9.32.0
[url=http://skse.silverlock.org/]SKSE 1.7.3 or later[/url]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3863/?]SkyUI or SkyAway

[color=#ff00ff][b][u][size=5]Recommended Mods[/size][/u][/b][/color]
[list][*][color=#1e84cc][size=2][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30684/?]Perk Reset[/url][/size][/color][/*]
[*][color=#1e84cc][size=2][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52717/?]Enchantment Reloaded Fix[/url][/size][/color]
[*][color=#1e84cc][size=2][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/83379/?]Skyrim Souls[/url][/size][/color]
[*][color=#1e84cc][size=2][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/79522/?]Courier Shows Delivery[/url][/size][/color]

Feel free to reuse, modify or redistribute this file or any of its assets however you see fit. I only ask that you include the source files of your work and grant the same level of liberties I'm offering.

Thanks to the SKSE team for their immensely useful SKSE. Specially Purple Launch Box who implemented the required functions I needed to get this going.
Thanks to Dienes and MrJack for all their help. These guys rock.
Thanks to the authors of the myriad of posts I perused  on the Beth forums while looking for answers [s]and Bethesda for implementing a decent search tool on their forums[/s]. (Not working well lately)

Idle Animation Wheel Menu - Russian

[font=Arial][size=3]Страница мода: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100860?tab=description]Idle Animation Wheel Menu[/url]
Автор: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/47103898]Maxsu[/url]
Мод добавляет возможность вызвать круговое меню анимаций нажатием на горячую клавишу. Благодаря этому меню, состоящему из 7 основных разделов, вы сможете запустить любую из 71 анимации.
[b]Особые анимации[/b]
Мод включает в себя так много анимаций, что сложно будет описать их всех. Поэтому лучше упомянуть несколько анимаций с особыми функциями. Остальные же вы сможете найти в игре.

[i]1) Анимации сидя[/i]
Все анимации из этого мода запускаются стоя (только когда игрок стоит), кроме следующих четырёх:
а) Съесть хлеб
б) Выпить
в) Прочесть книгу
г) Сделать заметку
Анимации выше могут быть запущены, когда игрок стоит или сидит на стуле (не барный стул).

[i]2) Облокотиться[/i]
Данная анимация позволяет вам облокотиться на место, где это могут сделать NPC (места с маркером “lean on”), такие как столб, ограждения, барная стойка и т.д. Используя данный мод с [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74799]More Tavern Idles[/url], вы получите в тавернах больше мест, где можно облокотиться.
3) Присесть на землю[/i]
Когда вы стоите на обычной поверхности, то ваш персонаж присядет, скрестив ноги. Если же вы стоите на краю, где могут присесть NPC, то ваш персонаж сядет на краю, свисая ноги.
Конфликтующих модов не найдено. Если такие есть, то сообщите об этом автору мода или на странице оригинального мода.
1) Скачать и установить [url=http://skse.silverlock.org]SKSE[/url], SkyUI, [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57046]UIExtensions[/url];
2) Скачать и перекинуть содержимое архива в папку игры "Data" ;
3) Запустить игру и с помощью MCM меню задать горячую клавишу;

[size=4][u][center]Просто слова[/center][/u][/size][size=3]Если Вы нашли ошибку, опечатку или неточность в переводе, то сообщите об этом мне или в комментариях под переводом, ибо мод переводился именно для Вас.[/size][/size][/font]

Women of Skyrim female textures

[color=#45818e][size=4][b]~ Description ~ [/b][/size][/color]

This mod is a texture replacer for all humanoid females in skyrim.
It'll change body Face and Hands textures.

[color=#3c78d8][size=4]INSTALLATION GUIDE[/size][/color]

-this mod provides full support for these bodies:
- [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2666/?]CBBE[/url] (slim (default) and curvy)
- [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709/?]UNP[/url],[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37900/?]UNPB[/url],[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40156/?]UNPC[/url],[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36992/?]Sevenbase[/url], UUNP
- Vanilla (the default one the game uses) + [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3666/?]Phygit feet[/url] ( Main file UNP is required )
- [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41443/?]dreamgirl[/url]

Dawnguard Compatible!

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24273/?]Ethereal elven overhaul[/url] patch available

Options :

- 3 face textures options (see below)
- Pubic hair option
- Vanilla nevernude patch (for UNP and Vanilla)
- Performance packs available.
Remember to download the Appropriate MAIN FILE (CBBE or UNP)

[color=#a2c4c9]Q- The file has many Main files. WHY?[/color]
A- To offer the best compatibility with body mods.
And options for everyone's tastes.

[color=#a2c4c9]Q- What is 1k,2k,4k?[/color]
A- That is the texture resolution.The higher the better, but it will also have more impact on your performances.

1k= low end PC
2k= medium end PC
4k= good PC (that can handle skyrim on max settings at least)
You can download the performance packs under [color=#a4c2f4]MISCELLANEOUS.
[/color]Use them only if you have issues running 4k body.
Face is never above 2k.


There are 3 face textures available:




Unp based bodies users (except vanilla) to completely solve the neckseam issue HAVE TO TWEAK their own body mesh in [url=http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/NifSkope]Nifskope[/url]


UNP default mesh is available under miscellaneous!

Also if you want your skin to be completely seamless you shouldn't use normalmaps coming from other mods,or they'll give you neckseam.
also every outfit must be fixed with nifskope as explained in the picture.

You can read full tutorial here:

[color=#45818e][size=6]MODS USED[/size][/color]

For the Elves it's highly recommended [url=http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24273/?]Ethereal Elven Overhaul
[/url]The seamfix files for EEO are available under OPTIONAL FILES.

Enb used:

- Bleak and Unbleak enb by akiro
- [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/23029]Goddess ENB (performance setup)[/url]

[color=#45818e][size=3][b]NOT AN ENB USER?[/b][/size][/color]

If you don't use an ENB,or you have subsurfacescattering turned OFF,to avoid [url=https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/25588/25588-1547695454-1068535410.jpeg]THIS ISSUE[/url] i recommeng installing

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84057?tab=files]No More Ugly Bronze Shine[/url]

Xenius for XCE
Neckros for Beauty faces
Caliente for CBBE
HHaley for [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51602]fair skin mod[/url]
Navetsea for Female face texture
tktk1 for pretty face
dimon99 for [url=http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6709]dimonized unp body[/url]
BellaGail for Better females
MissJennabee for [url=http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16147]imroved freckles[/url]
[s]AplaWolf and CDProjekt for the triss hair[/s]
[s]Apachii for the wonderful [url=http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10168]Hiars[/url][/s]
[s]nevenbridge81 for [url=http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3589]Natural eyes[/url][/s]
kraken973 [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14322/?]for sunburn
[/url]Zonzai for [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36425/?]Real girls[/url]
Petrovich for [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41443/?]Dreamgirl[/url][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36425/?]
[/url]Mavevan2 for [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32986]Mature Skin[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/6565535]ShinglesCat[/url] for teaching me stuff[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36425/?]
[/url]If someone was forgotten,please PM me. [/center]

Midwood Isle

"One day, Zahkris will rise again, built on the souls of fallen Mer, and he with the soul from Akatosh is the only one who can vanquish Zahkris
forever. Should they fall, so will the land of Midwood Isle."
Travel to the home of the Sonmer, Midwood Isle, an island to the north west, far outside of Tamriels border.

Discover about the Sun Elves, their history and beliefs, as you face off against new enemies, solve puzzles, explore dungeons and more.[/center]

[center][b][color=#00ffff]If you enjoy my mod, please consider endorsing or voting! It would really help the mod develop.[/color][/b][/center]
[i][b][center]For the Skyrim SE version, click [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/28120]here[/url][/center][/b][/i]

[size=4][u][b]What is Midwood Isle?[/b][/u][/size]

Midwood Isle is a new lands mod, which means it adds an entire new world to Skyrim, similar to the Dragonborn DLC.

Some features include:
[*]A new worldspace, roughly the size of 1-2 Skyrim holds, and a "spirit world" version of roughly the same size
[*]All NPCs fully voiced with thousands of unique dialogue lines
[*]An 11 quest long main storyline
[*]21 side quests, with some linking together in small storylines, and 2 miscellaneous quests
[*]A player home, unlocked by a side quest, purchased and upgraded
[*]Two new shouts, eight new spells and a new enchantment
[*]New items, including five new custom weapons, custom armor textures, new jewellery models and hand written books

Midwood Isle does [u][b]not[/b] [/u]require any other mods!

If you would like the option to play as a Sun Elf, please check out my other mod, [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49203]Playable Sun Elves[/url].

[b][u][size=4]How to start[/size][/u][/b]
[/b]Upon completing the quest "The Way of the Voice" , a courier will deliver a letter to you the next time you travel to an appropriate location. 
Alternatively, if you do not wish to wait for the courier, you can head straight to the Frozen Hearth in Winterhold to start the main quest. This still requires completion of "The Way of the Voice".

This mod does [b]not[/b] have a level requirement, so can be played either immediately after completing the quest, or well into the high level endgame. However, a few of the main quest bosses have minimum levels, and so very low levelled players may struggle. Therefore I personally recommend playing at at least around level 15-20.


This mod was designed to be as compatible as possible. Due to almost everything taking place in another worldspace, the mod has little effect on Skyrim or any of the base game.

It is also [b]fully navmeshed[/b], and so should work fine with followers. However, I should mention that an NPC follows you for most of the main storyline, and you will have to dismiss your current follower to continue.

However, for obvious reasons, I did have to alter some cells slightly, but did [b]not [/b]remove any references and only added them in. The altered cells are:
[*]Winterhold Frozen Hearth interior
[*]Pinepeak cavern interior
[*](-16, 22), the southern most dock of the Solitude docks
[*](-32, 34), which I believe is out of the border anyway, where I added a map marker

[b][u][size=4]Download information[/size][/u][/b]
This mod was designed for easy installation. For those who use Vortex, simply download and install the mod.
For those installing the mod manually, simply place the contents of this mod into your Skyrim Data folder.

Note: Uninstalling this mod on a saved game is [b]not recommended! [/b]Only uninstall if you are starting a new game or if you have a saved game to roll back on before you installed this mod.
To uninstall using Vortex, uninstall as normal.
To manually uninstall, simply delete Midwood Isle.esp and Midwood Isle.bsa from your Skyrim Data folder.

[b][u][size=4]Known issues[/size][/u][/b]

Unfortunately, as with any mod, there are a few issues, but are generally not too severe. If you do happen to notice any others, please let me know and I can try and fix them. The issues I know about are:[list]
[*]Players with the games texture quality set to low or medium may experience some texture loss on some of the statues around the shrine of Erkaloth and Lastendell. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about this.
[*]Now unfortunately there is a bug with the [b]vanilla [/b]skyrim deer/elk/foxes/rabbits, in that as they run away from players, they can run underwater. This means that if you chase an animal, they can end up running into the ocean, which can look a little strange. However, since this is a problem with the standard skyrim animals, I cannot fix it. Believe me I've tried.

[b][u][size=4]Frequently Asked Questions[/size][/u][/b]
I'm stuck on a quest! Help! / How do I start certain quests?[/i][/b]
I've included a sort of wiki in the forums section of this mod. I recommend you check that out if you want to learn more about the quests. Don't worry, I've hidden any potential spoilers, so you can only see them if you wish. I've also included stages and the quest ID in the very rare case that you may need to advance them.

[b][i]Is this mod lore friendly?
[/i][/b]I would say so, yes. I've included a full history on the Sun Elves, and their culture, and provided what reasons I could as to why they have never showed up in any in-games books. However, it is important to know this mod is [b]not[/b] cannon, as the Sonmer and their land was made up by me for the purpose of my mods. 

[b][i]I'm experiencing a bug!
[/i][/b]First, check that the issue is not due to any other mod you have downloaded. Although this shouldn't have any compatibility issues, some mods are not as clean as this and so may interact in ways I did not expect. You should not experience any major bugs, as I have fully tested everything, but if you do then please let me know and I will try to fix it. 

[b][i]Will you make this into an esm?
[/i][/b]Unfortunately, currently whenever and however I convert the mod into an esm it always causes a load of problems. To go into detail, there are issues with the references being flagged as persistent or not, and therefore when I convert it all of the AI packages seem to break and NPCs dont move anywhere. Unless I can figure out how to fix this, I will not be converting it anytime soon. I have tried, believe me, and asked many others more talented than me for help, and yet no one can figure this out. 


I give my full permission, and encourage you to upload your own screenshots, record footage and produce videos about my mod, but if uploading to another site I ask that you please be clear that I am the author. 
Midwood Isle may be translated into another language without my permission, but please let me know once you have done so.
Midwood Isle [b]may not [/b]be uploaded to any other site by anyone other than myself (with the exceptions being translations).
Feel free to mod Midwood Isle, but be perfectly clear that I am the author. You may also have some trouble as this is an esp and so may have to sort some stuff out to make it a master file for your mod. 


First I want to thank Bethesda for allowing us to mod Skyrim (I know, I know). I got a lot of inspiration from the vanilla game and their DLCs and feel I should mention this.
I would also link to thank my fantastic voice acting team, for their extremely hard and skilled work in voicing the mod (see below, apologies if I got any names wrong)
[b]Aryassa[/b] – Taylor Pritchard
[b]Elysia[/b] – Emilie Crow
[b]Erissa[/b] – Olivia Raven
[b]Julianne[/b] – Nelnardis/Sharon Jane
[b]Liethl[/b] – Caitlyn Montgomery
[b]Nasmara[/b] – Caitlin Buckley
[b]Nesianna[/b] – Charlie Rowan
[b]Orisys[/b] – Caitlin Buckley

[b]Algal[/b] – Josh Niccum
[b]Amring[/b] – John Badgley
[b]Ancare[/b] – TGVoice
[b]Arniyn[/b] – Jacob Andrianos
[b]Assassin[/b] – Eric Jackson
[b]Bandit[/b] – Alex Martin Kay
[b]Camas[/b] – Eammon Leighton
[b]Captain Haknil[/b] – Johannes Envall
[b]Cirsar[/b] – Ryan Booth
[b]Clengo[/b] – Ryan Ivy
[b]Daelar[/b] – Ryan Booth
[b]Dangoth[/b] – Deveraux Polvorosa
[b]Daylas[/b] – Jacob Andrianos
[b]Dirdin[/b] – Nicholas Boisvert
[b]Drakus[/b] – Nicholas Boisvert
[b]Erkaloth[/b] – Heckle
[b]Falas[/b] – John Badgley
[b]Faldir[/b] – Ryan Booth
[b]Falith[/b] – Stephano Reijnders
[b]Gerradra[/b] – Rick Gjemso
[b]Godras[/b] – Dillon Christmas
[b]Gunmir[/b] – Heckle
[b]Isidro[/b] – SeriousVA
[b]Istlaf[/b] – Pedro Silva
[b]Lokan[/b] – David Jeong
[b]Lukas[/b] – Kyle Krespan
[b]Nedhel[/b] – Alex Martin Kay
[b]Niron[/b] – Ryen DeMark
[b]Raendir[/b] – John Badgley
[b]Renly[/b] – Dillon Christmas
[b]Rhaegar[/b] – Heckle
[b]Rithin[/b] – Brendan Knowles
[b]Rokav[/b] – Brendan Knowles
[b]Sythin[/b] – Josh Jaramillo
[b]Tamron[/b] – Stephano Reijnders
[b]Tavian[/b] – Rafael Del Valle Jr
[b]Thaneim[/b] – Voice of Voicers/Drethun Goettel 
[b]Thorond[/b] – Eric Jackson
[b]Tyrek[/b] – Ryan Ivy
[b]Untath[/b] – Scott Hawkins
[b]Velkir[/b] – David Jeong
[b]Vorir[/b] – Joseph Dilger
[b]Worshipper[/b] – Eric Jackson
[b]Zahkris[/b] – Voice of Voices/Drethun Goettel 
This mod uses a lot of modders resources. I would like to take the time to properly thank each one, and provide a link for the mod I have used.
[*]Markus Liberty for the [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59426/?]Cyrodiil ship and boat resource[/url]
[*]Stroti for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46787/?]Treebench[/url], [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46785/?]Market stands[/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24271/]old cabin[/url]
[*]Saerileth for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54483/?]Jewellery resources[/url]
[*]Oaristys for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16525/?]Modders Resource Pack[/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68755/]The Witcher Pack[/url]
[*]Angilla for the [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/45342/?]Elder Statue[/url]
[*]Malo for the [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54152/?]Malo Statues[/url]
[*]747823 for the [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3871/?]Weapons of the Third Era[/url]
[*]Hanaisse for the [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33392/?]Blank roadsigns[/url]
[*]Jokerine for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53022/?]Misc Resources[/url]
[*]Phitt for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59977]Morrowind style Lanterns[/url]
[*]Kanra for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38138]Rabbit[/url]
[*]Gendundrup for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49682/?]Creature Resource[/url]
[*]Tamira for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57394/?]Assorted Resources[/url] 
[*]Imperial Society for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/90667]Ayleid Ruins kit[/url]
[*]Jebbalon for the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22047/?]Hanged Man script[/url]
Finally, I would like to provide proper credits for the Lastendell music I have used - Legend of the King by Whitesand:
Lastendell Exploration Music by Whitesand - Legend of the King.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntGWv8F_ccM
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe96JG5gdgSRtmqStx0isXA 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/martynlaur
Twitter: https://goo.gl/otEqJC 
Instagram: https://goo.gl/JN3LUb (@martynas_lau)
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/martynaslau
Website: http://martynlaur.com/


I [b]do not [/b]charge or expect to be paid or receive donations for my mods. However, I am putting my paypal on here anyway in case anyone wishes to send a donation to thank me for my work. It would also encourage me greatly to improve the mod and add new content.

[b][u][size=4]About me[/size][/u][/b]

Hi, thought I'd stick this as the end, partly to vent about how annoying making this mod was, and what it started off as.
So, I made my first mod, Playable Sun Elves, way back in 2013, when I was 14 years old (yeah, I know). I immediately loved the creation kit, and set my eyes on creating a New lands mod for them to live, Midwood Isle. I was actually somewhat frustrated with current new lands mods, and arrogant me thought I could do a better job (I definitely couldn't), or at least a mod that I wouldn't have any major problems with. I wanted a mod that felt like it belonged in Skyrim, with quests that weren't too different to the style I had grown to love. I wanted everything to be tied up nicely, and not players block players from certain areas or doing certain things.
I was obviously a huge beginner to the creation kit, and my patience wasn't my strong suit, so I worked on it for a few months and then sort of abandoned it in the documents folder for a long time.
I kept coming back to it for a short time, then after a while getting bored and leaving it again, often for months at a time (with the breaks being significantly longer than the actual work period). 
I had to basically restart the mod multiple times, when I realised how bad my previous work was, and kept having to redo bits, or deciding to further add content or change things up.
Basically, it took a very long while, and in all honestly I didn't think I'd ever get it finished. 
I am now 20 years old and studying medicine at university, and so don't have loads of time on my hands. However, I always wanted to finish this mod, and so over this summer decided to knuckle down and finally finish it. It actually didn't take very long at all, but I was working on it most of the hours in the day (as I've got nothing better to do), and all I really had to finish was a bit of landscaping and the main quests.
That said, I still ran into a lot of trouble and it took longer than anticipated, especially towards the end where I had to try and fix bugs. 
But now I finished it, and it can be played all the way through without any actual problems, and I am actually extremely proud that I manged to complete it. 
In all honesty, I don't know how much work I will be able to continue to do on this mod. I do not plan on adding any new content, partly because there's quite a lot already, and so all I have planned is bug fixes.
I know this mod is not the best out there, but I like to think that I've done a good job. I have no prior experience in coding or anything like this, and worked on it all by myself, having to teach myself as I went using video tutorials and the creation kit wiki.
But anyway, I hope you enjoy the mod! If at least one person on here enjoys it then I'll be pleased, as my time wouldn't have been a total waste. Please keep it cool in the comments, if you have any problems just let me know and I can do what I can to try and sort them.

Skald's Mail - A Courier Alternative

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/31791]Special Edition Version Here[/url]

Video by [url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-ad1C4VNGeHOi1nqnhkt9g]ArcticScrolls[/url]


I first heard it on a Sundas, late in the season of Last Seed. I had just returned from a brief sojourn in Solitude and was roving across the great plains of Whiterun in search of adventure when from behind me came that chilling refrain, the likeness of which I would grow all too familiar with over the ensuing months,

[i][b][font=Comic Sans MS]"I've been looking for you. Got something I'm supposed to deliver - Your. Hands. Only."[/font]
My mind raced as I turned quickly towards the voice. Who was this figure before me? How had he come to predict my whereabouts before I, a mere wanderer in those days, even had any inclination of where I was headed myself? Furthermore, who would possibly have hired the services of someone so skilled, simply to track me down? I reeled at the thought of the piles of gold this deceivingly maladroit young man must have been paid for the job - surely more than I saw in weeks, if not months. Before I could collect myself, he handed me a letter and took off down the path at a light jog.

My hands shaking, I broke the wax seal on the letter and unfolded it slowly, preparing myself for any number of things. I glanced around furtively before reading it, suddenly feeling watched. Visions of darkly powerful figures plotting my demise ran through my head, concurrent with fantasies of importance, fame, fortune. To my surprise however, what was written was nothing more than [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64820]an invitation to the local Harvest's End celebrations[/url]. Curious...
[b]Exit RP.[/b] The courier is a much-loved feature among many of Skyrim's players, but I always found he did far more to draw me out of the experience than he did to enrich it. The strangeness of him always knowing where you're going to be, the irritating nature of the forced dialogue, his once-endearingly eager face which I slowly began to hate the sight of. Besides, if you have certain mods installed, the amount of letters received stresses patience easily.

Skald's Mail began simply - I wanted a way for my character to realistically receive the somewhat overwhelming amount of mail from a fairly early level, [b]without[/b] irritating the heck out of me. That was done fairly quickly, so I set about adding some other features and assets until I felt satisfied with the system.

Currently, the features are as follows. You may:
[b]-Receive regular mail at a primary mailbox-
-Own (or rent) up to 5 secondary mailboxes-
-Send packages between owned or rented mailboxes-
-Ship off weapons and armor to be improved at certain shops-
-Order items from several shops ingame-[/b]


Mail lockboxes are placed around the world. They can generally be found outside of inns, as well as outside of each player home (Including Hearthfire homes, where they will be built along with the first room). Activating one will prompt you to either purchase or rent it (Or claim it for free, if it's the house mailbox of a house you own). Picking one of these options will assign that mail lockbox as your Primary Mailbox. Once you have a Primary Mailbox, the courier will no longer deliver letters to you* and to get your mail, you will need to open your mailbox. If a mailbox has items in it, letters can be seen through the slot.

Any further mail lockboxes you rent or purchase will be assigned as Secondary Mailboxes (Up to a maximum of 5), which do not receive regular mail, but can receive packages sent by the player and Mail Order deliveries. Any Secondary Mailbox can be set as your Primary Mailbox at any time.

*[i]Unless you've checked [/i][b]Courier Delivers Important Letters[/b][i] in the MCM, in which case only the letters for which he has unique voice acting will be delivered, e.g. the Black Hand letter or the Dawnstar Museum Pamphlet.[/i]

[b]Sending a package[/b]
Packages may be sent between mailboxes owned or rented by the player. Shipping fees are dependent on the distance the package will travel, and the weight of the package sent. Upon arrival, a package may be seen tied around the mailbox to indicate there is a delivery waiting.

[b]Mail Order[/b]
Several shops in the game may now be ordered from remotely, and some of those will accept deliveries from the player and send back gold. Additionally, Warmaiden's can be sent melee weapons & armor for improvement, and the Solitude Fletcher will improve bows & crossbows.

You will need a shop's catalogue in your inventory to place an order with them. Catalogues can generally be purchased from the shop themselves. In the case of the College of Winterhold, all court wizards will sell their catalogue, but only Enthir & Tolfdir sell it at the College itself.

Red Mountain Imports is a shop which does not exist in the game. I added it as a way to believably order Solstheim items. Red Mountain Imports catalogues may be purchased from Brand-Shei in Riften, Sadri's Used Wares in Windhelm, and Fethis Alor in Raven Rock.

Catalogue shop inventory is static, and does not reflect the actual state of the merchant chest.

Speech skill still affects prices, but to a much lesser degree than it would in person.

You will pay 1/5th of the cost of the order up-front for a deposit, as well as the cost of shipping the items. The remainder can be payed immediately, but the items will not be considered stolen until 3 days after they are delivered. After a delivery from a shop arrives, they will accept no further orders from you until you pay what you owe them.

[b]Paying Fees[/b]
There are two types of fees; Rented mailbox fees, and gold you owe to a shop you've ordered from.

Rented mailbox fees are due once per month, and may be payed at the rented mailbox in advance at any time during the month. Alternatively, you may leave gold in the mailbox itself (or send gold to that mailbox in a package) to pay the fees.

Owed gold may be payed from one of your mailboxes any time after you place an order. You have 3 days after your items arrive to pay for them, after which you will receive a bounty equivalent to the owed amount in the hold the shop resides in.


This mod alters very few vanilla records, so load order does not matter much.

Mods which deliver letters or items via the courier will generally be compatible without any need for a patch, [b]however[/b] if the mod uses a method involving courier dialogue to advance a quest or trigger something else, it will likely need a patch. [b]If you notice mod-added content involving letters failing to trigger properly, please let me know[/b]. It's probably very simple to fix.

Most other mods which do not modify the Courier's base container form are likely to be compatible, even those which affect the courier himself such as [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46693]Provincial Courier Service[/url]. If you are using Provincial Courier Service, the only oddity will be the redundant mailboxes that mod adds outside of player homes (which may be disabled or moved with the console, if they bug you).

Town & city overhauls may introduce clipping issues depending on what they've placed where. I will not be providing patches for these, either use a positioner mod or the CK to move them where you want them. If you make a patch for a town or city overhaul, please let me know. I would be glad to link to it here.

New mailboxes may be added to the network fairly easily - There is a guide here: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/articles/52524]How to Add a New Mailbox[/url]

Script load with this mod is fairly minor. Most script actions are only triggered by player action while you're in the mailbox menu, with the exception of a few quick checks each owned mailbox does every 2&1/2 minutes or when you enter the cell which contains it, and the script which adds catalogues to the appropriate shopkeepers when you enter the cell which contains their merchant chests. In practice, you should notice practically no extra script latency.


There are no known problems at this time. Please report any bugs or issues you find so I may resolve them as quickly as possible.



Super Standing Stones

If a stone has a power, you must use the power in order to get the abilities attached to the stone, because I'm not skilled enough to code them separately

+100 magicka
+100% magicka regen rate
+15% spell absorb
-100% magic resist
This stone is for the mage that likes to gamble. The extra magicka and spell absorb can come in handy, but the weakness to magic might be the
cause of your death if you aren't careful

-75% magicka regen rate
+35% spell absorb
-8% spell cost
This stone is for the mage that wants to rely more on spell absorption than magicka regen. Because of the lower regen rate, the lower spell costs
can let you cast more spells in battle

Each attribute regenerates 4 points per second
-10% damage resist
This stone is for a balanced build that wants to regenerate stats in battle, but needs armor to overcome their weakness

Each attribute regenerates 50% faster
-10% magic resist
This stone is another one for balanced builds, being the counterpart to the lady stone but needs enchantments to overcome their weakness

New power: Lover's Affection: Calms and disarms all surrounding opponents for 30 seconds
After using Lover's Affection, illusion and restoration spells are 20% more powerful (doesn't work properly)
After using Lover's Affection, one-handed and two-handed weapons deal 20% less damage
This stone is for the player that likes to play puppet master or priest, and doesn't like fighting or relies on their follower

Lover V2
Illusion, Restoration, and Alteration spells are 20% stronger
Two-Handed and One-Handed is 20% weaker

+35 magicka
+35 magicka regen rate
-12% spell cost
This stone is for the mage that wants an all around buff in their magical abilities

Ritual Power lasts for 6 hours now
-50 health for as long as the ritual power is active
-25% conjuration cost after using power
conjuration spells are 25% more powerful after using power
This stone is for the necromancer that wants to have a lot of followers to counteract the health punishment

Ritual V2
Conjuration spells cost 20% less and are 20% more powerful
Destruction spells cost 20% less and are 20% more powerful
-50 health
-50 armor points
-10% speed

New power: Viper's Kiss: silently paralyzes surrounding opponents and deals 100 points of poison damage to those affected
+30 speech after using power (doesn't work properly)
1.0 muffle after using power
+35% faster after using power
-35% fire resist after using power
This stone is for the person that likes to have a bit of chaos. Being able to paralyze a large group of opponents and then kill them before they kill
you with fire

Serpent V2
+30 speech
Alchemy is 20% better
Move 35% faster
0.5 muffle effect
50% weaker to fire

+30% sneak
1.0 muffle effect
2x sneak attacks
+25% movement speed
-30 carry weight
-25% damage resist
This stone is for the assassin that likes to kill via sneaking

+75 carry weight
Armor weighs nothing and doesn't slow you down
+75% movement speed
+100% noisier
This stone is for the player that likes to rush in fast and dart away from danger. Trying to sneak by is futile, since opponents are much more likely
to hear you

+40 carry weight
+20% movement speed
+15% lockpicking, pickpocketing, and sneaking
This stone is for the basic thief that comes in fast and gets away before people realize what's been stolen from them

+50 armor rating
+25% magic resistance
+15% reflect damage
-10% movement speed
This stone is for the tank players that want to live long and don't care about their speed being hindered

+20% melee damage
+60% stamina regen rate
This stone is for the basic warrior that wants to dish out power attacks and cripple their foes as fast as possible

Costume bodyslide preset file

My own costume bodyslide preset for Bodyslide and Outfit Studio. 

Download the .XML file and place it in Data/CalienteTools/BodySlide/SliderPreset

All the credit goes to:

BodySlide and Outfit Studio by Caliente [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015[/url]

Racemenu [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29624/]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29624/[/url]

Demoniac - high Quality Glossy Female Body Texture   [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70834]https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70834[/url]

Outfits used in the screenshots
H2135's Fantasy Series6 UUNP HDT-SMP Bodyslide

[Melodic] Yvas Outfit

Dungeon for Uni

Basically the this is my first Skyrim dungeon created in the Creation Kit, I have created this for my University Portfolio, and any tips or whatever would be very helpful to me.

This is a very straight forward dungeon with a few enemies in (Draugr and wolves) and at the end there is a uniquely named "over powered" (It has a unique op enchantment) Mask of Miraak. It is called The Mask of Opus.

Currently you cannot find it in the world so you will have to do "coc adungeonforuni" (Without quotes, of course) in the console.

I was basically just messing around in the CK to see what I could do and it resulted in me creating a dungeon. In the dungeon there are weird bits and bobs like the books from Apocrypha, so you will need to have the Dragonborn DLC to be able to play this mod.

Also, it's kind of dark in the dungeon (I don't know why), so bring a torch or spawn one in or something

Aurora Standalone Follower

[center][size=5][b][size=6]Hello there![/size][/b][/size][/center][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BhNHzrm.jpg[/img][size=5][i]Aurora[/i][/size]

[size=4]Destructive frost mage, who fights with conjured atronachs.

Weight : 100
Voice : FemaleCondescending
Race : Imperial
Class : Frost Mage Conjurer
Location : Winking Skeever in Solitude
Bodytype : UUNP ONLY

[/size][size=4]You can choose from one of these 4 hairstyles![/size][size=4]

Requirements :
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68000]XPMSE[/url] (Or just a HDT compatible Skeleton) And HDT physics

Installation(manual) :
Put the data folder into your Skyrim folder (where TESV.exe is)

Or just download it with some kinda Mod Manager.[/size][/center]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311]Ks Hairdos[/url][/b]
[b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/94629?tab=description]Female Makeup Suite[/url][/b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/92062]
Succulent Skin - UNP Skin Texture[/url], using Assets from:
[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91953]Bijin Skin[/url]
[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51602/]Fair Skin Complexion[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/93184]Weathered Nordic Bodypaint - RaceMenu Overlays and Warpaints[/url][/size][/center][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/93184]

[/size][center][size=4][b]Armor used in the Screenshots
[/b]UUNP Minidress Collection

[size=4][size=4][b]And that's it![/b][/size][/size][size=3]
[size=3]Followers are best used with an ENB (I use Snapdragon ENB here) and Facelight. Makes them look a lot better :)[/size][/size][/size][/center]

Requiem - Mortal Enemies

[size=6][center][font=Georgia]REQUIEM - MORTAL ENEMIES[/font][/center][/size]
[size=5][center][font=Georgia]Based on original Requiem patch by center05 (see credits for link)[/font][/center][/size]
[size=5][center][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27292]SE VERSION[/url][/center][/size]

[size=5]So, what does this exactly do?[/size]

[size=4][font=Georgia]The most important aspect of this patch is changing [u][b]rotation of NPCs[/b] [b]and PC when attacking[/b][/u] - this means that no longer neither you nor your enemies can change direction mid-swing by 100+ degrees. You can still rotate a bit, but it needs more mouse movement. It's actually now possible to avoid attacks by moving in other direction than backwards (See screenshots to see how angles were nerfed).

While the above affects only characters wielding weapons, there are also [u][b]changes to non-human races[/b][/u] - that is, unarmed reach, increased rotation speed and changes to attacks (modified attack/strike angles). What this means in practice is that most notably wildlife won't reach you from far away and will have its attack angles slightly reduced. Also, changed races will turn around slower, [i]I think[/i] - the thing is, description in CK is [url=https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=File:RaceMoveDataWindow.png]weird[/url] - I assume that if acceleration rates represent time in seconds it takes for character to reach full speed, then angular acceleration rate is also time in seconds (so it's not speed value) to make a turn. If so, I think it's good, as making turning faster wouldn't make much sense, especially for bigger monsters.[/font][/size]

[size=5]Does Requiem need a patch? Can't I just use original mod?[/size]

[size=4][font=Georgia]It does need a patch, because Requiem introduces perks to racial records (like natural armor for wildlife, sneak/poison immunity perks, special resistances etc.). If you slapped original Mortal Enemies on top of Requiem, you would end up with weaker monsters. The only changes that are not directly in conflict are movement restriction when attacking and Dragonborn enemies.[/font][/size]

[size=5]Movement options[/size]

[size=4][font=Georgia]The main version includes everything from the original Mortal Enemies mod. That means movement tweaks when running and attacking (check the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73921]original mod page[/url]).

If you don't like full version, you can use optional file to revert movement tweaks to minimum - that means only rotation speed with movement related to melee attacking will be carried over from the original mod (it was previously the default setting).[/font][/size]


[size=4]Not compatibile:[/size]
[*][font=Georgia][size=4]Changes to racial records of non human races (wildlife, Draugr, Dragon Priests, automatons, spriggans, elementals, Falmer etc.)[/size][/font]
[*][font=Georgia][size=4]Changes to [i]NPC_BowDrawn_MT[/i], [i]NPC_Blocking_MT[/i], [i]NPC_1HM_MT[/i], [i]NPC_2HM_MT[/i], [i]NPC_MagicCasting_MT[/i], [i]NPC_Attacking_MT[/i], [i]NPC_PowerAttacking_MT[/i], [i]NPC_Attacking2H_MT[/i][/size][/font]

[size=5]Load order[/size]

[size=4][font=Georgia][b]Requiem version[/b] - simply load after Requiem. I recommend putting it dead last before SkyProc patcher, because there might be some mod in your LO you wouldn't suspect that edits racial records. If you're sure you're good, then load anywhere after Requiem. If you're using [b]Fozar's Dragonborn[/b] - load after Fozar's.

[b]AZ Tweaks version[/b] - same as above, but load after AZ Tweaks.

[b][i]You don't need original mod, use only esp file from this mod.[/i][/b][/font][/size]


[size=4][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73921/?]Mortal Enemies[/url] - [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/24631769]center05[/url][/size]

[center][size=6][font=Georgia]MY OTHER MODS[/font][/size][/center]

[center][size=4][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27227]My Skyrim fonts[/url][/size][/center]

Halena and Daylee - Standalone Elves Followers

[center][size=6][u][u][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99277]Halena Preset[/url]
[u][color=#00ff00][b](Thanks Fyrcynn)[/b][/color]
[color=#00ff00][b][For Skyrim SE: Look at the Sticky post: Port by [/b][/color][/u][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/3743885][color=#00ff00][b]ff7legend[/b][/color][/url][u][b][color=#00ff00]][/color]
[/u][/u][b][u][color=#00ff00][Halena / Daylee][/color]
[/u][/b]Halena is the Mother of [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100099][Sierra][/url]
Daylee is a doppelganger

[u][b][color=#00ff00][Share your screenshots][/color][/b][/u][/size]
[size=6]I'll be highly appreciated to see any screenshots under this mod from you, feel free to add any images for this mod. 
[Falkreath, Dead man's Drink][/u][/b][/size][/color][size=6]
rxkx22- Bijin skin UNP
Anini n Regenbot03 - PureSkinTexture
Kalilies and Stealthic - KS Hairdos 
Blessed Redux Project team - UNP BLESSED BODY
HeroedeLeyenda - All In One HDT ANIMATED
Hvergelmir - Brows
RaceMenu - Expired
Groovtama and Daymarr - XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended 
Ousnius and Caliente - BodySlide and Outfit Studio
nerune - Mikan Eyes

[b][u][color=#00ff00]Outfit used for screenshots:
[/color][/u][/b]-[url=https://eskrimmods.blogspot.com/2017/03/the-druid-outfit-7b.html]The Druid Outfit [7B][/url]
-[url=https://eskrimmods.blogspot.com/2019/05/bikini-from-dead-or-alive-unpubs.html]Bikini from Dead Or Alive [UNP/UBS][/url]
-[url=https://eskrimmods.blogspot.com/2018/12/xn-bombay-bikini-unpubs.html]XN Bombay Bikini [UNP][/url]
-[url=https://eskrimmods.blogspot.com/2017/02/thalmor-viceroy-inquisitors-clothes.html]Thalmor Viceroy Inquisitors Clothes [7B/CBBE][/url]

[b][color=#ffe599]Special Thanks to Luisxcaliber for testing it out[/color][/b][/size][/center][center]I wasn't really thinking about making an Elf followers, but I guess..[/center]

A Sekiro Combat Mod for Skyrim - Shinobi Combat

[*]Added notifications on the top left of the screen, each time you hit an enemy, it will display their current Posture.
[*]Arrows will now bounce off the blade  as intended when blocked or deflected, instead of still impaling the character. Blocking them now consumes Posture, Deflecting does not
[*]Added a "killcam" effect where the camera focuses onto the enemy during Shinobi Execution. If you don't want this or if your camera somehow gets stuck, "set sekiro_killcam to 0" in console
[*]You can now change the Perilous Attack alert. Type "set sekiro_peril to 0" in the console to turn it off completely, or "set sekiro_peril to 1" for just the Kanji and sound without the slowdown effect. Default is 2 for both. (If you want the slowdown but no Kanji, move/rename/delete sekirolike_perilous.pex from the scripts folder)
[*]Added a Lesser Power on startup that activates / deactivates the mod. Can be used to restart if it isn't working. I'd recommend deactivating before you uninstall the mod

[size=3]This mod was made with the idea to bring "The Clashing of Swords", which Sekiro's swordsplay tries to capture, into Skyrim. 
It is a standalone combat overhaul that adds some of the features found in Sekiro's combat system, and tries to do so in the most minimalistic and performance-friendly way I could think of. 

[size=3]Since this is my very first own mod, expect it to be buggy. Also, I have zero experience about how to balance such a mod, so I'd gladly take any kind of feedback and suggestions for improvements. Just tell me if you want something changed or addded.[/size]

[size=3]The mod is far from finished and will be updated regularly. I'm planning on adding more "situational" special moves, like Mikiri Counter, Jumping off enemies, Ninjutsu. Also, I'll try to make some of the Combat Arts (like Ichimonji, Dragon Flash, Ashina Cross etc.) as far as it's possible within the bounds of Skyrim's behaviour.[/size]


[*][size=3]Stamina is "Posture". Getting hit by undeflected attacks damages one's posture (in proportion to one's Block skill) in addition to health, and causes stagger. Blocking reduces health damage, but does not prevent Posture damage. Unlike in Sekiro, performing attacks still costs Stamina. While blocking, Posture regenerates faster.[/size]
[*][size=3]Blocking at the perfect time will "Deflect" attacks and negate any damage it would have dealt, while damaging the opponent's Posture in return. Deflection can parry any weapon and even arrows. Of course, there will be flashy spark effects![/size]
[*][size=3]When swung at the exact same time, two blades will clash with each other, and the Posture of both opponents will decide who comes out on top.[/size]
[*][size=3]Power attacks are "Perilous Attacks". They CANNOT be blocked or deflected and should be evaded. They'll be telegraphed very clearly. This really shines when you use a Dodge mod together with mine. Weapon swings in vanilla are usually too abrupt to really dodge them, so I added a slowdown effect. In the future I want to add some "Mikiri Counter" and jump kick feature to reward timed dodging[/size]
[*][size=3]When an NPC's Posture is depleted or "broken through", they will enter a state in which the player attacking them results in a special "Shinobi Execution" finisher move. When the player's Posture is broken, they get stagered.[/size]
[*][size=3]Shinobi Executions can also be performed while Sneaking, on any target that hasn't noticed you.[/size]
[*][size=3]Some animation conditions are changed: Hitting a blocking target no longer makes you and NPCs recoil. GETTING hit while blocking now makes you and NPCs recoil from the force. Deflecting attacks instead of blocking does NOT cause recoil. GETTING your attack deflected by the opponent leads to recoiling.[/size]


[quote]As you can see, my PC is a potato. Anyone with a decent graphics card is more than welcome to make a more stylish showcase video for this mod, and I'll put it here.[/quote][/size]

[size=3]This mod is Standalone, except that it requires SKSE.[/size]


The changes should be automatically applied when loading the game with the mod installed.
You can basically deflect everything anyone throws at you, and your deflecting will sooner or later poisebreak anything that has a stamina bar.
Enemies will receive the same abilities as you, but only after the've attacked you once. If an NPC with the ability attacks someone else, they too will receive them.
This was done to avoid using a scripted cloak spell which could somewhat slow down performance a bit depending on you PC. I might change this in future updates depending on feedback.
I have no idea how to make MCM menus, sorry. You'll have to make do with manually changing the settings via console:

[*]"set sekiro_parrytime to X"
[/list]The timeframe for Deflecting, X can be any number of seconds. It's set to 1.0 for testing purposes by default, I'd recommend having it lower if you want a challenge.

[*]"set sekiro_peril to X"
[/list]changes how Perilous Attacks are telegraphed. Default is 3 for the red Kanji and slowdown effect, set to 2 for just slowdown, 1 for just Kanji, 0 for no cue

[*][size=3]"set sekiro_killcam to X"[/size]
[/list]for X=1 there will be a camera focus onto the enemy during shinobi executions

[*][size=3]"set sekiro_posturecounter to X"[/size]
[/list]for X=1 messages will be displayed in the top left corner of the screen that show the enemy's Posture each time you hit them. But, the messages appear very slowly and take a long time to update. I don't know how to change that :( Maybe the person who made Floating Healthbars could make a mod for floating Stamina bars one day

RECOMMENDED MODS:[/b][/size][list]
[*][size=3]Definitely use a dodge mod of you choice![/size]
[*][size=3]Combat Mods that improve NPC AI, such as [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76529]Wildcat[/url] or [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36006]Ultimate Combat[/url]. You might want to disable timed block and stagger mechanics there, since this mod has those too[/size]
[*][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44014/?]Pseudo Parry Animation[/url] for more stylish parrying (blocking uses the Recoil animation now)[/size]
[*][size=3]some stylish Samurai-like Swordplay animations, for example a mix of [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70108]OSEA[/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81070]Katana Animations[/url], or the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98920]EAD[/url] mashup[/size]
[*][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76768]No StaggerCamera[/url], this is just personal preference, it removes the camera sway from stagger but keeps the animation[/size]
[*][size=3]an audio overhaul that improves swinging, clanging and slashing sounds of weapons. The "Soulsborne Sound FX" mod could be a nice fit.[/size]

Guards Armor Replacer Civil War Aftermath Patch

This is a patch for the mod Guards Armor Replacer made by NordwarUA and uploaded by DanielUA.

Have you downloaded Guards Armor Replacer and noticed that after the civil war, guards lose their gear to become imperial or stormcloak soldiers? If that's the case, then this mod was made for you. A lot of people requested a mod like this one, so I took the responsibility upon my shoulders to provide you all with this long awaited patch. Before I say anything else, I just wanted everyone to know that I got permission from the original author before uploading this patch. Here's what this mod does:

- Guards keep their armor, weapons and names after the civil war
- Imperial / Stormcloak camps can be cleared of their inhabitants after the civil war
- Stormcloaks now wear the different variants of rebel armor and gear during the civil war quests and sieges
- A few other things, such as typos in the markarth gear and more were also fixed

Important message to those who side with the Stormcloaks, you may encounter a bug after the attack of Whiterun where you can't report to Ulfric and the Whiterun and Dragonsreach icons won't be shown on your map. To avoid this bug, you must walk to the Whiterun City Gate from Dragonsreach about a minute after Balgruff surrendered. Only after exiting Whiterun through the city gate on foot will you be able to fast travel to Windhelm. This will fix your issue. I cannot patch this and the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch does not fix this issue.

To install the mod, simply extract the files from the archive then drag the esp file from the folder into your data folder. If you don't want to install the mod manually, you can use Vortex or the Nexus Mod Manager. 

If you install this mod in the middle of a playthrough, make sure you type in the command resetinventory if necessary. 

I hope you will enjoy this patch!

Middle Earth Path of the Hobbit

[center][color=#6aa84f][size=4][b][/b][/size][/color][/center][center][/center][center][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99505?tab=description][/url][/size][/center][color=#6aa84f][b][size=4][center][img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/88099/88099-1579402282-657744643.jpeg[/img][/center][/size][/b][/color][center][color=#6aa84f][b][size=4]It's a dangerous business, going out your front door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.[/size][/b][/color][img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/88099-0-1515896008.png[/img]
[color=#6aa84f][size=3][b]Leave Skyrim behind and discover the path of the famous little Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. Journey through a beautifully and meticulously created Middle Earth from the Hobbit Hole Bag End to the Lonely Mountain of Smaug. Play as a dwarf or hobbit, if you choose, with custom clothing and armor to suit. Visit The Shire Bywater and Hobbiton. Stop and rest and have a pint at the Inn of the Prancing Pony in the Village of Bree. Face the 3 Cave Trolls in Trollshaws and loot their Troll Hole. Learn how you can help Lord Elrond in Rivendell. Face an army of goblins and their tyrannical king in Goblin Town. Find Gollum's Cave and take the One Ring. Battle against  the spiders and other creatures of Mirkwood Forest. Discover the Woodland Realm (Halls of Thranduil). Make your way to Rhosgobel, a shack protruding from a growing tree. Barter a boat ride to Lake-Town, with its many diverse people, homes, inns, and shops. Encounter Lonely Mountain to face Smaug the magnificent within. And finally, choose sides and take part in the great Battle of the Five Armies.
Inspired by J.R.R.Tolkien's "The Hobbit", this is created from my own imagination, my own interpretation, not Peter Jackson's or anyone else's. This is "The Hobbit", not "Lord of the Rings". Tolkien called the creatures goblins then, not orcs, and his take on them was quite different. Aragorn was not in this story (he was only 27 years old then), nor was Azog the defiler other than the brief reference that he died in the Battle of Azanulbizar. If you're looking for them, you don't know your "Tolkien". Galadriel was also not in Rivendell but I have placed her there for now.
Over 500 custom NPCs added. Quests, rings of power, weapons, armor, spells, and much more included.
I built this mod for my own game play, my own taste. At some point, I thought others may enjoy it as well. I'm not looking for "critiques". Never asked for any. You don't like it, move on. The journey continues.......[/b][/size][/color][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99505?tab=description][img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/88099/88099-1578158142-498985318.png[/img][/url][color=#6aa84f][size=3][b]
[/b][/size][/color][color=#6aa84f][size=3][b]I recommend installing with Nexus Mod Manager. Make sure you have the latest edition. You can install manually if you know what you're doing.
AFTER INSTALL... You will receive a new book, "Guide To Middle Earth" the first time you load this mod. There is also a copy in a chest on the Riverwood bridge. Be sure to read it! It starts the main quest and explains much. Questions asked that are covered in that book or here on this site will be ignored. The door to Middle Earth will already be there but reading the book updates your map and you can fast travel there. The door is along the river's edge heading northeast from Riverwood to Whiterun.[/b][/size][/color][color=#6aa84f][b]
[/color][b][color=#ff0000][size=5][u]PLEASE READ[/u][/size][/color][color=#6aa84f][size=3]

- This mod includes my Middle Earth Mountains HD2K. It is optional in the installer. See my last image for a preview.[/size][/color][/b][color=#6aa84f][size=3][b]
- Be sure to "set the table" in Lord Elrond's courtyard before trying to enter his home. It more or less brings Rivendell to life.[/b]
[b]- The bards will sing the Stormcloak songs and "Tale of the Tongues" from the beginning as I have set it up this way purposely.[/b]
[b]- The main entrance to Lonely Mountain is blocked with rubble. If you side with Middle Earth against the goblins during the Battle of the Five Armies, the rubble will be removed.[/b]
[b]- AFTER you kill the Goblin King, backtrack into the tunnel in Goblin Town and the entrance to Gollum's Cave will now be accessible to you. I set it up this way to try and keep the "path" and timeline as close to Tolkien's as possible.[/b]
[b]- Regarding The Portable Lantern in Bilbo's Safe; equipping/unequiping your weapon immediately after equipping/unequiping the lantern is the only work-around I have found to keep your character from "freezing up" or walking around with a permanent "handshake". I put a lot of work and testing into that mesh so if ya don't like it, once again, don't use it.[/b]
[b]- I would recommend equipping the "Ring of Choice" before leaving Lonely Mountain interior. Removing the ring removes you from that army. Good luck on your own. (:
- The "Weapons", "Armor", "Quest Objects", "Misc", and "Rings of Power" chests in Bag End, House of Esgaroth, Hermit Hole, and the rental room at the Inn of the Prancing Pony are all linked; meaning whatever you store in one area, will be there in the other areas as well.
[/b][/size][/color][b][color=#6aa84f][size=3]- I have kept the scripting to a minimum and tested my mod to great extent and worked out all the bugs. I cleaned it with Tes5Edit and TesVSnip, and also ran every .nif file through NifScan.[/size][/color][/b][color=#6aa84f][size=3][b]

[color=#6aa84f][b][size=3]There is a lot more to this mod than meets the eye, or than I can write on this page. I built this mod for myself and I didn't want a bunch of plug-ins so I have created a ton of things that I would like to see in my game and tastefully added them into this mod. I have included a true, open-world, portable fort that can be placed anywhere in Skyrim or Middle Earth. You can be your own traveling bard with this mod. Want to cut loose and jam on a lute in the Middle of Solitude or near the peaceful river that flows through Riverwood, it's in there. Special rings of power, weapons, armor, Portable Lantern, Bag of Holding, Palantir of Teleport, custom spellbooks, not all Tolkien worthy, but things I created for my game and put into this mod. I could go on, but you'll find it all. Or you won't.
[size=3][b]Skyrim & an open mind.
Dawnguard, Dragonborn, and Hearthfire are [u]NOT[/u] needed and never will be.[/b][/size]
[/u][/size][b][size=3]I run with my brightness at 10/20 (halfway) and uGridsToLoad=7 in my Skyrim.ini settings.

Rudy ENB - Lovin' it!

ELFX - for lighting. I created my mod without it, then tweaked with it. You don't have to have ELFX, but it improves the entire game IMO.

Although obviously not lore-correct, I have included "House of the Rising Sun" in Lake-Town for my own personal game. It is a "game" after all. The "House" will work as-is and contains no nudity. If you would like to experience the full effect, you can download and install the following mods.
DIMONIZED UNP or CALIENTE'S BEAUTIFUL BODIES EDITION CBBE - Adds some nice detail to female bodies in game. Brings the Suite to a "new level". (:
DIMONIZED UNP CLOTHING RESOURCES - Adds some nice clothing for the Suite.
SUMMER WEAR V2 - Adds some nice clothing for the Suite. Also adds follower Sukque. (She can be found in Honningbrew Meadery and will follow you to the Suite and stay there even after release. She has a bed there but will not interfere with my mod if she is not used. I navmeshed the Suite cell differently so ALL followers will stay there until you have them follow you out again.)

IN REFERENCE TO MY IMAGES: I put a lot of work into my Lighting, ImageSpaces, and Climates as lighting and atmosphere is probably thee most important thing in modding in my opinion.[/size][/b]
[/u][/size][size=3][b]Scuttlebutt21 (My Broheim) for being the rock hound and friend that you are man.
agerweb, VZRedemption, ray2nj, and TheBawb for ALL of your help![/b]
[b]Wood stoves courtesy of Strotis Oven Resource[/b]
[b]Treasure textures courtesy of Assorted Resources (Thank you Tamira. Saved me a ton of work.)[/b]
[b]Spriggan texture courtesy of Nexus Creature Resource (Still built my own .nif and skeleton. That was fun!)[/b]
[b]Hobbit Outfits courtesy of Halfling Clothes (Thank you TheBawb for the link.)[/b]
[b]Dwarven Beards courtesy of DwemerBeards [/b]
[b]Cave Trolls are a version of Mihail's "Bolgans" I [u]heavily[/u] modified.
[/b][/size][/color][b][color=#6aa84f][size=3]Bethesda for the great game and Creation Kit.
Wave Editor
My wife. Not only for putting up with me, but for actually giving me some good ideas for this mod.
A sincere thank you to those who took a moment to come back and endorse.
And of course, Nexus for making a place where we can share our creations.[/size][/color][/b][color=#6aa84f]

[/u][/b][/color][b][size=3][color=#6aa84f]"Outstanding mod! I'm also a huge fan of Tolkien's works, ever since seeing "The Hobbit" by Rankin and Bass, as a child. It really did my heart good to play this mod (not to get too mushy on ya). I endorsed it and I can't tell you how awe struck I am with all of the hard work you did to make this possible. I had lots of wonderful nostalgia going on the path of Bilbo! Also, I truly appreciate this mod even more since I have tried my hand at making mods, and know how difficult it is to get things to work right. Thank you so much, and keep being awesome![/color] [img]https://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif[/img][color=#6aa84f]"

"Just stumbled on your great journeys...AT LAST..a Skyrhymer with imagination, a great sense of humour and the much-needed rip-the-envelope attitude -- as evidenced by Western, gunz-in-the-Rim and LOTR mods! Your Middle-Earther is similar in tone to the WB LOTR on-line multiplayer, but even richer. It'll be a sad day when you decide to hang it up, Junk."

"...this one runs as smooth as a Bethesda DLC. Well, probably even better....... This one stays in my load order at all time..."

"Really love this mod, thanks for sharing it!"

"Hello Junk, this mod is a very nice honor for Mr. Tolkiens work."

"I can only appreciate the huge amount of time you spent on this project as a lone modder."

"I freakin' love this mod. It makes my inner Tolkien nerd so damn happy. Thanks for all the effort and time put into this!"

"Being a modder I appreciate the time and effort it takes to create such a detailed mod.[/color][/size][/b][b][color=#6aa84f][size=3]Being a LOTR fan I appreciate the fact the quest can take me back down the path Bilbo once took.[/size][/color][/b][b][color=#6aa84f][size=3]I just wanted to stop by and thank you for sharing your mod with us.[/size][/color][/b][b][color=#6aa84f][size=3]Endorsed, and Enjoyed :) Far too often a modder releases something, and never hears from those who use, and enjoy it.[/size][/color][/b][b][color=#6aa84f][size=3]It is my pleasure to be on the 'user' side of a mod, and let you know how much your work means to those that play the game.[/size][/color][/b][b][color=#6aa84f][size=3]Good job."

"This mod is very, very good. I love the detail and how much there actually is. I haven't quite completed it yet, but it's been amazing so far. Thank you for creating a great experience and recreation of middle earth/the hobbit."

[/size][/color][/b][b][color=#6aa84f][size=3]"Thank you for sharing this. I read about how you discovered Tolkien and about your grandparents and while I'm so sorry it was so long before you got to see them again i'm grateful you created and shared this. I've loved Tolkien since I first discovered him in fifth grade so many decades ago. This mod warms my heart."

"Thank you for this mod God bless your modder hands."
[/color][b][u][color=#6aa84f][size=5]CHECK OUT MY OTHER MODS
[u][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/88219/?]Junk's Guns[/url][/u][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/88098/?][u]
[/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/88541?][u]Junk's Simple Bag Of Holding[/u][/url]
[u][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/88888?]Junk's Portable Lantern
[/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/89115?]Junk's Glaive[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/89119?]Junk's Chicken Launcher
[/url][/u][u][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/89212]Junk's Cow Catapult[/url][/u][/size][/b]
[b][u][size=4][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/89354?]Junk's Novem Portis[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/89677/?]Junk's Bot[/url]
[/size][/u][/b][u][size=4][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/90082?]Junk's Portable Portal[/url][/size][/u][b][u][size=4][/size][/u][/b][u][size=4][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/90082?]
[/url][/size][/u][b][u][size=4][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/90165]Junk's Death Squad
[/url][/size][/u][/b][u][size=4][b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/94979]Castle Drache in Deadwood Forest[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99505?tab=description]Junk's Tower Moss Patch[/url]

Rupert the Teddy Bear Companion - Traditional Chinese (CHT)

~My page support translated file only~
模組原始位置:[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82662]Rupert the Teddy Bear Companion[/url]
[b]請先下載原始檔案 (請點ENDORSE給作者做鼓勵 :)[/b]

本模組只提供翻譯的文件,請先下載[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82662]Rupert the Teddy Bear Companion[/url]完整檔案,然後再用本中文化檔案覆蓋安裝。

雖然不可以談戀愛,但你還是可以摟抱他 (因為是泰迪熊)。

還有一個問題,但是如果你的系統不能維持至少25 FPS,那麼我建議您打開MCM並將掃描頻率設置為0,並避免使用熊貓裝備。這會將他的影響降低。請注意,這將會禁用包括他跳過障礙物的功能。


神偷裝備出現在盜賊公會裡的一個箱子裡,一旦你加入公會,只要偷東西10次。 魯伯特會告訴你,他認為他應該“戴口罩”(正確應該是眼罩,不過我照翻口罩了)。


[b][color=#9fc5e8]巴哈姆特ID: stchicory
Facebook: www.facebook.com/stchi.wong 

If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact me.
[b][color=#9fc5e8]E-mail: stchi@outlook.com[/color][/b]


~My page support translated file only~

Please download author's main file ,and Endorse if you love Rupert:


Requiem - small tweaks (Older Requiem versions)

[size=4]Requiem - Knockdown tweak[/size]

[size=2]This mod makes all big enemy have knockdown ability with requiem's mass system, and those knockdown effect can be blocked now.
The creatures can knockdown you : Dragon, Giant, Dwemer centurion, Frost atronach, Bear, Sabrecat, Troll, Lurker[/size]


[size=4]Requiem - npc statefix[/size]
Some npc in requiem didn't have proper perks and equipment, and even Minor Arcana forgot them. This mod make them more consistent with the story. You can see the changelog for detail.

Feature enemy have been tweaked :
-Orc invader
-Thief(random encounter)
-Skooma dealer(random encounter)
-Red eagle
-Companion ghost
-Orc chiefs
-Umana and Sulla
-Forsworn spies inside Markath city
-Corrupted shade in kilkreath ruins
-Venom dragon
-Members of PenitusOculatus
-Members of Dark Brotherhood
-Gauldur brothers
-Giant chaurus
-Warlord Gathrik
-Olaf One-Eye
-Elite Silverhands
-The wolf spirits of werewolfs
-The guardian spirits in the quest "Kyne's sacred trial"

Merchants :
-Farengar purchases dragon bones and scales from player
-Dushnamub sells ebony ingots
-Shuftharz sells orichalcum ingots
-Gharol sells a little ebony and orichalcum ingots
-Iddra sells refined malachite
-Rustleif sells quicksilver, iron ingot, and scimitars
-Eorlund sells more high quality armors
-Add new scrolls into level list

[/list]Followers :
-Mercenary followers
-Housecarl followers
-Annekke Crag-Jumper
-Adelaisa Vendicci
-J'zargo (The only leveling follower in this mod)
-non-circle Companions


[size=4]Requiem - VampireCollection[/size]

There only have two types of vampire boss in requiem, but I want more!
This mod add Orcish vampire, Dwarven vampire and some sub-variations for each type of vampire, and they are given different spells and equipment. Also, There will no longer have ebony vampire shows up in the first quest of Dawnguard "Awakening (at Dimhollow Crypt)", so player can join the dawnguard first before defeating the demi-god ebony vampires.

Some change you may want to know :
The dawnguard quest line becomes more smooth. It will start easier, but end harder.
The chance of spawning a ebony vampire is reduced to 10% (from 25% in Requiem)
AI will cast conjuration spells more frequently, even for a non-vampire

requirement : Requiem
Load order :
Requiem - Immersive Divine Blessings.esp by snbcj
Requiem - VampireCollection.esp
Requiem for the indifference.esp


[size=4]Requiem - Alduin redone
Alduin is no longer an ideal master, but he is the true king of dragons. 

What have been changed in this mod?
-Alduin will not summon undead of soul cairn anymore. Instead, he will summon his ally and cultists.
-The summoning ability is given a proper CD time, which makes defensive builds have chance against him.
-Now, Alduin's shouts are more powerful than other dragons
-Reduce its MR to 25% from 75%
-Add 33% elemental and 85% poison resistance
(Compatible with DCO)

Philosophy in Skyrim

[/b]I have updated the mod. In the first version there was an ancient dwemer tome lying in the Sleeping Giant Inn (I placed it for ease and forgot to delete it), I now removed that tome. [b]Newest version is: StoicBooks1.0.1

This mod is for lovers of philosophy, those that admire the written word, scavenger hunters, and mystery solvers. This is neither a combat nor an npc mod. It does not add any real npcs (except a simple vendor) nor does it add any new monsters. Neither are there any texture changes. It simply uses all the assets from skyrim legendary edition.

The mod comes as a simple plugin file (with some additional files) by the name of [i]stoicbooks.esp[/i].

[b]What does this mod do?[/b]
This mods adds:
[*]20+ books
[*]5 miscellaneous quests
[*]A merchant
[*]A context of philosophical practice in Tamriel
[*]An ancient riddle waiting to be solved
[b]Philosophy books[/b]
These books were [b]not[/b] created by a simple copy paste technique. All the texts have been carefully read and edited to ensure that they fulfill the two following conditions: [i]lore-friendliness[/i] and [i]readability.
[/i][i]lore-friendliness[/i] was achieved by creating references to elder scrolls lore and adding a context of philosophical practice. [i]Readability[/i] was implemented by editing the original texts and turning them into a more easy read during the game.
All these books, except the rare ones, have been added to leveled lists. You will therefore find them in loot chests and you can buy them at certain vendors. Some books are also hand placed in the gameworld.
Most of the fragments are from philosophers such as: [i]Heraclitus, Parmenides, Plato, Descartes, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, [/i]and[i] Wittgenstein. [/i]Others have been written by the author, but were inspired by [i]Eloise, Pierre Abelard, Duns Scotus, Occam, Schopenhauer, [/i]and[i] Marcus Aurelius. [/i]

The five miscellaeous quests are similar to the ancient falmer tome quests of Dawnguard. The mod provides hints on their locations in an immersive way. If you find one of the ancient tomes, it should trigger a quest (with drumroll, objective, and marker). Please let me know if there are any issues.

[b]Philosophical Context[/b]
For this mod a background of philosophical practise was invented. This is reflected in the introductions written to some translations of ancient works of philosophy, the names of the philosophical authors, a written introduction to Tamrielic philosophy, and some rivalry between authors implicit in the books. This will make philosophy come alive in skyrim. It will make it feel real.

[/b]If you don't feel like going on a scavenger hunt to collect all books, you can find all the common ones on a merchant by the name of Duns Scotus in Riverwood. The rare books, however, cannot be gained so easily.

[/b]Hidden within these books is an ancient riddle. Solving it requires scavenger hunting, following clues, using your brain, and some deduction. You will be rewarded with loot, literature, and lore.

This mod is for scavenger hunters, philosophy enthusiasts, and booklovers. Do not expect any fights, monsters or political intrige from this mod, but there is a dungeon...

Any feedback is welcome!

[/b]This is my first mod, so all feedback is welcome. It started as a simple way to add philosophy books to Skyrim in an immersive way. Instead of using the console, one would find them in game, on vendors, etc. But as I started modding, the idea evolved and turned into something larger. I share this now with you. Why do I share this? I have taken a lot from the modding community, a lot, and now it is time to give something back. I hope you enjoy! I also hope it will inspire some of you to check out the covered philosophy books for real. This mod only contains either fragments or abridged versions…

[b]Special Thanks[/b]
I wish to thank the following great minds: Heraclitus, Parmenides, Plato, Marcus Aurelius, Duns Scotus, Pierre Abelard, Eloise, Rene Descartes, Immanuel Kant, Arthur Schopenhauer, Gottfried Hegel, Friedrich Nietzsche, Bertrand Russell, and Ludwig Wittgenstein. And a huge thanks to Bethesda and the modding community.

And a special thanks to Marinos and Yannick for their ideas and support.

And a lovely thanks to Peach, my muse.

[/b]The use of a mod manager, such as Vortex, is highly recommended.

This mod uses assets from Dawnguard and Dragonborn. The update is also a requirement.

This mod should be compatible with most mods. Conflicts can arise when combining this mod with other mods that change the book levelled lists. Since it is such a popular and great mod, a patch for Legacy of the Dragonborn can be downloaded. It should be compatible with bookcovers of Skyrim. In general, the use of [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859]TES5EDIT[/url] and [url=https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/moore/#6]common sense[/url] to ensure a good gaming experience is highly recommended.

[/b]This mod entails a plugin file by the name of [i]stoicbooks.esp[/i], 25 voice files (which are copies of npc voice files from Dawnguard), 5 dialogueview files, 11 scripts, and a SEQ file. 

[/b][i]Will you add book X to the mod?[/i]
Probably not. I think the current collection is balanced. It is big enough to make it feel real, but it is still small enough to keep philosophy a rare profession.

[i]Can you make a patch for mod X?
[/i]I am a working father and husband. So I won't have the time. But you can easily make a patch yourself with [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859]TES5EDIT[/url]. Not only is it easy and fun, it also helps you to understand how a game works.

[i]Will you port this to Special Edition?
[/i]Probably not. I do not know how and I am quite busy (see above).

[i]Can I port this to Special Edition and upload it to Nexus or Steam Workshop?
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