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Beasts of Oblivion - Daedroth

An old acquaintance of the oblivion crisis, the lizard spits fire, servant of Molag Bal and Merhunes Dagon, the daedroth the great crocodile-like daedra, able to split a man in two and fight a dragon.
At the moment there is only one variant
One of the things I didn't like so much about skyrim was the removal of most of the daedras, especially the daedroth, one of my favorites and in my opinion the most baddass.

Ambriel - The Lost Princess SLE German

[center][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][b][color=#6d9eeb][size=5]Deutsche Übersetzung von[/size]
[size=6]Ambriel The Lost Princess [/size][/color][size=4][color=#6d9eeb]von[/color] [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/3668579]Excelsior2000[/url][/size][/b][/font][color=#b6d7a8][size=3][size=4]
[/size][color=#d9ead3][size=3][center][size=4]Hallo, mein Name ist Ambriel – Prinzessin von Tamriel und Verteidigerin des Kaiserreiches und der Neun Göttlichen.
[/size] [/center][/size][/color][color=#d9ead3][size=4][center][/center][/size][/color][color=#d9ead3][size=4][color=#d9ead3][size=4]Ich möchte, dass du mir hilfst, die Wahrheit über eine längst vergessene Prophezeiung herauszufinden. Eine
Prophezeiung darüber, wie man verhindern kann, dass das Land in Flammen und Zerstörung untergeht.
Unsere Feinde werden uns mit allen Mitteln bekämpfen.

[/size][/color][color=#d9ead3][size=4][color=#d9ead3][size=4][center][/center][/size][/color][/size][/color][center][color=#d9ead3][size=4][color=#d9ead3][size=4][/size][/color][/size][/color][color=#d9ead3][size=4][color=#d9ead3][size=4]Aber[/size][/color][color=#d9ead3][size=4] wir werden sieg[/size][/color][/size][/color][color=#d9ead3][size=4][color=#d9ead3][size=4]en … wir müssen siegen - um der Ehre von Talos willen.[/size][/color][/size][/color][/center][color=#d9ead3][size=4][color=#d9ead3][size=4]
Ambriel ist:[/color][color=#b6d7a8]
[*][color=#b6d7a8]Komplett vertont (in Englisch)[/color]
[*][color=#b6d7a8]Unabhängiges Follower-System[/color]
[*][color=#b6d7a8]Einzigartige Interaktionen und Zitate (u.A. nach Oscar Wilde)[/color]
[*][color=#b6d7a8]Kennt andere NPC[/color]
[*][color=#b6d7a8]Geschickt im Umgang mit Bogen und Magie[/color]
[*][color=#b6d7a8]Eigene, voll vertonte Questreihe (englische Sprachausgabe)[/color]

[/size][/color][/size][/color][center][b][color=#ffe599][size=3]D[/size][size=4]ies ist nur die deutsche Übersetzung (ESP-Datei, Scripte und der Steckbrief auf deutsch) der Untertitel
der hervorragenden Mod von Excelsior2000 die ihr hier:[/size][/color][size=4] [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/78762/?]Ambriel - The Lost Princess (Fully Voiced and Quest) [/url][color=#ffe599]herunterladen könnt[/color].

[color=#ffe599]Die Original-Mod ist [color=#e06666]zwingend [/color]erforderlich. [/color][/size]

[center][/center][color=#ffe599][size=3]Die Bilder sind mit der Mod [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/78831]Ambriel Overhaul[/url] von [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/6906659]Schuckel2000[/url] entstanden.[/size]

[size=3]Eventuelle Endorsements bitte auch an den Autor der Original-Mod! [/size][/color]

Dies ist die Version für Skyrim LE. Die Version für SSE findet Ihr [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9340]hier[/url].

Bei Fehlern und/oder vergessenen Zeilen bitte PM an mich.

Meine gesammelten Mods findet Ihr [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/4101162?tab=user+files&BH=0]hier[/url]

[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/3668579/?]Excelsior2000[/url] für die Erlaubnis und die Unterstützung bei der Übersetzung
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/4827500/?]TKHBMVP[/url] für das unermüdliche Korrekturlesen

Warrior Magic - Immersive Spellcasting With Your Hands Full

[size=2][i]This is my first mod, I hope it works and I hope I didn't forget anything important. I'd love to hear what you think or if you have any questions, just drop a comment and I'll do my best to answer. :)[/i][/size]

At it's core this mod enables you to bind spells to hotkeys and cast without having to equip spells manually, it's similar to other excellent hotkey mods like [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59171]AH Hotkeys[/url] or [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76988]Smart Cast[/url] but it is much more basic, if you're looking for a fully featured hotkey mod I recommend you check one of those out - however if you're looking for a more immersive way for your melee character to cast spells without having to equip them then this mod is for you! I've long been a faithful user of the previously mentioned mods but never really liked how spells just appear out of my characters forehead and I've also had issues with the balance of it all. [b]

Warrior Magic[/b] aims to make casting with your hands full, more immersive and less overpowered, the way it goes about achieving this is by channeling your spell casts through your combat actions. You charge a spell by clicking/holding the hotkey you've assigned to it and once the spell is charged you can release it either through swinging your weapon or blocking, depending on the hostility of the spell that you've charged. By default you will have to hold the hotkey for a period of time based on how long it normally takes to cast the spell but this is customizable, you can change this to be instant if you so choose - additionally you can also choose to automatically do the combat action required to release the spell once it's charged.

[u]This mod is meant to be used with melee weapons, one handed or two handed, as weapon swings and the ability to block is integral to the core functionality.[/u]

[*]Charge spells by holding hotkeys. (You can customize the charge time to be instant, based on the spells cast time or based on the spell cost compared to your magicka pool)
[*]Release spells by swinging your weapon or blocking. (You can choose to do this manually or once you release your hotkey or automatically as soon as the spell is charged)
[*]Concentration spells are supported and never require charging, just hold down the assigned hotkey and look at it go!
[*]Spell Cycle (you can bind multiple spells to the same key and cycle through them)
[*]Extend spell duration by recasting it. (Each time you recast a defensive spell that is already active it will have it's duration refreshed and extended up to the maximum that you've defined, this feature can be disabled by setting the maximum to 0)
[*]Dispel an active effect by holding a defined dispel key when using a hotkey spell.
[*]Attacking while jumping[i].[/i]
[i]This is an experimental hack, it works but it's a little iffy as your attack animation is canceled once you land on the ground again so it works better for faster weapons since they have a better chance of getting their hitframe to fire.[/i][*]Sweeping Attacks with 1H weapons. (Disabled in towns)
[*]The way spells are charged and released can be configured individually for offensive and defensive spells, additionally overrides can also be defined per hotkey.

[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95017]powerofthree's Papyrus Extender[/url]
[/b]I've noticed that adding or removing effects from the player character interrupts casting of concentration spells, some mods do this extensively, all the time - if you have issues with Warrior Magic canceling your concentration spells before you run out of magicka or release the key then Enable "Concentration Casting Fix" in the MCM.

[b]How to use?
[/b]First you need to bind a spell to your desired key, this can be done in two ways, through the (1) MCM or using the (2) "WMAG Bind Spell" power.

1. In the Warrior Magic MCM, navigate to the "Spells" page and under "Create a spell keybind" click on "Click to bind key", in the popup press the desired key on your keyboard.[list=1]
[*]A new hotkey will be created in the top of the "Spells" page and assigned the first unbound spell available to your character (typically Flames)
[*]Click the spell and wait for the spell list to load, then proceed with selecting the spell you wish to cast.
[*]Exit out of the MCM and hold the key you assigned, it should now charge and a sound prompt + visual effect on your character should indicate when it's fully charged. Now depending on how you've configured casting for this spell it will cast automatically, when you release the key or when you perform the required combat action.

2. Equip the "WMAG Bind Spell" power in your Magic menu, use the power and your Magic menu should open once again.[list=1]
[*]Equip the spell you wish to bind.
[*]Click the key you wish to bind it to.
[*]Your Magic menu should now close. Hold the key you assigned, it should now charge and a sound prompt + visual effect on your character should indicate when it's fully charged. Now depending on how you've configured casting for this spell it will cast automatically, when you release the key or when you perform the required combat action.
[b]Recommended mods for the best experience
[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65934]Badass Dual Wielding[/url] (if you're dual-wielding, so you can block!)
[*][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65044]Better Jumping[/url] (allows double jump, is helpful for attacking while jumping with 2H and otherwise really great to have!)

CBBE Atago Racing LE

[center]This is a HDT CBBE Standalone conversion of
[url=https://sunkeumjeong.wixsite.com/mysite/post/atago-racing-rework]Atago Racing Rework[/url]


Calientes CBBE body mod installed and running in your game with compatible textures

HDT    CBBE w/Compatible Textures


Install archive Manually or with Mod Manager[/b]




Charmers of the Reach SV Beards

[size=5][b]Charmers of the Reach SV Beards[/b][/size]


COR SV Beards v.1.0 adds 250+ new beard combos to the facial hair slider for the Charmers of the Reach male races in Skyrim. They are made from vanilla/COR assets, and put together differently to make new combinations. Please see uploaded screenshots. The styles are pretty random so you'll have to scroll thru to check them all out. (This mod only adds new beard combinations so it will work with any beard texture replacers.) This mod needs the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98585]Charmers of the Reach[/url] mod and it's requirements to be installed to work correctly. This mod is meant specifically for use with the Charmers of the Reach race, for vanilla races see below for links to the orginal SV Beards mods here on Nexus.


I made the original SV Beards years ago, and released it on my [url=http://shadowtigers.tumblr.com/post/135867651864/]Tumblr Blog[/url]. I have been using it for most of my characters/npc’s since then. The original SV Beards mod was inspired by DarkestLycan’s - [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49201]Muttonchops Goatees Handlebars and Lowcut Mohawks mod[/url] here on Nexus(Go check it out!).

[b]Looking for a non-COR version of SV Beards?[/b]

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/94462]SV Beards for LE[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20987]SV Beards for SE[/url]

Known issues-
Some beards sideburns do not not match up with certain hair sideburn mesh/textures.
If the non-matching hair you are trying to use have .tri files, you can sculpt them in racemenu tab to your liking.
There are two different stubble textures in the game, what's up with that?
When I made the corsv stubble texture it was before the mod was updated/released. All the corsv beard combos use the stubble texture I added so there is no sense to go and replace it now.
The stubble texture I'm using "stubble01" is uncompressed, if your game can't run it resave the .dds in a smaller format.

[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98585]Charmers of the Reach by Trixter[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/93503]Geonox Male Character Presets by Geonox(for Optional Beard Texture)[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28363]Beards by Hvergelmir(for Beard Texture)[/url]

Follower Xenobia - The Redguard Ranger -

I'm not good at English.
Xenobia is a standalone follower.

Name : Xenobia
Race : Redguard
Sex : Female
Body : UNP
Weight : 100
Voice : FemaleEvenToned
Level : 1 - 81
Skills : Archery , Light Armor , One-Handed , Two-Handed , Block , Sneak , Restoration
Default Outfit : Ragged Robes / Footwraps
Place : The Drunken Huntsman (Whiterun)
Dual Wield / Marriageable / Essential

Skyrim.esm (ver.1.9.32)

Any Follower Control MODs

Install this MOD using MO2 or Vortex.

[Character Edit Tools]
Enhanced Character Edit : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12951]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12951[/url]
KijikoHairCC : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87226]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87226[/url]
[Eyes Texture]
Fair Skin Complexion : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51602]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51602[/url]
Cute Eyes : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13076]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13076[/url]
[Eyes Mesh]
Invisibility and Eyes Mesh Fix : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43055]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43055[/url]
Eyes AO Clipping Fix : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97707]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97707
[/url][Face & Body Texture]
PureSkinTexture : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73853]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73853
[/url]Fair Skin Complexion : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51602]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51602
[/url][Body Mesh]
DIMONIZED UNP female body : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709[/url]
XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68000]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68000
[/url][Default Outfit Mesh]
UNP Female Armors : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/7305]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/7305[/url]

version1.0 Release

My old PC don't use ENB.
GomaPeroPoses : by GomaPeroPero
[Light source]
Face Light : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13457]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13457[/url]
Quick Light : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73473]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73473[/url]
IMAGINATOR - Visual Control Device for Skyrim : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13049]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13049[/url]
ULTRA REALISTIC WORLD LIGHTING for Skyrim BETA : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13531]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13531[/url]
DYNAVISION - Dynamic Depth of Field : [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12525]http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12525[/url]

[color=#00ffff]====From the author====
[/color][color=#00ffff]Thank you for using this MOD.[/color]

Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim

[url=https://www.patreon.com/EnaiSiaion][img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/68425-0-1489347895.png[/img][/url][size=4][color=#dd7777]Support Enai Siaion on Patreon![/color][/size]
[size=4][color=#7799dd]Discuss this mod on the Posts tab, [url=http://www.reddit.com/r/EnaiRim]/r/EnaiRim[/url] or [url=https://discord.gg/GfYzjPm]the Enairim Discord[/url][/color][/size]
[size=4][color=#cccccc]Skyrim Special Edition version available [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22506]here[/url].[/color][/size]

[size=3][color=#ffaa22]Mod page describes version 3.0.0. Earlier versions may differ significantly, featuring different terminology and stricter favor loss.[/color][/size]

[size=5][color=#eecc77]Following a deity[/color][/size]

Whenever you use a shrine, a dialog box appears, allowing you to become a [i]Follower [/i]of that deity. Followers receive a subtle gift, the [b][color=#777777]Pray [/color][/b]power, and a list of religious tenets. Some deities can only be worshipped by certain races or after completing a quest.

Adhering to the tenets, praying, and worshipping at their shrine will raise your favor with your deity. Upon reaching [b][color=#eedd66]100[/color][/b]%, you become a [i]Devotee [/i]and receive a second gift that is a dramatic manifestation of the deity's power on Tamriel. Ignoring your religious duties or violating their taboos will cause your favor with the deity to gradually diminish. If favor drops to [b][color=#eedd66]0[/color][/b]%, the deity will abandon you.

You can only worship one deity at a time.

[size=4][color=#ccaa55]Prayer and worship[/color][/size]

Use the [b][color=#777777]Pray [/color][/b]power to kneel and enter a meditative state, raising your favor and displaying your current favor. While you can pray as often as you wish, praying at least once a day is sufficient to raise your favor as fast as possible; there is no additional benefit to repeatedly praying in quick succession or praying for long amounts of time. Some deities may restrict prayer to specific times or locations.

You can also worship at the shrine of your deity. Worship is equivalent to prayer, but raises favor by a larger amount.

[size=4][color=#ccaa55]Your starting religion[/color][/size]

At the start of your playthrough (after the intro sequence or when you reach level 2, same as Survival Mode), a dialog box appears, allowing you to choose a deity based on your race. This represents the religion your character followed before they arrived in Skyrim.


Although visiting their shrine is the most common way to become a follower of a deity, there are other ways. In particular, when you interact with a Daedric Prince during a quest or read about their deeds of might and glory, the Daedric Prince may offer you to immediately become their follower, regardless of your race or other requirements.

Should you decline the Temptation, the Daedric Prince will not ask again, so choose wisely. [i](If you decline, you can still become a follower of the Daedric Prince by visiting their shrine.)[/i]

[size=4][color=#ccaa55]Holy relics[/color][/size]

Rare lost artifacts of holy or unholy power exist that will improve your relationship with your deity...

[size=5][color=#eecc77]The Nine Divines[/color][/size]

The Divines welcome any who would worship them into the fold, no matter their race or previous deities. Divine favor is slow to build, but the Divines are merciful and their faithful are unlikely to fall out of favor, unless they overtly commit crimes or ignore their religious duties for a long period of time.

[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: everyone[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Breton / Imperial / Khajiit / Nord[/color][/b]

[i]“Fulfill your destiny by saving Tamriel. Raise your character level. Absorb dragon souls. Never openly break the laws of Skyrim.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Increased Experience:[/color][/b] Learn all skills [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% faster.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Father of Dragons:[/color][/b] Attacks, spells, scrolls, shouts and enchantments are [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% better against dragons (based on favor with Akatosh).
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Turn the Hourglass:[/color][/b] Praying to Akatosh resets the cooldown of your most recently used shout and power.
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: everyone[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Breton / Imperial / Nord / Wood Elf[/color][/b]

[i]“Slay the undead and their summoners. Perform Arkay's Rites. Never openly break the laws of Skyrim. Never summon the undead or become one of them.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Health:[/color][/b] Increases your Health by [b][color=#eedd66]25[/color][/b] points.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Chalice of Life:[/color][/b] Regenerate up to [b][color=#eedd66]5[/color][/b]% of your maximum Health per second based on missing Health. Can perform [b][color=#eedd66]Arkay's[/color][/b] [b][color=#eedd66]Rites[/color][/b].
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Arkayn Cycle:[/color][/b] Revive with full Health upon taking fatal damage. Must pray to use this ability again. Costs [b][color=#eedd66]15[/color][/b]% favor.
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: everyone[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Breton / Imperial / Nord[/color][/b]

[i]“Persuade others. Receive the blessing of Lover's Comfort. Find a new Sybil for my Temple. Pray only in the nude. Never openly break the laws of Skyrim.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Speech:[/color][/b] Prices are [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% better.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Afterglow:[/color][/b] [b][color=#eedd66]Lover's[/color][/b] [b][color=#eedd66]Comfort[/color][/b] (gained by sleeping with one's spouse) also improves all skills by [b][color=#eedd66]5[/color][/b]%.
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Dibellan Arts:[/color][/b] Activate a person in combat to make them unequip their items and follow you for [b][color=#eedd66]90[/color][/b] seconds. Costs [b][color=#eedd66]5[/color][/b]% favor.
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: everyone[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Imperial[/color][/b]

[i]“Master the skills of the Mage. Strive to raise your Magicka. Never openly break the laws of Skyrim.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Magicka:[/color][/b] Increases your Magicka by [b][color=#eedd66]25[/color][/b] points.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Divine Student:[/color][/b] Spells cost [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% less to cast (based on favor with Julianos).
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Temple of Logic:[/color][/b] Spells and scrolls are [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% more effective (based on favor with Julianos).
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: everyone[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Imperial / Khajiit / Nord[/color][/b]

[i]“Explore new locations. Strive to raise your Stamina. Receive the Voice of the Sky. Pray only outdoors. Never openly break the laws of Skyrim.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Stamina:[/color][/b] Increases your Stamina by [b][color=#eedd66]25[/color][/b] points.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Windspeaker:[/color][/b] The fierce spirit of Kyne increases movement speed by [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% in combat.
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Kynareth’s Emissary:[/color][/b] Pray to Kynareth to summon a sacred Sabre Cat mount. 
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: everyone[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Breton / Imperial / Nord / Wood Elf[/color][/b]

[i]“Be married. Own one or more houses. Be generous to beggars and children. Receive the blessing of Lover's Comfort. Never openly break the laws of Skyrim.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing[/color]:[/b] [b][color=#777777]Fortify Restoration:[/color][/b] Restoration spells cost [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% less to cast.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Cleansing:[/color][/b] Pray to Mara to cure all diseases affecting you or allies within [b][color=#eedd66]40[/color][/b] feet.
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Aura of Peace:[/color][/b] Living allies within [b][color=#eedd66]40[/color][/b] feet are healed [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b] points per second (based on favor with Mara).
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: everyone[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Breton / High Elf / Imperial / Nord / Wood Elf[/color][/b]

[i]“Clear dungeons of evil. Slay daedra and the undead. Complete side quests for the people of Skyrim. Never openly break the laws of Skyrim. Never practice the foul summoning arts.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Block:[/color][/b] Block [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% more damage.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Sacred Resolve:[/color][/b] Take [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% less attack damage from daedra and undead (based on favor with Stendarr).
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Channel Divinity:[/color][/b] During prayer, you may spend [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% favor to gain [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% improved attack, defense and healing (based on favor with Stendarr) for [b][color=#eedd66]5[/color][/b] minutes or [b][color=#eedd66]3[/color][/b] battles.
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: everyone[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Imperial / Nord
[i]“Bring the Civil War to a conclusion. Learn the dragon tongue. Absorb dragon souls. Slay elves and the Thalmor. Never openly break the laws of Skyrim.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Shouts:[/color][/b] Time between shouts is reduced [b][color=#eedd66]20[/color][/b]%.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Stormlord:[/color][/b] Attacks, critical strikes and shouts are [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% more effective against elves (based on favor with Talos).
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Dragon of the North:[/color][/b] Your remaining shout cooldown is halved whenever an enemy dies within [b][color=#eedd66]40[/color][/b] feet.
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: everyone[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Breton / Imperial / Nord[/color][/b]

[i]“Invest in stores and merchants. Seek out skill training. Make weapons and armor. Never openly break the laws of Skyrim.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Smithing:[/color][/b] Able to improve items [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% better.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Work Ethic:[/color][/b] Learn Smithing, Alchemy and Enchanting [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% faster and they are [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% better (based on favor with Zenithar).
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Invisible Hand:[/color][/b] Pray to Zenithar to buy and sell items directly.

[size=5][color=#eecc77]The Daedric Princes[/color][/size]

Most Daedric Princes only accept the worship of those they deem worthy of their attention. Gaining favor is not too challenging, as long as one is willing to commit unsavoury acts, but favor also diminishes faster. As a result, prayer alone is not enough to reach devotee status and Daedra worshippers must actively follow their tenets to build up favor. There is no such thing as paying lip service to a Daedric Prince!

[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / Khajiit / everyone who completed "The Black Star”[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Dark Elf / Khajiit[/color][/b]

[i]“Trap souls in my name. Explore new locations. Pray only at twilight, preferably outside. Dark Elves and those skilled in Illusion are most deserving of my favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Resist Magic:[/color][/b] Resist [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% of magic.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Twilight Shroud:[/color][/b] Foes within [b][color=#eedd66]40[/color][/b] feet suffer [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% reduced magic resistance (based on favor with Azura) and can't absorb spells.
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Perfume of Moonshadow:[/color][/b] Activate a person in combat below [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% Health (based on favor with Azura) to paralyze them with [b][color=#eedd66]1[/color][/b] Health. Costs [b][color=#eedd66]5[/color][/b]% favor.
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / everyone who completed "Boethiah’s Calling”[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Dark Elf[/color][/b]

[i]“Murder the innocent. Strike unseen with sneak attacks. Poison your weapons. Dark Elves are most deserving of my favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify One-Handed:[/color][/b] You are [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% more effective with one-handed weapons.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Blood Throne:[/color][/b] Your attacks deal [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% more damage when fighting only one opponent (based on favor with Boethiah).
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Assassinate:[/color][/b] During prayer, you may invoke superior Daedric Invisibility for [b][color=#eedd66]90[/color][/b] seconds. If broken by a sneak attack, it deals [b][color=#eedd66]50[/color][/b]% more damage. Costs [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% favor.
[size=4][color=#ff66cc]Clavicus Vile
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / everyone who completed “A Daedra’s Best Friend”[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: none[/color][/b]

[i]“Pray to accept a Pact and complete it as written within the allotted time. Never break or ignore my Pacts.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Conjuration:[/color][/b] Conjuration spells cost [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% less to cast.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Pactmaker:[/color][/b] Conjuration spells and effects last [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% longer. Pray to make a [b][color=#eedd66]Pact[/color][/b] to gain favor with Clavicus Vile.
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Wishmaster:[/color][/b] Pray to make a Wish, permanently gaining an additional perk point. Costs [b][color=#eedd66]30[/color][/b]% favor.
[size=4][color=#ff66cc]Hermaeus Mora
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Wood Elf / Everyone who completed "Discerning the Transmundane”[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: none[/color][/b]

[i]“Read [b][color=#eedd66]Eldritch[/color][/b] [b][color=#eedd66]Pages[/color][/b] and bind them into [b][color=#eedd66]Eldritch[/color][/b] [b][color=#eedd66]Tomes[/color][/b]. Read books that teach new skills. Become my Champion at the Summit of Apocrypha.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Corpus:[/color][/b] Spells and effects you cast on yourself last [b][color=#eedd66]15[/color][/b]% longer.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Demon of Knowledge:[/color][/b] Find [b][color=#eedd66]Eldritch[/color][/b] [b][color=#eedd66]Pages[/color][/b] on corpses. Similar pages can be bound at a tanning rack to create [b][color=#eedd66]Eldritch[/color][/b] [b][color=#eedd66]Tomes[/color][/b] that improve your magic and shouts.
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Omniscience:[/color][/b] Pray to permanently raise a skill of your choice by one level. Costs [b][color=#eedd66]5[/color][/b]% favor.
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Breton / Wood Elf / werewolf / everyone who completed "Ill Met by Moonlight”[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Wood Elf[/color][/b]

[i]“Slay the living in open combat, especially those stronger than you. Live as a werewolf. Pray in the wild. Those skilled in Light Armor are most deserving of my favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Regenerate Stamina:[/color][/b] Regenerate [b][color=#eedd66]2[/color][/b]% of your maximum Stamina per second.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Bitter Mercy:[/color][/b] Hircine's gift doubles attack damage to living targets with [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% or less Health (based on favor with Hircine)..
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Posting of the Hunt:[/color][/b] During prayer, invoke a [b][color=#eedd66]Hunt[/color][/b] against the living within [b][color=#eedd66]500[/color][/b] feet, revealing them and exposing them to [b][color=#eedd66]Bitter[/color][/b] [b][color=#eedd66]Mercy[/color][/b]. Costs [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% favor.
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: everyone[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: none[/color][/b]

[i]“Activate my Obelisks of Order. Clear dungeons of evil. Slay daedra. Never serve Sheogorath. Those skilled in Heavy Armor are most deserving of my favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Daedra Slayer:[/color][/b] Deal [b][color=#eedd66]15[/color][/b]% more attack damage and critical damage against daedra.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Obelisks of Order:[/color][/b] Generates [b][color=#eedd66]8[/color][/b] Obelisks of Order in Skyrim. Activating one grants [b][color=#eedd66]15[/color][/b] points of Health, Magicka and Stamina.
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Stasis:[/color][/b] Activate an opponent in combat to trap them in an inert but invulnerable state for [b][color=#eedd66]15[/color][/b] seconds. Costs [b][color=#eedd66]5[/color][/b]% favor.
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / Orc / everyone who completed "The Cursed Tribe”[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Dark Elf / Orc[/color][/b]

[i]“Defeat epic foes. Improve weapons and armor. Never commit a crime against the strongholds. Orcs and those skilled in Smithing are most deserving of my favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Power Attacks:[/color][/b] Your power attacks cost [b][color=#eedd66]15[/color][/b]% less Stamina.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Deathbringer:[/color][/b] Your power attacks deal [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% more damage (based on favor with Malacath).
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Bloodsoaked Triumph:[/color][/b] When an enemy dies within [b][color=#eedd66]40[/color][/b] feet, their killer is healed by [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% of the amount of overkill damage dealt (based on favor with Malacath).
[size=4][color=#ff66cc]Mehrunes Dagon
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / Khajiit / everyone who completed "Pieces of the Past”[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Dark Elf / Khajiit[/color][/b]

[i]“Slay people who stand in your way. Defile the shrines of my enemies. Those skilled in Destruction are most deserving of my favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Amplify Destruction:[/color][/b] Destruction spells are [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% more effective.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Self-Immolation:[/color][/b] Daedric fire burns your spirit as you pray, draining Magicka. Stop praying at [b][color=#eedd66]20[/color][/b]% or less to gain more favor and Burning Path activations.
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Burning Path:[/color][/b] Nearby foes burn for [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b] damage and explode on death for [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b] damage (based on favor with Mehrunes Dagon). Pray to recharge.
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / Khajiit / everyone who completed "The Whispering Door”[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Dark Elf / Khajiit[/color][/b]

[i]“Poison your weapons. Strike unseen with sneak attacks. Intimidate the weak. Dark Elves are most deserving of my favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Poisons:[/color][/b] Poisons you mix are [b][color=#eedd66]15[/color][/b]% more effective.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Secret Murder:[/color][/b] Sneak attacks deal [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% more damage from behind (based on favor with Mephala).
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Whispers of Betrayal:[/color][/b] During prayer, seize control of the nearest person within [b][color=#eedd66]75[/color][/b] feet to fight for you. Costs [b][color=#eedd66]5[/color][/b]% favor.
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: High Elf / everyone who completed "The Break of Dawn”[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: none[/color][/b]

[i]“Slay the undead. Never summon the undead or become one of them. High Elves and those skilled in Restoration are most deserving of my favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Amplify Restoration:[/color][/b] Restoration spells are [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% more effective.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Purification:[/color][/b] Attacks, spells, scrolls, shouts and enchantments are [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% better against undead (based on favor with Meridia).
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Supreme Light:[/color][/b] Activate an undead opponent in combat to call down a solar strike to deal [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b] damage (based on favor with Meridia) and half to nearby undead. Costs [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% favor.
[size=4][color=#ff66cc]Molag Bal
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / vampire / everyone who completed "The House of Horrors”[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Dark Elf[/color][/b]

[i]“Slay people who stand in your way. Trap souls in my name. Live as a vampire and never seek a cure. Those skilled in Destruction are most deserving of my favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Destruction:[/color][/b] Destruction spells cost [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% less to cast.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Eye of the Storm:[/color][/b] Absorbs [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b] Magicka and Stamina per second (based on favor with Molag Bal) from nearby enemies in combat.
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Dragged to Oblivion:[/color][/b] Activate a person in combat to banish them to Coldharbour. Pray to request the items. Costs [b][color=#eedd66]15[/color][/b]% favor.
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / everyone who completed "The Taste of Death”[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: none[/color][/b]

[i]“Murder the innocent. Poison your weapons. Eat the corpses of the dead with my Ring. Be generous to beggars.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Resist Poison:[/color][/b] Increases Poison Resistance by [b][color=#eedd66]50[/color][/b]%.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Creeping Decay:[/color][/b] Reduces Poison Resist of all within [b][color=#eedd66]40[/color][/b] feet by [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% (based on favor with Namira).
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Necrophages:[/color][/b] Poisoning a person or putting a Human Heart or Flesh into their inventory attracts insects, reducing armor by [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% and dealing [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b] disease damage (based on favor with Namira).
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / everyone who completed “Darkness Returns”[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: none[/color][/b]

[i]“Pickpocket [b][color=#eedd66]Mysterious[/color][/b] [b][color=#eedd66]Coinpurses[/color][/b]. Pick locks successfully. Pray only at night, preferably in darkness. Those skilled in Sneak are most deserving of my favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Sneak:[/color][/b] You are [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% harder to detect.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Vanish in the Night:[/color][/b] Praying clears non-violent crime bounties up to [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b] gold (based on favor with Nocturnal).
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Raven’s Watch:[/color][/b] During prayer, you may astrally observe the nearest person within [b][color=#eedd66]300[/color][/b] feet.
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: diseased / everyone who completed "The Only Cure”[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: none[/color][/b]

[i]“Catch as many diseases as you can. Accept my Gifts of pestilence. Pray only while diseased. Never accept a cure for your afflictions.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Resist Disease:[/color][/b] Increases Disease Resistance by [b][color=#eedd66]25[/color][/b]%. [i](The shrine does not cure diseases if you are a Follower of Peryite.)[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Taskmaster:[/color][/b] Learn all skills [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% faster (based on favor with Peryite). Pray for [b][color=#eedd66]Peryite's[/color][/b] [b][color=#eedd66]Gifts[/color][/b] to gain favor.
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Green Dragon’s Breath:[/color][/b] Activate a living opponent in combat to inflict all of [b][color=#eedd66]Peryite's[/color][/b] [b][color=#eedd66]Gifts[/color][/b] you have on the target, plus [b][color=#eedd66]5[/color][/b] disease damage per second for each gift. Pray to recharge.
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / everyone who completed "A Night to Remember”[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: none[/color][/b]

[i]“Make mischief and commit misdemeanors and crimes worthy of a bounty. Indulge in mead, wine and ale. Find your own way out of jail.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Potions:[/color][/b] Using beneficial potions and alchemical ingredients is [b][color=#eedd66]15[/color][/b]% better.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Be Merry:[/color][/b] Health, Magicka and Stamina regenerate [b][color=#eedd66]50[/color][/b]% faster while a potion, food item or ingredient is active.
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Pandemonium:[/color][/b] Can pray in combat, forcing the [b][color=#eedd66]5[/color][/b] nearest hostile people to dance for [b][color=#eedd66]20[/color][/b] seconds. Costs [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% favor.
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / Khajiit / everyone who completed "The Mind of Madness”[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Dark Elf / Khajiit[/color][/b]

[i]Pray often and receive Sheogorath's [color=#eedd66]Touch[/color] [color=#eedd66]of[/color] [color=#eedd66]Madness[/color]. Never disrespect cheese.[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - ???:[/color][/b] Grants a random blessing!
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Touch of Madness:[/color][/b] Praying grants a random [b][color=#eedd66]Touch[/color][/b] [b][color=#eedd66]of[/color][/b] [b][color=#eedd66]Madness[/color][/b]. High favor with Sheogorath yields more beneficial effects.
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Lost to Madness:[/color][/b] Receive a [b][color=#eedd66]Touch[/color][/b] [b][color=#eedd66]of[/color][/b] [b][color=#eedd66]Madness[/color][/b] whenever you enter combat.
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / everyone who completed "Waking Nightmare”[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: none[/color][/b]

[i]“Witness the death of those under your mind affecting spells. Kill people in their sleep. Sleep to pray. Those skilled in Illusion are most deserving of my favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Illusion:[/color][/b] Illusion spells cost [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% less to cast.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Night Terrors:[/color][/b] Mind affecting illusion spells work on targets [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b] levels higher (based on favor with Vaermina).
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Phantasmagoria:[/color][/b] Activate a sleeping person to summon an illusion to accompany you for an hour. Costs [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% favor.

[size=5][color=#eecc77]The Elven Ancestors[/color][/size]

Like the Divines, the sacred ancestors of the elven races reward long term relationships. Elven doctrine demands perfection in all things, but helping others is not usually a priority for the ancestors. As a result, they do not penalise you for committing crimes.

[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Breton / High Elf / Wood Elf[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: High Elf / Wood Elf[/color][/b]

[i]“Fulfill your destiny by saving Tamriel. Master all skills. Become my Champion at my sacred Chantry. High Elves are most deserving of my favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Archery:[/color][/b] You are [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% more effective with missile weapons.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Father of Mer:[/color][/b] Learn all skills [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% faster (based on favor with Auriel).
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Path to Alaxon:[/color][/b] Attaining level [b][color=#eedd66]100[/color][/b] in a skill improves that skill by [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% (based on favor with Auriel).
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: everyone[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: High Elf / Wood Elf[/color][/b]

[i]“Explore new locations. Read the stories of others. Hunt animals. Wood Elves are most deserving of my favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Carry Weight:[/color][/b] Carrying capacity increased by [b][color=#eedd66]25[/color][/b] points.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Forest Stride:[/color][/b] The unbounded spirit of Jephre increases movement speed by [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% when out of combat.
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - The Eternal Song:[/color][/b] Stamina regenerates very quickly out of combat. Praying to Jephre brings clear weather.
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: everyone[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Breton / High Elf / Wood Elf[/color][/b]

[i]“Practice magic successfully while praying. Safeguard the Eye of Magnus. Create enchanted items.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Spell Absorption:[/color][/b] [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% chance to absorb a hostile spell and recharge your Magicka.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Sight, Light and Insight:[/color][/b] Magicka does not regenerate, but praying rapidly replenishes Magicka. Spells cost [b][color=#eedd66]75[/color][/b]% less to cast.
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Architect's Gift:[/color][/b] Praying, automatically casts the (beneficial self targeted) spells in your hands for no Magicka and they last [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% longer (based on favor with Magnus).
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Breton / High Elf / Wood Elf[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Breton / High Elf / Wood Elf[/color][/b]

[i]“Explore new locations. Find the standing stones of Skyrim. Harvest the fruits of nature. Bretons are most deserving of my favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Alchemy:[/color][/b] Potions and poisons you mix are [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% stronger.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Shorter Strides:[/color][/b] Health, Magicka and Stamina regenerate [b][color=#eedd66]100[/color][/b]% faster when standing still but [b][color=#eedd66]50[/color][/b]% slower when moving.
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Elvenpath:[/color][/b] During prayer, you may teleport back to the last location where you prayed. Costs [b][color=#eedd66]2[/color][/b]% favor.
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Breton / High Elf / Wood Elf[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: High Elf[/color][/b]

[i]“Read books that teach new skills. Study a wide variety of spells. High Elves are most deserving of my favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Regenerate Magicka:[/color][/b] Regenerate [b][color=#eedd66]2[/color][/b]% of your maximum Magicka per second.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Knowledge Seeker:[/color][/b] You are more likely to find spell tomes and scrolls on enemies you kill.
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Reach for the Stars:[/color][/b] Learn all Mage skills [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% faster (based on favor with Syrabane).
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: High Elf / Orc / Wood Elf[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: High Elf / Orc[/color][/b]

[i]“Slay humans. Defeat epic foes. Never accept Boethiah's blessing or serve her. Those skilled in Two-Handed are most deserving of my favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Two-Handed:[/color][/b] You are [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% more effective with two-handed weapons.6
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Tears of Man:[/color][/b] Attacks deal [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% more damage and critical damage to humans (based on favor with Trinimac).
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Manifest Divinity:[/color][/b] When praying, you may become ethereal and invulnerable until your next attack. Costs [b][color=#eedd66]5[/color][/b]% favor.
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Breton / High Elf / Wood Elf[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Breton / High Elf / Wood Elf[/color][/b]

[i]“Explore new locations. Read the stories of others. Study a wide variety of spells. Bretons are most deserving of my favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Scrolls:[/color][/b] Scrolls are [b][color=#eedd66]25[/color][/b]% more effective.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Scribe’s Insight:[/color][/b] If you read a Skill Book while praying, Xarxes grants you an extra Skill Point in that skill.
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Panopticon:[/color][/b] During prayer, you may ascend in a trance, revealing all characters in a very large radius.
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Wood Elf[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Wood Elf[/color][/b]

[i]“Bribe people as needed. Harvest the fruits of nature. Eat as much food as you want. Those skilled in Speech are most deserving of my favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Alteration:[/color][/b] Alteration spells cost [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% less to cast.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Traveler’s Break:[/color][/b] Beneficial potions, food and ingredients last twice as long and are [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% better (based on favor with Z'en) if consumed while praying.
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Merchant’s Knapsack:[/color][/b] Pray to open an unlimited extradimensional storage space.

[size=5][color=#eecc77]The Yokudan Pantheon
The gods of the Redguards aid their followers in straightforward and effective ways. While many Redguard deities mirror the Imperial pantheon, Redguards also have their own unique deities that are not worshipped anywhere else on Nirn. The Yokudan pantheon does not penalise worshippers for committing crimes.

[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Redguard[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Redguard[/color][/b]

[i]“Bring the Civil War to a conclusion. Make and improve weapons. Master the skills of the Warrior.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Light Armor:[/color][/b] Armor rating of light armor pieces is increased by [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]%.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Spirit Sword:[/color][/b] Power attacks ignore [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% of an opponent's armor (based on favor with Leki).
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Battle Meditation:[/color][/b] During prayer, you may spend [b][color=#eedd66]5[/color][/b]% favor to gain [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% melee damage (based on favor with Leki) for [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b] minutes or [b][color=#eedd66]5[/color][/b] battles. Costs [b][color=#eedd66]5[/color][/b]% favor.
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Redguard[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Redguard[/color][/b]

[i]“Be married. Receive the blessing of Lover's Comfort. Harvest the fruits of nature. Eat as much food as you want.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing[/color]:[/b] [b][color=#777777]Fortify Healing:[/color][/b] Healing spells restore [b][color=#eedd66]15[/color][/b]% more Health.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Healer of the Sands:[/color][/b] Praying restores [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b] Health per second for you and nearby allies (based on favor with Morwha).
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Fertile Growth:[/color][/b] Praying to Morwha blesses you with enchanted fruit that restores or fortifies an attribute.
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Redguard[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Redguard[/color][/b]

[i]“Fulfill your destiny by saving Tamriel. Strive to raise your Health. Absorb dragon souls.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Regenerate Health:[/color][/b] Regenerate [b][color=#eedd66]2[/color][/b]% of your maximum Health per second.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - World Egg:[/color][/b] Shrine blessings from other gods are [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% more effective and last [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% longer (based on favor with Satakal).
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Ouroboros:[/color][/b] Pray to become reborn as a different person, moving points between your attributes. Costs [b][color=#eedd66]15[/color][/b]% favor.
[size=4][color=#ff6666]Tall Papa
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Redguard[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Redguard[/color][/b]

[i]“Touch the Fractures scattered around Skyrim. Create enchanted items. Those skilled in Enchanting are most deserving of my favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Enchanting:[/color][/b] Items are enchanted [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% stronger.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Metaphysical Insight:[/color][/b] Weapon enchantments drain [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% less charge (based on favor with Tall Papa).
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Glimpse the Shores:[/color][/b] On death, enter an ethereal ascended state. If combat ends within [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b] seconds, brings you back to life (based on favor with Tall Papa) for [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% favor. Pray to reset.
[size=4][color=#ff6666]The HoonDing
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Redguard[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Redguard[/color][/b]

[i]“Slay your foes in open combat, especially those stronger than you. Those skilled in One-Handed are most deserving of my favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing[/color]:[/b] [b][color=#777777]Fortify Stagger:[/color][/b] Stagger from attacks and bashes is [b][color=#eedd66]50[/color][/b]% more effective.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Make Way:[/color][/b] Staggering an opponent reduces armor by [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b] points for [b][color=#eedd66]5[/color][/b] seconds (based on favor with the HoonDing).
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Perseverance:[/color][/b] [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% chance to resist stagger from attacks and bashes (based on favor with the HoonDing).

[size=5][color=#eecc77]The Khajiiti Pantheon[/color][/size]

The Khajiit worship many deities, most of which are different aspects of the Divines and Daedric Princes, but they also have several deities that represent their own challenges and unique role in the world. Survival in the foreign land of Skyrim is tough, so their deities do not penalize them for committing crimes, and may in fact reward them.

[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Khajiit[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Khajiit[/color][/b]
“Explore new locations. Bribe people as needed. Pick locks successfully. Those skilled in Lockpicking are most deserving of my favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Lockpicking:[/color][/b] Lockpicking is [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% easier.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Rajhin’s Tales:[/color][/b] Find additional gold in many containers, with a chance to find a large amount of additional gold.
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Prayer of Unlocking:[/color][/b] Pray to Rajhin to break a lock within [b][color=#eedd66]20[/color][/b] feet. Costs [b][color=#eedd66]5[/color][/b]% favor. No effect on locks that can’t be picked.
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Khajiit[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Khajiit[/color][/b]
“Master the skills of the Warrior, Thief and Mage. Strive to raise your Health, Magicka and Stamina. Each is as important as the others. Pray only at night.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Unarmed Damage:[/color][/b] Unarmed strikes do [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b] additional damage.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Path to Llesw’er:[/color][/b] All skills are improved [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% (based on favor with the Riddle'Thar).
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Beseech the Manes:[/color][/b] During prayer, an ancient Mane will grant a blessing they believe to be appropriate for the challenges you are about to face.

[size=5][color=#eecc77]Miscellaneous deities[/color][/size]

In addition to the established pantheons, the common denizens of Tamriel worship many local or less powerful deities. While the power of the Divines and Daedric Princes is unmistakeable, a quick prayer to a minor deity may also bring success in trade, travel or thievery.

[size=4][color=#ccff66]Baan Dar
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Khajiit / Wood Elf[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: none[/color][/b]

[i]“Pick locks and pockets successfully. Khajiit and those skilled in Archery are most deserving of my favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Pickpocket:[/color][/b] Pickpocketing is [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% easier.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Pariah:[/color][/b] Buying items from other races is [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% more expensive, but pickpocketing is [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% easier (based on favor with Baan Dar).
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Skooma Trick:[/color][/b] Put skooma bottles in people's inventory, then pray to Baan Dar to ignite them within [b][color=#eedd66]200[/color][/b] feet for [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b] damage (based on favor with Baan Dar). Costs [b][color=#eedd66]5[/color][/b]% favor.
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: everyone[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: none[/color][/b]

[i]“Slay daedra. Defeat epic foes. Complete miscellaneous quests for the people of Skyrim. Those skilled in Block are most deserving of my favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Heavy Armor:[/color][/b] Armor rating of heavy armor pieces is increased by [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]%.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Enemy of the Daedra:[/color][/b] Attacks and critical strikes are [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% more effective against daedra and those who summon them (based on favor with Ebonarm).
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Raven’s Harvest:[/color][/b] Reduces the armor of enemies within [b][color=#eedd66]40[/color][/b] feet by [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b] points (based on favor with Ebonarm) and you gain the total amount. Doubled against daedra.
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: everyone[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: none[/color][/b]

[i]“Trap souls in my name. Pray only at night. Never accept Arkay's blessing. Those skilled in Conjuration are most deserving of my favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Amplify Conjuration:[/color][/b] Conjuration spells are [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% more effective.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Dark Moon:[/color][/b] Undead conjured at night last [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% longer (based on favor with Mannimarco).
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Nocturne:[/color][/b] Allied conjured undead deal [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% more attack damage and regenerate Health (based on favor with Mannimarco).
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Breton / Imperial / Nord / Redguard[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Nord[/color][/b]

[i]“Fulfill your destiny by saving Tamriel. Master the skills of the Warrior. Slay elves. Defeat epic foes.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Elf Slayer:[/color][/b] Deal [b][color=#eedd66]15[/color][/b]% more attack damage and critical damage against elves.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Another Name for Freedom:[/color][/b] Take [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% less attack damage and stagger from elves (based on favor with Shor).
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Destiny:[/color][/b] When entering combat with a mighty foe, Shor sends a Shield-Thane to assist you. Pray to recharge.
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Argonian / everyone who completed “Innocence Lost”[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Argonian[/color][/b]

[i]“Murder the innocent. Pray while sacrificing a Human Heart or Human Flesh. Send your victims to the Void. Argonians are most deserving of my favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Sneak Attacks:[/color][/b] Sneak attacks deal [b][color=#eedd66]15[/color][/b]% more damage.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Primal Darkness:[/color][/b] Up to [b][color=#eedd66]25[/color][/b]% harder to detect by those within [b][color=#eedd66]30[/color][/b] feet. Chance to find Human Hearts on people you kill.
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Call of the Void:[/color][/b] While sneaking, activate a door to briefly turn it into a Void portal. Targets within [b][color=#eedd66]60[/color][/b] feet who are not detecting you are pulled in and killed. Costs [b][color=#eedd66]5[/color][/b]% favor.
[size=4][color=#ccff66]St. Alessia
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Breton / Imperial / Nord / Redguard[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: none[/color][/b]

[i]“Have a follower at your side. Slay elves. Receive the blessing of a Divine.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Followers:[/color][/b] Followers within [b][color=#eedd66]20[/color][/b] feet gain [b][color=#eedd66]50[/color][/b] points of armor and [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% magic resistance.
[*][[b][color=#777777]Follower - Covenant of Man:[/color][/b] Pray for a Divine blessing of your choice. Divine blessings are [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% better (based on favor with St. Alessia).
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Dragonblood Empress:[/color][/b] While under the effects of a Divine blessing, can talk to most non-hostile humans to make them a friend and potential follower. Costs [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% favor.
[size=4][color=#ccff66]The All-Maker
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Breton / Imperial / Nord / Redguard[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: none[/color][/b]

[i]“Cleanse the All-Maker Stones. Hunt animals. Explore new locations. Pray only outdoors. Nords are most deserving of my favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Animal Hunter:[/color][/b] Deal [b][color=#eedd66]15[/color][/b]% more attack damage and critical damage against animals.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Wellspring of Life:[/color][/b] Healing spells restore [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% more Health (based on favor with the All-Maker).
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - World Shaman:[/color][/b] After using an All-Maker Stone power, pray to the All-Maker to have it restored to you.
[size=4][color=#ccff66]The Hist
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Argonian[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: Argonian[/color][/b]

[i]“Explore new locations. Slay daedra. Pray only outdoors. Never summon a daedra.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Fortify Armor:[/color][/b] Tough scales increase armor by [b][color=#eedd66]50[/color][/b] points.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Symbiosis:[/color][/b] Pray to gain a [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b] point bonus to all attributes for [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b] seconds (based on favor with the Hist).
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Deep Roots:[/color][/b] Absorb [b][color=#eedd66]X[/color][/b]% of the Magicka and Stamina of dead creatures and people within [b][color=#eedd66]60[/color][/b] feet (based on favor with the Hist).
[size=4][color=#ccff66]The Magna-Ge
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: everyone[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: none[/color][/b]

[i]“Create enchanted items. Explore new locations. Pray only outdoors at night. High Elves and those skilled in Alteration are most deserving of our favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Amplify Alteration:[/color][/b] Alteration spells are [b][color=#eedd66]10[/color][/b]% more effective.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Shimmering Light:[/color][/b] Gain [b][color=#eedd66]5[/color][/b] points of weapon charge per second, up to their charge level when last equipped or recharged.
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Starlit Path:[/color][/b] During prayer, you may let the Magna-Ge carry you to a location within line of sight. Costs [b][color=#eedd66]4[/color][/b]% favor.
[size=4][color=#ccff66]The Old Ways
[b][color=#aa6666]Can follow this deity: Breton / Nord[/color][/b]
[b][color=#aa8855]Racial starting deity for: none[/color][/b]

[i]“Slay people who stand in your way. Absorb dragon souls. Assume our powers through prayer. Nords are most deserving of our favor.”[/i]
[*][b][color=#777777]Shrine blessing - Animal Slayer:[/color][/b] Deal [b][color=#eedd66]15[/color][/b]% more attack damage and critical damage against animals.
[*][b][color=#777777]Follower - Totem Worship:[/color][/b] Pray while sacrificing [b][color=#eedd66]100[/color][/b] gold worth of gemstones to assume the powers of an [b][color=#eedd66]animal god[/color][/b].
[*][b][color=#777777]Devotee - Dragon Cult:[/color][/b] Able to assume the powers of the [b][color=#eedd66]Dragon[/color][/b]. Costs [b][color=#eedd66]2[/color][/b]% favor per hour.


[size=5][color=#ccaa55]Compatibility notes[/color][/size]

See [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/articles/962/?]here[/url] for a list of (in)compatible mods.

[size=4][color=#AA8877]How to install or uninstall[/color][/size]

[color=#777777][b]To install:[/b][/color] This mod can be installed during a playthrough. Add the mod to your load order and activate it. Note that if you are next to a vanilla non-functional shrine that is turned into a functional shrine by this mod (Azura, Hircine, Peryite) when you install the mod, you may experience graphical glitches because loaded objects can't be moved or disabled. This will fix itself after a cell reset.

[color=#777777][b]To uninstall:[/b][/color] This mod can be removed during a playthrough. Make sure you are not worshipping Arkay or Kynareth and don't have a shrine blessing active, then remove the mod.

[*][size=2][color=#777777][b]The dialog to follow a Divine does not show up when I activate their shrine[/b][/color] You have another mod that modifies shrine blessings and is loaded after Wintersun.[/size][/*]
[*][size=2][color=#777777][b]My favor keeps going down:[/b][/color] Make sure you are praying at least once every 24 hours. A reminder notification appears 24 hours after your last prayer session. Note that favor depletes much faster in versions of Wintersun before 3.0.0, especially for Daedric Princes.[/size][/*]
[*][size=2][color=#777777][b]I spam pray but my favor barely increases:[/b][/color] Praying at least once every 24 hours is sufficient to gain the maximum amount of favor from praying. Praying more often than that does not yield more favor.[/size][/*]
[*][size=2][color=#777777][b]I heard you can only worship a deity once / I got abandoned, did I lose the deity forever:[/b][/color] Incorrect. You can follow a deity at their shrine an unlimited number of times, even if the deity abandons you. Some Daedric Princes will offer you to follow them immediately when you read about them, and this can only occur once, but if you decline, you can always follow them at their shrine at a later time.[/size][/*]
[*][size=2][color=#777777][b]Abilities are excessively strong / I do far too much damage / this mod is OP: [/b][/color] This mod uses the "VoicePoints" and "VoiceRate" unused actor values to implement favor scaling, and having another mod that uses these actor values in your load order will result in a conflict. The outcome of such a conflict is that follower abilities and/or shrine blessings are much more powerful than the ability description claims.[/size][/*]
[*][size=2][color=#777777][b]How do I use "during prayer" abilities such as Stendarr's Channel Divinity: [/b][/color] While praying, a luminous glow appears in front of you. Activate it with the Activate button, like opening a chest.[/size][/*]
[*][size=2][color=#777777][b]How do I use "activate a target in combat" abilities such as Meridia's Supreme Light: [/b][/color] In melee range, activate the target with the Activate button, like opening a chest.[/size][/*]
[*][size=2][color=#777777][b]Can I worship multiple deities: [/b][/color] No. Implementing this would require removing most forms of favor scaling, and if you can worship several deities, each of them would need a major nerf, making it pointless to worship just one (or any less than 50). Lore wise, while commoners may worship "the nine", clergy are typically dedicated to one deity only.[/size][/*]
[*][size=2][color=#777777][b]My favor is stuck at 0%:[/b][/color] If you use the MCM to disable abandonment, your favor can become negative, which is displayed as 0% because many worshipper abilities scale with favor and would become drawbacks at negative favor. Either gain enough favor to get back above 0%, or disable the MCM option to get abandoned and return to their shrine to follow them again with a fresh 15% favor.[/size][/*]

[i]Shrine resources (Jephre banner, Hircine banner, Shrine of Azura, Shrine of Hermaeus Mora) by:[/i] nickorasu and Colt17
[i]Shrine resources (Elven shrines, many other resources) by:[/i] Oaristys
[i]Shrine resources (Shrine of Sithis, Yokudan shrines) by:[/i] Runspect
[i]Fruit resources (Morwha) by:[/i] bfadragon
[i]Eldritch literature resources by:[/i] Blary

Alerathla Companion_Elven Healer Combat Specialist_Standalone UUNP_CBBE





Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim (Russian Translation)

[center][color=#cc0000][size=4][b]Только переведенный .esm файл! Основные файлы мода нужно скачать на странице оригинала, кликнув по кнопке "Original File"под названием или по ссылке в конце![/b][/size][/color][/center][b][center][/center][/b]

[color=#ffd966][size=5]Как стать последователем?
Используя соответствующее святилище вы можете начать поклонятся божеству. Это сделает вас [i]последователем[/i] данного божества, предоставив доступ к уникальной способности, возможности [color=#b6b6b6]возносить молитвы[/color], и списку священных догм. Поклонение некоторым божествам может быть доступно только определенным расам, или после выполнения задания.

Следование догмам, ежедневные [color=#b6b6b6]молитвы[/color] и поклонение возле святилищ повышают благосклонность божества. Достигнув 100% благосклонности, вы становитесь [i]поборником[/i] божества и получаете Дар - вторую, более могущественную способность. Игнорирование ваших ежедневных обязанностей служителя и противоречие догмам снизит благосклонность божества, вынудив его в конечном итоге отвернутся от вас.

Вы можете одновременно поклонятся лишь одному божеству, однако если вы покинете божество (кроме Принцев Даэдра), но потом решите вернутся к нему, вы получите часть благосклонности обратно

 [color=#f1c232][size=4]Молитвы и поклонение[/size][/color]

Вы можете [color=#b6b6b6]возносить молитву[/color] в любое время, используя одноименный талант, получая немного благосклонности и отображая текущий уровень благосклонности. Не забывайте возносить мольбу как минимум один раз в день, чтобы не ухудшить своих отношений с божеством. Некоторые божества принимают [color=#b6b6b6]молитвы[/color] лишь в определенных условиях.

Вы также можете поклонятся божествам возле их святилищ, что равнозначно молитве, но прибавляет больше благосклонности.

[color=#f1c232][size=4]Где найти святилища?[/size][/color]

Список всех добавленных святилищ а также подсказки где их искать можно найти под вкладкой Docs.

[color=#f1c232][size=4]Как повысить благосклонность?

[/size][/color]Перечень всех действий, которые так или иначе влияют на благосклонность божеств можно посмотреть (наконец-то) под той же вкладкой Docs.

[color=#f1c232][size=4]Начальная религия
После прохождения вступительного задания и получения 2 уровня вам предоставится возможность поклонятся одному из божеств, почитаемых среди вашего народа.


Хотя использование святилища и является наиболее распостраненным способом стать последователем, есть и другие. В частности, некоторые Принцы Даэдра могут предложить вам стать их служителем во время выполнения их задания, или после прочтения книги об их делах, мощи и славе. Будьте внимательны! Они не станут предлагать дважды!


Вы можете находить затерянные в веках, священные или не очень, артефакты, которые помогут вам завоевать расположение божеств.

[color=#f1c232][size=4]Применение способностей и даров[/size][/color]

Активные способности в Wintersun подразделяются на 2 группы: активируемые через молитву и активируемые на цель.
Способности 1-й группы (например Невидимая рука Зенитара, Устранение Боэтии или Боевой транс Леки) можно использовать, активировав светящуюся сферу, которая появляется перед персонажем во время молитвы.
Способности 2-й группы (например  Стагнация Джиггалага, Высший свет Меридии или Фантасмагория Вермины) можно применить нажатием кнопки активации (по умолчанию Е) на подходящем противнике, подойдя достаточно близко.

[i] [/i][size=5][b][color=#ffd966][i]Пантеон Девяти[/i][/color][/b]
Поклонение богам означает также и следование их божественным идеалам. Их расположение может и сложно завоевать, но они милостивы, и не отказываются от своих служителей без очень веских на то оснований.

[color=#cc4125][b][i]Требования: нет[/i][/b][/color]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: бретоны, имперцы, каджиты, норды[/color][/b]

[i]"Исполни свою судьбу и спаси Тамриэль. Становись сильнее. Поглощай души драконов. Не нарушай законов в открытую."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Внимательность:[/color][/b] Вы изучаете все навыки на [b]10%[/b] быстрее.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Отец Драконов:[/color][/b] Атаки, заклинания, свитки, Крики и зачарования на [b]Х%[/b] эффективнее против драконов (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][color=#999999][b]Поборник - Перевернуть Часы:[/b][/color] Вознесение молитвы сбрасывает время восстановления последнего произнесенного Крика или таланта.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: нет[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: босмеры, бретоны, имперцы, норды[/color][/b]

[i]"Уничтожай нежить и призвавших ее. Проводи [b][color=#ffe599]Ритуал[/color][/b] над усопшими. Никогда в открытую не нарушай закон. Никогда не призывай нежить и не присоединяйся к ним."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Повышение здоровья: [/color][/b]Повышает ваш запас здоровья на [b]25[/b].
[*][color=#999999][b]Служитель - Кубок Жизни:[/b][/color] Восстановление до [b]5%[/b] от максимального запаса здоровья в секунду, в зависимости от недостающего здоровья. Можно проводить [b][color=#ffe599]Ритуал Аркея[/color][/b].
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Цикл Аркея:[/color][/b] Возрождение с полным запасом здоровья после получения смертельного удара, ценой 15% благосклонности. Нужно вознести молитву чтобы способность вновь сработала.

[i][b][color=#cc4125]Требования: нет[/color][/b][/i]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: бретоны, имперцы, норды[/color][/b]

[i]"Убеждай других своим красноречием. Получай благословение [/i][b][color=#ffe599][i]Объятий Любви[/i][/color][/b][i]. Найди новую Пророчицу моему храму. Никогда в открытую не нарушай закон."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Повышение красноречия: [/color][/b]Цены выгоднее на [b]10%[/b].
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Приятные Воспоминания:[/color][/b] [color=#ffe599][b]Объятия Любви[/b][/color] также повышают все навыки на[b] 5%[/b].
[*][color=#999999][b]Поборник - Искусства Дибеллы:[/b][/color] Активируйте на человеке в бою чтобы заставить его сбросить снаряжение и следовать за вами в течении [b]90[/b] секунд, ценой [b]5%[/b] благосклонности.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: нет[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: имперцы[/color][/b]

[i]"Совершенствуйся в искусстве магии. Повышай свой запас маны. Никогда не нарушай закон."[/i]
[*][color=#999999][b]Благословение святилища - Повышение магии: [/b][/color]Повышает ваш запас маны на [b]25[/b].
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - [/color][/b][b][color=#999999]Божественная Ученость:[/color][/b] Заклинания требуют на [b]Х%[/b] меньше маны (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Храм Логики:[/color][/b] Заклинания и свитки на [b]Х% [/b]эффективнее (зависит от благосклонности).

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: нет[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: имперцы, каджиты, норды[/color][/b]

[i]"Исследуй новые земли. Повышай свою выносливость. Получи благословение [b][color=#ffe599]Гласа Небес[/color][/b]. Возноси молитвы под открытым небом. Никогда в открытую не нарушай закон."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Повышение выносливости: [/color][/b]Повышает ваш запас сил на [b]25[/b].
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Говорящий с Ветром: [/color][/b]Неистовый дух Кинарет увеличивает скорость передвижения в бою на [b]10%[/b].
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Эмиссар Кинарет:[/color][/b] Вознесение молитвы под открытым небом позволяет призвать священного ездового Саблезуба.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: нет[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: босмеры, бретоны, имперцы, норды[/color][/b]

[i]"Создай семью. Приобрети во владение дом. Проявляй щедрость к нищим и сиротам. Получай благословение [b][color=#ffe599]Объятий Любви[/color][/b]. Никогда в открытую не нарушай закон."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Повышение навыка восстановления: [/color][/b]Заклинания восстановления расходуют на [b]10%[/b] меньше магии.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Очищение:[/color][/b] Вознесение молитвы исцеляет любые болезни всем в радиусе [b]40[/b] шагов.
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - [/color][/b][b][color=#999999]Аура Спокойствия:[/color][/b] Живые союзники в радиусе [b]40[/b] шагов исцеляются на [b]Х[/b] в секунду (зависит от благосклонности).

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: нет[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: альтмеры, босмеры, имперцы, норды, бретоны[/color][/b]

[i]"Очищай мир от зла. Уничтожай даэдра и нежить. Помогай людям. Не нарушай законов. Не призывай нежить."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Повышение навыка блокирования: [/color][/b]Вы блокируете на [b]10%[/b] больше урона.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - [/color][/b][b][color=#999999]Божественная Решимость:[/color][/b] Вы получаете на [b]Х%[/b] меньше урона от даэдра и нежити (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - [/color][/b][b][color=#999999]Священный Поток:[/color][/b] Вознося молитву, вы можете получить благословение, повышающее урон от атак, защиту и получаемое лечение на [b]Х%[/b] (зависит от благосклонности) на [b]5[/b] минут или [b]3[/b] боя, в обмен на [b]10%[/b] благосклонности.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: нет[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: имперцы, норды[/color][/b]

[i]"Заверши Гражданскую Войну. Изучай слова Силы. Поглощай души драконов. Уничтожай эльфов и талморцев. Никогда в открытую не нарушай закон."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Повышение искусства Криков: [/color][/b]время восстановления Криков снижено на [b]20%[/b]
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Повелитель Бурь: [/color][/b]Атаки и Крики на [b]Х%[/b] эффективнее против эльфов (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Дракон Севера: [/color][/b]Время восстановления Крика снижается на половину, когда враг умирает в радиусе [b]40[/b] шагов.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: нет[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: бретоны, имперцы, норды[/color][/b]

[i]"Вкладывай деньги в торговые лавки. Бери уроки у учителей. Практикуйся в кузнечном деле. Никогда в открытую не нарушай закон."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Повышение навыка кузнечного дела: [/color][/b]Вы улучшаете вещи на [b]10%[/b] сильнее.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Трудовая Этика: [/color][/b]Изучение навыков кузнечного дела, алхимии и зачарования происходит на [b]Х%[/b] быстрее, и они становятся на[b] Х%[/b] сильнее (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Невидимая Рука:[/color][/b] Вознесение молитвы позволяет напрямую покупать и продавать вещи.
[b][i][color=#ffd966][size=5]Даэдрические Принцы[/size][/color][/i][/b]

Служители Принцев Даэдра живут сегодняшним днем. Их Владыки вознаграждают своих верных служителей невероятной и ужасной силой, но часто и отбирают эти дары по своей прихоти. Принцы непостоянны, и отворачиваются от своих служителей, если не сейчас, то потом.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: данмер, каджит или задание "Черная Звезда"[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: данмеры, каджиты[/color][/b]

[i]"Заключай души в мою Звезду. Исследуй новые земли. Возноси молитвы лишь в сумерках, под открытым небом. Темные эльфы и мастера школы Иллюзии в особенности угодны мне."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Сопротивление магии: [/color][/b]Сопротивление магии повышается на [b]10%[/b].
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Сумеречный Покров: [/color][/b]Враги в радиусе [b]40[/b] шагов теряют [b]Х%[/b] сопротивления магии и не могут поглощать заклинания (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Аромат Лунной Тени:[/color][/b] Активируйте на противнике в бою с уровнем здоровья ниже [b]Х%[/b] (зависит от благосклонности) чтобы парализовать его с [b]1[/b] здоровья, ценой [b]5%[/b] благосклонности.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: данмер или задание "Зов Боэтии"[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: данмеры[/color][/b]

[i]"Убивай невинных. Атакуй из тени. Используй яды. Темные эльфы в особенности угодны мне."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Повышение навыка одноручного оружия: [/color][/b]Одноручное оружие на [b]10%[/b] эффективнее.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Кровавый Трон:[/color][/b] Ваши атаки наносят на [b]Х%[/b] больше урона в бою с одним противником (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Устранение: [/color][/b]Во время вознесения молитвы вы можете призвать высшую Даэдрическую Невидимость на [b]90[/b] секунд. Скрытная атака, прервавшая Невидимость, нанесет на [b]50%[/b] больше урона. Цена - [b]10%[/b] благосклонности.
[b][i][color=#c27ba0][size=4]Клавикус Вайл[/size][/color][/i][/b]

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: данмер или задание "Лучший друг Даэдра"[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: нет[/color][/b]

[i]"Заключай [b][color=#ffe599]Пакты[/color][/b] и выполняй их с точностью. Никогда не нарушай Договор."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Повышение навыка колдовства: [/color][/b]заклинания Колдовства требуют на [b]10%[/b] меньше маны.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Мастер Договоров: [/color][/b]Заклинания Колдовства длятся на [b]10%[/b] дольше. Вознеси молитву чтобы заключить [b][color=#ffe599]Пакт[/color][/b] и заслужить благосклонность Клавикуса Вайла.
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Исполнитель Желаний: [/color][/b]Вознесение молитвы позволяет загадать [b][color=#ffe599]Желание[/color][/b], навсегда получив дополнительное очко умений, в обмен на [b]30%[/b] благосклонности.
[b][i][color=#c27ba0][size=4]Хермеус Мора[/size][/color][/i][/b]

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: данмер или задание "За гранью обыденного"[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: нет
[i]"Читай [b][color=#ffe599]Мистические Страницы[/color][/b], соединяй их в [b][color=#ffe599]Запретные Фолианты[/color][/b]. Получай новые знания через учебники. Стань моим Защитником на Вершине Апокрифа."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Усиление тела: [/color][/b]Заклинания и эффекты, направленные а себя, длятся на [b]15%[/b] дольше.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Демон Знаний: [/color][/b]На телах убитых можно найти [b][color=#ffe599]Мистические Страницы[/color][/b]. Одинаковые страницы можно объединить, создав могущественные [b][color=#ffe599]Запретные Фолианты[/color][/b], позволяющие усилить магические способности.
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Всеведение: [/color][/b]Вознося молитву, вы можете повысить выбранный навык на 1, ценой [b]5%[/b] благосклонности.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: данмер, босмер или задание "Зов луны"[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: босмеры[/color][/b]

[i]"Срази своих врагов в открытом бою. Охоться на крупную дичь. Прими дар ликантропии. Возноси молитвы среди дикой природы. Умелые в обращении с легкими доспехами угодны мне."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Восстановление выносливости: [/color][/b]Вы восстанавливаете дополнительно [b]2%[/b] от максимума запаса сил.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Удар Милосердия: [/color][/b]Дар Хирсина удваивает урон по целям с запасом здоровья менее [b]Х%[/b] (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Объявить Охоту:[/color][/b] Вознеся молитву, вы можете объявить [b][color=#ffe599]Охоту[/color][/b] на все живое в радиусе [b]500[/b] шагов, раскрывая их местоположение и подвергая действию [b][color=#ffe599]Удара Милосердия[/color][/b], расплатившись [b]10%[/b] благосклонности.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: нет[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: нет[/color][/b]

[i]"Активируй мои [b][color=#ffe599]Обелиски Порядка[/color][/b]. Очищай подземелья от зла. Изничтожай даэдра. Не поддавайся безумию Шеогората. Умелые в обращении с тяжелыми доспехами в особенности заслуживают моего расположения."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Убийца даэдра: [/color][/b]Вы наносите на [b]15%[/b] больше урона даэдра.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Обелиски Порядка:[/color][/b] Создает 8 [b][color=#ffe599]Обелисков Порядка[/color][/b] в Скайриме. Активация одного из них повышает запас здоровья, маны и выносливости на [b]15[/b].
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Стагнация:[/color][/b] Примените к противнику в бою чтобы парализовать его и сделать неуязвимым на[b] 15[/b] секунд, ценой[b] 5%[/b] благосклонности.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: данмер, орк или задание "Проклятое племя"[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: данмеры, орки[/color][/b]

[i]"Побеждай могучих противников. Улучшай свои доспехи и оружие. Никогда не совершай преступлений против крепостей. Орки и умелые кузнецы в особенности заслуживают моей благосклонности."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Улучшение силовых атак: [/color][/b]Силовые атаки требуют на [b]15%[/b] меньше выносливости.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Вестник Смерти:[/color][/b] Силовые атаки наносят на[b] Х%[/b] больше урона (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Кровавый Триумф:[/color][/b] Когда враг умирает в радиусе [b]40[/b] шагов, его убийца исцеляется на [b]Х%[/b] от излишнего урона (зависит от благосклонности).
[b][i][color=#c27ba0][size=4]Мерунес Дагон[/size][/color][/i][/b]

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: данмер, каджит или задание "Осколки прошлого"[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: данмеры, каджиты[/color][/b]

[i]"Убивай всех, кто встанет на твоем пути. Оскверняй святилища моих врагов. Мастера школы Разрушения в особенности забавляют меня."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Усиленное Разрушение: [/color][/b]Заклинания школы Разрушения на [b]10%[/b] эффективнее.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Самосожжение:[/color][/b] Даэдрический огонь опаляет вашу душу и истощает запас маны, пока вы возносите молитву. Остановите процесс на [b]20%[/b] или меньше чтобы получить больше благосклонности и восстановить заряд [b][color=#ffe599]Выжженной Земли[/color][/b].
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Выжженная Земля: [/color][/b]Враги поблизости получают [b]Х[/b] огненного урона и взрываются после смерти, нанося [b]Х[/b] урона (зависит от благосклонности). Вознесите мольбу чтобы восстановить заряды.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: данмер, каджит или задание "Шепчущая дверь"[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: данмеры, каджиты
[i]"Рази врагов без жалости из теней. Используй яды. Истребляй слабых. Темные эльфы особенно угодны мне."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Усиленные яды: [/color][/b]Смешанные вами яды на [b]15% [/b]эффективнее.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Тайный Убийца:[/color][/b] Скрытные атаки сзади наносят на [b]Х%[/b] больше урона (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Шепот Предательства:[/color][/b] Вознесение молитвы позволяет вам взять под контроль ближайшего человека на расстоянии [b]75[/b] шагов, ценой [b]5%[/b] благосклонности.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: данмер, альтмер или задание "Рассветная Заря"[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: нет[/color][/b]

[i]"Изничтожай нежить. Никогда не используй искусства некромантии и не становись нежитью. Высокие эльфы и мастера школы Восстановления в особенности угодны мне."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Усиленное Восстановление: [/color][/b]Заклинания школы Восстановления на [b]10%[/b] эффективнее.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Очищение: [/color][/b]Атаки, заклинания, свитки, Крики и зачарования на [b]Х%[/b] эффективнее против нежити (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Высший Свет:[/color][/b] Активируйте в бою против нежити чтобы нанести[b] Х[/b] урона цели (зависит от благосклонности) и половину этого значения всем мертвецам поблизости, ценой [b]10%[/b] благосклонности.
[b][i][color=#c27ba0][size=4]Молаг Бал[/size][/color][/i][/b]

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: данмер или задание "Дом ужасов"[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: данмеры[/color][/b]

[i]"Уничтожай всех, кто встанет на твоем пути. Поглощай души в мою честь. Прими вампиризм и даже не заикайся об исцелении. Мастера школы Разрушения особенно радуют меня."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Повышение навыка разрушения: [/color][/b]заклинания разрушения требуют на [b]10%[/b] меньше маны.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Око Бури:[/color] [/b]Поглощение [b]Х[/b] маны и выносливости у ближайших врагов в бою (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Утащить в Обливион:[/color][/b] Активируйте на противнике в бою чтобы выслать его в Хладную Гавань, ценой [b]15%[/b] благосклонности. Вознесите молитву чтобы получить вещи жертвы.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: данмер или задание "Вкус смерти"[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: нет[/color][/b]

[i]"Убивай невинных. Используй яды. Поедай тела мертвецов. Проявляй щедрость к нищим."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Сопротивление ядам: [/color][/b]Ваше сопротивление ядам повышается на [b]50%[/b].
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Ползучая Чума: [/color][/b]Снижение сопротивления ядам у всех в радиусе [b]40[/b] шагов на [b]Х%[/b] (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Некрофаги:[/color][/b] Отравление цели, или подкладывание человеческого сердца или плоти в карман, привлекает свору насекомых, которые наносят [b]Х [/b]урона от болезни и снижают броню на[b] Х[/b] (зависит от благосклонности).

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: данмер или задание "Возвращение сумерек"[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: нет[/color][/b]

[i]"Находи [b][color=#ffe599]Таинственные Кошели[/color][/b]. Успешно взламывай замки. Возноси молитвы во тьме. Мастера искусства скрытности наиболее угодны мне."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Повышение скрытности: [/color][/b]Вас на [b]10%[/b] труднее заметить.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Раствориться в Ночи:[/color][/b] Вознесение молитвы снимает ненасильственные штрафы размером до [b]Х[/b] септимов (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Вороний Дозор: [/color][/b]Вознесение молитвы позволяет наблюдать за людьми в радиусе [b]300[/b] шагов.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: данмер или задание "Единственное лекарство"[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: нет[/color][/b]

[i]"Не избегай болезней, принимай мои [color=#ffe599][b]Моровые Дары[/b][/color]. Возноси молитву лишь во время болезни. Не пытайся лечить заболевания."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Сопротивление болезням:[/color][/b] Ваше сопротивление болезням повышается на [b]25%[/b].
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Надсмотрщик: [/color][/b]Изучение всех навыков проходит быстрее на [b]Х%[/b] (зависит от благосклонности). Возноси молитвы чтобы получить [b][color=#ffe599]Дары Периайта[/color][/b]. Святилища не исцеляют от болезней.
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Дыхание Зеленого Дракона:[/color][/b] Активируйте на живом противнике в бою чтобы наложить на него все имеющиеся [b][color=#ffe599]Дары[/color][/b], наносящие по [b]5 [/b]урона от болезни в секунду за каждый.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: данмер или задание "Незабываемая ночка"[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: нет[/color][/b]

[i]"Не отказывай себе в веселье, шалостях и мелких преступлениях, если они того стоят. Радуй себя вином, элем и медом. Сбегай из-под заключения."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Крепкие зелья:[/color][/b] Положительные эффекты зелий и ингредиентов на [b]15%[/b] сильнее.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель: Будь Веселей!:[/color][/b] Здоровье, мана и выносливость восстанавливаются на [b]50%[/b] быстрее после употребления зелий, еды, выпивки или ингредиентов, на время действия их эффектов.
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Свистопляска: [/color][/b]Возможность возносить молитву во время боя, заставляя при этом [b]5[/b] ближайших враждебных человек пустится в пляс на [b]20[/b] секунд, ценой [b]10%[/b] благосклонности.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: данмер, каджит или задание "Безумный ум"[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: данмеры, каджиты[/color][/b]

[i]"Возноси молитвы, получая [b][color=#ffe599]Касание Безумия[/color][/b]. Никогда не проявляй неуважение к сыру."[/i]
[b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - ???: [/color][/b]Вы получаете случайное благословение.
[b][color=#999999]Служитель - Касание Безумия:[/color][/b] Вознесение молитвы дарует случайный эффект. С ростом благосклонности растет и польза эффектов.
[b][color=#999999]Поборник - В Плену Безумия: [/color][/b]Вы получаете [b][color=#ffe599]Касание Безумия[/color][/b] в начале каждого боя.


[i][b][color=#cc4125]Требования: данмер или задание "Ходячий кошмар"[/color][/b][/i]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: нет[/color][/b]

[i]"Управляй разумом своих противников и наблюдай за их смертью. Убивай врагов во сне. Возноси молитвы во сне. Мастера школы Иллюзии особенно угодны мне."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Повышения навыка иллюзии:[/color][/b] Заклинания иллюзии расходуют на [b]10%[/b] меньше магии.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Ночные Кошмары:[/color][/b] Воздействующие на разум заклинания школы Иллюзии действуют на цели [b]Х[/b] уровней выше (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Фантасмагория:[/color][/b] Активируйте на спящей цели чтобы призвать иллюзию, сопровождающую вас в течении часа, ценой [b]10%[/b] благосклонности.
[b][i][color=#ffd966][size=5]Эльфийские Предки[/size][/color][/i][/b]

Подобно богам, священные Предки эльфов призывают свой народ к совершенствованию и стремлению к идеалу во всех сферах жизни, с целью вновь обрести божественную искру. Самопожертвование и бескорыстность не являются для них приоритетными добродетелями.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: альтмер, босмер или бретон[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: альтмеры, босмеры[/color][/b]

[i]"Исполни свою судьбу и спаси Тамриэль. Достигай мастерства во всех областях. Стань моим Защитником и владей моим луком. Высокие эльфы наиболее достойны моего одобрения."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Повышение навыка стрельбы: [/color][/b]Вы на [b]10%[/b] лучше управляетесь с оружием дистанционного боя.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Отец Меров:[/color][/b] Все навыки изучаются на [b]Х%[/b] быстрее (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Путь в Алаксон: [/color][/b]Достижение [b]100[/b] уровня навыка улучшает его на[b] Х%[/b] (зависит от благосклонности).

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: нет[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: альтмеры, босмеры[/color][/b]

[i]"Путешествуй и изучай новые земли. Читай истории других путешественников. Выслеживай животных. Лесные эльфы больше всех угодны мне."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Повышение грузоподъемности: [/color][/b]Переносимый вес увеличивается на[b] 25[/b].
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Лесной Шаг: [/color][/b]Вольный дух И'ффре повышает вашу скорость передвижения на [b]10%[/b] вне боя.
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Вечная Песня:[/color][/b] Запас сил восстанавливается быстрее вне боя. Вознесение молитвы приносит ясную погоду. 
[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: нет[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: альтмеры, босмеры, бретоны[/color][/b]

[i]"[b][color=#ffe599]Практикуйся[/color][/b] в магии. Стань Хранителем Ока Магнуса. Создавай зачарованные предметы."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Поглощение заклинаний: [/color]10%[/b] шанс поглотить вражеское заклинание и восстановить ману в объеме его стоимости.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Взгляд, Свет и Проницательность:[/color][/b] Мана восполняется только при вознесении молитвы. Заклинания требуют на [b]50%[/b] меньше маны. Можно проводить [b][color=#ffe599]Магические Практики[/color][/b].
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Дар Архитектора:[/color][/b] Во время вознесения молитвы, вы автоматически применяете нацеленные на себя благоприятные заклинания из обеих рук. Эти заклинания не требуют маны и длятся на [b]Х%[/b] дольше (зависит от благосклонности).

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: альтмер, босмер или бретон[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: альтмеры, бретоны, босмеры[/color][/b]

[i]"Исследуй новые земли. Ищи Стоящие Камни. Собирай урожай. Бретоны наиболее достойны моей благосклонности."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Повышение навыка алхимии:[/color][/b] Смешанные вами яды и зелья на [b]10%[/b] сильнее.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Короткие Шаги:[/color][/b] Здоровье, мана и запас сил восстанавливаются на [b]100%[/b] быстрее в неподвижности, но на[b] 50%[/b] медленнее в движении.
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Эльфийский Путь:[/color][/b] Вознося молитву, вы можете переместится в место, где вы возносили молитву в прошлый раз, ценой [b]2%[/b] благосклонности. 

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: альтмер, босмер или бретон[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: альтмеры[/color][/b]

[i]"Читай книги и повышай свое мастерство. Изучай новые заклинания. Высокие эльфы больше других достойны моей благосклонности."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Восстановление магии: [/color][/b]Вы восстанавливаете дополнительно[b] 2%[/b] от максимального запаса маны в секунду.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Мудрость Искателя:[/color][/b] Вы с большей вероятностью находите томы заклинаний и свитки на телах противников.
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Дотянуться до Звезд: [/color][/b]Вы изучаете все навыки Мага на [b]Х%[/b] быстрее (зависит от благосклонности).

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: альтмер, босмер или бретон[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: альтмеры, орки[/color][/b]

[i]"Уничтожай людей. Побеждай могучих противников. Никогда не принимай предложений Боэтии и не служи ей. Искусные в обращении с двуручным оружием угодны мне."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Повышение навыка двуручного оружия:[/color][/b] Удары двуручным оружием на [b]10%[/b] эффективнее.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Слезы Человечества: [/color][/b]Атаки наносят на[b] Х%[/b] больше урона людям (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Божественное Проявление: [/color][/b]Вознося молитву вы получаете дар бесплотности и неуязвимости, пока не атакуете, в обмен на [b]5%[/b] благосклонности.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: альтмер, босмер или бретон[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: альтмеры, босмеры, бретоны[/color][/b]

[i]"Исследуй новые земли. Читай истории других путешественников. Изучай новые заклинания. Бретоны в наибольшей мере заслуживают моего одобрения."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Мощные свитки: [/color][/b]Свитки на [b]25% [/b]эффективнее.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Проницательность Писца: [/color][/b]Читая обучающую книгу во время вознесения молитвы, вы получаете дополнительное очко навыка.
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Паноптикум: [/color][/b]Вознося молитву, вы можете войти в транс, раскрывая местоположение всех существ в огромном радиусе.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: босмер[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: босмеры[/color][/b]

[i]"Подкупай людей при необходимости. Собирай урожай. Ешь, сколько захочешь. Мастера красноречия особенно приятны мне."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Повышение навыка изменения: [/color][/b]Заклинания изменения расходуют на [b]10%[/b] меньше магии. 
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Отдых Путешественника: [/color][/b]Эффекты полезных зелий, пищи и ингредиентов становятся сильнее на [b]Х%[/b] (зависит от благосклонности) и длятся в два раза дольше, если приняты во время вознесения молитвы.
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Сумка Торговца: [/color][/b]Вознесите молитву, чтобы получить доступ к неограниченному внепространственному хранилищу.
[b][i][color=#ffd966][size=5]Йокуданский Пантеон[/size][/color][/i][/b]

Редгарды имеют собственную религию, которая помимо прочих включает в себя божеств из предыдущей кальпы, или временной линии. Йокуданские боги суровы и практичны, они помогают своим служителям явными и эффективными способами.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: редгард[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: редгарды[/color][/b]

[i]"Заверши Гражданскую Войну. Создавай и улучшай свое оружие. Оттачивай воинские умения."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Повышение навыка легкой брони: [/color][/b]Защита от элементов легкой брони на [b]10%[/b] выше.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Духовный Меч: [/color][/b]Силовые атаки игнорируют [b]Х% [/b]брони противника (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Боевой Транс:[/color][/b] Вознося молитву, вы можете усилить урон от атак на [b]Х%[/b] (зависит от благосклонности), ценой 5% благосклонности. Длительность - [b]10[/b] минут или [b]5[/b] битв.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: редгард[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: редгарды[/color][/b]

[i]"Создай семью. Получай благословение [b][color=#ffe599]Объятий Любви[/color][/b]. Собирай урожай. Ешь, сколько пожелаешь."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Усиленное лечение: [/color][/b]Исцеляющие заклинания на [b]15%[/b] эффективнее.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Целительница Песков:[/color][/b] Вознесение молитвы восстанавливает [b]Х[/b] здоровья в секунду всем окружающим (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Плодородие:[/color][/b] Вознесение молитвы позволяет вырастить священный фрукт, восстанавливающий или укрепляющий ваши атрибуты.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: редгард[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: редгарды[/color][/b]

[i]"Исполни свою судьбу и спаси Тамриэль. Повышай свой запас здоровья. Поглощай души драконов."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Восстановление здоровья:[/color][/b] Вы восстанавливаете дополнительно [b]2%[/b] от максимального здоровья в секунду.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Мировое Яйцо: [/color][/b]Благословения святилищ других Богов на [b]Х%[/b] сильнее и длятся на [b]Х%[/b] дольше (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Уроборос:[/color][/b] Вознесение молитвы позволяет переродится другим человеком, распределяя очки между атрибутами.
[b][i][color=#e06666][size=4]Высокий Отец[/size][/color][/i][/b]

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: редгард[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: редгарды[/color][/b]

[i]"Ищи Разломы, разбросанные по Тамриэлю. Создавай зачарованное оружие. Мастера зачарования особенно угодны мне."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Повышение навыка зачарования:[/color][/b] Зачарования, накладываемые на предметы на [b]10%[/b] сильнее.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Метафизическое Просветление:[/color][/b] Зачарования оружия поглощают на [b]Х%[/b] меньше заряда (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Проблеск Берегов:[/color][/b] После смерти вы возноситесь до эфирного состояния. Если бой закончится за [b]Х [/b]секунд (зависит от благосклонности), вы возрождаетесь к жизни, ценой [b]10%[/b] благосклонности. Вознесите молитву чтобы использовать вновь.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: редгард[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: редгарды[/color][/b]

[i]"Срази своих врагов в открытом бою. Побеждай сильных противников. Мастера одноручного оружия заслуживают мое уважение."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Усиленное ошеломление: [/color][/b]Ошеломление от силовых атак и атак плашмя на [b]50%[/b] эффективнее.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - С Дороги!: [/color][/b]Ошеломление противника снижает его рейтинг брони на [b]Х[/b] (зависит от благосклонности). Длительность - [b]5[/b] секунд.
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Стойкость:[/color][/b] [b]Х%[/b] шанс сопротивления ошеломлению от силовых атак и ударов щитом (зависит от благосклонности).
[b][i][color=#ffd966][size=5]Пантеон Каджитов[/size][/color][/i][/b]

Каджиты поклоняются многим божествам, большинство из которых являются аспектами Девяти или Принцев Даэдра, но и у них есть несколько уникальных божеств, у которых своя роль в мире.
[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: каджит[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: каджиты[/color][/b]

[i]"Изучай новые территории. Подкупай стражу. Успешно взламывай замки. Искусные взломщики особенно дороги мне."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Повышение навыка взлома: [/color][/b]Взлом замков на[b] 10%[/b] проще.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Сказки Раджина: [/color][/b]Вы находите больше золота в контейнерах, с шансом найти кучу дополнительного золота.
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Молитва Отворения: [/color][/b]Вознесите молитву чтобы открыть запертый объект в радиусе [b]20[/b] шагов, ценой [b]5%[/b] благосклонности. Не действует на двери, которые невозможно взломать.
[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: каджит[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: каджиты[/color][/b]

[i]"Упражняйся на Пути Воина, Вора, или Мага. Повышай запасы здоровья, маны, и выносливости. Каждый так же важен, как и другие. Возноси молитву ночью."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Повышение урона без оружия: [/color][/b]Удары без оружия наносят [b]10[/b] дополнительного урона.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Дорога в Эльсвейр:[/color][/b] Все навыки улучшены на [b]Х%[/b] (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Просьба к Гривам: [/color][/b]Вознося молитву, вы получаете благословение древнего Гривы, которое он посчитает подходящим для преодоления трудностей, с которыми вам предстоит столкнутся.
[b][i][color=#ffd966][size=5]Другие божества[/size][/color][/i][/b]

Жители Тамриэля поклоняются многим местным или менее известным божествам. И хотя сила Девяти и Принцев Даэдра неоспорима, все же остаются поклонники и у других богов.
[b][i][color=#6aa84f][size=4]Баан Дар[/size][/color][/i][/b]

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: босмер или каджит[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: нет[/color][/b]

[i]"Успешно вскрывай замки и обчищай карманы. Каджиты и мастера стрельбы в наибольшей степени заслуживают моего расположения."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Повышение навыка карманных краж: [/color][/b]Карманные кражи на [b]10%[/b] проще.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Отверженный: [/color][/b]Вещи у торговцев другой расы стоят на [b]Х%[/b] дороже, но карманные кражи становятся на [b]Х%[/b] легче (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Трюк со Скумой: [/color][/b]Подложите бутылку скумы в инвентарь противника, затем вознесите молитву чтобы поджечь все бутылки в радиусе [b]200 [/b]шагов, нанося [b]Х[/b] урона (зависит от благосклонности), в обмен на [b]5%[/b] благосклонности.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: нет[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: нет[/color][/b]

[i]"Уничтожай даэдра. Побеждай могучих врагов. Помогай людям. Мастера блокирования наиболее угодны мне."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Повышение навыка тяжелой брони: [/color][/b]Защита от элементов тяжелой брони на [b]10% [/b]выше.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Враг Даэдра:[/color][/b] Атаки наносят на[b] Х%[/b] больше урона даэдра и тем, кто призвал их (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Воронья Жатва: [/color][/b]Снижает рейтинг брони у врагов в радиусе [b]40[/b] шагов на[b] Х[/b] (зависит от благосклонности), добавляя вам итоговое количество. Удваивается против даэдра.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: человек[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: норды[/color][/b]

[i]"Исполни свою судьбу и спаси Тамриэль. Совершенствуйся на пути Воина. Уничтожай эльфов. Побеждай могучих противников."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Убийца эльфов: [/color][/b]Атаки наносят на [b]15%[/b] больше урона эльфам.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Воплощение Свободы: [/color][/b]Урон от эльфов уменьшается на [b]Х%[/b] (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Предназначение:[/color][/b] Вступая в бой с могучим противником, вы получаете в помощь Тана-Щитоносца. Вознесите молитву чтобы восстановить умение.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: аргонианин или задание "Потерянная невинность"[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: аргониане[/color][/b]

[i]"Убивай невинных. Приноси мне в жертву человеческие сердца и плоть. Отправляй своих жертв [b][color=#ffe599]навстречу Пустоте[/color][/b]. Аргониане больше прочих угодны мне."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Усиление скрытных атак: [/color][/b]Скрытные атаки наносят на [b]15%[/b] больше урона.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Первозданная Тьма:[/color][/b] Врагам в радиусе [b]30[/b] шагов труднее вас заметить, чем ближе враг, тем труднее вас обнаружить, вплоть до [b]25%[/b]. [b]10%[/b] шанс  найти сердца на телах убитых людей.
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Зов Пустоты:[/color][/b] В режиме скрытности взаимодействуйте с дверью, чтобы превратить ее в [b][color=#ffe599]Портал Пустоты[/color][/b], ценой [b]5% [/b]благосклонности. Враги в радиусе [b]60[/b] шагов, не заметившие вас, затягиваются внутрь и мгновенно умирают.
[b][i][color=#6aa84f][size=4]Святая Алессия[/size][/color][/i][/b]

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: человек[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: нет[/color][/b]

[i]"Путешествуй в компании друга. Уничтожай эльфов. Получай благословения Восьмерых."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Укрепление спутников:[/color][/b] Спутники в радиусе [b]20[/b] шагов получают[b] 50[/b] брони и [b]10%[/b] сопротивления магии.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Завет Людей:[/color][/b] Вознесите молитву чтобы получить благословение одного из Имперских божеств. Благословения на [b]Х%[/b] сильнее (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Драконорожденная Императрица[/color][/b]: Находясь под эффектом Божественного благословения, поговорите с невраждебным человеком чтобы сделать его другом и возможным спутником, ценой[b] 10%[/b] благосклонности. 

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: аргонианин[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: аргониане[/color][/b]

[i]"Исследуй новые земли. Уничтожай даэдра. Возноси молитвы лишь под открытым небом. Никогда не призывай даэдра."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Укрепление брони: [/color][/b]Рейтинг брони повышается на [b]50[/b].
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Симбиоз: [/color][/b]Вознесите молитву чтобы получить бонус в [b]Х[/b] ко всем атрибутам на[b] Х[/b] секунд (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Глубокие Корни:[/color][/b] Вы поглощаете [b]Х%[/b] маны и запаса сил (зависит от благосклонности) из мертвых существ и людей в радиусе [b]60[/b] шагов.
[b][i][color=#6aa84f][size=4]Старые Пути[/size][/color][/i][/b]

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: норд или бретон[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: нет[/color][/b]

[i]"Уничтожай тех, кто встанет на твоем пути. Поглощай души драконов. Принимай нашу силу. Истинные норды особенно угодны нам."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Убийца зверей: [/color][/b]Атаки наносят на [b]15%[/b] больше урона животным.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Жертва Тотему: [/color][/b]Вознесите молитву, пожертвовав драгоценный камень стоимостью 100 золотых или больше, чтобы получить силу Звериного бога.
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Драконий Культ: [/color][/b]Возможность принять силу Дракона, ценой[b] 2%[/b] благосклонности в час.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: нет[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: нет[/color][/b]

[i]"Заключай души в мою честь. Возноси молитвы ночью. Никогда не принимай благословения Аркея. Мастера школы Колдовства особенно угодны мне."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Усиленное Колдовство:[/color][/b] Заклинания школы Колдовства на [b]10%[/b] эффективнее.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Черная Луна: [/color][/b]Мертвецы, призванные ночью существуют на [b]Х%[/b] дольше (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Ноктюрн: [/color][/b]Поднятые мертвецы наносят на [b]Х%[/b] больше урона (зависит от благосклонности) и восстанавливают здоровье.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: человек[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: нет[/color][/b]

[i]"[/i][i]Очищай мои Камни от скверны. Охоться на животных. Исследуй новые земли. Возноси молитвы лишь под открытым небом. Норды наиболее достойны моей благосклонности."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Охотник на Зверей:[/color][/b] Атаки наносят на [b]15%[/b] больше урона животным.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Источник Жизни:[/color][/b] Исцеляющие заклинания восстанавливают на [b]Х%[/b] больше здоровья (зависит от благосклонности).
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Мировой Шаман:[/color][/b] После использования силы Камня Все-Создателя, вознесите молитву чтобы получить еще один заряд.

[b][i][color=#cc4125]Требования: нет[/color][/i][/b]
[b][color=#f6b26b]Расы-почитатели: нет
[i]"Создавай зачарованные предметы. Исследуй новые земли. Возноси молитву лишь при свете звезд. Высокие эльфы и мастера школы Изменения особенно угодны нам."[/i]
[*][b][color=#999999]Благословение святилища - Усиленное Изменение: [/color][/b]Заклинания школы Изменения на [b]10%[/b] эффективнее.
[*][b][color=#999999]Служитель - Мерцающий Свет: [/color][/b]Восполнение [b]5[/b] ед. заряда зачарованного оружия, вплоть до уровня заряда на котором оно было экипировано, или до какого уровня было перезаряжено в последний раз.
[*][b][color=#999999]Поборник - Путь Звездного Света:[/color][/b] Вознося молитву, вы можете воззвать к Магне-Ге, чтобы они перенесли вас в локацию в пределах поля зрения, ценой[b] 4%[/b] благосклонности.
[*]Скачать оригинал мода по ссылке - [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95545]Winersun - Faiths of Skyrim[/url]

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[/list][b][color=#e69138][size=4][center]Касательно любых ошибок или опечаток, найденных в переводе просьба писать лично мне, или в раздел "Баги". Приятной игры![/center][/size][/color][/b]

Ultimate Combat



This mod is combat overhaul mod focusing on enhanced game enjoyment and ease of play.
The goal is to bring Skyrim closer to a neat action game than to increase difficulty and reality.
Enemies acts are various, dash attacks, continuous attacks, dodge, great spell, cooperating act, get angry, and more...
Your tactics and operation, more affecting results of combat.

Skyrim SE version is [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17196]here[/url]. I would appreciate it if you like and endorse/vote it.
Skyrim 1.9.32
SKSE 1.7.3
SkyUI 3.1+

[size=3][b][color=#AACCFF]-Add Special Attacks[/color][/b][/size]
Add a lot of new attack animation. It is a unique feature of this mod.
Continuous attacks, dash attacks, a wide range of rotation attacks and more various attacks.
Some special attack cannot stagger during attacking.

    Number of new attacks added:
    Human 19
    Draugr and skeleton 6
    Falmer 3
    Dragon Priest 5
    Dwarf Centurion 5
    Giant 4

[color=#9fc5e8][size=3][b]- Extension of vanilla AI[/b][/size][/color]
Diverse behaviors is compatible with light load by extending havok and scripted AI.
Enemy NPC is fatal wound, surrounding friends run up to protect an ally. If it is a sorcerer try to recover health.

Applied race:human, draugr, dragon priest, skeleton, ash spawn, dwarven centurion, falmer, giant, frost giant.

[color=#9fc5e8][size=3][b]- Great Spell[/b][/size][/color]
High level wizards use long chanting spell than normal one.
It is a wide range recovery magic, a penetrating spell or a wide range paralyzed spell.

[color=#a4c2f4][size=3][b]- Improvement of playability[/b][/size][/color]
Improve boring and troublesome parts.

    + Significantly reduce speed and frequency of NPC's super reaction to long range attack (so-called Ninja Dodge).
    + Reduce turning speed and tracking performance of all NPCs.
    + Invalidation of killmove received by players. *
    + Delete disarm shout from draugr *
    + Change force shout specification. Player staggers instead of blowing away.*

    * It can be toggled in MCM

[color=#a4c2f4][size=3][b]- Poise (Stagger Resistance)[/b][/size][/color]
This mod adopts a new stagger system from 3.0.
The poise is accumulated by poise damage value, and it gets stagger when it exceeds a certain value. Poise value recover to its maximum value when get a stagger. Every time an enemy staggers, poise value of max gradually increases.

It is aimed at preventing too many staggers between players and enemies by barrier of poise.
Depending on the purpose, it does not stagger with normal attacks.
It relates to bash, power attack and bow attack only.

Players staggers by enemy power attacks or bash attacks.
Unlike vanilla, behavior is interrupted.

Attacks by daggers and small animals are hard to stagger due to their low poise damage value.

poise and poise damage depends on weapons, armor, weight(creature only).
Calculate to existing numerical base without a patch.

Heavy armor has high poise value, two handed weapons have high poise damage value. Stagger by bow is also based on poise.
--- Tips ----[/color]
Enemy definitely staggers for the first time.
The second time, enemy also stagger with a high probability, because the first poise value is accumulated.
As long as a poise damage does not exceed total poise value at the third time, enemy may not stagger with bash or power attack only once.

[b][color=#a4c2f4][size=3]- Timed Block[/size][/color][/b]
If player is blocking attack at the front for a short time, player don't
stamina/health damage and then attacker staggers and damages stamina.
Player gains the blocking skill. Also, player can also block arrow.
Whether to stagger or not depends on poise value. Player cannot use it when stamina is low.

[color=#a4c2f4][b][size=3]- Infighting Shield[/size][/b][/color]
Expand magical shield when you charge a magic(just after pressing a button)
with the timing of enemy attacking (also arrow) at the front.
You parry the enemy attack, you are not damaged, and then attacker staggers depends on poise.
It consumes 10 magicka on success. Possible range of parrying is limited
than timed block. Bleeding/poison damage is not blocked.

[color=#9fc5e8][b][size=3]- Speed Bonus[/size][/b][/color]
Both enemy and player increase/decrease damage depending on speed and direction.

If player move forward against an enemy, player deal/incoming more damage depending on speed of player.
Conversely, if player moves backwards, player deal/incoming  less damage depending on speed.

Enemy also the same affect. While enemy attack forward, player gets chance of great dealing damage, but also a risk of suffering heavy damage.

Small or floating enemies are out of scope:
Ice wraith, skeever, mud crab, dragon priest etc.
Damage-up at the speed bonus is a multiplier, so you will receive more benefit from the high damage of the two-handed weapon better than dagger.

[color=#9fc5e8][b][size=3]- Locational Damage[/size][/b][/color]
Attack by player bow and crossbow has locational damage.

    [b]Head[/b]: Deal additional damage. The amount of additional damage depends on the critical damage and skill of archery.
    [b]Arms[/b]: Reduce accuracy rate of bow, lower physical damage and increase cost of destructive magic.
    [b]Foot[/b]: Decrease attack and movement speed.

Effect of the shock wave is displayed when succeeds.
This feature is stable and lightweight.

Arms and feet targets around knees and elbows.

[color=#9fc5e8][size=3][b]- Swing effect[/b][/size][/color]
adds a slashing effect to player when swinging a weapon.

[color=#9fc5e8][size=3][b]- Other features[/b][/size][/color]
    + You can block immediately even while attacking.
    + Both players and NPCs consume stamina when blocking attacks.
    + The reach of the bash is shortened.
    + NPC increases speed of weapon switch and pickup.
    + It is safe and lightload because it distributes scripts dynamically only at the start of battle. There is no need to wait for 30 days in skyrim.
    + Can also be used with other combat mod etc, because I don't edit vanilla objects.
[color=#9fc5e8][size=4]- Boss enemies[/size][/color][/b]
I set they stronger than others for more exciting.

[b][color=#a4c2f4][size=3]+ Dragon Priest[/size][/color][/b]
Health is doubled by default. Magnification can be set in MCM.
Adds warp, shockwave with stagger, magic beam to track target,water column at feet, water column to track target and more.
Increases physical attack resistance.

[color=#a4c2f4][size=3][b]+ Dwarven Centurion[/b][/size][/color]
Health is doubled by default. Magnification can be set in MCM.

Added simple locational damage.
Attacking on the back adds more damage. Continuing attacking the back many times will enter an error check. Centurion cannot act while error checking.
Attacking with bow or ranged magic on chest adds more damage. (including the rounded part of the chest).  Note:Face is ineffective.

Increases physical attack resistance.
When certain conditions are met, it moves to overload mode.
Decrease in physical / magic resistance. Increase attack speed and damage. There is a special attack during overload.
+ Giant[/size][/b][/color]
Helath depends on player level. It will not increase much during player level is low.
Maximum health magnification can be set in MCM.
Increases physical attack resistance depends on player level.

When certain conditions are met, giant moves to anger mode.
Decrease in physical / magic resistance, increase attack damage and speed. There is a special attack during anger.

[b][color=#EECC99][size=4][color=#ffe599]Mod Configuration Menu (MCM)[/color]
[/size][/color][/b]You can adjust it as you like in MCM.

[color=#fff2cc][b][size=4]General page[/size][/b][/color]
[b][color=#AACCFF][size=3]+Timed Block[/size][/color][/b]
[b]Effective Time[/b] - Set TimedBlock effective time after starting block stance.
[b]Blur Strength[/b] - Set blur strength when succeeded in timed blocking.

[b][color=#AACCFF][size=3]+Game Balance Settings[/size][/color][/b]
[b]Hardcore Damage[/b] - Both player and NPC increased damage. You get faster-paced combat such as "Deadly Combat".
[b]Hardcore Stealth[/b] - Stealth is more difficult. It is more affected by sound, light and equipped weight.
NPC are easier to find even from the far away you. NPC continue to search for you for a long time.
[b]Speed Bonus[/b] - Your movement speed and direction affect melee attack damage both dealing and incoming.
[b]Player Killmove Immunity[/b] - Player is immune to killmove from NPC.[color=#AACCFF]

[/color][b]Enemy Poise[/b]    - Enemy has poise resistance, deal poise damage by power attack or bash.  They stagger after poise resistance value falls below 0.
[b]Player Stagger[/b]    - Player also have poise resistance and staggers same as NPC. Off:  player doesn't stagger by NPC power attack. It is the same as vanilla.
[b]NPC's Bow Poise[/b] - NPC's bow attack has poise damage.
[b]Player's Bow Poise[/b] - Player's bow attack has poise damage.
[/color][color=#a4c2f4][size=3][b]+Locational Damage[/b][/size][/color]
[b]Headshot Damage Mult[/b] - Headshot damage mult. You can turn off locational damage by setting to 0.0.
[b]Headshot Message[/b] - Show a message when suceed headshot.
[b]Locational Damage Sound[/b] - Play a sound when succeed headshot.
[b]Locational Damage Effect[/b] - Play a hit effect when succeed locational damage.

[b]Swing Effect[/b]    -  Add slash effect while player swings a weapon.
[b]Activate Mod[/b]    - Toggle activate this mod.

[color=#fff2cc][size=4][b]NPC Setting Page[/b][/size][/color]
Dodge        - Choose frequency of dodge.
Step Dodge     - Caution: Required running FNIS. Change NPC's roll dodge to step dodge.
Delete Disarm Shout - Delete disarm shout from draugr.
Prevent blow-off from Force Shout - Player doesn't blown off from Unrelenting Force shout, player staggers instead.
Max HP Scale    - Set giant maximum health multiplier. Giant health depends on player level.

If you not install SKSE, "skse_1_9_32.dll", "skse_loader.exe", "skse_steam_loader.dll" and "Data" Folder move to your Skyrim Installation Folder.
(<Steam install folder>\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\)

1. Install and activate TKDodge.esp with the mod management tool.
2. If enemy can new animations but stay in place and you use virtual mod management tool e.g. Mod Organizar, put files directly in Skylim's Data folder.
[b][color=#9fc5e8][size=3]- Use with FNIS[/size][/color][/b][/size][/color]
This mod works without FNIS, but patch is required if you use with FNIS together.

1. Download the latest FNIS (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11811/).
2. Run [color=#fff2cc][b]Data \ tools \ GenerateFNIS_for_Users \ GenerateFNISforUsers.exe[/b].[/color]
3. Check [color=#fff2cc][b]tktk1's "TK Dodge / Ultimate Combat"[/b][/color] from the bottom patch list.
4. Press the "Update FNIS Behavior".
5. Wait until the installation is complete.

[color=#9fc5e8][b][size=3]- Use with PCEA[/size][/b][/color]
1. Backup "Meshes\actors\character\behaviors\1hm_behavior.hkt, magicbehavior.hkt" before install a patch.
2. Overwrite "Option - PCEA patch folder" in including this mod to skyrim folder.

Only overwrite the files. You do not have to do other. But, PCEA user don't forget to overwrite patch files.

1.Deactive mod in MCM.
2.Exit game, and then delete this mod using all files.

[b][color=#EEAA55]* Files shared by my mod[/color][/b]
Do not erase shared files by mistake when you uninstall this mod.
Don't worry about overwritten files when installed.

Shared File:
+TK Dodge            +TK Combat
1hm_behavior.hkx        1hm_behavior.hkx
magicbehavior.hkx        AnimationCheckTKmodswithFNIS.txt

Need a patch. Read Installation in this description. But [b]incompatible with FNIS Creature[/b].

[b][url=http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14871/]PCEA[/url] -[/b] Please use PCEA patch. Backup and overwrite file(DataMeshesactorscharacterbehaviors1hm_behavior.hkt, sprintbehavior.hkx, magicbehavior.hkx). If you do not use the patch, player get stuck when sprinting or dodging.

[b]ASIS, ERSO, Enhanced Enemy AI, ACE, High Level Enemies, Combat Evolved, Wildcat, Requiem
Deadly Combat, Duel - Combat Realism[/b] and almost other mods is compatible with this mod. This Mod is placed after from these mods.
If there is same function, turn off either one.

[b]Skyrim Behavior Organizer, The Ultimate Dodge Mod
[/b]Edited Behavior file and unsupported FNIS mods is almost incompatible.

[b][color=#ffe599][size=4]Recommended my mod[/size][/color][/b]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55206/]Ultimate Dragons[/url]: Dragon combat overhaul mod was made with the same concept.
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/20923/]TK Dodge[/url]: Adds dodge animation for player.
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/23681/]TK HitStop[/url]: Player adds a solid feel to weapon strikes and an effect to confirm the hit.

[color=#ffe599][b][size=4]Known / Issue bugs[/size][/b][/color]
- Script does not attach to the enemy in combat already.
- If swing effect does not appear, switch or sheathe a weapon.

[color=#ffe599][b][size=4]Trouble Shooting[/size][/b][/color]
[b][size=3]NPC cannot move after special attack.[/size][/b]

Please try following ways.

 1.Install the latest FNIS. 2.If you use mod organizer or Nexus mod manager0.6+,     Make sure below 4 files in Mod Organizer\Overwrite or NMM\Skyrim\overwrite folder or UltimateCombat folder.    meshes\animationdatasinglefile.txt and  animationsetdatasinglefile.txt    meshes\actors\character\behaviors\1hm_behavior.hkx and magicbehavior.hkx. 3.Put directly those files to Skyrim folder\Data.    Example: Skyrim\data\Meshes\actors\character\behaviors\1hm_behavior.hkx, magicbehavior.hkx[/list]
[b][size=3]Weapons get stuck in hand.[/size][/b][size=3]
[/size]You need to change to another weapon once.
There is no bug occurring after that.

[b]If it still occurs:[/b]
This bug does not occur if script works correctly. I guess that your Skyrim script is delayed.
Try to deactivate other mods. Or Turn off swing effect in MCM.

Supported Language
Japanese tktk
English    tktk
Italian    alfx3
Spanish   meneraing
Korean    Oppressor
Russian   UnoSkorpion, xopkins

I was wondering if you could translate an English text of MCM into your language.
[url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1K5H1Y50G8DyOdzeCAenZXITxYjRrM66oECEp2f_8LCo/edit?usp=sharing]Translation sheet[/url] can be edited by anyone. Thanks for your help.

[color=#ffe599][b][size=4]Special Thanks[/size][/b][/color]

[b][color=#ffe599][size=4]Supports are welcome[/size][/color][/b]
I cannot accept donations by Paypal in my country. It is possible for patreon or ko-fi.

ko-fi in my page. $3-


Comprehensive Sleeves Pack

[center][size=6][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12250?]SPECIAL EDITION VERSION[/url][/size][size=3][/size][/center][size=3]

Have you ever wondered why people are walking around cold and snowy Skyrim in apparel suitable only for much warmer climate? Well, wonder no more, because Comprehensive Sleeves Pack will take care of this!
I have gathered different mods with open permissions into single master compilation, that will replace most clothes and armors in-game with warmer ones.

- 100% standalone and compatible
- all light armors now have warm and simple sleeves
(and no freaky goat helmet on the scaled armor!)
- all heavy armors now have strong chainmail sleeves
(I prefer to think of [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/da/6c/29/da6c29c548563faf242ed8f655304bc2--th-century-armors.jpg]something like this[/url] beneath cuirass instead of full chainmail)
- Dawnguard red male armor now has sleeves (female version already had them)
- Prisoner/Beggar clothes are now suitable for a harsh winter (well, kind of...)
- Sleeveless male farmer outfits (3 types) were replaced with warmer clothes
[size=3][color=#ff0000][size=4]Not featured:[/size][/color][/size]
[color=#ff0000][size=4][color=#ffffff][size=3]- Falmer ugly half-armor[/size][/color]

Other great mods. Install them after CSP unless other is specified[/size][/color][size=3][color=#ff0000][size=4]:[/size][/color][/size]
[size=3]- [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48160/?]Practical Female Armors[/url] (Install it before this mod!)
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6085/?]- Perfect Legionnaire
[/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95891]- Heavy Legion
[/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95719]- Guards Armor Replacer[/url]
[size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58871/?]- Cuir Bouilli Leather Armor[/url] [/size]

Q: Some of the female clothes still look somewhat revealing.
A: They are usually worn by tavern wenches, so I think it's fine that they want to give those customers at least something to stare at.
You can also try [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/23230/?]Skyrim Modesty Mod.[/url] Just install it before Comprehensive Sleeves Pack.

Q: Do I need to install Brigandage or any other mod to get this working?
A: No. This mod is completely standalone.

Q: Can I use Brigandage with it?
A: Yes, you can. Install the patch to avoid seeing duplicates. Also try [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51813/?]Common Clothes[/url] from the same author.

Q: Some of the outfits are exploding.
A: Move Comprehensive Sleeves Pack.esp to the end of the load order. Redownload file from here and overwrite if asked.

Q: WIll this work with my favorite retextures?
A: Sure!

Q: I have suggestions or critique.
A: You are welcome, but please remember that I don't have skills to do anything with textures or 3d models. I can only use what other people have done and given permissions to the community.

Q: I want to make my own version of your compilation.
A: All outfits in the main files are published with open permissions as for September 2017, so you can do whatever you want as long as this is Nexus-only and you give credits to the original creators.[/size]
Full list of armors and credits is included in the README (outdated).
Short credits:
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51184/?]Jarls Clothes Replacer by Frank Zunge[/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70202/?]
Semper Fi - An Imperial Armor Mod by Rogue1024, contains meshes by rahman530 and hothtrooper44 used with permission[/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76821/]Imperial Warm Armors by gezegond[/url]
[/size][/color][/size][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81612/?]Forsworn Armor Redux by Kredans[/url][/size]
[size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51813/]Common Clothes by Franklin Zunge[/url][/size]
[size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32706/?]Brigandage by [b]Franklin Zunge[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/31252/?]Scale and Fur by [b]Franklin Zunge[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22684/?]Iron Armor variant with sleeves and chainmail by [b]defunkt [/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29519/?]Banded Iron with Sleeves by [b]Franklin Zunge[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29492/?]Steel Armor with Sleeves by [b]Franklin Zunge[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30493/?]Jehennian Leather Cuirass by [b]Franklin Zunge[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22793/?]Morrowind Armor Compilation by [b]Teh-Husky[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17720/?]Skyrim Peasant Fashion by [b]PaulImposteur[/b][/url]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69103/?]Nordic Wanderer Equipment by [b]Billyro
[/b][/url][b][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48160/?]Practical Female Armors[/url][/size] by [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2000006]JZBai[/url][/b][/size][size=3][color=#ff0000][size=4]
[/size][/color][/size][size=3][color=#ff0000][size=4]Helmets and Shields patch:
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/21431]Helmet variants - horns and wings removed - Iron and Steel Plate by defunkt
[/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40696]Stalhrim Helmet Replacer by Arcticia
[/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/21988]Shields Of Skyrim by Delincious[/url]

PrivateProfileRedirector LE - Faster game start (INI file cacher)

[center][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/92725]Skyrim LE[/url] | [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18860/]Skyrim SE[/url] | [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/33947]Fallout 4[/url][/center]
The problem this plugin tries to solve comes from the fact that the game uses an old, deprecated and extremely inefficient function to load values from INI files. The function in question is [code]GetPrivateProfileString[/code], a relic of 16 bit operating systems. But do you know what is worse than using such a function? Using it hundreds of thousands of times. Apparently the game uses that function for every game setting individually, which means that the same ini file is opened and closed hundreds of times. What really makes this terrible is the fact that for each enabled plugin the game will attempt to read all the same settings from a hypothetical INI file that that plugin might or might not be loading. So you end up with an insane amount of incredibly inefficient calls for each enabled mod plugin. As a solution this mod will hook the functions involved and load the target INI files in memory so that each following call to the same INI file will be much faster as it will read directly from memory and will not require opening the file from scratch again.

The amount of seconds that this mod will reduce your start time by depends on the amount of enabled plugins you have, as well as other things using INI files such as ENB (though ENB comes with it's own loading issues that this mod can't fix). It will be basically imperceptible when used on the vanilla game and will go up from there, shaving off 6 seconds for 50 or so plugins, up to 20+ seconds for 250+ plugins.

Plugin source is available on [url=https://github.com/KerberX/PrivateProfileRedirector]GitHub[/url].

When the game, ENB or something else calls [code]GetPrivateProfileString[/code] first time this plugin will load requested file in memory and return required data. Next time, no file will be loaded and data will be fetched from memory as well. Same thing happens when process tries to write a value to file. Instead of opening file again, parse and save to disk the plugin will write data it to in-memory file and then saves to disk (if allowed). Also all files is saved on game close, if game won't crash in process.

SKSE, [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75795]SKSE Plugin Preloader[/url].

It's an SKSE plugin, so install like any other SKSE plugin. Extract archive in your game folder or use mod manager.

Use mod manager or remove all installed files.

[b]Covered functions[/b][code]

Plugin can be configures in its own INI file, each parameter is described inside this file.

[b]Q:[/b] Do I really need this?
[b]A:[/b] It depends. If your game starts from shortcut to main menu in split second then no. If it takes longer, this plugin can help. How much time you will save depends on your setup.

[b]Q:[/b] Will this work with MO/NMM/Vortex/Kortex (yeah, I had to mention it) or any other mod manager?
[b]A:[/b] It was tested with MO2, Vortex and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/90868]Kortex[/url] and no problems was found. NMM have not been tested yet but are expected to work just fine. I can't say anything about compatibility with other mod managers.
MO1 is [b]not[/b] compatible.

[b]Q:[/b] I installed it and game crashes at startup.
[b]A:[/b] Enable log in config file and reproduce your crash. Go to [code]Data\SKSE\Plugins[/code], look for file [code]PrivateProfileRedirector.log[/code], zip it, upload it somewhere and post a link to it in your issue report. Log file can be more that 100 MB, so don't upload it as is, be sure to compress it.

Thanks to everyone who helped test the plugin, especially AL12.

Shayariel Windsong - Wanderer between the worlds



An elf inSkyrim? - certainly not an easy thing to do if you get too close to the Stormcloaks.

Nevertheless,Shayariel's grandmother Elenvina had left her hometown Vivec early to explore
the rough north of Tamriel.
Her thirstfor adventure did not only lead her to Skyrim, but also Highrock, Cyrodiil and
the island of Summerset always attracted with their own seductive reputation.

Until theday when Elenvina met the North Einar in Windhelm and settled with him in the forests
south of Lake Ilinata. When Shayariel's mother Dalyn was born, the small family
moved to Helgen to live there until the death of their grandparents.

WhenShayariel was still a little girl the family moved with father Olaf to
Riverwood to work for the local sawmill.

ThereShayariel grew up sheltered until the day the dragon visited Helgen. Her
parents were there during the attack and died in the flames of the dragon.

Overnight,Shayariel's once reddish-brown hair turned white as snow and now she waits for
the chance for Himmelrand to deal with the new threat from the dragons.


[/u][/b][/size][/font][font=Verdana][size=3]Race: Nord with a little touch of Dunmer.
[/size][/font][font=Verdana][size=3]Location: Riverwood, Faendals House.
C[/size][/font][font=Verdana][size=3]lass: combat archer.
[/size][/font][font=Verdana][size=3]Essential: yes.
[/size][/font][font=Verdana][size=3]Marriable: yes.[/size][/font]

[/u][/b][/size][size=3]Using a mod manager of your choice or manually extract the contents to your Data folder.

[/size][/u][/b][/size][size=3]Use your mod manager to uninstall or delete the files manually from the data directory.

[/size][/u][/b][/size][size=3][url=https://rd.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/85218/?][u]Realistic Hair Colors[/u][/url] [i]by redprincess79 and Shiva182
[/i][/size][size=3][url=https://rd.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/31665/?][u]Better Makeup for SKSE[/u][/url] [i]by Diethardt
[/i][/size][size=3][url=https://rd.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84400/?][u]Immersive Warpaints and tattoos[/u][/url] [i]byReptileye
[/i][/size][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13722][u]The Eyes of Beauty [/u][/url] [i]by LogRaam
[/i][/size][size=3][url=https://rd.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311/?][u]KS Hairdos - Renewal[/u][/url] [i]by Kalilies and Stealthic
[/i][/size][size=3][url=https://rd.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30411/?][u]Brows[/u][/url] [i]by Hvergelmir
[/i][/size][/font][font=Verdana][size=3][u][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72586]Pride of Valhalla[/url][/u] by dracofish aka MelissaGT[/size][/font][font=Verdana][size=3]
High Poly Feet and Hands for UNP Bodies (not on Nexus)
[/size][/font][font=Verdana][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91422?tab=description]llygaid EyeImprover[/url] [i]created by MassiveMaster, uploaded by zhoulia[/i]

[/i][/size][size=3]Thank you all for the fantastic work and incredible creativity.

[font=Verdana][size=3][b][u][size=6]additional Credits[/size][/u][/b][/size][/font]
(adapted from dracofish)
Head and body diffuse maps - [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32986/?]Mature Skin[/url] by [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/1674320]Maevan2[/url] and [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36425/?]Real Girls Realistic Body[/url] by [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/245015]Zonzai[/url],
Hand diffuse map - Mature Skin, Hand diffuse map (nails, older versions) - [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69584/?]UNP Tender Hands[/url] by [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/14096500]Hidanna[/url]
Head normal map - Mature Skin and [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36425/?]Real Girls Realistic Body[/url] by [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/705688/?]Seren4XX[/url], incorporatingelements from [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24273/?]Ethereal Elven Overhaul[/url] by [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/675468]nuska[/url] (elves only), Face Complexions - Mature Skin, Fair Skin (freckles), [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52841]Freckle Mania[/url] by [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/981329]tetrodoxin[/url]
Body normal map - Mature Skin and [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16731/?]Fitness Body[/url] by [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3136685]SvarogNL
[/url]Hand normal map - Mature Skin, Head, body and hand specular maps - [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51602/?]Fair Skin Complexion[/url] by HHaleyy and [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28946/?]Sporty Sexy Sweat[/url] by [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3329763]xs2reality, [/url]Toenail specular resource - [url=http://mod.dysintropi.me/feet-and-hands-again/]Halo's Mods Feet (and Hands) Again[/url]
Lip tintmasks - [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2812/?]Better Females by Bella[/url] by [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/2501668]BellaGail[/url][/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=3][size=6][u][b]useful mods to improve the game experience
[/b][/u][/size]technically no mods but [b][u]extremely[/u][/b] helpful for improving Skyrim:

[color=#ffffff][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74427/?][u]Stability PerformanceOptimization ENB Configuration - a Comprehensive Guide[/u][/url][/size][size=3] [i]by Sthaagg
[/i][/size][/color][color=#ffffff][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76373/?][u]Skyrim Ultimate ModdingGuide - Graphics[/u][/url][/size][size=3] [i]by Sinitar Gaming[/i][/size][/color][b][i][u]
[size=6][b][u]useful mods for follower

[/u][/b][/size][size=3][color=#ffffff][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12933/?][u]Extensible Follower Framework[/u][/url] [i]by Expired[/i] [/color][/size][color=#ffffff][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30533/?][u]
Face to face conversation[/u][/url][/size][size=3][i]by towawot
[/i][/size][/color][color=#ffffff][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71055/?][u]FNIS PCEA2 - PlayerExclusive Animations[/u][/url][/size][size=3] (dynamic) [i]by fore
[/i][/size][/color][color=#ffffff][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68000/?][u]XP32 Maximum SkeletonExtended - XPMSE[/u][/url][/size][size=3] [i]by Groovtama[/i][/size][/color][color=#ffffff][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65013/?][u]
Immersive Citizens - AIOverhaul[/u][/url][/size][size=3] [i]by Arnaud dOrchymont
[/i][/size][/color][color=#ffffff][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62040/?][u]My Home is Your Home[/u][/url][/size][size=3](MHiYH 2plus) [i]by Volek and upgraded MCM options by Smashly (uploaded beiJohnNav)
[/i][/size][/color][color=#ffffff][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74568/?][u]Relationship DialogueOverhaul - RDO[/u][/url][/size][size=3] [i]by cloudedtruth[/i][/size][/color][color=#ffffff][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24909/?][u]
aMidianBorn Book ofSilence[/u][/url][/size][size=3] [i]by CaBaL- EmeraldReign-the AMB team
[/i][/size][/color][color=#ffffff][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19733/?][u]Immersive Armors[/u][/url][/size][size=3] [i]byHothtrooper44
[/i][/size][/color][color=#ffffff][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27644/?][u]Immersive Weapons[/u][/url][/size][size=3] [i]byHothtrooper44 - Ironman5000 – Eckss
[/i][/size][/color][color=#ffffff][size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71031/?][u]Billyro's Weapons[/u][/url][/size][size=3] [i]byBillyro and Lice23

[/i][b][u][size=6]ENB recommendation[/size][/u][/b][i]
[size=3][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41482/?][u]Rudy ENB for VanillaSkyrim - NLVA - NLA - URWL - ELFX and ENDERAL[/u][/url][/size][size=3] by Rudy102[/size][/color][/i]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/97258]Nordic Wolf ENB[/url]  [/size][/color][/size][/font][font=Verdana][size=3][color=#ffffff][size=3]by me :-)


[/size][size=3][b][u][size=6]Tools Used
[/size][size=3]Coffee - a lot of coffee
[/size][size=3]deepl Translator - my english is always...[/size][/font]


Kozakowy's 1700 Lady Sarah Churchill Gown UNP


If you like it please ENDORSE :)
If you love it please DONATE :)

[b][color=#6fa8dc]UPDATE v1.0 - CBBE version available - feel free to test it[/color][/b]

[b][color=#6fa8dc]1. Description:[/color][/b]

This mod is a recreation of one of Sandy Powell's costumes for the 2018 movie "The Favourite". It's a court gown worn by actress Rachel Weisz playing Lady Sarah Churchill - the most influential persona in the court of Anne Stuart. Decided to make this gown 3d since I was really amazed by the geometric details and the combination of luxury and robust fabrics. And the colors match very nicely the Skyrim's snowy and dark environments. Enjoy!


This mod is not lore friendly but I wouldn't argue if it would be available at Radiant Raiment or at least at Divine Elegance ;)

Consists of:

- the gown itself
- pearl earrings
- pearl necklace
- Sarah's eyepatch - as seen in the movie

[b][color=#6fa8dc]2. Known issues (PLEASE READ BEFORE USING!!! ):[/color][/b]

- there's no weightslider compatibility so please turn the weight down to zero to avoid hand and feet seams
- some minor clipping may occur but this rig is the best I can ;)
- female only

[b][color=#6fa8dc]3. How to get it in game:[/color][/b]

- type in console 'help "sarah"' , you will get all needed IDs.
- type in console 'player.additem XXX Y'. XXX means necessary ID, Y means count of items you want.

[b][color=#6fa8dc]4. Installation:[/color][/b]

- I suggest using MO or NMM you can also extract the package manually.

[color=#6fa8dc]5. Uninstallation:[/color][/b]

- again I suggest using MO or NMM or you can remove the .esp file and mod's folders

[b][color=#6fa8dc]6. Terms of use:[/color][/b]

- You are not allowed to reupload this mod to other sites without permission. 
- You have to ask me first if you want to use any part of this mod in your own such as follower mod, mashup mod, etc.
- You have to ask me first if you want to convert the outfit to other bodies.
- You have to ask me first if you want to recolor/retexture the outfit.
- You are not allowed to publicily share any your modification of this mod, private sharing is allowed.
- You are not allowed to convert this outfit to other games.

If you have any questions please ask.

[b][color=#6fa8dc]7. Special thanks:[/color][/b]

ShmooZ (for helping me with compressing textures), zzjay and ChrisRavenFragrance (for solving the normal maps mysteries), misslexi and Corfus (for awesome screen tests)

[b][color=#6fa8dc]8. Community thanks:[/color][/b]

BlackMaid, Ista3, polingc, lesjones, klaxoid, Roksa, ajhardy, Zerofrost, Nataly1q2w3e4r5t, Beba, gurleygirl, dianka33, DonProtein, antistar, Bison1967, Sparrowjuice, ShinglesCat, anaphiel, FastBlackCat, Excellentium, Kayol, Kalilies, Pandorable, RaenielCuthalion, popkorn666, sorca97, Artsick, Dovahkiinathay, serkethetyt, and so on... :)

I'm always grateful for supporting and inspiring me all the time.

[b][color=#6fa8dc]9. Videos[/color][/b]
Check out the beautiful showcase of the gown made by SpotDisk


And another wonderful video from Ikari!


Mighty Nordic Bridges


[size=6][b]Watch the video that is what I made it for[/b][/size]

[size=3][u]What this mod does:[/u]

Replaces all of the standard stone bridges in Skyrim with a custom model and textures. It has no ESP as it is just meshes and textures. ALL of the bridges have fully working custom collision.

[u]What this mod does not do:[/u]

This mod does not replace the Dwemer Bridges.
This mod does not fix your game if you decide to not follow the instructions on this page


Use a mod manager

[u]Load Order:[/u]

Place this mod AFTER Static Mesh Improvement Mod (SMIM) and allow it to overwrite it. Do NOT allow anything to overwrite this mod or its a rather good possibility your bridges will remain bland Skyrim bridges.


[/u]Yes I KNOW about the small bridge in Whiterun at the one end the Statues are buried in the ground. Y'all ain't never heard of erosion before?


Brumbek - For the base models for the Bridge and textures. Even tho he does not require credit for the use of his assets I feel he deserves it. Thank you Brumbek.
Jack Daniels - Whiskey.

[u]Special Note:[/u]

Due to a recent influx of haters trying to kill my mods all comments are turned off. I will NOT tolerate self entitled little CHADS mistreating me.[/size]

Outfit Switcher

[color=#ff7700][size=4][b]Simplicity is key![/b][/size][/color]

[b][size=3]No setup needed, detects all modded items, one-click-use, no hotkeys, safe and bloat-free, no background-scripts, immersive animation.[/size][/b][/center]

[center][color=#ff7700]Finally with optional Outfit Storage! No more carrying around your saved outfits![/color][/center]

[center][size=5]Version [color=#ff7700][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/32074]2.0 for SSE[/url][/color] released[/size][/center]

[u][b][color=#ff7700][size=4]What it does:                                                                                                                                                [/size][/color][/b][/u]
[size=1] [/size]
This mod allows you to store your current outfit in its entirety, while switching to a previously stored one by use of a single
power. It works for all items, including all armor, ammo, primary weapons, secondary weapons (the weapons invisibly
"stored" while holding a two handed weapon), left hand weapons and shields, including all[color=#ff0000]*[/color] modded items, no matter which
custom slot they use.
This mod is made to be very simple and straight forward to use without numerous loadouts, hotkeys, save slots or other
complicated and unneeded features, while potentially being used in conjunction with more complex favorites-systems like
the SkyUI Groups or similar mods.
Potential uses are for example easy switching between currently equipped combat gear and casual attire.

It now features 3 spells for 3 separate stored outfits and additionally the long requested, [i]optional[/i] feature of removing the
stored items from the inventory to take some weight off your characters back!

[size=2][color=#ff0000]*[/color]Exception: Mods like Wearable Lanterns. There is a difference between the item you see on your character and the one you equip in
                    your inventory. This makes it not possible to store the correct item.[/size]

[u][b][color=#ff7700][size=4]Requirements:                                                                                                                                             [/size][/color][/b][/u]
[size=1] [/size]
[url=http://skse.silverlock.org/][size=3]SKSE[/size][/url][size=3] 1.7.3 or higher[/size]

[u][b][color=#ff7700][size=4]Manual Installation:                                                                                                                                   [/size][/color][/b][/u]
[size=1] [/size]
[size=3]Extract the archive and place the files "Outfit Switcher.esp" and "Outfit Switcher.bsa" in your Data folder
and activate the "Outfit Switcher.esp" in the Launcher.[/size]

[u][b][color=#ff7700][size=4]Manual Uninstallation:                                                                                                                               [/size][/color][/b][/u]
[size=1] [/size]
[size=3]Delete the files  "Outfit Switcher.esp" and "Outfit Switcher.bsa" from your Data folder.
This mod has no constantly running scrips and does not alter anything in the game, so it's safe to uninstall at
any point.
When using the new Storage feature, remove all items from storage first, otherwise they will be given to the
gods as offering.[/size]

[u][b][color=#ff7700][size=4]Updating:                                                                                                                                                     [/size][/color][/b][/u]
[size=1] [/size]
[size=3]You can update to version 2.0 from version 1.1 by simply replacing the old files.
You will only miss the spell for Outfit Storage and maybe Switch Outfit 2 and 3. To get these, open the ingame
console and type <help "Switch Outfit"> and <help "Outfit Storage"> (without <>)
Then add the books with <player.additem XXXXXX 1> (without <>) , while replacing XXXXXX with the listed IDs.
With this method, the defined outfits will remain as they were. Alternatively you can also remove the old mod,
load and save the game and then install the new version. There will be no bad leftovers from removing Outfit

[u][b][color=#ff7700][size=4]How to use:                                                                                                                                                  [/size][/color][/b][/u]
[size=1] [/size]
[size=3]1. Read the books given to you (You don't need to add all spells if you don't want to! Only using one or two
    outfits is perfectly fine, if that's all you need. You only need to read "Outfit Storage" if you want to use a
    feature that stores unequipped items outside of your inventory)
2. Equip the outfit+weapons you want to store.
3. Cast the spell "Switch Outfit 1". (or "Switch Outfit 2" or "Switch Outfit 3")
4. Your outfit is now stored and your character is undressed (Since the "previously stored" outfit is empty).
5. Equip your other outfit.
6. Cast the spell "Switch Outfit 1" once you want to store your current outfit and switch back to your previously
    stored one.
7. Repeat step 6.[/size]

[u][b][color=#ff7700][size=4]How to use Outfit Storage:                                                                                                                        [/size][/color][/b][/u]
[size=1]  [/size]
[size=3]Upon repeated requests, I finally got around to add the option to remove stored items from the inventory!
This feature is disabled by default, so if you simply use Outfit Switcher 1/2/3 all items will remain in the
inventory. If you want to use this feature, do the following:

1. Read the Spell Book: Outfit Storage.
2. Cast the given spell while sneaking (This opens the settings. Casting it while standing will directly open
    the storage, for easy access).
3. On the shown Message Box, pick "Enable Storage". You're done!

By default only non-favorite items will be stored in the Outfit Storage. All favorites will remain in the inventory.
This is also preferable while setting up your outfits, so you have direct access to all items for all outfits, as
long as you have them set as favorites. Additionally this will keep your hotkeys intact, if they are defined for
any parts of your outfit.
If you want to change this setting, simply cast Outfit Storage while sneaking and pick the appropriate
setting. You can either only store non-favorite items, only favorite items, or all items of a given outfit,
regardless of their favorite status.

[u][b][color=#ff7700][size=4]Note on modded Arrows/Bolts:                                                                                                                [/size][/color][/b][/u]
[size=1] [/size]
[size=3]Equipped arrows are very difficult to find with one-time running scripts, which is why there are several
systems in place to recognize arrows that aren't part of the vanilla game. Arrows added by DLCs will be
automatically detected and added once the Spell is used.
Arrows added by other mods are detected via two different systems:

- If the Spell detects equipped arrows with the appropriate Keyword, it will start to search the entire inventory
  for unknown arrows and add these to its memory, so it can quickly detect them in the future. This onl
  happens once each time an unknown arrow is detected. Depending on the number of unique items in your
  inventory this can take several seconds, so simply wait for the "Search complete." message.

- If the proper Keyword was not assigned by the mod-author, resulting in the former system not recognizing
  them, simply favorite the arrows in question and assign them to a hotkey. The Spell will instantaneously
  detect every kind of unknown ammunition with hotkeys assigned and add them to its memory.

[u][b][color=#ff7700][size=4]Q&A:                                                                                                                                                             [/size][/color][/b][/u]
[size=1] [/size]
- Where do I get the spells?
Spellbooks are automatically added to your inventory, once you successfully installed the mod. Simply
read the ones you want to get the spells. You will find the spells among your powers.

- Is it safe to remove items from your inventory that are part of the stored outfit?
Yes, it absolutely is. If Outfit Switcher can't find an item in your inventory it will simply skip it. The rest of
the outfit will still be equipped.

- Can I have an item equipped, which is also part of my stored outfit while switching?
Yes absolutely. The spell does not care if your stored and current outfit have items in common or not, it
will work regardless.

- I want to use the knowledge from my last question and use the same item for two outfits, but I use Outfit
  Storage and the item is gone!
If you want to keep the item in your inventory, either favorite it (with default settings of only non-favorite
items going into storage) or alternatively simply open your Outfit Storage using its spell and take the item
back out. Outfit Switcher can use items from the Storage and your Inventory so it won't care where the
item is!

- Can I store "being naked", or does it only store items?
Yes. Contrary to SkyUI's group system, this mod [i][b]completely[/b][/i] undresses you before equipping the stored
outfit, making sure you [i][b]only[/b][/i] wear the stored items (or none at all if wearing none were stored) and
nothing else.

- When switching outfits I can rarely see my character handle a book.
This only happens if your system is suffering very heavy load and script lag. It's simply the "undressing"-
animation playing in full length. This normally shouldn't happen, however is purely cosmetic.

- When casting the spell I get a message telling me to install SKSE 64 2.0.17 or higher and nothing happens,
  what gives?
Well, you might try installing SKSE 64 2.0.17 or higher. (Check "GetSKSEVersion" in the console and make
sure all scripts are installed correctly)

- I get a message telling me that I should not give Outfit Switcher to NPCs. What's up with that?
You somehow gave the spell "Switch Outfit" to a follower or other NPC. This message appears, when said
NPC tried to cast it. Please remove the spell from the NPC via the means you gave it to him or by console

- While switching outfits I can't go into first person/can't move/can't have my weapon out.
This is intentional and makes sure your character doesn't trip while taking off his pants, injuring himself in
the process.
On a serious note: This ensures that several potential bugs or unintentional behaviors are prevented,
especially on systems under heavy loads.

- Is it possible to break the script by doing *something* while switching outfits?
Normally no. I did everything I could think of to prevent any unintentional behavior. However feel free to
test whatever you can come up with and let me know if you managed to break it, so I can make sure to
prevent it in the future.

- I realized I can use Outfit Storage to also store any item I want and totally cheat this way?!?
Well, I guess you could...but don't tell anyone!

[u][b][color=#ff7700][size=4]Known Limitations:                                                                                                                                     [/size][/color][/b][/u]
[size=1] [/size]
- This mod, like most other loadout mods, is capable of unequipping items, which were force-equipped. This
  means it might be able to break quests or mods, which forced you to equip a certain item without allowing
  you to take it off. Potentially you can simply re-equip said item, but use with caution while wearing such items.

- This mod will not take equipped spells into consideration. It will not unequip, store or load them. (intentional)

- If you have two items of the same base-item it will only equip one of them, since a script can not differentiate
  between the two. This means it will not equip identical weapons in the left and right hand and it will not be
  able to tell the difference between a enchanted or unenchanted version of the same item.

- Some mods (like Wearable Lanterns) add a separate item to your character from the one shown in the
  inventory. This usually can't be stored or re-equipped.

- Armor items with custom enchantments will not take effect after being reequipped. This is a limitation/bug
  of Skyrim's script engine. Sadly all mods using equip-scripts suffer this issue.

[u][b][color=#ff7700][size=4]Credits:                                                                                                                                                        [/size][/color][/b][/u]
[size=1] [/size]
A big thanks to the [url=http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Main_Page]Creationkit wiki[/url] and the people adding examples for various functions. This wouldn't have
been possible without you.
Thanks to [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/4324947/?]Hoamaii[/url] whose mod [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75579/?]Skyrim Sleeping Bags[/url] inspired me to make this mod in the first place.
Thanks to [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3756868/?]aukmat[/url] whose mod [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74283/?]Wind Path[/url] gave me the idea for the undress animation.

[size=4][u][b][color=#ff7700]Other Mods by me:                                                                                                                                           [/color][/b][/u][/size]
[size=1] [/size]
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/32074]Outfit Switcher SSE[/url]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54090/?]One With Nature[/url]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/66033?]UNP Minidresses Collection Full Standalone[/url]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76130/?]Leave Combat[/url]

PokeRace An Anime Race

[font=Comic Sans MS][u]UPDATE v2.0: Male version added.
[/u][size=2]1) Darkened Skin Tone for greater color variety.
[/size]2)Male gender added to race.(Note: Beards don't work with).
3)New eye shapes (still changed via nosetype slider).
4)Added PokeSacrosanct.esp for compatibilty with Sacrosanct mod from EnaiSiaion. This esp MUST be below pokeanimerace.esp in order for it to work.

[size=5]UPDATE v1.1: NOW requires RacialCompatibility.esm[/size][/font]

1) Added Vampire version of race. You either play as them directly or become one. Added fangs.
2) Added a set of glowing eyes that can be used by either vampire or normal version of race.
3) Chin length slider now works.
4) Added ears, can be changed by changing EYE type slider. (Yeah, I know that makes no sense, but it works.)
5) Added a few war paints and cheek colors.
6) Mouth type can change teeth to fangs. 
7) CBBE version included (Curvy Version).
8) Changed Racial attributes: Benefits from Conjuration instead of Restoration (5 points). Added two new passives:
 a) Fast Feet: You have 15% increased movement speed.
 b) Ready For Adventure: You start out with 50 additional points of stamina.
 c) Flee From Battle: Calm nearby enemies for 30 seconds, while gaining 60% additional movement speed and 100% magic resist for 10 seconds.

[font=Comic Sans MS][size=5][u]OVERVIEW[/u][/size][/font]

This mod seeks to add a new race to Skyrim that is based on the MissMMD face preset by AbbyeonSenpai on Deviantart.
I edited the head  so most hairs from the base game and mods should fit it (Some unfortunately don't, but most do so).
Some helms that don't fully hide head and amulets may have give you clipping issues
Only Supports female characters, don't know if I while ever do males.


[u][font=Comic Sans MS][size=5]Facial Animations[/size][/font][/u]
All facial expressions and phonemes are done (took like 3 days straight), so character is fully expressive. Use something like random emotions or poser hotkeys for varied expressions.

[font=Comic Sans MS][size=5][u]BodyType-UNP Body
UNP MAIN NUDE body is used by the race.

[size=4][font=Courier New]UNP Body Weight 0[/font][/size]

[color=yellow][font=Courier New][size=4]UNP Body Weight 100[/size][/font][/color]

[u][font=Comic Sans MS][size=5]Racial Traits[/size][/font][/u]


Starting Stats:

1) Archery - 5
2) Light Armor - 5
3) One Handed - 5
4) Restoration - 5
5) Speechcraft - 15

Has Voice of the Emperor as racial power
And starts out with 150 stamina
There is no vampire version of this race. When you contract the disease and "become a vampire" nothing actually happens. May add in future.

Has several eye colors to choose from. When selecting the race for the first time, character will only have one pupil. Change eye color should fix.

Changing Nose type changes your Eye Shape.
Two Mouth Types: 1) Normal and 2) Cat-like

Only ever tested with Racemenu, I don't know about ECE.

And there sadly is no male counterpart.

Head was shaped to fit most hairs including ones from mods, you have to download those separately, otherwise you have none. As stated above you will have clipping with some hairs
and certain helms and amulets.

[font=Comic Sans MS][size=5][u]Installation[/u][/size][/font]

Simply place Data folder into your Skyrim Directory or Install via NMM

Ensure that the esp is at the bottom of load order. (I had to add head parts from base game to the race's Form List, so hairs can show up.) 

If there are any issues let me know. I will try to see what I can do.

You can post pictures if you want.
Please don't post the mod anywhere else. (May change in future)
Plz Enjoy

[font=Comic Sans MS][u][size=5]Credits[/size]

[size=3]AbbyeonSenpai for MissMMD face edits Female
MissMMD and Kanahiko-chan for MissMMD Base
Dimon99 for DIMONIZED UNP Body
lazyradly and FancyPants and yscsn for Tutorial on Skyrim Freakish Custom Race[/size][size=5] [/size]
[size=3]Caliente for Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition
HHaleYY for Fair Skin Complexion

The Punisher by Pentacrow

[color=#cccccc][size=3][b][b]Used Mods/Credits/Thanks[/b]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55207/?]Soft Face Textures for Females[/url] by Mitzi[b]
[/b][b][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34346/?]Smile in HD [/url]by zzjay[/b][b] and normal map by Urshi[/b][b]
[/b][b][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48329/?]Character Mod Resource Pack[/url] by [b]Nuska[/b][/b]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54416/?]Eye Normal Map Fix[/url] by Mr Dave
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/67447/?]Improved EyeReflections and Cube Map[/url] by [b]fadingsignal[/b][b]
[/b][b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87362/?]El's Face Stuff[/url] by [b]Ellise[/b][/b]
[b][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14569/?]Univision Face [/url]by [b]DD AKT
[/b][b][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/7887/?]Pretty Face[/url] by [b]tktk[/b][/b]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73853/?]PureSkinTexture[/url] by [b]Anini n Regenbot03
[/b][/b][b][b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29624/?]RaceMenu[/url] by [b]Expired[/b][/b][/b][/b][b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72825]
Maevan2's eye brows[/url] by Maevan2
[/b][/size][/color][color=#cccccc][size=3][b][size=3][b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/7127]RANs Headmesh variants[/url] by RAN46
[/b][/size][/b][/size][/color][color=#cccccc][size=3][b][b][b][b][b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30411/]Brows[/url][b] by [/b][/b][b][b]Hvergelmir
[/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28363]Beards[/url] by Hvergelmir
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49716]Young Male Face Texture[/url][b][b][b][b][b][b] by Urshi
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43055]Invisibility and Eyes Mesh Fix[/url] by HHaleyy
[/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/size][/color][color=#cccccc][size=3][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][size=3][b][b][b][b][b][b][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51602/?]Fair Skin Complexion [/url]by [b]HHaleyy[/b] and I[/b][/b][/b][b][b][b]ndig0[/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/size][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b]

[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311/?]KS Hairdos - Renewal[/url] by Kalilies Stealthic Khaos and Shocky
[/b][b][b][b][b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/79735/]Salt and Wind - Rough Hair for KS Hairdos[/url][b][b][b] by Jasper[/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][b]
[/b][/b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/83335]Multi Colored KS Hairdos[/url][b][b] by [/b][/b][b][b]Mekasaa

[/b][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015/?]BodySlide and Outfit Studio[/url] by [b]Ousnius andCaliente
[/b][b][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/5737/?]Caliente's Texture Blender[/url] by Caliente [/b][b][b][b]
[/b][/b][/b][b][b][b][b][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709/?]DIMONIZED UNP female body [/url]by [b]dimon99[/b][/b][b]

[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49285/?]Feminine Hands CBBE UNP[/url] by [b]Sunspot2[/b][/b][/b][b][b]

[/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/47376]UNP Minidresses Collection[/url][b][b][b] by Tiwa44
[/b][/b][/b][/b][/size][/color][color=#cccccc][size=3][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70451/?][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b]Mods Used In Some Screenshots/recommended[/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b]

Snapdragon Prime ENB[/url] by tetrodoxin
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59733/?]Enhanced Lighting for ENB (ELE) - LITE[/url] by --JawZ--
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13457/?]Face Light[/url] by tktk
[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50065/?]Natural Lighting and Atmospherics for ENB[/url] by Confidence-Man
[/b][/b][b][b][b][b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73040/?]Wayfarer's Coat[/url] by [b]Ellise
[/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81073/?]Apachii Divine Elegance Store[/url] by [b]Apachii and Urshi[/b][/b][/b][/b]
[/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71240]Grim Grass[/url][b] by [/b][/b][b]Snfkin
[/b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/78145]Mountain flower by Mari[/url][/b][b] by ArtByMari
[/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/size][/color][color=#cccccc][size=3][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98089http://]Myrkvior - The Flora of Skyrim[/url] - Trees by Kojak747[/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/size][/color][color=#cccccc]

[size=3][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b]Special thanks:[/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/size][size=3][b]

[/b][/size][size=3][b][url=https://fi.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gerry_Conway&action=edit&redlink=1]Gerry Conway[/url], [url=https://fi.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ross_Andru&action=edit&redlink=1]Ross Andru[/url] & [url=https://fi.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=John_Romita_Sr.&action=edit&redlink=1]John Romita Sr.[/url], Marvel and Netflix, [/b][/size]
[size=3][b] [url=https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Bernthal]Jon Bernthal[/url] and  [/b][/size][size=3][b][url=https://fi.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Giorgia_Whigham&action=edit&redlink=1]Giorgia Whigham[/url]

[/b][/size][size=2][b]If someone feels that his/her rights have been violated by not giving proper credit [/b][b]or asking for permissions [/b][b]etc.so please contact me. I would never do such a thing[/b][b]s[/b][b] with purpose. This community and great works of other modders form a great fountain of inspiration for me.[/b][/size][size=2] Let me know if something doesn't work.
[/size][size=2][b]Ask me. However, I can't give permission to use assets that belong to other authors. [/b][b]This mod is nexus exclusive, [/b][b]and its assets can't be used in paid mods[/b][b].[/b][/size][/color]

Sacrifice Chickens

[b]YOU! You are the Dragonborn [/b][size=3](or maybe you’re not)[/size][b], and you’ve come here because you want to do more for Mundus than just pray to shrines and wear amulets [/b][size=3](or maybe you don’t)[/size][b]. Mages are running the Empire, so what are you waiting for? In my mod, the Gods have heard your calls, but they’re waiting for you to make a sacrifice [/b][size=3](no, I’m not talking about Faendal)[/size][b]. I’m talking about good, old-fashioned animal sacrifice. After installing, if you manage to kill a chicken, you will be smiled upon and granted a worthy, but temporary bonus. You’ll have to risk a town pet or go hunting in the wild. This also works on Goats.
[size=3][b]May the odds be ever in your favor!  [/b](and do not try this at home.)
Combat Skills increase 10% faster.[/i][/size][i]
[size=2] Regenerate H/M/S 10% faster.[/size]
[size=2] Carry Weight +60.[/size]
[size=2] Speech +10.[/size][/i]

This effect will last 12 in game hours.

[b]Mod is subject to changes::[/b]
[size=3]Let me know if there are any tweaks or suggestions you may have,
this mod was mostly inspired by viking traditions but more of a light hearted tone for Skyrim.[/size]


Player character and followers(optional) Idle replaced the random animation.


Required :
[url=http://skse.silverlock.org/]SKSE v1.7.3[/url]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11811/]FNIS v6.3[/url]
[url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3863/]SkyUI v5.1[/url]
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x86)

1. install this mod
2. You prepare some favorite idle animation
3. replace and rename mt_idle.hkx(..meshes\actors\character\animations\RandomIdleAnimation\)
If follower does not change idle, move to a cell which loading-menu is displayed. Don't duplicate a number. There is no need to replace the 10 files. Don't replace dummy file. If you would like to apply random idle to follower, need to enable RIA follower toggle.

4. Run v6.3 FNIS.exe

* There is no need to swap animation files manually.
put file...
ria -> put all_male_idle.hkx
rif -> put all_male_idle.hkx
rie -> put all_female_idle.hkx
rip -> put all_female_idle.hkx

- If you play the male PC
MCM settings(right side)
ria -> "Players" or "only player" or "Only Same Sex"
rif -> "Players" or "only player" or "Only Same Sex"
rie -> "others"
rip -> "others"

- If you play the female PC, just swapping
ria -> "others"
rif -> "others"
rie -> "Players" or "only player" or "Only Same Sex"
rip -> "Players" or "only player" or "Only Same Sex"

* If set magnitude to 1, became about 1 / 15,000.

1. MCM -> RIA Enable toggle -> Disable
2. console[help aaaRandomIdleAnimationQuest]
3. StopQuest ID
4. Wait 1 minute
5. save game
6. Uninstall this MOD
7. Run FNIS.exe
If you uninstalled this once, and re-install, does not work maybe.

[color=#93c47d][size=3][b]himika, without your help, I'm sure that I was not able to release this MOD. Thank you![/b][/size][/color]
fore, SkyUI Team Thank you for great MOD and tools!
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